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>CTRL+ F: africa
>zero results

just a few years ago it seemed like africa was becoming cool but that seems to have dissipated. what is the reason for this? the resurgence of jihadism? the chronic eternal poverty? the threat of war doesn't seem to deter you guys from wanting to visit taiwan or SEA. so what happened to africa? i'm planning a world tour and wondering if I should just skip africa altogether.
Africa is where you go if you aren't a consumer. Sadly, most millenials and zoomers are mindless consumers so they'll go to Europe, USA, SE Asia, etc.
I went to zanzibar for a month earlier this year, fuckin shit hole, just bad infrastructure, terrible food, stupid people, beach was nice but that's it. Got into a weird dispute with the landlord after he drugged me and had to flee the island with no belongings, had to buy flip flops on the side of the road on the way to the airport.
never going back
African GDP plateau'd since 2013
>spam cooming threads
>mod does his job
please fuck off with your disingenuous victim complex
You're trying to classify an entire continent with various locales, environments and economical situations with broad strokes.

Look at individual countries and what they have to offer instead.
Africa is unironically my dream destination. So many beautiful wildlife destinations.

Africa is cool but it really is the security threats and chronic poverty that deters people. It is huge and the lack of infrastructure + the constant "checkpoints" of unemployed bandits taking bribes makes traveling there a nightmare. I will never forget my time in Africa but it was a pain.
Security threats and mandatory bribes can vary wildly by country though and in some places can be easily avoided if you do your research and use your brain. Never had such issues in Tanzania for example. Many of the least visited countries can be like this too, especially if you leave the business district of the capital. Personally I've noticed local guides are a great scam deterrent. Security situation is shit in them right now, but when things cool, I would gladly recommend Niger and Mali, for example.
JBW is insane there. Spent about a year in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. By the time I got to Rwanda, I'd fucked so many girls off tinder I'd lost interest and spent a month there celibate (fucked a Rwandan gas station attendant in Uganda on the border).
Absolute insane JBW. In Kenya I learned what it must be like to be a hot girl (9/10) in the west and get hit on all the time. I was aggressively hit on all the times - waitresses (begging to be fucked), airbnb hosts, friends of tinder dates... just seemed I could fuck every single girl in the country if I wanted to. It was an insae upside dimension I'll never forget. I took full advantage too
Any anons been to Botswana?
Fucked a bunch of African intl students and the two from Botswana were cool as fuck, insanely good looking, never stressing and easily wife material. All the rest were completely insane in one way or another, one seriously threatened to falsely report me for rape if I break up with her which was nuts.
From what I seen online it seems more developed and chill than the rest.
Never been there but the unique thing about Botswanan culture is the women expect to be beaten sometimes by their man. They feel they need it and if you don't beat them once in a while they will see you as weak and disrespect you.
Might take me a while to get used to.
please explain
>I was aggressively hit on all the times
Please explain
I had a literally 10/10 gf from there. Everything about her was perfect and I'm not even into black girls, she was just amazingly hot and good at sex. Only girl I had who could get me off from just a blowjob. Black men would noticeably seethe when they saw us walking together. Kinds regret not marrying her but I was 23 and she was like 19 at the time so no way in hell could it work. My plan is to just go back there and find her twin. I'm 90% sure I'll probably marry a black African girl. May even live there.
With the exception of Morocco, Africa is way more expensive than most backpackers' expectations. I bikepacked west africa so travel was basically free but if I'd been paying for hotels and transport I'd have been sucked dry.
This. For low quality lodgings you pay out the ass. Lodging makes up most of cost of trip.
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im looking at mombasa and accra and that's it
Kek. This reminds me of when I was staying in a small resort in Diani Beach. There was a really old security guard and a retard who worked with him. When I'd go to the store and cone back late I'd always buy them some cookies or give them a dollar. I always speak to and treat guards well around the world. They would also let me in with different women at different times of the night. It was completely allowed but I just kind of liked them.
Eventually, the resort staff got visibly envious and pissy that I was giving them money and not them (I had no interaction with other staff). So one morning they doubled the price of the room which basically forced me to leave. This was during covid when they had almost zero guests.
Maybe they wanted a little money under the table idk
doesn't matter if you old, fat, short whatever, just be white
just go to dating sites and you will have tons of matches with pretty 18-23yos, you can safely ignore fatties and old hags there
you also don't need to play any stupid relationship games with them
>Please explain
Lots of examples idk.
>waitress aggressively flirting in restaurant. Just like most waitresses. I get back to my hotel and I get text messages begging me to cone to her or she comes to me for a couple of hours. Somehow she got my phone number from Kpesa (phone payment) when I paid the bill. Didn't even know it was possible
>Airbnb hostess showing me the place, lingering in the kitchen, laughing, smiling and looking me up and down
>met an American dude. Having a drink. 2 girls just come over (very hot) sit next to us and start flirting. At this point, since I'm getting hit on all day, I tell them to leave - thus, finally discovering what it is truly like to be a hot girl in the west
great posts anon, fun read. thanks
So they're not overtly sexual? Just being very friendly
>aggressively flirting
>just being very friendly
they are overly sexual
way more sexual than Asians, they genuinely enjoy lot of sex
His brain can't believe it. Literally upside down world. Every girl dreams about having mixed kids and talks about how beautiful they are. But you know this.
Do you think there is any other country on earth where whiteman fetishism is that strong? I want to check out Sierra Leone
>t. Not a coomer but enjoy dating as a side
Nyali and Diani beach bros, what’s the day to day like out there? Can I chill, drink on the beach, eat decent food at restaurants on the coast , coom, maybe go to night clubs and not fear for my safety from roving gangs of whoever and getting killed if I go to clubs? Are there rampant scams and hawkers

