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street food
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Don't have any streetfood webbums shaved on phone bit bumping with random. Can we keep this one pajeet free?
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If your food looks and sounds like diarrhoea you're going to fucking get it. Just give me one pajeet free street food thread guys :/
Who buys just one egg?
I'll have you know that I only eat eggs when they have set in some fat guys crotch for a week before he hands them to me while he's having BM.
again, this is too hygienic. I need the guy to throw up into the eggs or something.
excuse me?! This is not 100% lard. Not interested.
you can tell this is baby diarrhea because the consistency is so smooth.
Again? This is the first time you've complained.
i hate this gay deconstructionist french food shit. i thought it was just some single woman in the first webm doing some foodcrafts, but it's just a french.
How does he manage to keep them from going green sitting on a heat source like that?
>Can we keep this one pajeet free?
you know we can't
thats just garnish, deconstructionist food would be something like all the parts of a cheeseburger cooked and plated separately that when eaten together tastes like a cheeseburger
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i think it's dead monkeys/garbage
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Poverty thread
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He doesn't.
>Draws the line with bones in food
That's not street food and I bet she even washed her hands.
Isn't this literally the stone soup story, but modified to be Asian and obviously a scam?
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Indian nood
What's with cars honking nonstop in these videos? Bit unsettling.
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kill yourself
what, it's common there
Found the jeet lol
I swear Indian "cuisine" was just them throwing random different shit in a pot and cooking it with chicken for a thousand years and just figuring out what was at least edible via process of elimination.
actually the seasoning he's using is dried vomit
I'm not a huge fan of eggs but whenever there's a huge pile of eggs like that I want to eat them all and they look like the best thing in the world
That thumbnail gets me hard every time
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So many eggs;
So little sense.
how does he get out of there?
wtf, I've seen the guy at 0:13 before in another video. he must be tge goyslop master or something. famous
That's probably good for whoever likes it. She's hot too.
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The origin of the stones is made up, it's not made by fishermen it was a dish created in the time of a famine when people had spices but nothing to eat them with.
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Nigga, that's nasty. Just put the cake, ice cream, and cotton candy on the plate separately.
my teeth hurt
in the stone soup the guy pretends to use stones but he's really stealing chicken from the old lady that let the guy stay in her house
it's not really communism it's nepotism, most of the communist government was made up of revolutionary fighters and leaders. Same shit is going on in the west.
has to sell enough eggs to create an opening to leave
Looked pretty good til he dumped it all into a laundry basket
>it's not real communism, real communism hasn't been tried yet
sure thing buddy, now step out of the helicopter
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The raw cabbage at the end kinda ruins it.
All those fresh ingredients wasted on garbade instant noodles
How the fuck do you miss the giant fucking pot with your spoon like that?
That pussy has crabs and deep sea creatures hanging out in there
Too much white pepper
Too much white pepper
They're using gloves and cooking utensils and not getting their bare hands all over everything. what kind of street food thread is this?!
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>>5556279 What do you mean get out?
that's just stupid
>meanwhile in the /fit/ restaurant.
i heard Vince Gironda used to go there 36 times every day
>anon points out that many of the biggest problems in mao's china were due to causes that hade modern parallels in western nations and we are not learning the right lessons from china's failures
>directionbrained retard interprets this as someone saying, "my team good, your team bad"
Many such cases!
>Hmm.... Why are all Americans obese, diabetic?
>Turdworld poster
> Can't afford this treat
>Can only generalize and seethe

