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Is anyone else just fascinated with all things having to do with the Afterlife? Like, you haven't lost anyone close to you recently and you aren't going to die any time soon, but you just find Afterlife research and experiences really interesting? Am I just autistic?
I read about the afterlife almost every day and my timeline is spammed with mediums and NDE's. I still have no idea what the fuck is going on though.
Do you have proof that such a thing known as "afterlife" exists?
I have no anecdotal evidence myself but I've read research from others.
I'm currently trying to find a good way to get a glimpse of it without dying permanently.
It's one of the biggest mysteries we have yet to understand and yet most scientists and "skeptics" are still massive faggots over the idea of an afterlife. I still think reincarnation's real. It's at least more consistent than NDE stories.
I can confirm it 100% exists from my research, it's a place of perfection but what happens after death is unpredictable. There is a whole spectrum of things that can happen and the afterlife is one sliver. Whatever you can imagine probably happens to somebody.
I have been there. I was in a school and everybody was a ghost. I didn't notice they were a ghost in the beginning because I was looking at the essence being projected.
It is like when you have known somebody a long time and you don't pay attention to what they look like anymore, you just see their essence. It was like that.
>A school
Are you Otonashi Angel Beats?
There's an entire field of science dedicated to Afterlife research. Kind of niche but it's legit.
Can you elaborate? I'd like to know more
There's plenty of evidence. Not sure it can be proven for absolute certain, but there is a lot of research in the field that strongly suggests that what we'd consider an afterlife exists.
Reincarnation is real, BUT, you do not go back to the same world aka Earth.
That's all im gonna say for now.
Well what's the field's name then or a book that discusses it
Better not be that cardiologist that relates his patients' conflicting DMT trips
So people actually get Isekaied then?
also u know that shit aint no accredited program lol
When you die you become a ghost and wander
You are hungry but cannot eat
Thirsty but cannot drink
Desperate for a breath of fresh air that never comes
You just want to live again but can't
Your only way out is tricking others to give birth to you once more
Of course other spirits want the exact same thing, and depending on who you were in your previous life you might find it easier or very hard to win the struggle
The eviler you were the harder it is
The older the soul, the eviler you were
Death is hell and that's why every living thing is super scared of dying
Enjoy life while it lasts
I believe in the gates honestly
The whole family or just him?
I meant
The heaven gates or hell gates


i remember having this saved back in 2020 - 22
Interesting read, though I'm not a fan of reincarnation.
Call me crazy but I feel the presence of spirits sometimes. I don't know if it's something to do with higher dimensional beings, spirits from the 'after life' or a higher plane of existence or aliens but I would be very disappointed if that was only a figment of my mind.
I am very curious as to a good way to get a look at the afterlfie without fully dying. I'm a bit too much of a pussy to try and induce an NDE
Experiencing signs is pretty common. The hard part is determining what's an actual sign and what's confirmation bias.
Yes that is all some people do. The ones who isekai are usually living many lives simultaneously in other universes.
then find the holes in the grid and escape the loop
This plebbit thread has some useful links

There are Nobel laureates who have done afterlife research. None of them won their prizes because of the afterlife research but it shows that they're credible.
Holy shit that's a lot of reading
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How do you know you aren't going to die soon, anon?
desu the afterlife is over hyped.... im more interested in what happened before "i" was born. like how did we get in this predicament in the first place? if the archons try tricking us in death, was it a trick to come here? why? or is it a "learning experience" to evolve, to grow? (you can't level up without earning enough points type shit) perhaps a bit of both? i see a lot of "DONT GO INTO THE WHITE LIGHT!!!!!" talk here, which i dont disagree with however, i can't help but be skeptical that these creeps have that much power enough to FORCE US into reincarnating. we definitely have a choice. thats the biggest giveaway just being aware of being alive & conscious here & now. you see it everywhere, they obsess over MUH FREE WILLLLL yet try coercing us into following some agenda... but they have to tell on themselves... maybe its a karma thing, a warning, or proof if there was no hope, their efforts would be meaningless... i feel like its just another trick to get us to believe them, to give our power away to them, yknow? they clearly feed off our attention & energy, & with the whole law of attraction, you attract/manifest these freaks through fear, even if ur against them, i feel like reality reflects our perception of shit, so the same can be said in death
That's some concerning digits.
Anyway, I'm not accounting for unexpected death or anything. I mean I'm not terminally ill.
I'm pretty curious as to where I was before I was born, but that's in the past. I'm more curious and fascinated with the future.
Literally work on that all day long, son.

