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Im losing my fucking mind at this point, i was studying alchemy for basicly 2 years and i still cant understand anything, what is the green lion and why is he devouring the sun? do i just mix sulfur, mercury and salt and boil it to get the damn stone? mfs on reddit didnt help eighter, half of them suggest piss but dont tell me waht to do with it afterwards, at this point im considering shooting myself with a shotgun to see if the blood that will paint the celling will be as red as the damn stone, Christ give me strenght for i have none anymore. The only motivation i have now could be classified as delusions. I might as well just do whatever the fuck it is that they say, even if its just the recipe for nitroglycerin.

I weep, for my ears are listening, but they hear nothing but mocking voices that speak in riddles.
>i was studying alchemy for basicly 2 years
Hahaha what a waste of time.
The elements are sensory qualia (all is mind) the philosophers stone is preceptive non duality.
I only know something about internal alchemy.
No need to do anything physical, unless it helps you. Use your right brain when you read alchemical literature.
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The real philosopher's stone is alien technology.
It only looks like a stone.
Sometimes I sit on my dick until it goes numb so it feels like I’m jerking someone else off.
i think i know what you speak of, but i seek to create the physical stone (idealy not having to use the path where you melt metal over and over again, i dont have anywhere to put that, nor can i afford it)
Learn internal alchemy
The magic happens at the symbolic level, not the physical. The power of the physical comes from its symbolism and higher correspondences.
> The magic happens at the symbolic level, not the physical
Both actually
over the years i have convinced myself that the philosopher's stone being "purely symbolic/spiritual" is a new-age psyop so wether you truly believe this or not, im sorry but i will disagree, im in too deep just to be told it was 0% material.
This world is a dream that got “solidified” by “natural laws”
study of consciousness and reality manipulation
cross over point between material and immaterial (physical reality and mind) at a lowered state is the nervous system
Study energy work, its foundation is tactile sensory manipulation
Open your forehead, palms or finger tips and place a small objects inside, once in your body you can include them into your somatic map, thus giving them a direct connection to consciousness and the immaterial
Breathe into them the ability itself and its gateway into the immaterial
With significant fostering this object will then harbor the nature of consciousness and allow you to alter what is necessary

Alternatively, bring blood and energy into your finger tips until an intense pulsing is felt, cut into your finger tip/s and try to get as close as possible to it, this blood will also contain the nature of consciousness if that is what it was charged with and will also allow the material to dissipate, if properly extracted.
What you call "material" is an illusion of mind. If you don't understand at least that, you'll never make progress.
The stone is qualia (all is mind)
The 5 elements are sensory.

then what is it that Saint Germain put in his food?
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This guy does chemistry by following alchemical formulas and symbols as well as interpreting what the alchemists said in their writings.
He tries to reveal the alchemical language of the formulas, I think he even said he used the help of an alchemy museum to understand the formulas.
Obviously he is a scientist, skeptic, not something mystical or magical.
He also gives quotes from the books that he takes the formulas from just in case.
quite academic.

He criticize new age moron answers in the comment box just in case.


>Helvetius Stone
>Philosopher's stone
>Fulcanelli story (without new age shit)
>philosopher's sulfur

also has a blogspot
He also publishes books on chemistry and alchemy, and also disproves frauds.
Spiritual alchemy is such a fucking cope lmao, yeah lets just pretend millennia of people working on metals and chemicals never actually happened, its all in ur head bro fucking hell, new age spirituality is such a joke, the lazy mans mysticism
Oh man of course
The famous alchemy museum
The stone is your mind dumb dumb.
The thinkers rock, the "philosophers stone", get it?
Alchemy is thought magic. You got tricked into doing chemistry instead. The urine stuff is a thing real alchemists tell you and then laugh at you behind your back.
fucking retard
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He also has some experiments on his blogspot.
a kinda cool guy.
You are confusing platonic elements (qualia) with physical ones.
what can either practice accomplish, anon (aside from alchemy's contributions to the development of science and chemistry and etc)
Never said physical alchemy can't work. But it's like Dumbo's feather. Unnecessary. Some may need to learn that lesson themselves, though.
No you just fell for a quack of a psychologist and the trap of new age crap and now cope by re-writing history
No, stop trying to re-write history.
the piss alchemy is probably the funniest stuff I've seen. Genuinely makes me wonder if its not just fetishism in disguise
No matter how many times you deny the red physical philosopher's stone, i wont stop trying to obtain it.

lads like
have re-fueled my hope in this board and alchemy, thank you
History does not exist.
all this new age crap is just cope made by rejects of the older traditions and people who had no idea of what they were talking about but just kept talking anyway. Jung should have been slapped a few times
if thats how you need to cope with being wrong.
Probably some prank someone fell for
they probably saw "the urine of children" or saw someone mention urine and made the armature mistake of taking it literally
what are alchemists looking for? I mean, in creating something like the philosopher's stone, before you had created it, you would identify the existence of ongoing processes that would then collide into creating the stone itself
Obviously yes there's a bunch of theory, but what anomalous processes have been actively observed and recorded? There's the first set, that being those that equally collide with non alchemical science and can be easily explained and built upon by science, but what natural processes can alchemy produce that science can't or can't explain, that can indicate the existence of something like th philosopher's stone ;p
I'm trying to say that if there are a set of principles that allow the existence of the stone, then surely other ends similar can be observed or acquired
So, then, wouldn't the only texts worth studying be those that have reached a point to which they can produce anomalous items, other than the stone?
Anon. If all you want is a physical object then all you will ever want is more physical objects.
If you want to live forever then start believing you already will. Otherwise, that rock will give you nothing but pain.
Thinking the way you're thinking will never lead you to the stone. Which is reassuring.
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He even speaks in hermetic alchemy language knows what does kek
i mean yeah there is a bunch of other stuff than just the stone, stuff like

