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/x/ - Paranormal

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This made zoomers piss and shit their pants.
I remember Marble Hornets would get my heart rate up real hard.
Sometime last year maybe I heard people talking about the eerieness of the spongebob outro song so I went to check for myself and it triggered my fight or flight hard as fuck, my heart was racing and I was welling up. There is definitely something unknown to be discovered in that song
holy shit this is nostalgic
an empty room
it was a song written by a literal bullied freak nerd who played the ukelele right?
Yeah, I can sense whatever essence>>37875189
is reffering to. Strange stuff
One time I was really sick and I started to puke, while I was puking everywhere it caused me to shit myself. So I'm left sweating, breathing heavily, feel like I'm spinning, puddle of puke all over the floor.... and my pants are full of diarrhea.

I never forgot this.

Never forget.
Jesus fucking Christ I was imagining the song in my head thinking
>it's probably the deeper sounding instrument that's scaring people, kinda sounds like a heartbeat
But playing >>37875268 It's the high pitch part that's really eerie. Fuck.
>Is that... le empty space? AHHH IM GOING INSANE!!!
the bathrooms................
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Reminder what started it all
>This is not for you
Marble Hornets at least had the aspect of being stalked and manipulated by a paranormal entity. Backrooms are just "Is that an empty hallway with fluorescent lighting? AYEEEEEE, I'M GOING INSAAAAANE"
Many versions of it tend to include hostile entities and phemonona, along with the fact the Backrooms is usually depicted as a harsh place to live in of itself, having little in the way of resources and wanderers needing to make do with random scraps and trash.
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wasn't there a american TV series that had something similar to the backrooms?
wood... greenwood... pinewood... I don't remember the name.
it was something about a forest, aboriginal tribes and magic in modern times.
That's not what the backrooms was about smoothbrain. The lore includes entities and different dimensions.
>The lore
it was one greentext shitpost aint no fuckin lore you black retard gorilla nigger
Which is understandable, because of all the generations alive today, Gen Z is the most spiritually perceptive. Their fears of this image are not unfounded. Other gens are just spiritually blind.
my spiritual perception is that you are a dumb nigger
The backrooms as liminal spaces is a lot better than the backrooms as places full of monsters like some SCP knockoff.
When I was 10 I saw the american version of the Ring and I cried.
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Fuck you OP. Backrooms shit was pretty fucking awesome actually. I used to walk through my schoolyard at night in the 80's and it would freak me the fuck out because it seemed 'unnatural' when empty. Also have done some night driving and come across some pretty lonely roads with tree lines and shit the are trippy in the same way, like in total darkness, full moonlight, even the daytime. I've always been fascinated by Ghost Towns, abandoned urban buildings and complexes, Chernobyl, etc. so I love that shit, and always knew dat feel bro.

Also this is great intro that tripped me out hardcore as a kid, and that has nothing to do with Zoomers:

Simple but effective use of the same phenomenon, we just didn't really identify it as a thing or have a name for it.

I downloaded the games and some of them are great. I'd play them a lot more if they didn't tend to give me nausea or otherwise make me feel physically ill after a while. Good and original use of 3D environments that have their own unique kind of weirdness, and where they can really dial that shit up to 11 like nothing you could possibly construct in the real world.

The monster shit wasn't necessary, but not the worst variation. I prefer it when it's used sparingly and you just hear weird shit, not actually run into the monster or it ever actually gets you. What I didn't like as much with some of those was where you have other people with you. It's okay for what it is, but misses the point a bit and leans toward more standard vidya feels. Though some of the most desolate pre-NuLara Tomb Raider levels have that kind of feel. So much so it's kind of a pity when they're interrupted by actual enemies and shit you have to do.

AI does a pretty good job with liminal spaces. I made a thread once where I posted about pictures of real liminal spaces and computer-generated shit and it was obvious that people often had trouble telling them apart.
Your crass language reveals your inner worth, which is nothing. I pity you.
There was an animated show called Infinity Train that kinda had a similar premise.
The irony with faggots saying people who find liminal spaces scary just haven't been outside to touch grass and experience wide open spaces, is that they've probably never spent any time outside in and environment that wasn't full of people, urban or otherwise themselves.

When you venture away from the rest of humanity, your own house, and places you're familiar with, you can find yourself in some pretty strange-looking desolate places, where your brain subconsciously knows how fucked you are if you happen to get into a spot where you need another civilised human being to help you out. That was especially a thing before mobile phones and satellite transponders. You'd could just fall and break your leg and you were totally fucked. It would just be you and the buzzards. You're still going to retain that instinct of knowing when you're in a vulnerable position, regardless of what tech you actually have.
ok nigger
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This made pissers and shitters zoom their pants.
That made me Zoom-Zoom my pants just now.
> plebbit spacing

You are younger than me retard
idk if there's anyone from chicago here, but i think it was in 2007 or 2008, i went there with a bunch of friends and we stayed at the congress hotel.
one of the nights we were all drunk and stoned and felt like exploring, so we went walking around the hotel. got to a floor that was being renovated and was roped off. we went in and checked it out. Some of the rooms doors were unlocked, and there were a couple that had some very old furniture left in them. Nothing too weird.
But we kept poking around and found some maintenance areas, floor buffers and cleaning products and shit. Found a box of some nice Congress branded coffee mugs and we pilfered a few.
Kept looking around, and eventually came across some kind of banquet room. Really old creaky hardwood floors, long dining tables with centerpieces and empty pitchers still on them, tablecloths still set on them.
There was a podium and a couple tables to either side of it. The room was dimly lit, overall roughly the size of a school gym basketball court.
I got the impression the room was still being used recently. It wasn't all covered in cobwebs or anything. Possibly was where they did employee meetings or something, who knows. But the way it was so out of the way from the rest of the hotel and the bar inside seemed really weird. One of my friends must have said something along the lines of a freemason meeting place, or some other kind of secret society shit, and that stuck with me. It was in the wee hours of the morning and still had the lights on low, really fucked up vibe.
Garrys mod appartment,
Yes i shat
Oh what nostalgic from the time when you were 10, a whole 5 years ago?
okay so you're a retard
Unironically a pretty good book.
>Fuck you OP. Backrooms shit was pretty fucking awesome actually
The Black Lodge in Twin Peaks kind of has a backrooms vibe if you added schizophrenia to the emptiness.
Funny, they were called paragraphs back in my day. Old habit from learning to type on a manual typewriter according to old formatting standards.

You have some bug up your arse about it decades later from using Twitter or whatever. Literally not my problem.

