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The Holy Trinity of Starters
Those are women.
ew no thx
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vs. litter
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I choose the litter.
I could handle them
Trans coded
Primarina is too feminine for your poor taste.
Serperiorcucks btfo
You are rope coded
More like the tranny trinity

Even though I have to say that amongst the feminine starters, witches ones are the most interesting. I didnt mind Primarina that much, and Meowscarada actually looks good.
They are definitely better than faggots like inceleon and quaquaraval

Meganium would be better if she wasnt so plain
came here to post this
If they're so special why don't they have more art together?
most porn artists don't play pokemon
they just draw whatever trending on twitter and reddit to get traffic
Pokemon became shit when it started pandering to furfaggots, coincidence?
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>My favorite Rapidash... It... cute... lovely... smart... plus... amazing... you think so?... oh yes... it... stunning... kindly... love it! Hug it... when... sleeping... warm and cuddly... spectacular... ravishing... ...Oops! Look at the time! I kept you too long! Thanks for hearing me out! I want you to have this!
So it's been shit since inception then? Grand, say that next time, because it was still pitching at furfags even when it was becoming the biggest fad in the western world in the late '90's. Or are you one of those dense bastards who thinks it wasn't furry until you grew up and learned what "furry" meant?
>cucked by Meganium
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Legends [Unova] starters
The beam that is solar
We don't want to fuck what's on four legs. We're not lolcows.
You want to fuck Fenniken and Eevees though, furfag
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Weak edit, we all know what the original was
They fuck human men
Good for them, the games are shit
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And? So's the other one.
They actually all look better fully evolved
based, love these cuties
So since gen 4 at best, which introduced pokémon like Lopunny and Lucario.
Horrid designs
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kill, pet, fuck from left to right.
>the unholy trinity of furbait
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>trans cod-ACK!
Nice, Lv100 F. Meowscarada, when?
Hopefully they finish up the raid events with the Paldea trio. I think they're going to run all the others first before doing the newest ones.
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Would be sweet to have all 3 Mightiest Mark waifus
MM Eevee and Meganium were female too
well, that's true
They're so in your face which starters they want you to see as female lmao
Starters for sissies and troons
What is the trinity of starters for the person who hates Fairy type, hates primarina and just wants Pokémon that are completely anti-fairy type in everything?
What do the chink letters say?
empoleon is the best water type starter for me.
Primarina is neither mage nor anthro
They can be femboys too
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>Jester =>Sage
he doesn't know
this PLUS Blaziken
That picture just keeps getting more and more based
sorry, this is a thread for actual female starters
actual people don't care about your thick thighs imagination
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You have already been replaced.
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>a-am I allowed here?
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Kek Hell no
Need to move Prima up already.
How the hell is Infernape gender unknown? It's based on a very specific character.
And technically need to add Pika and Eevee, with Pika in the male group and Eevee in the female listing.
Because these are Mightiest Mark raids anon. They're the same for all players and are locked to nature, stats, HA, specific moveset and gender. And Game Freak hasn't ran an "Infernape the Unrivalled" raid yet, thus its not "officially" known what gender it's gonna be (it's most likely male, sun wukong was too, wasn't he? And Infernape is pokémon sun wukong).
You have as much of a chance being here as Greninja being here, so zero
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How do gender differences fit into this? I can't imagine Primarina being male, but there is a male Meganium form with longer antennae.
>Mightiest marks
Autism shitstorm only happened when the Delphox raid happened
everything i want to fuck is female. simple as is.
A man of culture
Because that told the little boys their headcanons were irrelevant finally. Not our fault, they couldn't handle this eventuality, we'd tried to tell them for years leading up to it but they didn't listen.
High Testosterone thread
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>Da pic
We need one of those with Primarina and her waist-hip ratio and another with Meowscaradas and her legs.
Male primarina
>Foreign sluts
Historically correct
I generally prefer to imagine my Primarina as a feminine male.
normal people and coomers*

