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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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/ro/ is the slow-mode bunker thread for all Ragnarok Online related things. When servers are up and running, or a popular server is upcoming/recently released, we move to /vg/ under the /rog/ tag.


>Project Sunshine - New server; Mid pop; vanillacore low-rate; 2x client limit
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal
Rates: Customized depending on spawn rarity

>But where is /ro/ playing??
Nowhere en masse. You can find a few stragglers on any of those servers.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article.

Source Code:
move on
thread made by blackgoku, 4leaf not in op
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OP is a faggot.

Sunshine Admin gives free items to 'girl' players.
>plv . gg/sunshine.mp4
i can't tell if 4leaf is a meme or not. aren't there only like 3-4 people playing on there?
It's a flopped dead server made by a discord for their discord, masquerading as a /v/ server.
The only reason it's still around is because the discord blackmailed the GM into keeping it up indefinitely "just in case"
You'll see pathetic attempts at reviving it here everyone once in a while but nobody gives a shit.
4leaf is left turned on by the owner but nobody has played there in years. The guy is a webdev and has his normal projects running, the RO server in the background is entirely worthless to him.

It's entirely possible the server has shut down months ago and nobody would have noticed yet.
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>It's entirely possible the server has shut down months ago and nobody would have noticed yet.
Not quite since a few mentally ill fucks like ratshitpiss regularly check it since they're obsessed with reviving it because its the only place where they didn't get dickslapped/excluded by the entire rest of the server for being terrible at the game.
the most active mvp killer up until recently was a whitesmith and he switched over to champ but only because when theres competition there are too many ways to grief a ws with eske etc and he switched begrudgingly
snipers dont even bother coming to anything bigger than turtle moonlight or niches like ktulla vesper gloom because champchads cuck them in terms of dps
the most popular choice remains champ though and its the most braindead one to play
>ccro in the OP
sisters our super secret server...
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theres also an lk which solos eddgathos ( trash loot for the time it takes to do the tower), paladins that kill dracula/osiris (trash loot) and a creo that sometimes kills things but it must be a zeny sink for him even more than it is for champs
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this continues to be literally nothing, just a cosmetic item
vanessa... the bragi...
Why was this shitpost deleted?
The first good laugh I had in a while and some faggot reported it or something
probably banned from another post
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MapleStory is back with recruiting on uaro. This time we have some small requirements: play the game and be normal.
>ERPtranny guild from /trash/
>"be normal"
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Take your pill.
>no argument
I accept your concession
Ragnarok Online TD
I'm playing on uaro but I'm not going to join your guild.
Ragnarok Online Hero Line Wars
Lets play Ragnarok in Warcraft 3.
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Currently trying Muramasa meme build.
It sucks there is no enugh FLEE and I have to spend too much on fresh fish.
Maybe it will become better after level 90 and 100 crit rate.
holyshit you sacrifice so much damage, dont you?
shouldve been a mage instead
Battle linker is a cool meme build tho.
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need me a LK housewife
I can only imagine how shit it must be to play a build that puts points in luck
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666 damage on every hit
Crit sin is nice, i have no idea if it requires to put points into luck, since katars doubles crit chance (even from cards, i think?).
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>Crit sin is nice

I'm sorry bro, I really wish Crit builds weren't total dogshit, but they are. The only place they can shine is heavily custom servers with crazy gear.
It's actually nice on servers with double-cirt even without the crazy gear.
bro, your strength... your agi...
Double Crit is a custom change / Renewal backport
As long as your LUK is above your Base Level, you will not be cursed. You didn't have to go to almost 100 upfront, just staying a safe 1~2 points ahead is enough.
I appreciate the rundown. I kinda wanted to make a Whitesmith cause they seem pretty rare, but it looks like Champion is the move.
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>bullikeks like tranne still seething that they didn't get to 99 first
>ryan cuckling still coping that he admitted to account sharing and multiclikening because "everypony else did it too"
>(You) still malding by the fact you begged a bard to join your shit parties even though you swear they suck and they could never beat you at anything let alone multiple times in a row
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its time for some eu ebinism
Wong thread xigger
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1 day was enough to get bored and realize how shit and memey this build actually is. At least now I know why nobody plays it.

Good thing I have zenny for real gear and rerolls.
>erp tranny forgets which board/thread he's shitposting on
color me fucking surprised
It's actually very good and viable. The steady damage does wonders. But I really think LK is needed to truly enjoy it.
Aura Blade is a big deal for auto attack crits and the bonus hit from Concentration is enough that you can still hit things with bowling bash when necessary.

Still has the same problems as any auto-attacker and crit build but I'd consider it way, way more playable than a crit sin.
Yeah, maybe I will try it again with LK.
You can get 190 aspd with berserk and minimal agi investment, together with aura blade and concentration it might work.
But for a knight it's shit! SHIT!
>don't want racists
fuck off, might as well advertise on plebbit and 9gag
Being a mura build with luk is fucking retarded, just get 100 vit and the curse lasts 0.1 second so its completely negligible and you get an actually useful stat up instead of worthless shit, you should be something along the lines of
>str 60+
>agi 60+
>vit 90+ (100 with equips and bonus, you do the math)
>int 1
>dex 1
>luk 1
Remember your vanberk card
Vit doesn't reduce curse duration you stupid nigger
You're looking at the renewal wiki you fucking double nigger faggot piece of shit woman
That's not a good deal because you really want the CritRate from the LUK stat. Just the Mura and crit gear won't do it.
>vanberk card
If you're going to use Vanberk as a clutch, why even do a crit build at all?

It does.
just the vanberk and a good aspd is more than enough, wasting points in luk is retarded and forces you to either have less hp, less flee/aspd or less damage in exchange for some crit chance that could be easily obtained with cheap equips like kobold cards and again the vanberk card that makes everything viable
Vanberk activation chance is nowhere near reliable enough. It would be on a high rate server with aspd over 190 but on a regular server, just no.

Don't forget Muramasa also gives ASPD.
It's completely reliable once you hit 180+ aspd, and even if it doesn't proc you already have 30% crit chance and cheap equips can get you to 40+ easily
Leveling luck is absolutely retarded, the best methods for muraknight have always been either luck underflow or max vit, and it's for a reason
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>just a cosmetic item

Are you really attempting to jew-spin Admin abuse?

Having video record of it happening once, means it happens often.

Giving away items of any sort is wrong.
Giving away items because a 'female' validates your insecurities is even worse.

>Advertising a corrupt server.
OP is a faggot.
the virgin theory crafter vs the chad experimental builder

just throw shit to the wall see what sticks, you can listen all day to the minmaxing clowns here but what matters in the end is maximizing the entertainment value you can get out of this shitty old ass game. If you like your guy going full retard triple attack with random bolts coming out of your ass because it sounds like a fuckign machinegun then do it, dont let the minmax spergs ruin your fun.
>but muh optimal DPS statistical distribution excel sheet
go fuck an abacus you fat ass nerd
i would rather play with kind normal people than schizophrenic /trash/ erpers thank you
There's no experimenting in a 22 year old game that's been solved you shitter
4leaf has enough changes that allows experimentation
only 30% crit is pretty shit for a dedicated crit build with 0 dex though, because there are enough monsters with at least marginal crit shield, so that 30% will very quickly become 20% or 15% crit against tougher targets
you can throw on kobold rings, cursed brooches (lmao), morrigane's set, whatever you want to get it up there, typically you need somewhere in the vein of 60-70% crit for the build to actually feel decent.

you have to go super hard into crit though and taking LUK is actually important, but it sacrifices the main usefulness of knight, which is build versatility. when you go dedicated critknight, you can't do fucking anything other than autoattack, whereas normal SVD knights can switch between piercing HOs, bowling bashing mobs, or frenzy farming anything (without crits), tanking mvps for parties, basically anything.