Can I just get girls off dating apps and around town or whatever?
I want to visit Sao Tome & Principe
I can believe this. I know it's not Africa but I was in my own in the Bahamas (not a touristy area) for a few days and I was completely shocked at how open the black girls were about wanting to fuck me. these girls were definitely out of my league.I went to a bar and the girl there immediately started making conversation with me and told me to take my top off and asked if I had a girlfriend within 5 minutes.
several anecdotes like this.
>African prostitutes are masters of "girlfriend experience".
True. But tinder is the filter. I literally don't think I ever swiped right on a girl in East Africa that didn't swipe right back. Literally models. And I'm a 5/10 - 6/10
Diani anon here
>Can I chill, drink on the beach, eat decent food at restaurants on the coast
Yes. But there is no mid-range food. You either eat sloppy veg and fatty grissly meat with 3 kilos of ugali for $1.50 or you spend $8 - $12 and eat at the German restaurant or similar
>coom, maybe go to night clubs and not fear for my safety from roving gangs of whoever and getting killed
No problem in Diani just never walk anywhere at night, even if your hotel is very close. Get a motorbike taxi
>Are there rampant scams and hawkers
On the beach, yeah but if you're in Africa you already know how to deal with these types by now
>Can I just get girls off dating apps and around town or whatever?
You will literally match with every single girl you swipe right on
>Yes. But there is no mid-range food.
this is the worst thing about that place and needs to get talked about more
>don’t walk anywhere at night
>but if you’re in Africa already
Never been, but Nyali beach seems to be the most talked about after I dyor about it
Is the African slop good?
Because you'll get robbed ofc anon. The only sub-saharran African country you can walk around at night, in general, is Rwanda
>Never been, but Nyali beach seems to be the most talked about after I dyor about it
Diani Beach is a 2-hour trip out of the city so is nicer imo
>Is the African slop good?
2 out of 3 of your questions have been retarded anon
>Very distressing
what's the problem? just give her $20 "taxi money" in the morning, way cheaper than hooker in Thailand or date in the west

I walked short distances at night in well lit areas and it was fine, you need to be on guard, don't be drunk etc.
lack of mid range food and accommodation is a problem but women compensate that
>I walked short distances at night in well lit areas and it was fine, you need to be on guard, don't be drunk etc.
>lack of mid range food and accommodation is a problem but women compensate that
Everyone told me not to so I didn't cause I didn't need to. Like motorbike taxis after a couple of beers anyway.
Be careful of the nothing happened to me so it's safe mindset. I worked in Phuket for 6 months and thought it was super safe. Literally the last weekend my gf was robbed on the back of my motorbike (bag snatch) 2 DAYS in a row, one colleague/friend was raped, and her friend was stopped with her Thai bf walking on the beach at night by a Thai gang and they beat him with metal bars as she watched. He has permanent brain damage.
I always felt safe in Phnom Penh too, would take loads of valium and ride around the city at 2 am until someone threw a brick at me while I was riding my motorbike
That’s fucked up man
Why would I know how African food tastes you fuckin jollofa dingo I’ve never BEEN THERE
Thank you for these posts. Novel information and bizarre images
>what is the reason for this?
It's unreasonably expensive, value for money is awful.
unironically people being racist and limiting them from going, and in the case they actually go, limiting them from actually ever interacting them with africans. i've travelled a lot in west africa and had only good experiences with people if you aren't retarded and can filter out the people aggressively trying to scam you. also the average "backpacker" is a glorified hotel resort tourist, so the lack of western standard infrastructure filters out the vast majority of them. better this way, makes the place actually travellable with it not being filled with insufferable backpackers
Is Rwanda a good place to visit? Seems the most stable of the African nations. How's JBW there?
Fun read, thanks for the write up anon. The constant price gouging for being White/western sounds like an awful experience.
Everyone that I’ve ever spoken to that has spent significant time in Africa for work has described it as the biggest shithole imaginable. Maybe some countries are a bit better than others, but it’s just shitty and dangerous all around.

