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Im trying to buy tickets for my boyfriend for his birthday. What seems like the better choice for entertainment/museums? New York or Chicago? I visited both places, though I liked New York more. We do currently live in America, he just never has been to those states, the last time I was visiting there was when I was a kid.
Are you a homosexual or a woman
Just stay home and go to a nice restaurant desu. Nowhere in the US is worth visiting unless it's nature, and even then it's whatever.
New York is better to visit and Chicago is better to live in.
>good to live in
For living in, Chicago is easily the best big city in North America. It’s actually not even close. It can be better in New York but only if you have a lot of money. That’s it. So if you’re going to live in a big city, live in Chicago.
How many deep dish "pizzas" did you eat today, fatty? Chiraq is cursed.
Leave your shitty small town for once.
Kek, Shill-inois exposed
Obviously NY.
But I wouldn't bother visiting NY until it returns to the state it was in when Bloomberg and Guiliani were mayors.
If you go, don't miss the Frick
>For living in, Chicago is easily the best big city in North America.
There are more murders in Chicago in a year than the entire country of Canada.
I'd choose Vancouver but realistically it's for millionaires only.
So Dallas or Toronto - or the middle of nowhere in Montana or Wyoming.
Yeah and they all happen in a far off neighborhood that you will never see or go near. You’d know that if you had ever been but you prefer to talk out of your ass.
The Met is the greatest museum in the world.
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I've lived in the Chicago area for my whole life, I will say that Chicago is simultaneously the best and worst city I've been to.
Everyone I know from here either wants to leave, has concrete plans to leave, or has already left.
Yet, there's still a reason why it's called the Second City, it isn't NYC, but that's the point.
We have our own food scene, culture, architecture, world-class sights, and an actually unique past and future.
Unlike NYC, I don't know what the future holds for Chicago, and I don't plan to be here if (when?) it gets bad, but I'm glad to have been here while things still have been good.
City life wears on you no matter what so of course people want to leave. But I’ve lived in a bunch of major cities and Chicago is by far the best of the bigger cities. The only cities remotely similar are New York and Philly and Chicago is much cleaner and roomier and cheaper than both and has just as much if not more to enjoy with fewer of the downsides.
NYC hands down. Entertainment is infinite, museums are very much world class. Chicago is great, but if he's never been to NYC, NYC.
Tips - be careful around west Midtown, mostly around Penn Station. Probably get an airbnb/hotel in west Brooklyn, Upper West Side, or anywhere south of like 28th St. These are the safest areas at night, in my opinion. Do not go past the north end of Central park, it is Harlem and it's not fun. Go to the shore of north Brooklyn for a romantic night. For stuff during the day, you have infinite options so I won't list them all. Lastly, go to Flushing if you've never seen a real Chinatown, it's pretty cool.

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