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"Snoup" edition.

*Limited futa and A.I., just don't spam it.
**No aliens at level 2 or below, refer to the chart in the imgur link (Replace when needed.)**
>Recent Stories:
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Mycelial Bonds (complete)
Bug in the Stars (in progress)
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>Smut list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ZTFvrLMY1OnNzxhU0p2UhL1wYmRgOoAjmOzkq8z_gQ/edit?usp=sharing (Needs to be updated)
>Game:http://teraurge.blogspot.com/?zx=e9ef98831783e9e6 (V3 Never Ever.)
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>Previous thread: >>8102044
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had me worried there xenobros
>for aliens bigger than us the real danger is cute aggression

I think that's a good catch on going too hard on the shadows accentuating the wrinkles of the hand too much. definitely overdid that.

Currently playing with both the dino and molluscoid designs, might post sketch stuff later

Good stuff man, yeah I'll keep posting feedback as I go through chapters, interested to see how the character growth turns out.
>Chapt 3
>soaked into the shirt covering her voluminous breasts
This could be a personal taste thing but these descriptors, especially when done so immediately in a character's introduction always feel too... obvious? Admittedly this is intended in the end to be a romantic/sexual story but these things, especially when occurring early on feel like telling not showing. I think a more subtle build is key here to MC noticing her attractive features

A second part of this would be design/bio wise, Vipers snitties wouldn't protrude out so much, they don't really attach to the body in the same way as breasts do (See attached image I tried to sketch up to show what I mean) Since its really just an expansion of the pectoral muscle as it covers a venom organ. This could also help contrast body shape with the sectoid more as well?

the surprising amount of care Tay gives to such a menial job is a good bit a character building, lotta potential theret with her backstory. Interested to see how you expand on it!
Guessing military wound treatment experience with the way she was handling the grease burn?

Man really like the way the tail is drawn in that, probably gonna integrate something like it into a future design
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Just realized I didn-t do the ears :/
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From a thread on /x/
>I remember reading one where a woman abductee was having a shitty day and was pissed off doing laundry when three greys come walking out of a portal in the laundry room. she's so fed up that she grabs the middle one by the throat and feels a pop. it's head rolls to the side, the other greys eyes get bigger (she said that was the only time she ever saw them display emotion) and they pick up the broken necked grey and back into the portal.

Lol what if she fugged him instead of murdering him?
the pic is still cute and that one is nice
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Not my art but another artist's interpretation of my ayys
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Inspiring this, which is fun
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Working on that cuddling request. Work demands I come in early again. Otherwise, I'd like to keep working on it tonight, so have this for now.
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very cool. are they cyborgs? or an ai race using biological parts? something else? I am very curious and would love to hear a bit about them.
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>Since its really just an expansion of the pectoral muscle as it covers a venom organ
>He actually bought the venom sacs meme
Vipers have human DNA and human features. There's no reason to limit rounded breasts to mammals when snitties are on the table.
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Made another hands themed thing from the discussions last thread

almost looks like the centaur from turbo overkill

Not a meme, its canon, and aside from that, you still get a structure that has the shapely appeal of breasts but that has a better biological justification and doesn't seem as contrived or uninspired as just stapling tits on an alien. You literally are getting the best of both worlds here
Imagine: viper chiropractors
>(they are aware it's not real medicine, but the humans insist since they're so good at popping stiff joins via constriction)
Snekwife could be cracking your back, giving you a hug, and separating your arms, all at the same time!
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>are they cyborgs?
Yeah, sorta. Think a special kind of soldier ayy post-mortem. They normally look this way
So how are you all dealing with 3.0 never ever bros?
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>Not a meme, its canon
There is no canon with viper breasts outside of what Firaxis says it is, i.e. nothing. The next best thing is concept art and source material, which is also pure speculation.

>the shapely appeal of breasts
Snitties are snitties, of any shape and any size. I can appreciate both the top and bottom of your illustration, but the top sketch isn't exactly what I'd call shapely. It looks a bit too rigid with your use of straight lines, almost able to be confused as a pectoral muscle with no clear indication where the top or bottom of the breast begins.

>better biological justification
Excerpt from Dr. Tynan on Vipers from the in-game autopsy: "Still, the underlying physiology is remarkably similar to a number of terrestrial species- including the venom sacks."

Real snakes have venom sacs below and behind their eyes, which would be a more appropriate explanation for Vipers. Not to mention that the Viper King, a male of the species, also spits fluid while being completely flat. The Adders in Chimera squad are flat and female, yet still utilize venom in their attacks.

