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What year did you join roblox in, and what was your "go-to" game of that era? Feel free to respond even if you're a filthy newfag.
Based. I was actually thinking about the roblox thread cover maker today hoping we would get a new one.
Oh yeah, I joined as a guest in 07 but made my account in 08, lost it, and my main is from 09.
My go to game was basically the base-wars before base wars, the green vs brown game.
I also like helicopter wars.
kys faggot why is eric the devil and why does the r have welds and studs
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I don't know about the former but I assume the latter was just a stylistic choice. I used the image because it's cool and it's one of the older thumbnails.
I wish thumbnailfag would come back and update this with 2022-2024 (this year is already 1/3rd over anyways)
On that topic, NEW thread question: what's the craziest bullshit you imagine will happen on the 'blox this year?
>>1240098 (me)
I predict that R6 will finally be deprecated, that we'll get a shitty hallow's eve/Christmas event that overshadows The Hunt, and that politicians will start campaigning on roblox in an attempt to win over zoomers
I wouldn’t say they would go that far (not yet at least since R6-to-R15 is still buggy), but I predict an announcement of the removal of T-Shirts and a new STF limited would happen.
need turbo autists to help beat raise a peta hardmode. theres only so many times I care to lose with teammates shitting their pants while playing.
I think I made my First account in fucking what? 2012-2014? I lost it forever ago, and probably played earlier on guest accounts.

My main was made in 2016, so that’s the “definitive” answer.
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Joined in march of 2011 at age 9.
My go-to game was kingdom life II, pulled a lot of lego pussy RPing as an edgy assassin guy.
I rarely play roblox anymore but it sparked my interest in roleplaying which led me to /tg/ eventually.
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oops guess ill never see this namefag again so sorry lmfao
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>play as the dark lord
>kidnap the princess
>Dark lord why u plan 2 kidnap me/?
> I played as a guest before making my account in 2014,and actively participated in sword fighting groups. I don't like JK Rowling because she's transphobic.
The "lego pussy" was the 40 yr gay men we made friends with on the way. Sk98r girl +robloxian 2.0+chuckles were always a FOS/WOS for me.
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i joined just as tix died. its kinda terrifying to know that was 8 years ago. i think people always say their year is the best (i see 2019 defenders every now and then) because roblox has been on a constant decline for over a decade.
average sword clannie
Joined in 2010 aged 12 because of an ad on a browser games website and because it was free. I swear to God there were no more than 3000 players back then. Used to play Galleons and make a raft games but the biggest attraction was the possibility of making your own games. I knew it back then roblox had the potential to blow up into something big since the concept was unique and simple. I'm glad I didn't have enough autistic volition to stick to it tho looking how it's just a coporate troonfest now. Time flies man
you couldve made big money off retarded children though
Back then, roblox would have like 3000 players online at peak. That wasn't the whole playerbase. But I remember 100 player games only being like 5-6 and you could easily scroll from the most popular into 0 players online and find cool obscure shit.
I played that with my girlfriend
It was definitely around that number. Basically everything from 2008-2013 had like a couple hundred players. It all changed with Murder Mystery having 1,000 players peak in January 2014. Then near the end of the year, R2D had peaked at around 4,000 players because of the Christmas update. It's crazy to think how our community was so obscure back then; we were like one big family with everything friending each other kek. Then the Minecraft Youtubers joined in, and the downward spiral began accelerating...
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They're definitely going to remove classic T-shirts, shirts, and pants before 2030 for some bullshit reason like "too much porn being uploaded!!11!!1." Buy everything that you want since they're going to become even more retro.
And speaking of removals, catalog comments have already been disabled. I think you have until April 9th to look at them. I'm taking a look at my older clothes to see old comments for one last laugh.
cant wait til baszucki croaks, maybe then roblox will actually be good again. he shouldve been the one to die instead of cassel
>some no name shitskin takes over
what now?
they wouldnt let some jeet intern take over, anythings better than a literal out of touch baby boomer who thinks roblox sex is the future of gaming
pick one
there are more options than that
Why do people act like Erik Cassel was some saint who would have preserved old Roblox? What makes you think things would be any different now if he were still alive?
You guys only like Erik because he died before things got bad.
>he never skyped with roblox girls

Well atleast someone here has good taste
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2008 originalfag checking in.
price floors rise even higher and all UGC is a minimum 5 dollars of robux (400).
played guest 2010-2011 cause of ads like >>1240386
made an account 2012 but I was too much of a young retard to curate games beyond the front page. Only thing I consistently played was Catalog Heaven so (I can kill kiddies with the Sten gun and sticky bomb) and some knockoff TF2
also did guests ever wear beach hats I swear to god they did when I first played but I cannot find any mention or reference to this ANYWHERE and its always bugged me
I believe it was guests of a certain number (which was manipulatable via cookie) that got the hat. I forgot what the number was but I believe it had something to do with erik.
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>They're definitely going to remove classic T-shirts, shirts, and pants

There has been talks about it from an investor's call from Q2 2022.
does anyone besides coomers even use layered clothing or rthro
I think if anything, 2D clothing will just be deprecated. If you have them, you can still wear them, but won't be obtainable anymore. I can even understand the removal of tix, since that's actually been on their mind even before 2016. However, shit like the logo change, making r15 the default, and a bunch of classic hats being removed, I cannot for the love of God understand that shit. What do they have against old Roblox? Is David the one making all the decisions here? Might as well change the name; it'll look like a completely different platform in a decade.
I joined in early 2010, i remember my friend from school telling me about roblox so we could play together. Wingman8's games were some of my favorite (armored patrol, urban patrol, and galleons) but I would also play a lot of lumber tycoon and tycoon new home. My brother and I played Desert Attack by drewsomeB and doomspires mostly.
Sadly my brothers friend managed to get my password, and thought it would be funny to shout "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" on my account just to get me banned.
I went to log in one day and saw the ban message, and i was devastated as a kid. My brother was pissed at his friend for doing that to me, and cut him off.