>delphox sacrificed herself to make the "soccer is a sport for women", "thicc thighs" and "kamuy-huci" headcanons irrelevant
thank you
The fuck is this AIbot sperging about?
Why do Pokemon desire sex with human men?
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An extension of what they want to travel with humans in the first place. the correlation between affection for its trainer and ability in battle is directly proportionate, never mind under a trainer's guidance, many pokémon receive care and attention conducive to prompting them to bond with their trainers. At its extreme, this leads to the pokémon finally crossing the final threshold of intimacy with their trainer and in the process unlocking its unrestrained full powers.
thesauruscore post
I'm not a furry but...
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To acquire new movements by altering her genetic pool, at least it worked for Gardevoir after generations swimming in human semen she acquired the ability to reproduce with the human-shape group, opening the possibility of obtaining new genetic resources.
let me clarify for you then

If Game Freak made the "Delphox and Primarina being a wizard and a femboy" arguments irrelevant, then they also did the "Cinderace/Blaziken/Hisuian Typhlosion are female because of these reasons" irrelevant as well.

Or are you seething about the correction of your filename?

Because human dick is designed to please
Animal dicks aren't designed to please
Take the clue, nobody cares about your attempts to force a meme
>nobody cares about your attempts to force a meme
I don't need to force anything idiot, enjoy no replies to your shitty teddybear
egg- field
nope, sorry beastfag better luck next time
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Humans ignore such silly things as egg groups dumbass.
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I didn't use any of them arguments though. If you think every cunt who laughs at you is one person, you're displaying EXACTLY how fucking psycho you're being over this shit.
And no it doesn't. Because they still shill them per their appearance. No girlninjas, but a girlplosion in Café remix, because the design is ambiguous erring towards feminine/femboi even with Game Freak emphasising the delinquent bent from the original base design.
What I'm getting out of this picture is that we need a drawing of Delphox and Meganium being gangbanged by all of the Pokemon below
there are 4 now, Primarina and Eevee joined the team
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LGBT fanfic
Bot replies
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This makes me want to play PLA more than anything else I've seen of it.
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The Holy Trinity of Starters
Nothing here mentions sex
to assert dominance
If you insist.
Pokefucker propaganda thread
>context clues
The two Snorunt had part one of Daddy's manuscript, Mama Froslass had part two of her Husband's manuscript and much like the versions of the Yuki-Onna, where the Yuki-Onna has kids with the man she becomes enamoured with, before he mentions meeting the ice demon leading to her abandoning him and sparing him because of her children, the Froslass doesn't turn her ex-husband into an ice sculpture because her snorunt offspring stayed her heart.
Fuck me, all this shit is informed by Japanese folklore and Froslass is an already on-the-nose reference to the yokai in Japanese mythology as it is.
Snorunt kids hold on to a half of their human daddy's journal
Of course actual sex is never mentioned
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Pokéfucker propaganda board. Don't like it, /lgbt/ is thataway >>>>>>>>>>>>>
furry and waifu board, piggybacker
/trash/ is that way friend
Good and brief summary.
Worth noting that you cannot catch that Froslass because she technically still belongs to someone
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>this actually young
We were free to post spoilered poképorn in /vp/'s early days anon. We built it for you to grow up and find it and try and claim it as your own. But we never left.
That's the heartwarming part of it - even though she left him, even though he broke his word, she still loves him to consider herself his (because we've seen pokémon move on from their OG owners after their deaths prior in the series).
Fuck off with your cult shit
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Fuck you afterbirth. Go open your own /vp/ board clone and gatekeep us why don't you.
But 4chan always had a furry problem and that was even before having threads dedicated to pokémon monster waifus. So unless you nuke the whole site and start again, you're stuck with us. Doubly so for coming to the containment board and not expecting us to run it.
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It's really sad, I guess there was no other way for it to end considering the inspiration. But for a time they lived happily together and conceived healthy children. That matters too.
And BTFOing normalfags, beastposters, verilyclones, tourists and other goons shitting themselves over pokephilia, is a sweet bonus

BTW /vp/ should really learn to stop giving attention to the most pathetic and low effort trolls
They didn't conceive anything you delusional retard
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Sorry, but it's the truth. You are no longer the majority.

