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>better ARPG combat than any actual ARPG at the time
>bigger world than any console RPG at the time
>more quests than any console RPGs at the time
>lore on par with actual MMORPGs
>more classes and specialization choices than most RPGs at the time
>MMO-style gameplay on console with a group of friends
>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
No, it's a downgrade to the first game.
Also having lore on par with MMOs isn't a very high bar to clear.
>mentions MMOshit as a positive
please stop posting
>play Sacred 1
>pick up Seraphim because she's a hot chick in bikini
>first armor I find is a ugly leather armor that covers her whole torso
>uninstall the game
>needs every narrative to be completely linear and in order
MMOs do story telling right, you're just too lazy to piece a story together for yourself
Sacred 1 is great. I was never able to get into Scared 2. I always recommend Sacred 1 to people and never Sacred 2.
>no way to play Sacred 1 on modern systems
Now that's just not true. I bought the game on GOG and i am playing it on Window 10. You just need to do a small tweak for windowed mode.
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>>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
Good old fantasy cheese.
Funny thing is that it's not even the first german rpg to have in-game concert of a real life band. Gothic 1 also had a similar event. Unfortunately only in the German version.
I wonder if there are more rpgs with such thing.
I really wanted to give this game a chance because I love sci-fi/fantasy mashups but it's so much worse than 1
>notoriously buggy at release
>so buggy that even patches couldnt fix some of the gamebreaking bugs
>so poorly optimized for some reason that that it required like twice the systems-resources it should have for its graphics

As an additional bonus it came with securom, one of the worst anti-piracy softwares imaginable before denuvo became a thing causing further instabilities in the games already shitty code.
I feel like Sacred's claim to fame was always that it was an open-world ARPG without the act structure everyone copied from Diablo 2. And mount system.
retarded zoomer
Sacred 1 > Diablo 2 hands down.
Nox > Sacred > Dungeon Siege > Silver > Diablo > Diablo 2
Nox is fun to play but not to replay.
Dungeon Siege is great.
D1 is better than D2 indeed.
But Sacred is just dogshit all around.
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I want to go back!
>But Sacred is just dogshit all around.
kys faggot
>it's either linear and in order or it's an MMO
That's the most dogshit retarded thing I've ever heard.
kinda surprised to see so many people here say 2 is bad. The only things 1 did better were having a slightly bigger (but less engaging) world, and a more focused main story (but with less side quests).
2 is literally just 1 with more in depth character progression and more side content.
>MMOs do story telling right
>millions of players
>everyone is the chosen one
I remember this one,played for a bit.
>shitty control
>taking forever to gain a level at start
>getting scarce gold after mission
All that made it bad,tooked me 1t minutes to learn to bug it and cheat the hell of it to get gold to buy the best ewuipmrnt.
>game locked stuff under mission
Is this kusoge?
>uninstall and shelve disc.
Dungeon Siege was linear as fuck, but damn if that seamless world wasn't impressive.
Doesn't that game have Bill Cosby quotes?
Played Sacred 1 during a large part of my adolescence with a friend.

Never finished it. Game's a gargantuan slug with way too much enemies, incessant and repetitive combat, which gets boring really fast.

At around the same age I discovered Gothic 1 and Oblivion, never to look back again.
fuck off back to /v/eddit, zoomer
Bill Cosby is a hero to millions.
Isn't he a rapist?
>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
I still don't get why Blind Guardian did that.
Twice, for The Dwarves, not to be confused by We Are The Dwarves, a somewhat similar(noticeably cheaper) game.

Eat shit boomer, I'm staying here and there's nothing you can do about it.
I think that's over now lol

Fuck I have distinct memories of being a gamestop and desperately trying to get my mom to buy me dragon age origins. She said no because I was 14 and there were boobs on the cover. Gamestop clerk was no help at all and just suggested this crap. Returned it in a week. Got Dao by finding a copy in the generic gamestop "used" casing. Mom bought it on the spot. I still remember Morrigan's boobies. Anyway it's just funny to remember because this game clearly has much more fanservicey outfits than Dao. Upon retrospect maybe the gamestop guy thought he was helping me, helping me to see boobies. But I didn't want to see boobies. I wanted to see a fantasy game from the mass effect people. That also contained boobies. And by God I saw those breasts and the game was a solid 8 out of 10.
leave /vrpg/, zoomer. this board is for respectable veteran gamers with a long history in the medium. your kind is better suited at reddit or /v/eddit
Man I played this when it was new and wasn't really feeling it then.
I remember buying it for the local and me and my sister just dropping it to go back to the various snowblind engine games.

Gargle on my cock and chock on it.
I remember never finishing it because the game world was just too big.
i miss when slutty armor and attractive women were the norm in video games
The good old days.
yep, it's a goodun. they don't make them like they used too; too many niggers and ugly chicks
I remember finding a nude patch for the seraphim, high elf, and dryad. Then trying to find a similar one for Sacred 1, without success.
Never played the first one, so I don't know how it's like. But the never ending hordes of enemies when travelling is strange.
The game has a nice vibe to it. It's the kind of vibe you don't get anymore.
I played the game vanilla and it was still worth it.

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