Philosopher's Egg
Vegetable stone
Oil of egg
the archaeus of water
Butter of Antimony
Urim and Thummim
Body and Blood of Christ
Central Fire
Prima Materia

im not arguing that validity of ALL of these but i am saying that there is more anomalous items asside from the fabled stone
Sounds like ingredients for the most bitchin' sandwich ever
> quack of a psychologist
Hail Set!
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Kek. Haven't heard it that way but I may try this later tonight to switch things up!
Yes, but that's not my point, I mean.
if the stone is real, or something with that level of ability or abilities similarly anomalous can exist, then processes that are similarly anomalous can be observed and demonstrated, or items of a similar ability can be observed and demonstrated

If real, can be (at this moment in time) demonstrated, either as (some) individual processes or as a lesser result ,that is still beyond mundane

Like, spagyrics, they're what I'm talking about
Wouldn't they or anything similarly demonstrable the way forward then?
Aside from that, my main point is that existence is right there, and if you insist on primarily studying other's work rather than figuring out your own, then the only work worth studying would be that which can actively demonstrate something beyond mundane that you can recreate yourself
Or, the way forward is pretty much right there, the processes are present and proven (if so) then just, apply the scientific method, right? If not, then something has to be uprooted
The alchemical language and hermeticism led theosophy (parents of the new age) to use it as if there was a kind of spiritual or mental alchemy, and that one had to convert one's soul into gold and transmute it.
the point is that they didn't do alchemy, they never touched a metal or oven in their lives. they were just visualizations and meditations, nothing else.
some relate it to the spiritual alchemy of the chinese, but that is something from the tao, something alien to the new age (I hope).

the point is that originally alchemy was to use complex discrete formulas with secret language to achieve chemical formulas.
All those drawings you see on the internet of the sun, the moon, the peacock, the dragon, the homunculus, the furnace, the river, etc. are alchemical formulas in graphic form.
The symbols are another representation.
ok i get what ya are trying to say now

i guess that there could be mutliple types of the stone since not all the recipes/guides are the same, some require different materials and stuff so there might be different materials that have these abilities, and maybe they just happen to share color
Set saves ! :D
on the subject of psychology
Jung's Jungian psychology also exploited a little of this language of spiritual or mental alchemy.
again, it is not alchemy.
of course, Jung's is just a therapy (psychoanalysis, it is not scientific as such.)
that's why those who study this academically want to separate the subject of alchemy from these things.
You can't separate alchemy from spirituality.
Just finished Jung's Seven sermons to the dead, he was much more than a psychoanalyst, he could supposedly speak at will to the archons of the collective unconscious and was in his later years obsessed with alchemy
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Spagyrics was more empirical and direct. alchemy is more discreet and esoteric.

some metal properties are exaggerated
If you watch the chemistry videos above you can see some of them.
>Derrite metals
>Varnish or paint metals
>medical purposes
>changes color or reacts to the sun and other properties
among others.
all these things had an alchemical description in strange metaphorical and poetic language.
the subject of the elixir of immortality is another matter.
it may even come from the subject of poisons.
See here
Be your own salvation
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You should if you study the topic in an academic sense.
otherwise you will end up as a fluffbunnie hippie.
Yes, Jung read a lot of mythology which led to a point of achieving something similar to comparative mythology and created archetypes and other things.
He also read gnostic texts and had a kind of Tulpas or imaginary friends (I read in his biography that he hit his head as a child and that's why he thought he saw those things).
He was also involved in spiritualist groups of the time.
He even read texts of chinese taoism which use it a lot.
I would not be surprised if he is also related to theosophist groups or magic lodges of that time.
However, with respect to a certain point, he seems to me to be schizophrenic.

for my point of view it is ok but it is still an alternative therapy like psychoanalysis.
>Interesting as a philosophy and history?
yes, I suppose so.
No one mentioned Book of Aquarius?

Heating urine extremely carefully and using gold/silver
It has to be part of human exrement because humans have the divine essence
also used something similar to visualizations.
kinda cool guy.
>You should if you study the topic in an academic sense.
>otherwise you will end up as a fluffbunnie hippie.
I can't imagine a bigger waste of time than studying "alchemy" as a purely physical science. Talk about missing the point.
anon what are your personal thoughts on alchemy and its relation to science, do you believe in the existence of something like the stone
Also, OP do you have any personal theories on alchemy you've developed
And, tell us (and maaabi share pics or vids) of your current practice of it, I love seeing people doing laboratory alchemy
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>Being a Christian
>There is a new field of science that is not distinct from philosophy and is making advances and was rediscovered thanks to translations of Arabic-Persian texts in the Renaissance.
>The papacy does not like to play with chemicals and besides the current homeric medicine is better.
>you are forced to work in secrecy and use secret languages
Whether you like it or not, the alchemists of the past spoke in a secret metaphorical language in which they hid chemical formulas.
They discovered metal solvents and more.
It is not useless, but if you just want to believe in hippie new agers bullshit like '''the sun transmutes our soul and makes us gold''
and believe that it makes you climb as if it were a magical hierarchy with ascended masters I'm afraid you are retarded or a new age sect member.