I knew you would send this. Do you really think people actually like to use the word "latinx" other than to annoy certain people?
>mom, the autists are fighting each other again!
Anyone who says they run something doesn't actually run shit
Aren't pokefuckers and furfags the same shit?
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Pokephilia is beautiful and pure
No it isn't. Only subhumans from hoenn,alola and sinnoh disagree
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'okephilia is leagal k ?
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Canonical wife to a human man
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arceus approved k ?
>one guy sperging out about how he's "defeated" all the posters he doesn't like and runs this board
>the other typing like a supervillain to the point he edits himself onto a literal movie supervillain
>lumping pokegirlposters and furries together arbitrarily for no other reason than they're the two most complained-about groups on the board and it will make your ebin shitposter villain look more le evil if he's both at once
what kind of autism do you have to have to LARP like you're some sort of board superhero to the point of pretending to be the your own anime archnemesis? did it sound cooler in your head or something? this board has really reached rock bottom, all that's missing here is shartyposting and shaun
*be your own
>H-Decidueye used triple arrows
>Meowscarada gets impaled and dies
>Skeledirge used shadow ball
>Delphox explodes into guts and organs
>Golisopod used poison jab
>Primarina gets its head sliced clean off
furry animal fan
human x pokemon fan

Yes, furfags are wrong in that meme, but they contributed a lot to that poll. Just don't try to look like a lion when you're not.
responding to a post that's entirely about accusing you of sounding like some weird over-the-top strawman made up by a sperg, with a non-sequitur that has nothing to do with the actual post at all (because you don't want to call attention to it), tells me I hit the nail on the head
if you want people to jack you off for killing 100 million made up boogeymen in a play where every actor is yourself, go make a discord and fuck off
literal cock chute ghostfu
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Is he the next form of the "is female" fag?
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I would settle for giving him a majestic mane like real sea lions, the same for Delphox it would look great if the males were given a wizard's beard.
no, these dudes are a dime a dozen these days
it feels like this whole site is being infected by the "look at me I'm fighting le ebin schizo!!!" disease
just look at any thread on /v/ where everyone who doesn't like a particular game is accused of all being some dude named "john" or "david" or some shit, and they show you a totally-not-fake screencap of some guy wringing his hands going "muahahahaha I will destroy all [game] discussion on /v/ and no amount of bans can stop me!" as proof
and then someone replies "NO THIS IS A LIE MADE UP BY BLAKE" and then shows you their equally fake screencap about their made up pro-[game] schizo

fuck, just look at this very board and how people get into extremely autistic genwar fights, talking about how there's totally some [gen whatever] discord conspiracy to make people like/dislike whatever game and showing you the fakest sharty screenshots you've ever seen to "prove" it. this shit is TERMINAL
/vg/ and /trash/ probably have it the worst of all the boards (this one not far behind), but general-only boards being schizophrenic no-go zones isn't exactly new, nor is it a real loss