>contrived or uninspired as just stapling tits on an alien
Read the lore, it's all part of the elders plan. They knew mankind better than we were willing to admit for ourselves, who try to justify their love of snitties by looking for excuses when the truth is starting right into their eyes.
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Does xenomorph have pusspuss?
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only one way to find out
MD is still working on it.
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R8 my new ayy waifu :3
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>The fridge horror
I never considered that being a possibility. While a lot of friendly animals usually know how to handle their strength, pray the ayys don't have weird psychological quirks like that, kek. Nice snek tits btw, though I really do appreciate (and prefer) the way you draw them normally.
Good stuff capra-anon. Nice, soft, and plump looking. Fun position, too (btw, I looked DX.) Also, I didn't notice either! She looks good with or without ears.
Best of wishes at work, the sketch is shaping up to be pretty good so far. I like the faces, well structured for both of them and the expressions done on them look just right. Hope the requester will be happy with the end result.
Really good stuff here, Teng! The fluids looks really goopy and thick this time and the hand is an even better improvement than the last. It's a great poster, too, looks like a fun spoof of space porn ad, love that shit. Instant save for me.
I know I'm trying to save my comments for the other site, but I really like how this lite and breezy summer-ware fits on this ayy. Good color choice, too. Fits the summer theme and is a good contrast from the skin. (Btw, another anon was hoping for an invite late last thread. Would be kind enough to grab a small one later in the week?)
Is this a shapeshifting ayy that goes from space-babe to more extreme forms? Either way, nice designs. Interesting take on a gray in the second form and the more insectoid one is pleasing enough, too (the headcrest with eyes is cool.)
>New page
Sorry this had to come a day late, this page got really involved and I needed to delay posting it for quality control. Hope the wait was worth it (if not, tell me what I fucked up.) The next page should be the last sfw image, so cheers to those who were waiting.
I've never played the game nor do I have any particular interest in doing so. So I've been doing pretty good.
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>Is this a shapeshifting ayy that goes from space-babe to more extreme forms?
She's a grey clone drone that was experimented on by her progenitor, the original spliced human and unknown insectoid DNA into her. That insectoid form is just a biosuit, the gems on her head let her control the robots on her ship.
My bad, given the name and how her limbs match her suit, I thought otherwise. I guess her namesake makes more sense now. And a biosuit/clone combo is neat, too. If one is made for the other, it keeps that bioengineered theme she has consistent.
Is this cover art?
Pressing X really hard right now friendo.
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still holding out hope

but for every month that goes by without so much as a blog update, my remaining optimism dwindles slightly more
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By sitting in MDs private discord and delaying it further by playing games with him
What's with the exorcism?
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Definitely interested to see more creative centaur body type clothing designs

Turns out you're right on the canon part, could have sworn Tygan had said something but guess i misremembered, what he says is much more vague

I still just overall prefer said design, to each their own. Plus it allows for fun little interspecies biological misunderstandings like this pic from ages ago

Always a fan of prehensile cooters

adding cute aggression incident onto the long list of shit to draw, just have to decide what species to be committing it....

Thanks! Working on using lower opacity directional strokes to get shape and volume across a bit

Comic's coming along great! Species unique little sounds like trilling always good. Good sense of movement in the top panel.
>fiction flesh
what does this mean?
I will say in the second panel I'm not sure what/where the background is supposed to be. The Blue of the text from their friends there also doesn't contrast well with the background, might be better to change the backgrounds colors to something for that panel that will make the text pop out more. Its a blueish color on top of similarly blue-gray colors of similar value.
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Has he still been doing weekly streams? His twitter hasn't been updated in a while.

Based fellow miggles enjoyers.
He still does streams but not weekly. The streams are mostly just random xeno art and rarely Teraurge related
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Thanks as always, anon. It was nice to finally illustrate the most fun bit of the sfw part.
>cute aggression pic
I'd like to see how that goes. And no problem, I see lowering the opacity is helping to blend the lighting better.
>The page
Also, thank you! I hope that the whole thing will be as well received when its finished. I'm real happy you're noting the trilling and the movement, too, that netting scene was a bitch to make. As for the second panel, it's place further under the roof of picrel. I tried to not overload with it too much detail, but to the right are some personal movie booths. While I couldn't change the colors of the background for continuity's sake, I tried to make the speech bubble pop out more in an edit (which should be on the site now, too.)
I hope that makes it more readable. Thanks again for the feedback, that one flew right over my head yesterday.
>to give fiction flesh
Similar to terms like "fleshing out" and "bringing to life", basically, some humans invest a lot of money into their media (cgi and props being a good example.) While most of the dialogue seems to be landing well here, I appreciate the oversight, I want it to be as good as I can make it, under my initial vision. If anybody also has any problems with readability or understanding the alien lingo, let me know, I'll see what I can do. If push comes to shove, I might have to make a little glossary at the end (worst case scenario.)
and when he said the he was surprised she did not rent a room and jump him that she was tempted to do it right there to lewd him or to just jump onto his back.
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The lewd kind of jumping, that's basically how they hooked up in the first place. Jiro wanted a proper date in picrel, but if Reenma wants to break tradition a little, he's down for it.
while i understand that Legion somewhat 'suffered from success' with his wurae art, and wants to draw other things, i must admit i do miss his frequent lenni pieces
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lenni is good
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She was good, until she was bimbofied
Testing out head/mouth and skin texture ideas for the molluscoid. also some sort of under the skin tentacle appendages to try going a different route from the usual suckers. feedback as always appreciated.