many things can be traced back to the emerald tablet in part, as well as Persian-Arabic texts of alchemy.
if I read ''the sun mutates into lake green and a phoenix stokes the oven'' it is clearly telling me a formula.
and believe me there are many more complex ones.
That is why it is necessary to separate the studies of academic alchemy from the spiritual alchemy bullshit of hippie new agers because the latter love to appropriate all the terminology and think they are enlightened.
something similar happens with the academic hermeticism and the new age hermeticism of the kybalion.
i'd love to try and describe what i know but curren tly my mind is nothing but full of screams, my current lab is just a distillery set i got for christmass that i've yet to use because i cannot comprohend shit cuz everyone keeps saying different stuff, feels like having a paper and 5 different people tell you to write something and not write whawt the other 4 have said

im deeply sorry
Hey, I'm not that guy >>37917862
I don't have a lab at home but I do read about chemistry and the relationship to alchemy.
I am against mixing it with new age and spiritual alchemy.
it's like when they talk about quantum physics but in reality the morons talk about quantum mysticism and it's garbage.
I hope you're joking and not actually this clueless. You're not giving yourself eternal life through some 'chemical formula' in an old book. Pull your head out.
People have lost their lives studying alchemy and you think you'll find the stone or elixir in 2 years? If any of those ancient books were correct, you wouldn't even have access to them. Count St Germain was said to have made it, but he disappeared. Have fun with it and go down the rabbit hole, but let's be real, you aren't going to get it.
>You're not giving yourself eternal life through some 'chemical formula' in an old book
they are not looking for that.
search on the internet Analytical chemistry.
>search on the internet Analytical chemistry
I'm not interested in "analytic chemistry"
Count Saint Germain probably did not exist.
he was either one of many aliases or a trickster.
although the sect of the ascended masters that comes from theosophy used his image a lot.
Marcianus codex 299:

Learn ancient Greek. The ingredients for the stone are in the above document under a tractate of Zosimos. Every other answer in this thread is incorrect.
it's ok.
i dont think i will find it in 2 years, i hope that i would atleast be able to read and percieve whatever the fuck they are talking about
>green lion
this is obviously allegory for sin
sulfur doesn't exist dumbass idiot its a fake material
Why don't you explain what carmot is, since you know it all.
Good thing you're opinion means nothing
I hold a lit candle and imagine I'm holding the light of creation itself
No shit retard, but to call it solely spiritual is as retarded as saying its just material
Anon, they were hiding chemical and spiritual processes in their texts, to say it wasn't both is disingenuous
it's not a method of enlightenment, it's a novelty, for le purpose of seeing and playing with the attribute before reaching the final end of fostering, and forcing success in alchemy, anon.
What? THe whole new age spiritualism was based on eastern practices, Spiritual alchemy of the east was the foundation of the western type, though ironically even the Chinese still performed chemical experiments
This is why it is called operative alchemy.
Swift as the shooting star, that gilds the night
With rapid transient Blaze, she runs, she flies;
Sudden she stops nor longer can endure
The painful course, but drooping sinks away,
And like that falling Meteor, there she lyes
A jelly cold on earth.
I mean the whole point was the stone was a gift from God, something to help alleviate suffering on earth until judgment day, to be made by the worthy, while historically there obviously people who simply did chemistry under the guise of alchemy, to claim is was one or the other solely is just historically illiterate
this mf gets it
so basically:

spiritual alchemists go to the 5D world
physical alchemists stay in the 3D world
>judgment day
I doubt that even all the alchemists were Christians to insert that worldview.
>I doubt they were Christians
Yeah, they were Muslim too, unsurprisingly they both still shared similar views
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Physical operative alchemist do physical thing
spiritual alchemist do visualizations and mental-meditations things.
no not even remotely, spiritual alchemists completely misunderstand what alchemy is and maybe find some inner peace anyway, proper alchemists return to God as all good Christians/Muslims do, Chemists continue to create hilariously destructive shit because God has a weird sense of humor.
I'm starting to get tired of super jew.
Then why the fuck are you trying to do alchemy? It is inherently a Christian/Muslim/Jewish tradition
I think they are just for decoration.
Lol, not even you believe what you're writing anymore.
damn grammar checker kek
well, it is somewhat hermetic, gnostic and even persian and Neoplatonist.
what? yes I do fuck off retard
yes Heremticism is a blend of a lot of religions and traditions, and was practiced heavily by Christians, Muslims and Jews
Based retard
You talk about "proper alchemists" without having the first clue.
ok you just want to argue, have fun
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>Enter the link
>Crystal energies
>Memory water
>Magnetic water device
>*Close the web*
It's just that you are very opinionated on a subject you know nothing about. You might have better luck adjusting your approach.
Yes yes last (you)
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>Enter the link
>I took my family to see Real Science and Video'd it
>The DC 'electricity' source has come from a flat car battery, a small 12VDC wall charger and in this video, from a Telecom Battery Charger (old school power tech). Mostly we use a car battery as Pure Flat-Line DC works best.
>You can schedule an Appointment with Joe and see this done anytime. You must bring your own bottled water.
>If you doubt this can be done as presented, then the problem is in your Mind. We are here to fix that.
>To fully understand what is happening to the Water Structure, one needs a whole new Atomic Theory.
>It takes the INTENT of the MIND FIELD (Emoto's discoveries) to a whole nuther level.
>*Close the web*
this couldn't have anything less to do with alchemy name fag
nothing good comes from it.
>If you doubt this can be done as presented, then the problem is in your Mind. We are here to fix that.
thats a cult
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>To fully understand what is happening to the Water Structure, one needs a whole new Atomic Theory.
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>It takes the INTENT of the MIND FIELD (Emoto's discoveries) to a whole nuther level.
if you just want to do alchemy you just need to do drugs or snort mercury.
that's it, close the thread.
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>just need to do drugs or snort mercury
i got it bro
now im the alchemy supreme master.
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oh fuck why???
>Im losing my fucking mind at this point, i was studying alchemy for basicly 2 years and i still cant understand anything, what is the green lion and why is he devouring the sun? do i just mix sulfur, mercury and salt and boil it to get the damn stone?