Another list of games I used to enjoy:
>destroy the wall
>robloxian high school
>town of robloxia
>spyro's complex roleplay
>zeppelin battle
>the iron cafe
>survive the disasters (the original with the classic house)
>the original pinewood builders HQ
>the bread factory
and most of all, the game I miss the most to this day:
>a pirates life
2008, I still play person299s minigames however in the day demolition derby was my favourite
2010. The front page was filled with Destroy the simpsons,raise and train an epic duck,a mix and match of shitty spongebob obbies so i mostly played a mix of whatever. Didn't really start sticking to places until 2012 with games like PWNED:Incrypt and Contamination. But nothing topped arcane adventures for me.
When it first released it felt like some huge update dropped and the janky block game was turned upside down. First game i really saw hit over 2k players
2017, peak roblox. Prison Life was my go to game even if it was filled with a lot of exploiters. Made a-lot of friends just shooting cops from the guard tower with good aim and helping others escape. I would also say Natural Disaster Survival was also pretty fun too.This game was really something until corona hit the world. Crazy times.
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>2017, peak roblox.
Yeah I remember it being obscure and especially the clannies, everyone kinda knew everyone if you were a 'big' clannies or fourm poster.
there's a spiritual successor to A Pirate's Life with an active playerbase
Yeah I clanned in x-101st, the leader had a reputation of being an ODer and I recently found out he was an adult sexting underage girls.
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>check up on my old builds i used to make when i was a literal kid
>they're not even that bad, a lot of the builds are impressive even if they'res a few imperfections
if i only could've told him to believe in himself and to stop listening to shit advice i could have saved him
I joined around 2011 when a friend in high school introduced it to me, I don't consider myself as an oldfag since me and my friend just used Roblox as an alternative to Windows Live Messenger, we would mostly just hang around each other's places, sometimes doing a couple builds or throwing around a few game ideas, but the both of us just stopped logging on as time went on.
Then it was in 2017 that a nephew of mine re-introduced it to me, and since I was a bit familiarized with it, I wanted to give it another go, only to then remember that I had deleted the email I used for my original account, so I had to make a new one, and then I changed accounts again in 2020 to get a less stupid name since I didn't wanna pay for robux.
I played obby for sex in 2011.
Now, i weep on a daily how much this platform sucks ass now.
micheal p
It wasn't obby for succ, it was literallly what i said.
you must be 18 to post here
late 2008, PCBut's Original Soda Factory
i joined in 2016 and im 18 turning 19 this year
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wtf is this landing page redesign
eevveerryytthhiinngg iiss wwiiddee nnooww
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why is it that whenever someone actually uses the report system, it's a furfag every single time?
so many have announced reports for me to no avail when i target them in pvp, lol. most i ever get is a warning
the furfag hates ban immunity
dear god
the fuck are you talking about, nothing looks different
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>block element
heh, nothin personell
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Join Church if you want an instant example of this, or ten.
I think it's something on that weird app Roblox tried to implement.
Those fuckers will never get me off of the browser
nevermind I just saw it
I joined in 2015 to play a rumoured Payday 2 copy (Heist (Notoriety later)), mainly playing that.
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It's nice to see my old thumbnails floating around; it's a shame nobody took my place after I stopped making them.
I joined in 2011, and my go-to(s) was Call of Robloxia 5: Roblox at War or anything obby/zombie related.
fuckin love that one, too bad anytime i get on it doesn't seem like there's anyone else around
any good modern games you guys like playing?
Guts and blackpowder.
have sex with children (and kill them)
project smash is fun because half of the players are retards who rely on the newest class to be good
i like pilgrammed
Airship Assault is fun
Trenches Beta is alright but dont expect to get anything done for the next 2 hours
a good number of cart rides have come out lately for some reason though I dont remember the names
Public UGC is here.
2017 was shit. They even had forums for a bit. 2023 was peak Roblox, let's be real.
this can only go terribly
I joined in summer of 2010 and I remember playing the hell out of Build and Race, Soul Wars, and Create a Creature. Fun times. I remember people attaching thrusters to my character to piss me off and fling me off the map, and people resizing wheels to be massive and spamming the copytool so that the entire map gets flodded with massive collision boxes. I went through like 4 accounts before I settled on my most recent one. The first 3 I didnt bother to remember a password or anything, and the 4th one I ended up having a scammer steal it and I never got it back. Its been a fun adventure.
>And people have bought billions of items there, including nearly 1.6 billion digital fashion items during the first nine months of 2023. Brands are also getting in on the action: in 2023, our brand partners sold about 27 million items on Roblox.
>1.6 billion avatar item purchases
>27 million of them were from partnered brands
this isn't the bragging they thought it was
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Is there a more insufferable place than the Church in Roblox?
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I'm a 2011'er, where can I go to experience something like the 2014 forums? I've tried other forums but I hate how they mostly consist of 500+ post topics. Hopefully this time I wont be hanging around people Like fave and MrObvious
Can this please be the final straw that gets roblox into legal trouble? The suits running this shit need a reality check
10+ USD subscription and an ID verification required? This just gives me another reason to bulk-create shit and THEN waste money on this shit platform.
Give it a week and maybe something will happen.

Already so many PeakUGCs uploaded, this is an immediate failure from the beginning. Can’t what for the ones that break TOS like those weedphones.
Why? It'a not like they can just delete UGC for good.
probably one of those fag "hangout" places, at least you'll meet some decent people in Church if you're lucky
is there a robux cost?
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whoops my bad meant this
>I'm a 2011'er
this thread is for oldfags only sir, 2009 or earlier
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made a typo
meant 2008
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if you showed this to the roblox admins when they were starting up the UGC program back in 2019 they'd shit bricks at how bad of an idea it'd end up being
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ah, the classic
make an item that's allegedly free but to buy it you have to enter a place that's paywalled
i promise they know and they dont give a fuck
>join any modern game
>see kids with giant meme rthro avatars
>egirls and eboys wearing 7 different UGC hairs and pseudo valkyries
>larping 2020fags attempting to look like classicfags
>noobs wearing free accessories and clothes from Roblox because they still don't know how to use Microsoft rewards
>noobs that finally got robux but spend it on trash accessories like dark rainbow wings color changer because they have no sense of style
>militaryfags with all their spec ops gear
And then there's me, still wearing 2.0, a sword pack, beautiful black hair, and other accessories. It's all so tiresome. I guess this is how you guys felt when 2010 happened; a complete change in culture. Even all my post-classic friends are wearing UGC now. It is pretty refreshing when I finally meet someone that dresses like me.
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alright my magnum opus is ready to be unveiled
>militaryfags with all their spec ops gear
the funny thing is, it doesn't even fucking do anything beneficial so they're wasting their robux on tacky mall ninja shit
if anything it's a detriment in a gunfight because UGC creators can't grasp the concept of keeping accessory hitboxes reasonable by not making the brick the mesh is in larger than it absolutely needs to be
i remember back during the early days of UGC when I saw someone releasing an accessory hitbox removal script with the intent of distributing it everywhere within gun clans so people wouldn't get falsely accused of using hitbox expanding cheats just because they were shooting people wearing accessories with ridiculously oversized hitboxes
Even if I've grown to accept UGCs and use them along with R15 Avatars, older Roblox items just have a simplicity and charm that cannot be replicated and ends up looking a bit weird on anything that isn't R6
Shut the fuck up retard.
but there's a difference doe
joined in 2012 and my go to was and will always be natural disaster survival
who was in the wrong here?
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it's been 15 years...
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Natural Disaster Survival? More like Nappy Drowsy Sleeptime!
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happy birthday anon
mine is next week
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they also killed free UGC in the process btw
price floors are fucking retarded
it’s not even remotely like physical goods where you have to get the materials & labor needed to produce each item, because with digital items they’re all virtual copies of the same thing that only had to be made once
the supply is basically infinite so from an economy standpoint, arbitrarily making the price have a set floor is stupid
it only hinders people wanting people to have easy access to their items, and people who wanted to sell their stuff for a high price would do so anyways
roblox try not to piss off everyone challenge
the person below is jared valdez
do not trust what he says
nobledragon did nothing wrong
what the fuck is this ugly new font and is there a way i can revert it
it looks better desu
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“if it ain’t broke, break it” is ROBLOX’s motto
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genuinely sure shareholders get pissy at businesses that run on autopilot like roblox, so they make some retarded random change every now and then just to appease the senile old fucks
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yep it's over
who the fuck actually cares about ugc limiteds other than 10 year olds, its the equivalent of putting a pile of garbage on craigslist and going "UNIQUE PILE OF GARBAGE, UNIQUE BRAND COMPOSITION AND SHAPE, ONE OF A KIND!!" and charging 2000 bucks for it.
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>join pf support discord to report some under 13 faggot that false votekicked me
>join main server out of curiosity
>notice there's a customized skin showcase channel, and check it out of morbid curiosity because I know it's just gonna be a bunch of shitty eye raping neon skins
>huh there's a case tier list in the pins-
>creator of it mentions that he's a tranny in the godawful rainbow case's ranking info
>his profile has "minors DNI" in it
so I guess they're stickying something made by someone who has to discourage under 18 users (you know, 75% of ROBLOX's playerbase) from interacting with him because his lack of self control would compel him to groom them

also that faggot admits to being a fucking leaf, GEEEEG
oh and all the wood case skins are ranked in E tier on that shitty list because fags can't appreciate wood grain

