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/vmg/ - Video Games/Mobile

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Why do you play mobile games instead of real ones?
I've spent over £150 on epic and like £100 on steam games. Paid games are just ad mid desu
I used to be pretty good at finding actual games with actual gameplay on the app store I swear these were actual games.
>instead of
Real games can be found on mobile too, it's just that most people don't even try and are fine with whatever as long as it's free.
>Why do you play mobile games?
I'm away from my PC most of the time nowadays, but my work involves so much downtime that I had to find something to keep myself busy.
I don't really care much for the graphical differences nor cinematic cutscenes
I play super tetris 3 on my phone most of the time or vampire survivors. I am probably anti this board thinking about it.
They stopped making real games around 2012
unlike you i don't call myself a gamer and just enjoy the experience of whatever content gets created, regardless of the medium.
paid games are mid. free games are really good for some reason.
"Real games" don't have cute and sexy 2d girls that are for you.
because all the modern ones are boring slop that doesn't bother to innovate with anything anymore with their endless amount of soulless remakes and rehashes
It's true, I straight up have to use classic emus to play them or they purposely make them not run anymore.
Gacha give me the high that you get when you obtain shiny new gear during the old mmo days, especially when you play for free. Single player games just can't seem to provide that same experience
I do, but it's all the same. I'm almost 40 and I can already tell that my braincells have been irreversibly damaged. I should have been reading books instead
I used to love gacha games released around the mid 2010s, they were just fun. Large cast of characters, simple and fun gameplay loops, frequently updated with new content, great in short bursts of times, on a device I had to always keep on me for other reasons.

Then Genshin happened and I haven't stuck with a new gacha since. I don't understand why people want console level graphics on a phone. Trying to play a game like this on a touch screen is ass and I don't want to carry around a controller. Dragalia was the last good gacha I can remember enjoying. Once the games I still play EoS I'll probably read more or something I suppose.
>Trying to play a game like this on a touch screen is ass
I can agree with this. A touchscreen is a perfectly viable, precise and pleasant input method - for games made specifically for phone gaming. Giving the player a virtual stick and some clumsy buttons to play a console port is the laziest and stupidest game design.

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