PS was never about getting some base metals turned into gold. When you are able to actually transmute your energies and do it correctly, you will be able to convert lead into gold... but you are unlikely to be interested in such mundane matters, when you get to that point.
stop spamming your garbage no one wants to see it faggot
I guess a better way of saying it would be that the causal world will only manifest the work on the spiritual.
>it was never about transmuting lead into gold
you're so close anon
>is a new-age psyop

No, and it never was. Egyptians understood this and were able to built the greatest civi. But when they corrupted their ways, the Flame left that place.

Pyra-mid - flame in the middle. It is not an actual flame or some nuclear flame that some have been purporting.

Flame referred to in the middle of the pyramid was the Flame of Consciousness. They knew it, masons, RC and others know it, so why dont you, anon?
nice fan-fiction
Bro it's supposed to be taken symbolically alchemy is not the breaking down and mixing and building of materials, that is chemistry or what you assume they'd call that back in the day. In reality alchemy is the art of breaking down and rebuilding your very soul...you are the philosophers stone my friend now be careful what you wish for keep it small I'd say.
Holy shit I didn't thank anyone else knew asdfasdfasdf
he is correct.
Alchemy was always about INNER SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY. It is an allegory because if it wasnt, those who wrote it, would have been fried in the fire by the (((Church))).
Nice fan-fiction
yeah, it is such a "cope" those who control the world, do it. And those who are not - call it a cope.

This reminds me of atheism trope, where all atheists are but serves to the powerful spiritual masters.
well this WAS a nice thread
was that supposed to be babble?
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when approaching the stone, there is a sense that every step is of unfathomable significance such that it can only be spoken of in code or riddles to the uninitiated and unworthy
don't listen to anyone who directly tells you, they're not the ones who are close or whom have it
oh wow mods actually exist
take a hint retard
You fuckhead. The alchemists abandoned the physical aspect of their goal and moved on to chemistry. The ones who stuck around simply internalized the practice into some psychological larp.
>The alchemists abandoned the physical aspect of their goal and moved on to chemistry
chemistry is spiritual?
I wasn't serious retard
yeah the “spiritual alchemy” folks are all brainlets too ignorant to understand the meanings of symbols
All legit alchemy is just chemistry before standardization, encrypted with symbolic language
is this false flagging?
sure, glow-anon... i will forget everything I found and meditated over now.

covid19 shots are safe and effective too and jfk got shot by a random dude, right?

fuck off, cunt.
this makes no fucking sense. Which chemical reaction can turn lead into gold?

lol, you are really grasping here...
keep coping, glow-niggah
I love you can tell when someone's given up here when they just start screaming about glow niggers and random conspiracies
That's for God to tell you :)
am i still banned test
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Do you recall where you learned that?
He knew how to make a chemical that was capable of reversing his age. However, it progressively lost its ability make him young again. He was never able to figure out how to create a Philosopher's Stone.
Might you've succeeded in creating a Philosopher's Stone?
>He knew how to make a chemical that was capable of reversing his age. However, it progressively lost its ability make him young again. He was never able to figure out how to create a Philosopher's Stone.
nice fan fiction

The Philosophers Stone is just the Kundalini bro. Move on.
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nice fan fiction
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it's mushrooms, bro!

>believing in New age retardation
There's a fucking reason there's extremely few true masters who actually made a proper philosopher stone. Reminder chemistry and meta materials are the scientific legacy of alchemy. Reminder in actual science labs they can turn lead and shit into gold, it is just hilariously cost inefficient. We know expanding telomeres can increase your lifespan, but that's also the extreme fast way to giga cancer. Mind you this is just on the pure science half of things. Proper Alchemy is a hybrid of science and mysticism. Get into the classics of mysticism, learn your damn runes, etc.... any retard who tries to shill you stupid crap like internal alchemy or the stone isn't a real object or other such idiocy clearly has no fucking clue what he is talking about.
you're only studying the chemistry related things of alchemy. you do know that it is ingrained in other things like speech/etymology and mathematics? pic related is a fun exercise. it's amusing to see mathematicians in the exact same position as you, wasting their time. would you like a hint?