it depends on episode, on early episodes there was no way to go into luk underflow, later on the pets were changed so that yoyo gave -1 LUK, then we got green maiden card to get even more negative LUK. pre-trans, crit knights were basically enough LUK to avoid curse, then rest into STR and AGI (this is back when monsters had less HIT as well, so only having 60 agi and a whisper card would mostly suffice). by the time LKs rolled around you would just go berserk LK because concentration would solve all your HIT problems and massively outdps traditional critknight even against high def targets. that said critknight is fun and honestly if i had to build it nowadays (which I really don't care to) I would still go high LUK because the crit sound is crunchy as fuck and it's a meme build anyways, just accept that you won't have any VIT because you're not going to be tanking shit anyways.
crit sin is fun on servers where they let things like double/triple attack crit and you just play daggers

still sucks though
Why can't Term, Dicey, Cait, Anne, superlame, 2spooky, Major Tom, Updog, Follow, Dicey, Dokidoki, Newbie, Magnus autismo, Evenebesova, Poppy, Makii, Anonymoose, Unga, bunbun, super lame, Booba, Giant Rat, AS109, housewife, Borsalino, Ero-Batusey, Saber, Cait, Novvy, Wageslave, Mouse, Mimi, Misu, Kliff, Serena, Healer NPC, Bruce Mee, Mommy, Shiropan, American Healthcare, Robo, sikuning, WanderingQ, Graendol, Mental Health, Archy, Widderd, Dekinai, Ruma, reiuji utsuho, Investment, Gold, Poverty, Erwin Smith, 2spooky, hoppe, Love, Problematic, Tesyl, Hildegard von Bingen, Click, Enchanted Deadly Potion, Shiori, Almighty Jebus, Juri, Fabio, Amalia del Castillo, Edgy, Zode, Tirion Fordring, Brooklyza, Margaret Nearl, Terry Davis, Terminator, Aristotle, Ariandou, Makoto, Knuckles, Cookie, Enkou, blue potion, HosieSage, stress, zScout, Alezheimder, Minecraft, mateur, Angel, Anischeral, Romy, Charlotte de Coday, Newb, Sieggy, Sara, Asanagi, Pilk, Katsun, Orpheus, Phil Collins, Negromancer, Anne, Poppy, Kuropan, Ystasia, Loop, Literally Who, DorderWeeb, Unlimited Water Works, Sheena, Ursula, Pluto, Believe it, Sasuke, Naruto, Hitomi, Vallir, Kodachi, Dorder, Maydori, Fio Germi, Tsugu,, Mofumofu, Noriko, Sixshot, Black Rock Shooter, Brainlet Backline, prosciutto1, Ibogki, Follow, Rion, Pantsu, Sumika and Zedd do this?
>needs alche slave for chem protect
>needs crusader slave for providence
>needs acolyte slave for buffs
>needs soul linker wife + blacksmith for full adren rush + kaahi
>needs dedicated second sinx to brew the EDP445s
>all so he can kill porings on a 1x server
Ragna/v/3 this time with heavy customization (but clikekshitters get no say in the changes)
DankRO guy, please save us from this horror.
BibleRO guy, please show us the light.
Kino is back on the menu, boys
>b-but the admin is a scam artist! he lied about getting doxxed to have an excuse to shut down his server """"permanently"""" only to announce his new project weeks later!
Don't care
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What a cute boy.
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Looks fun
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Eternal reminder.
The plebs cannot be controlled by organized shitters
B-But they were the rock stars of /rog/, the RO god e-ecelebs who never crash and burn at endgame... How could the PLEB SHITTER NOOB COMMONER masses not CARE what server they move to???
what the hell is this?
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I wish Snorigins came back.
Kill yourself zulfcuck
why am i not surprised that this thread is filled with mentally ill /xivg/trannies
fuck off Rounigger
are clowns really supposed to only have 1 base dex for woe? having trouble deciding on my stat priority because i'm new to all of this.
If you're a new player playing clown on WoE, you can just go with a normal DEX/INT build. View how much VIT you have as being your amount of stun resistance, and know that a real WoE has gypsies screaming constantly, so assume you'll be stunned a lot under 100 total VIT. Clown is an immensely complex class to play well in WoE, but very easy to play "decently," in which case you just sit in the middle of your guild's stack and flash bragi and apple.
don't listen to this retard >>1286035, you'll get laughed out of whatever guild you're in if you show up there with dex
>Clown is an immensely complex class to play well in WoE
lmao, even
yea shoot this is why it's confusing. i legit can't tell what's the meta build because the advice is usually conflicting. it seems like 90-100 vit, 140-150 int, rest agi is the move? is dex more for pve/pvm?
It's not that complicated
100 vit for stun immunity
140+ int for after cast delay
rest agi for better ASPD song

Dex reduces cast time, which is usually unneeded because everyone has instant cast or close to it anyway by virtue of maxing dex, (unless you play in some stone age meta)
You always need 90-100 VIT for status immunity and 90-100+ INT for Bragi

The rest is split between DEX and AGI and it kind of depends on the server.

On super saiyan custom servers, you won't really need DEX because everyone will have 150 for instant cast already. The extra AGI to buff ASPD song will be more generally useful.

DEX is better in earlier episodes and pretrans servers where 150 DEX for instant cast isn't really feasible for most players.
i'm playin on uaro (ep 13.1). i'm having trouble reaching the 130 INT breakpoint with BG gear without food. not sure if i should just settle with 125 INT breakpoint.
There's no breakpoint at 125

Go 120 for now and get VIT to 100
There is one at 125 though.
Bragi ACD reduction scales off every 10 total INT
>DEX and INT reductions only work in multiples of 10 and 5 respectively.
depends on server pop, the way you play clown in a 10 man guild differs vastly compared to how you play with 40, or even if you go down to super low pops like 5v5
40 man full guilds is basically pure dedicated woe builds or bust, and depends if you want 100 VIT build or 0 VIT with stun resist cards build - 100 VIT is much easier and also bumps your apple of idun for your guildies which is huge, but if you get nicked by a demo you fucking die. AGI is sometimes taken for better sunset assassin crosses (aspd matters a lot more in deathball metas), and of course INT is the most important stat because you want your guild to have zero aftercast delay.

In smaller pops like 10-15 man, you often skip AGI but still go heavy VIT/INT and play what you'd consider a basic bragi bitch. These playercounts tend to be a lot looser in play than the 40 man deathballs, so you're not going to be flashing 3 different songs on an entire cluster of people. Instead you're mostly going to be just keeping bragi up on your backline and maybe flashing Apple while attacking into precasts, one of the major concerns is not letting enemies run into your songs and take advantage of them. That said high DEX is still fine because it reduces the cast time of your tarot card, but if you have bragi via someone else (or link) it's already going to be casting fast.

For tiny pop servers just build however the fuck you want, you actually probably want high DEX so you can actually function as an attacker. Whether you go DEX/AGI to whip out the bow, or pure DEX/INT for bragi if your guild has a good wiz, or maybe DEX/VIT and skip INT if you want to just survive and maybe land some big arrow vulcans (>lmao big arrow vulcans), it comes down to preference.