anyways, post skins
its really funny that roblox threads are literally living proof of the "/pol/tards are 15 year old tourists" meme.
+1 to bump limit
no useful contribution
I read once that it was his hat, so it probably was a memorial thing when he died. I can't find any images of this shit though, you'd think someone would've taken a photo or something
>noobs wearing free accessories and clothes from Roblox because they still don't know how to use Microsoft rewards
thanks for reminding me. All those bing ai threads really were worth something after all
cool map let me play it
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what are we playin, 'bloxxers?
all the “free” ones were just paywalled behind places that try to get you to pay absurd amounts of robux to get them
they don’t even bother to check if the changes they push would at least do anything that anyone wanted
sonichoGODS won
come to think of it
why hasn’t Chris-Chan heard of ROBLOX yet
that should be changed
>classic jailbreak returns
we're so back bros
go back
ufck yuo
adesign my beloved
let's do this guys
feraljak sucks
cobson is better
>12+ years
>front page obbies have not changed one bit from this
the only roblox game i played somewhat frequently over the past few weeks is from 2015
>BLOODTIDE (it's just better than neighborhood war sorry)
>The Fighting Spirit (cool boxing game)
>NVZ Legions
>Is David the one making all the decisions here?
its part him and part clueless investors. hes 61, hes a completely out of touch boomer just chasing money. investor desires ultimately steer roblox's direction, and david is deluded and believes metaverse shit is the big money maker, and for all intents in purposes it is as long as investors are happy. the same investors who go into brookhaven and ask the games developers if they can lease an in game building for real money. however the roots of the metaverse cancer started looong before going public with the the reveal of anthro bodies & removal of classic heads & classic terrain (7 years ago!) and only continued to spiral from there. i wouldnt be surprised if we see a complete removal of classic "blocky" avatars sometime as well. its seriously unbelievable what has happened to the platform, if cassel was still alive none of this would be happening. it was originally pitched as a "digital building toy for children" and now david is dancing around the idea of allowing sexual content on roblox without actually confirming it outright.
ah, i forgot about r15. thats going on 8 years ago now.
r15 is older than a significant fraction of the playerbase
i vividly remember all the drama in the forums
https://baszuckigroup.com/ Take a look at his philanthropist group and you'll understand why he makes the weird decisions he does. He basically views himself like a guru.
make a ublock rule

html:style(font-family: System-UI !important)
Not true. Modern obbies are way dumbed down compared to that monkrymonkry obby. Especially since R15 became a thing.
>if cassel was still alive none of this would be happening
You and every person who says this is delusional. If Eric Casserole were alive, he'd be chasing the footsteps of David. They're not your friends. They always were greedy and David is just open about it now.
last time i played a generic obby I barely had to jump because of how dumbed down for retarded 2 year olds it was
Yeah they pretty much don't require any effort to complete since obbies these days are made for literal toddlers.
So what the fuck was the whole Tower of Hell and Jupiter's ToH fiasco all about?
also said obby was sponsored and somehow had a 0% like percentage when I came across it
it’s probably around 20% now
troon shit, likely
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Here's what Keith had to say about them
>Erik was VP of Engineering, and David Baszucki was CEO. In a short time, I learned the secret of Knowledge Revolution’s success — Dave’s audacity of vision coupled with Erik’s capacity to deliver. They were optimistic and fast, and no other company I looked at could compete. I was thrilled to receive a full time offer to work on Erik’s team.
It's clear those two were some sort of unbeatable dynamic duo that were geniuses in physics and software development. They were extremely passionate about making this physics simulation playground to the point where they were once interacting with new users on a daily basis to figure out how to improve the engine. Although, I have to agree with >>1260854. Despite their talent, I think both of them would have succumbed to greed. It's always been there, you know with the sponsored events, builder's club, and limited items. There was always an incentive to make money. Even XiaoXiaoMan, a 2008 Roblox YT veteran, has been saying that the site was going downhill since 2010. However, they had John working with them, so the site was at least able to form a creative identity and have other appealing features that had nothing to do with physics.
Now, Erik is dead, and John retired from his position. So not only does David not have another man of his level to disperse opinions with, there is additionally no creative director that has autism which rivals that of Shedletsky. The product? modern day Roblox.
john isnt much better anymore, hes an open shill for AI.
Don't really care what he does now desu. I think he also did some NFT shit recently too, but his contributions to Roblox are still phenomenal. Egg hunts and other events, Giftsplosions, Crossroads, Sword Fights on the Heights, Brick Battle, awesome smiley/epic face, teh epik duck, over 9000, dominus, and a bunch of other cool and funny hats, were all created or at least heavily endorsed by him to form this culture. I know he wasn't the perfect admin in Roblox either but many memorable aspects of this platform wouldn't have been made if it wasn't for him. With his absence, the culture of Roblox has turned into some corporate slop infestation.
epik ducks are very important
2013 newfag here
unironically shed a tear seeing these again, god I remember first signing up and playing nuke the whales and titanic. Nostalgia is a bitch
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joined in 2017, played the shit out of some random tsunami survival game

