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is there any chance in hell that this will be good, or even decent.
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I'm so goddamn curious about all that's happened behind the scenes. An honest "making of Dreadwolf" would be so good.
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>is there any chance in hell that this will be good, or even decent.

This is the gayest RPG I've ever seen and all we have is the title so far
Next to none, but I'll still probably end up playing it
Best case scenario, it will have passable gameplay while being an awful rpg
All they need is passable gameplay and to continue the story. Literally no one expects it to be le true RPG.
have you seen the webm? that's not passable gameplay in 2024 or 2025.
GOTY incoming. Pure awesome-button KINO on PC
I'm going to be here to make sure all the /vrpg/ contrarians are kneeling (and playing dreadwolf)
I will shill for it just to spite bg3trannies.
there's a chance that it will be better than inquisition, but it will be 100% worse than origins.
I think there is a chance, maybe like 30% of it being good. 70% of it being trash.

But 0% chance of it being up there with the best modern rpg
This logo needs a few dildos too just to make it look as gay as possible
I will use a sword and board like my favorite Dragon Age 2 set-ups. Awesome-button bros are having a blast this year
Looks kino
I'll pray for you
Fuck yeah bro. I don't know why devs still make awesome-buttonless games, like do you not understand good game design? Button = awesome. Simple and elegant design.
Any chance this game wins GOTY against Rebirth and Kingdom Come 2?
Half the game is the party, and they couldn't even do that right in Inquisition, so no hope.
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The rumour is Kieran and Andraste are going to be companions
Is it going to be open world?
>play DA:O + Awakening about 2 dozen times
>turn off DA2 about 7 minutes into the prologue
Did I get filtered? The game is supposed to be the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate and then they removed the overhead view and RTWP. What the fuck.
Literally who
I can't wait for the dreadwolf bros. It's going to be SOO GOOOD!
Yeah, this. This might be the game that kills BioWare if its shit, and its been reworked multiple times. Inquisition's DLCs were pretty good, so if they learned their lessons, it could be as good as legenedary editions ME3, but even then, that is way behind the curve on RPG design, not to mention that now it seems they started to tail-chase soulslike combat after tail-chasing MMO hotbars.
reading a story about this games development would be more fun then playing the game itself.
Old God baby 2, Andraste was Old God Baby 1
By that token it seems like they wouldn't have bothered not cancelling it completely if they didn't have something that at least looks decent to suits
*so basically I don't think it will be legendary trash, it'll be somewhere between markedly worse than Inquisition and about as good as Inquisition, maybe with seriously bad writing that wouldn't be noticed by suits (like Andromeda).
Wardens and Morrigans baby from Dragon Age Origins.
Genuinely looks better than DA2 and DAIs combat.
The fake half action combat in those games is fucking awful, either go full action (like shown here) or go full rtwp (like in DA:O)
Agreed, the game went through three distinct transformations
>Morrison, but with the live elements purged and a heavy focus on the single player campaign
Why did you leave out Origins when DAI has better combat than DAO? lol
I only played DA:O and was turned off because the helmets looked retarded. Do they all have goofy ass armor?
Yes, worst helmets in fiction in all of them
I can't remember if there's a don't show helmets option in DAO/DA2/DAI but if not you should mod them out
If game changes producers and lead-writers 3 times there is zero chance of it being salvageable.

>western action combat
>dragon age (cursed franchise)
I know it's a cliche to invoke trannies but only LGBTQIA++ are going to enjoy this.
The very same people that cry about bg3 every day will buy it and pretend it's a good game.
>The very same people that cry about bg3 every day will buy it and pretend it's a bad game.
>made up thing in my head and now I am mad!
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What? No.
Too early to tell, lets wait the reveal this summer fest.
I am so mad they went for action real time gameplay, why not turn based you little dipshits at bioware
WRPGs will always fail at making good combat in the form of action rpg because they will inevitable get compared to From Software and other action games like Nioh, they have a choice to polish their action gameplay but at the expense of the RPG mechanics and other gameplay systems which would kill their core identity, so its either a janky bad action combat system or a good turn based one and they have chosen wrong again.
Bioware are stuck in the 2000s with no intention to evolve, turn based are popular again.
Even if you dont make it turn based at least make it real time with pause.
Ditch that pseudo action shit
Doubt it. They've alread completely trashed all of their progress and started from scratch at least once, and they were planning to turn it into a microtransaction ridden hell because EA execs have literal brainworms.
Dragonage was a dead IP when two stopped being an RPG.
Its gonna be like God of Nord.
>I know it's a cliche to invoke trannies but only LGBTQIA++ are going to enjoy this.

