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the og chud
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Fuck that made me cry ahahaha
>ridicules teenage girls on the internet
>his main audience are now teenage girls
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Can you make a clip of the bit where it has the misleading subtitles on the weaboos video where he actually said "There are 2 Jews in my closet, both of them are dying"
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we're never going back
I like to think that she's a Joji fan now and has no idea he was the one who prank called her.
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I imagine that with the I eat ass woman.
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Even though I didn't like him back then, I felt pretty nostalgic seeing this thread, makes me wanna go back, wonder what the guy's doing now? Still making music?
Pretty much that, anytime former YouTubers like him do that, he'll always have a female fan base regardless. I'm gonna assume those girls are probably those "heckin 2014-2016 4chanpilled memepilled NEET losercels" edge lords which one girl at my old middle school used to be like or at least some of the "unpopular" girls were like
>His older viewers were once young edge lords
>said fans either trooned/became leftist, or are still loyal viewers who may or may not be edgy
>Still making music?
He's wildly successful.
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fuck i missed this nigga... gonna cry fuck
Remembering him hit me hard a few days ago too but I realized that I wouldn't remember him as foundly if we had a watered down zombie Filthy Frank as well as unhappy George would be doing that. Still I wish I could go back to those times so bad.
I heard he got in a fight with Sam Hyde
No that was a fellow comedian he ran with back in the day.
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just testing this
Unironically nostalgic.
For both Frank AND Naruto.
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he is Joji now he's internationally famous, been on Jimmy Fallon
Never actually bothered to check out his "real music". No doubt he's fuckin' talented but it's just not for me. Not a fan of that overproduced conventional sound.
It's pretty much the singing parts of She's So Nice, just as a whole career.
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this trio
This one of my favourites, I can't post images because of faggot jannies so I would really appreciate if someone could post it here.
I saw him play his music live in 2022. Miss this guy. He had a huge impact on my early teens.
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His song Medicine, is this ok to post?
That's just a dumb remix from the Daughter music. Kill yourself

I really fucking hate when I see a remixed song from a music I knew beforehand. Fuck you for posting that.
it'll be ok anon.
throughout your life, you'll encounter many more things that will make you upset. its best for everyone not to sperg out about most of them.
I knew the song nigger, he just remixed it.
I member when FF was huge here. I love these videos but man what a shame what became of him, faggotdubz and maxmoefoe.
I just binged his videos. Yep he's a comedian genius.
The Filthy Frank show will always be up there with the greats like South Park.
someone got the PUSSY STANK scene?
Which episode is that?
we had it so good.
What pussy does to a mf is always worse than what no pussy does
He never fucks her.
He mentioned that he inserted some of his "Joji" work into pink guy music as a sort of easter egg and because it fit in some of them

LMAO I still remember when some anons on /mu/ were making fun of him for posting some "litany" praising BLM. Also him joining 88Rising was hipocritical to say the least as he stated many times like for example in "Pink Life" that he "needs no middle man" but as soon as he got the chance he signed a pact with the chink devil and sold his soul, at the very least he got popular but at what cost
For anyone who doesn't know, the subtitles when he says
>Are you ready to have some fun? I sure am!
Is actually this - 俺のクローゼットの中にユダヤ人が二人いるんだ。両方とも死んでる。

Basically translates to "There are two Jews inside my closet, both of them are dying"
That's been living in my head for like ten years now.
I never understood how one man could be so based, yet simultaneously so cringe.
It's at the end of all his videos.
>ore no kuroozetto-no-naka-ni [ha] yudajin-ga futari iru-n-da. ryouhotomo shinderu.
What do you guys think of Frank clones?
thank you
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All of them are just dumb copycats. If you want to make something good, it needs to be at least a bit original
did this fag really have acne into his mid 20s?
It's makeup
remember back in 2013, a school friend /mu/poster told me about FF, like, dude you gotta see this its awesome, he was so hyped up, and I was like yeah cool w/e
and then a year after i realized how funny and awesome his content is but it was too late
ive never been able to experience FF with my bud
What happened to the bud?
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I hope people know that the guy who played Dade has his own youtube channel and did a whole series a videos a couple years ago that are in a very similar vein as frank's. I personally consider it the spiritual successor to Frank.