I haven't been to /v/ in years but that sounds pretty bad. Still go to /trash/ but it's a shame how it has become mostly 24/7 generals as well.
what is the source / context? this sounds like a satire
I fucking hate these cut offs shit, the reading became a bitch because of it
So as far as I understand he married a Froslass under a pack of never remembering or mentioning her to anyone. But because he was horny he opened his mouth then he regretted it immediately and flipped his shit instead of just carrying on... and something happened?
Sorry I am not familiar that much with Japanese folklore, did I get that right?
The amount of times I enter a thread, leave some shitpost and then get an instant reply half a minute later calling me some random boogeyman I have no clue about is insane. Take a look at the "favorite pokemon move", what the fuck is even going on in there?
Tell me about it, I've been accused of being some supposed schizo that's been haunting sonic threads I never visited all because I called out an obvious fake leak, I've been called two different schizos by two different generals at the same time over a single post on /trash/ once, I've been called some twitterfag on here for reasons I don't care enough to ask about, some discordfag on /vg/ for a thread that doesn't even HAVE a discord, AND an honest-to-god CIA agent on /x/ because I dared laugh at some retard newfags worshipping a tripfag as the literal second coming of Jesus. At this point whenever I see someone complaining about Eric or Barry or whoever the fuck on /v/, I just respond saying "no, you're (random name I made up)" without elaboration
>take a look at the "favorite pokemon move"
Holy fuck. Usually when I see samefagging this blatant, it's at least obvious what the schizo is sperging about, but this tripfag drama rambling is incomprehensible to me.
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I'll take that question. Over 2 months ago a new schizo appeared in /pgg/ of all things. He engaged with random people accusing them of lying (me included) and made easily verifiable statements which were utter bullshit. Every time he sperged out about it.
The most notorious case was about Solar Beam, he claimed that with it Solgaleo was able to oneshot Zygarde-Complete and Palkia Origin in fucking pogo pvp. Of course he got swiftly BTFO but doubled down and melted down over it so much, that he got his nickname "solarfag"
He always accuses everyone of being the same person, initially "the furfag" and later some tripfag from /a/ from 10 years ago called Akami or something.
He calls all evidence against him easily faked and often starts sentences with the likes of "it's honestly funny how". And he insists that replying to bait is not shitposting, so he takes every bait imaginable like a bot. Because he's "telling shitposters to fuck off"
He also projects like no tomorrow, mainly about having a shitty life and ban evading (he was banned plenty of times)
Nowadays jannies purge /pgg/ of him semi-effectively, so he has been infecting other places. He hates pokephilia yet was caught posting in multiple threads dedicated to it, including Meowscarada and Sylveon/Glaceon threads
When spotted, report him for instigating a flame war or something, it has a non-zero success chance.

People took notice of his autism and often bait him all over the place, mainly by talking about Solar Beam. It guarantees a shitstorm, so... there we are now.
Mods should've gone scorched earth on him and ivyfag and shaun a long time ago
They are not human. They are female though
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Plot twist: His gf is unovan
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Foxgirls and Catgirls is a Japanese classic, the surprise is the sea lion mermaid idol clown soprano
I personally like the brats that do the correcting
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Anon, can you explain why there are three under level Pokemon in your Van?
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Most of it is lesbian or porn
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or lesbian porn
They look like they fuck their male trainers exclusively.
Ash was raped by his Bayleef in a dark alley during the sweltering summer of '92
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Holy shit, the rabbit hole
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It's really something else. Like holy shit, the behavior patterns are all the same and haven't changed at all. All my assumptions from the 2 months of witnessing his shitposting in /pgg/ were correct (that he's severely autistic, schizophrenic and that he has no friends). All my independent observations confirmed.
Holy shit. 11 years.
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I dig that, I pushed it towards a more glam rock ascetic
Imagine this with marine fauna mixed with an 80s concert
>a more glam rock ascetic
based and canon
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Now Delphox the grey and El Gato
Seriously, it would be interesting to play with the natural beard of lynxes.
Just don't let it bite you
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Give it time, trust the plan
Do you guys post from Epstein Island, NYC pedo tunnels or BlackRock offices?
You don't play Pokemon
You don't watch Pokemon
You only talk about genders
big dick energy thread
>You don't play Pokemon
>You don't watch Pokemon
correct! i only masturbate to pokemon. please understand.
(post unrelated)
Ultra based. the franchise fucking sucks now
if they make another mystery dungeon game worth playing, maybe i'll play another pokemon title.
until then, why bother? there's better turn-based rpgs i could be playing.
So how long have you guys been Pokephiles? For me, since about 2010. Lucario converted me.
Now that we have a full trinity, it means we're in a catch 22 situation where any further starter waifumon they make will inevitably cause autism wars regarding whether the new one should take any of the previous ones' positions on the trinity or not. The other possibility is that the new contender is so unequivocably awful and inferior to the 3 already established ones that it leads to endless shitposting about how much it sucks, all while a select few contrarians defend it to death to the point of becoming new resident goodrafags.