I use capitals at the start of a sentence, and I still use a double space after a sentence too, (even though this site reformats those). I also always use commas before brackets, (like that one). Cry moar bitchass.
Soul VS Soulless OP

OP doesn't understand that landscapes and images can give people feelings. He is too soulless to understand why people look at sunsets.
Unironically wasted potential garbage
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I don't mind this guy's shit either, though the monster in this one is kinda meh:

But the other aspect that makes this kind of thing good is the environment itself just logically not making any real sense, (which computer-generated shit is perfect for). Like in this one since there are lights in the tunnel that leads to the obvious conclusion there must be an intelligent presence involved, (though he shouldn't really need to explicitly mention that, or really talk that much at all). Whether it be some shady government thing, aliens, Satanic cult, or just crazy John Goodman building a uber-bunker to keep Mary Elizabeth Winstead captive, whatever the case, your brain just can't quite piece together a scenario where it's anything good.

My favourite introduction to the computer generated stuff was the infinite pool rooms:

You instinctively know how expensive something like that would be to construct and maintain IRL, so it makes absolute zero sense for it to even exist, (you couldn't even economically construct something like that IRL for the sake of some kind of Backrooms theme park), let alone with nobody to be found. That means they either know you're there, are watching, and are purposely hiding, or you're even further off the fucking map.

If you've ever seen an antelope drinking at a waterhole full of crocogators that it can't pinpoint, you know exactly why you'd be freaked out by being anywhere near water you were unfamiliar with. OP is exactly the kind of dumbass who would get eaten and not even think twice before going wading waist deep into it, (even the water level itself in this is optimised to maximise human vulnerability). You've got to be one incestuously urbanised faggot to have had millions of years of basic fucking animal instinct bred out of you so you can't even sense anything out of whack.
Are you referring to Wayward Pines? It lasted one season and was produced by M. Night Shyamalan.
Correction, two seasons.
Good point, anon.
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The Wiz pioneered liminal space horror back in 1978. Still creepy till this day imo
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x had one fucking job and they made the most gayest cringe shit ever

>I no-clipped into the backrooms

no wonder their creative writing ended up here instead of in a book
Liminal space is only scary if you're fucking autistic
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What is more emotional draining, House of Leaves, or House of Left
as a diaperfag it doesnt take much to get me to do that ;3
if you're spooked by the Spongebob outro song then you're a literal sheep who was told to be scared by it because other retards told themselves it was eerie
It's chill as fuck and cozy
That's the problem, Like SCP it started interesting, Then like boiling a frog, it slowly got worse and worse due to lackluster gatekeeping. To where it's a bunch of OC garbage now.
SCP got to the point with literal fursonas and homestuck OCs. This is what happens when you don't gatekeep.
cope, faggot. your shits cringe
your bathrooms are just as worthless, retard
maybe try not to be an emotional faggot when you look at empty rooms? can you imagine if all construction workers were as faggy as you cunts and had an existential crisis every time they built a house kek
The world is a prison or zoo >>37888187
its not ironic, youre just too fucking stupid to see the difference. as you said, in the wild your survival instinct kicks in. in an empty house? whats the danger? nothing, its in your head, hence why theyre faggots (like you)
suck my dick, retard
Sponge bob has been out since like 1999 dog, its old enough to drink and drive
We're all irrelevant, including you

the spongebob credits theme had nothing on courage
Keep on larping zoomie
>being this serious about absurdist horror
You are banned from the far plane, negroes. If I find you I will atomize you.
>implying any zoomie knows about the existence of manual typewriters or any of that shit
Remember when the Backrooms was just a simple, eerie concept and not an overglorifed lore dumpyard for zoomers who completely missed the point of the Backrooms? I remember.
Reminder that OP is absolutely obsessed with the backrooms and has been spamming our threads for literal years
Only faggots fear this tune.
You mean shit zoomers forced onto the backrooms because they can't enjoy anything without 1500 pages of milquetoast lore?
i need the sheep to describe to me what is so scary about this song.
i don't hear anything.
not trying to be oppositional but i just aren't getting creepy vibes from it.
if anything, the guitar or whatever string instrument gets annoying after a while but that's it.
An empty call center?
queue that finnish vaccination webm
It's funny how /x/ completely disowned the backrooms.
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Kane Pixels himself already buried all the other Backroomslop with his revolutionary liminal horror film The Mallrooms
To be fair, that song has some major Ween vibes. The creators of Spongebob were fans of Ween so I don't think it's far-fetched to say the outro song is meant to mimick their style. Ween songs can get pretty out there, especially on their earlier albums. Just listen to this song and you'll understand what I mean.

That song gives me a similar feel as the Spongebob outro. It's that lo-fi sound with the intentionally sloppy guitar playing that gives an unsettling yet also kinda funny vibe.
just like SCP
New gen Z forced meme just dropped???
I read this book a few years back and it was simultaneously very scary and incredibly lame.

There's so much more I wish it did with it's premise but got barred down by melo-drama that had little impact. I'm really glad this book exists though because someone will be inspired by it to make something more complete to what exactly scared me about it.
>barred down by melo-drama
Yeah. I found the dynamics of that book incredibly predictable and knew where most of the inter-personal relationships were going very early on, despite not knowing how exactly the rest of the novel was going to play out.
Why are you going onto social media and reading this?
You've literally never heard anything scary in your life. Listen to some actual music.
What is this room? Is this real? It's freaking me out man. Where is it?
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This made half the faggots in the thread piss and shit their pants.

Who is more of a faggot someone pissing and shitting over and empty room or the faggot who pisses and shits over some anon posting a thread about an empty room?
I piss and shit when I go to the bathroom, does that make me a faggot?
Only if you do them at the same time.
Gen Z are among the LEAST spiritually perceptive.
Im a baby bitch newbie fan of backrooms. I loved creepypasta family fandom (sorry not sorry, well maybe sorry a little) i like cryptids a lot and some of the kane pixel videos were nice. Where do i start?
This made millenials and boomers piss and shit their pants.
Thanks will watch later. What about for like short scary videos or entertaining funny retarded on purpose skibidi type ones that also inform you of the world and characters a bit?
Do you think Lovecraft was born in the 1990s? I'm actually curious what your thought process is.
Consider my pants zoomed.
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Nope, not gettin' out of this chair.
Zoomers got to experience backrooms irl during the lockdowns over Covid.
Makes sense they're harboring trauma from abandoned spaces.
Just search Youtube for Backrooms and you'll naturally run into the most popular shit.