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Which video?
ian didn't even attend max's real wedding, how depressing his life must be now. imo he fell off harder than twomad
I don't know how you can fall off harder than actually being dead.
I just found out today that he's half Australian. Wouldn't know it from the accent.
anyone have this in webm with sound?
Never fails to crack me up
When you're dead you cannot fall off, your reputation crystallises where you left
>I just found out today that he's half Australian
Half white, technically. You can't be half a nationality. His dad's a strayan, his mom's a jap.
>Wouldn't know it from the accent.
Because he went to a school that specialized in teaching english, hence his being fluent. His teachers were probably americans.
this webm always gets me. reminds me of the first time I saw it like six years ago and how different yet very similar my life is now.
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Yeah, he died via overdosing whilst playing Overwatch 2, surrounded by allegations from his ex-associates (of which I'm still not sure of the validaty of all of that). I'm not sure if you can go lower than that.
Longer version.
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Got any more pimp my wheelchair webms? Shit was funny as fuck
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nah he's just based
You can really tell the Monty Python influence on early franku.
I really miss safari man.
Probably a full decade since I've seen that last.
His music sucks unfortunately, but I give it a listen because I love him.

you guys think plum corp records is really him? I swear I heard Max Moe Foe laughing in the back of dracula flow 3...
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you good dude?
anyone have the "whatever floats your boat or sinks it?" webum?
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Warning: Ear rape.
im actually curious as to why you think his music sucks. I understand having a different taste, but I feel his music is objectively well-made
I wish I appreciated it more. I wish someone went back and told me it only gets worse. I wish I could believe that, one day, I'll look back at my life right now and miss it as much as I miss filthy frank days right now
>I wish I could believe that, one day, I'll look back at my life right now and miss it as much as I miss filthy frank days right now

Take those joyous memories and keep them close. No matter how fucked up shit gets, or how disappointing your life becomes, the world can never take those memories away from you. Unless you get dementia or something. That would suck.
Thanks anon. Luckily im dementia-less and lucky enough to be able to reminisce on these times a lot
Yeah frank left at a good time. To me Sam Hyde is carrying on his legacy. Even though their styles of humor are different in some ways, I see a lot of parallels
It's gotten worse. Someone needs to make a new slideshow with the new generations of weebs
To this day, if I touch a hot pan in my kitchen I still go "psss psss, thas hot"

FF was already a leftist leaning Cumtown-esque persona, but it's pretty sad what a shameless spineless whore him and the rest of the tards (Idubbz and Max) devolved into. This is what happens when you're too much of a candyass hapa to actually make it in a real country like Japan, and instead join globogay for FIAT paper and nigger cum.
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Either take your meds or stop talking like a zigger.
Sorry to be a hater anon, his music is definitely well made. I should have said it wasn't for me.
But it just comes off as whiney, noisey nonsense to me. Really weak lyrics, obnoxious sad voice, all drowned out with the generic trill/trap beat.
Pink Guy was better.
Apparently he's the one who trademarked plummcorp
it's crazy how everyone liked h3h3 and idubbbz and now everyone thinks they are massive jokes, especially idubbbz, not even lefty types like him
I fucking miss Franku and I miss the times when I used to watch his vids, I discovered him when I started uni, through some other guys that attended my classes, we bonded over him
I miss my bros, it's been years since we graduated and we all are in different countries now...
They all flushed themselves down the toilet.
worst film ever
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i knew something was off when he said shinderu but the subtitle didn't
now that i hear it again i notice the closet too
fucking wild to think that the most successful 'youtuber' in this scene is HowToBasic. Dude made MILLIONS with this one joke.
Props to that professor for agreeing to be in the video, I'm guessing theatre department?
Given that he didn't do anything worthy of demonetization I'm not shocked.
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I have acne and I'm almost 22
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I fucking miss this dude like you wouldn't believe ( ;w;)
I've never been much of a youtube watcher. Most youtubers never caught my attention, but Frank was different. Hope he comes back one day :)
I remember watching this video so many times when it came out. Love it.
Always hated the fuckers and I'm glad time has proven me right.
>Verification not required
I dont know if i believe that but i want to badly enough to not look it up.
Heil hortler niggers.
>I'm not so afraid of you, but the broccoli! the broccoli it's frightening
I seriously don't understand how anyone can watch this autistic fucking retard. I guess you would also need to be retarded to enjoy it...
yeha bitch
I"m retarded
I'm surprised that his music career took off. You'd think someone would have tried to cancel him because he said some naughty words in the past.
Some kpop stans on Twitter tried to a couple years ago, but everyone just laughed them off because they were retarded kids who didn't know who he was prior to them finding his music
I wonder how that would go now it's been 8 years since Filthy Frank ended.
Chloe Burbank was top tier
plummcorp is 100% him, watch their recent videos, like the mcdonalds one or randall returns to the board, they're basically frank skits
They are also shit.
been a while since i've heard this
He went all-in with his jokes, so now he has the edgy comedian immunity.
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oh god please I just wanna fucking go back to when things were so much simpler I don't think I can take it any longer
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You are so chronically online it's insane