my exact thoughts
The outrage addicts who hate in bg3 don't buy or play rpgs lol they're casuals
Can I impregnate Andraste?
I'm looking forward for all the janky animations
Those are the best part of a Biotrash game
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Gray ethical problems where there is no clear right answer is the crux of the entire setting. How in the hell could people whose moral nuance amounts to 'everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi chud' ever grasp such a setting or be able to tell effective stories in it. The switch to a more programmatic rather than thoughtful ethics was already showing with the adoption of token identity characters like Dorian. Dorian's voice actor is amazing, but he is still written like an obvious stereotype insert of a modern gay men. This is reliance on ident pol rather than good character writing and flexible, nuanced moral thinking. That being said, DAI still had some talent behind it as you also have characters like Solas and Sera who are so cleverly designed that they are actually too smart and the entire fanbase winds up missing the point. Unfortunately all that talent has been hemorrhaged. It's the great cycle of gaming turning as it should.
>hard times makes creative developers
>creative developers get gobbled up by corpos
>creative developers depart and found new development team
and so on and so on... The problems, anons, is letting go.
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Very little, and it's going to be POZZED beyond belief. The narrative is going to be extremely shoehorned and fit one single line, as the fat Canadian pronoun people that made this pile of shit are not capable of comprehending a moral gray zone. The characters will be forgettable or unironic parodies of a stereotype.

It'll likely be the final nail in Bioware's coffin as well. The studio that made the Mass Effect Trilogy, KOTOR, and DA:O is long dead in soul, and it will soon be dead all together.
See >>3490289
>Gray ethical problems where there is no clear right answer is the crux of the entire setting
Since fucking when?

Do you help the mages or do you murder children? Yes, sure the existence of circles is absolutely justified as is the fear of magic in the greater scheme of things but when it comes down to it the quest boils down to "Do you murder the innocents yes/no"
Same with the Elves/Werewolves where the clear and obvious path is to lift the curse but you still get the choice to fuck the elves or the werewolves over which just continues the suffering.

It always followed the same approach of oldschool RPGs like Baldurs Gate or Fallout where you have an obvious and clear good solution and the contrarian ones.
Even New Vegas, Alpha Protocol or Planescape:Torment follow this trend.

I still cannot believe how people are low IQ enough to actually buy into this "yOuR cHoIcEs MaTtEr" shit.

For the people with reading comprehension issues; This is not me defending Bioware. Their writing has been on a downward spiral ever since Mass Effect but lets not fucking pretend here that "moral thinking" was any of their strengths at any given point.
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>buying games
It's not made up at all, it's a common and well mocked genre of guy
I'll wait until it comes to GamePass or Playstation Plus. Not buying this game.
is tencent invested into it like they are with larian?
Learn proper english pajeet
That was English, are you having a stroke?
You're a well mocked genre of guy
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One of the most stunning first posts of our time.
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It would be kino
Looks much better than the last 2 games combat system. If they've polished this up it could end up being fun.
Best case scenario it will be Inquisiton/ME3 tier
I like BG3 a lot but EA is full of true believer leftists under absentee corporate management and a vastly different story, Deadname is all but guaranteed to be politicized garbage.
Which do you think will happen in Dreadwolf?
I dont care that theyre leftists, thats a good sign obviously but EA is a hypercapitalist shithole that burns through senior staff and goes through insane crunch periods after clearing years of work from the slate. I have general confidence in the teams abilities, my concern as always is with the suits.
After how hellish its development was, I'd be surprised if this game doesn't conclude the story. Everyone's getting a cameo.
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>thats a good sign
Most good fantasy and scifi is written by people considered left wing by their contemporaries, ID argue thats because it requires empathy and imagination but thats speculation desu.
I liked inquisition and even I think it will be shit. Let it go, anon
My wife Vaea
I fuckin' LOVED playing Tempest Archer casting speed potion then switching to a different character to see myself ZOOMin
did anyone else think Flemeth was better at just being a Witch instead of the whole Mythal thing?
Here is how DA:I could win:
>no wokeshit
>better true action combat than DD2, which while competent was not the level up everyone was expecting
>bring back their gambit style level of customization of npc personalities in combat which fosters some of the fun of multiplay without all the immersion breaking baggage and logistical problems of dealing with actual people
>actual difficulty levels
>actual builds and gearing levels
>return to the mystery of the golden city, morrigan and her baba yaga mom and god babies, pre-socialist leftist Qun, desire demons and others being insidious manipulators instead of cartoon demonic cariacatures and the actual sacrifices and risks needed to be a grey warden to innoculate yourself against Blight
>do any single fucking thing with red lyrium and dwarves that makes sense instead of forgetting about it halfway through the game
>less insane and more relatable mages
>more insane and less relatable templars
>no wokeshit