>Squaring the circle is a problem in geometry first proposed in Greek mathematics.
>It is the challenge of constructing a square with the area of a given circle by using only a finite number of steps with a compass and straightedge.
To construct a square with the area of a given circle. An idiot would read this and automatically assume that the square must be the exact same area as the circle even though the word "same" is never used. What do you think the area would be? Are you familiar with a sequence? Assuming the circle has a radius of 1, if you draw a square on the inside of the circle it will have an area of 2. If you draw a square on the outside of the circle it will have an area of 4. What do you think the area is of the square between the imaginary inner and outer squares (i.e pic related, ignore the pi notation as it's nothing more than just madness)? It's 3. That's also the amount of additional circles you need to draw in order to construct the square with the compass and straightedge. Alchemy at it's base is the study of nature, it is not in the nature of a square to equal pi however it is in the nature of a circle.
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At least you know that you don't know anything. I feel sorry for you OP. I spent a couple of years studying and not learning anything. I'll give you a hint: Get a copy of The Alchemical Catechism by Paracelsus. Start memorizing it. Now get a copy of The Philosophy Addressed to the Athenians by Paracelsus. Study Book 1, Text 1 very carefully. [spoiler] Protip: Remember Nature is an orb. [/spoiler]
>what is the green lion
>this point im considering shooting myself
you dont /thread yourself retard
really wanna know how to translate this guys notes
sounds like quintessence of gold is a colloid
i remember something about some kind of powder that did superhuman things
Dont practice alchemy. People practiced alchemy hundreds of years, but neither lived forever or made any gold. It is just diversion to make you waste your time and lose focus of the truth.

Come to Christ, read Bible, ask for holy spirit and go to Church. Christ himself is the only path to truth and everlasting life, and you will have calm and peace of mind that alchemy or esotericism never gave you.

I speak from personal experience.
kyballion was good :(
The philosopher's stone is meth. You use the ammonia from piss to make meth. It will make you feel young again but it doesn't actually reverse your age.
> Alchemical
AL - EL : God teach / divinity
Chemical : khemit
But Christ is the philosopher stone too, his first miracle was to transform water to wine.

Copper or Lead
>any retard who tries to shill you stupid crap like internal alchemy or the stone isn't a real object or other such idiocy clearly has no fucking clue what he is talking about
Post pic of your stone or gtfo
The green tablet of Thoth that can't be broken in an unknown material it's the green Lion.

>The Lion
The head is the Sun and body is from Earth.
The Lion was the Apex predator before man had guns.

>The Sun
is the mind / the golden will.
> The Body
is the soul / the heart balanced

Master the Will and the Heart and universe will bend to your desire.
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One day, one day...
>Green Lion
>Green tablet
Try to fuse Air and Earth. Maybe the green tablet formula is for a crystal where atoms are far from each other like in Air and not too far so the crystal stay solid.
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You're trying to interpret codded references made centuries ago with modern eyes.
You should instead be seeking your own path to transformation, and enlightenment. That is the true "philosopher's stone". The path towards your own transformation.
>ctrl+f: aquarius
Ah, there you are. OP, this. Can download from bookofaquarius dot com
Tie a band around your arm then fuck your hand so that it feels like someone else is jerking you off
Why urine what chemical is in it, ammonia?
I'm trying really hard to remember what this powder was called, that could change make men monstrously strong, long lived and change the elements.
Setting powder or something. I'm familiar with the texts hinting towards both monoatomic and colloidal gold too
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PROJECTION POWDER, I think that's what it was called. I have a foggy memory of it being some crazy substance that could make men superhuman, similar to monoatomic gold (not ORMES or ORMUS of modern times which is fake, real monoatomic gold has only been made once in modern times and the guy who discovered it was killed and his work seized by glowniggers)

Anyone know more about projection powder?
> Your picture is wrong.
> Israel literally mean: 'God teach the flame between hand and head'
it's a state of being : being enlightened (shining in, between hand and head), it's a Title like pharaoh was given to the righteous one who achieved the rouah ha-kodech (the flame).
Tribes and bloodline are not real bloodline in Hebrew tradition but school of thinking, even a Muslim can achieve Israel and be a son of God : being baptized by the holy spirit / holy fire / Adam / ha-kodesh.
blah blah whatever, touch grass

Posted from my Philosopher's Stone
You have completed the Nigredo stage.

Being completely broken down, you can now start the purification, or Albedo.
>only been made once in modern times and the guy who discovered it was killed
Did this guy have a name?
"I have heard the "portal" theory for the pyramids,

not a real big jump to imagine that it was the place you made the substance that allowed the jump to occur.

Spencer Cross does an interview with some supporting documentation on an internet radio program called "Fade to Black" the host is Jimmy Church, if it is bunk, this guy Spencer Cross is a talented con man.

I really what this to be true.

According to what I have seen, David Hudson was forced to share his techniques, in order patent the technology. I have found several creditable outlets that look like research has been performed on humans with the white powder gold.

According to David Hudson, with a big enough dose, a person is transformed into something superhuman.

after a year and a half with colloidal gold, I really want to believe.

as I explained to a family member recently, this MAG theory, really ties up a bunch of loose ends. Many places I have looked, I find supporting concepts. I really do not know, but, hope to find out."

