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/Questions Bread/. Post your 3dcg questions here and hope for good answers. Lets'a go
What does everyone here like to model?
Because I can't make my own sexy waifus
If you're not supposed to use Blender what programs are you supposed to use instead?
I like to model pixelated shit in Blockbench for my minecraft map, other than that I'm a character animator
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does anyone here have a recommendation for a color accurate 27" 1440p monitor with at least 120+ hz?
want something color accurate to use for 3d but also high refresh rate to use for gaming
I use MSI g274qpf
animals, aliens, cryptids, buildings.
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My uvs are acting up in maya3d. the brownish grey part is supposed to be white like the top part. The uvs are laid out correctly, but only half of them show the textured part and the other is beige.
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as you can see here. everything is laid out correctly, but half of the mesh won't display the texture. Whats going on?
nvm figured it out.
I got a different problem now with double layerd faces or edges with 0 length. Don't know how I did that.
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my previews in 3ds max in the material editor are not loading and updating properly
when i dragged in a new materials or textures or try to update existing ones the previews are not updating and i have to manually click "update preview" then if i make new changes i have to manually update it
any clues on how to fix it?
pic related on how it initially looks and after manual update
Any recommendations for tutorials on how to sculpt sci-fi armours in 3d? Primarily for miniatures. Thank you.
dont sculpt armor. Use plasticity.
>1 The slate material editor is a meme.
has its bugs but its 100 times better than the compact version
>2. I know this may be a stupid querstion but have you tried toggling the auto update below that optuin. If not select all your shit in the slate material editor and press shift + u so it toggles in all instances.
auto update preview is on, if not there is a little cross sign on the material preview show its off. also right next to the manual update when i right click
>Also check in your rendering options panel that tyhe correct render engine is selected. sometimes the production render engine does not communicate changes to the material preview render engine if they are not locked in the same setting ....
i have vray as production and arnold as active shade
if i try it on a different pc with same files it works fine, so something else must've got fucked bcs it also affects older files
its like its stuck on the loading the material/map/texture
Are there any modeling exercise overviews/sites anywhere? I'm talking about something like advent of code but for easy/medium/hard modeling challenges/exercises so you can hone your skills on them. I know there was one infographic here which listed a couple of those, but I can't find that image. Picking my own targets works, but you'd obviously never really leave your comfort zone.
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I've finished my sculpt. How bad is this going to fuck up in an Anycubic resin printer? What do I need to do to it to make it print-friendly. I'm guessing sawing the arms and legs off, right?
>Does this persist on the compact material editor?
fucking shit, it works normally in the compact editor wtf
>If not I'd blame it on the slate material editor and continue old school.
looks like that might be the problem but i cant get used to the compact editor, its so unconfrontable when it comes to having multimple notes plugged in for one parameter. Its nightmare to navigate.
>Humm do you use a mapped network drive?
no nothing like that. I use Connecter for asset managment and i just arhive the scene when i move it for rendering.
But the problem is not in 3ds max not finding the path to the texture, because if i were to open a new empty 3ds max file, open the slate editor, drag a material and change its diffuse color - it doesnt update the preview. no matter if its vray,physical mat or arnold.
The same problem is with any other maps or materials — when i first drag it in its stuck on the loading teapot and after manually updating is stuck to whatever it was when I updated. Further changes require to manually update again.
How good or bad is NgSkinTools2 ?
Penis equiped anthro women with big tits.
Whenever I reach a point in my project that I get scared of doing I start to scroll social media and avoid even if I have to do this next step in 3d or else my whole project will never come together. Its so tiresome. I get stuck in the pipeline and since programs are always updating with new features and you're supposed to learn new programs too, the pipeline keeps changing. What do I do?
I'm a beginner, interesting in making some games eventually, but also just some quick neat little artistic renders. My question is about quads, tris, and ngons. From what I've heard, I want to be building with quads as much as possible (for reasons I barely understand,) but that game engines would be converting those quads into tris anyway? Is that right? Is building with quads only recommended because their easy to divide? I'm really just having a hard time wrapping my head around what to use and what to avoid and when to use or avoid them.
It's easier to make quads look good compared to any other configuration, but all of them are fine if you know what you're doing.
Building with quads is recommended because it's a lot lot easier than building with tris. And quads divide perfectly into tris like you mention.
>Material in viewport is fine
>Render scene
>Material now has a black rectangle across half of it
>Render scene again
>Material still has black rectangle across half of it
>But also so does half of the entire scene

Anyone know why it's doing this? It's not something that's hidden in the scene that I've forgotten to turn off in the render btw.
So I get that it's easier to build with quads, like loop cuts and divisions are a lot easier. What about the end result though, does it matter if I have that much if I have ngons in my model? Say I have a divided quad attached to another, undivided quad on one edge. This introduces more vertices to the connecting edge and turns the undivided quad into an ngon, right?
can someone answer this, please? Is this "paralysis by analysis"?
Yes, it's just psychological. You should try your best to find the time to work on something regularly, even if it's only for a little while. You don't need to think so hard about it.
I work, but for example Houdini now has a similar way of doing what I am doing in maya with a paid plugin, so I'll spend days / weeks trying to make it happen in houdini, then I'll go back to maya and try to apply what ive learned from the houdini workflow back into my maya setup and see if that is better now and still worth paying for. Thats what Ive been doing for like 2 months now. And of course there is a third option of doing it in a different way completely (both in maya and h)
I sympathise, because I also sometimes feel like putting off work when it seems daunting or tough.

It's easier said than done but I guess I'd advise you to just pick one approach and do your best to stick to it for a while, at least until you've completed a few projects using that approach which you can be proud of.
Should I get Substance Designer 2024 when im using substance painter 2023? I heard adobe makes it so you cant use newer saves on older versions of their software.
No. Designer was never that useful.
Personally, unlike >>968611, I do think Designer is pretty handy and I have gotten some good use out of it. It's a powerful software that can make great stuff, though there is a learning curve.
I'm a absolute beginner in Houdini.
I want to create a cloud out of a shape/mesh
that's it.
I don't even know what to search on youtube.
nevermind I think I found it
Does the Unreal Engine have a future for the 1ma?

What's your process for animating? I'm still learning, so I'm trying to nail down a consistent workflow for it.
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How do you get good at sculpting? I want to model good hair thats all one unit, like you see on these figures here, but I have a feeling some serious sculpting magic is needed for that.
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>I have a feeling some serious sculpting magic is needed for that.
You start off with the strands separate whether sculped(left) or poly-modelled(right), then Boolean them together and polish. The sizes of the strands(groups) are up to you for your purpose

>How do you get good at sculpting?
Other than having reference models of other work directly in your scene to guide you, there's no secret to it really. Just do it a lot and the tacit knowledge will come over time

Thanks, mate.
How do I animate a character with weird anatomy?

Let's say I make a character with legs that are too short to crouch properly; the knees don't come up to their chest and the calves need to clip into the thighs so I can bring the characters ass to it's ankles.
Do I just accept the limited range of motion, or is there something I can do/break the rig?
If the character has such cartoonish proportions that it wouldn't even mechanically function, then you have to use stretching and bending, maybe even blendshapes that alter the proportions during motion.