Here is what is going to be released:
>a dynamic RTWP fresh take on tab targeting disguised as action combat so people with no reflexes can also feel like they accomplished something
>a few item models carefully stretched out over multiple stock gearing options so as not to tax the modelling budget too hard
>every difficulty you can imagine as long as it is story mode
>last but not least, a rebelliously fresh and inclusive take against the cis hetero normative white patriarchal society we are all forced to live in and do a capitalism to pay our bills instead of unleashing our inner two spirit pansexualism while in line to buy Kim Kardashian fatass wear at walmart or having to hold it in before taking a shit on the metro mass transit system because walkable cities and toilets don't exist.

Let me know if you have any questions or need stock tips. I am practically Nostradamus.
Based Ghost, Coast to Coast
Wow i tought these series were long dead
And no i think it will be awful desu senpai
Kek saved. Fuck that avatarfag
>Most good fantasy and scifi is written by people considered left wing by their contemporaries
hey I wonder why so many people consider contemporary fantasy to be dogshit.
I know you will cope with GRRM while he is busy pissing all over his legacy as it becomes apparent that it was all just Mystery-Box-Storytelling.

>thieves world
not a leftist
not a leftist
>Lord of the Rings
Not a leftist
obviously not a leftist

It gets even funnier of you consider that Leftists now screech how Gygax was an ebil rightwinger now.
>ID argue thats because it requires empathy and imagination
Which is something that leftists generally don't possess btw.
They started repeating that cope ever since Hugo and Nebula awards started gatekeeping for the left.
Orson Scott Card notably being the only guy to ever win both in consecutive years before the modern koolaid era still and wrote the book on how to write sci fi and fantasy figuratively and literally. He's also on the screech at list now ofc.
That cope has been going on for way longer.
I still remember the "George Orwell was le heckin good-guy socialist" posts from over 20 years ago.
7 more days until announcement and gameplay reveal
7 more days until idiots can be offended over garbage no one wants and then buy the game so they can continue being offended by it (this will be the one video game they play this year)

>witch flemmeth
>"I've risen so far above my station that even the big leaguers should be wary, if I let them know about me."
>elf god flemmeth
>"I'm mid-tier and hiding. If anyone shows up I'm bound to get one-shot"
UI looks like $10 asset bundle shit, combat is just quasi MMO meets neo-hack'n'slash ("souls like")
Utter garbage. No Dragon Age game was good anyway
looks good to me.
Tolkein (self declared anarchist and an anti racist), moorcock, greenwood, isaac asimov, george orwell, aldous huxley, ursula k leguin, kurt vonnegut, gene rodenberry, terry pratchett, octavia butler, alan moore, phillip k dick, lain banks, steven king and mary shelley; without getting into the obscure or contemporary
George orwell was a leftist, im sorry did you never read homage to catalonia?
Oh shit I forgot my fucking boy short king icon harlan ellison, soz im sleep deprived
>George orwell was a leftist
Operative word being "was." At the end of his life he certainly believed social justice was a noble goal, but be certainly wasn't a political socialist or in any way aligned with communism.
Its like you faggots completely forget everything after 1930 exists.
"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it. It seems to me nonsense, in a period like our own, to think that one can avoid writing of such subjects. Everyone writes of them in one guise or another. It is simply a question of which side one takes and what approach one follows. And the more one is conscious of one's political bias, the more chance one has of acting politically without sacrificing one's aesthetic and intellectual integrity."

Do you know who said that?
I would say the cartroon on netflix was a good indicator of what's to come
As someone who was already heavily annoyed by the fagginess of BG3 characters, I'm afraid I won't even be able to actively force myself to play DA:D (pirated, goes without saying)
what am i supposed to be mad about? this look cool
Someone gay made it and women like it, doesnt that make you outraged?
>Did I get filtered?
yes you filtered yourself from playing trash. do not feel bad.
it took me awhile to get the joke
I'm sad that you're right
I want to agree with you, but I hated Solas and Sera. I guess I just got filtered huh, but I don't care because they're both horrifying in their own right and having deliberately terrible characters evoke aversion is not clever, it's basic cause and effect.

