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I can't think of anything more useless than wanting to go abroad. Since I was a little kid it never made sense to me. Humans are isolationist on principle so it seems like a contradiction to want to encroach upon another tribe's turf in the first place. Even then, it's so much easier and far more fulfilling to just use the Internet to learn about a foreign place instead of spending all the money to physically go there, and inevitably waste more time walking around than having an interesting experience. I hear all the time about how you'll meet unforgettable people, immerse yourself in their culture, yadda yadda, but there's no way this is true. You're still an outsider to the locals, and you still don't know anything about their customs, their language, their landmarks, their food, their government... It just feels so stupid to me.

Maybe I'm the asshole here but I wish we could just appreciate other countries from afar and not infringe upon them. I don't care if it's for school, or business, or sex, it just seems weird. I read up on what an embassy was the other day and it made me genuinely mad, that there are these little pockets all over the world where a foreigner can go and be patronized instead of having to even pretend like they care about the natives. How is that not at least a little fucked up?

Anyways, TL;DR is that I think traveling is inefficient and stupid, maybe even disrespectful, and that you'd be far better off watching travelogues on YouTube or searching for local websites. The context doesn't matter, the whole concept is off to me.
Waste of money, and more or less cultural appropriation
It didn't use to be like this OP.
Once upon a time travel actually offered opportunities to have authentic experiences, to explore a different culture and gain some perspective.
All that's gone now. There's no point in traveling post-covid, clownworld is a shitshow.
You're wrong about humans being isolationist doe, quite the opposite your ancestors were nomads that wandered all through the Earth unimpeded.
It's the reason why you intuitively know embassies are an absurd concept, as are borders.
This right to roam only exists today in a highly bastardized format in some European countries.
They took this away from you.
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It used to be that the only way you could learn about another society was to physically go there. You could read about it, but you couldn’t see it, hear it. Now, you have the internet. So you can see it and hear it, and you can see and hear a lot more than you would’ve even in-person then. So what’s left? Taste, smell. That’s it really. You can taste the local food, smell the…smells. Beyond that, it’s really just getting to see up close and personal a place you experienced online. Yes, it’s pointless to see a castle in Northern England and learn its history or to feel a Mediterranean breeze on a Greek island, but it’s still enjoyable. You do it because you enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it.

Oh, and pussy. A lot of people go for pussy.
What's the point of anything, you dumb fuck?
What's the point of watching movies? It's just living vicariously through the adventures of characters when you can have your own.
Same for playing video game.

(picrel came up when i google checked how vicariously is spelt, hnnnng)
>I can't think of anything more useless than wanting to go abroad. Since I was a little kid it never made sense to me.
i come from canada and our oligarchs ruined our country
At least video games give you instant gratification the same can't be said about travel
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Read the first sentence and skipped the rest, yeah bro you're the first one thinking about these things, unique snowflake and philosopher. You're actually the first person ever to post this kind of stuff here.

There are other boards for these kind of self masturbatory texts. Talk about traveling on this board or fuck off
It's just a purely hedonistic pursuit. That's why I only go abroad maybe twice a year now (used to do 4 or more months a year). Realized it's a waste of money and ultimately it's just about eating, fucking, and drinking. Used to buy the "iTs tHe PeOpLe YoU mEeT aLoNg thE WaY" meme, but as the years have gone by I realize I've forgotten 95% or more of the people I met and have on my fb or instagram or don't even remember 80 or more of the chicks I banged. Becoming a RealTravelerTM is realizing you're just running away from maturing and wasting time with every flight you get on.
Honestly this will sound dumb, but it slows down time. Once you get a steady job, home, relationship etc you get into a routine and time goes by super fast. Doing new things like travel is the only thing you can really do to slow down time and just get away from the same shit different day routine.
Anon you retard it’s like vidya but you can mostly only hike and socially interact with other players.
I've never cared for travel either until recently. The modern luxury of being able to enjoy another country's service sector is my main interest. Places like Japan, Scandinavia, Canada, etc. where there's a big emphasis on a good tourism industry in and of itself can be worth the trip.

If you live in a good tourism region like the Southwest a staycation might be better than international travel. Going to a big Vegas hotel for a week would probably be better than going to Paris if you live within driving distance.
>Places like Japan, Scandinavia, Canada, etc. where there's a big emphasis on a good tourism industry
90% of those countries are where you go to pay $900000 for water then get stabbed by Somalians
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I like sitting in dive bars and trying to order in different languages.
Love playing pool in different places and staying for 3 hours or so.
Love finding the cheapest beers in a new town
Love finding a bike rental places and looking for routes to places on OSM
Love planning journeys which replicate historical journeys or go from x geographical feature to y.

