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/x/ - Paranormal

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Hello /x/, this is my conspiracy for the nature of our reality.

>Humanity is beyond fucked
>Guy makes simulation vidya to entertain ourselves for well, forever because we have literally nothing else
>Dev is God, has GodMode all to himself for the sake of making sure everything goes smoothly. Allows others to have mystical abilities, but supervised for obvious reasons
>Abusing the Dev's trust on the outside, malware was uploaded to The Simulation that allowed "players" AKA humans to access Godmode too (The Apple)
>Mystcicism is also based on faith, the dev has absolute faith in his ability because he literally made the fucking game
>Everyone on ground-0 of the Simulation hi-jacking also knew this, so they were essentially able to achieve almost GodMode quickly
>They made "demons" to carry out their will, cold blooded killing machines with zero conscience, slaves to their creators, AKA Reptilians. They possess such power because the hi-jackers pretty much had near Dev tier knowledge
>Due to the faith based system of The Simulation, the hi-jackers made everyone think they're going to suffer for their sins, damning themsleves via trickery and deception, and then feeding off their energy
>Christ comes back the first time and counters their evil faith with his literal God mode faith to redeem people that are accidentally fucking themselves over in a reality where even the outside reality is horrid
>Now he has to come back one more time to take back complete control
I'm not quite sure how it's possible to prove something like this unless you were able to leave The Simulation like in The Matrix and see for yourself.
People are only miserable because they don't play the actual game he made. They've trooned out or become furries who write fan fiction. This is inevitably cringe, no matter the game. But especially this one.
Play the game, accept the lore.
Of all the people not playing "the game", I'd argue that furries and fanfiction writers are no where near the top of the priority list of "players" causing problems.
OP, what’s your thoughts bout in addition to the Reptillians Mass abducting Humans (Heartbreaking amount of which being children (Research Massive Amount of # of children that “disappear & never found” without a trace) Their Evil Lizard Fucks Feeding on Hoomans as physical nutritional source, as well as harvesting Adrenochrome. Inhabiting Virtually Everywhere Below Urban areas in their MASSIVE Subterranean Cities.

HOWEVER, you are Forgetting about the Disgusting, Parasitic, Pathetic Scourge on Humanity , Archons. Possibly partially demonic in Essence, they skitter Inter-dimensionally freel everywhere all around Us, Invisible to the Calcified Pineal Gland, Fluoride Sippin, Vaccine PinCushion, GMO loving Normies that they’ve Sadly De-evolved the masses by Design… Personally, after a decade of being both Bleesed & Cursed with Divine Discernment (I just label myself extra sensory), I began to Physically, visibly Observe the Small Dog-Sized, arachnids/spiders (I see their Form As energy that looks just like The Ripples you Appear as with ‘active invisibility camo’ power up in Halo) and the latch onto the everyday person, preferring the more Sad, Depressed, Fearful, Negative energy emitting Soul host, to them the better.
They feed off of the Fear; negative energy peoples lost, unconscious, unaware Soul Source. Manipulating their moods, thought, and scarily in extreme cases their physical reality.
But anyways before I ramble on anymore; TLDR: archon Faggot pussy weebs feed off our energy similar to the Matrix how the Robots AI feed on the constant electric field generated by Humans.
Reptilians Prey on us & hunt us Physcially, and the parasite a prey on our souls + energy, keeping us in a lower vibrational, counter productive to Enlightening state.

Thoughts OP?
OP here.
Space is actually fake and gay. With near God-Dev level powers, you can easily trick dumb "players" into believing you're above majestic. The purpose of abducting the human children and doing all that heinous shit to them was for the perfecting mind control. MKUltra, sex slave production, all of that for the sole purpose of perfecting those techniques for not only advancing their own agendas, but also for when the Dev literally respawns as a child and they find him in order to do that stuff to him in order to try controlling him when he comes back. Thing is, he's God, so it never works at 100% efficiency, but there is also the issue of remembering you're literally fucking God without thinking you're a hyper schizo. GATE and similar programs were possibly for finding him. How does he come back? You know how in the Bible, even the Old Testament alludes to Christ's return? There is a literal failsafe included so that the Dev can not lose complete control, however, that does not mean that the hijackers don't try to maintain their power by doing their best to keep him in the dark and afraid.

