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What went wrong?
Is the cuck drama still going ?
>when you omnipander and cuck your playerbase
The designs are so shit, the original concept art had good designs, and weren't overly coomer, but they went full feminist with the final designs, they look so shit and the game looks bland. They should have learned their lesson about omnipandering from neural cloud.
Dunno, I never play that shit. Maybe they shouldn't have played that in the first place.
How long can they keep gfl2 up with gfl1 tier revenue?
nothing. this was already a gigantic trashfire the moment you knew they weren't made by the original team.
Really? I thought Yuzhong was still handling the development.
Omnipandering shitty game in an industry that's sick of them.
dogshit artstyle and designs
Meanwhile those are the most successful games
Yeah we know you're a tranny.
only because it's a psyop pushed by mihomo and the globohomo agenda in the same way marvel movies are. the other hetgames are easily successful even if they're not as big.
this company, despite being on the market for years, doesn't do advertising at all.
fair enough for gf, game is old, the chances of getting anyone interested are low anyway, but then nc comes out, they already tried divorcing it from the brand by dropping gf from the name cuz boys, and then zero advertising happened.
arguably adding raymond to gf2 was the most effort they have put into advertising their games, by outsourcing it to drooling neanderthals that screech on niche game forums.
same thing happened with bakery, silently dropped and propped up by their ongoing dramas only
business is simple, money goes in, then money comes out proportional to what you put in. they are only investing their operational costs, so is there any wonder that they are getting fuckall?

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