Travel can be kino when you don't just city hop.
Don't care, still going to travel, I do it because it's fun, simple as.
well i went to another tribes turf, found the enemy tribe, think theyre all niggers and scammers and could not care less if this trip never repeats itself. Grass isnt greener on other side, all you find is some loser tourist scum who got no reason to be in the country except to self pity and avoid duties. Fuck all tourists. Fuck em all.
id say stop including japan in list of safe countries. Its getting way too much attention from freakshows who got no interest in business or building relationships with locals, so they will get into rape or fighting drunk. Trust me on this one. Honest to god i swear it is gonna be a bad place once everyone who wants there gets in.
Be very afraid of the tourist who will turn whole world into mcdonalds, subway, kfc chain to take selfies at some dead religious place. They will turn the whole world into a parking slot for ugly EVs. Im not fucking kidding,
there are activities & experiences that can only be done in other countries. not everything is just sight seeing. But if it is sightseeing it's still fun to go with my wife and just look at new places together.
don't want it to sound like I'm bragging, but anyone who complains about the impossibility of finding 'authenticity' in current year simply doesn't know how to travel
All jokes aside, OP sounds depressed. You might want to try Lexapro.
what's the point of this post?
He just needs some dulcolax.

This man gets it. Traveling is a pointless and expensive hobby; that's the real appeal of it. But it's no more enhancing of an experience as spending money luxury cars, gun collecting, or falconry. People who go around thinking that they're somehow better for spending thousands of dollars to go somewhere to do the same shit that they did back home are just full of themselves.
yeah it's just something to look forward to
the reality usually isn't that great
>> Humans are isolationist on principle

The airplane, telephone, postal service, internet etc

Why do these inventions exist?
Developing logistics over a long distance so you can do your shit, I can do mine and we can both make money without bothering each other.
Please, enlighten us.
Usually the issue is that going out of your way to find the authentic common folk and be around them is seldom worth it, unless you're an alienated sheltered first worlder.
>buy 4080
>buy gaming rig
>buy VR headset
>cheaper than flight anywhere
>can drink beer and not have to wear pants
>no chance being arrested by CBP because you have 'dangerous weed'
Yeah thinking travel is a bit overrated
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i guess only you can say what is "worth it" for you personally. in a very general sense, for me at least, it could be summed up with a sense of 'discovery'. i kinda get it that going all the way to see a painting that has been perfectly digitalised can feel a bit pointless, but the great part of travelling and sharing with the locals are all the things you discover that you would not have otherwise found out. example, i was recently in the paraguayan chaco drinking with some local kids in the football pitch at night and they showed me several constellations that belong to a local indigenous astrology that has never been written about and is literally impossible to learn about online. sharing with me a beer can and some ancestral knowledge, a twenty year old i may never meet again opened me up to things i wouldn't have otherwise even imagined. hopefully he learnt something from me too.

there is nothing really to "enlighten" about. experiences and trips are only interesting if you actually have interest in them. and those interests can be discovered along the way. another example, I was recently in cochabamba where one of the main tourist sites is a mansion that belonged to a local mining magnate, his story caught my interest so i went to local bookshop and bought a book about him, then said fuck it and headed to the remote mining communities he made his fortune from. i explored abandoned mines and learned about all sorts of local history curiosities, but i also got to experience what life is like for the miners there and tried foods that are not sold down in the big cities etc. other things along the way start catching your interest too, so for example i've always been fascinated by the cult of the archangel michael and i ended up "discovering" an entire abandoned town 5000m above sea level (picrel) and from an old man down in town i learnt about the dances they used to do in the abandoned church to honour the place where st michael killed the devil..
>It's another demoralization post on /trv/ by a third worlder who can't even afford plane tickets
You nigs aren't even subtle about your blackpill threads anymore
I will have my way with your women and there's nothing you can do about it
Go back from whence you came
Nah, I get you.
If you have the disposition to visit that shithole of shitholes that is the Chaco, you're obviously cut from a different cloth from normal tourists, although the mennonites and brazilians are probably changing the place a bit, so I don't know if it's still that bad.

That sort of experience clearly does not suit most people, though.
*sigh* anon you already know the answer. The only reason I travel is so I can get my pecker played with.