But since it's uaro just go pure INT/VIT bitch and afk during woe while your guild still bitches at you.
Bragi would be the only song that works that way
Yeah it is
yo really appreciate the explanation. looks like INT/VIT is the move. this look good to you for uaro?
yeah perfect ship it
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forgot to attach lmao
>1 dex
i think my guild runs with 25-30 per woe. this'll be my first max level char on uaro and i haven't participated yet, but they said they need a bragi. i think i'll be flashing all 3 songs? not too sure.

how would you change it? i know you said high dex is fine, but if i'm flashing sunset, don't i want agi too? here's my rocalc

they asked for bragi not sunset
yea you right but after i joined they said "During combat, ensure that all three songs are active at all times. If you are linked, use "A Service For You" to enhance the champions' hitting power and reduce everyone's SP costs."
your weapon as WoE bard is always going to be either 4s violin with 3x fabre+golem, or harp with 1x fabre+golem
singular drops cards do not matter for bard, you want to not die, and golem is the single most important thing as bard because if your weapon breaks, you are absolutely fucking worthless and your guild will be guaranteed to lose every fight until you get back with a fixed weapon

as for other gear, I don't really know much about BG gear because BG equipments are a fucking joke and any good server will disable them, but I suppose that is fine, however once again you should consider just swapping to Alligator cards over angelic rings, you can put the alligators in your choice of necklace or earring, the main thing is that your gear specifically needs to be tailored to not dying since any competent player will be gunning for you (especially snipers)
Why can't amousemouse do this?
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>There's no breakpoint at 125
Clikek/bulliekek moment
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do u even check stuff urself b4 shitposting


same goes for you
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>hehehe guise look at me post an inaccurate calc!!
97 vit came from iRO retards doing incorrect testing because they didn't account for their luk stat so they just retardedly thought 97 gave immunity. It has never been actually true on official(aegis) servers. This myth then spread to eA servers who just made up an incorrect formula based on this retardation.

eA servers HAVE NOT BEEN USED for almost a decade now. That means stun immunity from 97 HAS NOT EXISTED on any server for almost a decade now.

Every single server you play, whether they are herc or rA, has stun immunity on 100 vit. You can go into any server config file and look it up for yourself.
You will never be an "RO god", shitter
you just said it, anyone can log in to their server and test it, good luck :)
>97 vit came from iRO retards doing incorrect testing because they didn't account for their luk stat so they just retardedly thought 97 gave immunity
That's not how multiple sources of status resistance stack. Your little narrative didn't survive a single sentence.
Yes they do you fucking moron. People have combined vit/luk to reach 100% immunity for years. Another thing you are completely clueless about, since you don't do anything in this game except ERPing at prontera fountain.
Just take the L and accept you know nothing about this game, mikutrooner.
Concession accepted.
You guys are so ass at this game its hilarious. I love reading this thread
This post is mathematically correct but you also gotta remember VIT reduces the length of time you get stunned. So with 97 you're not just mostly immune, even if you do get stunned it will last a fraction of a second, probably lower than your ping if you're playing from far enough.

For a bard it will cause the song to drop, at which point you can just press the button again, no harm done.
Stop moving the goal posts, you're supposed to just give passive aggressive copes while avoiding the argument entirely because your ego can't handle being wrong.
I'm not the one you had been replying to.
Yes and I'm telling you to copedeflect properly, like a professional bulliekek.
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I don't have to play the character that the voices in your head want me to.
vanessa... you didn't have 100 vit... the bragi...
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taekwon is...le fun
>RWC helm
>zero competition on the MVP
uaRO is such a joke kek
>using calculator as proof

is this a guy trolling or retarded, im intimidated
Never underestimate clikeks
are the person/persons posting the same schizo shit/images over and over again along the years at least getting paid for it? I can't fathom to understand the mind of a person that keeps posting this as a passion.
>says/does pants-on-head retarded shit constantly
>s-s-stop bringing it up!!
yeah, you are only ugly on the outside, don't worry.
Clikek seethe.
bulliekek moment
not unless vanessa is on lord j's payroll

anyway, vanessa is just mad that the bulliekeks wouldn't let her in.
beyond human communication. Maybe one day you will acquire the means to adapt to society. Keep trying
Maybe one day you will stop spouting erroneous shit here, or anywhere else, in a desperate attempt to look like an "RO god"
what? I never even mentioned RO, you might be bad in the head man, seek some professional help.
>le pretend to be innocent third party
>uses scripted clikek cope response #2827
oh you are a bot,
sudo shutdown now
miku lover? I also love miku, so theyre ok in my book
nobody here is actually good at the game

stop playing pretend
Its actually so cringe
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>she's still playing this outdated game when theres a superior mobile version
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u should do medusas with me
what about bullies? they are amazing at the game and don't need to use things to have an advantage over others like multiclienting or using shared accounts, and they definitely don't beg people to join them or recruit random clueless newfags to be their buff bitches.
>d-does friend count
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>ratilia still leaked the shared accounts
>they still begged to join parties so they had more witness to their fuckups
>they still didn't get to 99 first, ragequit and started a campaign to get gpu+bill banned
What does the "N" stand for?
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>can't do sealed bapho
>made people ragequit in multiple parties
>got cucked to 99
>can't do real mvps without using cheese tactics
>thinks it was for anything other than exposing their kike schemes
the fact that all you retards have to say is muh yellow key and now this shows how little you have to actually complain about specially when both things have been disproven, but by all means continue getting butthurt and keeping the mansion inside your retarded head looking great for me
Play Bard Lalo's song bitch
remember when you thought you posted this anonymously because you forgot about the quest log and the party menu's me?
10 pesos have been deposited to your bulliekek account
it's okay if you don't understand why the screenshot was edited like that, wouldn't expect better from a braindead retard
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>amon ra
who will tell him
it's okay i remember
remember when he didn't remember begging bullies to take him in and got shot down at least twice?
of course you remember since I own acres inside your smooth brain, but maybe you should try reading a fucking book so your sentence makes more sense
there's no need to remember
This should've been the last thread. Nothing of value has been posted since.
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guys come compete for amon ra please
>least cropped uatranny image
How else are they gonna hide their res tokens?
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come play uaRO plox, not having to compete for mvp's is actually hecking GOOD
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damn thanks for the tips. how does this look?
remember how you begged to join your shit parties so hard that you got outleveled easily and the only way one of you got to top achievements was by tricking clueless newfags into your retarded parties? lmao
she'll never acknowledge it. after the transition, she's unable to...
why did you guys shittalk ccro so much? cards are actually reasonable to farm here...
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mutliboxshitter absolutely and definitively mindbroken
Too large, not cropped enough.
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>Too large, not cropped enough.
>scared of replying
Can't handle the bantz, KWAB
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I'm so sorry.
ro friends....
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Why are newgens so consistently unlikeable? Its just parroting dumb shit and using it incorrectly to screech to try to look good in arguments. Shouldn't be so hard to learn without being a retard
no ro friends to play with
who is playing sunshine?
no one, we are all waiting for ragna/v/3
I'm just practicing priest on a small server until the next ragna/v/ or big server we all go to. I'm going to make so many friends this time...
who is?
half the people here shitposted v2 to death in favor of their ponyfuckers DOAflop and bullies ragequit it mere weeks into its lifespan
don't pretend like niggerdev wouldn't have shut that shit down just like the first time, nobody had to help him pull the trigger
move on already, vanessa
woe guilds
+ bill/gpu and some LK called Leon
weeks old news. narue already quit and so did most of the sunshine guild
here *unzips dick*
narue is still there solo farming things and never doing any endgame content because he keeps playing bad classes
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This sums up the beholder farming experience pretty well actully
I think I'm getting close to the regular drop rate for this card, way past the 1.5% chance on CCRO it's supposed to have.
I agree
but also, looking around for Mistress sucks dick
>average clikek the microsecond he doesn't have to pretend not to be a cheating little rat.jpg
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The server literally has convex mirror you lazy bum.
Gayworld users are the most soulless ""humans"" I have ever had the displeasure to find out I share a planet with. Their ideal RO would just be an excel spreadsheet of easily clickable tiles. Removing the graphics of a game to minmax is beyond heresy, and I am amazed in a despairful way how normalized it is in RO.
>fellow plankton combochad
my nigga
you are no longer my nigga
bullies might be tryhard faggots but at least they aren't greyworld tryhard faggots. literally the lowest of the low. why even play the game at that point.
As the resident PvPfag, I have to agree that grayworld is awful, soulless shit. The game has more than appropriate cues for you to play even at the highest tryhard, twitch reaction speed level. Using RCX/GPL is all you really need as external help, if at all.
Diddler could be respriting his unity ro project and selling it for big dollars before Nova steals all of his code/work.
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Very alive server
Anyone playing on uaro?
i'm glad we didn't play that shithole desu
>As the resident PvPfag
play a game with good pvp instead
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I like MMO PvP. Your opinion on whether it's good or not is irrelevant.
you have bad taste, inti
where can i find detailed cpu benchmarks for ragnarok performance, with and without grayworld and rcx enabled?
Nobody benchmarks this game. Even when it came out, any toaster could play it.
The only significant upgrade to performance this game has had in recent years was when kRO updated from DirectX7 to 9, a few years ago.
Yes, you read that right, upgrade to DX9 a couple of years ago.
ill keep looking
wtf i thought bulliekeks didn't use cheatworld??
>Even when it came out, any toaster could play
Don't fucking say that because I couldn't run it very well when it first came out.
The machine I was playing on originally went down to like .05 FPS when I went into Lutie because of the snow effect. I had to ask a friend from school to log into my account on his computer and leave that area.
lol boomer
Will RO ever been drama free?
4leaf had no drama!
Hoefully not. Lack of drama is a sure sign of a dead server. If people are not competing, something is terribly wrong.