The truth is this site was shit before /pol/. The only good board, /i/, was mediocre at best. I think their greatest acts were pools closed and the epilepsy one, but that's about it. Oldfags were all faggots and cringe, just like their memes were cringe and faggy. Honey badger, Rick rolled, desu, etc were all gay. On the other hand, you have the memes created by zoomer and spicc GODS like moonman, pepe, etc. Absolute kino, DESU. Frank, Idubbbz and the majority of their little group have always been enormous faggots, just like their audience.

>max's real wedding
When did he get married? Did George go? Surely Chad went
>When did he get married?
Back in November.
> Did George go?
Yes. He's getting fat.
>Surely Chad went
He did.
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Fuck, meant to post this.
Thanks anon. Luckily im dementia-less and lucky enough to be able to reminisce on these times a lot
Chad is a fuckin G, any of you guys got any of the cold one uncut stuff? I'm too broke for the patreon but I'd love to see the fucked shit they boys do
If you want to see Chad's phat juicy penis, just say so and I might consider.
I'm honestly more curious about the various rectal cameras he's gotten, purely because I know one of those was something you use for plumbing I completely forgot he has out right just cock n balls on cam before though beyond the pocket pussy(s)
>Remember watching him when he ws DizastaMusic
>Watched him through my teenage years
>Convinced my early 20s were going to be a mix of random stupid shit with my friends like Frank
>He finished just as I was starting college (took a year out so started a year later than I should)
>Forget about him
>Discover him again during Covid watch and get super nostalgic.
>Now nearly 27, my 20s have slipped away and I've spent them paralysed due to Covid and money issues
>I still have never felt more excitement, adrenaline and happiness than when I was some retard 18 year old laughing to Frank videos.
Nostalgia has crippled me as a person but who can fucking blame me.
That's great. I guess Ian is whipped beyond belief then, sad shit.
Nah man, I feel you. Shit was so much easier even in 2016, I'm 24, I hit it in February and frankly I'm trying my best not be demoralized, I'm getting married in October and this small light is what's got me to not give up, I've been with her for 6 years. Find your light bro
Honestly I dunno if I should feel bad for Ian he reminds me of one of those faggots who'll hop trend to trend just to hopefully get some cred at the cost of sincerity. With Ethan I guess it's just he tried to pander after what happened to JonTron but this whole vaush shit might give him a small return.
you suck faggot
I found the btard kid after all these years
they're all trannies now
>h3h3 and idubbbz
they stayed in the game too long
papa franku knew when to get out
Yin and Yang of turbo niggerfaggotry
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>Will make space in his schedule to attend your wedding
can he get more based?
>fucking miss this dude like you wouldn't believe ( ;w;)
same. But after 7 years I've come to accept he's really gone and is never coming back
see you in loser reads hater comments six
>this post
Jesus...I felt that...in the nucleus
I hate drones if proof Joji ended it too late.
"That's a lot of cum..." is one of his best bits
but anon, pepe and moonman are both oldfag memes
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But I knew that
the og chinkcel icon, looks like a retard and makes dogshit reddit music
Anyone has the hl2 edit?
literally /mu/sic
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STFU onions man.
You're all fake and gay, and so was Papa Franku!

If you're such fake ass nigger, that you dump your comedy persona, to turn around and parrot all the fucking stale leftist woke garbage that flows from the biggest multi-national mega corporations in the World, then what kind of soulless, spineless plastic man are you?
What's the big stunt, if you attach your mouth directly to the anus of the entitiy that made your life rotten before you got lucky and managed to scrape together a little cash?

You're a cancer.
A parasite on culture.
You don't actually want to make something from and something of yourself.

You willingly pitch into the strip-mining of culture, for your dirty rotten dollar signs, and a coked up blowjob.

You are beneath garbage.