"Yes, Hudson described the process in detail in his patent.
David Hudson claimed that he had given it to only one person, and that person was required to fast a full month first. I really don't think that anyone else has ever made the same stuff, so I have to doubt that it has been tested on anyone else. Even DH did not take it."
Oh, I'm familiar with Hudson. Forgot to fasten his seatbelt for the first time in his life and accidentally drove off a cliff. Many such cases.
But he claimed to have made it more than once, not to mention he taught countless other people, Barry Carter being probably the most well known since he's the one who did all the radio interviews and whatnot. He's dead too btw.
is the patent still out there?
He never received a patent, he gave up on the application after a couple of years of ridiculous demands from the patent office.
But here's the application
So probably nobody but glowniggers know how to make it huh?
If it was real and turned out to actually change you (like projection powder?) then maybe that explains why things suddenly accelerated for the worse on a dime.
There's probably people who know.
But bragging about it on the internet is a good way to get Epstein'd.
Sounds great, better than 300 more years of boring nothing.
I don't understand where all these argumetive cunts are coming from. Discord, I guess?

It's nice to debate and provide counter points but lately everyone is just hostile as fuck.
Don't you read the history of science? Alchemy was the precursor to chemistry. By the time the transition happened alchemists weren't interested in whatever spiritual aspects there were in alchemy. They focused on the more tangible results and applications, eg explosives, dyes etc. Not to mention systemized note taking and observation.
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>abandoned the physical aspect
>weren't interested in spiritual aspects
Read quickly, I'm not chemist but mostly transform Gold to stable white powder and then reversing the process.
Mostly how to get out of a country with a ton of gold without being caught.
Create superconductive material that can be used in energy production.

Remind me Hindu using a Lingam with gold and silver to create golden water. (water with gold ion to drink for priest and kings)
read Mercurius by Patrick Harpur it's the best book on alchemy and what it actually entails including real physical work not just spiritual metaphor
bump on how to make actual hidden cures and potions
I mean, spagyrics, anon
but le potions is something sporadically involved in a lot of random western practices for individual random reasons, just go searching.
You have to genuinely schizomaxx to have a chance at a chance to "solve" the mysterious philosophers stone and attain everlasting life. It's not for Reddit, it's not for normies. You really, and I mean it, REALLY, have to all in commit and let go of everything. If you are actually thinking about mixing metals and minerals, bro, then you need decades before real shit happens. I'm sorry if that's the case, just keep on going, eventually if you will are concentrated enough you will find your way. I'm not a teacher, but you can just push through all alchemical texts until you find your Magnum Opus.
you're shit out of luck if you want to try to make projection powder or monoatomic gold from alchemical texts. let alone any of this shit honestly. unless you have a book that speaks in plain english like the jews probably have under the vatican
haven't studies alchemy, but wouldn't the lion devouring the sun have something to do with higher virtues being devoured by worldly instincts?
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okay but have you tried spiritual chemistry instead of alchemy (Alchemy is just a shittier outdated version of Chemistry)
The Green Lion is exactly the OP's worldly mindset. A classic hylic fool looking to manipulate the worldly plane. He doesn't yet understand that nothing perishable has value.
You're a dunce. Alchemy is literally an inner process of spiritual awakening. That's what it is. No amount of you seething will change that. Now go boil some more piss or something, lmao.
chemistry sucks for us because you cant find or get anything thats not off limits for goys
>do i just mix sulfur, mercury and salt and boil it to get the damn stone?
take your meds timmy
get a job and leave your mommys house
Wait, you think alchemy is wearing goggles in a lab coat brewing potions and mixing elements with pipettes and othet materialistic shit? The things you transmute with alchemy are things you cannot hold on your hands, you are transmuting the spiritual forces of yourself anon. The five elements are what constitutes you. Gold and lead are symbolic representations of something within you.
As above so below, as below so above
It's not urine, don't fall for the meme.
It is indeed 99% urine and 1% mercury.
not even remotely what it means
How fucking new are you?
No, jung has rotten your minds
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There are old tales of mystics who had a philosopher's stone, but they didn't make it, they found it.
Mystics find them because you have to be psychic to connect with one.
Mystics have been murdered, in order to take his stone, but when they try to command the stone, nothing happens for them, because you have to contact the "stone" (mental amplifier) telepathically, and only a mystic has that ability.
It was like killing the goose that laid the golden egg, and I have wondered if that is where that tale came from.
The stones have been found in Europe and china.
You could step on one and never know it.
i lold
Do you know how Philosopher's Stones come into being and what kinds of places they're found? Have you found one?
Yah I've been at it for a while and I did what this anon described. I still have no idea what I'm doing.. but you know the whole Socrates "I know nothing etc." really helps here and you see where he got it from.
I know I sound non-chalant and lackluster describing all of this, but part of the pursuit is there's always meant to be a medium who compiles a message or writes down and shares what's necessary. Hence alchemical texts existing in the first place.
the fuck are you talking about, Kelly got some of the stone from grave robbing and was able to use it just fine
No one really knows where they came from.
The modern theory, which came out of the "secret space program" is that the space aliens who left clear transparent ingots of aluminum on the Moon, left the stones on Earth. The guess is that they had colonies in this solar system, and left around a million years ago. Everything about them is very secret. If they are the ones who made the stones, and they left them here a million years ago, and they still work, then that is some well built technology right there!
you write so good, blessed art ye scribe of ze gods
How'd you learn about the Philosopher's Stones?
Bold to assume that you learn about them before they learn about you first. You think they wouldn't test who's hands they're about to place their power in?
How'd you acquire the info about the Philosopher's Stones?
I was offered wisdom or going back to God, I chose God but he gave me the stone instead.