Many such cases
Is this halal
Lol wtf
why the fuck do they fill their pots to the absolute brim? get a bigger fucking pot or cook less, like holy shit even children know this.
is this how they prank each other in India?, offer your mate a fresh pile of shit and when he goes to smear it all over himself - surprise!, it was actually chocolate cake haha, no poo for you.
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yes sar, we can make it for you
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yes, interesting where their cookware comes from
fuck that looks like hard work
Egg-scellent. If this gets out, it will be an egg-plosive growth in egg-xactly the type of food we want to sell.
What do these people have against tables? Why is everything made on the ground?
Implying there was some inaccuracy?
Damn, that actually looks amazing!
Wow, he has terrible form AND shit taste
Horribly written
Confusion remained until almost the end
All those roasting all boiling hot dangers and shards of metal and not one pair of shoes.
Stupid ass bitch, eating raw dawg shit.
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>it's not really communism it's nepotism
Are you illiterate or just a liar?
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the west just don't want to work
>all that honking
Truly a subhuman race.
you know it is real chocolate cake because noone in India has solid shit
The soup Nazi, Indian version
Easter ptsd
Why would he ever want to leave?
>worked as a draftsman for a company that makes industrial equipment for food production
>everything that touches food has to be food grade (and all the drafts must have the specification)
>meaning that the stainless steel that the machine is made of must abide to strict regulations
>the shop in which the metal is machined has to be compliant as well, down to the welding table
>sirs will just throw random pieces of metal in a coal fired pot, cast it, and turn it by hand while sitting in the literal dirt

But sir the west are lazy sir
Hell, I'm pretty sure that's just a fuckton of aluminum. No way they melted steel in that ghetto fire.
>guy says the "it's not real communism" line
>anon points out the funny commie line
>you go off about something else entirely
>Look this place up
>Was in the hip district of Ft. Lauderdale
>Owned by some rapper
>Overpriced and just meh ice cream
>Closed down years ago cause it was just a place to get Instagram photos and not somewhere you'd go ever again
Nothing of culinary value was lost
>got a lil crunch
>satisfying crunch
>raw cabbage bite to it
if anyone in the west tried to work like this you would be hit with so many fines and taxes and probably arrested. you need a loisense to create anything, then the government takes half
its not just random. It was fucking alternators and car parts with 100k mile-old oil caked on them. Holy shit...
>Sar what do you mean? I don't hear any sound
They have to eat all the eggs.
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More eggs
checked, eggs are the most based food
>but what about the cholesterol and saturated fat!
you got filtered through your genetics, more for me
Wait till Jews get into your legal system and we'll see how much nonsense you wanna put up with before you quit working too. Guessing the stench is keeping them out. A worthy natural defense!
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Do they really expect me to watch 100 clips compressed into 45 seconds?
Holy sloppa
*want to shell.
You had one job.
they use honking as signals when overtaking and managing position in the mess that is the braphat commute
>what kind of street food thread is this?!
It's Japanese. You can tell just from the careful precision of his movements.

There is (yet another) weird cultural thing in India where they try to do everything with "flair" (for lack of a better word)
kek it just reminds me of Bachelor Chow from Futurama
Large moist lump of food
All the shit either burns or floats and is taken out of the metal as slag. It's not like some oil residue will survive at temperatures over 600°C.
Other heavy metals may though...
Korean. You can tell from the cup.
They're literally poisoning everyone who eats out of their pots.
You need to have an actual mental illness to believe that eating boiled eggs by peeling them is specific to your country
Yeah, I'm aware, just joking. Japanese street food is legit. Worth a trip to Osaka especially since there's so much in Dotonbori.
is this custard or butter, it doesn't look like diarrhea
this guy's face says it all. one day he's gonna snap and thrust that egg knife into his own jugular
it's lassi
Would you suck on the slop bosses toes?
It is for a snack while walking around you idiot.

>uH wHo bUys oNLY oNE sAUSaGe?