Spite is the only content that never runs dry.
Nekomimi was so drama free that the thread doesn't even know who played there.
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Nekomimi could have gotten a baby playerbase at least if it launched around this time instead of the horrific timing Cats chose for himself. He had some nice ideas but it was more DoA than Utsu's server, even if Cats as a dev was very agreeable.
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Catpiss's flop died because he couldn't stop sucking ratshit's dick and nobody wants to associate with you ponyfucking trannies that can't stop screaming about how much you love "LE UTSU-CHWAN XD"
Calm down, woman. Men are talking.
Nah, he was even more retarded than any other dev. He made changes without even thinking about the consequences
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>4leaf had no drama!
bro your ragnarok looks sketchy
Can someone tell me the lore on each of the characters of this drama?
vincent: is a retard who can not follow a step by step guide of inputting a 3-number code into a website then putting another 3 number code again, because of this he is the eternal yellow key man. has an eternal feud with everyone else despite the fact that nobody actually gives a shit about him. literally "I think about you all the time." vs "I don't think about you at all"
ratshitpiss aka utsuho: a man who has based his entire personality around 2hu, despite never 1ccing any game on normal. everything he does must involve his obsession with anime lolis, hosted a failed server, is generally a piece of shit and incapable of even understanding why people hate him
rept: a man with stunted frontal lobe development who still acts like a 12 year old, genuinely unable to grasp basic social cues and thinks that everyone must cater to his demands, throws pissy fits whenever he is even gently told no

everyone else: mostly just actual people or your general dweebs you'd expect to be on 4chan, but these three schizos are the main posting force of these threads and never shut the fuck up - vincent got banned a few weeks ago and the thread instantly lost over 250 posts from all his posts being deleted
This is a pretty good drama, a love triangle central to the plot and zany supporting cast.
>mega cope, rent free edition
>Pub: 28 Nov 2023 13:48 UTC
>Edit: 28 Nov 2023 16:36 UTC
vanessa is a well known shitposter who is mad because she wasn't allowed to join bullies and wasn't able to solve the yellow key puzzle in thanatos. KWAB, you could say.
remember when bulliekek/clikek weebshitters kept raging because they didn't know what KWAB meant and the unfamiliarity made them scared, confused and disoriented?
remember when Vincent got banned and almost half the thread got deleted ? remember when he kept false flagging his own posts and replying to himself?
Term: Did you all see what just happened? NoAim really pulled a NoBrain move there.
Dicey: Seriously, harassing Mouse like that? That's just dicey behavior, even for NoAim.
Cait: I can't believe NoAim thought Mouse had Ifrit's ring! That's Cait-astrophic levels of cluelessness.
Anne: Yeah, it's like NoAim was living in their own little Anne-world, completely oblivious to reality.
Superlame: That's super lame of NoAim. I mean, seriously, who does that?
2spooky: That's spookier than any ghost story I know of. NoAim really needs to learn some respect.
Updog: Hey NoAim, what's updog? Not your behavior, that's for sure.
Follow: NoAim, you need to follow some basic rules of decency. Don't be a follower of chaos.
Dicey: Seriously, NoAim, you're giving us all a bad name. It's like you're trying to be as unpredictable as me, but in a bad way.
Dokidoki: My heart can't take this. NoAim, you need to calm down and think before you act.
Newbie: Even I know better than to do something like that. NoAim, you really need to learn some newbie manners.
Magnus autismo: NoAim, you're making me rethink my faith in humanity. That's a whole new level of autismo.
Evenebesova: NoAim, your behavior is even worse than my luck with drops. And that's saying something.
Poppy: NoAim, you're popping off in all the wrong ways. Can't you see how unfair that was to Mouse?
Makii: That's just plain makii-ng me mad, NoAim. Have some consideration for others.
Anonymoose: NoAim, you're like a moose in a china shop - completely oblivious to the damage you're causing.
Unga: NoAim, even Unga could see that what you did was wrong. That's saying a lot.
Bunbun: NoAim, you're hopping down the wrong bunny trail with that behavior.
Superlame: That's super lame of NoAim. I mean, seriously, who does that?
Booba: NoAim, you're acting like a big booba right now. Show some respect.
Giant Rat: Even I wouldn't steal from someone like that. NoAim, you're worse than a sewer rat.
Can't we move on from years old drama? it's not even fun anymore
was about to post this but i don't think there's a chance dramaposting will end any time soon because the vile scheming· cliekeks and naive vincent both keep using these threads and obviously can't tolerate each other but at the same they both can only remove themselves, there isnt a thread owner that can remove either side
i think a lot on threads on 4chan end up just being about someone's vendetta it's really unfortunate, youd think anonymity would help people focus less on personas behind each message but here its almost the opposite
anon, about 20% of a thread got deleted when vanessa got banned. it's impossible to discuss ragnarok online without her showing up and making it about her vendetta
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Good, scorched earth until you trannies leave and we can have 4chan guilds without secret trooncords lead by actual trannies
ahhh screen from the time majin buu was still around
>everypony I don't like is the same person
>never mind that other posts didn't get deleted
rent free
are you implying bullies leader is a biological female because hes been male chars
unlike your female monk playing tranny ass
Being a trannychaser is just as bad as being a tranny
>more buzzwords
i can see why they rejected you lmao
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>i-if i call something a buzzword it will make me win
Keep chasing those troon e-girls (90% of your guild), beta bitch.
lel you're fucking retarded my dude, kill yourself
he is not even in bullies
you are so mindbroken i dont think you will ever recover
dance monkey
how would you know who it is?
>buckbroken bulliekeks are now trying to memoryhole blutroon
The copes just keep getting better
i was literally in that discord? what is this question even lol
sorry I'm not that anon, are you talking about blu? you were in his discord?
i don't think you've played a single server with this community
you obviously aren't playing where we're playing now or you'd know this
go back to your melty
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>blutroon isn't part of bullies
remember everyone, trannies can't live without lying every minute about something
this mindbroken tranny is trapped in 2021 oh no...
Not an argument, it's already clear you're trying to deflect in cope because you're getting bitchslapped by reality.