>I caused the apocalypse in the past, I started the apocalypse in the present and I'm going to cause the apocalypse again in the future

I don't understand what's there to get about this guy other than that he's a dunderhead.
There was a netflix show?
I used to love Dragon Age Origins...
Then I played older cRPGs and realized... DA:O is boring af
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>live elements purged and a heavy focus on the single player campaign
This was supposed to be a live service game? Oh dear God this is somehow going to be even worse than I could have imagined
>against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.
>as I understand it
>as I understand it
>I am conscious of my political bias
Orwell would have understood easily that modern 'socialism' is totalitarianism as that is what his books were directly targeted against.
INGSOC were the bad guys, the ones clamping rat cages to people's faces for going against The Party. That is short for English Socialism.
Today The Party is Democratic Socialist, just as he predicted.
Certain types of speech are not allowed, and facial recognition and cameras are very active in the UK as I understand it.
You ape the words, and don't understand the central message of the book because it's doubleplusungood aka "problematic" propaganda for your team to admit these truths that are obvious to all the rest of us, who are indeed conscious of our own political bias therefore your political bias stands out like a beacon of totalitarian fascism.

No one needs to put you in jackboots, you have uniform opinions with the rest of your ilk on twitter and reddit.
No one needs to put a gun in your hand, you have cancellation powers and systematically corrupt courts and officials on your side.

Please shut the fuck up.
Ita amazing how you post this quote without having read it and still think it works in your favour.
>is there any chance in hell that this will be good, or even decent.
The lead writer is Patrick Weekes a faggot who larps as non-binary and was the queer who wrote Iron Bull, of course not
Actually orwell had a phrase he used that he was pretty germaine to the situation. Here we have a lifelong socialist with a body of work that explicitly explains he seeks democracy through the socialization of goods, has a well known quote explaining his democratic socialism; and you think he would be what a republican? A democrat? See he called that "doublethink".

That is to say that I sincerly doubt youd be able to conjure any words of orwells speaking negatively towards democratic socialism.

At best I expect that you were both taught some variant of the "rug pull" myth where all socialists are inveterate liars who seek authoritarianism. You cant listen to them because they lie. You cant go too far in opposing them because they want to oppress you. It doesnt matter if they say they dont want that, that they are democratic socialists, you were already told they lie so just assume they have no beliefs at all.

Orwells opposition to the soviet union wasnt even that unique. Do you want a list of other contemporary socialists who were disgusted with what the bolsheviks did to the democratic council system that emerged in russia? People literally marched under the slogan of "communism without bolsheviks".

So the only question then is what do you dips think democratic socialism is to orwell vs lets say its current icon bernie sanders and how does bernie sanders represent an ideology orwell would oppose?

Like can you even articulate it with specific policy sets or beliefs? Or did a youtuber teach you this?
Good signs desu
I want to believe it will be good, I know it more than likely won't be though
Holy sovl
i lose some faith in humanity when i go on steam and browse the top selling games section and it's all triple a games that cost $69.99 and have 50,000 negative reviews.
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Stopped reading right here because it sounds like commie gobbledygook
Why were the women in DAI so ugly?
Besides Morrigan, Leliana and Cassandra of course
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New name.
Well its orwell, so naturally
but what if you didn't bone her in your game
This game is going to be such an unmitigated disaster.
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This will be the first ever AAA game directed by a transexual.
>it's actually real
holy shit lmao
apparently can only bring 2 companions in the field, so it's like KOTOR and Mass Effect
That's even worse.
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Why not call it the Veil or Beyond the Veil or something like that?

That's neat. I hope they make it so you can't even control them or give them orders. Make sure everything about this is a disaster.
I can't believe some people here think this will be good.
After all the Bioware output, after all the obvious leaks, if you think there is a chance this is a good game then you are a subhuman
This game's gonna be a disaster and I can't wait to see it
It's spelled germane.
I understand those who lie better than you do, because I understand the left better.
You must always remember this: the very best liars, lie to themselves first.
I understand that you believe governments are a tool with which you could force everyone to be good according to your view. I believe most tyrants were on some level well meaning until people just didn't want to get in line and ultimately had to be disappeared.

Some people couldn't be cajoled into going against their own interest and when the enticements and threats stopped working, it's time for shock, awe, fear, and slaughter. That's how you got Stalin. All modern socialists are indeed inveterate liars who seek authoritarianism along this axis because their ideas fail in practice. There are many bad people in history that just didn't allow for human nature in their system, and so had to tighten their grip because they knew better. All socialists seem to 'know better' you can't escape that hubris when speaking to one.

Bernie is a foolish old man, who lives in the ivory towers of the northeast with the rest of the clueless left, where they shovel illegal immigrants on everyone to pay for their NVDIA purchases. He's right at home with Pelosi and her ilk and just knows more innocuous grandpa imagery to market to the young and dumb.