Blue Eisenhower November
The idea of a "gate" makes me curious. Something I've always been curious about is the transition from this life to the afterlife. Do you walk through a door, or do you just kind of wake up there?
Work on what all day long? My curiosity about the afterlife?
Anyone know how to induce an NDE without actually dying?
You think i can ask god to revive me in a new universe? Like all this would be nothing but a mere dream for me and the "true" me awakens?
Ok now that some time has passed, why don't you tell us where we go?
Your mental is already fixed to where you are going. When you are no longer attached to physical reality you go to the place your mind is manifesting. It equalizes and shifts you to where you should be. They say that causes a warping tunnel.
take more than one high dose psychedelic at the same time so that you leave your body. if you can get the sensation of leaving your body that is close to an nde
I don't have access to psychedelics
If you've ever been knocked unconscious you enter into nothing but darkness and can't even account for events slighty before you were KO'd and during.
I'm assuming thats what happens in death and it's scary to think about literally just poofing and no longer existing
Sounds like a skill issue, a "you" problem.
I haven't been knocked unconscious by a blow to the head, but I have been made unconscious with anesthetics during surgeries.
One particular surgery was life-or-death, and I remember speaking with someone or something during that time. I don't remember what we talked about, but I do remember that I became much more calm after it. To this day I'm not sure if I had a glimpse of the afterlife, but I still think that I came quite close to death during that surgery.
In fact, several months after that, I had a sort of lingering suspicion that I had, in fact, died and was experiencing the afterlife, and that the afterlife was a sort of idealistic projection of the continuation of your normal life, since my life was going better in those months than it ever had. This suspicion was completely disproven when some sucky things started happening, though.
Another thing:
I'm not entirely sure of this, but I may have been asked if I wanted to cross over. If that did happen, I'm not entirely sure I declined, but I have a few guesses
>Parents would've been devastated beyond belief
>Sister was going through some mental health problems at the time, she certainly would've attempted suicide or committed a massive act of violence
>Didn't have many friends, but I was close with the ones I did have, and they'd all have been super upset to lose me. I know for a fact that at least a couple of them don't believe in an afterlife
>Surgeon was super nice and I didn't want her to feel guilty for losing a patient
>There were likely med students watching and I didn't want to traumatize them
>I wanted to graduate high school in this world