blutroons was a bulliekek no matter how hard you try to cope and seethe >>1290660
Now here comes the part where you completely stop arguing and just go for the typical scripted copes like "g-go outside dude" or "i'm so confused i can't understand what you are saying" etc.

ps: Your ccRO safe space will never be a "LE EPIC SECRET" no matter how hard you try to force it. Unlike what your delusions tell, nobody gives a shit about you trannies until you shit up the thread with your usual pathological lying and crying seething copeposting.
I can't tell if you know or don't know.
is okay tranny 4keks revival tonight everypony welcum
u moving the goalposts or just esl? i never said he wasn't in bullies i said he isn't in bullies
You're grasping at straws so hard for something that doesn't matter at all.
you got buck broken tranny chaser, it's game over go kiss blutroon's and tranne's brown ring
>i-it doesn't count *sniffles*
Has your guild stopped being 90% e-girl trannies yet?
Already e-calling the entire guild into the thread like every time you get bitchslapped here?
concession accepted, i hope you have friends, a job or some direction in life in 2021
>vincent's daily bullies melty with bonus ESL rage
ragna/v/3 could have solved all of this
>i hope you have friends, a job or some direction in life in 2021
you got so fucked up you forgot what year it was? regardless whatever you do you're still filled with trannies and tranny chasers
blutroon = tranny
ratilia = tranny
seethecare = tranny
mikutrooner = tranny
tranne = tranny
hildegard von troonen = tranny

trannychaser guild kek
u forgot vanessa
>bulliekeks are behind the ragna/v/3 begging
>ponyRO v2 made them realize their reputation as "rock stars" and RO god e-celebs was absolutely obliterated after their failure and humiliation on ragna/v/2
>they want redemption
Fourth time's the charm I guess, surely THIS time you won't "crash and burn" at endgame despite a zergsquad of 500 people...
s-shut up, w-we have mouse okay??
>ragequit to join cunny instead
umm... nevermind...
>in this image and labeled as a bulliekek
>have never played with bullies
what does this mean? does this mean i have an invite on the next server without playing a support? it's really that easy? why couldn't vanessa do it
>blatant lies
What an absolutely unprecedented, never-seen-before behavior from a discordtranny.
Remember when these insecure trannies got so butthurt over cunny mogging them that they spread lies about cunny and even LARPing as them, only to get shut the fuck down by a cunnychad after which DEAFENING SILENCE ensued (typical)
be real, you're both sides of the argument in this screenshot aren't you
what argument
>bulliekeks have to zergpoach 500 gospel bitches like noob and obscuras (retards actually fell for their "we are RO gods" narrative about themselves KEK) and a tryhard optimized google doc party and still wipe to beelz a million times
>cunny just casually do it with not even a full party + sniper dps and don't wipe a single time
>somehow the former constantly tries to LARP as RO gods and e-ecelebs + damage control their "reputation" at every opportunity, while the latter gives zero fucks and never posts here
What causes this discrepancy?
Neither group bothers posting here, but you do, and only one rejected you.
this sounds like schizo shit but seeing 1/3 of the thread, arguing with itself endlessly , disappear with one ban makes it difficult to deny
>bulliekeks aren't seething, coping and crying about their ruined rep and being known as buckbroken failures here 24/7
God I wish
i didn't read it
based schizo enabler
how did cunny do beelze now im curious
vanessa... the bragi...
are whitesmiths worth building or are they a meme class like super novice? the idea of a merchant class destroying stuff seems pretty cool
they have a skill that doubles their damage (maximum overthrust), a skill that potentially doubles their damage (weapon perfection), a skill that is an equivalent of twohand quicken (adrenaline rush) and access to berserk potions
What server do egirls play at now that novaro is gone?
is there a more iconic duo than dispel into immediate Spirit Destruction?
Perhaps a lex too for good measure?
ccRO (super sekrit, NOBODY knows our trooncord plays there)
oh forgot about a very important skill as well - maximize power which makes your chacter crit on every hit but without armor bypassing
That's not how crits work retorted clikek
why do you say that vanessa
>zrzut ekranu
>doubles their damage (maximum overthrust)
only on basic attacks, cart term does not work with max OT because gravity hates whitesmiths
>a skill that potentially doubles their damage (weapon perfection)
this has never been the case as damage lost to weapon size modifier only applies to the weapon's ATK, never to the damage that comes from STR. while it can be significant it is never even close to doubling your damage
this thread is lame
someone p-please carry me on FBH...I'll bring the card coins...
t. ratshitpiss
Anyone wants to play Ragnarok online
>gravity hates whitesmiths
literal gravity, yes
cart is not a weapon
seriously, why don't they just use an axe? are they stupid?
Congrats on the 95th consecutive worst ragnarok thread in all of history. Anyways, I am taking drawing requests, RO stuff only, bad requests will be ignored.
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is there a private server worth playing ? i havent played this since i was like 12 but kinda want to try it out again but i dont wanna play on a server thats devoid of players
Best option is UAro, but isn't good anyway and there's no guild
We need fanart of the rv2 pvp event. Regardless of your affiliation, that outcome was way too meme.
uaro is prolly the most populated server right now. give it a shot and see if it scratches that nostalgia itch.
there's quite a few guilds on uaro that are pretty active.
>expecting clikeks to draw fanart of their own humiliation
>vincent begging utsuho to make art for him
No thread guild I mean so he's gonna be stuck playing with randos
ahhh fair enough
The one with miku and narue fighting bill and gpu? Gonna take a little bit

how come BKs can't do this?
bulliekeks make the basedjak face when they see greyworld grf's
just join a guild lmoa there're like 4 of them english guilds with 10+ active players
Post the video, I don't remember what they looked like
High rate server WoEs are so much more fun than this.
god this shit is so soulless
ok and if i wanted to eventually play with the 4chan guilds which server would that be
Gonna have to wait for either cat, ragna/v/ 3 or zulf the cuck
Cat is dead, niggerdev already said he's not making a new server
>zulf the cuck
literally who
the snorigins "dev"
The age of 4chan guilds is basically over. There was only bulliekeks left as a consistent guild and they're a private discordtranny club that will zerg-poach at their own convenience whenever they need more zergling fodder to throw at content (they still crash and burn). By now they've zerg-poached so much that basically the only people left here are people who won't go anywhere without a bulliekek "daddy" sounding the war horn, and even THAT doesn't really work anymore since they all realized the guild is actually shit at the game and aren't the rock stars they thought they were (as seen when they tried to get macaco legends and ponyRO v2 going but nobody joined them).

