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/aco/ - Adult Cartoons

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Ufo porno edition

*Limited futa and A.I., just don't spam it.
**No aliens at level 2 or below, refer to the chart in the imgur link (Replace when needed.)**
>Recent Stories:
By Kaktus
Mycelial Bonds (complete)
Bug in the Stars (in progress)
By Snekguy
By ThisIsARealAccount

>Smut list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ZTFvrLMY1OnNzxhU0p2UhL1wYmRgOoAjmOzkq8z_gQ/edit?usp=sharing (Needs to be updated)
>Game:http://teraurge.blogspot.com/?zx=e9ef98831783e9e6 (V3 Never Ever.)
>Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/xeno/type/op/
>Enemy Quest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/574310.html
>Enemy Quest - The War: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1080085.html
>Previous thread: >>8145867
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The Virgin Original Lenni:
>awkward misshapen staypuft body
>unimaginative plantigrade legs
>no jaw, probably spits all over you while talking
>no back spikes, no risk of injury during doggy, boring


The Chad Bimbo Lenni:
>recently had children, is conscious about her figure
>digitigrade for superior movement, thin enough to use as handlebars during sex
>functional mouth, is intelligible when whispering sweet nothings into your ear
>back spikes present serious risk of impalement, exciting
Why do the threads keep getting archived early?
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Any idea what happened to the last thread?
board was raided
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This time we got spammed early in the morning by some retard. He bump off a few threads including this one.
oh that one, he is from /co/, always spamming that board for some reason.
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>mentally ill /co/ poster
checks out
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he hasn’t been it in a while, until now
dude seems genuinely obsessed with that gem. I asked around once out of curiosity and it seems he delivered a demands list. bro promised to spam untill co agreed to not only allow peridot threads (banned probably because of the guy himself) but to sticky a thread to the top of the board. which is of course not gonna happen, but the guy has been at it an almost impressive amount of time. though he switched to lower effort aco material spamming and reusing stuff when he originally always used new material supposedly.

him coming to aco is a new behavior. maybe he is finally running out of steam?
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there's a perfect middle ground between 2020-2022
not a huge fan of the lipstick and/or eyeshadow
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also post your lennis, it's been a hot minute
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imagine wurae in space station 13
He was always in /aco/, the Jannies just recently started deleting Peridot threads
>maybe he is finally running out of steam?
One can dream, but this is really unlikely
Same anon, but forgot to say the autist never said he wanted a sticky thread, I don't know exactly where that came from
I'm just sharing what was told to me when I was asked. which was about the maximum effort I was going to put diving into his lore.
That's kind of funny in its own way. Annoying ad shit but still kind of funny. I always say if you can get like 50 people to all make a thread at around the same time you can wipe an entire board.
But you said you asked him yourself yet he never actually said he wanted a sticky to my knowledge at least, can you provide a source?
anon probably made it up or believed someone else who made it up. i've been in numerous threads discussing him on /co/ and /trash/, people would straight up lie to make his story sound as absurd as possible like saying he's a "russian fifteen year old sharty mod who sent dick pics to a /v/ spammer"

don't believe everything you read on the internet guys
I think he made another Peridot thread earlier today after the raid that was supposed to be a general where be basically threatened to do it again if it were deleted
Unsurpsingly, it was deleted, and now I'm worried we'll have to make a bunch of replacement threads for the new ones here yet again
that ayylien is PLUMP
still MAJORLY plappable tho
SU faggot is spamming again
pls report for flooding/spam
You got it anon
PSA: Reports are meaningless against Perifag because all a report does is flag a post so that when a Janny for a specific board comes on, he knows which posts to look for.
This is meaningless for dealing with Perifag because a Janny for /aco/ would immediately notice the spam as soon as he gets on. Reports don't alert them on discord of an offending post or anything, they just appear in a list once a Janny is online. This is obvious because basically every Perifag post was reported yesterday but they were all up for 4 HOURS
>This is obvious because basically every Perifag post was reported yesterday but they were all up for 4 HOURS
I really hope that we don't have to deal with that shit like that again. Otherwise, many of the boards on here won't survive unless they each have a dedicated poster or something...
i like to believe that once a post gets a certain amount of reports, it gets autodeleted
it fits into my narrative of lazy jannies
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how dare the SUfag attack us so close to Alien Day
is there more of this gorgeous ayy?
The bastard!
Nah 0% chance that's the case, that would be way too abuseable