Ultimately, I guess it just wasn't my time. I sometimes wonder how things would be going for me, my family, and my friends if I did decide to pass on that day
Even though 80%-90% of people who came back to life don't remember anything, you can't compare death and being unconscious. When you're unconscious you still have brain activity. Your body isn't depraved of oxygen and your heart's still beating.
Despite knowing that brain activity continues after death for 7 or 10 minutes it still doesn't explain how some people who've been gone for almost an hour can remember anything.
I've passed away before and it's weird since you wake up happy. Shit feels good for some reason
I'm curious to know when exactly in the process of death one's soul crosses over.
There were times, especially about a year ago, when I had wished that I had chosen to pass on. But now I'm quite happy with where I am.
I have read several accounts of the afterlife including schools, but I definitely preferred to finish high school in this world.
Man why did I have to look through that. I hope Ian Stevenson was just a hack because the Uttara Sharada story is spooky.
To this day I still get feelings of horror at the thought of my mom having to hear that her son died on the operating table.
I'm gonna need to see your natal chart's 12th house
Has anyone else had a similar experience during a surgery or other medical event?
I've seen accounts of people astral projecting and getting a look
What evidence do you have to prove this?
Show one credible example.
Where did you get this image from, OP?
I just searched "afterlife"
See >>37926114
Just skimmed it and I agree. I hate the thought of reincarnation.
ok i dont know where the FUCK i should post this because i only come here when im extremely bored or am being harassed by weird fucking ghosts and this was the most ghost related thread i saw. i just woke up from the sound of someone i shit you not loudly typing at my pc. i just laid there mortified while it stopped and then kept going. it did that a few times. my limbs went numb from the shock. im extremely worried that all my negative energy (i have a really shit life) has manifested something more physical than normal. i will try leaving something open to see if it has a message for me or what the fuck. is there anything else i can do.
Okay so I have this philosophical plan for when I die and get to heaven.
I want to ask god in some way or another to make this existence that I lived nonexistence in some form, by saying it was a dream or something, and I guess I'll awaken as the "true" me.

Can I achieve this if I pray alot?
Yeah you do. Different species of magic mushrooms can be found in most regions of the planet or you can order mimosa hostilis bark online, it's legal in most countries, and just extract the DMT or brewing ayahuasca with some B.Caapi or Syrian rue or what not. It's not that hard.
I am afraid of death anons, the idea of the eternal oblivion of self. Recently I have had crippling existential dread regarding the (seemingly very likely) possibility that there truly is nothing after death, just non-existence forever. Everyone says it should not be feared because you will not experience it but isn't of any consolation to me, the feeling of dread of non-existence is the same. Tell me anons, is there any hope of an afterlife?
Afterlife research is a niche but legit field. Evidence supports the conclusion that beyond reasonable doubt there is an afterlife.
I'm not really that scared of death, but I'm really curious as to what the afterlife is like and I want to know as much about it as possible. But I don't want to permanently leave this world yet, because ai still have stuff to do, and I have family and friends who would be sad to see me go.
What evidence would that be?
Well we exist with consciousness, there can't be anything to it after we do and what not.
How is that evidence? Sounds more like a philosophical thought experiment I would hear from Alan Watts than actual evidence of a soul or an afterlife or even reincarnation
To me at least the past life stuff seems the most possible out of any other theory.
Anon, I just want to start out by stating that I have shared the same fear as you. Whenever I would talk about it online with people, I would get the usual unhelpful handwaves such as “When we are, death is not…” or “it will be just like anesthesia”. We’ve all heard it before. But none of it helps because it all inevitably highlights what it is which makes the thought so terrifying. But I want to let you know that it is going to be okay. What genuinely helped out was making sure to spend my time doing things I genuinely loved, which brought me genuine satisfaction, spending time with loved ones as much as possible, and learning to focus on things which made me happy and laugh. It can be hard, especially with how consuming thanatophobia can be (I have OCD - so I’ve been here with a variety of topics), but you will get to a point where you feel so happy and satisfied that even the notion of death will seem not so scary. You learn to, not so much accept it or defy it, but to not be bothered by it as you genuinely begin to embrace a happy life

As someone who is innately spiritual and has had supernatural experiences, I don’t think it’s wise to form religious beliefs because of your thanatophobia. You are going to develop a neurotic relationship with your beliefs with the unconscious knowledge that you are only embracing them as a cop-out. The truth is, even as someone who has had supernatural experiences which were so unlikely coincidences, I STILL have doubts.