Also if people have suggestions for what ayy to be committing "Cute aggression" taking suggestions. probably nixing Xenomorph/Predator since there's always a ton of art of those anyway.

ahhh gotcha, maybe some contextual signage in the BG could held indicate what those booths are? the text does stick out much better in the new version

Instead of a glossary you could also do what some authors, namely Pratchett do, just have footnotes. Have an asterisk(s) by unusual idioms and then in the bottom margins you can have matching asterisk(s) to give context and explanation

Does he complain about that or something? There's nothing stopping him from drawing whatever he wants.
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they had to have known what they were doing with that model
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>>8155249 >>8155264
I like when he draws different wurae alongside the usual lenni stuff, Legion's good at depicting different body types and designs for them. Plus, there's less of a chance of one character becoming too stale for either him or his audience.
Footnotes would be nice if I had the page space (If I make the pages any bigger, they'd probably go past the upload limit.) Glossary would probably be the best solution if this becomes a big enough problem.
On other note, I'd say this design has gotten even better. I'm a big fan of the color combo, dark monochrome always looks cool and the new eyes goes hard with it, too. Better looking face in my opinion, too. Something to focus on without taking away the alien-ness with the mouth on the bottom. This design is really shaping up, I think you hit the sweet spot with this one.
I've heard dbd has a history of sexualizing its monster designs, but the xeno queen's design does look like they went the extra mile with it. Could've just miniaturized the og design if they really wanted to, they've made weirder designs before.
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yeah early 2020's lenni was peak, as soon as he gave her bimbo lips and deer legs I started checking out
nah he didn't complain afaik, he was just putting a limit on himself because he recognized he was drawing her like a LOT and liked doing so, but he wasn't really drawing much else and getting a little burnt iirc
im probably misremembering and/or misinterpreting but point being legion's a cool dude and i like the vast majority of his art
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Anyone have that picture with the guy talking about omniceptives?
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desuarchive is useful.
need this image but with turian wife
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based fetish meets based fetish
very cute image OP
I'm looking forward to when you're finish <3 <3
Teng here, currently squirrelbrained myself and have way too many things half done, so at some point, maybe late this weekend will have content to dump

in the meantime, still need suggestions for what species to draw committing cute aggression
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how about a skag?
This one
I second: >>8162541
one of these? >>8152962, >>8156004, >>8160042
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>"Umm, ACKSHUALLY you can't fetishize our speeshies, espeshially our qwueen beecause she'z a hardworking lady that is not a 'MILF' and is in fact our feminist QWEEN that has been oppressed by human corporashuns and militariez. Humans aren't even compatible no matter how many videos or pictures you can show. Please shtop!"
>betray your species
Y'all motherfuckers are really pushing it, for real.
>Motherfucker, your parasitic ilk is compatible with everything that has a mouth for facefucker to latch onto
>from common household dogs, to humans, to horses, through silverbacks, loop at big cats at zoo, and ending with probably some sea mammals like whales and dolphins.
>Shut your fucking mouth and shut the little mouth, too, you are compatible with everything that has jaws, and that's a fact.
>I am 100% sure you are even compatible with yourself, it just doesn't happen because net gain for your population is zero if that were to happen
If experience has taught me anything, these bitches would be hyper imperialist guardsmen/starship trooper/helldiver turned giga-simps the moment some vaguely feminine ayy shows interest.
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big aggressively affectionate keht girls >>8146091
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Tyranid Genestealer?
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first date with a xeno and you have to order for her since she doesn't know about human food. what's the best food for earth newcomers?
burger :)
So what would that follow? Pokemon rules where the kid is always the mothers species or something else?
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Wish you fellas a happy alien day.
Depends on the xeno, duh.

I would go for something that is similar to what they might have at home but alien at the same time. Like, they are obligate carnivores? Foie gras. Ominivores like us? If so what are their staples, more grains or legumes? Fish or meat? Maybe a risoto with fresh veggies and a steak or a seared tuna and a salad.
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Helldivers 2 is my game of the year.
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Fuck you Stickler that wont stop me.
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hello xenobros, I am once again taking (YOU)r requests
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Request John carrying shyni on his shoulders with her experiencing what it feels like to be tall.
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Amygdala begging to be impregnanted. Or another great one of your choice if you don't like amygdala.
Turian in a maid outfit
which thread we maining?
I like snake with snoup, so I'll be bumping this one.
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xenomorph GF released her sexual frustration on too anon
nice arguments, unfortunately I had sexual intercourse with your father
John Teraurge the mighty! Thanks for the request fill.
Reverse of picrel.
Scott is princess carrying Vetra (trying to), with a visible struggling, but with a genuine happiness on her face.
StarCraft marine and his Protoss zealot gf
Anyone knows the artist for OP's pic? Looks very familiar but I cant put my finger on it.
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Feels like Vstlm.
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It's from an artist in the unofficial TU server(aka:idk/meow).
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it's not 1:1 but I hope you like it anyway anon
Abdomussy is perfectly acceptable.
Hard to keep track of new stuff between threads, but very good shit, anon. Nice titanic reference and I like how Shyni's hair has some real volume to it (good flowing movement in it as well.) Plus, I really like your take on the amygdala, too. Easier on the eyes, but *really* faithful. Good job tackling that design (chef's kiss on the ovipussy, too. That drip is great.)
very cute, also I like the head design, almost knight's helmet-like
>He's never heard of Shyni before.
Check the OP links for Teraurge, she's got some nice content in that vn (albeit, an unfinished one.)
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Thank you very much anon! desu I wasn't really referencing titanic, but I can see it lol
I love her like you wouldn't believe. Amazing job.
>not speaking through caryll runes
I have never played bloodborne, I have no idea what you're talking about
my pleasure anon
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I don't know why I made the lines brown but here lol
You should play bloodborne, it's a really good game.
Yooo! Thanks a ton m8!
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Not sure if they’ve been mentioned before because I’m new here but Jay Eaton’s centaur aliens are great. Their main girl Talita is gorgeous, I wish I could kiss her flat face.
jay eaton's future-humans fill me with a deep discomfort that makes it hard to enjoy the setting
You should not play bloodborne, it's overhyped and you need to spend $400 + internet fee on a box with no games to even get access it.
what don't you like about them?
its the genetically engineered ones that wig me out. eaton draws them realistic and freaky. I'd post an example but i'd probably get banned for furry content.
ah I see
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Yeah, I’m just here for the centaurs
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oh man, great stuff
the intensity of the scene and the detail on her body is wonderful
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thoughts on bug ferrets? fuckable or nah?
based edit
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Lots to grab onto. I’d join the spaghetti pile
Do xenomorph pussies have a smaller pussy within the bigger pussy?
Like.. the bigger pussy holds on to your cock while the smaller pussy jerks you off?
holy shit, why isn't this a thing already?
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I like this one so much I just had to do my own version
Peace is a cutie
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Caryll runes are the transcriptions of the inhuman utterings of the great ones from bloodborne. They were discovered by runesmith Caryll, hence the name.