Check this frog out
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Trying to make a simple building with rooms, so far it's just one object with floor, walls, ceiling islands, now what's the best way to put textures on it? Should I mark the seams and use several materials for each texture I want to use? Can I use multiple UVs for all that? Also I can't figure out how to move several faces in UV window to one spot, selected to cursor make a vertice singularity and selected to cursor offset just moves whole selection, I want all faces to overlap on cursor instead.
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how do people usually do jiggle like picrel?
i know one way to do it is simulate the jiggle but that seems too complicated for me right now

do they add bones to the ass cheeks to animate it or use keyframes?
shape keys *
well, the webm you posted is a muscle simulation. You will not get anywhere close to that using bones or blendshapes. The bad news for you is that ziva (which I think is what they are using) is dying some kind of rapid death after it was bought by unity and houdini muscle workflow is more complicated and much less documented (only one tutorial)
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Anons I been trying to figure out what kind of art style is this. All the tutorials I seen are either realism or pixel shit. How does someone replicate this art style? The only thing I know is that it is the late south Korean 2000's free to play fps art style but I dont know the name for such art style. The game is Combat Arms if you wanted to know more about the art style I wanted to replicated.
More subspecifically the gun models itself. How does someone texture the model like that?
Same way you texture bespoke maps for any surface, you UV map it in a way that makes sense and use a combination of render texture projection mapping and use the tools in your favorite image editor to craft a suitable texture map.
Where is the best place to get high quality references images for firearms? My main problem with using google images is that it can you give you similar looking but still different variants or details between images, which can cause inconsistencies. It's also hard finding images from a variety of angles in general. At the moment I use GunBroker a lot of the time but of course there needs to be a listing for the gun in the first place.
It looks very "take real world photographs and fit them into a 256x256 resolution and put them onto low poly models", which would include any tweaks to the images make them work as a texture. Poly counts were pretty low, like that gun is probably around 500. Use NinjaRipper on games with a similar style to get a decent idea what sort of poly counts they went for.
It looks like it they just made a low poly mesh, applied a base color onto each part, then hand painted all the details directly onto the UV in photoshop or something like that.
So I have an armature for my model in Blender. Say I'd like to use an animation downloaded from somewhere else. Does my armature need to have the same amount of bones in the same places as the animation I'm downloading? I genuinely have no idea how any of this works and am just beginning.
Anyone knows if you can pinpoint the value of Dynamesh if you'd like to keep the same (or a close) amount of points?
I can't say for sure, but I think I tried to do something similar years ago, just renamed bones, but rotation or something else was off and I didn't bother fixing it back then, but it works.
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How would I best go about being about to make models similar to this? Basically, from no experience to being able to make renders or short scenes of characters in this style, with the ps1 low poly and all. Basically I want to bring a dead game franchise back to life in order to make art and movies with the characters and arenas, but I have no idea where to start.
>show my grandma my prompted artwork
>she says thats its not mine
>"who did this"?
>looks down on me for the rest of the day

was she right?
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In Blender, I had a basic material set on my object. It showed all the usual stuff you'd find under the principled BSDF to adjust. After adding my armature and getting the rigging all working, now my material properties only shows "Line Art," "Viewport Display," and "Custom Properties." If I go into the shading tab, it shows that it's a Principled BSDF connected to a Material Output node, but the material properties on the right still only show those 3 things. It does this even if I add a new material (which usually defaults to those principled BSDF options.) Clearly I must have accidentally done something wrong here. Any clue what it is? Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about.
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Change render engine
Wow, how did I manage that lol. Thanks, it was driving me nuts. Only way I could figure to fix it was to append everything into a new file and just start working from that.
Where would I go for advice on 3D printing? This place is at least tangentially related to that.
I've done something and I'm not sure how. Whenever I move my properties window up or down it moves whatever window is below the main viewport window up or down too.
Only happens in the layout tab. All of the other seem to be fine. What do?

There's a 3D printing general in /diy/.
It just automatically joins separator lines into one if they're close enough. You'll have to combine the two areas that move together and make a new one by splitting one on the top.
why is blender such dogshit
new to blender, is there a way to inflate parts of a model with re-texturing or adding a new mesh

Trying to make an anime girl's thighs bigger.
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I am currently working on a low-poly character and foolishly decided to do its hair with xgen. Now I want the hair to have a low-poly look to it too, but arnold decides to smooth the hair on its own. Anyone knows how I could get the hair to render as it's shown in the viewport? I tried some operators fuckery on the curves, to no avail.
How do I go around creating a brushed metal rings in Painter? Pic related.
Anisotropy is the term your looking for.
There should be generators for that built in, and I'm 99% sure there's alphas for it as well.

You can either use a sculpt brush to inflate it, or select the area in edit mode and use alt+s to shrink/fatten the area. Depending on what your model looks like, you'll probably get clipping. Everything else though (weights, textures, etc) should stay unchanged
beg question.
Im rigging an arm. I have the IK handle and pole vector hooked up, everything moves fine, but the wrist doesnt stag aligned with the arm when moved.

So from a T pose position, the hand is pointing out to the side, my right, then when I move the arm up down and all around, the wrist and hand will still be pointing out to the right.

How do i get the wrists joint to rotation to match the same axis as the arm? I tried constraining it, but then I cant rotate it. if i rotate it then move the arm IK, its rotation will snap back. I cant have that happen during animation.

any ideas?
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That sounds weird if I'm getting you right. What you want should be the default behavior. Is pic related right?
>if i rotate it then move the arm IK, its rotation will snap back
So it rotates and is "fine" if you don't touch it, but when you move the IK, it snaps back? If that's true then it sounds like you have a circular dependency and it's glitching. Are you sure the IK bone and the pole vector are not parented to the arm chain or something? If you're using blender you can check for circular dependencies using the console, press "window"->"toggle console".
yeah, pic related is exactly whats happening, but im using Maya.
I can get it to do whats on the left of your pic rel, but as I said, if I constrain it to the joint before it, one thats attached to the IK, move the IK after rotatinf the hand where I want, it will snap back into a straight line.
Ihavent tried it yet, but I was going to write an expression to have the axis, the one thats pointing straight out the bone, of the wrist joint be the same as the joint before, but Im assuming what will happen is I wont be able to rotate that axis any longer. I cant try it atm, left for work, but youre on the same page with the issue.
>are you sure the IK bone and the pole vector are not parented to the arm chain or something?
I dont think so Ill have to get back to you with pics on how its rigged.
Would it be dumb to start learning texturing on substance before even knowing how to model or is it completely unrelated?
Learn texturing on [italics]Mari[\italics]
what's the difference? I think I heard Mari was used for films right?
I still haven't figured it out, but what I noticed is that the joint only messes up when I apply a controller to it. I constrain the joint to a curve control so I have easy access to select it to rotate it but that controller isn't moving correctly with the wrest of the arm. I tried constraining that controller to the forearm to have it move with it, but that opens a whole other list of issues.

If I don't use a controller on the wrist, everything works fine, so i must be applying the controller wrong.
eh fuck it.
I got the model working enough where I can animate. Ill figure it out later.
It's not that related but I would learn basic modeling and UV unwrapping first
Reposting this from the wip thread just in case.