If it IS any consolation, there are reasons to believe. There are verified case studies for reincarnation by Ian Stevenson/Jim Tucker and NDE’s from people who experienced lucid visions of dead relatives and their culture’s respective afterlife. It’s not 100% fool-proof, but it does strengthen the case for an afterlife. Also keep in mind that eternal oblivion seems the most “obvious” likelihood because it makes the most intuitive sense, but intuition is not always correct.
thank you anons

I also have OCD so I understand the fixation bit, makes the thought hard to shake. thank you anon
No prob
Oh well i'm glad someone else knows of alan watts at least.

also I mean I guess it may be impossible to find out then unless we had some crazy science in the future
Oh he's a great listen. I love how he explain an idea with colorful analogies and a lot of humour, plus his voice is soothing. But I'm as sceptic as I am curious so I don't really believe in things that can't be tested or repeated. Still though, its fun to indulge and dream
After 5 long years of dedicated practice, I’ve finally mastered Robert Monroe’s method for Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs). I’ve read and re-read his books and Bruce Moen's works, and I can confirm that everything written in those pages is exactly what I’ve experienced.

One of the most shocking things I encountered was finding a place where people end up based on their behavior in life. Let me tell you about a guy I used to know who died young. He was a massive asshole, and I found the place he ended up in. It’s a city, just like on Earth, with buildings, houses, and all that. The twist? Every single person there is an asshole. Men, women, children—they're all there because they enjoyed being complete dicks to each other.

I watched in awe as the guy I knew continued being his usual self, only to have someone else, probably someone who'd been there longer, completely destroy him in an act of one-upmanship. It was shocking to see the level of sadism and cruelty they inflicted on each other, almost like a sport or a game.

I’m not really sure what life is all about, but what I’ve seen through my OBEs is seriously sadistic and makes me question the nature of existence itself. If this is what awaits people who thrive on being jerks, it’s like a cosmic justice system, but it’s twisted and disturbing as hell.

Anyone else had similar experiences or insights? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
No problem, anon. I hope you have a good night (or day) and everything gets better!
Look up Dr Jeffery Long anon. He does a lot of research among some other doctors you might get recommended that have looked at the experience of it once people have come back. It’s pretty incredible. Like sub 5 year olds who shouldn’t have a religious construct in their mind experiencing the same as others, or that almost all “Real” NDEs see the same thing. It’s pretty interesting stuff anon and helped me with my existential dread. A lot of interviews he died can be found on YouTube, no doubt you’ll find some other guy pop up as well in the same field From the recommended
Yeah I mean i am considering the idea of suicide and realizing in the end, thanks to watt, it'll be alright as I do not exist any longer.

Though I am praying alot as a somewhat catholic so I'll be probably seeing a 50/50/50 chance
Cool, might check it out. As I said earlier, I have kind of an autistic fixation about the afterlife. I have for as long as I can remember really
thank you anon, I'll look into it
Don't worry, it's not over nine thousand.
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I think I read somewhere that only a fifth (or minority at the least) of people in a heartattack/blackout type situation that WOULD produce an NDE even have one, and who knows if they're real. That all being said, it's VERY strange that a theme common enough to be written about is the "choice" of going back when people do have an NDE. Also, as an umbrella thought, there's no evolutionary benefit that having an NDE would give you a better chance of spreading your genes via offspring. I think the fact it's so weird and as evolving apes over the millennia you just wouldn't have enough of a sample size of young apes getting eaten by predators and losing blood/having heartattacks but having a giant brain trip is the thing that allows you to come back and have kids. Especially not enough of that situation happening to be a thing bred into our genes. It feels like it's less of a brain trip, especially how some people just DON'T feel afraid of death afterwards if anything that makes it dysgneic, and it kind of feels more of a "veils crossing over" kind of thing.
There's something to be said that we just "feel" that death is an absolute fright, but when the rollercoaster goes over the next crest the "joke" is that we were pushed across that crest and we were made to feel the fright because that "makes" the joke. Schizobabble, I know, but it could just be "Wow, that's what I was worried about?" because it becomes a metaphysical joke then.
I'm not really sure if it was an NDE. I'm not sure exactly what went down in that operating room. I was under 18 at the time so I'm not sure if they were legally required to tell me. I guess I could ask my parents
Not like I'm all that afraid of death anyway
You have to be 18 to post here.
You are the last person to realize you are in a conspiracy because you never questioned where your epic battle arena came from.
>I'm currently trying to find a good way to get a glimpse of it without dying permanently.