Fun times ahead.
my dad molested me when i was a kid so i always prefered pokemon/ cartoon stuff to human stuff.
always felt "safer."
Zoroark awoken things in me when I was a young lad watching M13 for the first time.
anyways, the lucario movie did it to me
something about his voice, man
I had a crush on mew when the first movie was on cinema here year 2000. Nothing bad happened in my childhood, I just prefer exotic things, because humans are just boring. Had multiple girlfriends btw.
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Since 2022 when I returned to this franchise. Bought the Switch for CTR:NF and got Legends Arceus alongside that. It reignited my passion for the franchise which I had only ever played in early 2000s, gen1-3
Good heavens, how glad I am that I didn't pick Sword/Shield instead back then

That alpha Lopunny on the little peninsula in the southwestern corner of Obsidian Fieldlands...
Get over it you mentally ill bastard
Your daddy molesting shit happened a lot of ages ago, move on already instead of dwelling in the past like a retarded victim-complex faggot
i can acknowledge the reason i am a certain way instead of burying it, lmao
my relationship with my dad is fine nowadays. he stopped drinking and we get along just fine.
you are uneducated if you don't understand the psychological implications of him being abused as a kid.
>memes and porn actually won
zombie franchise
Thanks to BlackRock and zero IQ attention whores
memes and porn won because the games are shit
But Meowscarada fags who keep making these threads shill SV as the best pokemon games
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There's an actual shartyraid ongoing here already, that's not new. I think under half the falseflaggers in the board are shartytimmies or raider-wannabes, it's only going to get ten times worse when summer comes and twitterkiddies flood in. You people need to learn how to have a thicker skin and tell these niggers to fuck off. Stop replying to bait.
Why do furfags here keep forgetting that 99% of the planet hate them?
You will never be accepted. You come here exactly because you are afraid to admit being an animal fucker to the public
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This is not an animal, sir. This is a slut.
Magical animal*
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Magical whores*
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Nice delusion retard
Go say your are a furry in the streets and post results.
You worth less than trash to normal people
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(not respectively)
Post arm or fuck off back to /v/, faggot
You are a pedophile who is mad at furrychads on a furry board.
Literally nothing would happen other than receiving a weird stare from strangers if one went out and said out of nowhere that they are a furry. How detached from reality are you?
>nooo it's just 1 autist who hate us here i swear!
>look I googled "why furries are hated" and screen-capped 2 articles, and 2 videos one of which has 106k views, surely this reflects what people outside of the internet think!
Go outside sometime and meet people, angry little nonce.
>Stop replying to bait.
Unfortunately the retards on this board are too dense to take the most basic advice you can get on this website.
ESL retard
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go cry about your healthcare and loans, dog
he's a furry
the only thing that makes him cry is getting no commissions on Xwitter
Shut the fuck up, ack.
Heavy projection
The vast majority of civilized society is tolerant of furries.
big fox
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Imagine if she gets an alpha form in PLZA haha
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Reposting the schizo lore of ACK, we must stay informed

stage one
stage two
stage three
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stage 1
stage 2

get it RIGHT
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initial stage
middle stage
final stage
big cat
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it's literally stage 2
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>that pronounced chest
On model autists on suicide watch
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tcg has some interesting artistic choices
i hope that particular delphox gets released one day.
>that bulky houndoom
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The card says that Braixen is stage 2. Therefore Delphox is stage 3.
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it's a stage 2. i'm going to steal something from your house
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Cards are not canon
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beautiful seal wife
trifusion when?
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These TCG cards are good ammo against on model schizos (not to be confused with on model enjoyers).
>noooo you cannot have subtle breasts on a mammalian humanoid! every single Pokémon out there is identical among its species!
If official TCG art and other official content allow it, then it's on model too. Same with big assed Ninetales, purple Kecleon, non-crazy-eyed Wattrel etc etc
Delphox needs more moves dammit.
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Gilf ... "SOON"
>On model autists on suicide watch
Guys, guys, it's just an artist's mis...
>the three most memorable regions with the best games
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Strong Ara Ara vibes
and Sea lion?
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>that pronounced chest
Meowscarada has a lot of moves and a decent hidden ability