Someone buying a hotdog at a parade, dumbass.
Seeing that accent come out of that face is fucking cursed.
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all that bacon fat too
Why are 3rd worlders obsessed with random sound effects
I haven't felt hatred like this is a long time.
Can't believe I had hope for this in the beginning
wtf, this looked good. before he started cookong it...
>"Okay, a few eggs makes sense, he's gonna put like eight or so for that portion, right?"
>Puts like over 30 into it.
What metal is that?
the fuck is this, you only eat soft boiled eggs like this in germany, not hard boiled ones.
I'm betting cast aluminum. They're not struggling to melt it, it cuts easily, and it has the right look about it when they're done. It's also looking pretty light by the way they handle it.
putting eggs like that and slopping them like a dumbass actually kills the flavour of everything
A hotdog is a meal you fat cunt.
This is the only one of these I find funny.
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it looks tasty,
I need to stop watching pajeet webm and only watch indian culture webm
indian streetfood is literally the easiest, most subhuman level job in the world
>look bored as hell
>make the most mundane, easiest piece of shit food ever like scrambled eggs
>or just scoop a variety of shit into a bowl with your hands
>place a paper towel next to it at the end like you are handing over an Oscar
>look around shiftily every few seconds
>have at least one but usually more unwashed jobless troglodites look over your shoulder at what you are doing while they dont do shit
What's with face with that attitude? Lamo you're selling eggs FFS
are you guys not put off by the chocolate, peanutbutter, and jelly on the burger? why are you concerned that it's too fatty or rare?
>instant noodles STRAIGHT in the electric kettle
the fuck
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>toasted sandwich slice, alright
>nice beef patty with some egg on top, good
>bacon, fine
>fucking chocolate???
>Cranberry sauce?!
>the sandwich slice is so crumbly, it falls apart easily
>rare beef patty
atleast make it medium, especially if you have to shit chocolate and caramel on it
I have yet to meet someone who even cuts the egg like that. Everytime I ate breakfast with my co-workers and they had eggs (softboiled), they would peel off the top half of the egg shell and then eat the egg with a spoon. Maybe thats a central-german thing? To cut the egg, i mean.
should have been 7 yuan or less. Its fucking ice cubes, not ice cream
>Maybe thats a central-german thing?
NTA It is. It was kinda ironic that he clearly wanted to imply "his country's" method was more simple and effective and by doing so almost demonstrated why the first method is a thing (and also more comfy and convenient at the breakfast table). Of course it makes more sense with soft boiled eggs but even his hard boiled egg was almost falling apart as he had to fully peel it and then he had to sit there, dipping it with bare fingers into the salt on his plate he hopefully didn't want to eat anything non-salty off anymore. Also I have no clue why he cut ridges into the first egg instead of just cutting the top off right away, he isn't felling a tree.
Pussy. I bet you look like a soiboy
I have an s-tier joke for this but I will not post it for I am Indian and I will not make fun of my own country.
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Spot the non-American. That's PEANUT BUTTER.
Dutch here.
Everyone I know always lops off the top of the egg with a knife, then eats with teaspoon.

Why the fuck would I peel the egg and touch it all over with my fingers, I'm not Indian.
Looks like a lot of people didn't know howtobasic was supposed to be just a joke
yeah, and happy about that.
This makes this even worse.
a reminder that these people made masks during the pandemic, kek
that enough dessert for like 12 people, what's wrong with this guy
no one in america does that prissy egg cup shit either. it seems to be a european practice. less likely to eat bits of egg shells if you peel them.
Am I missing something? What's the point of grilling ice cubes? Why not just drip the spices and sauce on the ice cube without the grill?
I would think it an exotic enough burger for just using banana bread for a bun, but peanut butter, chocolate/Nutella and jelly it just too fucking much
>retards put this shit on their faces
lol, lmao even
I would have eaten it until he added Bounty.
Why is he in his car?
I'm pretty impressed how he could just sit crossed like that desu
Your skin is the color of poop lol
>if you arent from america, you are brown!!
let me guess: Your father is black, you never saw him and your mother is a single mom. Would explain your obsession.
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Heat releases a lot of oil and flavours. This is still retarded though, could just drizzle a precooked oil mix over ice.
Ingredients: oil and brown
His toes are touching the greased plank
I don't like that he wrote my name in sauce on the pile of noodles
>This is a 4 litre pan and I will use every ml of it
Door too small to get out
>flips the bread six times, never actually toasts it
>two separate overcooked egg dishes
>rolled into a log for maximum eating difficulty
>outer layer of the sandwich is just a busted egg
Relative to Indians washing their feet in the curry this is progress but still a lot of panache and wasted effort to make an egg sammy worse than my kid sister with a hangover
the heat of his toes cooks the plank
Aluminum but I guarantee it's not food grade so people eating food cooked out of that pot are going to have brain and liver issues.
based restaurant
Knees too
They also make 40% of US and UK medicine.
five fives. Based Get.
It better be 10 dishes served right after each other
>It also gives the tea an earthy and smokey flavor.
I'm going to take a wild guess that it's because of all that charcoal they use to heat it in the first place that you can see literally sitting in the cup at 0:10.
imagine how soggy that right glove gets after 1000th cracked egg
Is there a webm where a white guy makes beans?
Poop skin seething lol
as an actual Australian, 70% of people I see in my day to day life living in Inner Sydney are people that look & sound like this. I hate these bugs so fucking much.
Learn proper English first, retard.
hello abbo
Dont worry its probably cooked in motor oil or something gross
Only one in thread I would dare eat at