>Kings 3:11
"And God said to him, "Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked for yourself long life; neither have you asked riches for yourself, nor have you asked the life of your enemies; but have asked for yourself understanding to discern judgment."

Hope that helps, friend.
Either from God through revelation or from someone who did. I'd put my money on a miracle because Alchemists certainly aren't talking
If you know what's good for you, you'll study this one sentence like the stone's within it somewhere.
Who made the offer? How'd he give you the stone?
Lol @ "Alchemists" I'm embarassed I associated that label with anything good in this modern day and age. Good pointing that out though, because whatever alchemy is today has become like dirt on the palette when spoken of.
yeah yeah we all know, Know the stone through God, come on thats basic alchemical theory
The Dark Prince of this world Anon..

Your intentions shoot further then your written inquiry. Perhaps it's best not to pursue this route, lest you end up in our realm forever. Be good anon, there's still plenty of time.
yeah but like, just saying it doesn't make it so anon. you may 'sympathize' intellectually but you don't really feel it, do ya?
Modern alchemy is kinda sad, its earther piss sniffers or spiritual "alchemists", fuck I just started on this shit a year ago and eve I could smell the new age, dismissing tradition for the sake of rebellion shit on them
Im a confirmed Catholic, so I kind of do anon
yeah but theyre kinda funny lol
Well you should've just said that in the first place - how am I to assume you're a catholic when discussing alchemy. Your religion has what you need, if not more then most. Also collective holy spirit hi-five!
also that isn't the stone though.

Jesuits know. Some of them anyway.
There's some doctrine or method some Jesuits would carry out during the Middle Ages, imitating the suffering of Christ in a temple somewhere. I forgot the name, but the manuscript is cryptic for discovering the PS via catholic monkhood and piety.
hilarious in an ironic way yeah, literally every alchemist say dont take what we mean literally, they see "urine" and devote their entire lives to huffing piss or meditation. I mean I get this is BOTH spiritual and physical but to just focus on the spiritual is missing the point.
lol fair enough
Duh just having knowledge of the matter of the stone is only one part of it, its fucking convoluted as fuck
There's two variants. The one involving flagellation is uh.. a little bit fanatical but you can understand the era of it's time. It's not advised at all and more then likely a waste of time.

The other involves becoming transfigurated like Christ and involves something of 5 years of contemplation - which I believe they took inspiration from the Pythagoreans.
I mean every part of this finds its way back to Greece in some way
Walked into that one.
>lest you end up in our realm forever
Who's our?
>there's still plenty of time
That's because your mind is fixated on *le spirituality*. Plenty of sciences were bound up in mysticism and that gradually gave way to *lowered expectations* and *realistic goals*. Immortality might still be out of reach but galaxy brains are still working on senescence through biotechnology. Oh, and physicists have been able to turn lead into gold in particle accelerators since at least the 1970s. The whole thing about alchemy having been an "internal practice" all along is just a cope.
K then stop whining and go in your laboratory. It is you who came here crying for help, and if you don't accept any point of view different than yours you're just wasting your time. Btw you could have posted at least some pictures of your laboratory at this point, that would have been helpful for other people who engage in strictly physical alchemy to understand. Anyway Alchemy is both spiritual and physical, because Spirit and Matter are the same thing in different degrees of condensation
There's nothing hidden in alchemical texts. They tell you everything plainly.
And when you die the world will breathe a collective comforting sigh. So please just hurry the process along. We are waiting.
It's not. It's a scientific and spiritual pursuit. Has nothing to do with whatever xyz religion you believe to be the right one.
If you don’t understand these things then you’re not ready yet.

There have been massive attacks against Hermeticism and the paranormal. This world is shit and it’s a shitty boxing ring. You’re here to take punches and swing till your muscles grow and get strong enough to K.O. Spiritually you must get out of here at some point.

Ok so what's the point of losing your time on alchemy? Just study chemistry
>Spiritually you must get out of here at some point
why is that? isn't this gnostic ideology just defeastism, doomer mentality meant to keep you in victim mindset / slave mentality? Shouldn't you be searching ways to change your paradigm ?
It's not about going in another place. The point is, that "change" you refer to it's so radical that it's comparable to going to another place. It's not about self-improvement, change of behaviors, thoughts, views or perspectives, and neither about psychological self work (altough sometimes, some of these things may be involved to a certain degree, it depends on your way). It's a - radical as I said - change of your ontological experience. Which doesn't have anything to do with defeatism and doomerism, it's actually the opposite, it's very much optimistic. Optimistic fatalism you could say. And pragmatic idealism, maybe. It's kinda like the crab-bucket story. But I can understand how this can appear as pessimistic and egotistic from outside
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what the fuck is quintessence of urine
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And if you make both your arm and your dick numb and then jerk off, it's like you're in a room with three faggots in it!
What's the text you're referring to?
Can you translate this? NTA

The stone of the philosophers is real, but the stone is a metaphorical understanding that natural is diverse and proper arrangements are required across space and time to produce a variety of effects limited by your will. The physical stone is the matter produced to fit and fix your current situation. The mythology, allegory, and science are to allow you to understand what physically needs to happen to achieve your goal. So you need to understand how you, others, and the physical environment are creating the situation currently, and which of those 3 constituents needs to be transmuted through the process to create the goal.