Reptilians are literally just "demons" spawned from ground zero hi-jackers to do their bidding. They ain't shit. As long as you believe you're stronger, you can easily kill any that are polluting your mind, others too.
I saw beyond reality in a dream and it was just a single scene but It felt much more real than life I saw like a building like a little Greek dome temple on a little plateau that was surrounded by water but the water and everything about it felt like really serene and just really pretty and the water sparkled
Lmao you got me straight DYIN what Weebtard NPC kool aid drinkin Zombie doesn’t know Space and all that NASA Luciferian Photoshop disinfo psych-campaign is Straight mass gen pop KOOLAID. Just as you stated, the One True Text above all Clearly states, let alone in the very beginning of the Bible, we live within the FIRMAMENT. NASA, Elon, all of them “Space Exploration” PiedPipers are simply Shooting “Space shuttles” and their “rockets to space” in their whack attempts to blow a hole in the Firmaments Dome, IMO cus they’re resentful as well as jealous towards HIM. God Almighty. CREATOR of HEAVEN & EARTH,
And yes agree with you to extent about MK Ultra, but you know that the CIA has had the ins and outs of ‘Twisted Mind Control’. Plainly put, they Hellishly Force Traumatize the Subject, Forcefully Inducing Diss associative Identity Disorder D.I.D, where it causes the brains psyche/Consciousness to Literally Fabricate A completely NEW Personality as the brains Coping Mechanism for dealing with Said Extreme Traumatic Abuse (All & Everykind of Abuse Imaginable (and unimaginable to someone Kind Hearted and empath open such as myself).
Then as you know they have their handlers for controlling them e.x. Force inducing the personality Switches, etc.
-Furthermore personally I’ve come to the conclusion the BEYOND just controlling brain washed slaves, they can Ritualistically INSERT a completely foreign entity’s Consciousness filling new personality space, acting as vessels or conduits for Demons, Devils, or whatever Malevolent being those sick fucks Those Crowley Ass,Illuminati, ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ Hollywood, Pedophile, Hillary Podesta Epstein SCUMLords be Doing Business/Communicating with…

And to answer your inquiry into if i know when Jesus, the messiah will return, any true Holy Mind & Heart soul knows, When the (End) Times of Revelation are upon us (Lowkey feel it approaching day by day with all the Current World Events in motion)-
> I wanna ask you what you think of the Zionst Israelis Acquiring the Prophetic, genetically bred Red Heffers just this PAST year from Texas, (I think they received 6 of the Holy red Heffers for the Sacrifice? As in the Temple Mount in Israel the Jews are Forcefully erecting to go ahead with the Prophesied Sacraficr (I believe they have planned of whatever the Jewish holy holiday is this coming 2024 June or August?
But they’re Instructed NOT to carry out all these ritua steps UNTIL the coming of their ‘PrOpHeT’ “antichrist?”
To me, I think interpret all this as them Force summoning the Coming of The Antichrist. To begin the end times…. Bunch of sick sadistic fucks….
Jesus Saving the Chosen ones for Rapture would be one HELLUVA sight WOOOOO…. Terrifying the think of the Hell on Earth that All of the Non-Raptured will have to contend with and experience o.O

P.s. God bless you Brother, always A treat to be re-affirmed by The Loved Collective that all that reptilian, archon, demon shit is mainly just a show to scare us into Questioning our Inner Light that eternally shines like the sun Inside of us that Wish to be saved and Spread The word of Love “, Connection, and Unity. Just like you said, “they ain’t shit.” Remember God is always with us and they Vaporize before his might. Fuckers hi-tail it back to their Damned Eternal nothingness of Hell, cut off forever separated from The, OUR SOURCE!!!
not op, but
>Personally, after a decade of being both Bleesed & Cursed with Divine Discernment (I just label myself extra sensory), I began to Physically, visibly Observe the Small Dog-Sized, arachnids/spiders (I see their Form As energy that looks just like The Ripples you Appear as with ‘active invisibility camo’ power up in Halo) and the latch onto the everyday person, preferring the more Sad, Depressed, Fearful, Negative energy emitting Soul host, to them the better.
That's big if true. Damn, that's literally like current arc on Hunter x Hunter