As an example, heres the rune representing the great one Oedon.

>A secret symbol left by Caryll, runesmith of Byrgenwerth.
>The Great One Oedon, lacking form, exists only in voice, and is symbolized by this rune. Those who memorize it enjoy a larger supply of Quicksilver Bullets.
>Human or no, the oozing blood is a medium of the highest grade, and the essence of the formless Great One, Oedon. Both Oedon, and his inadvertent worshippers, surreptitiously seek the precious blood.

As you can see, the great ones language is a kind of logography, with each character representing a concept rather than a phoneme. There aren't really any suitable Caryll runes for porn present in the game so you'll have to make your own if you wanna fulfill that anons request.
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Shortstack grey porno vid titled "We come in peace for all mankind."
joey and his duendes
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least autistic mayyntis woman
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So now that one of these species is finally sapient... would
had fun scripting out and blocking out a sorta followup to a Chalibdryl thing from way back. will polish it up and maybe re-script it a bit later. Not smut, just uncomfortable relationship convos
Feedback as always welcomed.

ah neat, glad he's doing well.

Going with Skag. Its in process but life's been busy and a lot of WIPS to get through

Soup. Most any type of mouthparts/design could manange it.

>smack tits on it and call the design a day

As always, very jealous of how fluid you get your anatomy and poses. Got any process tips for how you manage that? Do you start with line of action and build from a few smooth lines?

Good stuff, I do need to check out more of jay eaton's stuff. DO these two end up shacking up?

I cant tell just by context if this is a platonic or sexual cuddle ball.
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This is what this is a sort of followup to,
Which itself was a prolog to all that stuff with F and M human both on a Chalib
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the movie signs except the ayys are trying to have sex with mel gibson
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>bud light
Somebody give her a modelo's not that tranny piss water!
They look like a hotdog sprouting mold, definitely wouldn't.
different strokes for different folks
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that's a really nice and comfy comic strip anon

>As always, very jealous of how fluid you get your anatomy and poses. Got any process tips for how you manage that? Do you start with line of action and build from a few smooth lines?
I generally start with drawing skull, ribcage and pelvis. From there I just sorta go with the flow lol
I would also like to add that you have nothing to be jealous of lol, your art's great anon
Looks like the soma robot body fused to a horse wtf.
More for me
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I love her, she's the kind of perfect girl you'd keep a picture in a locket so you never forget what she looks like whenever your away from her.
man I wish I was capable of art
even this, the basic lines and form are already aesthetically perfect
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I know it sounds cliché but: just pick up a pencil and start drawing, you don't have to worry about how it'll end up looking at the start, that's part of the process
does anyone have a backup of Thinecrawler's stuff? he nuked his stuff and I only have his teraurge animation and a ref to one of his OCs
What happened to Thine? Did they just up and left or was there more to their departure?
he's still in the TU discord but hasn't posted in 1 month
maybe he'll still be around but soft-retired from making content for the foreseeable future
any xeno(or monster) game aside Teraurge?
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No prob. Although I don't use it myself, I always liked the charcoal-like texture to line-work like this. Never fit how I worked, though. Good stuff all around, always a fan of how loose clothing looks on characters.
Nice, the webcomic is finally up. Always dug Eaton's designs. I binged the lore once and the ayys are good. The humans are a bit boring outside of the GMH's, mostly their history. Hope the story holds up though, I like the premise enough.
*Very* good, nice to see the OG strip getting more love. Good composition, too. Easy to read flow and the last panel is framed with the right amount of space to make it really prominent without over crowding the page space.
Really good and interesting conversation in there, Teng. It gets across that rare alien perspective when it comes to *alien* xenophiles. And overall, nice and smooth dialogue that was fun to read. Felt like a believably awkward talk, too. Likewise, I like the storytelling in the panels that focus on the hands and closeups. It makes the moment feel more intimate and the characters more lively. I'd like to see what you'll do after those touch ups.
>New page
Late at night, like usually. Hope the wait was worth it. As always, let me know if I need to fix anything or ways to improve on this. Criticism is always welcomed for my stuff.
i only have most
i miss him, his last tweets were very worrying and full of self-prejudice

his last works were the futadog and the hyper realistic human dick model which honestly i didnt bother to save
He often goes into these weird depressing rants, lashing out on people and is generally unpleasant to be around. Example of this is refusing to believe other people in similar circles actually have partners in real life. Accusing them of larping because he doesn't believe someone can enjoy similar things (monsters/aliens) and not be socially inept.