How do you actually practice sculpting? I want an exercise regiment, you know how drawabox has a homework section at the end of each lesson? Is there one for 3d sculpting? Anyone here interested in mentoring a newbie for a bit? Just someone I can pester with questions and ask for guidance, I know its probably a lot to ask but maybe theres a chance?
Study anatomy
Yeah everyone says that but what does that actually entail? Copying different parts of a body in 3d from anatomy atlases?
Studying anatomy isn't absolutely necessary to sculpt. Anyone can form clay (or the 3D version) and make it look acceptable without knowing what's below the skin just by imitating an existing shape. But by knowing where bones, ligaments, muscles, and tissue types are located, and how they move and deform, you can actually generate something from scratch that isn't completely deformed and doesn't even win the uncanny valley award, because it's completely off the course. Knowing where muscles on a face are located and how they flow, how lips are formed and how a smile works mechanically, allows you to sculpt a face by recreating muscle groups and layering skin on top of it. You'll understand why something is formed that way and how it behaves, instead of simply copying something.
tl;dr: Study anatomy if you want to be really good. Ignore it if you want to be mediocre or are a genius.
ok thanks, if I learn the basics of UV unwrapping but I don't like it will using add ons be decent solution?
in 3ds max how can i set up so that the default reference coordinate system to be world and not view?
im tired of changing it, is there some preference option somewhere?
I don't know any addons that do it all for you but something probably exists. Maya's auto UV layout tool is pretty good.
can maya do live mirroring while working on one side? also i found a chinese tutorial on anime-like vfx but i wanna generate subs for it. what's the easiest approach for that?
>can maya do live mirroring while working on one side?
how? it seems to behave like an applied modifier.
blender doesn't have anything like what maya has when it comes to live mirrored component symmetry, and never has
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i just tried to use it live and it didn't even update the mirrored section.
you have no idea what you're doing then
I'm mirroring an object. i just said this. why are you being disingenuous?
because ive been doing live component mirroring since i started using maya in 2010 and its always worked perfectly
ok, indulge me. how should it be used so that it can provide live mirroring of a surface alongside symmetry editing.
record yourself trying to do it with OBS and turn that recording into a WEBM and then post it here.
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Can anyone tell me whats going on here?
I move the IK rig but the main joint of the wrist doesn't move with it in the middle like it should.
When I move via the FK, everything follows correctly.
How I set up the IK was starting from the shoulder to the forearm. I then moved the effector to the wrist to have the handle start there to keep the joint straight. I want the forearm joint so I can have a roll joint to help with forearm rotation. In theory, this should all work, but I don't know what exactly is causing this.
>but I don't know what exactly is causing this.
2 things

script out this section of your rig with python instead of doing it by hand and then go step by step

if that fails, post a webm of the problem and the script
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I don't know how to write python scripts let alone for Maya3D.
I did find this somewhat fixed it, but I don't know why it did, but now the main set of joints are only moving with the IK, not the FK joints.
I followed this video:
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Here is how its hooked up in the node editor.
No add on will place seams for you to actually unwrap something. It doesn't know what it's looking at or has any understanding of 3d space. Nor does it understand what you want out of an unwrap and where the important bits are.
Learn how to unwrap. It's not hard. If you can unwrap a box, sphere, and cylinder, you can unwrap anything. It's all a combination of those.
good luck man. When you are ready, read the maya documentation and learn scripting.
I figured it out.
Output X wasn't connected to the L Wrist FK W1 node.
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I'm trying to find some 3D models that closely resemble the Shadow Fiend from Dota 2, so far the only thing I got is Diablo from D3.
Anyone know some models that fit?

Is there a way to generate clothing folds procedurally? I've found ways to just use cloth sims for sculpts, but I'd like something a little more dynamic. Maybe geonodes?
a cloth sim is both procedural and dynamic
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In Maya3D, how can I transfer a skeleton I made on another file to the one I'm working on now? Its all rigged and ready to go, but I don't want to go through the whole process again for another model thats essentially the same body type.
That was a dumb question on my part.
Import scene, delete mesh.
Whooptie freaking doo.
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Can someone explain to me why THE FUCK my models have all sorts of fucked up scaling from software to software?
I'm using a custom made avatar that I created. Anatomy seems to be correct, skeleton seems to be correct. Weight painting seems to be correct.
Whenever I export it from Blender to Marvelous, I have to put random scaling because else Marvelous won't do proper arrangement points, and even then, only the arms and the feet will have proper alignment points, everything else just gets mashed to the center which makes arranging clothes extremely finnicky and weird.
Ok cool, I can work with that. Then I go to Substance Painter and do my work. All seems fine, exports working nicely. Then I go back to Blender and my arbitrary scaling that I chose for Marvelous is no longer the same. Whatever, I'm gonna try to do it manually.
And finally, when I go to UE (exporting with Auto Rig Pro), model loads fine BUT THEN the fucking skeleton goes weird as balls and the ankles are fused to the fucking hips (pic related).
Using Mixamo is even worse, the hands are all fucked up, the weight painting is retarded and the skeleton simply doesn't seem to be UE5 friendly.

What the FUCK am I doing wrong? I'm literally going insane here.
I learned polymodeling but I'm in a weird state where I don't know what to do and how to practice it. Any tips for that or a suggestion of objects to model for practice?
How do I make the inner circle of the "eye" to not look so bland? I'm using Substance Painter
You have a fuckload of shit in your room and in your house you can practice modelling (and texturing). With the added benefit that if you keep them around, you can re-use them for projects in the future if you need some background clutter.
you can only do what you are interested in. Modeling random crap that you don't care about will get you nowhere
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I feel like the area between the ear and the eyes is missing something
Cant quite tell what tho…

Any anatomy nerds here?
If he's practicing, then yeah, it will. That's what practice is. Doing shit on repetition to get better at it. If he's modelling useless shit like cans and stuff, then yeah, it won't do shit, but if he's modelling things like fans, appliances, controllers, etc. You can bet your ass you'd get better at modelling.
What format should I export rigged and animated models in order to use them in Godot?
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Does anyone know of a place where I can find character sheets like this?
I tried gelbooru but there's not a lot of stuff that shows the side and back view.
fbx or gltf
can I link my r*ddit blenderhelp post here or will I catch a ban? I have something of a complicated problem and I laid out all my node trees there (there's a couple and they'd shit up the thread here)
You are experiencing >>967238
Also it's common for generic units to get the wrong conversion as the software may count a unit as a meter, centimeter, millimeter or imperial units inches feet etc. Your tech artist will have drafted a document what importer/exporter settings to use for your specific project pipeline. In the absence of a tech artist; congratulations you are now a tech artist - figure out what importer/exporter settings to use and what axis and unit conversions you need to run.
gltf/glb is the standard
I know people use Wrap or something to transfer game model heads onto DAZ models, but is there any way to transfer the ENTIRE mesh onto another body?
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Fuck it. Need help with my math in geonodes, doing a 4d pyramid (5-cell/4-simplex) slice render and I'm running into irregularities. Particularly, my "center" slice seems to only show points either above or below Z=0, never both at once. I know for a fact the current render isn't accurate. Node info and explanations can all be seen here:
use the newest version of wrap
Got advice in my thread that fixed the issue. If it was someone from here, thanks again!
3dsmax arnold scene render comes black after a month hiatus
cant remember what might it be, was trying traceSet w/ lights so I disable this global arnold light & it still comes up black
any checklist I need to go down on?
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Using bryce 7.1 pro. Problem is every 2d image imported comes out black like this, I've never seen anyone report an issue like this online, followed online tutorials to a tee and still have no success getting the color to show even on default images. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
it was the traceset, I just had to change the missing png file it used
disabling the global light that used the traceset wasnt enough
I'm trying to learn Blender but it seems like all the good, in-depth tutorials past the basic overview of the interface are for fairly old versions of Blender, i.e., HUMAN by Kent Trammell (2.92) and CG Cookie's Fundamentals of X courses (2.8).
Are the differences between 4.0 and these older versions significant enough that it'll handicap me in learning this stuff? I'm a complete newfag at this stuff.
>questions bread instead of /sqt/
Sorry in advance if the question's too retarded. Can't seem to find any answers on this the usual way.
>Are the differences between 4.0 and these older versions significant enough that it'll handicap me in learning this stuff?
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Is it fair to say that character artist Jobs have much more emphasis on Sculpting and other jobs like Environment/Architecture have a lot less emphasis on sculpting? Any other differences I should know?
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i'll ask here till a new archviz thread pops up
getting too much RAM consumption from a scene made in arnold & rendered in corona till I completely convert
some unsupported standard materials too
the biggest object is the ground that's a 20k poly
If you have a model with lots of separate objects and you parent all of those to an empty for easier movement, what's the simplest way to duplicate them? It seems like selecting all of the individual parts and shift+d is too cumbersome, but I don't think there's a way to use an array when it's parented the way it is.
how do you install corona material sets into 3dsmax (2023) lol?
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I know the answers to all your questions but at this moment I'm banned because I supposedly doxxed a faggot that already doxxed himself. Archviz thread was archived. You can thank the fucking jannies and their whore mothers. See ya in march bitch.

