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/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Hey /wsr/, I'm currently looking for scans of this Tamagotchi doujin called Tamatomo Friends, and I'm going to need your help.

So, here's the problem, there seems to be no full scans for this doujin anywhere on the internet that I can find. The only pages that got scans were for the first few pages on an online store, and all listings for the doujin have been sold out. Still isn't stopping me from searching for this doujin, though!

I really hope this doujin can be fully scanned and posted online so that it can never be lost to the sands of time, because it looks promising from the few pages I have seen.
Anyways, care to help me on my quest?
Oh, and before you ask, the OP pic is not actually from me. I got it from a Japanese auction site.
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This is a special form of hell you've found yourself in, looking myself I could only find that it exists.
You'll have to find this on your own, if you're really autistically obsessed with it I'd recommend getting in touch with a Japanese contact if you haven't progressed after another 100 hours, even if they're not the most knowledgeable or dedicated being able to read and pull from Japanese sources is likely to bring something up.

I recommend sharing what you've found so far as well.
Well, in that case...
Here's a pic of the book that I also found from the auction site that I got the OP pic from. The reason I even became interested in getting 4chan to help me with searching for this doujin in the first place is simple. Why are Miraitchi and Clulutchu (Who usually wear clothes) completely naked? I just have to know! (Don't worry, they don't have any visible genitals, so at least it's still worksafe!)
>You'll have to find this on your own.
Okay, but what if we got others to search for this doujin? I can't just do this alone!
By the way, what sources would be the best to get in contact with? I've legit been struggling to find this book for months now.
>but what if we got others to search for this doujin?
Good luck
>I can't just do this alone!
Yes you can

I'm not a weeb and so can't really help you however I do know resources exist and that they wouldn't be too inaccessible over the Japanese internet.
If you really are serious about this then you can go looking for expertise, and with honest intent whoever you find will probably see your effort and try to help you.
Believe it or not there are internet users outside of 4chan
Well, I figured that 4chan would help me out since they’re by far the easiest to get in contact with and that some of their users actually cooperate very well with each other to do good deeds every now and then. Besides, the search might be far easier if people worked together!
Found the artist pixiv:

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Good to know that we're making progress!
Here's some info I was able to gather:
This doujin was a C85 and was sold in an event for the selling of doujinshi in December 2013.
This is all that I was able to gather though.
That's interesting, and would explain why it's so elusive.
You wouldn't happen to have the link to that information would you?
Came from the description of this link:


I simply translated said info into English for your convenience.
Looks like this thread isn't doing too well, but that isn't stopping my quest anytime soon!
What would be the best place to look for people who want to help me with preserving this doujin if 4chan fails me?
Yahaoo actions and a proxy shipping service (depending on your location and budget) or a dojin scanning service in Japan
Yahoo Auctions is shut down where I live, so that probably won't help.
>Doujin scanning service in Japan
Now this is interesting. What services come to mind, and would they be able to search for potential copies of the doujin I'm looking for to scan?
>Yahoo Auctions is shut down where I live
A fellow cuckold living in a cursed shithole, I see.
You can look up yahoo auction listings on zenmarket.
This is a site I found a long time ago, but I don't know how it actually works. I never used them, but it would be cool to see if this actually works how I think it works.
From what I can tell, the scanning service only scans books that were already owned by the requestor. Only one problem: I still don't have that Tamagotchi doujinshi, and the people that purchased the few copies of it haven't done any scans of it.
It really does feel like I hit another dead end, but that won't stop me from reaching my goal.
Correct me if I'm wrong if you used that scanning service in the past.
Definitely check all Japanese auctions sites because declaring it a dead end.
The scanning service does books you own, as in you can ship books you bought to them and they'll scan them for you. That's how I think it works anyway, but feel free to hit them up and ask for advice on how it works exactly. If you do, post about it, because I haven't used them but I'd be really interested to know.
Thanks, I'll be taking all of this into further consideration in the future.
If there are any listings for this doujin that currently available to purchase, be sure to let me know.
bump for anyone willing to help
Bro you would be better off looking for and buying it yourself than constantly asking here. I was looking for a doujin that came out in 2009, only found it earlier this year after looking for 3 years. Just keep checking sites like YJA, Surugaya, Mandarake, Akicomi. Set up email alerts for the item/search. It's not that easy to find sold out stuff, I wish you luck anon.

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