So gross even a black calls you out
can you post the others too?
What the fuck is the point of deep frying it if you're just SOAK IT IN SUGAR WATER afterwards?! It's not fucking crispy anymore? Congratulations, you made SOGGY SUGAR BREAD.

>street food
OF ALL THINGS, why not just cook eggs at home?
I think you have failed to understand the niche that street food fills. You see when I am at home I will, infact, cook my own eggs. But out there, on the street, I am not at home, I am on the street. Street food is for people who are not at home, but who are infact on the street. Those people who may cook eggs at home, but are not currently at home, may opt to visit a street food vendor to obtain some cooked eggs to eat.
I believe you have overlooked the essence of street food. You see, when I am at home, I will, in fact, prepare my own simple dishes. But out there, on the street, I am not at home, I am on the street. Street food is for people who are not at home, but who are in fact on the street. Those people who may prepare simple dishes at home, but are not currently at home, may opt to visit a street food vendor to obtain some unique and novel dishes to eat. However, when it comes to eggs, they lack the novelty and uniqueness that street food typically offers. Therefore, unless one is starved, there’s no compelling reason to choose eggs as street food over the myriad of other novel and exciting options available. The street is not a place for the mundane, but a place for culinary adventure. So, while eggs might be a staple at home, on the street, they simply don’t provide the same allure.
Sometimes a man just wants an egg. Not a "culinary adventure", but an egg. By the grace of God and nature who made it.
Craving for an egg is a call for simplicity. Yet, when it’s fried on the bustling streets, it becomes a spectacle, a performance. An egg, a gift from the heavens and earth, loses its essence when tossed into the frying pan of street food. The street is not the stage for an egg, but for flamboyance and flair. An egg, in its purest form, deserves more than the cacophony of the streets. It deserves the quiet reverence of a home kitchen.
Mmm... My favourite, "Gutter oil mixed with shit".
For the love of God, Pajeet, use a spoon! You don't have to get the dough all over your hand like that!
>asian street food is cooked under clean conditions. the cook has gloves and mask on