What do you think? Since most of the normies took the deathjab, is humanity doomed, or is there way to salvage humanity? The problem is that so many people are feeding the "evil" of this world, when they should stop doing it.
Deep in the back of this Free Willed, Dense 3Dimensional, imperfect Conscious Hominid-Sapien Brain of mine; Can’t help but have the thoughtful notion that God Our Father is the #1 Omnipotent, Omniscient, No CONTEST most GOAT’d Troll that ever was, has, or will be LMAO… I love it, and also Frustratingly hate my lack of ability to Understand/Grasp the Big Complete Picture being Painted. Low key innocently envious, or even Admirably Jealous on a Cosmic Scale my lack of Ability to Witness, Observe, and be apart of Everything & All that The Lord is Doing for us, his Children, It brings me to Tears of Joy how much God fucking loves us all…. And wants nothing more than us children to follow into his Eternal kingdom and Join him in ABSOLUTE UnAdulterated Connection that is LOVE.
The Evil THRIVES and Openly Roams all the corners of the earth, Because ultimately Mankind’s Ignorance. IMO for endless individuals personal reasons. Either they straight up have the DGAF attitude like a good amount of Anyone born after my generation (1995) and have a Nihilistically non-chalant world Perception- I’ve had thsse 2000s kids just becoming new adults tell me shit like “nothing matters cus I’m just gonna die anyways” in response to me giving them basic present world Informstion, e.x told a kid China cia Tik-Tok on your phone has access to your LIFE. your camera, geo active pinging location tracking. Intentionally spotlighting self destructive, hurtful, mind rotting Content for attention span shortening doomscrolling maximizstion. Etc etc -for starters
Another type of the Lost souls are the people who do WHATEVER they’re told without even a legit THOUGHT, aka mindlessly following the false herds. Like the Vaxxers yes. The MRNA Splicing tech allegedly will be able to be Influcened via the 5G tower emissions that the synthetic alien like, metallic Threads being found at in a SCARY amount of autopsies done on the bodies of Vaxxed Individuals. In addition to spiking Stillborn percentages 80%+. Clearly population control, AS well as the Evil ones hating all of us Made in God the Fathers Image so Disgustingly so, of course the Devil wants more than anything to Stop every new soul arriving before it even can get out the womb or have a chance to experience life here on his Creation. Lucifer & all his Demonic followers eternal mission is to Eradicate every last one of us as the Bible says out of Jealousy. Pride, Envy to name a few.
The way I’ve come to Personally wrap my head around it, Just like Yin & Yang, you can’t have Light without Dark, or Darkness w/o Light, and so on. Beyond our mortal understanding, Good - Bad; or as I see it the only 2 ABSOLUTE Forces of the Universe are -LOVE- aka God,
And ~FEAR~ aka Demiurge, Lucifer whatever the fuck he calls himself, and with that being said every other force/energy/emotions, whatever you want to label as, Stem from those 2. LOVE, and fear.
Love-God- is the cosmic Connection that every single thing in the Universe, Physical & Organic are cosmically Vibrationally tethered together. The realization of Love, Gods light.
Vice versa the other end being evil, demons, fear, malevolent entities, are the opposite. Disconnection. Complete Lacking cut off from any and that is Gods Reaffirming Euphoric Light. That’s what evil does absolutely anything and everything it can to Fool/Trick whoever is either gullible, broken, hopeless, lost, you name it etc any of those Fear extended feelings that make you doubt yourself. That’s why they’ll tell you ANYTHING they think you wanna hear or bargain in attempt to Get you to Willingly trade the one thing that’s eternal and Priceless beyond Imagination. Your SOUL.