PD. Stop using arnold I already told ya you fucking imbecile.
You can use Shift+G and O to select the collection entries, but it would still be tedious to duplicate them by hand.
I'm interested in the answer to this too, if it's even possible in Blender.
I tried parenting to an empty mesh instead of an empty, but the array modifier only works with the geometry of the object it was added to.
You could always just convert the collection to a mesh and use an array modifier on that. Then if necessary you can select individual elements and press L to select connected
Doesn't it change the relationships automatically when you duplicate them with the parent selected?
I just gave it a go and it duped the entire selection, plus parent empty, and transferred the relation to the new parent for the duplicated objects.
Worked with both shift+d and alt+d.
Yeah, the duplication works fine, but I assumed he wanted to make a bunch of copies with an array modifier.
If the only problem was making a single copy of a model with many separate objects, then shift+g and shift+d works just fine
arent I using corona?
I did manage to convert all arnold materials to corona & I get the error less frequently

how are you banned if you already can post?
>Have object A
>Add new object (B) that's completely separate
>Add modifier to A
>It also applies to B
>Delete modifier from B
>Also deletes it from A
>Add material to A
>It also adds it to B

What have I fucked up here bros and how do I unfuck it?
Did you happen to duplicate the object with shift+d, or linked an object from another file?
Sounds like you have linked objects or linked mesh data or something.
It definitely wouldn't happen if you added a brand new object, like a cube, using shift+a. If it is, there's definitely something fucky going on.
Initially I had duplicated part of the object, but nothing was linked because there was nothing to link and it was the only thing in the scene.
Then I deleted that because I couldn't unfuck it. But then when I added a new object with shift+a it did the same thing and keeps doing it. I even tried making it single user several times and that does nothing.

One other weird thing does happen too, but I'm not sure if that's just because of what's happening with it. When I add a material all of the
from beneath it are missing on both of them. One of them has this pbr thing and a material library I added ages ago and never use, but all of the other options are missing and the other one doesn't even have the pbr thing or the library thing or any of the options. It's just blank.
How come every rig I download lags like hell, no matter if it is low poly Minecraft or something more complex, but when I make a rig myself it doesn't lag at all?
Maybe it's a Rigify rig. Those are not usable. You just have to delete it and run the character through Mixamo.
Well, isn't Mixamo just for some ready made animations? I want to animate, I don't need ready made shit.
Also just noticed that my render properties etc panels are all gone too.
If you want to animate you should buy a motion capture suit
What's wrong with key frame animations?
And motion capture is technically not animation.
so you're saying that Avatar 1, the highest grossing film of all time was not 3d animation?
Mixamo is a free auto-rigging service and they also have some free mocap data, but you don't have to use it.
You need a motion capture suit if you want to become an anime girl v-tuber on twitch. Otherwise there are large archives (free and paid) of mocap data available.
imagine if Avatar crews decided to use cringe archives of mocap data instead of generating their own
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these white tiles are extending way beyond the house's bound & dunno why
changed/removed material, clicked world-space displacement in the error message box so that's turned on AFAIK & no dice

this is the error
===== Warning(-22) =====
Combination of orthographic camera and screen size displacement can consume a lot of memory. We recommend switching to world space displacement and selecting an appropriate tessellation size.

also I'm getting very bright renders with corona sky+corona sun (intensity 1 too bright, had to clamp to .2 for normal looking renders)
I just don't have any use for wacky dance animations
The animations are optional and maybe you need a walk cycle. If only Rigify was usable to make character walk or do anything at all, you wouldn't have to use Mixamo. I understand that but in practice you have to.
you only use walk cycles in games, and even then, you layer them
Should I get a screen tablet?
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>first model
Is this shit? Must I retopologize it? Should have I kept the horizontal edges strictly horizontal, like parallel to the ground ? I just moved the vertices diagonally without thinking, I thought it didn't matter. Is there too many edges in some areas, like around the knee and above the foot? Should I retopologize the knee to make a real knee shape instead of that band, or will this step get done by sculpting?
When should I start sculpting? As soon as I have a basic model?
I plan to make hyperrealistic models, possibly animated later.
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Even if you don't sculpt, they're nice as a little second monitor if you don't already have one.
It's saved my ass a few times when the monitor I had was dying, and ultimately died. Managed to do a job using it alone, and scrounged up enough money in a pinch to get a new monitor.

Just don't get a small one. I've got a 12" one, and it's minuscule. I figured the fact that it had a screen was more important than the size.
Go 17" or bigger so you have some room to work with. Also get a decent stand to go with it. Something that won't move when you draw on it.
If you wanna be cheap, get a laptop stand something like pic related. It doesn't budge an inch, and has plenty of maneuverability for angles.
If its for animation yes, it would not work especially in the feet, you don't have any loops to bend the toes or the bridge
redid the tiles plane & it solved it but dunno why it happened in the 1st place
how do I web 3d?
what's the enterprisest shit?
Can someone "school" me on Daz and using their models in other DCCs? Is it even worth it? Is it scummy? Is it just a glorified character creator?
not useful
It addresses your scumminess question, and they seem to think it's worth it. Good as a base mesh generator
>flipped normals video
they were actually industry pros though, what's wrong with flippednormals?
they suck ass
This is going to sound retarded, but are render speeds different with 2D compared to a 3D scene assuming they're the same resolution?
Also, if you have a 3D models, but you use greasepencil on them and give them a more "toon shader" so there's no complex shading going on is that faster than a straight 3D scene?
I'm only curious because no one ever seems to ask nor does it get answered in any videos about it. I assume that it should be, but I'm not sure how lighting plays into that. Although I'd imagine the 2D/3D question is the same kind of difference as something low poly being rendered compared to something high poly being rendered.
Is it true that I can take someone's model, auto retopo it, change a few proportions on it, and now its my work?
Well I'm not at this step yet, I will add the loops later.
Are horizontal edges not being perfectly parallel to the ground a problem for later?
Should I do the shape of the knee with sculpting or modeling?
Thanks for your answer.
If you aren't making a new character from someone's model, then they would know that you edited it.
when did i mention character? I said any model. How would they know? Its been retopoed and the proportions have changed.
What's the best program for VFX? I don't see a lot of people talk about that angle a lot
The best is a combination of maya and houdini and nuke and katana and something like motionbuilder
How do I get good at making armor and clothing for my characters? I can make the base mashes to an acceptable level (not great though), but I always get stuck on the clothes.
Sculpting them didn't give good results.
Does anyone have any guides or books about this?
I have the same problem. I think the pros use Marvelous Designer
I want to make my models for a video game, and I'm short on money, so I'd rather use something open source, but it seems like nothing really exists.
To solve another problem, from time to time I use ArmorPaint to make materials, since doing that in Blender takes forever.
if you want to make a game, use industry standard tools, not blender and armor paint of all possible thing, roflmao
I really don't care what goyware big companies use
enjoy not even coming close to finishing anything then

lol, the state of armor paint kids
How much do you pay for your prescriptions for Substance Suite, Maya, Marvelous Designer?
I dont subscribe to substance, i have it perpetual through steam. I only use painter and even then, I never use it.