Plus you fuck kids in your rotten dirt tunnel under New York City.
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Thanks for the meltdown, retard-anon. Almost makes me wish I was the jew you thought I was.
Look up Filthy Frank in Half Life 2 on YouTube.
I still watch max and chad on cold ones from the old gang, they're good. But I mostly skip their podcasts which are boring af, couldn't give a shit about some retard game streamer. Only Belle Delphine was cool, they should invite more interesting people like her
I miss you and that era more than you can imagine, buddy. RIP papa franku and the internet as a whole
Anyone got the clip of Pink Guy throwing lettuce at people?
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I don't.
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Who animated this? It's so good.
I want the full translation but i'm lazy and understanding most of it makes me extra lazy
Unfortunately, the mid retard girl got to him before he could finish his character arc by integrating his shadow into his core self. Now he's stuck in purgatory with a therapist who assists with shaming himself for his past actions instead of helping him move forward and continue achieving his goals. Many such cases.
>back when h3h3 was somewhat funny
you know since I've seen h3h3 and idubbz become total fags, I'm not too sad about FilthyFrank ending his career as an edgy Youtube comedian
>literally dying a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
Bravo, Joji.
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nta surprisingly rul34 has the full version.
H3h3 and idubbbz where always fags
bro i need to fuck elsa
terminally online hands typed this
iDubbbz got longhouse'd. A tale as old as time.
Not to mention, his old fans will defend him. Unlike Ian and H3h3, Joji still appreciates his old fans.
I feel this. Me and my friends in high school bonded over that whole era of youtube. I remember seeing the videos of him fucking around with idubbbz and maxmoefoe and thinking I wished my early 20s were like that too.
I love how that shotgun appeared randomly throughout so many videos, it almost felt like a side character.
If you're early 20s where like that your life would be over.
It's so fucking weird to hear him talk without doing the voice.
>what're you, a fucking faggot?

Thanks anon. Luckily im dementia-less and lucky enough to be able to reminisce on these times a lot
According to Francis of the Filth, hell be back in the next cycle guys, and maybe he will better or maybe he'll be worse.
Negi Generation 1 saved the prophecies for us. Papa Franku is just in hiding waiting for the chromosomes to multiple so he can return.
he got yoko'd
Hi Joji
onlyfans pussy
we ran out of cocain
>pink guy 15
>filthy frank 20
Dear God.
Do you still have revenge porn for sale?
Same. Looking back it was for the best. I can't enjoy the old iDubbz or h3 shit, but papa franku is always there when I need to go back for a few.
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How many times did you get rickroll'd to reach this level of mindbreak?
>I'm not sure if you can go lower than that.
If idubbz OD'd whilst playing overwatch 2, then yes, I would agree.
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>commit suicide
>most people who knew him use him for sympathy
>everyone thinks its a great guy that got depressed
>turns out he's a pedo
>an hero'd because he knew he was going to get caught
>everyone that knew him now pretends that he never existed
Which remix is this?
Wtf is that how you make a mark zuckerberg?
And he never saw any of it
A corpse doesn't have any more reputation than a rock
Nevermind I'm retarded
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he just like me
back when it was still a funny thing for normies to say thing like meme or trolling
I remember the first time I saw that video. I don't think anything else has ever evoked simultaneous disgust and hilarity from me like that video.
The texture is pretty good
Is that the low oxygen music from Breathedge?
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>messed up the lyrics

I wake up in the mornings
Sinking halfway to the bottom
There's a loud distorted screaming in my soul
Everything is dark and empty
And I don't know how to fix it
So I curl up in a ball
And cry in the comfort of my home

I don't know why
I feel like shit
I say I'm fine but I'm not fine

I'm dying inside
And all I see are demons
I try to hide
All my deepest feelings
I'm dying inside
And all I see are demons
I try to hide
All my deepest feelings

I think there's something wrong with me
'Cause all I see is death
Every time I go outside
I look like I've been doing meth
And I sleep for nineteen hours
On a Thursday afternoon
Every now and then, I cough up blood
And I don't know what to do
You might also like

I don't know why
I feel like shit
I will not see a therapist

Ladies and gentlemen, if you wanna fucking kill yourself, put your fucking hands up! (Yeah!)
Raise your blades in the air, everybody! (Yeah!)
Ayy, oh, ayy, oh, ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy, help, help, help, help, help, help, HELP!

I'm dying inside
And all I see are demons
I try to hide
All my deepest feelings
I'm dying inside
And all I see are demons
I try to hide
All my deepest feelings
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What video?
That this must've hurt like a mofo.

I'm pretty sure that Prometheus runs a discord channel nowadays
i wonder who has more free will: old or new frank?
>tfw AI drones war
Basedjak party won
Total Basedteen victory
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its a sample from Daughter. The original is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better!

Moon Man has been around since at least 2007 you fucking tard.
never knew what the filthy frank clones shit was about. saw her new video and people in the comment kept mentioning her origin as a filthy frank spin off and how now she's a chudette
The only good clone.
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100% the skits are frank style and you can even hear him laughing in the background of some of the videos.
lol where did this one come from?
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