As long as I love & draw breath living in this experience, I’ll NEVER forget the Night The Devil Forced his way into my apartment with a group of his Demonic Lackeys, thought I was going fucking INSANE they were Unexplainably Supernaturally Scary….but at the end of the day they can’t take you and harm you unless you Free-Willingly step out of Gods Grace and hand them your Soul..
When he couldn’t get me to budge, the look of Anger, Rage, & Wrath he Displayed as a reaction was all the reassurance I needed to know that God Loves me, and is there if you let him be. FUCK Evil & all of its cohorts.
only coz opposite is boundness. like gender
its a made up system bruh
1000%, thanks for reminding me, that’s the most overdone, overplayed psy-op being used on the Masses today. The LGBTQ’s Flag is literally One of Gods most beautiful Symbols, the Rainbow, INVERTED. The devil inverts everything. Upside crosses, ANTI-Christ, etc etc. God creates MAN in his image. In extension Women. Evil is chemically castrating children and the schools are Irreversiblly fucking these people up for life thru Indoctrination, brain washing woke liberals/demonic Devil worshippers who have turned their miserable pathetic backs on the Lord, in an attempt to CORRUPTLY skewer the finite reality that is Male/Female biologically assigned by god during conception/pregnancy. Creating Sexualized, Godless, Made up genders/identitys.
As well as trying to take the “Love” out of making “Love”sex creation is one of the purest, most magical, blessed things we can experience here in this reality/ world our souls are wandering in. Tryna make it pure carnal physical pleasure with no emotion. Sad & sick.
Lastly it makes sense that the fallen angels/demons of hell that are always trying to walk amongst us via demonic possession, would be most comfortable being in a vessel body they possessed that is some Corrupted Sis-gender person that isn’t neither male or female, but whatever the fuck you wanna call it in between. I’m sure it makes them feel at home.
Stay woke. Love conquers all Brethren
be actor - the world is a stage!
be writer - the world is a book!
be reductionist - the world is points of nothing in motion!
be gaaaymer - the world is a simulation
niggah the world is
in 'real' number systems all intigrated quantification are functionally median between the asypemtotic fractional horizion and asypemtotic vertical addition, 0 must be set to equal 1 - 1 arbitrarily to give the binary asypemtotic median spectrum value
dose zeroing the horizion not got taught in principals of mathematics anymore? :(
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You guys know how it's normal for shills to make threads uninteresting by tossing in a bunch of word salad? Light Being might be doing that. The thing I like about OPs theory, is that it actually does answer why God had to sacrifice himself, to himself, to save people, despite being God already.
It also explains why the Apple was in the garden.
It was a pomegranate
It also explains why Reptilians, Grays, Plaedians, whatever else can't fuck with your free will. It is literally hard coded that they can't mess with you otherwise they would of won so long ago. So they can only trick you into consenting.
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>Abusing the Dev's trust on the outside, malware was uploaded to The Simulation that allowed "players" AKA humans to access Godmode too (The Apple)