Also if you like surreal environments, I recommend this Ruskie film, (there's a much better English dub out there somewhere, and the sub is worth watching too):
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this makes zoomers shit and piss their pants, their are more humans as trees, and more rooms as towns and more towns as stars.
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yeah okay, the generation that was totally raised on ipads and smartphones? the same generation that willingly gets pumped full of chemicals to eventually cut off their dicks to larp as "women"? sure thing you broccoli head mutt.

congratulations, you're an npc who can't stand to be alone for more than 5 minutes.
imagine being spooked by empty spaces.
when i see empty places like that, inside of buildings like malls and such, i immediately think of the fun i could have, like racing bikes or driving my car around in there like that scene from blues brothers. dunno why these kids get spooked by empty rooms. so goofy, but that kane pixels guy is skilled and i enjoy his story telling and animations.
I'd love to see you tough guys in these situations for real. Yeah, I'm sure you wouldn't be perturbed, freaked out, or cautious in the slightest.

No human would be comfortable in those kinds of situations for the same reason you don't just go bumblefucking around in the forest with your thumb up your arse at night with no defence, considering every predator on earth has night vision far superior to your sorry arse, so you couldn't even see them coming.

A hallway with multiple doors is freaky for the same reason as a dark forest full of trees - multiple attack vectors you can't clear until you're close enough to them to have little time to react to an attack. In an urban environment it's arguably worse, since you're likely dealing with the most dangerous game and to whom you're at a disadvantage:

I bet you faggots wouldn't be caught dead walking a Chicago street at twilight, let alone anything remotely like any of this Backrooms shit.
Thank you
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I like this kind of shit, because I've always had recurring dreams along similar lines. Being lost in endless rooms and tunnels, being under water, but not at the same time. Shit is SO cash.
> A hallway with multiple doors is freaky for the same reason as a dark forest full of trees - multiple attack vectors you can't clear until you're close enough to them to have little time to react to an attack.

Wow I thought it was just a joke that Zoomers were actually scared of office buildings LOL. I’ll handle this one guys:

No, multiple doors is a sign that you are in a populated area around people. There’s likely a break room or kitchen with food and water very close by. You do not have to worry about exposure. Not at all the same as being in the forest with Missing 411 cases galore and panicking about how you’re going to eat, stay warm, and not go insane.

I can honestly say it does not take being “tough” to not be scared of the “backrooms” and you are a complete and total pussy for the comment you posted.
>No, multiple doors is a sign that you are in a populated area around people.
Which is exactly why it's freaky when there are no people that you can find. It means shit is NOT normal, and maybe they're hiding from you, maybe they were abducted by aliens, or basically WTF? Something's not right. Something happened, and it's probably not good:

Especially if you hear noises and shit. Is it people but they're hiding from you? Why? Is it an animal? Is it aliens or something?

Everything about the Backrooms is about starving your brain of enough information to reach a conclusion so you can be comfortable with your surroundings. Shitty lighting, distant unidentifiable noises, strange illogical building arrangements, one way passages, a place that seems to go on forever with liminal spaces in a building that has no actual discernable function, etc.
Check out myhouse.wad
I've never listened to Ween before but I've heard about them. And that song you posted is exactly how I imagined they would sound.
You sound much more underage than the zoomers you're trying to make fun of
They've gone through a few eras. Their early era was the most crude and experimental. By their fourth album they started recording in professional studios and became more normie friendly, but without losing their signature weirdness. The album Stephen Hillenburg considers the inspiration for Spongebob is The Mollusk, which is entirely ocean themed. That's the album where Ocean Man comes from.
Thank you. Based op, fuck on
The movie IT and the Punky Brewster episode where they were in the cave with the spider and kid in the wall, are what scared the shit out of me as really little kid...
(Sadly, I don't see the full episode on YouTube, but it looks like I wasn't alone in finding that shit scary, because there's quite a few videos that come up when I search "Punky Brewster cave episode")
All those posts are OP, he's been spamming our threads for about three years and when there isn't a thread he makes one himself to whine about it
Backrooms le epic
Liminal spaces are pretty novel. How often do you think about stairwells and vestibules? You pass through them. But stopping to reflect on them gives new details.
By nature of how architecture is designed, rooms are gender intended to contain people and objects. When they are empty is it different from what we are familiar with. If you are unnerved by isolation, of course they can be scary. Unfortunately the back rooms spiraled out of control because every kid who read an scp article tried to take a crack at expanding the lore.
I remember the refrigerator episode, but I don't remember that.

Also, WTF?:
>walk through your own school
>shit your pants because there aren't students whining between classes
Are you a fucking baby? Jesus. My school had some summertime events and we got to explore some of the school with almost nobody in it. It was cool as tits. We had fun. We were also the generation before you little zoom zooms, so we didn't get "traumatized" by internet cartoon videos or jpegs of hallways.
I hope I'm not overstepping any bounds here sir, but I just wanted to say, your my hero.

I wish I was as stunning and brave as you are.

Thank you for your insightful comment, I'll take it to heart and aspire to be more courageous like yourself in the future.
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this room?
You already replied to that post, OP
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Lol oh man, I totally forgot about getting locked in the fridge episode... I bet that's where my fear of being trapped in the fridge, freezer, dryer, etc came from back then...
I watched what I could of the "Perils of Punky"/cave episode and this show had some really messed up stuff... Seeing it as an adult it's kinda unsurprising I'd find it as scary as "It", because you really wouldn't expect that from a show like Punky Brewster where the studio had to know a huge portion of their audience was like 4-10 years old.

(Figures they'd have made some crappy Punky Brewster reboot too. They've been doing that with basically everything, regardless of how awful and unnecessary they all are. Honestly, I've just kinda avoided all of them though)
Office space, like American Psycho, was ahead of it's time. They predicted the shocking insight that greed compounds into more greed as there is less to go around.

People are so desperate for mystery and wonder. Same. I'm going to pretend this cartoon network song is supernatural.
I think we're all missing the more important issue here though ... who would win in a fight?:
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Lol... I only vaguely remember Annie, but I know I watched it and I'm surprised I don't remember this. It certainly is something.. some uhh moves, or something... I like how an entire group older boys run away lol

(Despite only being like 5, I kinda had a crush on Punky or something, and always thought Annie was kinda ugly/obnoxious, so I'd have to go with Punky though.)
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It's a ginger thing. They all think they're some kind of hot shit for some reason. But just sayin' Punky would have a problem because Annie might want to have a word with her for stealing her schtick and 80's-ifying it. Kinda like that Vampira/Elvira thing.