then go to sleep

dreamless sleep is all you can expect, you tards
Yeah. Death seems like a huge deal now, but after we pass on it'll seem like no big deal.
Can anyone disprove of Eternal Oblivion?
Yes I am very interested in the subject I definitely think there’s something but for me the biggest question is then why isn’t there anything before we’re born?
when you enter a dream there is nothing before the dream
I hope there isn't one. I'm so fucking sick of the experience. I wish to be free of all thought and desire. Best case scenario I get my shit wiped and just start again or it's truly nothing. Worst case, I gotta fill out a fucking job application in another plane
Kinda lame
Cool stuff.
Yeah the afterlife really fascinates me too. It's so mysterious and nobody has ever come back to tell us what actually happens there. People talk about NDEs all the time and they always say they see God or Hell, but that's always Christians in America having those particular experiences. I think Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, etc in other countries would see something else if they have NDE's.
Something I’ve thought recently is in life we have dreams and nightmares and they kind of reflect the belief that there is a heaven and hell good and bad places we can inhabit but not physically
How long have you had this fascination? I myself have had it for as long as I can remember.
Mine kinda developed around 2020 or so. Nothing related to covid or people dying, I just started browsing /x/ a lot more and reading lots of philosophical stuff here and youtube. I also started browsing some deep lore for video games like Halo and Destiny on their wikis and reddit, and all the metaphysics just fascinated me. I got inspired to try and make my own stories and coming up with metaphysics and religions and cosmology for those ideas.

Unfortunately I didn't develop them very deeply and I've sort of moved on from them since. But that fascination with all this esoteric stuff still remains.
I recently start feeling hopeless as a bipolared individual in 2024. I got interested into ideas of philosophy, science, religion, etc to explore the ideas if I could take life by own hands.

I mean we are talking of a god who can do many things for us here. I mean I think I might be pagan and all.

What kind of philosophies are you looking at?
I'm interested in all kinds of stuff. I've got a google document over 100 pages long full of wikipedia articles about different religions from all over the world, religious practices, stuff about higher dimensions and mathematics, conspiracy theories, consciousness, metaphysics, psychedelic drugs, and on and on. Just anything to do with religion, the afterlife, mythology, the supernatural, and so on interests me.
Pandemic boredom definitely contributed to my interest.
Yeah I’m pursuing a possible idea of going to heaven and entering a universe that’s identical but my life is different and all.

You got anything for that or something? I’m trying to get into paganism for it
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I don't believe what's written in the holy books about heaven, hell and the holy spirit, I know something is past the veil but it's not these human concepts of an afterlife,