Maya, 1 year of maya indie subscription is one day of work for me.

I dont have marvelous designer
Is getting a Quest 3 for vr game design a good decision? I have a quest 2 but the fresnel optics are terrible so I couldn't really get into it but I hear the Q3 is much better in this regard with the different pancake lenses?
Where can i find models of older female characters?
Preferably "granny" or somewhat elderly characters that have some wrinkles but aren't too ugly and maybe for XPS, MMD or SFM
For some reason, i just can't think of any vidya granny right now
Hi everyone, I asked a question in the CGPEERS thread in regards to where I can find the CG World magazines but I figured that it was the wrong thread to ask in. I’ll ask here instead. Does anybody know where I can download the CGWorld Magazines? They are magazines that cover CG from different anime series in Japan and it’s a monthly magazine. I have most of them downloaded but not the ones that came out in recent years.
Is there such a thing as a... rigged ecorche? That I can move around and see how all the bones and muscles are supposed to be in any given pose. Do I have to download daz or something for that?
if you want to see how the bones should be it should be relatively easy since they are non deforming and parented completely to one joint.

If you want to see how a muscle should be you have to bind the muscle to bone with tendons and then simulate
Nevermind, anon. I was hoping for an ecorche or at least a model with underlying muscle sim you could pose but it seems this isn't really a thing anywhere. After a bit of searching, best you can manage is something like anatomy360 I guess, where you get different preset poses.
Anyone has a cool and complete guide/course/whatever recomendation to make for UVs, textures and textures painting but even on a theoritical level?
> Context
Self taught-fag that mostly learned how to model and sculpt and have not a single clue about UVing and everything related.
Anyone has a guide/resources that shows how to properly place joints/bones for your character. I know it depends on the character but I'm having a hard time defining where each spine bones should be in pic related. Like "chest". Where the fuck it's supposed to end?
Is it okay to post requests for modelling certain things here? I have been struggling to create a certain shape and I've exhausted a lot of generic tutorials without finding an answer.
Just to clarify I'm not asking someone to model and upload for me, just to take a look at the shape, my attempt and to offer some thoughts
Just post it dude.
It's a realistic texture projected/painted on top of a model. You can look at similiar games like Quake 3 Arena or Counter-Strike:Online (or Nexon Zombies), Warcraft 3, older CoD's for refrence. Some games usually make a high poly model then bake the lighting onto the texture then just apply on a lower resolution one or just bake it straight-up directly onto the texture. It's just lighting merged onto a normal texture. Usually it's lighting on the edges like in your picture or points of the face that extrude forward for a pseudo 3D effect like the brow bone, cheeks, etc... Good luck jit ong fr fr no cap
Anyone might know from where does this problem come from?
Joints are moving when I use their panels properties but they don't when I use the gizmo.
beginner, been mostly messing around with the typical beginner stuff. space, cars, guns, donuts, etc. want to get into sculpting though. does anyone here sculpt with a mouse? I have an ancient drawing tablet thing from like 2008 but i don't even know if it still works (or where it is lol), haven't used it in forever. so i guess my questions are as follows:

>can I use a mouse just fine as a hobbyist
>assuming the tablet and pen still works, was the tech back then good enough to still work with today's hardware/software
>if I absolutely have to buy a tablet, what is a good one to get
>can I use a mouse just fine as a hobbyist
No, not really. You can learn the tools, the software, the brushes. But sculpting something that looks good with a mouse is near impossible.
> assuming the tablet and pen still works, was the tech back then good enough to still work with today's hardware/software
Depends if you can find the drivers for it but yeah no reason for it to not work
>if I absolutely have to buy a tablet, what is a good one to get
Depends on your budget. My personal recommendation would be to get a Wacom Intuos Pro. You might never have to change since it does to job perfectly.
I sometimes sculpt with a mouse if I'm too lazy to grab my tablet.
Of course, no professional would sculpt that way, the mouse really sucks compared to a pressure sensitive tablet.
It's definitely a worse experience than using a tablet, and you're much more likely to get pain in your arm/hand and potentially injure yourself, but it's certainly possible to sculpt well with a mouse.
But tablets are so cheap, a basic $50 Wacom or any cheap chinese screenless tablet will be fine and drastically better than a mouse.
shit i completely forgot that pressure/tilt was a thing, im retarded. yeah I'll see if I can find it, pretty sure it supported pressure sensitivity. thanks anons
Why aren't my particles being affected by gravity the way I'm expecting it to? It's supposed to come down slowly the same way snow does, but instead it fucking lashes down like it's being shot out of a cannon regardless what settings I have. It's that fast it doesn't even settle on the surface but instead ricochets off it and out of the scene.
What causes this?
My laptop is dying. Any recommendations of laptops 300-400 range?
Buy a mini pc. Better thermals and expandability than a laptop for the price.
I was thinking maybe getting a steam deck? If I install windows on It and used it for FL studio and blender.
I current laptop has 6 GB of RAM
And A processor, Intel core i3-6100u cpu 2.30ghz, 2304 MHz, 2 core(s) 4 logic processors

So I’m kind of just looking for a relatively cheap laptop, so that I can make low polygon graphics, and work on music on Flstudio.

As long as I can make play station three high-quality graphics in blender I’m probably fine.
I appreciate the help and suggestions.
Thank you in advance.
found it, its an intuos 3. god this thing was so cool back in the day making shitty flash animations and dicking around in photoshop. hope I can get it to work
How do I use a grease pencil draw a line?
Every YT tutorial just paths to trace objects or does some gay unmasking.
Mouse works fine for me
Make a grease pencil stroke object instead of a blank one, so that materials and stuff are set up automatically, go into edit mode for it, delete the verts, then just go into the GP drawing mode and draw.
You could just create an empty GP object and draw that way, but I think you have to set up the materials, so it's just easier to use the "primitive" anyway.
Sounds like an involved process when I write it out in a "retard proof" way, but it's 3s max.
Retard proofing might be failing, but that's still just key frames.

Maybe I expressed myself unclearly, I want the path to draw like writing a letter, not appear instantly like key frames.
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You asked how to draw a line. Not how to make an animation of the line being drawn.
In any case, you want the "Build" modifier on your grease pencil object.
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Posted same question in the /beg/ thread
Looked through the sticky, couldn’t find specifics regarding premade assets
Are there any good websites besides cgtraders and turbosquid for premade assets? Specifically sci fi vehicles?
I’m working on retexturing stuff to see how to render out unlit textures…
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how do you achieve this kind of motion blur that pops up in 90s and early 00s stuff,https://youtu.be/4W1c7vIKdDk?t=467 fps is not capped in this example https://files.catbox.moe/9j1nr8.mkv
How can I turn a red normal map into a lilac purple normal map? I have gimp and paint.net at my disposal
idk exactly what a red normal map is.
If it's bgr instead of rgb then you can reverse the color channels, ez to do in blender and hopefully gimp
If it's a bump map encoded into the red channel of an image then you can run it through a bump node and save the result (also easy in blender)
it looks like left when it should look more like the right, right is obviously a different normal map but the color is the main thing
I'll try messing around with color channels in gimp because I have no clue how to use blender at all and every time I try it just ends with me being frustrated and using a different program
thanks for answering
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forgot the comparison pic because I have brain damage
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How do I into photogrammetry?