Orwell warned socialists to not become what they are now. They still don't listen to any criticism, much less Orwell's.
>Orwell warned socialists to not become what they are now.
And yet you arent able to draw from any orwell to support this and I can point to homage to catalonia and his direct endorsement of democratic socialism as meaning he would approve of democratic socialism. Which is at least in the americas the most popular variant.

>ivory tower
He grew up working class, was a teacher and iirc a carpenter. Grassroots activist who won a mayoral election the old fashioned way and against the odds. Was a longtime favorite local politician then became the most popular politician in america, a best selling author and a senator all without becoming a millionaire before his book dropped. Youre just talking nonsense.
>I understand that you believe governments are a tool with which you could force everyone to be good according to your
Oh also no not really. Read paine.
Bernie also said "at least they had food" when questioned about food lines.

(Note, there were food lines because they "didn't" have food).
No time, source or subject mentioned at all. Fuck me.

Sorry, the actual quote is even worse.
Jesus man. Youre not bright. He said a society that is still trying to feed everyone and share resources via food lines is better than a collapsed aociety with no attempts to feed everyone, where rhe rich live and simply watch the poor die. This isnt terribly complicated and frankly I dont think orwell would hear that and become a republican or whatever you did.

All the shit the 2 rapist genocide supporters in the running have done and said and youre offended by a nice man saying 40 years that its better to wait then eat then starve.
*than to starve
Except you know the society he preached about collapsed and made no attempt to feed anyone.
Where the powerful simply watch the poor die.
Could you not make those connections?
>no attempt to feed anyone.
What were foodlines

Idk if this is news to you but not all attempts to keep people fed work, particularly in small nations that recently faced violence and experiencing active US intervention. And not all attempts to keep society's lights on are done by noble people for the most selfless of reasons.

An example of society that makes no attempt to feed people would be israel or the congo free state.
>game gets rebooted twice from sp to live service game and back to sp
>most old guard/veteran bioware devs have either left or were fired in the layoffs
>a name change this late
This really looks like it's going to be their last game. Doubt ea will give them an extra chance with another ME game after andromeda.
Absolute dog shit.

RIP Dragon Age.
im afraid not -_-
Turns out no, what was that art style?
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>we want the valorant audience
I don't see how? Bioware games have been getting steadily worse with each new entry for... fucking forever it feels like.

On a side note, if they really wanted to restore their brand's name, they would go for a new license. Dragon Age is a damaged one; the name stirs ambivalent feelings. It is not the horse you want your legacy to build on. Which makes me think they only care about making a quick, easy buck with yet another, at best, mediocre title.

huh its not dark fantasy?
It has been dead since 2011.
This trailer is a good wake up call to the idiots who shittalk about the good modern RPG devs like Larian, CDPR, Owlcat and Warhorse.
All EU btw
Maybe Obsidian can still earn a spot if Avowed is good, i can forgive one slop like The Outer Worlds if Avowed is good, cause Pillars was a decent CRPG and i heard Pentiment was good (didnt try it myself)
what's depressing is all of DA's problems could have been solved if EA just
>gave Dragon Age II a couple more years of development and a second draft of the script
>didn't blindly chase Skyrim hype when bioware has never made an open world RPG before
>kept David Gaider and all the senior staff on board
I know this is unpopular on this board but I really liked Inquisition. Veilguard (formerly Dreadwolf) looks as much like leftovers as the final four DCEU films.
This is officially the death of Bioware. Yeah, yeah, a lot of people have been saying they've been dead for years. But this game will remove any doubt from even the normie audience. Everyone will see that there is nothing left of the old BW.
You know you're dead when FABLE mogs your trailer
Inquisition wasn't bad, just a mediocre game, it came right after Bioware height with DAO and ME2 back to back, so thats why.
Then CDPR made Witcher 3 just few months after it, DAI released in Nov 2014, W3 in May 2015, about 6 months.
W3 showed how DAI writing, cinematics and characters are not that good, then they showed how unimmersive its world is compared to Witcher.

Thats basically what happened.

I'd say Inquisition is about 5/10 for me, not a bad game but not a good one either. I'd give DAO a 8/10, so thats how it compared.

Bioware are done, i dont think anybody with some experience in gaming deny it, the writing was on the wall since like at least 5 years.
This release is basically capitalizing on old bioware fans who are starving for more games.

Anyway, trailer looked awful, but im saving my final judgement to 11 June to see how gameplay reveal will be, already have extremely low expectations, but trailer was worse than what i expected.
I will only watch a compilation of the MC being an asshole to everyone, as much as the game allows.
It is what I did with Inquisition
Fable is also looking bad.
I think Avowed will be the best of those 3 NA RPG slop, just because Obsidian still have some talent in them.
I want to correct myself, Fable is apparently British, so 1 L for EU.

