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>weed LMAO

Okay but what do you actually DO there? I got a short stint during the summer, but looks like the best thing to do with your time is take a day trip into the mountains. Any other recommendations?
No. Denver itself is about as interesting as Wichita. Except Wichita has nicer people, and far fewer illegals and junkies wandering around.
aside from portland and seattle, denver's downtown might be in the most pronounced "death spiral" of any major city in the US. its at least in the conversation with minneapolis and st louis for third place (I don't really count memphis as a major city anymore).

culturally its stagnating. another american city mindbroken by 2016 & 2020, it will take decades to recover. it might have the highest per capita basis of bugmen and s(oy)boys of any city in the US. and its gender demos are way out of whack, they don't call it "menver" for nothing.

if your first thought is to bolt for the hills to recreate? well you and about 3 million people are all having the same thought. anything within 2 hours drive is completely overrun, and really you have to get a day's drive away to fully escape the horde.

you're gonna need to just keep yourself entertained.
like the other anon said, if you want to do outdoors stuff its best to be based out of a town in the mountains to avoid i70 traffic
if you're in denver and like chinese food, noodles express on colorado and happy cafe on federal are both very good
Denver went from having one of the nicest downtowns in the US to one of the shittiest in 7ish years. The only places in Colorado worth visiting are way deep in the mountains away from the I-70 corridor. Forget dating there, a buddy of mine is in his early 30s there, makes great money but says dating there is like fishing in the sewer.
Accurate, t. Denverite

>Happy Cafe
The Thai place next door, J’s Noodles, is the best pad thai in the city
salt lake is the acutal mountain city. people who haven't been to dever don't get how far it is from the mountains.
Been here for 2.5 years. It’s a functional, walkable city With god tier public transportation, with a pretty impressive plethora of food options but that’s it bro. That’s the only redeeming qualities

It’s totally mid. It’s like any other American city. Nothing stands out, there’s no flourishing niche culture here or there, it’s just “America”
>god tier public transportation
Tell me you moved here from the suburbs of the small town Midwest without saying it explicitly
oh yeah all of that stray fentanyl smoke and psycho hobo fecal residue is just god-tier faggot
Colorado is like wyoming but bigger
People in the past moved here to get the fuck away from everybody else and live like mountain men, isolated and alone. Naturally the cities here carry over that culture, so there's fuck all to do
Boulder and fort collins are weird exceptions though.
the public transportation is ass
You guys are fuckin pussies
>t. Someone who has never been to an east coast city.
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>Denver has god tier public transit
I don't often ride public transit but I thought Denvers was better than any of the west coast cities I've been to. Is it not good public transit?
well I've never been to denver but doing some research, it has a surprising amount of lines for a city it's size but most are trams that run on roads a lot and all have at minimum 10 minute frequencies with half being 30 minute frequencies which is really bad for rail transit. Vancouver, canada only has technically 3 (though they split off at points so it could be counted as up to 5) but the frequencies are 3-5 minutes, at worst 8-10 when there are serious issues.
It has better public transportation than most cities, but seattle mogs denver in that regard.
Black Hawk/Central City is good for a day trip and if you like to gamble. Some decent used bookstores around Capital Hill if you like books. Black and Read West of Westminster is pretty good to shop and I want more Comics and Games around that area is worth checking out. Mile High Comics decent too. No idea what else you might be interested in since you didn't mention any hobbies or interests.
I wanna go there and see Columbine
Denver is one of the most soulless cities I have ever been too.
>what to do

Get the fuck out and go into the mountains

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