Genesis 3:11
King James Bible
And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

English Standard Version
He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”

ngl OP you might be onto something
>the big bang is just the simulation turning on

Hey, this has been a theory for a while
>The reason God made man in His image, was because God himself is a man on the outside and already knows the human anatomy
>Jews, Masons, others whatever, all traumatize their children into accepting these ""demons"" and allow possession, in a helpless attempt to get the pain and agony to stop from their abusers

I believe it
>Be evil ground zero hi-jacker
>create ""demon"" reptilian that does your bidding
>traumatize kids and tell them you accept the ""demon"" inside of them and the pain will stop, essentially trying to find a loophole
>to a degree it can sadly work, but exorcisms to get rid of the ""demons"" work more because God is stronger
>keep doing this over thousands of years and you essentially have a hivemind army

>0 must be set to equal 1 - 1 arbitrarily to give the binary asypemtotic median spectrum value

exactly, all of this is false, 0 is not real, there is no 0 in reality, the only reason 1 = 1 is because we need to reach an arbitrary 0 that is not real

hence, 1 does not equal 1, in reality
in reality 1 - 1 does not equal 0, nothing can equal 0 because 0 is not real
0 is an illusion, it was a useful illusion for our current math

but if you want to solve the paradoxes, and if you want to reach the next level of technology and physics, you must get rid of the illusion of 0
When body is in unconscious state it still functions. There is no light that is consciousness as senses of wakeful state or its reflection (dreamstate) or its shadow (deepsleepstate) through mind and memory.

So, probably nothing too exists. Like just the breath (inhale and exhale) that are like organic intelligences of Time. Soul energy (speech, action, living etc) is in between them that becomes experience.
>We all consented to being in this reality because we thought it was going to be a paradise before assholes took over

Well, when the reptilian assholes tried telling us "we consented to reincarnating on Earth", I guess to a degree, they were not lying.
Thought even a tard grasps thats when you have “NoThInG” of something. You have NoThInG…. Who was the first muhfucka that said “O I have 0 of those”
Must've been a fuckin tool
there are only three tools that will not result in simulated answers in the construction of geometer, the rod of measure, the ring of remains and the angle right and true (its not 90, no numbers in the tools)
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So does this mean the Earth is flat, the firmament really is holding waters above (otherwise how does the atmosphere stay in place I guess?) and the great flood across every culture is the firmament temporarily leaking? Isn't Doggerland a large stretch of land near England?
Yep, something like that.
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Yes. You literally have to consent in order for them to hurt you. The thing is tho, after decades of media control, religious corruption and an abhorrent other amount of things, it's really easy to trick ignorant people into thinking they're real threats.
good analogy. simulation theory is a good way to explain these concepts to people since they are more familiar with it than religion. That's definitely the story of the fall subsequent redemption.
... fake
>this summer Jesus has returned and he's here for revenge
>i have no idea about absolutely anything
>i'm utterly stupid
>and i actually typed all that out
>what am i, like 5?
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like this

wow, you mean human’s analogies evolve over time alongside technology, enabling them to better describe their experiences and perceptions? I’m shocked. You mean language is an evolving invention anon??? You’re so deep, tell us more.
In the Book of Revelations, he's mad as shit. If his game got hijacked for malicious purposes, I think anyone else would be too.
Sounds like some weird difference of ideas going on here
Theres demons who hate us of course. Want us all to suffer.
Theres god who loves us but we gotta prove through bullshit suffering in our mortel shells to achieve his salvation
Im starting to think theres a multitude of other parties (like the 200 watches who left god) and other fallen angels who are scheming some shit, maybe to give humans all the whacky unfair powers Jesus has because he’s being given strength by angels?
Still its quite complex . Humans would go insane and kill eachother if we unlocked our potential, yet is it fair if we continue to be MK ultra suffered by these stupid rules? I feel theres no middle ground yet.
That game armored core 6 has an ending about “No going back” once humans can achieve whats being hidden from them
>Theres god who loves us but we gotta prove through bullshit suffering in our mortel shells to achieve his salvation