Sorry. It was kind of v-ish for me to phrase it that way. It's just that what they were going for was really unique and might not be expected. Thus it was missed by many. Solas is the easier of the two. He is basically an sjw. He views the world through the lens of race and identity. To him the plight of elves and spirits is about their nature and how humans react to their nature. Sera is the counter argument to Solas. She resoundly rejects race and identity as a way of framing the world and its conflicts. For her it is instead simply about power. You can see this several times where you will actually loose approval from her for making things about race. Of course this is made ironic by the writers by having Sera not only wield a bow but have parallels with one of the elven Goddesses despite her stipulated non elfy nature.

tl;dr the two characters are a commentary on ident pol, Solas being pro and Sera being con. sorry for coming off a bit douchy
WTF is this?
I'm sorry, you fucking what? I've waited over a decade for a female Qunari companion and this is what I get? This wasn't rocket science you fuckers.
This must be atoned for with blood.
Looks better than Sten at least
Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining.
>I've waited over a decade for a female Qunari companion
>'ve waited over a decade for a female
lol okay cuck
Did you have any reason to believe qunari would be attractive?
I was more offended by the tone of the trailer.
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There is precedent.
Wheres the fucking hot art of the qunari chick
I don't know what your specifically referring to but have this.

The trailer for it in case you needed cringe.
They put her in the thumbnail. They think she's so cool.
The animations are dogshit as usual, but this time the artstyle is even more cancer than before. Impressive, truly.
Jesus christ...
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The only thing I like is this pet griffin and that because I have a thing for pet-sized mythological creatures.
lol no, are you kidding
Lets compare this recent "Bioware" trailer to the recent CDPR trailer


Fucking embarrassing
I'm from LGBT and the trailer still looks like shit. The companions seem annoying and not attractive at all. The Qunari lass is probably a tranny, the painted-over ugly man face is going to give me nightmares. I was hoping the redhead twink would be a party member, but then the Lucanis guy killed him.
It's impressive how they managed to convey the game will be shit in 127 seconds. The writing, the NPCs, the art, everything.
That's a woman?
>I really liked Inquisition
>Inquisition wasn't bad, just a mediocre game
Have we played the same game? It wasn't as awful as some games that came out after it, but it already pretty bad. Maps littered with fetch quests like if it was an MMO. Shitty grind of irl time waste with the mission table. Awful party, with Sera taking the title of the worst RPG companion I can think of. Cringy dialogues galore (I still remember cringing at the dialogue with Corypheus when he attacked Haven and the protag shouting "I'm not afraid" or something lalong those lines). The ending that without a dlc feels like the game is absolutely unfinished, and even with it is a cheap cliffhanger. It has some neat elements (background options appearing in dialogues fairly often, for example when forming the inquisition; some plotlines are interesting; bard songs are pretty good) but those aren't enough to make up for the issues.
that makes no sense since they literally changed the whole game when BG3 exploded and they are marketing the game to BG3 audience atm
jokes on you I don't go around fucking witches to make demon babies
sheila broflovski was right all along
Are you ready for this to flop so hard that it kills Bioware for good?
>we had to bomb the genre to save the genre
God I wish Bioware would be put out of its misery, they've been so awful for so long
I have no idea about game development but seeing all these fucking cookie cutter games coming out from the Unreal Engine and how the tech progressed in the last 15 years, wouldn't it be achievable for a small/medium studio to create a game similar to DAO?