I make custom hotwheels for a tabletop game called Gaslands. I also play on tabletop simulator and it'd be cool to scan in my own cars to use. They don't have to be particularly accurate, lower poly count the better.
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how the fuck do I hide/display bones/control rig with a single keyboard shortcut in Blender?
and more important question, how the fuck do I display the control rig in some more human way than this list shit in Outliner? I'm used to displaying everything in a schematic view in nodes but they apparently removed that from Blender many years ago (freefags, amirite), so is there any plugin or way to display all the stuff in the scene with nodes?
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its a stupid question but i swear to god after literal days of searching i cant find out how to make simple criss-crossed quads of grass textures to be used for a game. i know its an outdated method but im doing it with intent.
how do i find and use foliage images/photos with transparent backgrounds (pngs), turn them into meshes (in blender?), and use them in ue5? ive tried everything. youd think something so simple would not deserve a question but i cant find any solutions for some ridiculous reason.
tldr how do i create this source engine styled foliage using blender and ue5? keep in mind im basically retarded, so try to explain step by step to a fucking moron like me.
What do you mean by "criss-crossed quads of grass textures"? I've got no clue what you're asking about.
As for the other method of doing trees/bushes with transparent planes, you can make a few branches (with leaves) by hand, render it out and bring it in as a plane, and use a particle system to instance it on a tree.
Or just use Speedtree since it does this out the box.
You can right click the visibility icon in the bone groups panel and set a shortcut. It works as long as the armature is selected.
can someone link me "the" character modeling tutorial if i want:

>realistic character, no stylized deformed cartoony characters
>kinda low poly (for games), just low poly enough so i can have many characters on screen without lag
>perfect topology/deformations for rigging/animating
>clothing on top of character that works with animations too
>including all fingers also ready for animation

i'm kinda tired of following another tutorial that teaches bad topology...
its basically like a png plastered onto a plane. doesnt have to be a plane, can reduce it to fit the shape of the plant more to reduce overdraw in games but the idea is the same. the criss-cross just refers to placing two of those perpendicular in a cross shape to make it look more 3d when viewed from all angles.
see? i know what it is but i dont even know how to fucking do it. it sucks being retarded.
Rip character models from video games and then try to recreate the techniques while cutting every corner and finding out why all the things in game models are done the way they are
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You mean just clipping 2 planes perpendicularly? What's so hard about it?
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Does anyone know a place with good free rigs for animation? Also all the fbx files I downloaded from sketchfab show up super fucked when I reference them in maya, like the controllers are all gone and the bones are fucked. I have the same file for one of them from gumroad and that works so I assume it's either I'm downloading the wrong files or referencing them wrong. Anyone know what's the issue?
what are some must have plugins for Blender animation? I come from maya and the whole animation interface is so retarded
What are some steps I can take to dumbing down the graphical quality output of Blender to mimic the Source Filmmaker's renders when done right like pic related or the linked animation? Sort of so the program isn't too harsh on my poor man's system while getting the best I can whilst being able to lower the render waiting times.
Pic related is also made in Source Filmmaker. Not by me though.

I'm moving from Source Filmmaker to Blender for a better portfolio.
Asked in the Blender general and I figured I better ask here.
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me again, how do I at least make hidden channels not selectable? what a bizzare UI
Whenever I move the UV of a texture left it moves right on the model. Why is this? Text and things aren't flipped and everything looks right except the positioning seems back to front.
Is it supposed to be this way?
I think this is normal
Fuck sake. If it's supposed to be like that I guess there's not much I can do.
can you post a pic of the problem for clarity?
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Really I would need to post a webm or something and I'm too retarded to do that.
A crude illustration is the best I can do.
I hink its like when you are facing a mirror, what you think is your Left is actually the right in the mirror image
I'll have to plan for that in future then. Thanks.
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what's the proper method for duplicating this type of feature along the surface so it repeats? I want it on every face in rows.
When you move the uvs left, the texture will be further right relative to the uvs
In max I would do something like that with the 'array' tool. Blender prob has something similar.
You can use an array modifier to do rows and circular sets of instances, etc.
For something more complicated (arbitrary faces) you could try some fancy geometry node stuff
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can I get a critique please?

I'm trying to make the transition from 2D to 3D. I can get heads to this point, but after this I can't figure out what to do. How do I take this to a higher level?
I like it, looks like my former boss. If you are reading this, Kevin, I miss you.
By actually hiding them? You think the eyeball button next to the channels is just for some cool Egyptian aesthetics?
Is it the startup file I need to copy to a new version of blender to save me from activating any addons all over again or is it something else?
thats not whats hard. it keeps fucking coming out without transparency when i put it in ue5. cant figure out for the life of me why.
How come SVG Blender imports always have completely random geometry?
Like if I import a symmetric polygon, Blender manages make it non-symmetric.
I'm not super familiar with UE5, but couldn't you change the blending mode somehow? If that's a thing in UE.
Also, you might also be having problems with backface culling. If that's also a thing, try to turn it off for those objects.
Dunno if there's another thread for hardware recommendations, but I'm looking into buying a laptop to run 3DS, Blender and some CAD software.

What do you guys recommend for best VFM?
The red map doesn't contain enough information. It has the same horizontal data in 2 of the channels.

The way a normal map works is it encodes a vector that points in 3 dimensions as black and white color using the RGB channels as stand in for XYZ. The 'red map' here has a copy of the same X data in the GB channels and nonsense looking Z data in the R channel.
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Here's a explanation of what you want and why.
What is the best way to animate a cape I dont want to use cloth sim I want something that gives me enough control and something simple to make a nice loop an idea I thought I could do would be use 3 curves with 3 points and each and animate the points but I cant get that to work right any suggestions?
>What is the best way to animate a cape
The best way IS a cloth sim. Other than that, yeah do weird shit. If you say why your solution isn't working, perhaps someone can tell you what you're doing wrong.
When are you supposed to use FK leg? When IK leg?
Ultimately optional case-by-case. but IK is typically employed whenever the character is in contact with surfaces and the limb has to compress between the contact and it's own mass, FK in turns looks more natural and free flowing when the character isn't in contact, acrobatics, swimming, aerial movement etc.

A mixture of both with the ability to softly blend between IK and FK is typical on quality rigs so it can offer the best of both worlds on demand.
This is typically achieved by things like having a set of 'ghost limbs' with IK that the characters actual limbs that's otherwise FK can be smoothly slaved thru follow by a slider/spinner etc.
to expand a bit; using 'IK as FK' is ill advised since it tend to produce linear unnatural looking motion that is difficult to correct for free swinging limbs that should have very curved pendulum like movement much more easily achieved animated in FK.

If a character is sprinting for example you would ideally wanna blend from FK to IK so it's IK thru the planted part of the step but goes FK once you roll off the foot and naturally swing the leg forward freely for the next contact.
I cant get the points of the curve to rig correctly with armature/blend with static part of cape mesh.
>The best way IS a cloth sim.
From the test I've done not when trying to imitate traditional animation, loop for a static shot, and have consistent feedback and replication that doesn't require constant dicking around with.
Im trying to achieve this kind of vibe using the wave and circle principle which I cant find an example of Felix Colgrave had an example of it on his twitter a long time ago Moho 14 has a similar thing built into.
Is it possible to change the size of text in blender without changing the size of the overall interface? I mean the text for things like the edge length or the area or whatever.
I don't sit too close to my monitor but the text is so fucking small I have to constantly go up to it to see what it says. Obviously zooming in just lets you see the model in more detail while the text stays the same size. I know you can change the color but even that only helps to some extent. It seems weird if you can change the vert size, so they're easier to see, but not the text.
I think that's something that was just added to 4.1. Whether or not that's enough justification to use that "update" is up to you.
That's typical. I only updated to 4.0 today and seen everyone complaining about 4.1 so I'm just going to stick with 4.0. I don't think that is a big enough justification for all of the alleged problems that come with 4.1. I've lasted this long with it so I'll just have to persevere.
Thanks anyway.
>watch any blender tutorial on making a landscape
>"plane, noise, displacement"
okay but what I already had the broad strokes of a specific landscape (shape of coastline, location of geographic features, etc) and just want to get a similar level of randomized detail?
Grab the displacement from your landscape as an exr or other format, toss it into Gaea and run some erosion on it then export it back out.
How come transparent Blender vids take so much space?
Like I rendered just text fading for 30 sec, rendered it quick time mov, and it takes like 100 mb
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So, I recently got a 3d printer to print some minis for tabletop games, like you do. I've got the printer itself sorted out, but I'm having some trouble with one of the models.