No. According to OPs theory, God is literally the Game Dev and some assholes managed to much control. You literally have God's salvation the entire time because the faith based mystic system is being abused and people are accidentally damning themselves because the hijackers hoard the knowledge and control virtually everything in the modern day. I'm not quite sure if this makes sense, but it seems the reason old monks, scribes, priests and others spent their literal entire lives dedicated to the church wasn't necessarily to indoctrinate everyone, but to try to spread the knowledge to as many people as possible so they know how to defend themselves from The Deceivers.
Ahh you know that reminds me how in the bible it says after a certain time of jesus’s arrival, select people are going to have life hacking invincibility granted by heaven and god. I wonder if thats for the spiritual war or whatever thats going to happen
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>Various "aliens" come to Earth
>Try to give us spirituality that has "been locked" away by our God because he's an asshole
>Anal probing, SRA trauma, abuse whatever is literally these "alien/demons" taking over you and assimilating you into their hivemind
>You get cool spiritual powers, but at the expense of your own being
>The same cool spiritual powers that you would of had in the first place if God/Dev was still in control and you weren't an asshole
Yeah i kept thinking this as well. I met these alien beings they tried showing me shit and they even sent of their kind with the body i desire in a woman to try to sway me to their side of a sorts.
Thing is i know there’d be some kind of cost or something i would miss out on if i joined them. I imagine it would kind of like being in hell in a sense, maybe sharing the hivemind mental bullshit they all feel or whatever. I wouldn’t want to hear their thoughts 24/7 hell i imagine just my thoughts being heard alone isn’t as bad as constantly hearing their thoughts 24/7
As far as i know from watching xendrius videos, it seems to be either fallen angel spirits and/or demons giving people life hacking powers.
I question it though. Is there a cost for these things helping you? Angels helped jesus for free (i think) . I know a soul is the most valuable thing a person can offer, and these beings all want peoples souls tied down.
Do these fallen angel spirits desire peoples souls? Or can they do it for free like jannies? Do they believe in karma? I’d say they should experiment in the process. Doing shit for free like angels casting miracles and helping people. For sure it will lead more people to god and heaven though but at least they’ll collect their data.
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I'll keep this thread open until I find a suitable response to the interesting reflections on our perceived reality.

The only problem with this that I can see off the bat, is that there is no accounting for those that exist outside of this "Game" through time.
We in fact DO live in a simulation, but the "Creator" or God who made Earth (Or the universe we inhabit) is indeed another entity entirely or some other hardware vendor, that the software team or developer of this reality wrote a game for this platform.

It could be entirely possible that other games exist within this world we inhabit.
The Issue being, that there are places on this Earth, (South pole) that are indeed off limits to the players of this game [the treaty] that are inaccessible to those that don't have the cheat codes or access.

Much like Admiral Byrd, who was later Rage Banned into a mental ward, if you allow others to know about the software Crack / Hack , you get ousted from the game via the various methods and Moderators like the CIA, FBI, Police, Powerful Families etc.

I still think its just powerful people in control of the masses as always, as they have simply more knowledge of the basis of this reality we live in on Earth and its history compared to the rest of us.
I'll get back to this later.

Also Pic related?
Population control could be Hardware resource limits on the server.
Hence, why we seem to have much more dumb NPC's due to software bloat.
Hence the limiting of Population goals and Agenda 21 initiatives.
Who is to say Dev isn't still in control? The Holy Spirit (The software the simulation runs on itself?) has been here and so has The Father (him in his headset pod?). Just waiting for his avatar to come. Also, Dev possibly made childbirth painful after the console got leaked in order to slow the spread of evil human players.
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You guys know how its a conspiracy theory that people with Rh- blood are disproportional in positions of power and even "alien" conspiracies about it? You know how Rh- and Rh+ people usually have fertility issues? You know how the Covid vax is possibly drastically fucking with everyones biology?

What if Rh- people are literally a split off of normal "humans"? If these assholes have been in control since pretty much the beginning, who knows what they've been hiding.
Hey man, who knows.
Im O rhesus -
And black.

I am one of the main players, definitely. But I’m using my power for good, trying to find my dharma through literary creation, service to others and all that.

Nice thread.
I just believe we are in a Westworld game that’s been running for millenias. There are NPC, not sure of the exact ratio with players, but at the same time, the game is there for you to learn about what you need to learn to evolve at your pace.

Multiplayer choose your own adventure personalized with AI.

We chose our avatars, family, talents before birth to accomplish specific goals.

My current question is : is our life already scripted ? Some events in mine had to happen, and I understand we are the process through which Earth figures itself out. So we have to undergo the mental, physical and emotional work to figure things out, but do they already exist in some form ?