Primarina has niche as a defensive pokemon

What use is delphox? It's got a bad hidden ability it's movepool is rather poor and it doesn't have enough stats to do anything major. The fox needs a buff I really hope a z gives it a mega evolution do any of you actually use these pokemon or are you just horny
out of 10
I'm not a immature little boy and don't give a fuck about *snigger* competitive.
Yes, I've used Delphox. But using Delphox /= "try to be the VERY best real-world Ash Ketchum-like VGC world champion using Delphox".
Me and my milfy/gilfy foxwife gonna sit and watch a stream of the nerds who just fail to grasp the secret of the IP to sperg about stats, strength and match-ups though.
More like the holy tranniety lmao
braixen is so hot
that text just feels awkward to read. Doesn't roll on the tongue at all. No one says "based 4chan.org gamer" ever
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>bad hidden ability it's movepool is rather poor
As a DnD fag this hurts me, while magic users have a rough start with limited resources, as they gain experience a whole arsenal opens up for them.

If they couldn't give it an ability as broken as Protean, they should have at least given it a more extensive move pool, not at the level of Mew, but that would at least have moves of each type, although many were not competitive at least to emphasize its class.
Absolutely based
Imagine giving a shit about compshit, there's a reason nobody watches VGC. Actually plenty of reasons. But I'd rather spend 100 hours traveling with my Delphox wife in Legends Z-A and downing random mobs than give a fuck about what's currently the best at switching and intimidating.
Stat-wise, Delphox is strictly better than Charizard and both Typhlosion. It received some buffs in Gen 9 with Focus Blast and Nasty Plot. But anyway, it's the ability that hurts more than anything. You see, all Kalos starters got a hidden ability new to Generation 6, the only starter trio to do so at all. Greninja got Protean (god), Chesnaught got Bulletproof (really good as it basically denies Gengar and other ghost-types) while Delphox got Magician. But Delphox has no way to effectively use Magician, it can Overheat + Eject Pack or Power Herb + Solar Beam and both are situational. It's also Fire/Psychic which means it's weak to SR, weak to Knock-off and doesn't resist U-Turn which are all undesirable characteristics.

Delphox should learn Thunderbolt. It already learns Thunder Punch.
>No one says "based 4chan.org gamer" ever
thats why its funny tbqh
>sharties when they see an Ivysaur thread
>Delphox should learn Thunderbolt. It already learns Thunder Punch.
and some ice-type moves, I mean it already has Rain Dance and Grass Knot, and Delphox has a free pass to learn any move.
ivyposter making dank memes per usual
only if Delphox was the shillmon
Meowscarada mogs the other two, no contest
My wife
Should be able to do
Water pulse
Charge beam
Mud ball
Energy ball
Aura sphere
Aurora beam
Air cutter

I feel like these moves are all mage like enough to where you could imagine delphox using them while not being ridiculously strong. I still think at leat 20 of it's attack Stat should be redistributed to it's special attack and defense

10 to each
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Only its S.Atk, not for nothing squishy wizard is a thing
She's LatinX.
based af
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Ass, Boobs, Legs
>Meowscarada is the only one who can use all 3 without forcing it too much
>>55918161 is right
Learn your place, pleb, Primarina is Canon Thicc Ass
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too much ass desu
ass, legs, boobs is the correct answer then
I want to worship Delphox thighs...
Yakub comic by Frank Edward. Don't be eating when you see the title page, you'll laugh
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Promises, promises
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LOVE seal wife
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I remember when no one care about Delphox during XY. Now, people suddenly want to fuck it.
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>i remember I was 11 years younger and not interested in pokémon porn
Adults wanted to fuck it then too kid. Problem was TPC were shilling the ninja frog at little boys and manchildren, so unless you were looking for us, you weren't finding it.
Now, it's 11 years later, greninja's a memory to those now adults and those of that persuasion have finally woken up to Milphox. Oh and you'vce growmn older and started hanging around websites were people talk more freely about fucking pokémon.
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Lie, proudly phoxfucker from day one.