Perifag could just report any post he wants with 500 VPNs and it would get deleted, and a Perifag Janny (two of the most hated things on 4chan combined) would be the most massive problem
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she's Yul'na by senatorguido, there's probably more art of her on his xitter but all the twitter front-ends were broken and I don't hate myself enough to make an account
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those extra arms are so tiny
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Ah geez, these bring me back (and make me cringe). These are from around when I first started doodling for the thread, so they are probably 5-6 years old. Was using a different name then as well.

I was doodling Yul'na at work since I saw these get posted. I have toyed with some redesign ideas to make her less humanoid, but I dunno she feels nice the way she is too.
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It's extremely disappointing how little porn there is of the great ones from bloodborne.
Especially considering they all canonically want to be impregnated.
>all the twitter front-ends were broken and I don't hate myself enough to make an account
you can try nitter.privacydev.net/[artistname], but if that's rate limited the other instances can work, like the poast.org one. they've kinda been borked for months now though due to twitter backend shenanigans, so you can't go through an artist's media tab or their replies, you're limited to browsing their feed chronologially. also sometimes a post or two are omitted, but reloading the page usually fixes it
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Aliens coming to Earth to party.
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never played it, aren't they basically lovecraft gods?
for me it's shub-niggurath, also called the black goat of the woods with a thousand young which makes her a milf i suppose.
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Thanks OP, you got the thread back up pretty fast.
It's a cute design, so I can see why you wouldn't want to get rid of it. Maybe you could make the less humanoid version of her into another alien entirely? Best of both worlds.
>New Page
Actually on time, this sunday, woo. Even managed to fit in another establishing shot for fun. Hope you anons had a good weekend so far. And as always, let me know if I fucked up on any of these pages (I always edit them.) Starting next week, the comic goes nsfw.
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Bloodborne great ones seem to be mostly ascended humans rather than lovecraftian gods.
Good example is kosm
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Just watched Alien in theaters for the first time. Fuckin' awesome (except for the annoying strobes during the escape sequence). Can't wait for Romulus.
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>xenos on shotas...
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baby bump
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they such cute nerds and can imagine she is going to drain him dry.
>mod brought back the old thread
While thats nice you could've done that before I made this one.
gee /xeno/ how come your mom lets you have two threads?
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That, she will. I'm happy the first half was as feel-good as I could manage, before I can finally cut loose.
>>8172981 >>8173002
>/xeno/ gets TWO threads at once.
Based mods, dunno what we're going to do with all that space, though.
Maybe they didn't know this power even existed.
Don't die (once agin).
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I have no idea which thread to protect now.
I'm choosing this one. The Flood will never prevail.
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swift disabled In my country :(
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>another alien
eh, I was struggling to make a new design work anyway. I was experimenting with like t-rex posture, but I wasn't crazy about it. I'm glad you like the design, though. I should definitely give her some love soon and probably give the design some minor tweaks and infodump about the species.