While his work is good, I imagine lack of anything new is because of depression as it often is with artists.
think it'd be a fun activity if we got every artist here to draw the "do you want to come inside" comic in their own style?
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Thanks! Hopefully I'll have time to actually finish and polish it up.

I can see from the example there a bit of what it is, you're much better about using fewer more fluid lines even during construction than I am. Something to be worked on

Agree to disagree, but its appreciated

Yeah that's what I was going for, most of the times the conflict in Xeno romance stories is coming externally, so wanted to switch that up. Glad the awkwardness of it worked out.

Is this new lore that they bite over kiss?
Also, cute dialog for the invitation to smash. asking to be made to talk is a nice euphamism

Might do that when I get through backlog of WIPS
Thine had multiple mental break downs. He's probably killed himself.
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Follow on to this, forgot to add:

If you're still lurking Toga, just noticed there was a new chapter of nest egg, read it and am looking forward to seeing the upcoming confrontation!
You're trying to tackle some heavy stuff, did you think it would turn out this way when you first stared writing ayy smut?
I just noticed, despite the craze a few years ago, there really isn't a lot of all tomorrows porn.
Why would anyone want human porn in the xeno thread?
I'd be down for it one of these days, sounds fun.
Yee, I like the sound of that. I've got an unfinished script dealing with clashing psychology, so I like to see more of that stuff. Good job depicting that kind of struggle.
>New Lore
I shall direct you towards The Lore Slab of Old once more. At the very bottom, is where it is written. I could use this thing for so much more when it's done (lol, never ever.) And thanks, had to work in something for the "scoreboard" later ;)
>Why would anyone want human porn in the xeno thread?
:) I see what did there.
>instead of a laugh, they hum a shrill 'hmm'
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You got it right on the fucking nose, kek! I wanted to keep it, but the part of me that still cringes decided to cut it out of the comic. That's exactly the type of noise I wanted them to make! I love the lore slab, you anons keep picking the funniest shit out of it.
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Not good, it sucks seeing such a unique and world that's really interesting just stand frozen for years. It's like a creative combination of Oddworld, Kenshi and Ark survival evolved all thrown into a blender and the end result is something I could get immersed in for hours, I'm holding on to little hope that it isn't entirely abandoned but It feels like it just isn't happening.
Just internalize the disappointment, that everything you like will be ruined eventually in this current state of affairs, and you'll be free
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for my b-day today, i decided to make a little self indulgent comic with my emissary alien. its a little rough, but i had fun making it.
Happy birthday melta. Wish you the best, and meet your wayyfe irl.
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To think something so simple designed both in body and mind will one day rapidly evolve to conquer the stars.
some more cute stuff between these two will always be appreciated. good art!
thanks for the kind words lads
>humanity conquers the stars through head pats and belly rubs
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Sure we can call it that.
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>tfw rookie USCM corporal deployed to backwater shithole planet which anyone only pays attention to because it has a research colony belonging to the same megacorp that just so happens to bankroll a good portion of the military
>tfw casualties and missing-in-actions apparently bad enough to be ordered to grab an issue rifle and get squared away despite being a backline MOS
>tfw just about to grab some body armour from a locker in the dimly-lit field armoury when a long, ridged tail can be felt brushing against a leg
>tfw finding out the briefing were wrong and these ones eschew facecrabs entirely to impregnate hosts the old fashioned way
>that feeling when
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alt version where the human is the one doing the impregnating
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God I love Helldivers 2. It took way too long to get an authentic Starship Trooper simulator.
Doesn't work in real life, I tried impregnating a xeno and got pregnant instead.
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Pic that was finished a big ago I forgot to post.
human skin got over rendered, always had trouble picking colors and blending that well