like, not even natural disasters. this game was SPECIFICALLY focused on tsunamis
>he's le bad cause... boogeyman said AI bad :(
Even doe he made fun of trannies, and trannies hate AI also for no real reason other than your Average Joe not wanting to waste money on their stubborn scribbles they charge a full video game's price for. I will TOTALLY agree on your midwit moral high ground.
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>and trannies hate AI also
soiGODS won
AI is not replacing anybody even if it's still in it's infantile stages, you retards are just a bunch of reactionaries who are afraid of change (which is not coming ever)
oh wait we are talking in the context of children's lego game rip-off you are still sentimental after 10+ years for. everybody just apes each other because many game formats have proven to work for monetary gain, so why not just be a rip-off and attempt to cashgrab? hell, why even bother effort with promotional material when you can beg a computer to generate shit for you?
if getting your home board permalocked, having your altchan constantly flooded with scat and racebait porn, and then said altchans owner (who bought it from the last guy after it got flooded with pizza) getting aids and then stepping down is "winning", sure.
>AI is not replacing anybody even if it's still in it's infantile stages, you retards are just a bunch of reactionaries who are afraid of change (which is not coming ever)
except it already is replacing people in many fields. for a group of underage retards who idolize hitler you seem to not understand that he'd be vehemently against this shit as an artist and someone who believed heavily in spirituality. also, AI continues to grow rapidly, everybody said that it wouldnt be able to make realistic video for at least a decade after those will smith eating spaghetti videos came out and now it can generate perfect photorealistic video.
all of you, meds now
it’s only 600 robux, goy
that’s basically free
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He's still active on twitter have fun, anon.
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>bald cartoon men website rent free
>can't go a second without using "underage" as a buzzword
>failartists with no job expertise (midwits) whining
>accepts the fact that AI is going to replace everyone (fallacy)
>word salad
Maybe coming to a thread about Shitty Blockland™ where a buck broken luddite doesn't know how to blacklist tags on his favorite booru nor grind for himself to see how superstitious being an artist is. It was never meant to be a method of income as proven by the passage of time. Funny you mention Hitler, he was a failed artist himself; but instead of listening to the guidance he was given and not pursuing sustainable income as an architect, he went full retard and became a politician. Maybe Hitler 2 coming 2027 should crack open your thick skull and realize hobbyists are smart enough to not go into a field that is not wanted in the day and age of corporate greed and corner cutting.
>get a REAL job
your average soiteen (you) would drop dead on his first day blue collar, lmao
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To your logic, my job would have already been taken by a mere machine.
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>gotten so bad 2015 is og for zoomers
that's mostly just the passage of time
cope fag
ima fucking dew it
any results?
>roblox forces me back to r15 every time I switch outfits
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oh, so it wasn't just me then
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Could you imagine being having this problem? Luckily my outfits save in R6 because I'm not a second-class ROBLOXian.
it's over
Sorry I wasn't born earlier
Sorry my parents didn't have sex earlier
you should be, noob.
I fucked your mom
2003 oldfag here
ask me anything
do you still have a copy of roblox from that era
yes but you can't have it >:)
>roblox studio window/menu/whatever sizes all reset, again
started in early 2010, i thought you had to pay to create accounts, managed to convince my parents into giving me money and then i found out accounts are free, customization inst.
I loved to play destroying games (Destroy giant noobs and stuff of the type), and, building cute stuff on those baseplates with default blocks.
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were you illiterate as a kid or something?
No idea how that happened, it just did, maybe i forced myself into first person because i thought first person was the finest shit ever, Crisis and farcry blew my mind
idk, the older ones didn't have "give me robux" UI elements covering 50% of the screen at any given moment. They hadnt figured out how to do that yet
you can go into the UWP/mobile app and itll save as r6
How did my cum taste?
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>11k people agreed with this
best roblox streamer
>he thinks that stuff magically didn't exist in 2016
newfag moment
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forgive me for making this ugc item
ok roblox you proved your point we're sorry please stop
no way to change opacity and make the light doodad inside instead of the jpeg?
I think some UGCs have janky unpleasing workarounds but generally models with transparency don't appear as such ingame
as a result all UGC glasses are either opaque or just missing lenses (or janky workarounds)
nope, roblox does not allow any transparency in textures, trust me I tried.
simple way of doing it, just make only the sides an actual soild piece
don't ask forgiveness for making gems
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What do (You) think of Ruben’s list? Honestly a good non-mfd roblox video that isn’t filled to the brimmed with constant doomposting that literally no one besides Roblox could fix. I personally disagree having traders a rank higher than ERPers and Bots and switch them off for Admins, never seen a group of people more narcissistic and entitled than them for having a ROBLOX logo besides their name.
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can we get a specs weedle shouldermon as your next upload
i think fake oldfags are missing, those go in coal tier
also warclanfags should have gotten a tier, but maybe split into two types
>the kind that rig their forts, make them p2w or make the conditions as controlled as possible because they want to win at all costs
>the kind that don't do that bullshit that's killing clans
>sharty lingo
no wonder hes a slopper
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thats fake noobs
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i agree with him on the part of expunging trannoids and furfags but come on his newfaggotry was already glaringly obvious
threadly reminder you don't miss old roblox you miss being happy albeit
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yes we know, stop shilling nigger
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feels good being a 2016 ancientgod oldchad OG
kys nusoibabycordshitter
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>google drawings font
>stacking quotation marks
>defends the official nu-speak all caps site name
way to out yourself too little nigger
i bet you're one of these >>1270721
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oh and quote-signing incorrectly
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meds and bureau of worker’s compensation now
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here you go buddy, glad you asked. what else can i get you?
>Not using RōBLOX
oh thank you, my stockpile of meds to hand out was getting low
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Why the fuck are they all wearing gloves? That wasn't even a style during the classic era. Is this because of that A Bizarre Day fag?
probably yet another misconception about 2000s/early 2010s fashion
not to mention that the fingerless gloves back then usually had right angles for the fingerless parts, because it was easier to do and because it looks cooler
Why are you worthless faggots so elitist about a children's game?
You should be ashamed. Go be a contributor to the community instead of making dumb retarded edits of each other.
Give back the enjoyment you once had while playing the game. Or don't and wallow in your echo chamber of misery.
the foundation of the entire roblox "community" is reminiscing about the year you joined and bitching about people who came after
No, it's entirely because of the A Bizarre Day fag; he set that fashion trend. It's happening again with Item Asylum dummies now too.
>Go be a contributor to the community instead of making dumb retarded edits of each other.
lmao even, kys
>why are you being such elitists over a kid's game?
>you're not elite if you're not a contributor like i totally am!
2012. I think it was Marble Racer?
A RubenSim video that isn't endless doomfagging?! Let me check this shit out, not that I really care if I'm disappointed I watch ratskewer instead nowadays.
there's also this guy https://www.youtube.com/@SkitGaming
kind of like sseth but for roblox if you can tolerate the jaknigger thumbnails
I can do the specs as normal glasses but I'm not certain if I can get away with a weedle
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>erhmhrm you can't shit on current roblox and enjoy it at the same time because...rmrnhm you should be spoonfeeding us underagefags so we can LARP even harder instead
Kys cuck. it's being gatekept forever and the best you will be getting is basic 2009 crossroads nostalgiafaggotry
newfag detected
Does anyone here on this thread actually have made a actual game and I mean a scripted game that has players, not some ass place with barely any scripts and some roblox sword.
I can definitively tell you yes there are. Though you won't know them of course.
fucking crazy to think there are kids on roblox who were born after tix was removed. what the fuck
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ffs can you chudcels stop taking over old roblox? I swear i thought it was the last place i will see you.
can i get a link so i know where to keep my guard up, of course
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What will (You) play?
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>thief believing everybody steals
why are neosoisluttas like this?
the only one with actual players is just some silly trivia game with like fuck all real educational value
either some intern is being paid to just put random bullshit into algorithm categories without being paid to specifically check if anything fits the category, or it's just a fucking AI doing this
What will (you) pay*
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tobu remember that it's over for you

fucking da hoodian newfags
>jit tripping cuh
>wearing gloves and/or the bart simpson hair tufts
how to spot a tween trying to pose as a pre-2010s robloxian
I think that shit comes straight from twitter
>frogposter is a swarthy 16 year old
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destroy the wall...... home..........
You must be 18 years old to post here.
You see this right here? This is the exact moment when ROBLOX peaked. Every single second since, the site has been in decline. It's true.
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god, i loved it as stupid as it was. ever since tix died it's been a rollercoaster going straight to hell
joined in 2012 (newfag) and loved playing shit like simon says, flood escape, sandbox
i wanted to make a game that could be popular but decided to try making stuff in actual game engines, now i'm a /agdg/ guy and doing fine
i have a younger bro who likes playing it but it's sad that he didn't get to experience some of these in their heyday. all of the roblox imitators lean too much into hypercasual slop
>i have a younger bro who likes playing it
make him a game
I thought fagnobe banned raycism and hoemoephoeboea. Is this yet another shitty revival project?
finobe's long dead
oversensitive faggots couldn’t handle the word “nibba”
>relative playing roblox
Have any of you guys had relatives play roblox?
My older brother did. Played the original apocalypse rising and deadzone with him alot before he moved on. He loved shooters so much he went and joined the National Guard.
all I know now are younger cousins who only play frontpage slop, which I also did when I was their age so good for them
still mad i got banned because some faggot whined about me spamming the copy tool
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mildly entertaining shit happening
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Real OGs remember playing this
my siblings all play roblox or at least used to play it
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What is the rock climbers game reward if you go to the top and get back? I reset after reaching the top because i didn't know you had to get back
2007 when I started, around 2013 is when I hopped off. Good times.
Joined 2013.
Fuck people who dickride old roblox
Fuck traders & limiteds
Fuck headless/korblox
Fuck R6 elitism
Fuck Milsim groups and line simulators
Fuck people who make the manface their entire personality
Fuck dahoodians & robangers
Fuck David B-ass-uzki
Fuck Discord edgelords
Fuck taking away TIX
Fuck the Audio-wipe .
Fuck Adoptme & Slop games
I'm in full favor of UGC accelerationisim, not only does it BTFO stuck-up limitedfags, it allows so many badass avatars that old anal roblox larpers are too pussy and uncreative to use.
R15 to R6 converter package paired with animation packages my beloved. Also fuck roblox's terrible and hypocritical moderation.
i remember seeing it on my sisters computer. when i said i wanted to play it she said i was "too young" and that it's a more mature game. i was 7
when was that
>Fuck R6 elitism
sorry that r15 horribly mangles your shit no matter what. non-blurred clothing UV's, but at what cost? your accessories getting displaced?
>I'm in full favor of UGC *accelerationism
they should have kept it peer reviewed instead of opening the floodgates to the bare minimum price of 10 USD premium. not like you can publish a singular item unless you dump more than 20-30 dollars as a whole into it.
probably 5 years ago
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robloxian social outcast spotted
>7 + 5 = 12
You better be baiting.
huh it's real
explains why i was seeing bloxburg segregation and apartheid memes on tiktok, even though i've never interacted with bloxburg before
>oldest /vm/ poster
except most of the popular limiteds actually look like shit or are extremely situational and are only popular because of their prestige. now that anyone can buy a dominus, nobody is using it to make neat outfits AROUND the dominus, they're just sticking it on their avatar as a status symbol and attempting to fool people. the clockwork shades are another example, very bad design thats only iconic because of their identity as the clockwork shades, nobody wears the meta shades because they like the design, they wear them cause theyre free clockworks. and they look like shit.
marge what is this
It's a matter of nostalgia, anon. UGC has far greater selection of accessories but in very specific niches you won't find something you are looking for, or that it gets drowned away by the endless sea of meme shit toddler slop. Also, have fun digging through the endless sea of plagiarized clothing, or the fact that people do not want to go uber-autist just so they can make a unique avatar by making babby's first UV texture.
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Oof, is it hot in here or is it just me? Whew!
i made my og account in 2011 and get nostalgic thinking about jaredvaldez4, i played all kinds of shit and remember discovering how to noclip with cheatengine from that one scriptkiddie forum and messing with lua scripts on those scripting servers. sometimes i check in on roblox and it's always sad to see how worse it's become, i'll always rue the day that they removed tickets
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its been a while... probably some bc only game or that jaredvaldez zombie survival iirc
hat price floor just increased to R$85
didnt mean to reply
Hugest nothing burger of all of ROBLOXia is coming. They can’t possibly bring back old ROBLOX.
fortunately my pessimism from that event 2 months ago has not worn off and I can safely predict that there’s gonna be a lot of games totally unsuitable to the event being picked because they just picked the top 50 or whatever games being played at the time, again
including all those copied and pasted simulators made by the same faggots who got to waste millions of hours of event hunters’ time with their games that took over an hour to get the badge for
Hugest something hotdog of all of ROBLOXia is coming. They are going to bring back old ROBLOX!
all me btw
>oh hey there's a lumber inc 3 remake
>first server i join has australian mcdonalds wifi used to host it
>second server i join is full of ipad kids who don't speak english and decide to use the exact opposite type of vehicles than what is needed, like everyone using lifters when hauling is needed, or everyone using haulers when lifting is needed
shit like this makes you realize that one of the underappreciated things about old roblox is that you could join any game and most people would have equator room temperature IQ at minimum, at least compared to now where it's antarctica room temperature IQ
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2018 was the best time on ROBLOX heck the internet even, for me alot of shit was happening and communities were engaging and fun until the next years they turned into a political turmoil and a mediocre cesspool of autists but i digress, how did you guys experience 2018 ROBLOX?
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Is the person who made this still browse this thread?
I think it is a pretty alright tool for finding random roblox games, but it wasn't good enough. I have made some modifications to your script to include a random loop search to infinitely generate places.
I didn't do much, and I modified it to what I already know of lua so there's that.