>poojeet street food is prepared on a wooden plant on the side walk. The food must touch every inch of the jeet's hands and must be as close to the feet as possible (important). if you're lucky, you will get a napkin made of old newspaper clippings
To warm them up...
it's just assorted random scraps of metal. a lot of this looks like it came from old cars and random machinery. So it's going to be a mixture of aluminum, copper, zinc, tin and lead mostly.
That's cheese
>anon discovers syrup
It's still crunchy after dipping it.
Wish I could enjoy eggs as much as you guys do but for some reason the fried ones taste terrible to me and only like soft boiled.
Scrambled eggs are edible only if I add vegetables and/or cheese
There's a reason people just call it potmetal. Being more specific requires sending a sample to a lab.
when you are home alone as a kid and decided to make a dish
man I could never use a mandoline that fast. Way too scared of slicing the fuck of my hand
Would you want to work this job? Would you even be able to with your lard ass?
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i wouldnt feed that to my cat
are their standards really this low?
The final product looks vile and wretched too. And they're proud of it!
it's that way exactly so you can't have 68IQ subhumans make cookware that damages half your vital organs when used
the root of the problem is that the people in charge were not capable of making effective decisions because they were incompetent. it's not nepotism, they were chosen based on their merit for party membership, but the party itself had a nepotistic hierarchy, and they had absolute power and basically no knowledge of agriculture.
Designated cooking floor
Fry them in butter, not oil. Season with salt and white pepper.
I wouldn't walk barefoot on that floor, let alone make bread on it, and they're doing both. It looks like the ruins of a building with zero preparation to make it sanitary
Only on weekdays. On weekends it's designated for shitting
He looks at the camera like the camera man is holding him at gunpoint, why is he so scared?
all that effort for the end result to look like dried up dog turds.
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I fry them in butter ofc my stomach is not a ig fan of oil either
For seasoning I use salt, black pepper, dill, and even put a tiny bit of milk to neutralize the egg taste
Then when frying I add cheese and maybe a tomato or green pepper but I prefer to make a fresh salad with them
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that's a delicious looking curry.
curry does not photograph well, this is the type of food where you only know it's delicious if you've eaten it before.
looks good but very dumb and gimmicky to throw the noodles right into the kettle. those things are a bitch to clean out.
I've had a peanut butter and jelly beef burger. It was disgusting. Beef just doesn't go with all that shit. You can get away with being adventurous when it comes to chicken, and maybe pork, but beef needs to be savoury.
>burrito full of cocoa puffs
Why don't you just fill it with razor blades?
what a fine establishment. i'd best they steal that oil they are using from the finest electrical transformers in the area
india really leaning into the memes
finally they figured out how to kill the bacteria
fresh jalebi are dope
You are both misunderstanding the some of the reasoning as to why a pedestrian would buy an egg in the street, where an egg ought not to be sold for consumption.
Almost anyone can cook an egg in many diverse ways, and satisfyingly consume it, with minimal preparation in their homes. That is exactly what captivates the curiosity of others who are not in the business of egg-selling. It is passing strange for egg to be cooked, on the street, for among the many foods it ranks among the most facile to prepare, yet this man does so in full public eye, as comfortable as if he were at home.
One wonders, what particular combination of experience, knowledge on the nature of the egg, and technique, could warrant a man the arrogance to assume egg-selling as his livelihood? Perhaps a bystander has cooked many eggs, but not hundreds of eggs in a morning. He questions his own ability and succumbs to the egg seller's confidence.
Perhaps he notes the professional egg monger's method, and tries for himself if his familiar method, achieved at by chance or from his mother, is truly bested by that of someone who has more experience in the art of egg-frying. If it proves pleasing, the buyer may attempt at some mimicry when he is returned at home. And having learned some new method and combination of seasonings, through observation in the street, and having confirmed it by a first trial to produce satisfactory result, may enjoy eggs of similar qualities at home.
Or it is a veiled act of condescension to give someone patronage, especially in the preparation of so simple a task. The Indian buyer, as lowly as his station is, has found a being even lower than himself, another Indian in worse station of life, as street vendors are not typically regarded as having rare, profitable skills nor affluence. And so the buyer savors the true flavor of the item, which is not the right balance of flavors mingling with the yolk, but superiority over someone inferior.
Are you kidding? It's not hard to sit cross-legged you fat fuck american. I've been sitting like that while sitting on the floor playing video games since I was three years old. I'm 33 now and i can still do it easily. That's the result of actually making an effort to exercise and not overeating yourself into obesity you fat nigger faggot. I'm a white canadian btw and Canada ahs the same fatufuck problem as your amerifat shithole so don't use that as an excuse
but how does he get out?