Are those blood engorged skeeter tits?
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Great comic melta, hope your b-day was a good one. A little sexy and a little lewd, it's nice to see these characters doing some more fun stuff. They're good designs to see in general.
Nice to see you around again. I like seeing this gremlin enjoy the worst/best things from earth. I love the little psionic bubble, it still does a good job of making her both relatable and alien.
Niiiice. Awesome perspective; great use of blur, very good looking stains on the cloth, and I love how happy they look. Very cheeky of you to cover it up, but it still looks hot. Great job here, Teng. One of your best pics of them yet, worth an instant save.
I barely finished xcom 2, couldn't get halfway through chimera squad, and now I see here mudraptors and helldivers bugs? I won't be able to play those games without boner either, why are you doing this to me?
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I'm still waiting for the anon to finish the pic.
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There's also this one.
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yoooo, I'm surprised someone saved these sketches lmao.
I've actually lost the original file
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crab bug thing pussy
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Isn't he one of those super pozzed artists? I think he has some sort of trans rat man as her best friend.
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>pride buttons
It's over.chud.avi
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We love our lgbt ayliens
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what if we make first contact with an alien space hegemony and they turn out to be based
like /pol/ incarnate where they're not genuinely hateful but are turbo shitposter chaos demons that do shit like beam out radiowaves directly at Earth that spell out "YNBAW FGT" in spectrogram or carve a TRUMP 2024 logo hundreds of miles across into the moon with particle cannons because they're firmly culturally libertarian and it is their prime directive to do things that piss prudes off because they're bored and it's funny
Got bored, generated some AI-lmaos.
>tire out after a few hours
I don't have any chance.
Please teach me sensei.
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What size? If planetary, how did she find a planet-sized desk to rest her chest on?
that's the borg cube
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I'm interested in the workflow.
Whats her endgoal?
There isn't really a workflow or anything to teach. I made a bot for generating aliens that reads something like
>"This not a conversation, but a generator to make unique alien species for use in a sci-fi story. Use the following format for each generation: Species name, description, sexual activity, ecosystem, culture."
with a lot more steps, i just didn't want to post the full couple paragraphs. Then I prompt it with things like "make this next one more sexual for an erotic story". I use a local model since it doesn't need to be very smart, but if you have NAI anyway then that works just as well as long as you feed it two or three examples first. (The bot was originally supposed to be paired with a card about living in a space station, and the "codex" would generate and remember a couple aliens you'd encounter to make it easier on the main card, but that's not quite there yet.)

Then I just used NovelAI's image generator, put in the closest tags i could think of to what the bot came up with, rolled until I got one I thought was close enough to the description, then copied the image into NAI's 'vibe transfer' thing to make the next ones follow the same design. If you have NAI, here's the image i used as a base for the vibe transfer that includes the tags in the metadata. You can just drag it into the window to copy the tags and vibe. Tweak the tags at your liesure. If you do and you get a good one post it, I want to see. As long as you don't spam.
Pic unrelated, by the way. Just wanted to post one of the more xeno ones it spat out. I didn't use that one for the vibe, just the catboxed one.
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Expand D(ong)emocracy on alien menaces.
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Anyone who doesn't think /pol/ is genuinely hateful is mostly an idiot. I don't think Aliens would want to visit a planet as stupid as ours. It'd be like if scientists visited gorillas for a culture festival.
literally just a dinosaur in a spacesuit
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Yeah. Special Pronouns are featured in the comic/worldbuilding , but with the way things are going I can’t say that’s an unrealistic depiction of the future.
With how things are going we're not going to go to space at all and at best we'll revert to techno-barbaric feudalism.
>we'll revert to barbaric feudalism, aka Islam
Now it seems right.
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Basically we become like Kenshi except without the cool alien desert, critters, robot hands and legs, robots, bars and gigantic bone plated women.
/Xeno/ I need help finding a book.
it's a pretty popular book about alien and human first contact and it had some spicy bits.
I remember it had a green cover and the aliens in it were somewhat insectoid. it was an old book when sci-fi lit was a big thing.
The name of the book is on the tip of my tongue but for the life of me I can't remember it.
"NOBODY EXPECTS TH-aw, bugger!"
They do end up shacking up.
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Bugger? But I barely know her.
Oh, you!
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I dunno, either xeno or nightmare waifus thread.
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I really like this picture. The condom and the sharing of a smoke shows that despite her bestial appearance she's a sapient species just like man. Even over a such a gulf in anatomy they still find the passion to fuck like animals over a pile of rubble.
Yes thank you!
Artist appears to be 羽山晃平
I'm pretty sure that's rek'sai and similarly sure that she's one of a kind
Tell me anons, what sort of xenofucker story do you desire/what do you look for in a xeno story?
HFY type stuff? Or are you open to other races?
I want to write and expand like Snekguy did, but I don't want to tap over the same markets unless there's something there that hasn't been done.
I'm writing up a universe that's fantasy/sci-fi, think Shadowrun in terms of elves and such with magic and tech, but then add in aliens all over the shop.
I could write stuff for Halo or whatever as well, but I feel it's been done to death.
I've probably come in here and said the same before but it's been a while and it's a good refresh to put out feelers.
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I want a gf like her so bad.
trek or mass effect type vibes
hfy is a huge red flag
So... space babes rather than actual ayys?
And please elaborate on HFY being a red flag. I more mean humans are front and centre and we're seeing the human experience and interaction with them.
Snekguy's setting I would describe as HFY because it's always the human perspective, they're the ones saving everyone on the face of it, and the aliens are always fascinated with humans no matter what.
To add; also trek or ME in terms of setting and plot, you mean?
HFY is not about human perspective.
It is about "HUMANITY FUCK YEAH kill pathetic xenos universe belongs to humans and humans alone FUCK YEAH!"
OH I see.
I grossly misunderstood then. Yeah my setting isn't going to HFY then.
>I want to write and expand like Snekguy did
Make sure you keep your shit internally consistent from the start then. Don't have your obvious favorites be super special and play by entirely different rules than everyone else
In what manner? Culturally?
I understand the Borealians have their power structure that makes them clash with humanity and it's clear he favours that clash and getting over it quite a bit, but they do all play along eventually.
There's something to be said for culture clash and two species learning to appreciate the difference and from one another's cultures. I think the book Shogun (which got a TV adaption that was extremely faithful to the book) was a good example of that.
yu shan huang ping
>In what manner?
They all tie together
Borealis practically operates on magic undermining most of the setting. The cultural nonsense stems from a physical actions which are nonsense if we're pretending they evolved naturally: the idea that any animal can just walk off a broken leg within days better than any engineered super soldier or the idea that any animal, especially one without any actual defensive adaptations, can have constant knife fights and not have the crippled or dead lining the streets or all sorts of other shit that add up to make a species that's utterly immune to the consequences of their own actions by writer fiat. Ignoring that some cultural traits are irreconcilable (even if some individuals can be friends) the nature of equatorials undermines both the verisimilitude and the narrative themes of the setting. If they weren't some retarded cultural monolith where every individual somehow has the exact same interpretation of their cultural norms then maybe but you'll never see that depth because rather than explore what's already there and make any attempt to make them sympathetic or even reasonable he's just going to keep adding more surface level shit.
Also ignore the other dipshit, HFY isn't just 'kill all xenos' is specifically wanking mankind to unreasonable amounts over any specific quality, even those that would reasonably be average amongst other intelligent species.
There's plenty of HFY which features getting along with others.
I have little clue what you mean. I think because you're generalising I can't make sense of the actual issues.
With 'operating on magic' and 'knife fights without defensive adaptions' I assume you mean that the Borealians culture of cutting one another up for fun or dominance, but I'm not sure how that's a major issue. Would you mind elaborating?
I agree on the front of not really seeing their actual culture beyond the glimpses we're getting, I think that's where Snekguy lets things down a bit is that there always has to be a human front and centre so we never see that culture up close, explained, and functioning without the human perspective getting in the way.
>HFY is specifically wanking mankind to unreasonable amounts over any specific quality, even those that would reasonably be average amongst other intelligent species
Ah, so like Snekguy does with humans and their everything. All types of Borealians are always impressed by human fortitude and stamina, Valbarans are always impressed by human fortitude and stamina, and so were the few bugs we've seen.
Usually that sort of bridging the cultural/biological gap. There's a deep well there for interesting stuff, who finds what attractive, how to accommodate each other ect....