There is problems with the generator, not sure if they can be fixed cause they do depend on the place catalog. Many generated games are sometimes common to show up, such as "murder,"animatronic awakening","drive","bunny island." and such. Not sure if it's just bot spam or a problem with the script itself, perhaps include a filter for those games with those games.

Another thing I'd like to see is more configurations with the search, perhaps include a visit range config, that is all.
Joined in 2012 because my IRL friends wanted to play Base Wars together. Was such a good time, ROBLOX now is unrecognizable to me (it already was by 2016, but even then it still seemed like ROBLOX). I stopped playing in 2017. It's scary how time passes. I want to be 13 years old again.
what could david baszucki be cooking?
anyways i'm keeping my expectations real low for whatever roblox twitter is hinting at
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joined in 2008 because of fleskhjerta and I don't really remember my go to game. Got these favorited though.
2024 roblox events are like when you get promised a nice burger but instead you get an indian cow dung surprise. actually that applies to nearly any "good" roblox change.
>classic Roblox themed hunt
>it's 30 frontpage grinding simulators
>the "classic" accessories are R15 only shirts
I'm calling it, absolute dogshit
this is 100% the fault of mobile play. what's worse is that Places have to dumb down their controls for them.
so, its been a while since ive played, and i checked rolimons to see the leaks for the new event, is it common practice now to use a placeholder baseball cap for event prizes to prevent leaks? or are they just garbage items for testing purposes? theyre all abbreviated which makes it seem like they stand for something. i havent seen anyone talk about this
I’d say Lumber Inc 3’s controls weren’t really that complex in the first place as they were basically just moving your truck, lifting/lowering the fork/truckbed, and releasing whatever it’s carrying
the main complicated things are coordinating with your team so you know what types of trucks are most needed right now, and having the basic driving skills needed to not crash into someone else’s truck and have either one spaz out or get knocked over, or knowing rhe optimal position to load logs into a truck from without overshooting or undershooting
can't wait for roblox to be completely oblivious to the fact that the average player has only like two hours of most of free time to spend on roblox, after all sorts of things like responsibilities, hygiene, school/work, eating, using the bathroom, touching grass, playing other games, sleeping, etc
also forgot about other minor details like loading time, time spent browsing the website to find where to go, talking with friends, having a healthy social life, etc
lets be real if you're playing roblox past the age of 15 you dont have many friends
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what are you waiting for
come get your free ROBLOUX
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i'm a veteran of the Great Robloxian Hyperwar
ask me anything
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take me back...
>what kind of underage faggot are you
nah the top tier doesn't have enough simulatorslop and cashgrab bullshit
and no skibidi rizz mewing
fake image
Call it blind nostalgia but there haven't been any shooters quite as good as Call of Robloxia, Base Wars and Blackhawk Rescue Mission were. Maybe it's because people actually used the chat and everyone that did wasn't a total normie. Roblox was popular but not well known enough by the masses so the people that did play were geeks. Wasn't toxic and everything was so much better. Felt like people had imagination back then. You could meet a random dude in Base Wars and 2 minutes later he's your brother in arms fighting off the yellow bastards. Do the same thing today they'll hit you with a fluoride stare.
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those "WHAT KIND OF GAMER ARE YOU" memes are going on like 4 years old retard, sorry nobody posted them on your shithole altchan
2011, I loved zombie tower games and other shooters
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Made an account because my friend in school told me how cool making your own games was. He works at NASA now while I'm a corporate wageslave.
this is so retarded it loops back to going kinda hard
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where we @ originalfags?
>not 2006
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And these are the only two games worth playing.
What voice comes in mind when you see this face
the original oof sound effect
because i've pwned noobs for 12 years
which seems like a lot more cause i kill
at LEAS twelbe n00bs a day!
micheal p
>dicking around with friends on vc
>friend gets banned for four hours
>i get banned for four hours
>no reason why
anyone else getting this? we didn't really do anything too bad, at least compared to all the other kids talking about rape and casually throwing fuck around
roblox uses indian coded bots for moderation. did you say the nigger word or something? that would probably trip the bot. id recommend just not using VC or doing anything that might risk the bot deleting your account, since even if you're unfairly banned your never getting it back.
alright guys, post what you think are the top 5 ugc accessories released after it was made “public” (accessible to anyone willing to spend like 25 bucks worth of robux per item)
remember, UGC accelerationism is a good thing because it pisses off LMADfags, draws copyright holders closer to ROBLOX to give the retarded admins a reality check, and it might occasionally create actually decent items in the process
i dont buy ugc trash, will be funny when nintendo catches wind of all their stuff being uploaded and kills UGC though.
I'd rather have the ugc program be invite only again, its getting difficult to find good stuff in-between all the shit knockoffs and re-uploads of tthe same shit I've seen a million times already, and that problem's only going to get worse, just like how shirts and pants became really hard to navigate through when Roblox made it NBC so anyone could upload and sell them
>he actually bought UGC
It's crazy how there have been people making money off of IPs like star wars for years now. I remember when that Half-Life Combine group got sued and had to change all their stuff to not be the Combine anymore. Wonder when that'll happen to stab wab people.
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Here’s your ROBLOX classic sword sir.
Yes, it’s real.
>roblox player
>touching grass
>anon talk about himself
i dont have to tell you to kys either way
>classic event
>every game participating is 2020+ trannyblox garbage
thankfully its just a weapon in blade ball. for a second i thought it was one of the rewards. theres also a noob and toy 1x apparently according to that brazillian twitter. crisis (hopefully) averted.
of course its not good that its a modern game, but honestly anyone hoping for roblox to actually pick old games for the event is ignorant. we might get pizza place at best since its the only relevant old game that still has its identity intact. ad*pt me is also rumored for the event.
I was told that there will be an option to play old ROBLOX, not dis shit.
i dont know what to tell you if you still trust roblox marketing immediately after they hyped up the hunt as an egg hunt only for it to be a shitty dev hunt with 1 egg, and 100 games and only 5 rewards not counting the gold pass.
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>be a "regular" in a roblox """community""" for many years
>bear witness to the lowest lows a human being can sink to multiple times
>constantly fight with other autists about whatever stupid shit comes up at that current moment
>other regulars get outcasted frequently due to them falling to one of the classic roblox vices (pedophilia, content thieving, insufferable personality)
>newfags that join get dumber and dumber every year
>game the community was established on starts inevitably dying out
>quality of the group starts dropping dramatically, owner/devs stop giving a fuck
>realize one day that you're the only one left of the original group of players you were with
>look around and see the hollow mess your stomping ground has become
i'd like to think that i don't regret the time i spent, and i mostly don't. but i feel like the whole experience made me worse as a person. guess that's what happens when you stick around turbo autists as a turbo autist yourself.
the default smile requires you to know how to edit your avatar since you have to remove your face to get it. its a different face from the "Smile" which is applied to all new accounts by default and looks alot cleaner
Don't new accounts get animated faces now? Those are the most hapless of all new users
yeah. all those faces are unobtainable now iirc, apart from man/woman which u can get by buying the bundle
dont care about whatever discordfaggotry you just said but the default smile face is either a literal 10 year old kid who doesnt know what theyre doing or the most menacing pro motherfucker in the server and there is no in-between
>looks alot cleaner
You're not one of us. You might be able to fool the rest of these mindless sheep but I see right through your facade, faggot. I know what you really are. If I had it my way I'd have had your kind wiped out before you had the chance to even be conceived.
default smile needs updated to the new default smile
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>theres children who are actually paying $5 a month for a singular roblox game's vip
Devex was really the final nail in the coffin for this website, wasn't it?
Are we the same person? Did I fuck you?
update on the "classic" thing
There’s a current roblox exploit going on with the website where you can wear any item you want, I already grabbed a few hats for my alts. All you have to do is just place the hat ID in the advanced creator and you can wear it with no restrictions. Enjoy while it lasts, /vm/.
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can't wait for them to fuck everything up again
yoinked the dominus with the keys
Go to your avatar editor and click on accessories, click any section and you will see a button that says advanced. Just note that it doesn’t work for faces, tried it already.
fuck, i think they just fixed it
doesn't work anymore
i wanted my dominus venari :(
i got it but then they fixed when i was trying to add the green devcrown and i lost it