She was a cute kid. The first girl who had a schoolyard crush on me at that age looked and dressed very much like her and had pretty much the same attitude. She was a pretty cool gal who didn't afraid of anything.
the backrooms are genuinely pretty scary.
I’ve stumbled upon this room in a similar fashion as you described actually. My best friend was enrolled at the university a couple blocks down, and once or twice we strolled around exploring the hotel when we were drunk/stoned. The time I remember finding this room we were fucking around on the fire escapes, and wandering the stairwells, when suddenly the area you’re talking about appeared before us. We entered from the above balcony, so that may have added to the jarring moment of discovery to begin with. It did seem very closed off from the rest of the hotel, since I remember we managed to drink almost an entire bottle of jagermeister before we reached it. The lights were really dim, but I don’t remember there being a lot of tables set though. There was a microphone in the center that was still turned on and we started singing into it. Not a single staff member of the hotel or any guest managed to enter into the room for the hour we must have been in there. One last thing, I remember my friend had his camera with him and he took a picture of me in this room, and my face was completely whited out, like he had had the flash on. Very tabula rasa type of energy I absolutely agree.
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It probably wasn't too many years after this that I was at my aunt and uncles house, where we'd play with our cousins, while the adults played cards and stuff.
Somehow I got my redheaded cousin so mad at me that she charged at me like a boar or something. I was really young, so I probably just kind of sat there, but my brother moved me out of the way, and she ended up ramming into the wall with her head.
Me and my brother would laugh about it for years after that, but my biggest memory of that night was being all pissed off that I had to sit on the stairs forever on "timeout" or something for hours, because my uncle decided it was all my fault... Stupid redheads lol
(I also always remember being at their house one night when a new Simpsons was on, but The Simpsons wasn't allowed in their house. This was during its prime when that type of show is really new, but I wonder what that side of the family thinks of shows like South Park and stuff now.)
this picture was an unseen original post by an urbexer newfag asking if any oldfags still urbex here. the picture gained popularity suey being a common cursed and liminal picture in cursed and liminal picture threads.

then SOMEHOW done faggot on YouTube makes it popular as fuck. go figure.
>fight or flight response
>heart rate increasing
>from spongebob song
God damn son.
This shit was actually kinda relaxing lol
Why are zoomzooms so scared? Is it because they are desensitized to gore and demon/ghost, so they end up getting scared of fucking rooms and sounds?
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1: People in general are over socialized retards. If an authority figure or general groupthink says to behave or think of something then they will agree with it. It's mass hysteria.
2: Zoomers are attention starved morons and a lot of it is just them overreacting for said attention.
3: They want to seem like they have their own culture and are above "horror slop" so they create their own stupid things to get overly scared about and then act smug as if its some sort of high art. I seen this youtube video defending this saying "Horror is just not for you now!".
4: Analogue horror fucked up zoomies brains into seeing something horrible in the ordinary
5: They are so emotionally unstable they can't handle real horror so they just fall back on safe horror. Look at what happened with Urban Spook.
Not everything is some generational shit you fucking retard. This has always been a thing, it just became a shared/viral/vidya/thing in their generation. Plus they're going to give less of a shit about what Boomers traditionally considered spoopy, like haunted houses with cobwebs, skeletons, and gay Halloween shit like that. When you've got a mobile phone it's not so easy to be afraid of an axe murderer in a hockey mask. Fucking Dracula could show up in a foggy graveyard and Zoomers would probably be more instinctively inclined to take a selfie with him than run away.

You can see why this would become a thing sooner or later too. Not only do you have to appeal to a baser fear in an environment where you can't just pull out your phone to get out of it, but computers just being able to render increasingly realistic 3D environments means sooner or later someone is going to start noticing the effect while constructing one. Especially in the early stages while making vidya where everything is still stark, fucked up, or unnatural in any way, like it's an infinite procedurally generated map with randomised elements.

The Jared Pike digital art was one of the first pictures I saw along these lines and I got how creepy that shit is instantly:

Just being stuck in any environment that seems to go on forever with is bad enough to qualify as some level of Hell, let alone something unfamiliar and unpossible as this weird shit.
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Why do you zoomies get so ass blasted whenever people point out how absolutely retarded your style of horror is?
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Not a Zoomer. I was born in the 70's and I love this kind of shit. I love all different horror genres, going back to silent film and paper books. The real question is why are you some kind of snob about some of those invented/popularised in the last decade or two?

Out-of-whack environments have been used in past horror, it really is nothing "new", and you're a fucking faggot if you believe otherwise. It's just a different take on it because now you can do it a new way with computers.

As a kid i remember having dreams of running through room after room, through door after door, never getting to an exit, and you would have seen that kind of thing in tonne of different media before now going back to day dot. Get over yourself faggot.
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I hate it because its the only thing zoomers focus on and have completely destroy what made the thing special. Yeah, surreal environments area cool and I like them also but then they only focus on said environment. Look at the back rooms wiki for example. They have no idea what makes the backrooms what it is by adding factions you can join like its a video game, a selection of monsters that chase you around like a video game and I even seen one entry that was just a populated town.

Same shit with analogue horror, they took something neat and novel like lore drops like you would get in a Resident Evil game from a note and only focused on that part. There was a time entire horror series was just about solving ARG puzzles and how its about putting scan lines on everything and being the Blair Witch project or Ben Drowned.

What I am saying is on its own a lot of the new horror isn't bad, what is bad is how zoomies completely misunderstand what makes those things special in the first place and ran it into the ground with being extremely repetitive because they can't grow out of five nights at freddies with mascot horror everywhere even after ten years of this shit. They took a spice and just made it the main course.
Why are lost media retards so obsessed with childrens cartoons and shows like who cares if some obscure random show or cartoon they watched once as a kid is basically lost to time so stupid
>Born in the 70s
Actually fuck off old man go back to kikebook >>>/out/why are you even here
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Because there is nothing left to explore would be the deep, philosophical answer. The real reason is autism and wanting to be part of something.
And I'm a princess unicorn
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Sure, but I've always seen the "muh liminal hallways aren't scary" fags and the, "let's shovel more monsters and people into this hallway until it defeats the whole point" fags, as suffering from the same blindness. At least in the latter case I can just ignore takes on the Backrooms that don't get it. I'm under no obligation to accept their 'lore', I can take it or leave it.