If you're looking for races or a starting point, there's a ton of OC races floating around here, you could pull from that as opposed to established IPs. Could end up as an interesting "thanksgiving potluck". Plus it pulls together the entire /xeno/ drawfag/writefag community into one project

I would second that HFY is dull, and rarely feels well written. For me its when it makes things black and white, i.e. the ayyliens cultuel is always inferior in some way to human culture, as opposed to going the route of "different is different, not inherently better or worse" This doesn't mean you cant have a good human faction, it just means not writing either side as being one dimensional.

Thanks, I think still needed to detail out the BG a bit more before the blur as it looks a bit tooo blobby, but glad it worked out for others. also the skeksis laugh is a funny detail. keep it up!

Oh shit nice, maybe i should throw some patreon money at them
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>but I'm not sure how that's a major issue
Human duels in the west had a minimum of 15% mortality rate. Dominance bouts between male lions have a 30% mortality rate even with their manes, loose skin, and impressive constitutions. There is no such thing as a society with armed duels as a feature where participants don't fucking die or cripple themselves by the boatload and it'd be even greater if you add knives for hands and big cat strength. By saying that nobody ever really gets hurt he might as well say that borealans can shoot fireballs by wriggling their ears because it's completely unrealistic, he's whitewashing actual downsides away because they're his favorite. They've developed late industrial age firearms with no visible industry to speak of nor any apparent cultural shift from gun, both males and females find 4-5 complete strangers to form a pack with instead of pairing off or having any sort of actual family values, they're somehow both pure might makes right but also hyena numbers game dominance. It's just all nonsense unless you're 100% completely on board with his sexual fantasy.
The human perspective is fine the issue is that he specifically avoids literally anything deep because it might hurt someone's feelings. His idea of a 'noblebright' setting is basically a child's view of morality combined with the notion that at all costs his equatorials must remain relevant regardless of being sensible or not. It's why he made the rask matriarch a saturday morning cartoon villain, it's why he doesn't have drones or any sort of body modding except by bad guys, its why no history is ever mentioned
>human stamina
That's shit that's just said and never actually plays any part in anything. Ignoring stamina is an actually reasonable thing we'd have advantage since we're one of the few animals that do have real endurance as a strategy and natural conditions that force long term hardship but if it never amounts to anything then it's just smoke.
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I see.
Well then yeah I believe I've planned out everything that needs to be said about the first encountered species I have.
There's a checklist of things about their habits and norms I've compiled about how they'd deal with crime, deal with slights, deal with political issues and such else, something that can be applied to every race in the setting.
Hopefully it's enough to make everyone grounded and believable without things feeling too surface level.
Of course, I won't know for some until it's all written out. I do certainly want to avoid playing favourites and I think that's not a pitfall I'll be trapped in.
Thanks for the input.
>always have that dream about xenomorpussy being telescopic like their mouths are
>get xenomorph telescopic pussy pics.
>good shit
>next day, see hyena pseudopenis pic
>can never unsee
>the life on earth has once again proven more weird than life outside earth I imagines