Who drippin
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Hey look at me, I'm an attention starved faggot :D
I was taking a really big shit and missed my chance :(
Does it unequip the items if you update your avatar? Or do you just have it on an outfit forever now?
id assume as long as you dont change your avatar itd stay. i doubt loading it from a saved outfit would keep it, but for just adding items it would probably depend on how the system handles avatar changes.
>upside down when arm isn't raised
>claiming to love roblox when it clearly doesn't love its users back
what race is this
why do beta nuroblox males piss their pants at the sight of the old ROBLOX logo?
he looks old enough to have been around for old logo
2017 was 7 years ago anon, the majority of players on roblox dont remember the pre-cheezit era
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Anyone want to play this on the weekends?
why do alpha old ROBLOXian girls shit their shirts at the thought of 2017 players?
I wish I had done the domino crown or one of the sparkletime fedoras rather than the valkyrie.
I want to believe they're baiting us into thinking this event's gonna be ass by posting a shitpost-quality teaser.
But knowing ROBLOX, they'll somehow butcher an event about themselves during their earlier years.
can't wait for totally out of place games with literally nothing to do with old roblox, games that don't even fucking recognize the event theme besides maybe putting a few bricks with studs somewhere, historical revisionism, awful redesigns of classic items, blatantly inaccurate stuff, and more
>doge head
Yup! It's over.
not even gonna question it
>signed his own post
Glad to know you know what you're talking about: old Ro-cocks did in fact suck.
There was never any hope for the Classic event. You didn't.. really think they'd somehow pull through and deliver a decent event NOW, of all times, did you? With their current track record?
you'd be surprised how many people in the roblox community have memories shorter than 2 months
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The only people who actually think this event will be good are faggot nublox children who don't know any better. I'm only hopeful that this event will bring in more features that will make the platform better. The R6 to R15 emulator that they released months ago was a great start for equity between the two character states but they never updated it after the original release. I'm praying that this event causes the code monkeys behind it to continue working on the emulator so I can finally get full mesh and texture quality in all games.
was interesting to see it use the pre-2006 studs
Finally, some classic roblox porn, when was this made?
Old ROBLOX is never coming back.
Revivals will always be shut down by David Baszucki-- he's afraid of a revival overtaking ROBLOX. Even if that is unrealistic, some people would rather play revivals instead of ROBLOX. They'd rather play something better than corporate slop. But that's the thing. In ROBLOX, you have R$, a currency that is used to spend on items. But in most revivals, there is no purchases. It's all free. More control over what you can do-- and Baszucki fears it. Graphictoria was an example. However, it fell. I kid you not, David brainwashed EnergyCell. He was an autist already, however whatever Daddy David did made him a pedo autist. Same with Brick-Hill. He tried to brainwash brick-luke, but it failed so they executed him. Spacebuilder, on the other hand did work.
Why is David doing this? Because he likes children himself. He always did. He molested his own son. He has very horrible things. Pedophilia is not just any normal philia, it's a disease, and he's spreading it. Pedophilia is more common than you think now, and Basuzcki is one of the reasons.
Now, sometimes Baszucki can't brainwash people, so what does he do? He hires hackers minimum wage to hack these revivals and find exploits in his old client code. That's how GOODBLOX died. That's how MADBLOX died. And if that doesn't work, he abuses the legal system and DMCA's them.
Now, you might think I'm a schizo. And, you are very correct. I work at ROBLOX. I hate it here. I want out, but I can't. It's the only way for money. At first it seemed nice, ROBLOX sort of is a childhood game to me. Now it's a fucking nightmare.
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Hrmm, these accusations are very serious. Why don't you come over to my office so we can discuss these matters in person?
Finobe, Rhodum, Austiblox, Syntax, Topazbrix, Dynamica, Coolblox, I've seen most of them. They've filled the ORC now with trannies and retarded ro-gansta children who try to be mean to be cool. If you still want to play old ROBLOX, try out Novetus, RetroStudio, Super Nostalgia Zone. David can't really touch those.
arabuz is the artist
play roblox at war pls i want more players
I met a russian girl on roblox and we are getting married soon
I met a black bull on roblox and we are getting married soon
so instead of ro gangsta children and trannies you get just children and trannies, a vastly superior alternative indeed
Novetus is the best option. Self hosted servers and such, just need to combine it with the Rchive archive of roblox places.
oh no no no no no no no avatarthreadsisters what the fuck is this
I forgot. Just play Novetus.
Didn't that turd worlder stop making rococks porn out of shame or something?
i mean, wouldnt you? imagine being known as the "guy who makes roblox porn". id delete all my work and start DMCA'ing boorus
>classic event prizes are rthro bundles and 3d clothing
owari da
theres no way they fuck up this badly, even THE HUNT avoided rhtro shit
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>tfw I joined in 08
>tfw I witnessed the rise and harsh fall in realtime as years came and went
>tfw the game that was my runescape is now a semi metaverse shithole
God it fucking hurts
the korblox package was rthro
the korblox package was just some random bullshit to hype people up beforehand, hitherto it wasn't really part of the event
all of the rewards (and i think all of the daily sale items) were just normal hats
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ok, apparently not rthro but they do use layered clothing. theres a valkyrie and an adventurer. they might be unrelated but the unified color scheme and use of the classic roblox valkyrie helm (despite their being other types of valkyrie helmets on the catalog) make me think its related to the event. they might be catalog bundles or something similar to the korblox package that unlocks something in the event.
>no top hat
into the trash.
>layered clothing which looks fucked on classic avatars
>and is incompatible with r6
i'll add that to the "completely missing the fucking theme" counter
there isnt even a single classic game in the event. not even pizza place which everyone figured was going to be in, seemed like an obvious choice. i figured the games were gonna be shit but i was hoping the prizes would at least be somewhat decent. hopefully my copium is right and these are just catalog bundles, though my expectations for the other prizes have significantly lowered.
its looking like theyre gonna phase that out this year unfortunately so thats not surprising to me in the slightest.
t. Baszucki
>phase out r6
I keep getting that damn "r6 avatars are incompatible with some shit" popup whenever I try to change outfits. I say they drop the hammer on r6 before the end of the year.
500 robux they reveal an incredibly shitty banded tophat the same way they revealed the egg for the hunt, it just shows up at the end and you need 99 or 95 badges to get it.
2011-ish, a few games I can remember really loving are
>Medieval Clash
>Battle of Carentan
>Tactical Entry
Don't think I can remember off my head a title directly from 2011, but there was alot of great games from that 2009 period to at least late 2014, really good time to enjoy roblox.
Anyone got a clue how can i join someone's game if their joins are off?
It was the pre-DevEx era where the devs just made shit because they thought it was cool and fun. And the gamepasses were just t-shirts that occasionally gave you something stupidly OP. Every game now is made with the intention of being monetized to hell and back even if they're more advanced.
It's funny how there were people that stole games for literally no reason other than clout and currency that couldn't be exchanged for anything real though.
yup, was going to bring that up in my original post. in the recent few days whenever i switch an outfit ive been getting that warning as well. i also need to go into the shitty desktop app to create a new R6 outfit because the browser forces all outfits to save as R15, though for now you can update already existing R6 outfits in the browser without it forcing it back to R15.
what’s the leaked place list so i can pre-emptively check off some spaces on my bingo card
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I created my account in mid 2011, I could barely read at that time.
>stolen iron cafe game #3495
bros this is so heckin classic right now i cant believe we're really getting such a classic event i feel so immersed within the classic theme you guys this is insane how classic it all is
holy fuck they couldn't even bother to choose different games than the last event, bee swarm is the only new addition
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>we're gonna make an old roblox themed event!
>looks at game list
>oldest game is from 2015
I actually might quit Roblox if they remove R6. I'm making a game in R6 right now, not really giving a shit if anyone plays it or not, I just want to make it for myself to enjoy a part of my childhood that once was. And holy shit, I tried working with the R15 animate script and it was terrible. Probably need 2 hours minimum to understand what the hells going on in there. So not only is it dogshit to work with, it also looks extremely terrible with classic clothing, but I guess that's why layered clothing is a thing now. By removing R6 they're basically saying "FUCK YOU BITCH, WE ONLY CARE ABOUT INVESTORS", so honestly fuck them too.
There's barely any good games on Roblox anymore. Community is also retarded because normies found out about it. If they're going to remove our ability to at least create what we want, then why the fuck should we stay on their platform?
Joined in 2011, the only games I really remember playing around that time was CoR5, Blox City Brick Battle, and Avert The Odds 2.
I also used to play whatever front page slop there was, mainly obbies and the occasional Tycoon game.