I got a STL file for a cool looking model that I want to print, but the model as its designed is much larger than the scale that I need it for. Its 180mm tall and all I need it for is like 40mm tall. No problem, just scale it down, right? You can even do that in a slicer no problem, no 3d modeling programs needed.

That *technically* works, but the resulting mini has 2 big problems when printed: the detail work designed for a much larger figure gets so small and shallow as to be erased during printing, and multiple parts of the mini (cape, swords, etc) get dangerously thin and brittle. For things like the sword blade and the cape I guess the best I can do is to just thicken those up to a reasonable degree, but the detailing (which was one of the things that drew me to this model in the first place) is a much more difficult proposition.

How can I possibly exaggerate these details such that when printed at a small scale its still pronounced enough to be noticeable? I have no blender experience, but from the last couple of days of looking around at tutorials and such I haven't seen anything yet that would help me with this that isn't "spend the next 3-5 years learning blender and re-make the model from scratch".

Any advice in how you might approach this sort of project, resizing something smaller while preserving detail for printing, would be greatly appreciated.
File format + another color channel (alpha) to save. Granted, the alpha channel probably isn't that heavy since it's grayscale, but I think the file formats that you need to save in to make a transparent video aren't as efficient as others. Quicktime for sure.
Why not just render it out to images?

Could be absolutely, and completely fucked, but maybe you can bake out a displacement map from the original, then use that displacement map on a duplicate with the displacement modifier and crank it up. Like I said though, results would probably be fucked.
> but maybe you can bake out a displacement map from the original, then use that displacement map on a duplicate with the displacement modifier and crank it up.

I'll look into it. Thanks, anon!
>Have model
>Mark seam because the two different sides of the model have two different materials
>Select a face on one side of the seam
>Press L
>Selects all of the faces on that side of the seam just as I wanted
>Works like it always does
>Deselect everything while I do some other shit
>Select face again
>Press L
>Completely ignores the seam and selects every face of the model

What's the cause of this? It's much easier using a seam than separating everything to new objects which is why I prefer doing it.
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Can I actually make walking cycle with this rig?
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First attempt, I guess it could be worse
with everything the way it is in the current climate is it safe to make textures for adult anatomy studies in ad*be photoshop and ad*be substance painter or is the only safe way to do it procedurally in shader in DCC and dodge ad*be?
Me when I tell a hot girl I like her head instead of saying I like her hair and she stares back blankly
That's cool but you won't know the definition of worse until you've tried Blender's NLA editor.
I'm not a very good student but my parents are still paying my university and being very kind and understanding about it so I'm looking for a way to earn some money so my education could be a bit less of a financial burden to them. Should I become a 3D artist? I have plenty of free time to learn and I can draw if it helps, I've tried sculpting in Blender and it's quite fun.
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anyone know what software this is? it looks like blender but ive never seen those kinds of rigging controls before

it's from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mULgarPJqvk
When making a model for an already existing character, would you say it's more important to imitate the original art style or use your own
Depends how old the existing model is. If the existing model was clearly constrained by the graphical limits of its time, an updated version is very reasonable because you can effectively make how the character was 'meant' to look to some meaningful degree.

But for a character whose design is heavily stylized, or so recent and high-def as to not be constrained by graphical limitations, you already know how the character is supposed to look and thats it. For example, TF2 characters don't look like real people. They are very stylized cartoons. If you change the style of the character, you very quickly risk ending up with something that is no longer that character. Instead at best you have a weird knockoff, or the equivalent of someone cosplaying that character in model form.
Is it possible to do "set piece" type things with 3D in the same way that you can with 2D shots? Or even similar types of commission work? Most people I see posting 3D stuff either only post raw assets that they're selling or animations with zero in between
What do you mean by "set piece"? Like environments with animations or something?
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Hey friends, anyone have tips on how I should unwrap this spherical body so the marked faces aren't distorted? I guess I could just do "unwrap from view" like I did for the face/front, but what's a general good way to do this stuff?
unwrap with real uv tools
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does anyone have or know where I can get extremely high quality textures of mileena
from mortal kombat X
ask /vg/
Looking at your texture, it doesn't really look like it matters if it's distorted or not. I can't see what the texture on your model looks like since it's got the selected overlay, but I really doubt it matters if they're just flat colors. In which case, you don't even need to unwrap them at all. You could just scale the areas on the UV to zero and put them on a single colored pixel.
I'm pretty sure a higher grade Elegoo could handle that print with the right settings and supports. Given the ground clearance you'd need quite a lot though
the thing is now I want to draw in some details and the distortion is kind of obvious.
do a spherical unwrap on those faces
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Might be a retarded question but I'll ask anyway. I'm really in the mood to try animating some anime anime girls doing silly dances.
What software do people usually use for that sort of thing? Blender? MMD?
Should I buy a 4070 ti super for rendering or wait for 5000 series?
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How can I make my textures more pixelly? I was going for a PSP painted texture feel, but people are nostalgic for Mega-Man Ledgends, not Megaman Maverick Hunter X.
How is the black Shadow effect on the nose achieved on this model?
It doesn't appear to be attached to a camera but its switching side unrelated to the rotating empty and only when the view is facing it.
Yes. It's perfectly safe to make porn stuff in jewdobe software. They can't stop you. You're just another $ to them. As long as you keep lining their pockets, they'll keep blowing their shareholders under the table.
Unless of course you're using 3d Coat to make porn textures. Then you're going to hell. Not because it's that bad a software for the task, but because their EULA says you will.
use a pixel brush.
lower render settings in arnold renderer.
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Nice. Well, now I'm figuring out baked lighting. Should have done this sooner. I used an Ambient Occlusion map to get more natural shades. It makes it easier to apply shadows and light to my textures.
noob question but how do I make this spinny character thing with all the info at the top?
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I forgot how to make a turntable in Maya when I made that gif, but under the Animation set, go to Visualize > Create Turntable.

What I did is I used GifCam and rotated the object while it was recording, then deleted unnecessary frames.

For the data on the top left of the view port, just go to Show>HUD.
>I've been downloading a few models from my favourite games to study, i found kratos on deviantart and was studying it earlier, I wanted to download Thor for the unique body type but I literally cannot find his model anywhere, does anyone have it on hand or know where I could get it? I have a shit ton of models so feel free to ask if your looking for something yourself, and I may have it, if All else fails im just going to figure out how to rip it myself
Who are you quoting?
Nobody, it was an accident sorry, I want the Thor model
So I'm trying to make a sword as seen in the reference image, but I am beginning to wonder if there was a better way to do the pommel. Any suggestions?
Why aren't you doing it as a cylinder?
Or at the very least make the profile with an edge and spin/screw it.
nta, but
>doing it as a cylinder
do not liek
>make the profile with an edge and spin/screw it
I liek
>I liek
I really don't get enough opportunities to do that shit, so I try to do it every now and again. It's really fun just grabbing a corner or something at the end of a mesh and spinning it to make some neat curves.
That being said, the "workflow" of making a profile and spinning it is fucking ancient. I remember that's how I first learned that stuff, and it was making "vases" that I was never gonna use for anything.
I learned that legit 10+ years ago, pretty much haven't touched cgi since
Yeah, I first fucked around with spinning back in 2008-09 or thereabouts.
Back when I was trudging through 2.49b by following the online documentation. I remember being so proud for making a snowman.
I wish I still had my old shit from back then. But I posted it all on MySpace and we all know how that went.
Coomer with some fetishes that don't exist in real life here, and there is very little of it available in comic/image/video form either.