I mean, they're for different purposes
The telescopuss would probably be to make easier breeding in varieties of situations like on walls or in low G while the pseudopenis is likely an adaptation to make rape impossible.
Evolution is just about solving problems regardless of how stupid the solution ends up being
not space babes necessarily, I just meant not like a wh40k setting
ive seen so many stories do the hfy thing and it just seems lazy, while usually devolving into edgy garbage, or the author using humanity as a whole as his mary sue self insert if that makes sense.
humanity being a player on the board is all good, they just shouldnt be running the joint, ya feel me
i mean they're pretty similar, with ME being more realistic? thats up to you and your imagination, but no one would blame you for aping either setting since it saves a lot of work. that said, the way trek used alien species as a tool to explore the human condition (each species wearing a different "hat" and all) was usually done pretty well and was entertaining to most
nature is the best inspiration for porn ideas
>spotted hyenas sound like someone's femdom fetish OC species

>whip tail lizards are all female that reproduce asexually and give birth to exact clones of themselves
>but engage is lesbian sex because it helps the process mentally for them
>except these lizards can also breed with males of certain different lizards species too and the ones that do that introduce new genetic diversity

>cuttlefish form harems where a big large male will take care of his harem of smaller females
>but small males will pose and pretend to be females to get into the harem
>the females will mate with both the big strong males and the small clever ones since both genes are desirable

and more weird shit if you look into nature
>>spotted hyenas sound like someone's femdom fetish OC species
They're really not that absurd when you look a bit more into it. Females aren't dominant because they're bigger but because they have more clanmates willing to come to their aid since males are the ones who immigrate to new clans. If it weren't for the pseudo penis you can bet that males would probably form their own internal groups to force themselves on females if they're not able to get any the old fashioned way.
Anyways, the main issue is that all the weird as fuck ways animals reproduce are also extremely unlikely to produce advanced intelligence, let alone stable civilization, and fucking animals is nasty. You have to start getting into supernatural or specifically designed type shit in order to make sense of it
Oh aye I get you. I don't want humanity front and centre as humanity is ALWAYS front and centre.
I want them to be part of the setting, maybe newcomers to a degree, but not Mass Effect levels of 'we don't trust you on our special council' or 'the human is the saviour'.
My dick would be so hard if she appeared right in front of me.
Time for a reverse snake mating ball. It's still four-to-one, but it's all the females and one male.
would she display it next to your skull in a pickle jar like rasputin/napoleon's penis
>you are stuck with a face full of snitties in a writhing pile of vipers, all milking you like an assembly line
there are worse ways to die
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Is there any chance for me to not end up like that?
HFY can work if you make the characters your working with not part of the humans doing the HFY. One story I read a whole back was from a prisoners point of view breaking out of jail with the help of an alien. But you could also do something like hell divers but your characters are from a different perspective like as one of the scientists or colonists. There are also different kinds of HFY like Warhammer 40k where it's present but kind of failing.
>"I appreciate you too, but could you please keep the surprises to a bare minimum while I'm handling live ordnance? That would be great, thanks."
Just pluck a feather when you get a chance
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Finally watched Godzilla X Kong, and it wasn't very good, but the scenes with Godzilla roaring have begun to activate neurons in my brain.
I'm NOT a vorefag, but I think I might have become a mawfag.

Any alien wifes with big interesting mouths?
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Jesus fucking Christ...
See de-fanged snakes.
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Thank you for helping me realize that the sharp teeth are part of whatever is happening to me.
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Yautjas still have the more interesting mouths.
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>I'm NOT a vorefag, but I think I might have become a mawfag
You're on a slippery slope anon
Slippery slope? Like a throat?
Bro every time someone brings snekguy up you go on these long, unhinged rants about his OC. It doesn't even have any baring on reality at this point, you've exaggerated the flaws to the point of parody.
Did he kick your dog or something? What's with the absolute rage whenever he's mentioned? I genuinely want to know because I've seen you react this way five or six times now and you're maintaining the same level of anger over a period of months.
What's the beef?
>unhinged rants
>over a period of months.
No idea what you're talking about. This is my second, maybe third if i'm forgetting something, time engaging about him and the previous time was neutral if not positive.
If you actually care about why i appear more negative now it's because if anon wants to write a work that happens to have sex instead of pure smut with flimsy pretenses of being a legitimate sci-fi setting then he has to be wary of pitfalls of world and narrative building of which snek exemplifies many. If all he wants to do is write porn then he can just ignore me because it doesn't matter if you're just doing one off stories of ayylmao fucking.
I just find it weird because I don't really see any snekguy fanboys or apologists ITT. Nobody really comes to his defense or argues with you. It's just you being incredibly angry about Borelians and taking every opportunity to let us know about it. Do you just hate them that much or is snekguy a secret asshole?
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Octopus/squid (I think), but maybe that's relevant enough?
>Octopus/squid (I think),
That's a sea turtle
Always a pleasure. The background could use some shadows and the lines could be sharpened up towards the foreground if your looking to make it less blobby to you. Still a great pic, either way.
>The skeksis laugh
If people like it, then I guess I can add it back in. Sometimes I can be too reserved about my ideas. Hopefully, I should be back to schedule this week (new page should be in other thread.) Thanks for trying to encourage me, Teng. Hope things have been going good for you lately.
New thread >>8165559
More like old thread ayylmao.
Right, I felt like it was something else, thanks.
Those have a beak. You got yourself a sea turtle there. Fun-fact: those hooked teeth are to help shove still-live fish and other sea life down it's maw.
You put your dick in there, you aren't getting it back. Even Gojira would be merciful enough to return your cock LOL

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