Good example, I've always had a soft spot for this film, because a (not-so-literal) Ghost Ship is a perfectly creepy and isolating environment:

Hence the same concept being used for a Backrooms level:

Ever since I first saw it as a kid, I've looked for more shit like it, but most kinda make it lame with the 'ghost' part of 'Ghost Ship' being far too literal. The best thing I've seen since is Triangle (2009). That's a great little film for what it is and manages to provide signs of unseen people being on board without resorting to something as lame as literal ghosts:

A ship merely floating around with nobody onboard is a creepy enough set up, and shit being left running, or items left out like people were there recently with no sign of what happened to them, and just weird unexplained shit happening, is fine and all you need for a basis. Literal ghosts is just kinda stupid, like this disappointment:

Just like movies though I can take Backrooms videos/games or leave them, and the more literal horror shit might appeal to some fags, or even me if done well. Who knows? I'll criticise the bad movies, but I'm not about to write off all of them or the whole "subgenre" because some retard directors just don't have a clue.
Just to brighten your day.

Besides, somebody has to educate you retards. If not for old people on these sites, you'd all be parroting the same bullshit rewritten version of history your Commie teachers fed you, where some nigger tranny invented jet engines or whatever.
i just listened it to it, didnt feel scared but it goes hard ngl
I just listened to it and a portal to Hell opened up in my floor. Wat do?
This is the type of music I would hear in my head after being concussed.
shitting your pants keeps your warm in the cold
>schools teach nigger troons invented things
I can tell you haven't been to school in 30 years. Fox News isn't a truth-telling institution.
I did go to school and the teachers were trying to shove their Commie bullshit down our throats then. I know exactly how these faggots operate. That's without even hearing the shit that kids repeat after being told this retarded gay shit.

I don't watch Fox News.

1. I don't give a shit what they think anymore than CNN.

2. I don't need to. I just have to know how reality actually works. It's not rocket science.
Tried it, and it worked for a while, but now my shit is cold too. Wat do?
>Everything about the Backrooms is about starving your brain of enough information to reach a conclusion so you can be comfortable with your surroundings. Shitty lighting, distant unidentifiable noises, strange illogical building arrangements, one way passages, a place that seems to go on forever with liminal spaces in a building that has no actual discernable function, etc.
Are Zoomtards so overly estimulated that they get scared when you don't have instant access to all the information about something? Do you lack curiosity or ingenuity? Are you even human?
more shit, pee in a bottle and put it inside your sweater.
Instructions unclear, tried to follow and I now have my dick stuck in a popup toaster. Please send help.
unplug and eject
Tried to comply and now my balls are stuck in the microwave, it's set on high, and I'm afraid to touch anything.
accept your fate
lmao how is the SpongeBob outro sound scary? Y’all are pussies lol. It just sounds like a nice little jig. I always found it kind of sad because that meant it was the end of a SpongeBob episode
I remember hearing this on TV when I was around six or seven years old.
At the time, I was weirdly disturbed by the idea of eternity and didn't want to go to heaven. (I know it's a bit deep for someone that young to think, but I had by first NDE at four.)
For some reason, the spongebob end credits theme made me think that post-death, it would just be that theme and background for the rest of eternity. I'm reminded of the way I felt as a kid from that, so the theme disturbs me. But I don't find the theme itself disturbing.
LOL you fucking Zoomers are afraid of almost dying?! Jesus y'all need to go outside and touch grass, maybe jump off a bridge or swim with sharks like we used to back in my day, when kids weren't such sheltered pussies. We Boomers are made of such sterner stuff because we used to almost die for fun while walking uphill both ways through the snow to school, and we know when we actually die we'll just pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, look Death in the eye, and give him a good firm handshake ...
Reminds me of AI Sponge. Great party.
Great story, anon.
It really is just all Five Nights at Freddy's wank for the zoomies, isn't it?
Based Elder. Educate that zoomzoom wetbrain
>Are Zoomtards so overly estimulated that
>that meant it was the end of a SpongeBob episode
For zoombers that is, like, literally, like, the worst. thing. ever.
The backrooms is a gimmick it's not as scary as something like Amnesia The Dark Descent which uses existential fear and atmosphere to scare the player.
People who think the original backrooms concept isn't scary have never wandered around in empty places like that before. Its extremely fucking eerie, especially if its an old building frozen in time.
>Be me
>Live in the southwestern US
>Sometimes go to this little shop in a large multi-story building every few months
>Building was built either before or in the 70s and hasn't been refurbished or changed in any way
>All floors except for the bottom and top are empty
>Floors are designed as single very, very long hallways with suites lining both sides
>Some woman jumped off the building to commit suicide on top of this
With this in mind
>Decided to explore the empty floors a few days ago since I was visiting
>The hallways are pitch fucking black and all of the suite doors are closed with blinds over them
>Some of the doors are unlockable
>Suites are absolutely empty with missing ceiling tiles, worn out floors, and old patterned walls
>Windows are tinted with a weird blue color and overlook the city
>Some of the rooms are behind multiple doors and are literally pitch fucking black even during the day
>Could probably live up there and no one would ever find me

Yeah, spooky stuff.
Also faggots who say they don't think the Backrooms are scary were pissing and shitting themselves over this 20 years ago, which takes advantage of the same kinda feels:

>inb4 that's different somehow because fog or whatever
Please die
The most generous possibility is that they're bullshitting, putting on a wimpy, inoffensive face to get positive attention and feel like they fit in, because the society they ended up in emphasizes victimhood and weakness as virtues.
>out of whack environments
For one, Scooby Doo was a family comedy and wasn't actually scary for anyone but the fictional characters in the cartoon. The hotel in The Shining wasn't spooky because it was a hotel, it was spooky because the father of the family succumbed to psychosis and tried to kill his family, and the kid ran into weird things that weren't actually physically present. The hotel having hauntings IRL is irrelevant in this particular discussion.
Do you see the difference between The Shining's hotel and a picture of some random office with a yellow filter?
Don't conflate abandoned, unmaintained buildings with backrooms faggotry.
G,C,G,D and than Am.
never said it wouldn't be hard to survive one of those situations, what are you going to eat or drink in a place like the backrooms? probably starve to death unless you want to eat drywall, which will kill you anyway.
I've worked in security, night shifts in dangerous sketchy places, even during the day. dealing with literal schizo's methed out, dancing around with needles in their hands. been attacked, had a guy try biting me with his rabies ridden mouth. I think I could handle an empty building, shid, I've even done night shift for 12 hours straight 5 day's a week in an empty greenhouse in the middle of nowhere, nothing but the sounds of coyotes in the surrounding forests and massive greenhouse completely void of life but me. those are some of the comfiest moments I had working a job. It was best doing patrols through the dim lit warehouse parts of the facilities. I get the whole "there could be somebody in here with me" thoughts that cross your mind, but being alone in a building isn't that bad.
Also I have walked through Chicago streets at night. Not in the jogger infested ones, but you gotta be retarded to do that if you are white.