Don't believe anyone who says "t-the servers just suck bro" btw, they're all liars who don't actually have any standards and will play on absolute shitholes if they think they can get some titty milk from their chaddy daddy. As proven by the deviruchud stint.
>enriched/HD empowered +9 gears
>GTB cards
>BG bombs so woe meta is entirely about creator deathballs
Wow thanks I needed a complete lack of soul to make me interested
>xellie the troon involved with that server in any capacity
hahahah holy shit lmao how can alfheim faggots even cope with their lives
The troon whose name starts with x was hanging out in Sunshine, too. Not sure if still there.
She was only there to attentionwhore because every guild left troonheim and she even invented a whole LARP about "staying hidden" in the hopes of fooling anyone into thinking her guild was playing
Everyone saw through it so she fucked off
God damn, that's so pathetic. How do people even have time for this shit?
She's a NEET who lives off autismbux unironically.
Kinda like blutroon.
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I hate that i can't use touhou names on other servers without people thinking i'm you
Weird, I got asked if I was a certain other patchouli knowledge when I was playing my arch mage patchy
Great time for trip not to persist
Who are the most fun characters? I mean in this thread not in the game.
my peanus weanus of course :)
probably me and rept
>13 cards left until 400
>every single card is either annoying or difficult to get, many are MVPs
see you in June.
who trickster online
log in and me my lexslut so I can do bapho
just asura him
it'll work for bapho
unlike Amon Ra
fucking sandnigger
there's like 5 other monks on the map nigger, thats why I need lex
do it at 4 in the morning then
I already got my bapho card, you're on your own
i want to suck anon's smelly duck in ro...
just hunt minibosses and kill mvps
you don't need to get 43 cards and the third month increases rates
lame (super)
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I'm at 225 and I really don't think i'll make it. Again.
where are the ragnarok online 2 private servers i want to replay that garbage
do your best bro
when I hit 400 I'm probably going to make a Cenia RP character to potentially help any friends that need a hand out. However much help a permanently swordie character could offer, I'm not sure though.
A dedicated meat shield to keep aggro while I press storm gust for free could potentially be useful.
getting 300 really isn't that hard in the first place. 400 is very doable, especially since there's like half a month until the bonus rates come around.
same desu
not our fault you didn't win the poll
I dont know what to do once I run out of overworld enemies since I can barely survive abyss floor 1 or anything where I can't 1v1 solo mobs. I guess I should try LK but I have no idea how to build one that wont be me chugging 500 blue pots a minute since autoattack isn't exactly a great build for it
what are you playing currently? and LK works great, just need to stack up some defense and grab a big group of mobs and spam BB

Should I go for a spear or 1h sword for BB? Also is it the same old 4 slotted bullshit or are there actually higher tier weapons worth a shit for general purpose
Well, I'm at 388 right now, and basically all save for, like, four or five I got with one of two monks: a combo monk with a few fists of fury, and a spirit/asura monk with a couple sticks of fury (The remaining character is a gunslinger that I got really mad at and have relegated to exclusively strawberry picking duty after getting only a couple cards with him
If you aren't a strictly auto-attacker you should be expected to be a god-slaying cannon that fires strawberries from your fists. If you are not this, you will still be snacking on strawberries, except if you don't have a viable means of healing yourself, you'll be snacking on strawberries AND meat.
Knight just defaults to grabbing Bowling Bash with its skill points and then finishing up with Pierce, there's not much else to take as pre-trans, just avoid the trash skills like Brandish and Spear Stab. You can freely swap between weapons this way, you're not locked into just using 2Hs, or only spears.

As for weapons there's a lot more options than the old days. Krasnaya is the best in slot 2HS and probably best overall weapon to get, Ahlspiess is a solid spear since it bypasses all enemy DEF. Ice Pick if you're lucky or have a friend that will give you one. VVS crafted Elemental lances aren't bad even because Driller cards will increase their damage by 15%. More exotic choices exist for targetting speciifc areas, for instance Gae Bolg is very good at Abyss Lake and anyone who has killed ESL (most of the server at this point) likely has a bunch of them unless they threw them in the trash can. Dragon Killer/Slayer are other options from people who have done Bio3. Hunting Spears are plentiful from FBH but kind of not great without spiral pierce, but they're not the worst for hunting brutes.

In general you should probably stray away from 4s weapons on ccRO whenever possible, because getting the runes for most weapons is cancerous as hell. The commonly used runes like Hydra and Strouf are never going to be sold below a couple million (if you can even find them with the weak economy), and trying to gacha for them is like pulling teeth.
spear or 2h sword with parry. quad pike or krasnaya are typically the best items. ahlspiess also works pretty good. dragon slayer also pretty good. be sure to use dragon breath when you're going on an abyss adventure.
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I see, speaking of runes is the knight combo worth at all or is it a trap?
By default almost all class sets are garbage. The monk set is kind of okay in ccRO with the card -> rune bonuses. Rogue set is fun as a meme in vanilla, maybe okay on ccRO. Alchemist set is good for farming mushrooms on vanilla but no trans classes means no mushroom farming.
Aside from that it's very rarely worth it to waste equipment on shitty cards, but if you want to mess around to see how they work it's not like it costs you much, chances are you can get almost all the runes for piss cheap since nothing is very valuable in most of these sets, at most there might be one good card per set but because of the gacha system flooding the market with shit runes while people hunt the good ones, it probably isn't too hard to get what you need.

Basically if you want to experiment with dumb shit ccRO is the place to do it. Knight set sucks though because the only semi useful thing it does is make potions stronger, which you can already partially get by just slapping some Fricco's shoes on, or just having more VIT or better gear so you take less damage.
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My advice is frequently "stalk characters that look like they know what they're doing in Prontera"
Raydrics and firelock it is then

>safety rings
ahhhh that's gonna be expensive
>+9 everything
Is this on the legacy server or did some autist already grind that much enriched on the seasonal server
safety rings are the cheapest thing about that build, mvp drops are very easy to get, maya has something like a 40% drop rate on them, even amon ra spits out the occasional ring
If you say so, i've only got 2 mil to my name though I do have odins/magni/stone buckler already. Not +9 though holy shit i'm too scared to take them past +4
this was actually in mid April, probably no more than 4 weeks into this season.
ratpiss actually improved at drawing since ragnav2
few things wrong with this post

brandish is not trash
hunting spear is great for spear builds (specifically cause its 1 slot weapon)
finally 4 rune slot is still the best damage output (unless low str instacast bb build), with a deslotter that means you can have an all around general purpose weapon and then if youre farming something specific you can easily make a specialized weapon for it, eg sword guardians or bio 3

with bb you can use any weapon which is great starting out and for general play. the strongest end game build is 1 hand sword bb but that requires a dedicated linker
when are you streaming again qt
Getting all those Diablous Mantaeu's, how are people doing it? SG's?
thats the first complement I have heard from /rog/ in a long time, am I awake right now?
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whom are you referring to
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i'm an honorary bulliekek
Thana run in 4Leaf tonite.
Breeding sex with wolf girls in heat
Login right now or you are lying through your teeth
Everybody here lies. You just need to have faith
We wouldnt get enough people to even open the first door.
i never lied to you
Anyone playing on Shining Moon?
I want to play together.
4 players online, anon, 3 vendors
I have a creator I was gonna make into a genetic for infinite cart cannon on their KRO like server, but I got busy. I can log that instead if you want, since anon lied about thana.
I'm a cute little poney and there's nothing you can do about it.
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If I was going to try to make a make a ranked alchemist/blacksmith on UARO, is there any shot or am I too late to the server? Also, is it worth joining CCRO now or should I wait until the new season starts?
I'd say too late unless you manage to convince enough people to help you funnel materials, gloria, strings and shit
You can always hit 200 cards ez to get a head start on next season. We're not even in the final month yet.
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CCRO is better to join in late than early. You can start casually now focusing MOTDs, or wait for June 5 which is when the 1.5x final month bonus kicks in. I did the mistake of joining early so now I am just sitting on my thumbs waiting for final month to do DB parties/bio3.
the drawings are the same as the first ragna/v/ what are you talking about trannychaser nigger
Aight, I'll give it a go. I assume there isnt much reason to play anything but hunter/monk for general grinding/MVPing since theres no WoE?
There's no reason to play at all. It's a boring ass server with 40 pop and 90% of them brazilian.
Hunter is the go-to for ezmode even if it is the most boring
Asura monk for bosses

