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Is Reverse 1999 any good or is it an asset flip of Star Rail?
I don't think it shares a single asset. What a weird idea.
it's an asset flip of 7ds grand cross
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Tried it blind the other day, they introduced the female main character and my brain instantly went
So I alt+F4'd and uninstalled
It has 0% similarities with Star Rail. As for whether or not it's good, it's a dime a dozen turn based gacha with chibi art units and the translation is complete garbage.
The dialogue is incomprehensible
Use nip if you can, the english version is pure fanfiction
I love the art but gameplay isn't that great
Im a yurifag and dropped this after three missions because i didnt understand shit and the battle system is not that great. Nope/10
only love the fat broom riding ruski, don't have enough will to keep playing just for her
>Use nip if you can, the english version is pure fanfiction
Literally the orginal VO. Playing in JP is like anime dub watchers
I don't like chibis but the game has a lot of charm. Too bad the translation is Russian dota player using Google translate tier
I like it (in Japanese) but there's zero reason to engage with it beyond the main story and each patch's main event. It goes the Mihoyo route of letting you experience everything regardless of strength so pulling characters is pointless and thus participating in the gameplay part of the game is pointless.
based take
dogshit story
>an asset flip of Star Rail?
isn't it just a F:GO reskin?
it's good
not like any hoyoslop
the original is in chinese, everything spout out in english is just a major rewrite of the author's intentions.
You're an idiot, the original has English voices, not Chinese. Only the native Chinese characters like An An Lee have Chinese lines and they still speak predominantly English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2bnSALw-Kw

This is the Chinese server months before we got Shamane's banner in EN. Notice how the UI is Chinese yet the dialogue is spoken English. That's because the original voices are EN, and other VOs are rewriting the author's intentions. JP dub is actually dogshit in this game, KR is hit or miss, only EN is worth anything.
Can't be. Localizer hacks may rewrite the games they translate, but they at least know their english grammar thanks to those degrees they're still trying to pay off. I spotted far too many typos and incomprehensible wording decisions for it to be anything but a shitty translation.
>So you have a mother?
So english VO=english script. So aything VOd in english will not be in accord to the original script which is the reason why everyone talks in schizo riddles.
The english script was written by chinks who think they know better than your average native speaker.
It's more of a why they didn't just rehash said script as texts.
Then again, ESLs and muh diversity are one of the major parts of this game so i guess they managed to attract such crowds.
I tried and dropped it because the atory was way too fucking confusing. I liked the aesthetics though. One moment I’m rescuing a DJ pirate and a talking apple, next moment rain is falling backward and I’m traveling in time while burocrats are being killed
What even is the plot?
This thread is garbage with half the posts being completely fake shit. Probably from limbabs still butthurt about it doing better than limbus company.
Go to the /vg/ general for actual info and discussion about reverse 1999 (plus they have resource codes in the OP)
>What even is the plot?
Why should I spoonfeed some retarded ADHD zoomer who couldn't even make it past the prologue? Stay filtered forever and stick to mihoyoslop.
>So I alt+F4'd and uninstalled
Based AF
>Im a yurifag and dropped this after three missions because i didnt understand shit
Filtered IQlet
This new update fucking slaps!
It's good.
Unless you want something to play without paying much attention, I say give it a try and see how you like it.
This game is plot and character-driven, reads and is paced like a novel (some players complain about the use of advanced or uncommon vocabulary).
How the fuck do I deal with Abraxas? I can't deal with the poison stacks at all. I tried bringing Balloon Party for heals but she can't keep up. This shit's driving me up the wall.
>Asset flipping from 3d game to 2d game
Anon are you retarded?
bros were getting labedled as pedos... https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1bxhfxv/pedophilia_is_rampant_on_this_hellsite_and_im/
Did OP give it a try?
Has the translation (both in the text and the voiced lines) improved at all since launch? I dropped pretty much immediately because it was unbearable.
i felt like I was reading william gibson dialogue but steampunk,

literally felt like technobabble gibberish but british
filller game
Weak bait aside, the game's story (which is supposedly its main selling point) is typical mediocre gacha slop. They do nothing interesting with the time travel element. The plot is your typical go to the 1920s (land of the elves) to stop the bad guy from messing with an event (destroying muh sacred realm crystals conveniently placed in each culturally distinct lands). Then they move on the next time period (land of sand niggers or whatever). Typical gacha slop.
Thats chink games in general for you. Not a single one manages to convey any kind of coherent theme that it tries to envision in any consistent manner. Literally indistinguishable from aislop
>missing out on Lilya russian accent
>missing out BP collapsed lung voice
this shit bricked my sd card
>the brickening struck irl
Damn... How?

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