If I wanted to produce porn of it, maybe start off with some 3d comics first and then possibly transition to short videos later on. Whats the process like?

Is stuff like Daz any good, or should I suck it up and grind out blender tutorials and do everything from scratch? Should I be learning one software for sculpting, another for rigging/animating etc?

I'd just like to know what a typical workflow is and then I can get started learning.
>Whats the process like?
Choose a 3d modeling program, then learn how to model things in it. From there, making videos is as simple as rigging/animating them (Note: This is not simple or easy) but if you just want to do 3D comics then you could probably stick to posing models that you make. Depending on the fetish I think the real difficulty will be texture painting. It's hard to make something realistic look appealing in 3D, especially humans. Or if your fetish is mostly /h/ material, good luck getting that 2D, two-tone shading style in a 3D engine that tries to simulate realistic lighting

>Is stuff like Daz any good
That depends on your taste but I find it horrendous. On the other hand it's probably a lot easier. Only you can answer the question of "Do I want to learn an entire skillset from scratch for porn or only part of it".

>I'd just like to know what a typical workflow is and then I can get started learning
Generally the workflow is something like Block Out->Body Sculpt->Sculpt the face, hair, and fine details->Retopologize (You can automate this step)->Rig the model->Model clothing/accessories->Add textures->Pose model->Clean up

There's a tutorial on Youtube for Blender that I saw that went through the process of making/posing a character from scratch, you could probably start there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2_uiUEcY7w&list=PLe0O-ypJqvKw6meu68TlU0_motrjcnrva
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Do you think anyone would be interested in watching history animation that look like this?
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im losing my mind trying to fix the topology on the circled points on this helmet
no matter what I do it creates a small bump on that point and you can see the mesh post subdivision gets messed up.
I tried beweling, I tried doing the chair tutorial thing, creasing, etc.
nothing works.
anyone have any ideas
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First attempt sculping low poly woman. Posting it here if by chance someone finds its badness amusing.
I just don't understand breast shape.
Probably, if it's part of some YT shorts thing or something. I do think that ship has long since sailed with shit like Kurzgegat or whatever.
>I do think that ship has long since sailed with shit like Kurzgegat or whatever.
What do two 2D animation have to do with this?

I'm unaware of history channels that do 3D animation, and few that do just use some total war footage.
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Playing around with Mayas Arnold Lighting. I learned a few things.
Enable Matte on an AI Standard Surface shader, then set the color to your models texture and it will have the AI Standard act as an AI Flat texture. Emmision works in a similar way. Change the color to the models texture, then crank up the Emmision and it will appear as an AI Flat.
I however am trying to work with dynamic lighting, so I can't alway have my mesh be flat lit. but now I'm encountering another problem. Arnold has a lot of grain and noise if its on low settings, and low settings is what I need since this is done on my laptop, not a high end desktop. Takes to much time.

I'm using Maya2019, I hear Maya 2023 has a noise reducer in Arnolds renderview. I'd like to try that out and see if this solves my issue without having to crank up the settings.
Looks like a clay idol they'd dig up at an archeological site. Real talk though boobs are pretty simple, they're just drooping sacks of fat. Something that might help is getting two balloons, filling them with water so they fill your hand, and hanging them via string around your neck so they rest on your upper pectorals. Should give you a feel for how they fall on the human form. They don't splay completely out to the sides though, pectoral muscles and collagen give them a mostly coherent shape unless the woman is flat on her back, and even then they kind of rest on her upper pectorals unless she's both huge (More than DD cup) and old.
That looks like a channel that I have seen come up a few times, HOOG oor HOG or something like that.

I'm not clear on what makes a youtube channel good, much of them seem to basically just regurgitate Wikipedia and they still do quite well for themselves, then there are channels that would be improved if they actually did that.

I think much of it would depend on the rest of the video, your presentation, subject matter, narration etc.
I'm assuming you're making animations going over significant historical events, and narrating over them like "in the year x, y did z".
2d or 3d makes no difference. It's a tapped market.
>It's a taped market.

You would think so, given how many channels there are that do it. But very few actually seem to know what they are talking about beyond a surface level. There is a lot they miss or ignore and many subjects they don't touch, there is also a lot they get wrong or misinterpret.
So their are many gaps in the market that could be capitalized on.

But also, many of those channels seem to do the exact same thing and about the exact same subjects. Yet they are still successful.
History videos are entertainment, so watching two channels make a video about the same subject delivers a completely different experience.
Ideally, I'd want to do something a bit different, maybe focus on storytelling and focus on drama. Dunno, if that would be cringe.

>It's a tapped market.
Everything is tapped market if you group them in a wide group, but history vids fall into different sub-niches.
I forgot a crucial bit of info.
On the main menu bar.
Display>Heads Up Display>Poly Count
Yep, that a bit similar. They have a nice channel.
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Think this an improvement, but I doubt if I it's usable, mesh is no are no longer symmetric because I decimated it.
any texture painting software that lets me paint across materials? thinking specifically for getting rid of texture seams between the neck and body when doing "headhacks".

i use blender for the modelling but as far as i know it doesnt do painting across materials
Is there any option to stop a new added object from going into the last selected collection? It's not a problem usually but if you have a few collections that you're flicking between then it becomes a chore to have to narrow it down and remove it from the collection.
Use some reference images to get the proportions right.
Either images (parent them to your camera) or on an extra monitor or window.
What's wrong with proportions? It's seven heads long.
How do I merge multiple vertex groups in Blender? Like more than just two. I thought I could just combine groups one at a time with the Vertex Weight Mix modifier, but not everything gets transferred. Is there another way to do it?
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>Fallout 4 uses greenish yellow normal maps
...Why? I thought normal maps are only light purple. Do yellow normal maps have anything more to offer? Also some objects in the game have lights on them without having glow maps. How is that possible?
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I am trying to add a metallic property to this custom cel shader... but I have no clue where or how to add it, I recently added the emissive property, anyone?
It's a different encoding of vectors into rgb channels.
Apart from that eyes are more sensitive in the red/green region and many texture compression algorithms take advantage of that.
Encoding normal maps this way lets them use the same compression algorithm for normal maps.
where's the 3D printing thread at? I'm looking for resin slicer recommendations and I want to hear that there's something better than chitu/lychee
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Is there a way to snap rotate the camera to the side or to the top/bottom in substance painter?
Metallic on this level might just be coloring the specular highlights. I'd use a color mix node, experiment with blending modes and fade in the normalized albedo value into the glossy color.
>>>/diy/ have a 3D printing general.
Beginner in Maya. UVs just aren't clicking for me. I don't get it. Is there any explanation other than "my model/topology is shit" to explain why my UVs curve and stretch so much even on not particularly crazy surfaces? I have to put so many cuts in until I'm working with dozens of little pieces like a goddamn jigsaw, which can't be correct when I see other people's UVs.

Like, what the fuck is going on in pic related?
try pressing "auto seams" and then unfolding
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was it this board or was it somewhere else that i saw that there was a website for orthographic or mostly orthographic reference images? i swear i saw that there was a site dedicated to this but i can't for the life of me find it again

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