Joking aside, the problem was the initial shock of her revelation with a horrible 3D model for a character that was obviously not planned for that format, it was only until her appearance in the anime that the artists were able to better understand the nature of the design: it is a graceful fox with two layers of fur that emulate the silhouette of a witch, when the artists were able to see beyond the fur they found a vixen with strong Milf connotations and the rest is history.

Even to this day, her model is one of the most problematic since both the fur on her "tunic" and her ears should not be static, it should be dynamic and fluid.
>during XY
because most people liked Greninja and otheres were busy jerking off to Charizard X.
when Vaporeon meme gave the green card for normies to talk about pokeporn everywhere, everyone picked a furry mon to fit in.
even some Nintendo employees started to use the Vaporeon meme to talk about sex with their female coworkers
Delphox had lackluster animations, looking like a static traffic cone pulling out a wand from their sleeve. While Braxien used a baton twirl.
The design always had potential to be great but was outshined by tsunfox.
Schizophrenia is truly a bitch. Mental health is no joke folks, be kind to yourselves
Them and pawmot are my in game team I need two more pokemon to compliment them
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In any style Gata is a Goblina
Since her debut people wanted to fuck the teen fox, but few could see the potential in her hot mom.
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Delphox has always had its fans, but most of them are not here.
Markiplier's smash/pass trend gave the green card to normies
>Inteleon Top 10
Lizardchads stay winning.
they're pretty good
Replace the tumblrina with Samurott and I'll upboat your thread.
Marry Floragato
Fuck Braixen
Kill Brionne and rape her corpse
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>I remember when no one care about Delphox during XY. Now, people suddenly want to fuck it.
Lurk more
don't worry. I'll upboat it for free!
>190 cm
Give alpha Phox thighs
what's a verilyclone?
Clones of icefag aka icetales aka verilyfag aka prude aka cirnofox, the dude who jerked off his dog and felt remorse, then consequently campaigned against pokephilia. The original is long gone, but it's assumed that there have been many imitators. But nowadays his clones are so bad and unconvincing that nobody has got any doubt they're fake. When was the last time you heard one using Scooby-doo as argument to try to prove that Pokémon are not sapient?
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>When was the last time you heard one using Scooby-doo as argument
Last year
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Don't mind me, just guiding this thread to page 10
>tfw gooner taste when i just pick the girl pokemon cause im a girl
Long gone? Did he kill himself like a retard or what?
Where did you get this list from?
Jump off a cliff
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Why jump? If you can fly!
Fly into the pavement and strike it with your head as hard as possible, then.
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Always hilarious seeing the incandescent, impotent rage of of a spastic unable to affect change on the places she visits online.
>certain dog makes 125k seethe incluing the trend starter himself

R34, search for post number >>50390387 in the archive
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Great thread, guys
I saw it on day 1
I'm glad people now see how great she truly is
I think it's more "any time they add a floofy fox, it topscores as most fuckable". Thievul did perform well, but it's not floofy enough for casuals.
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Someone should update this. The numbers are way different now
Thievul looks like snidely whiplash is the problem. Nickit has more art because it's cute
>snidely whiplash
Deep cut, I'd have gone Dick Dastardly/the Hooded Claw (thought you meant HC initially) but while you're right about its looks, it is telling the rest have a higher proportion of fluff and topscore. If it was fluffier (thus more enjoyable to snuggle with), it'd likely be higher.
And what makes you say you can?
Well for one, I'm not throwing a stop at poképhile central being poképhile central. I've also been here 14 years and despite them banning us pornposting as paedophiles were sharing their shite in the lower pages of the catalog, they haven't been able to evict poképhiles. Nor has any concerted effort by a dedicated faggot managed it either.
But continue to whine about the board culture. We're not forcing you into the containment board.
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It's not a gooner taste. None of these Pokemon is inherently sexual at all, but men (especially on the internet) can find literally anything to be sexy.
they fear the moustache
Holy Black Square of Chaos
>pokefucker mad about "supposed self-inserting"
that's like a thief angry with theft
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