OP you gotta cook your piss non stop for like a decade. There used to be a website about it. You can probably still get the pdf on how to do. But literally it’s gonna turn your whole life into a full time job of nothing but cooking your piss. Seems like too much work for me.
Anon the enemies of true alchemy are all dark magicians of the mind. They say their goal is to strengthen their own minds but it is clear to anyone who pays attention that their true goal is to control the minds of others. Thing is Old Ben was right that it only works on the weak minded. Their solution is thus to make all human minds but their own weak. True alchemy and the true physical stone are a threat to that.
This is the woo-sah copium of people who tried alchemy physically and failed.
>i was studying alchemy for basicly 2 years and i still cant understand anything
If you are interested in alchemy (and natural philosophy), why don’t you go and study chemistry (and biology)?
Checked. Obviously because of the stone itself. Unless anon wants to try and figure out how to make jellyfish youth serum, biology and chemistry don't have the goods.
>t. Schizoid whose got filtered
Green = emerald (maybe ? or other stone)
Lion = proudest stone/metal(maybe gold)
Green lion? Green gold? or gold mixed with green stone/gem/metal/material
Devour = the green lion changes color of the sun so mixture.
The sun = gold(unlikely) something weaker than green lion maybe inferior gold colored material.
Because that would be productive,

>mfs on reddit didnt help eighter, half of them suggest piss but dont tell me waht to do with it afterwards

KEK if Reddit of all places convinced anon to piss a jar and just have it sit there then anon is not very bright or very delusional.
also, what makes you think 4chan will be the honest one here?

OP should really post pics of their setup and materials or I'm just going to consider this thread a LARP trying to farm crazy people replies.
kek, 4chan never change
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Gives knowledge to those who have understanding.
>whose got filtered
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Have ye tried to focus your will towards figuring it out, making it your top priority?

About 5 years ago I decided to direct my will towards understanding everything, (it began when my dog lost her hearing and I wanted to find a way to communicate with her without either sound or movements) . Ever since then ive been taking a step each day towards fulfilling my will and deepen my understanding.

Don´t focus on reaching a specific ending. Leave it open and focus on answering questions that pops up during your study.
based retard
>no response
what a fraud
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Ormus from sea water.
ormus is not monoatomic gold and seawater ormus is just rocks
monoatomic gold is such a fucking hilarious scam
Anon, I believe there's other paths then suicide. I believe you can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help you can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. I hope for the best for you, and others as well. This message applies to others too.
>t. one who doesn't know shit and probably watches gaia
If you are talking about what's available to buy on the internet, that is indeed a scam and >99% just regular rocks.
Actual monoatomic gold hasn't been available on the market for thousands of years.
Yes I too have read the Alchemy Key anon, that bit about the Hover Ark giving all the non-believers Cancer was hilarious in an otherwise fairly down to earth book
yeah its incomprehensible garbage read yoga sutras by Patanjali instead

this is what im talking about, any explanation about it is just more nonsense/word salad like can you explain in simple english whatever u just said
im sorry but this sounds extremely retarded and im actually trying to be nice but why would u cut urself or think an object is conscious ?
Spiritual alchemy is retarded like that
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Have you transmuted the Quintessence of Urea yet?
And did you already achieve to extract the Prima Materia yet?

Godspeed, Trismegistosfaggot kek
The circle in the inside is like the circle on the outside ;)
Lol nah I’m right there with ya OP it’s like when repeat the same word 100 times and it becomes blah blah. What’s it all mean?
Hahahaha. It's not a rral stone bro. It's an allegory, the real stone is literally the knowledge you get along the way, so there is no end point, it's a journey tgat keeps going since you always have more to learn.
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The physical stone is Azoje Isaac Newton had one and many other chemics achieved the same conclusion and were embarrassed that through oxidation and galvanization Egyptians discovered Golden plating and basically coated anything with gold... Doing the alchemical conversion of acids for corrosion and galvanization for gold plating. You don't turn substances into gold. Substances get coated with the gold properties... In this regards it would be easier for you to work on projection powder or monoatomic gold. Start ingesting it and see how you machine of a body starts reacting to that in regards of aging.

The philosopher stone is also the oldest meme of: Maybe the stone is all the weird shit we learned along the way in history nigga.
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i coded this philosopher's stone which channels the osiris. enter a seed phrase. then receive an oracle. the oracle is incomplete, it needs to be unlocked by another seed phrase like a pylon of anubis. keep seeding phrases until you receive a complete oracle from the stone

>doesn't know how to greentext
>calls it "your picture"
>claims a word has only one definition
You missed the point entirely and pretend to dismiss the ideas portrayed while echoing them perfectly. Why do this? Are you desperate for attention? Well, you got it, but it isn't positive attention. It's ridicule.
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This has nothing to do with Jung, since the start Alchemy was the mix of Science principles and spiritual ones, Chemistry derived itself from the scientific ones but it's not an evolution, it's it's own thing, not an evolution, not an improvement not the the end result.

The chemistry part of alchemy was a way to give concrete experimentation to the theory, to illustrate the changes, we don't need that anymore since chemistry is everywhere so we can focus on the spiritual stuff, the chemical stuff will produce you no new insights.

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