I think zoomers are just scared of these places because they've grown up either having someone around all the time, either in person or on devices. to be truly alone for a period of time is a oddity to most of that age group. they've been conditioned by technology to be in constant contact with other people. I know people my age who are like that too, having to have people around all the time. everyone is different I guess, but I still find it funny that zoomer horror is being alone in an empty room.
like an older brother, i've got to bust your balls. don't take it personal kid.
Translation: I'm a retard and Stanley Q-brick wasn't a cinematographer.
i took the photo ama
were you scared or uneasy when you took it? why did you take it? who is sandy loam? and why cant i reach her?
you are SO fucking gay that getting fucked in the ass would actually only make you straighter
spongebob first aired 25 years ago...
Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking, Opening Seasons and Bimmy Plays are still the top SCPs
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>Neural feedback of mass hallucination.
>Shared nightmare
hi shroo
Zoomers don't have souls.
I don't know whether it was just the power of suggestion, but yeah, that did practically give me a panic attack.
when you die the Spongebob credits just play forever
They actually completely missed the point.
Zoomers grew up with any information they wanted a mere google search away. The notion that they simply can't know something is scary because "not being able to know something" is totally unfamiliar to them.
I'm not scared of this, I just like the aesthetics and "liminal spaces", I like to go on gmod maps and walk around and hang out and enjoy the map
Who does?
True. There is more horror the infinite and the uncanny unknown than some screaming boogiewoogie.

Also SCPs used to be good before it got popular and people started adding low quality schlack to the list like "SCP #42069 - is a pair of dice where if you roll snake eyes, you die" levels of uninteresting uninspired stuff.
this one feels more anxious
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>Is that... STARS?!?! OMG this black sky with bright dots on it is making me COOOM with EMOTION!
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>OMG! A BIG UNMOVING ROCK! I'm literally having a spiritual moment right now!
This is a real mental plane and it can be brought upon a person when under extreme circumstances an individual will try to shift to a different plane consciously or unconsciously, the issue is when not knowing where to go this seems to be a default or sort of lobby inbetween worlds.
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>WAOW! An empty landscape!
>>37874924 for me it was the movie Pet Semetary.. back rooms is just a joke...
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This makes liberals piss their pants.
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I liked the original concept but much like everything it becomes garbage when you see what people do with it
I've always thought the folk stories a generation creates tells a lot about their general outlook on the world in and around them
So to me backrooms was a really good framework for ideas much like the SCP which was my generation's thing
But what we see come out of the creative side is vastly different in composition and content
Often backrooms stories don't end ever or have an ambiguous conclusion that is meaningless
From here we can source out an idea of the general mood of the new zeitgeist approaching us
Look at a backrooms video and instead of the surface pretend it is a metaphor for the human mind that created it
It's dystopian, sterile, vaguely threatened by something that is never made clear
It's the result of being raised with the Internet
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Imagine sliding here, pure fun
And of course the narrative is randomly broken up by a play room showing the condensed modular form of entertainment which is only there as a trap
We're in the backrooms now, Anon.
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This made millennials piss and shit their pants.
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Wow. Imagine being such a retarded Boomer you don't know the meaning of the term 'information' in this context. It's not 'information' like a google search you fucking tards, it's 'information' in terms of signal to noise.
What about cum? Did they also creamed their panties?
This, but unironically.
I must not be a zoomer then.
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Having known a few zoomers in my time I feel confident in saying that they are more than likely genuinely scared of le goofy faces. Zoomers are some of the biggest ass-munching, beauty hating, status-quo worshipping retards to ever exist, and they even believe that they go against the grain.
It all boils down to jewish art and satanic inversion, taking something demure and turning it into something nasty. The zoomer mind is filled with dozens of different cartoon/video game characters. The mind has to remember all of those faces and put names to them. However, with goofy analog horror faces there's nothing personal about it. Just pure MKULTRA trauma conditioning.

>t. born in the wrong generation
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It's a metaphor for our school system.
My generation is a bunch of pussies.
Especially you there, anon... Especially you!
You're the biggest, moistest, most scared pussy of them all, you gigantic faggot!
You should feel really fucking bad about yourself, you know?
That's a strong thing to say about someone who simply sees something that you dont. The guy obviously knows there is no imminent threat or danger and there is nothing inherently distressing about the song, yet it caused him psychic trouble. That is a significant occurance worth thinking about in a far deeper way than your surface level judgement
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KEK you must got autism or something
Talking like an English grandma from a hundred years ago isn't much better.
You wanna know the fucked up thing about that picture? That shark was actually real. It's called a fur shark. They inhabit certain parts of North America, and sometimes go on land. This particular fur shark entered the home of some unsuspecting people and ate their cat. The owners rushed to take a picture while it was happening. Then it ate them. Look it up. It was a huge story awhile back, before it got memory holed.
I've known that song for over twenty years and I've never heard anything eerie in it. I don't think that I'm just not evolved enough to pick up on whatever the people who are saying that it's creepy are hearing. What they're experiencing is the power of suggestion.
Downright fucking Satanic.

Did you know this song sounds exactly the same when you play it backwards as forwards? That's why it's so subconsciously unsettling. It's a special type of advanced "backmasking" only a real life evil Satanic fuck would be capable of of creating.
>an endless series of rooms that you can enter at random and never escape isn't and unnerving concept
Do you have to be so disingenuous?
Gen Z and A don't find that concept unnerving in and of itself. They only think it's creepy if there are monsters in there. To people saying that gen Z is afraid of empty spaces, it's really the exact opposite. Millennials discovered the concept of the backrooms. Gen Z didn't find it scary, but liked the name, so they gave it monsters, which completely nullified the entire point. Gen Z didn't think that the concept of the backrooms was scary without monsters. They can't entertain the idea of empty spaces period. Millennials were the only ones who were able to uncover and appreciate the concept of the backrooms before it was hijacked by gen Z.
It's a literally an archive of fucked up shit.

That's why it's an SCP.