I wouldn’t go unless you really have to see giraffes and omegapoors.
Tell me more as a pleb going for the first time. Will drivers in Dakar run me over?
so the lack of western standard infrastructure filters out the vast majority of them. better this way, makes the place actually travellable with it not being filled with insufferable backpackers
yeah what do those noble savages need with roads, running water, and stable commodities pricing brought about by reliable trade...
i've toyed with the idea of visiting Swakopmund in Namibia, good weather year-round, relatively white (for a african town) and in a somewhat safe country (for africa), anyone else been there?
I was in South Africa and had a great time. Good infrastructure, decent food, pretty people. Did a lot of good activities. I also went out on multiple nights. People tried to scam me, but I never felt unsafe (I'm 6'6 and I was out with my friend who is 6'8)
Namibia, Botswana, and Tanzania have been vaguely interesting to me for a while but they're just not that high on the list.

Problem with Africa is that the regions with the most interesting cultural artifacts (North and Horn) are also dangerous and dirty.
bump for this question, i also wanna know
Sub-saharan Africa has few rewards for travellers. The tourist infrastructure is absolutely horrible, designed to rip off rich middle-aged Americans on their first safari, not cater to naive backpackers. There are few historical sights. Large cities are congested crime-ridden shitholes. Public transport is non-existent or extremely unsafe. Nightlife is poor. Nature is nice, but there are no marked trails and wildlife and criminals pose a serious threat. The food is bland and will give you the trots. The people are stupid, unfriendly and live in abject poverty, and because of that see you as a walking money bag.

Generally speaking of course. The continent is 3x the size of Europe, and it's not like literally every inch of it is shit. But in the end, you go to places like Madagascar just to say you've been to Madagascar. Everything Africa has to offer, can be found cheaper, safer and in better quality elsewhere.
if you wanna see what the problem is, look up coastal resort pricing in places like kenya and tanzania

nobody is going to pay 2x as much as thailand for that
If nothing else, the people in Africa are 900% cooler and kinder than you find among other tropical shitholes. I don't disagree with any of your points in particular, and yet I enjoy visiting Africa very much and I return there often. I think what you are lacking is an appreciation of what Africa is by itself. Instead you ask only what it can offer you, and how it compares to other places.
>ask only what it can offer you, and how it compares to other places.
yeah...because my time is valuable, my resources limited, and safety paramount. is africa on the list? sure but its at the fucking bottom. maybe after i've exhausted all of asia, europe, latin america, and antartica it'll be worth my time.
>glass of cheap booze costs 20 bucks
>prostitutes EVERYWHERE
>bitches act like cats in heat, all flirty but then act like you're about to rape them when in bed
>everyone has a chronic hallitosis problem for some reason (and no, i didn't go there during ramadan and neither should you)
>kids LITERALLY huffing glue out of plastic bags to get high and aggressively panhandle you
>poorfags pretend to be backpackers and have a minute long conversation showing you their instagram and all this crap only to beg money from you
>uber (or rather "indrive) drivers are so fucking retarded they need to systematically call you before they arrive because they're too fucking dumb to just go to the point assigned to them, and it's not like there is any other option since EVERY FUCKING TAXI IVE BEEN ON HAD TO BE REMINDED TO TURN ON THEIR FUCKING METER, some even being argumentative about it.

Morocco sucks hard on throbbing cocks, from Marrakech to every city i've been to. When they see a foreigner, it's on fucking sight. Never ever mention morocco positively on this board again.
I’m going to Cape Verde in June I will let you know.
Climate change is fucking Africa hard. Definitely wouldn't want to travel there during the summer.
>10% of the population has HIV
Too dangerous for any sexpats.
>23 and 19
Basically the same age lmao.
HIV danger is way overblown, many african counries are taking HIV seriously and rates among non-pro 20yos are tiny fraction of that
>>prostitutes EVERYWHERE
>>bitches act like cats in heat, all flirty but then act like you're about to rape them when in bed

This is the worst shit. I couldn't stand it. Absolutely horrid mongering experience with morrocan bitches. They really resent actually performing the act.

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