The only games I've played a whole lot recently are Airship Assault and Untitled Boxing Game.

Phantom Forces is probably my most played game, been playing it back when Crane Site was the only map in the game and guns had no attachments. Don't play it as much because there are troons surrounding it.
the old PF beta, where there was none of the bullshit that crept in as it updated
pretty sure there isnt a single gear that works with r15. not that roblox gives a fuck about gear but its ridiculous that they just break shit people paid for.
my favorite classic roblox game, skibidi toilet
games for this feel?
Should I create a youtube channel to post all my roblox videos from the 2011-2013 era? I have around 500 to 1,000 of them, though.
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If you're willing to put in the effort for ~500-1000 videos, you could take recordings from your viewers as well, that way it becomes a megacompilation of its own.
But all in all, not a bad idea by itself.
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>had this image saved since 2020
i think i predicted the future by downloading this funny image ages ago
is there any way to get my copyrighted t shirts and clothing deleted before i get caught in the next DMCA wave? ive archived all i could and backed up all my old models locally and replaced them with blank gray parts but there doesnt seem to be any option to get rid of clothing or other certain assets in the develop tab like "images". id rather not get my entire account nuked for a t shirt of kirby i uploaded a decade ago.
carter didn't get aids though?
kuz did thoughbeit
Started as a guest in 2010, made my first account in 2011, my main is 2012. I loved Reason 2 Die, Heli Wars, Build to Survive The Zombies, Undead Nation, Base wars, Daxter's Paintball. I haven't played much in a the past few years since as far as I know everything has gone to shit, literally zero good games on the front page now. Anything that still has soul you have to dig for, and they'll at most have 100 players.
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How much effort do i have to put in to make a "mediocre" game to get le easy robux? I mean learning studio and LUA from scratch.
Just copy what other tards are doing. You can make afk simulators like shit's rng, which can generate lots of robux if premium players are "playing" it. And as far as learning goes, you should probably know to make meshes, textures, and FX effects, if you want to attract a bunch of kids. I've been making my platformer game for about 3 years now, and it only took me about 3-4 months to actually learn Lua. However I've been stuck on making the engine because I remake my animations every 5 months or so and keep adding/removing features that no one asked for. On the bright side. it didn't involve any complex math, most I ever did was use some trig functions here and there. It's just Boolean variables at the end of the day really.
just make simulator slop, guaranteed profits from kids using their parents' money
Make an AFK autoclicker game and redeem sir
part of the reason why simulators are popular ideas for cashgrabs is how easily you can extend the grind
just add some new areas, make the numbers for the new areas larger than that of the previous area, and recolor some objects for the new area (and maybe slightly alter some models)
and also slap on some more shit onto blocky pets and there you have your pet gacha for the area, that totally won't become obsolete in another 2 areas

also you can make whatever the fuck kind of "starter pack buy this "OP" stuff now before time runs out" "deals" you want as you know the paid shit is gonna be obsolete a fraction of a percent into the grind anyways

with obbies you have to actually extend them (and people tend to not bother replaying obbies because there's no real saving or "progress" to work towards) and with tycoons you have to put everything inside the next bit inside the current "final" part's model, which can be a pain in the ass to work with sometimes
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My older brother helped me make my first account in 2010 when I was in like preschool.

My go-to games are in picrel. Top right is Sword Fights on the Heights VIII. It was a hidden gem to me.

Two other hidden gems I remember fondly:
>SmileDude's Bowling Alley
>Push Noobs Off A Cliff Into Lava!
None of them work correctly anymore but goddamn they had sovl

I want to get my first account back because I forgot the password after changing it a bunch of times because I was a dumbass kid.
Too bad Roblox Support won't do shit to help people like me.
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VGH... so FVARKING retro...
even doe "kuz" was some floridian larping as le ebin oldfag
you were in preschool in 2010? it's so over for me
shilling my game
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Wow nice fucking catalog surfer you made there. It totally doesn't fucking work at times. I do see that it still tries to teleport you after the teleport failed prompt, but see if you can check if the game is not fucking restricted first before playing the fucking game, and add some more configurations to it.

However, there's already a handful of fucking place and catalog generators out there you fucking mindless fuck. Such as this fucking game.


It's honestly quite fucking fun to see what shit comes up randomly on the roblox catalog and see what stuff people were creating back then.

I actually fucking made my own fucking ID surfer a while back just for fucking fun. It fucking sucks as well so I'll shill mine with your shitty game generator. I am experimenting with a fucking clothing generator to get NPCs with fucking randomly generated clothing.

did you just fucking turn fucking 13 or fucking something, fucking retard
fuckity fuck fuck fuc fuck fuck fucking fuck.