Eh, nice try shitskin
Just a massive container of once living flesh. Insanity.
It's fucking mind blowing to me that we consume other living creatures. I had an argument with this Asian "vegetarian" bitch about how eating plants and animals is the same fucking thing and that plants can feel and communicate and maybe just lack consciousness but they're very much alive and don't want to be eaten. The biggest living organism in the world is the network of trees in Yellowstone that is all connected and communicate through their roots to the point when each year a parasite starts consuming trees on the West side miles away the rest of the trees build an antibody to fight off the parasite before it even reaches the East side of the network of trees. And they've traced that doing any sort of action to a section of the trees get a reaction from the rest.
The problem with China is not just that they're retarded, which they repeatedly show for thousands of years, but that they want to kill off 80% of their population so they can rebuild from the ground up a new version of robotic loyalists. They understand that you can't instill that in a people that are connected to morals and virtues and culture. That's why they created the policy of "anything of old culture and ways is evil" and the purposely imposed famines and ripping them of owning anything even their lives. Mao wanted to get rid of the Chinese language as a whole because it's so tied to culture and heritage even it's pictograph history where the word/image for blood/water has been almost exactly the same for 6,000 years. They were moments away from using only English in China when they came up with the simplified Chinese where they started to remove certain elements from their language, like removing the image for "heart" from the word love. They're experimenting and "progressing" forward but only in ways to test how to control and maniuplate their population in a way that they could impact the rest of the planet and be the #1 entity on the planet. Unfortunately they are just genetic fucking retards so it's kind of like the jew issue, they want control but they will always be jews so in order to be the best they gotta eliminate all the competition. It's like how do you beat the greatest car or fighter or race horse; you sabotage and eliminate it from competing with your shitty version. Now you're #1 by default.
"who ordered the poopoo platter?"
Sometimes, but not entirely. plenty of bureaucratic parasites and laws written to help of hurt specific companies, often written by those companies themselves and passed on to the politician with a nice little legal bribe.
bet you're impressed by people who can squat flat on their heels, too
>vile and wretched
it looks like a normal egg sandwich you whiny faggot lol
Shit looks disgusting. Japanese and Thai Curry are Miles better. Just admit you have a civilization of filthy people.
>oh no a vegetable
>actually using kitchen utensils instead of his whole body to cook
absolutely HARAM
>Asian "men"
American diet everyone
At least the eggs shown don't look fully cooked, just poached. So I dont think they will go green.
One could ask the same of all wagie jobs.
Follow the conversation, newfag, we're talking about >> 5582998
>places every cooking ingredient on the ground on every step it can be put on the ground
>places it a whole day outside where any insect can have its way with the dough
>despite cooking in high heat just throws the things on the ground again and scoops them up
They have to be fucking with us at this point there is no way this is for real
the heat of the grill cooks the ice cubes
>eating things other than eggs
Euthanize all chinamen.
>sneed oils
women eat shit like this then wonder why they're fat
>>it's not really communism
rare is the only way to eat a burger. also, that burger was medium, not rare.
I feel bad for the roller machine
>not eating the whole thing
idiots, the shell is where all the calcium is.
too fat to get out of his car
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i just realized pajeet food is almost always in a different shade of brown
Yeah, and it looks like somebody might've already eaten it.
I'd rather let a nigger handle my food before i ever eat indian street slop
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instead of the usually promoted barely-clothed thai lady with bolt-ons, this one went the opposite way
Oh wow look at that special dough rolling that would take a dexterous person 15 minutes to master. Why even film this shit?
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pajeets have a very different mentality.
whenever they do something, they believe it is very special
It's just a different concept of driving where instead of relying on visual cues like lines and turn indicators, they communicate by honking.
Korean street food is the definition of "stupid food"
you can tell the food must be really good by his pissy customer service
That's all bugs, isn't it?
How do the eggs get in?
Ooooh finally this month old thread hit bump limit!! Maybe the next one will be pajeet free
Best way to fix indian food is by not letting them cook in india
At least he's not touching the food directly with his hands
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that trail mix is way too extreme.
a gallon of mountain dew cannot wash it down my gullet
Congratulations on having functioning eyeballs
>Take your shoes and socks off boys, we're going to an abandoned building site to make bread
He's good with his wrists
in that part of the world they believe a camera will steal your soul if you let your guard down.
at least they don't believe that vaccines will kill you
good thing he's wearing a hat, so no hair gets into the food
So.. what did Kek reveal this time..

Imagine all the undigested chitin being stuck up your ass

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