Have you seen the scp video game? Shit was pretty cash.
Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-wuuuuuck this shit dude:
Moment spoiled by the retarded 'achievement unlocked' popup which is supergay, but that was otherwise DOING IT RIGHT for this kind of shit.
So JTK was just a massive jewish psyop all along? The image and resulting influence of it seems perfectly and beautifully manufactured. At the time, that one image alone sparked a brand new, deeply visceral type of horror. The image appearing with no known creator or OP after all these years and the tsunami waves it spawned in the Zoomer collective conciousness just seems all too perfect for it not to be the fruit of many evil psychic experiments conducted in an underground base of a three letter agency. Either that or it was created by one of the greatest creative minds to live in recent history
Yeah I remember the video game made hella people buttmad for years
which is why you play it steamless. god i fucking hate steam.
which one? containment breach?
They just rediscovered the minotaur's maze while another group is scared of a minotaurless maze because its unnatural by default
anons, is it true that men get erections when they're excited non-sexually?
Garbage book that someone can read in three days because every other page is only like 10 words for "muh effect." HoL is a parody of academia, if anything, and the only people who consider it a horror novel are the ones who have never read it.
Okay, now I'm creeped out.
this, ladies and gentlemen. Is what mass hysteria looks like.
Zoombergs got fed the most violent, scary shit as kids (saw, the grudge, chucky, ect.) and had nothing left to be scared of. So they lit up their cob pipe and tried to find psuedo-intellectual tastes in horror.
How is this gay thread still up?
because you are bumping it ;-)
Is your mother still working the streets?
Summer is here
They have access to the internet faggot
There's a difference between what you know you don't know, and what you don't know you don't know.

For example you know you're not a heterosexual man, but you don't know that YWNBAW.
zoomers shitting and farting

what else is new?
I don't get it. What is this supposed to signify?
the backrooms IS real though
>Wat do?
piss into it
Now being attacked by angry demons covered in piss. Wat do?
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Some liminal spaces are aesthetically pleasing, but nothing more than that. Backrooms is undeniable Reddit garbage at this point, though.
Overall, I don't like how this liminal space shit is being lumped in with the uncanny valley or just internet horror in general.
Nah, theyre just retards
Because the backrooms are an infinite internal structure
I believe that outdoor levels are dumb as fuck and defeat the purpose of the backrooms
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Lmao you guys are goofy I love this place.
Its literally a ukelele, its not scary,
you just come from generation bitch boy
It was genuinely a pretty good thought experiment until zoomies started writing fan fiction that showed the monsters and mapped the entire place out because they don't understand horror.
It started as a thought experiment from people older than you, who played games where you no glitch out of the map. So, its kinda a cool idea if you glitched out of reality's bounds and ended up in a giant empty space thats meant to enclose the world. That was the whole point, the dread of not being able to get back. The lore was added later by scared ipad victims
A very horny female want to have sex with you, and you just found her.
Except, she's a rabbit.
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I'm thinking one day we'll have robots keeping everything perfectly maintained and manicured, and maybe even AI architecture and landscaping.

The entire world will wind up looking like some kind of unnatural liminal space.
To be fair to the people who just aren't feeling it, I will say there are some shitty sites with 'muh liminal' pictures that are obvious just Zoomers running around taking photos of any old crap acting like it's spoopy, who don't really get it, they just want to be in on it like every other memeshit that comes along. That is pretty fucking annoying and dilutes the whole thing.
What is reddit? Sounds gay. Is that your favourite website or something? Why are you talking about some faggy shit like that here?
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Every town has a shitty end of town - even the Vivarium.
>terminally online generation.
>never alone always connected.
of course they will be scared of shit like this.
I've never found what zoomers call liminal spaces to be spooky. They've always been very cozy and calming to me. I also walked my abandoned school in the 2000's. I used to go to the old halls and courts and just sit and remember. I also like to go to deadmalls where I'm the only soul around. As someone who just hates being around other people these empty places are a paradise.
I'd seen gameplay footage of this game before, so I knew about the [spoiler]fucking duck[/spoiler] and I still shit my pants when I ran into it.

Fucking motherfucker that's some creepy shit. Has anyone gone back to see if it was the same one from before. Like is the first one gone from where it was sitting, or is it a second one? I like the way it subtly rotates too. This game is done pretty well with things like that.
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Everyone sees it differently. I find them comfy too. Relaxing and odd. But I can see how others find them scary and stuff. Yeah there's a lot of stupid zoomer shit on you tube but the concepts are good.
To be honest, I have the opposite opinion as you because it's a different type of horror. The idea of randomly slipping into a dimension which is just infinite, repetitive banality with no escape is more of a dismal terror as opposed to an existential or supernatural one. Where it became stupid is when people started adding monsters into it. Which can obviously be scary when it's thematically applicable, but that's not what made the backrooms scary.
The real horror is, after wandering for what feels to be an eternity at the complete expense of your sanity, you finally find a horny Lola Bunny who is ready for you and that's when you begin to fade back into reality.
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I've never been invested in the Backrooms or the Liminal Space meme but I can clearly understand where the fear comes from because I've experienced this kind of fear (it was more like a sense of dread and loneliness at the same time) in person, in real life, 20 years ago when I was just a kid.

My father was a teacher and I went to the same school that my father taught at, and he was very much a workaholic so often times I'd find myself hanging out in the school for 1-3 hours after everybody else has left, waiting for my father to finish up his work, or he'd drag me with him to the school on weekends or holidays if he needed to catch up on his work. I'd essentially have free reign of the entire school at like 7 years old. Of course, 99% of the classrooms and offices were locked so my reign was mostly just restricted to hallways but sometimes rooms would be unlocked and there was always the massive gymnasium, completely enclosed by hallways with no windows, which was pitch black after hours, and there were wings of the school where the lights were turned off and the only light seeping through would be from windows on doors at the end of hallways. It'd often just be me, alone in a massive school wandering around while my father worked in the classroom.

A lot of times I'd just get this uneasy sense that I shouldn't be here or that things were wrong just staring at empty places where two hallways intersect and I couldn't see around the corner, or just staring at classroom doors that were open. The eeriness of everything just being extremely quiet except for my own noises and this place that was once bustling just hours ago being dead silent unnerved me. I'm pretty sure I even entertained the fantasy that I could get lost in an endless maze of just school hallways 20 years before people came up with the Backrooms even. There's also the fucking gym which was pitch black and the door was always unlocked. I used to call it "The Void" and got lost in there once.
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>There's also the fucking gym which was pitch black and the door was always unlocked. I used to call it "The Void" and got lost in there once.
How the hell did you get lost? Just go back the way you came
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I always found the gym scary (but intriguing) after hours for how pitch black it was and obviously because it's echo-y it is being a gymnasium, so I'd often be daring and play a game where I'd open the door as best as I can, and run in as far as I could and then run back before the door closed on me while there was still some light. The doors to the gym are really thick and they have this brush-y lining on the bottom of them that touches the floor and pretty much makes it impossible for light from outside to seep under it. There were also two main doors to the gym, both on the complete opposite side of the gym from eachother. One time I mustered enough courage to try and sprint from one door to the other side of the gym and reach the other door since it was supposed to be just a straight line and I was hopeful maybe I could reach the other side before the door behind me closed and I still had some light.