everything else is to flavor just don't fall for the gunslinger/ninja trap
rept is a confirmed biological female
Yeah, they are about the same I guess
>those filenames
You know people can track you back from those right? or is that what you want?
This dude has never seen a UUID in his entire life
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it's amazing how you're bad at everything and years later you've still not improved anywhere
Doing what midgards couldn't do (change mr kim from being the only ensemble in the game)
Why couldn't you be cool instead of gay
Theres so many cool people out there, and you are gay
This is a bad thing
Aw cute, you saved my sonic OC, here she is as a meister like on ragna/v/2
Maybe if we got away from all of this or actually bothered to forgive eachother, then we could be cool again and I can draw your sonichu OCs too.
Thats not me but this is the shit im talking about.
You are a disappointment even for newgen /jp/
thank you for your feedback, I will continue practicing
Is CCRO actually fun? I like the idea of card collection boosting your account, but the seasonal server thing kinda sucks. I hate losing progress, which is why i stopped PoE leagues and play on standard.
just close the thread, utsu
I'm done, only squeezed one request from you guys anyways, go back to your usual spam.
>bad at ro for years
>bad at drawing for years
>only draws cold steele tier shit or coomer garbage
>only attracts retards that like the same shit
>is a mlpfag
>is a tripfag
honestly if I was fucked up as you I would've shot myself by now
At this point I'm pretty sure he's a SEAmonkey, only those things are THIS unaware
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You haven't done anything that would require any of us to forgive you. You're just a stupid asshat and a clown and we make fun of you because this is 4chan and that's that we do.
>you didn't do anything my queen, you are innocent and dindu muffin
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Theres a legacy server that doesn't reset, but almost nobody plays it so you'll be on a long lonely adventure.
The seasonal system is just slow progression in disguise. Every season you get 1/2 class costumes for collecting cards, which lets you play their custom version of the trans class(passives only, no new skills) of that class.
lames a slut!!!
Looking at one thing and seeing another is the hallmark of schizophrenia. Like this >>1293003 post.
American ERPcare moment
The start is fun but I find the end game power level way too high, there's a tonne of free stats, damage reduction, cast reduction etc. However a lot of people enjoy it, so cant hurt giving it a try, you can often find people to do stuff
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bard is so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
b-but the clikeks said they totally aren't super saiyans...
I showed your mom a super saiyan last night
is troo
Hey utsuho where do you even get those huge tiddy sprites anyway I need something to make this fucking grind a bit less awful
>Another retard gets banned for illegal grf edits
im not playing uaslop, player sprite edits are allowed
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>yesterday the map of the day is juperos core
>manage to get a party together to kill him, get his card
>today the map of the day is thor 1
>get a big party together and get the sword and bow guardian cards today
that was fun
need more strawberries now though
american ponycare is schizoposting again
I saw this webm on /gif/ and thought of you guys: >>>/gif/27246296 lol

Did anyone else realize that "Impressive Riff" AKA "Assassin Cross of Sunset" from Ragnarok Online was also some religious song called "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel?"

I can't believe I'm in my late 30s and am only now making this connection.
Just another reason Pre-Re Ragnarok Online was pure SOUL I guess.
Clikeks think Gravity invented these songs
I've never been able to find the source for Slow Grace though, this is about the closest.
Do you do parties at MOTD rollover? I play EU and I have seen maybe one party recruit in global in 1 month of playtime.
I also keep missing them, new motd hits when I'm going to bed. Wish I could have gotten into that Randgris party but I've seen them actively recruiting.
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Best design.
Is it true that catshitter got BTFO so hard out of Chadcardia discord that he called the you know what hotline?
first, what the fuck are you talking about?
second, type like a human being
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Best girls, best class.
Someday Taek clothes on Koikatsu.
Taekwon Girl with Skia Nerius hair.
both of the parties I've had happened at MOTD rollover, yeah
i want to shove an ice pick up rept's ass
how about shoving up your meat pick instead
i don't think rept would like it...
it'll cost you 8 million zeny and he'll take the ice pick from you
is he cute?
this thread is a fucking mental ward jesus christ
I'm bored of maplehorizons
I'm unsubscribing from this thread.
the dark patterns make you click the red subscribe button instead
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not even a little
you can do me instead then...
rept looks like this??
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oh no no no
i think rept's anus would be very tight and bleached
who's this? yanderedev?
retard bro?
this thread should be moved to /trash/
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Be honest, b/RO/s. How hyped are you?


I can't wait until Ornstein just trashes another server and leaves with all that sweet money for himself
Holy autism
i don't plan to play this but i hope the dev is enjoying himself.
he would likely be far better off building a game in unity or something, really.
This is almost just as autist as the Ruins and Riches project for Ultima Online.
he spams patch notes every day and half of them are like "fixing shit with the skill I implemented yesterday"
i don't understand the point of detailing every single bug he's made on a server literally no one has played on
and his obsession with polls for everything
though it is impressive that he can shit out a page or two of changes every day
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Not an evil druid card but I’ll take it
why do people hate renewal again?
Soulless power creep. Everyone does massive spammable AE damage. Nothing is done out of competence or skill.

No different that something like Vanilla WoW vs Modern Wow.
i played it once
it basically boiled down to doing a single dungeon to get coins to gamble for enchants on the set of OP gear
that had a daily limit so you did it once a day on every character and then the only meaningful thing to do was level alts to get more runs of that dungeon
and somehow even with it being literally the only content in the game that had a purpose it was impossible to find anyone to group up for the instance that wasn't a complete retard
other than that literally the only thing I've ever seen someone do on renewal servers when I checked are some biogen doing EK one shotting everything with cart cannon
or someone popping bloody branches and oneshotting every mvp hoping for a card
lame hates it
That sunshine server is giving me no confirmation e-mail, pretty fucking stupid and gay already.
skill issue. you are probably a seamonkey too, they ban those.
but my queen cucksimpho loves it
The grats mafia is a shadowy cabal of various clique leaders that collaborate to systemically deprive "blacklisted" players of their well-deserved rare drop congratulations in global chat, in a ploy to demotivate them.
For instance, a member of the grats mafia will get lots of "huge, good job, there it is!, he did it!"" type of messages in response to a valuable rare drop, while those on the blacklist get dead silence.
Known blacklisted players are: Batusey, 3080, Leidan, Kiwi, Yupii, UnholyJob

The grats mafia was ultimately slain by the brave RandomCHADGODGIGAGODLORDCHADS Crowknight and Caladrius, who kept gratsing everyone equally and around the clock, which rendered their petty psychological warfrare ineffective.
nobody will grats you for your afkchemist hydra cards
any news on origins coming back? i want to play the game again but not too familiar with the current servers

there was a vod didnt save so look it up cunny ragna/v/2 or something
woe is such a dumpsterfire
origins is never coming back, retard
straight up facts and honest
When zulfcuck and kreuztroon stop ERPing for one day
aka never
the kween has spoken
the queen is posting in here? everything makes sense now
also known as: "I don't like this nigga so I'm not gonna congratulate this nigga"
i'm on uaro and getting tired of farming sleepers. anything better for farming zeny?
Farming sleepers is the most beta shit you can possibly do in this game

>let me load up my downgrading macro and talk to an box for an hour
wouldn't surprise me, but i just sell the gn. i'm noob though so i don't know what else is better. got any recommendations?
>+9 Bireta
Now to put a fucking Carat on it and have some BiS Asura gear, everyone will be jealous.
in that vid cunny did beelze with sb plus devo that not a suboptimal setup that anon mentioned
Learn English you filthy ESL monkey.
this but also

>single sniper dps
>not suboptimal
sasuga esl-kun

we fucking lost... again........
I want to break mouse's buck. I bet it smells like roquefort cheese.
I came buckets to the leaked nudes.
that's the team composition that beelze dies to on uaro every day, 1 hp 1 prof 1 sb 1 devo 1 sniper
Open a fucking book and learn English you retarded seanigger. The ideal combination for beelz is 1 priest 1 ws you ignorant fool.
Both work but using steel body is more reliable. While you can have the WS tank and do DPS, if you're getting into a rhythm where you do it every day, on cooldown, you probably want to go for more reliable approaches.