Fuckity fuck fucker.
fucking WHOAAAA!!!! fucking watch your fucking language there you little fucking shit.
FUCK SHUT THE FUCK UP, I can fucking say fucking whatever I fucking want you fucking fucktard.
Yeah give or take. I was born in '05 for reference.
Now here I am, depressingly waiting for The Classic event to drop. I have zero confidence it's gonna bang at all.
it'd be hilarious if they couldn't get Natural Disaster Survival back from the first Hunt. It's one of the few actual retro games still populated, if not the only one
NDS is rumored but hasnt been confirmed yet. its in the leaks place but i think its just cope.
I refuse to consider 2011 as being oldfag tier, 2009 is probably the cutoff for that.
>t. joined in 2011
The guy that made that probably joined in 2011 but I think it's more like
>2005-2006: pre-classic
>2007-2009: classic
>2010-2013: post-classic
>2014-2015: pre-modern
>2016-2018: modern
>2019-present: post-modern (UGC shit)
A bit too semantic for me desu, I'd say;
>4915 BC-2005: Lambda Era
>2006-2007: Retro
>2008-2011: Classic
>2012-2015: Golden Age
>2016-2018: Modern
>2019-2021: Post-Modern
>2022-Present: Post-Mortem
>>4915 BC-2005: Lambda Era
hi eclipse
did you guys come from this place
>2004-2005: preclassic
>2006-2009: classic
>2010-2011: pre-postclassic
>2012-2014: postclassic
>2015-2016: premodern
>2017-2018: modern
>2019-present: postm*dern
I was 4 years old when roblox was created
>2010-2011: pre-postclassic
so you joined in 2010?
>Boring age 2006-2010
>Golden age 2011-2013
>Dark age 2014-Present
sigma age 2020-2024
PG’d age: 2006-when i joined
golden age: when i joined-2 years after that
dark age: 2 years after i joined-now
pg'd age: 2006-a couple years before i joined
golden age: year i joined + the 2 or 3 before
dark age: year after i joined-present
pg'd age: you
golden age: me
dark age: also you
pg'd age: me
golden age: me
dark age: me
you age: me
golden age: dark
age me: pg'ed
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i don't follow the ugc community, but how the fuck did this bootleg making nigger obtain a ban hammer
iirc he was mentioned on that twitter account who complained about fake limiteds all the time
pg'd age: look at computers
golden age: see food
dark age:
you age: REPLY TO
golden age: THIS POST
age me: OR YOUR
>>1294327->>1294357 pre-pre-classic
>>1294480->>1295054 post-pre-classic
>>1295073->>1295102 pre-golden
>>1295516- >>1295518 post-golden
>>1295523->>1295542 post-pre-modern
>>1295553->>1295563 neoclassical
2004: pre-preclassic
2005: pre-post-preclassic
2006: post-preclassic
2007: classic
2008: pre-pre-postclassic
2009: post-pre-pre-postclassic
2010: pre-postclassic
2011: post-pre-postclassic
2012: postclassic
2013: post-postclassic
2014: post-postclassic-premodern
2015: post-post-postclassic-premodern
2016: premodern
2017: post-premodern
2018: post-post-premodern
2019: modern
2020: postmodern
2021: post-postmodern
2022: pre-post-post-post-postmodern-pre-death
2023: post-post-post-postmodern-pre-death
2024: post-post-post-post-postmodern-pre-death
post deez nuts
2003-2014: ancient
2015-2018: retro
2019-2021: classic
2022-2024: nu-blox
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Looks like Public Audios are coming back and will totally not backfire
wow, they're actually bringing something back for once
looks like there's gonna be more bureaucratic verification bullshit in the way
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Anyone got games they wanna shill that they made?
When I was born: classic kino
When you were born: golden age
When they/them were born: dark age
Initial D - Deja Vu
>have to give your ID to upload audio
this is so they can legally punish you in real life for uploading copyrighted content, wouldnt bother
yeah just like all of those really copyright-obsessed companies did for those ID-verified one piece, dbz and nintendo ugc creators
oh wait
they also havent done any takedowns on roblox yet presumably because they dont know.
i think we could actually make something happen
we just need someone to put contact form links in one easy and convenient place
we tried this before and it didn't work
all that will do is get a bunch of innocents terminated for shirts they uploaded a decade ago while ugcfags continue to make alts
and this also, something will only happen if nintendo does an official partnership with roblox (thats why the vans, nike and adidas termination waves happened)
no, just nobody did it lmao
it's out https://www.roblox.com/the-classic
>5 days to do hundreds of badges
bravo, roblox
>5 days
how do they keep fucking it up this badly
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4 prize leaks:
new sk8r
roblox cake hat
1x1x1x1 sword
la abominacion impia
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Hold the line, doombros. Worst event incoming.
>another back weapon accessory you can't use, as if there weren't already 35408784 of them already
>ok cake hat
>ok-ish sk8r hat
>why is this in an event about old roblox
ok that map actually looks kinda nice but i just know they'll find some way to fuck it up
i dont get roblox's obsession with phasing out gears. i get that you cant use them in most games but its nice to have them in the games where you can, plus isnt there a whole subcommunity of autists dedicated to roblox swords?
>>why is this in an event about old roblox
im assuming the roblox hoodie is the free item you get for joining the lobby. the hunt had one too, despite all the other prizes being classic items.
>1x1x1x1 sword
i think a contributing factor to roblox forgetting about gears is the fact that trying to balance them would be a pain in the ass given how many already exist
you have gears that are so ineffective that it's basically suicide to try using them in pvp, and then you have gears that are so overpowered and overcentralizing that you can count the amount of viable counters to them on your hands
and then there's the problem of places that already have weapons that may or may not be balanced to be on similar power levels to gear items

i guess the best way to possibly balance all the who knows how many gear items would be to group them into tiers with gears being only allowed into places setup to allow a specific tier of gear effectiveness and below, but making the tiers themselves would be a problem
if you rank them just based on stats then some gears which look strong on paper but are actually pretty bad in practice could be put in tiers above what they'd really belong in, and gears which look weak on paper but are actually really good in actual combat would be in lower tiers than they really belong in
and then there's gears that alone aren't that useful but when combined with other gears can become much stronger
maybe usage based tiering might work but that'd require 1: every gear item to be equally accessible, and 2: a limit on how many gears you can bring at once. the first requirement is invalid because of gears being bought with robux, and the second is invalid because there was never a system to choose which gears you bring into games in the first place; if it's allowed, then you're given it when you spawn in. even if it's useless toolbar-filling shit that you were given for some event that doesn't do anything
you'd basically have to limit that to special gear fighting places that give everyone access to the same set of gear for free and limit how many you can have at once
even after you've gotten the whole "you can bring any gear even ones you don't own, but you can only spawn with X amount at a time" thing setup, you'd still need some consistent way to track usage
trying to track based on time used would be skewed in favor of weapons you'd have out most of the time instead of utility gears that you leave in your pocket until you need their utility, and trying to track based on times someone spawns in with them could be skewed by constantly dying to inflate usage statistics, and it'd likely favor worse gears because you'd be dying more often if you weren't using the best gears within a given usage tier
one possible, feasible method would be on a per-round/battle/whatever basis where people can't change their gear loadout in the middle of a round
and that's likely the only feasible method

even then, you'd basically be tracking usage for gears within formats where anything strong enough to be used frequently enough in higher tiers would be restricted to only being used in its tier and above, which might not be fully indicative of how the gear would perform in an environment where everything goes and anyone can use anything with as many other gears as needed, but to be desu i don't really think there's that much that can be done to try and balance things in an environment where people can just carry around a hotbar full of powerful AoE weapons and just constantly nuke everything around them
it wouldnt be hard to at least keep them compatible, they dont need to make new ones or keep anything balanced. they literally deliberately broke the skateboard player controller and took them all off sale and broke the RC cars in some update and refused to fix them. theres probably more but those are the ones i know of.
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So it begins.
May the ID gods have mercy on our souls.
>Bamboo survival knife (aka Murder Mystery Knife) is considered classic now
I am getting old aren’t I
it's from september 2013
source: clicked on one of its dependencies and ID surfed to the first item with a visible creation date
Join us on a completely forgettable, waste of time as we desecrate our past during the Classic from May 23-28.

Jump in today and kill yourself.
only 5 days
but hopefully that's not gonna be the end of the world as there won't be 100 fucking games
and I don't think there were any cancerous waiting simulator games chosen this time
i mean at least he waited for page 5
better than making a new thread before the current one reaches bump limit in the first place
>at least
nigger what the fuck do you mean "at least" page 5?
you're supposed to wait until page 9 or 10 because it splits the discussion into two for days.
but of course you've never baked until now. lurk 5 years more before you do it again
page 5 is late by these threads' average, retard
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you must be 18 or older to post here
holy shit just shut the fuck up. you are so painfully desperate to fit in im going to die of cringe.
mad you got called out?
I leik chezburgerz
its raining tacos!
it's still nostalgia pandering but roblox doesn't know what made old roblox nostalgic

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