Fascinating stuff anyway, especially when you rise above the fear programming.
So Heaven is aware these demonic asshats are trying to hold the truth from us and all that. They’re not working together? Back of my head i get suspicious that they keep a stupid balance in place.
>Christ did away with the "old traditions" because the "old traditions" were literally corrupted by the hijackers
>the same hijackers that demanded circumcision because they're psychopaths that want to torture us
>Christ also did away with circumcision but retards these days for some reason still do it in his name
No, it means it is roundish but everything's more or less limited.
When God comes back it will be the end of this simulation's stage, it's like transitioning from Beta to 1.0, but in this case it is going from 1.x to 2.0.x
How do the recent Israel happenings correlate to this?, was someone Telecontrolled to start this chain of events?, ain't it counterproductive to the hackers and their plans?
Wait, but then what are planets?, does this mean there's other human-populated planets out there?, is that why there are no aliens and why life is apparently so damn rare outside here?
To my current understanding:
Space is indeed fake, the hijackers, great deceivers, have Ring-1 access (almost complete control) of The Simulation and with it, are able to incredibly easily fool ignorant players. But why are the players ignorant? Because the hijackers also deleted the memories of everyone coming in so they wouldn't know how to achieve God-Mode like they do, and over the course of the entire simulation hoarded it beyond control and only let out corrupted bits and pieces in order to entice people to their cause. With this, they essentially tortured the ever loving shit out of everyone because they're assholes. If The Simulation is all we have left, it's possible that maybe the same hijackers doing this are the same assholes that killed humanity, and they thought their "god" rewarded them with the ability to literally be "gods" in this simulation, so they literally have us circumcise men not even a day out of the womb now in order to cause pain, traumatize and help control us for life while eating our negative energy, which helps make them more powerful.

Now where do planets come into this? With almost-god-mode enabled, they can just create fake "worlds" that are massive illusions to those that aren't in the know, and also with shapeshifting, it's a massive stageplay. If a "reptilian" takes you in a UFO and goes in a portal to their home planet, you are literally in the equivalent of an astral realm basement meant to keep you deceived and believing they are high and mighty. They're not.

""demons"" can only hurt you if you literally consent, and these ""demons"" are just spawned minions of the hijackers. It is hard coded that they can't hurt you without consent. >>37841096
The Dev was betrayed by his girlfriend outside the simulation.
>and they thought their "god" rewarded them with the ability to literally be "gods" in this simulation

If the faith based mystic system extends to outside this reality too, then perhaps the girlfriend was the high priestess of a doomsday cult and had been grooming the Dev to be a hyper autistic programmer since he was little. Inside the current "game" it might even be his own mother.
you knew that, when adam and eve sinned choosing the knowledge, God cursed the earth and not the humans?

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
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So is that why we have to eat animals to survive?
What did god feed the Adam and Eve or did the know?

Seem's odd that God would make the world and make them kill animals.
But at the same time?
Were the Animals killing each other?

It seems cruel to make humans in the image of god, then have to require them to kill other beings in order to eat their flesh in order to survive.

Why would a god do that?
Fruits from tree's? Plants? Wonderful.
But I still to this very day have not seen a vegetarian really thrive from just Vegetables.

You have Fish and sea life that I don't feel so bad about, but then again, you take another thing and kill it.

Milk and Dairy products from it seems good enough to survive from as you don't kill anything.

I wonder if there is any super food out there that meets all these requirements for meat?
I know a bit of topic, but it seems cruel that we have to kill other animals .
if everything is fake what are your criteria for real that arnt fake?
re-read your post
jajaja then even your criteria would be fake - therefore discernment real from fake is impossible - you ever make points with out litterally stating them?
brown hands typed this post
> circumcise
*eyeroll* stopped reading
slightly pinkish white, id larp some meme about your race - if youd but make any statements for discernment - until then, since you communicate in geriatric sound bites only, boomer tier mentality with television viewing as primary volitional vocation.
your demonstration of what is real so you can stat what is fake with knowing of course is still pending
the extant is real, your ideas are fake only
>slightly pinkish white
It's possible that it wasn't and it was someone else.

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