I'd only consider the WS option if I was being contested and taking my sweet time with a Sniper wasn't an option.
just look at beel def and you will realize why sniper dps isn't ideal
It gets the job done, just takes considerably longer.
If you mess up the Whitesmith setup the party can wipe and that's an even bigger time setback. Devoting a Steel Body tank has much, MUCH more leeway for mistakes.
UARO or ccRO for first time to kill time?
damn this is good
what game
They said in a post the fight took around 30 minutes and they didn't even have resistant souls which checks out when you are watching the video.

Can't believe we are sitting here pretending that was optimal like I'm all for hating on people who kill stuff and actually play the game but come on.
wait for originsRO like a normal person
cant wait man
No? It took like 10 mins tops.
>all your data is safe and the game we all love will be back shortly
>2 years ago
They said ~30, are you them? If so I'm sorry.
ok, catpoopurine
how can we make a not dead 4chan server without begging bullies to fill it? would daily /v/ threads be enough?
can't be done. the mmo genre is pretty much dead since no one wants to put effort into leveling and spending hours grinding for gears/cards by rolling a dice thousands of times, and if you make things easy as fuck to obtain then it shortens the server's life as you saw on ragna/v/2. there are better mmos to play out there and even those have less players than what people mainly play being fotm bullshit or games where you can enjoy a session of playing without heavily committing to grinding in order to have a good time.
ragnarok online is split on the whole pre-renewal and keknewal which divides the playerbase as is so your number are even lower.

lastly last thing you wanna do is play with clikeks, we've all seen both groups do their kike schemes in order to have an advantage over randomchads and newfags as if 4chan servers are some kind of e-sport and we're supposed to be in awe of their "skills", yet they never do anything worth mentioning.

tl;dr RO is dead, you're better off playing some random server from rms and getting your ro itch when it comes, 4chan servers are doomed thanks to nu-/rog and their reddit-tier bullshit
Opinions on VIP Systems for RO server?
Compared to donations and cash shop, would you consider playing on a server with a subscription model? You'd be able to play without it, but the VIP lets you access additional features. No cash shop whatsoever.

Where would you draw the line in regards to a VIP system's benefit being too much?
RO servers aren't stable enough to justify paying anything to play them (that includes shitfficials)
>subscription model
That's why I started playing private servers
Yeah but no cash shop tho. None whatsoever. The only thing to buy is the VIP.

Yes, because you were 12 and didn't have a credit card. Now you do.
Still not paying, even if I was wealthy
Hosting is nothing, no payment should ever be asked for private servers it's less than $100 a month for 1,500 players for this game and goes down to less than $50. I've rented hosting for Jedi Knight, Bf3, and CS 1.6 servers which cost more than this shit does and I could afford it as a NEET.
RO servers are a business and the server has costs besides hosting. The plethora of things you need to run a server like proxy hosting, Gepard shield, possibly web hosting and cloudflare, all of that takes money. And that's assuming you're doing everything on your own and not hiring GMs or Devs to help, which is extremely common.

Plus, they still want to turn up a profit for their efforts, which is more than fair. And a subscription seems like a very fair trade off. It's not even obligatory, only if you want the benefits.

If you need to sweeten the deal a bit more, I'll let you know that VIP systems are highly repellant of 3rd worlders like BRs, Pinoys and Ruskies.
>hiring GMs or Devs to help
Besides everything else that just reads "I wanna piss away money and get c&d by gravity" why the FUCK would you hire GMs and even more devs? if you want an updated version you could just play keknewal
>b-but muh original spin and muh qol
Who would even pay for subscription/VIP or cash shop when you can get the same for free, plus have fun competing with free private servers with more population, you niggers have learned NOTHING
the /v/ people joined bullies too, it's the same people. you can't do it.
Well, people want to get rid of cash shops and this is the other option. It works.
Your post is just full of bad opinions. VIP systems have nothing to do with getting c&ds or keknewal.
>hmm, i know what will attract all the third worlder dregs too poor to actually pay for Ragnarok Official...
this is a joke right
just play on a regular private server with your friends
you do have friends, right?
Just wait for DoddlerRO to save RO private servers once and for all
What are you even offering with your "VIP"? also go tell that to all the servers that got shut down because they were making money one way or another
>What are you even offering with your "VIP"?
That's what it boils down to, right? Which is what I'm asking, how far is too much?

>go tell that to all the servers that got shut down because they were making money one way or another
Literally none. NovaRO was shut down not because they were making money, but because they were using a legal company to do so. Every server since the first one has been making money one way or the other, that's never been the point.
imagine wanting to profit from a 40 years old game. get a normal job and stop graverobbing
this is why originsRO is KING

just gotta wait a little more and be patient
I let society do the work for me, too
I'm going to make a combo monk as my first char in uaro, how retarded am I?
If it has resets, it's not that big of a deal, you can transition to an OI build when Combo starts to fall off

If it doesn't have resets, that's very retarded. Combo just isn't a very good build and will "hit a wall" very early compared to other builds.
>Plus, they still want to turn up a profit for their efforts, which is more than fair
Been mugging people recently. It's hard work and I'm not even getting that much off it. It's not fair, I should be rewarded for my efforts.
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>get invited to work on a 3rd RO related project
Just when I thought I would take an extended break from this game, I'm suddenly more popular than ever.
I think i'm gonna learn the game by playing ccRO by myself and no one can stop me
>learn the game in a non-trans server full of custom shit
Terrible idea, ccRO not only uses really weird settings, it makes your characters much stronger than they should be because of the stacking bonuses. Despite being pre-trans, you can expect characters with 400+ cards to be as strong, if not more, than their trans counterparts.
ccRO is the worst server to play to "learn" RO

But it is a fun server to play after you already understand RO, that way the changes make sense and you can try strange builds.
Please... new serbar...
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4leaf party tonight 9pm pst all welcum
maybe if your discord clique didnt push for so many bad changes i'd play it

its a shit server
Why can't clikeks do this?
I did this
no, i did
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if you remove poring are you even RO anymore
also this retarded BR can't figure out how to tell people to install c++ redistributables
>-Current requirement is to uninstall all visual c++ versions, install gravity's zero client to get it in, install luna obscura, then properly install the c++ things back... which is terrible way to do stuff... and there is no guarantees it will work (Gryph and Noirua couldnt)
lmao what fucking server is this? if porings don't fit in then is he gonna remove all variants? what about every other cute looking monster? holy shit this all reads worse than ponyRO and 4keks combined
the guy that made return to morroc's new server
No me :)
nuh uh
Chodekeks went back to diskek
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I mean, at this point I am interested in seeing the end product he comes up with. But so far it's pretty much LE HORROR MMO, with ragnarok elements and whatnot.

Ready for the soon to be scam though!
Is the only difference between earth spike and heavens drive really just one is AOE and one isn't?
Earth Spike has a slightly faster cast and less after cast delay

It's technically better on a single target, but it's really hard to justify taking Earth Spike to level 5 a lot of the time

Most people just take Heaven's Drive 5 and accept the slower cast speed
So it definitely doesn't matter at all for someone with instacast, alright weird
like he said, heaven's drive has a little bit more aftercast delay so if using it for single target, earth spike would technically be better. however, also like that anon said, it's hard to justify putting 5 points into earth spike when those are points you could spend on heaven's drive

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