When I reached the other side the door I came from was shut enveloping me in pitch blackness the angle I was running must have been off because I met the wall instead of the opposite door, and I had no clue which of the walls I was touching or what. The obvious thing to do would just be to fucking follow the wall but I was 7 years old and panicking and my first instinct was to try and run back the way I came, but once I realized I was lost/"stuck" I just started screaming for help and crying like a bitch for 10 minutes until my echoes must of reached out of the gym because my dad eventually came looking for me. Fuck The Void, man. I wasn't actually in danger but it was the closest to an "out of reality" experience I ever had.
Any stories from the school?
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Can "liminality" be scary on its own? I know its a useful resource to evoque a feeling in art, but im not sure you can make scary movies, books or songs only based on that

if you have the 8/x/ screencap please post it
cope, reddit nigger
Maybe on planet retard
Imagine nanobots doing this across the world while you're the only one left.
You ever thought the reason why empty buildings weird you out is because they're built with the intention of a lot of people being in there at the same time?
this shit is only liked by zoomers. it's the equivalent of the jewish Rugrats made for millennials
It is only "spoopy" NOW because you relate it to all those "dreamcore" playlists on youtube, the bg tune sounds a bit like that and maybe kinda lonely compared to bikini bottom.

The only interesting point in this is that some youtuber mentioned it because apparently, there was a DVD that played all episodes in order while skipping the intro and outro, however, after all episodes were done, every damn outro from every episode would play in succession. I can see how that shit can make someone uneasy but it's a special case.
I genuinely don't know why you can't understand it. Generally in the backroom shit you just find yourself there, it's not like you entered the building wtf. You may be able to rationalize it in the moment, but eventually time starts to pass and you'll get hungry and the lack of an exit would surely get to you eventually, come on my guy. You're trying so hard to call everyone else retarded for the accompanying image that you're missing the concept as a whole
It's not just fog it's a representation of trauma you've inflicted or experienced. I guess I get how you could correlate the two but there truly is nothing similar. The confrontation you need to make with yourself is a large part of what makes silent hill so much more engaging than whatever scp wack shit they forced onto what was once a fun little concept initially
Maybe if you had a fucking job these places would still only be mundane. Looking at this image just instills the dreadful monotony of closing procedures at a retail gig
>Either that or it was created by one of the greatest creative minds to live in recent history
are you pissing on me right now, son? it’s a fucking gay little clown jpg with a stupid chain letter style story attached to it? are you stupid?
lol dogs don't have souls, read your Bible faggot.
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Not talking about any of that shit, I'm talking about the environment ITSELF being disturbing BEFORE you even get to any of that.

There's a reason Silent Hill, (the town), isn't all sunshine, gumdrops, and the bustling crowds. This is exactly what you faggots don't get. There's a reason this kind of thing is set in environments that are intrinsically 'disturbing' in some way, usually where normal logic doesn't apply, (like the inexplicable and apparently impossibly rapid decay of the town), and/or your senses being limited, usually on some threshold where they're prone to false positives, or otherwise not knowing what the fuck they're perceiving.

Just walking down the foggy path to get to town is unnerving enough, and that's before you drop any monsters or even any real story into it.
And the way that starts with shadowy, barely perceptible humanoid, (yet inhuman), creatures in the fog, making bizarre noises is what makes that game so well written. Also the staticky radio picking up snippets of voices and shit is quite literally low signal to noise ratio again.

The anti-liminal faggots don't like to admit it, but the best traditional 'horror' environments use the same liminal effects, whether it's just the design of a haunted house, a Transylvanian fog, or the way something is shot in a Hitchcock film, it's all fundamentally the same shit.

After that point the effect can be ruined by a bad monster, or shitty story, the same as I could ruin Backrooms level zero with windows to the outside and a map showing the exit. Silent Hill 2 isn't all the environment, but it builds on that foundation in a good way.

Pretending the liminal stuff isn't a thing is the equivalent of pretending there's nothing to see in the WAY Hitchcock shot the film 'Vertigo', just because there's a story you can point to.
>HoL is a parody of academia, if anything
Yes, that's actually the point. Well done Anon, did you find this on your own? You want a medal ?
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Because it real

All of these things are real it just took humanity time to remember.

Everything has alwaready happened we are in a repeating cycle

Same with uncanny valley because humanity will someday live with beings that are not human but act like humans maybe AI droids or alien hybrids

Thousands of years after our next reset humans will remember these things again and feel the same things we are feeling rn
>be me
>watch the boiled one phenomenon
>actually get a little bit scared and worried
am i retarded?
My dear zoomzoom, please touch grass. I beg of you.
Very interesting concept but the reviews convinced me it was overhyped garbage.
In disgust, yes. At first I thought it was neat, but then they arrived.
Do NOT lighten this painting. You've been warned.
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The problem is not that liminal space feels aren't real, but it's ironically faggots who don't get it posting shit like picrel. I found picrel on a site with 'muh liminal pics'.

This is not liminal, and a perfect example of a 'non-liminal gayspace' which is just random crap with some superficial similarities by some Zoomer who doesn't get it because their brain is fucked up by Ritalin and tranny hormones, and who wants to be involved with 'teh latest viral phenomenon'.

It's pretty easy for a normal person who gets it to know the difference between actual spoopy liminal shit and a non-liminal gayspace.
>Are those... literally just empty rooms!? AHHHH IM GOING INSANE!!!
Do a flip and kys.
Why the fuck did they always have that same fucking hard ass shit Terminator game at every movie theater in the country?
I can smell this picture
The interesting thing about that picture is that it's supposedly an IRL photo, not computer generated. The inside of a bridge, that makes it look impossibly long, repetitive, and generally weird.
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figured it would be something like that, looks like an unfinished subway transfer station
I posted it once in a thread a while back about being able to tell the difference between fake and real liminal pics and how some of them it's genuinely not easy to tell.

There are some weird unnatural looking places on Earth, and weird manmade structures.

With that one the geometry is weird, the off-centre lighting, but random patched concrete, that obviously doesn't have to look pretty on the inside.

Just not the kind of thing you'd be used to seeing or be able to make immediate sense of, especially if you assumed it's a some floor-level building or even underground tunnel.
>he can't appreciate beauty
Many such cases! Sad!
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I did it anyway

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