This fucking genre has been in an identity crisis since 2005 man what the hell
A solo dev could make a DAO pretty easily now, aside from the voice acting
Bioware doesn't have a non-damaged franchise anymore and a new one wouldn't get hype as the studio's reputation is in the gutter.
It would need a well known name to get any buzz. StarWars maybe?
It looks like something from modern WoW.
This game was born out of BG3. Nice influence. It's over for AAA RPGs.
I can almost feel your delicious tears, face it Bioshit lost. lmao
Anon this turd has been in development hell for a decade
Last games include Anthem and Andromeda. Do you think BG3 is even remotely at fault here?
Yeah, both Larian/Bioware are absolute dogshit LGBT companies. Can't believe there are retards who'd play their games, holy shit some people are stupid. You could be one of them because you smell like a dumb tranny who has never touched a proper RPG in their entire lives.
A modern Bioware Star Wars game would be just as shit though, whoever it is that works there these days seem to have no idea how to make a videogame.
I'm not saying that they'd make a good game.
I was just saying that maybe the StarWars IP could ~maybe~ generate ~some~ hype.
Because the Dragon Age IP has none right now.
>This really looks like it's going to be their last game.
God I hope so.
EA has cannibalized and destroyed so many other studios for so much less, but Bioware is sitting on two absolutely massive flops and they haven't done a goddamn thing since Anthem, except shit out a Mass Effect collection.
Do people even give a shit about Star Wars now?
I thought Disney milked it so much that people give as much a fuck about it as they do the latest capeshit film.
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If we ignore every single thing they have done since part way through making the first DA then I would say we have a chance!
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>Do people even give a shit about Star Wars now
Not really, but seeing Bioware+StarWars in a headline would probably still peak the interests of many a retard.
This is just a pointless thought exercise though, I fully expect EA will take Bioware out to pasture after they push this out the door just to get some return on investment for the dev costs.
>Gray ethical problems where there is no clear right answer is the crux of the entire setting.
They threw that out the window in Inquisition where the main villain is a Power Rangers tier incompetent mustache twirler.
>like an obvious stereotype insert of a modern gay men.
It is worse than that. Dorian is in the game so Gaider can live out his masochistic race mixing fantasies. If you don't believe me, read/listen to his dialogue with Iron Bull.
>Skeleton wearing goggles
Probably the worst part
You may not like it, but it’s what peak undead performance looks like.
Same series

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I am a disgrace to the grammar Führer.
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>a hundred thousand people shitting on your product in less than 12 hours
Every time.
I love how every time this happens leftists complain that it's a minority doing it but don't have any people to upvote the video. Lol
I still care about the old EU but I don’t give a shit about disney star wars.
wheres the china country in Thedas??
Naive of you to expect Bioware to care about their own setting's coherency.
Tolkien was a traditional catholic. You're an idiot.
Ah thanks. So it's you and people like you that I can thank for ruining gaming and, really, all of entertainment.
I'll likely either pirate it or get it after it's been deeply discounted. You can stop sobbing now, spergbro.
I just don't want people writing peak instead of pique on a term paper or something and being embarrassed. better to learn on an anonymous board
You're doing God's work. Thank you.
t. esl
There was a bunch of DA drama on Twitter last night. Turns out all the "super fan" accounts who've been hyping the trailer for weeks have been sucked in by bioware on some sort of super secret community panel. basically went:

>Hey guyize i'm literally crying in excitement for new DA
>OMG this was the most amazing trailer, I can die happy
>hey everyone, hold fire until you see the gameplay on the 11th, it was a just a quick trailer
>look, I've played the game, it's amazing, you'll love it
>oh, I've had a NDA about working with bioware for like 2 years, and couldn't say anything legally
>mass blocking everyone that points out they are paid shills.
>>Hey guyize i'm literally crying in excitement for new DA
>>OMG this was the most amazing trailer, I can die happy
>>hey everyone, hold fire until you see the gameplay on the 11th, it was a just a quick trailer
>>look, I've played the game, it's amazing, you'll love it
>>oh, I've had a NDA about working with bioware for like 2 years, and couldn't say anything legally
>>mass blocking everyone that points out they are paid shills.
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checked and thank you anon
I love you.
That's bullshit but I believe it.
I'm sorry and I hate DA but would all over that moon face on the right like a big pizza pie I'd put something in her eye that's A'more.
>i'm from lgbt
If they turned up the white male chud dunking like with skittles elf before in DAI and barely any straight love interests would you like it better? This is a real, unironic question I am asking you. I am wondering if their DEI marketing works at all.
I expect Lucanis and the Necromancer to be pan/bi/gay, neither one of them straight.
wonder if the prosthetic horn was bolted on later in development so that this 2m tall barbarian woman with hornes wouldn't be compared to the other one who is also missing right horn
You know I never watched this and went through all of PL blind but you're right, this is way more invested in something of import to say, even after we remove superficial qualities like fortnite graphics vs. realism etc.

It's LGBTQ Family™ vs. an actual believable story of betrayal. The dialogue right before she burned him was excellent.
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You know this will be bad when even PCGAYMER stopped shilling and started doomposting.
>I can point to homage to catalonia and his direct endorsement
Which just confirms that you are either disingenous or actually fucking retarded.

Its like reading Also sprach Zarathustra and then sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending that Nietsche never wrote anything else.

