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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
Least newfag /3/ poster
薬を飲め! 日本人専用の3DCGチュートリアルなんかないよ。
It is mandatory for everyone who makes 3d models for games to master lowpoly
I wish read ;(
Dude, we've known about this stuff for years. It's only surfacing now due to YouTube trends if I had to guess.
You have no clue what you are talking about
Wait I got baited into a cris thread, kill me
There is nothing different about topology between east and west.
What's going on there is how in japan a certain look of simple shapes that can be easily mimicked without
extraordinary proficiency and talent has become standardized.

Western artists tend to favor individuality and everyone is encouraged to find their own expression where as in japan everyone is
incentivized to do the commercially successful one so they just keep refining the weeb look.

Because of how many people exist within japan that wish to do art that looks just like any random person did it you can sell
how to build manga face ABC123 tutorials and have a huge audience for it.

It's prob not translated so much to us here in the west because when we do it we're weebs in the eyes of other westerns but we're also
weebs in the eyes of the japanese because they are very racist over there and when a filthy gaijin do J-art it's almost universally
frowned upon because of how it's like us engaging in a form of 'cultural appropriation'.
As a general rule, if his own containment thread isn't on the front page, it means he escaped and you should threat all new threads with extreme prejudice.
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They're incentivized commercially, but they are very communal. Someone figures it out on their office floor, then passes it around the office. There is likely a few tutorials, but most of it is going to be taught to everyone right then and there, then they move on. You're not going to see much communal flow of information here in the US because as you said, we are very individualistic. Everyone is out for themselves. Sharing of information will only happen if there is a buck to be made, either youtube or selling courses on the subject. here on /3, I feel I have to be an FBI agent torturing you guys for information to figure anything only to get 7 post of "dumbass pos" to 1 solid piece of advice since this place is open to random trolls.

Anyways, OPs image is retarded. The low poly image on the right is used for when the camera zooms out.
I initially started out modelling and sculpting high poly stuff before moving over to low poly stuff targeting a more 1990s/early 2000s video game look as far as density and complexity goes, the transition was surprisingly enjoyable. It's like papercraft almost. You can focus more on making thing(s) instead of just "how to make thing" and produce way more assets.
Also, it's a really good exercise in optimization. There's something so god damn satisfying about maintaining good topology whilst also making sure no polygon is wasted. You can also cheat and get a low poly look whilst using more polygons to get better shading as long as the look is still generally maintained.
Did you have any resource on this? They do look satisfying to look at but I don't know how
Download old models and learn from them
forced sovl
BlenderGuru's doughnut guide is high polly tho
>japan is so good at the things I want to be good at because they're racist bugs
In reality japan is baseline at everything but americans are too busy destroying everything over identity politics and europeans exported their manufacturing instead of exporting products so now there isn't any other place on earth that's even alright at literally anything. Japan is literally just
>actual domestic market from resources to manufacturing to consumers
>mindset of just making that as good as possible instead of trying to fuck everyone else over
Of course even their polygons are superior to yours.
What point are you trying to make?
Most people don't start off with lowpolly.
When I started 3d i learned to box model, which definitely was low poly.
just hit the retopo button in zbrush a bunch of times you fucking monogloids it's not even an arform

oooo I did it I'm yellow now I'm a little japanese man I'm a SAVANT i'm a genus. eat my shit trump 2024
Are you ok anon? You seem in distress
Do it with this model: https://3d.si.edu/object/3d/1903-wright-flyer%3Ad8c62e5e-4ebc-11ea-b77f-2e728ce88125

I know you can’t because the scanner messed it up and become impossible to use it.
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same way they mastered pixel art:
by being a country of obsessed pedos
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It's all in the texture
Why is it so hard to find lowpoly mannequin rigged?
Every time I find sometimes it's either:
>under price tag
>actually has 50,000 faces (but is still described as"low poly")
>actually has 50,000 faces (but is still described as"low poly")
Lowpoly generally means anything that's not a sculpt
wtf no, thats not what it should mean
even sculpts are generally retopod, does that mean they are then turned "lowpoly" ?
This and a lot of planning.
I think old MGS games are the gold standard, all the models are low with triangles, but the shapes are so well thought of and the texture work is so impecable, that you cant notice how simple they are.
Also, good rigging.
I really need to learn how to draw if I'm going to make good textures for my models, huh
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japs like loli, few polygons needed
>薬を飲め! 日本人専用の3DCGチュートリアルなんかないよ。
TL: Take your medicine! There are no 3DCG tutorials specifically for Japanese people.
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>they literally have a book explicitly on the topic
why would you come in here in lie like that, aniki?
Is there a term for that specific level of low poly? Even a jap-only one?
"Lowpoly" cover everything from 256 to 20k and that's a damn pain when looking for something specific.
probably easiest to specify an upper limit along with low poly. 256 Low Poly, 2k Low Poly, etc etc.
at least that's how I would do it, seems the simplest solution.
Maybe it's time we stop the persecution.
>Be good at art

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