I don’t give a shit about any of the horseshit you prattled on about in the OP. I simply wanna get my pecker played with, and if I’m not doing that. I wanna guzzle alcohol at the patio seating of a bar somewhere and get hot wing sauce all over my fingers and be a piece of shit
>Humans are isolationist on principle
I'm more inclined to agree with Aristotle that "Man is by nature a social animal"
It's impossible to isolate anymore unless you're a no tech hermit
Travel isn't for everyone, but surrounding yourself with only the familiar doesn't encourage growth
There's always been a large percentage of people who have no desire to step outside their comfort zone. Particularly white people...many whites have high sensory sensitivities. Even a trip to the nearest big city can stress them out, let alone traveling overseas to the chaos and babble of the developing world.
There's nothing wrong with being a homebody, but trying to make it into some kind of moral and cultural high ground is bullshit.
>watching travelogues on YouTube
People who do this shit are always the most disgustingly pretentious know-it-alls who can't wait to show off their vast knowledge of foreign countries, gleaned entirely from their basement computer.
>embassies made me mad
LMAO. Diplomacy is one of the coolest aspects of government there is.
>going abroad is useless
This much is true. But so is 99% of what people do with their life energy; it's all useless. Why obsess over such inescapable facts?
Fuck off with your open border cuckold fantasies.
Human tribes have always had territorial borders, even the nomadic ones.
Pussy alone is a bullshit reason to travel because there are females everywhere in the world. Personally, having spent six months in Asia and now on the road in my van in the American heartland, I can't see any objective reason why a man should reject women in his home country and pursue women overseas. No matter what justifications the coomers use, it's always 100% about ethnic preferences.
Imagine being so pea-brained that you can be captivated by manufactured images on a screen. Goddamn 12 year olds.
At least it can mine crypto and pay for itself
>the people you meet
So I think there’s value to be had in traveling, but the biggest cope I hear is people saying
>i travel to get absorbed in the local culture, learn the local culture, and meet people
And then go to a country where they don’t speak the language. This is especially true for countries like Japan where there’s not many English speakers, and things aren’t in English. When you don’t speak the language you aren’t getting the culture at all, and you aren’t meeting anyone besides other(English speaking) tourists. When the sum total of your human interaction is pointing at menus, and maybe chatting up the hotel clerk for a few minutes, you didn’t meet people, and you didn’t learn fuck all about the culture. It’s basically eating food(which can be cool) and seeing sights in person instead of online(also can be cool). But if you don’t speak the language, and they don’t have high English literacy(or another language you speak) you just aren’t getting much more then that. You for damn sure aren’t “absorbing the culture” you don’t even know wtf is going on. It’s a damn shame most of the “interesting” places aren’t English speaking, and we can only get a surface level experience there. Very few will learn mandarin or Japanese fluently for a few week trip.
>I can't see any objective reason why a man should reject women in his home country and pursue women overseas

Uhhh I’m not rejecting women in America I literally can’t have sex in America, so I have to fly across the world to get my pecker played with. What a fuckin Normie.
>bro I just drove my van across america and get pussy l
Poor fag spotted
If you had the money you’d travel
It’s a waste of money because you don’t have a lot of money
But you don't :^)
The concept of not injecting your baby with toxic shit is probabaly hard for you to understand as well
I travel to take pretty pictures
>Humans are isolationist on principle
What the fuck am I reading
>Humans are isolationist on principle so it seems like a contradiction to want to encroach upon another tribe's turf in the first place
Louder for the pajeets at the back
Yes, traveling made me racist
This had the potential be great, the artist ruined it by not putting much effort into it. The bart Simpson Top threw things off, everyone is smiling like they are all enjoying the city together, no negative affects shown like dirty streets, clogged up health care system.

This could have been an impactful revelation that even the average joe would instantly get
I hate the us and travel abroad because its easier then uprooting my entire life and immigrating somewhere else
Running away from what? We're all just slowly dying. While I'm here in going to economically exploit people.
>I read up on what an embassy was the other day and it made me genuinely mad, that there are these little pockets all over the world where a foreigner can go and be patronized instead of having to even pretend like they care about the natives. How is that not at least a little fucked up?
dear god you are so retarded
Travelling made me more racist but not because everywhere is the same because I got to see subhuman cultures first hand
This is ridiculous. Why would I narrow my travel choices by only going to English speaking countries? I can experience other cultures if I choose to not let language be a barrier. Otherwise we may as well just lock ourselves in boxes.

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