It takes a very special padded helmetwearing individual to read animal farm and go "n-no h-he wasnt criticizing socialism b-because c-catalonia! He was le based reddit socialist chungus!"
>>I expect Lucanis and the Necromancer to be pan/bi/gay, neither one of them straight.
Supposedly they are all "pan"
Still gonna be better than bg3.
Orwel was a dipshit faggot. If you really want to claim him, be my guest.
To who else do you apply this methodology? Is there anyone else who described themself to be of one ideology, embedded themselves in that movement and who you then turn around and label an enemy of that ideology? Is lafeyette going to be stripped of his liberal credentials next?

Furthermore "what is fascism" isnt an essay denouncing democratic socialism, its a call for a more refined definition of fascism from the left. Which is a conversation you find today in the pages of jacobin.

You really ought to read his review of mein kampf next.

Also nietzsche can eat my shit, absolute doggerel. Read stirner instead. Also buddhism. Never that swine.
it looks ok. honestly.
No here is some word play
>dragon gayge: failhard
>deadwolf on arrival
>scout face boggedin
>gay wardens
>gay pride demon
>neve-r redeem sirs
>darish elf
>tevinter shites
>tumblr sexy mancer
even dragon age origins was only good on the first playthrough. trying to play through it again was a major slog. Every game after origins has been worse than origins.
I dont understand why this series keeps getting made. At the time it was
>fantasy.... BUT WITH LE BLOOD
which is extremely commonplace now.
As if we needed more confirmation from you that youre a midwit simpleton too low IQ too understand that your own movement became so Extreme that it brands its own as heretics.

Textbook example of too dumb to be able to tell how dumb you are.
Fucking pseuds man.
You are a leftist and therefore incapable of having a non-biased discussion. I've replaced your debate role with this machine which will argue your stance better than you can.

1) If orwell was a socialist, why is the enemy in 1984 named "English Socialism" or INGSOC?
George Orwell was indeed a socialist, but his critique in "1984" was not aimed at socialism as an ideology per se. Instead, Orwell's target was the perversion and corruption of socialism and other political ideologies into totalitarian regimes. Here are a few key points to understand why Orwell chose to depict the enemy in "1984" as "English Socialism" or INGSOC:

Critique of Totalitarianism: Orwell was deeply concerned about the rise of totalitarian regimes, such as Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany. He feared that any ideology, including socialism, could be corrupted into a totalitarian state if power became centralized and unchecked.

Warning Against Ideological Corruption: By naming the oppressive regime in "1984" INGSOC, Orwell was warning that even noble ideals like socialism could be twisted into instruments of oppression and control. The novel serves as a cautionary tale about how political ideologies can be manipulated by those in power to justify authoritarian rule.

Satire and Irony: Orwell used irony and satire to make his point. By naming the totalitarian state "English Socialism," he highlighted the hypocrisy and betrayal of the original ideals of socialism. The regime in "1984" bears no resemblance to the egalitarian and democratic principles that genuine socialists, including Orwell himself, advocated for.

Context of the Time: Orwell wrote "1984" in the late 1940s, during a period of significant political upheaval. The horrors of World War II and the rise of the Soviet Union had a profound impact on him. He saw how socialist rhetoric could be co-opted by authoritarian regimes, and he wanted to emphasize the danger of such developments.

Orwell's use of "English Socialism" as the name of the enemy in "1984" was a deliberate choice to critique the potential for any political ideology to become oppressive if it strays from its foundational principles and becomes corrupted by power.

I submit, as I did before, that socialists as a whole have arrived at the critical corruption point that Orwell warned you against.

This is evident in your inability to understand criticism, the insular nature of hollywood and silicon valley that attempts to color and reframe every argument out there so as to put your nepotist circles beyond criticism.
This post is substanceless complaining.

>are a leftist and therefore incapable of having a non-biased discussion
This is biased position.
No one is without bias.
Denying ones own bias means lying to yourself and to others.

>1) If orwell was a socialist, why is the enemy in 1984 named "English Socialism" or INGSOC?
You should have just asked this, its 101 stuff. Orwell was a democratic socialist as I said. He was opposed to soviet union and to its supporters. This was hardly a unique position, I could frankly spend all day giving you anti soviet demsocs and anarchists.

I do understand your argument, its just weak.

"Orwell was not a socialist because he criticized the USSR which means despite saying he was a democratic socialist and writing favorably of anarchism, he hated both."

Idk where the hollywood non sequitor and others came into your cavernous skull. You failed to cite it as something I believe, something demsocs generally advocate for as part of democratic socialism (im demsoc and pro hunting, hunting is not part of democratic socialism for example) or something orwell was against.

Im not surprised that the lukewarm semi-firm cheese curd masquerading as your mind thought AI would strengthen your argument because you already brought up nieztsche.
>This post is substanceless complaining
Leftist having any selfawareness for 5 seconds Challenge: impossible

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