it's something much more complex than our human minds can handle or understand.
As someone with a few experiences, I'm more curious about how it is rather than whether it is. Nothing I've seen conforms to any religion, including the spiritists. Verified ndes show you that even suicides don't go to hell, dogs often stay with their masters for a good while after their passing, people often stay attached to places, why? If there's such an order that someone's actions in life decide their fate in the afterlife, why are there so many who seem to simply choose to not to? If so many choose why so many do not?
Unironically what alex jones said on joe rogan.
>but it’s twisted and disturbing as hell.
As opposed to how afterlife has been portrayed through history? That's fucking tame and what I'd call incredibly just.
Fun fact, the actual scientific research goes through medical records to check if the person was officially dead for a while and aren't just bullshitting. In these cases there hasn't been a single recorded case of someone going to hell.
Also there has been ONE paper I found about japanese ndes and they have pretty much the same experience as westerners, with some differences, those being.
>the place they arrive after the tunnel comforms to the japanese vision of an afterlife, that being a garden with flowers
>the light on said place isn't seen as a "person" or a "being", and the feeling it gives is pleasure rather than love and unconditional acceptance
>there is no life review as it is common in western ndes
That being said I know there are even other cultural differences in places like thailand because the Japanese paper mentioned it, but I haven't reviewed this other study.
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I did so once accidentally, and I'm not sure how. I didn't hit my head and I don't do drugs, I was wide awake and thought I was having a very strange and very vivid daydream after which I said out loud, "That was weird. I guess the reincarnationists were correct.....Why did I just say that?" I'm an atheist btw. Then I just went about my day. Wasn't till about 2 years later that youtube randomly recommended a video on NDE where a dude described his NDE and it sounded very similar to my daydream. I've since been looking for info trying to understand what it is I saw. Never really visited /x/ or looked into the paranormal before that. pic related was the very first thing I saw. I just assumed I was remembering the movie Contact but then it got weird.
Which is?
There is no evidence for non existence or “nothing,” only evidence of something as you perceive it now. You got here once somehow someway, why wouldn’t you be able to come back?
>As you perceive it now
Better than that actually. Some have reported that it feels even more real than this world ever did.
You're hooked into a machine that keeps blood oxygenated and circulating, meanwhile, they forcibly stop your heartbeat.
>and you aren't going to die any time soon

Do not tempt fate by jinxing it. I can't remember the last time I lived with the assumption that I was still going to be alive for more than 5 years into the future.
If we assume they hold real merit, NDE reports would only reveal a tiny glimpse of the transition between life and death.
What lies beyond the initial shock of dying your soul and mind must go through is anyones guess.
But some form of reincarnation seems most logical in my opinion.
Look into ketamine. A study on sheep showed it stops the brain completely just like with brain death. So the k-hole may be like death.


You can also read ketamine experience reports on Erowid

>Just amazon links
Why would I spend tons of money on abstract books when I already have a plastic bag and duct tape lying around my house
By design, the afterlife is hidden from us because if we knew for sure it would happen then there would be mass suicides.
That sounds expensive
Oh yeah definitely. If a certain form of afterlife was confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt, the world would fall into utter chaos.
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this will help you
Everyone on 4 chan needs to read this.
I think you just visited Las Vegas
Wall of cope. When you die you will be in a state of complete and utter terror. Expect the absolute worst, then, anything less bad is a win :)
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You are one step away from recreating this irl.
So NDEs are just hallucinations? Depressing.
Ketamine isn't exactly a hallucinogen though, more of a dilleriant that makes you feel like you just shut down.
Could one redeem themselves?

From what I've found redemption is always possible, but unfortunately rare from what I've seen. The place described, where people end up based on their behavior in life, is what some might call a hollow hell. These realms are created by the collective consciousness of those who inhabit them, and the behavior witnessed reflects their inner states.

These realms are not eternal prisons but more like self-imposed purgatories where individuals continue to live out the patterns they established in life. The city of sadists I mentioned is an example of this. The people there are stuck in a cycle of cruelty and sadism because that's the behavior they are accustomed to and believe in.

However, the people in these realms are free to leave at any time; they just need to change their mindset and behavior. The moment someone in this hollow hell decides to stop being an asshole and genuinely seeks to change, they begin to shift their reality. This change in consciousness allows them to move to a different realm, one that reflects their new state of being.

Similarly, there are hollow heavens. These are not true paradises but rather idealized versions of heaven based on individuals' beliefs and expectations. For instance, many Christians who have a specific concept of heaven may find themselves in a realm that matches their expectations upon death. These realms provide comfort and a sense of fulfillment, but they are still not the ultimate reality.
I had my vagus nerve pressed due to bad digestion. my heart was slowed to a crawl while I passed out sitting upright.
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Yeah that's why they give it to horses
Fake and "reddit" post
Yes, I want to know about afterlife
No I'm afraid the other anon could be right. What he's describing could be the city of Jean Luc or whatever https://imgur.com/a/JfJQAZz
Just because its chemical cousin is PCP doesn't make it a deliriant

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