Outside of sketches, there's not many. Pic related and there's the squatting one and >>8170034. Maybe there are more, but I can't remember atm

I liked the idea of evolving a pair of arms for more delicate tasks while the main arms are for general use.

that's very sweet of you anon, thanks so much! Even if you can't send it, I appreciate the sentiment. I did add a PayPal account, so maybe it will work now.
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nude alt.
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Anyone made an attempt at any of the weirder trek races?
Paypal blocked too, I am under sanctions
only boosty is available ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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can you show a little spoiler of this sketch?
is the most recent version that crowjob in space thing or have they made more
AL's made a bit more, check his xitter
it might be art_legionary
> shota
Reminds me of that one image long ago with a Marine & Sangheili loli
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Here have the finished version

what the fuck is with the pedo shit
Nothing gross about alien younglings! Stop being xenophobic.
Sangheili females are expected to embrace domestic duties for their keep, and are able to lay eggs at a "young" age. It's not pedophilia, in human standards!
He's a troll trying yo get yous, just hide his posts and pretend he doesn't exist
>ywn be a mad scientist in the far future doing fucked up, morally questionable experiments with your alien scientist wife
Post more ayy lolis
>Escaping the space feds with your ayy loli bride (it's her culture)
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she's actually 300 years old by human metric so joke's on you
hug the bugs
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Why do people still use daz?
It's such an awful program.
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Well it's always worth a try, maybe you can try again in the future. Honestly, a theropod-like design wouldn't be bad for a xeno similar to her. Eitherway, you always make good designs in my opinion. So it'll be nice to see more when you're up for it. Your last lore dump was great too, so I'll be pleased to see what you come up for Yul'na and her people. Hope you're having a good on, Guido.
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fuzzy and cuddleable
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look at them big toes
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Would a Xenomorph queen be a good housewife (hivewife?)?
Perfect for suckling upon.
ayy lmao
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Really like the expressions here, good work so far Guido. I'd love to see where this goes.
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gee I wonder if the artist likes feet
I think I enjoy irrumatio to an unhealthy degree That said, artist?
thnks much
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Just a bit more body horror for ayys is sometimes cool (then comfort them and make them happy again)
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I would like to kiss her abs and caress her waist until her breathing begins to get heavy and she starts shuddering
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This is a thread for xenos, not undead, anon
nice didn’t expect to see amygdala porn
nobody ever does until they do
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He posted one too many peri threads and the mods started pruning them and banned him for like a week. So, naturally, he decided to wage a one man war on the jannies who wronged him.

And those who tasted the shit of his posts named him:PERIFAG
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little gray regards the aftereffects of her latest trip to Earth
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Double venus is becoming more fertile.
She must be bred.
wholesome and lewd, best combo
She knew what she was going into.
He's a dumbass, but he's her dumbass.
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nice & also cute
(now draw her getting mating pressed)
cucked behaviour
You don't know how happy it makes me to see someone drawing on-model elites, without bolting gigantic honkers or a cellulite ass on. Well done mang
This was by art legionary, years ago.
Aw fuck, I thought it was new AL
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good taste
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alright i'm done
Been a while since I've seen his art
>scarred (both physically and mentally) turian girl, which trust and love you'll have to earn
You're a real one. I've already seen most of these but it's the best seeing them all together like this.
them hoes ain't loyal
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I also have these rarer flat chests but they're drawn skinnier than what you may like
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God amongst men. Thank you.
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also some I missed as the thread's slow enough for me not to be so worried about these seeming spammy and I don't know when else I would be able to dump my flat collection

wort wort wort
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أحرف عربية عشوائية
alright that's all of it for real this time, didn't realise I had that many
hope it wasn't too much at once
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>Halo AU where the Covenant doesn't go on a killing spree but instead are space Mormons that pester outer human colonies about "our Lord and Savior, The Didact" or something
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i'm glad this artist has quarians living rent free in his head like i do.
I wonder if they'll make a cameo appearance in his halo comic, assuming he ever gets around to it :P
god bless
How to kiss Sangheili? Logistically speaking; I know I'll never actually get the xeno GF, but how would it work if I could?
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all tongue
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>no breastless Elite to kiss and grope her chest until it becomes an erogenous zone purely from association
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>Just human women with purple skin and 3 fingers
Had you posted 10 years earlier maybe. But since you're posting now please do us a favor and slit your throat. Thanks.
>visible face
fuck off
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Based Quarian enjoyer, however, I do believe they still count as tier 2 xeno's. A shame they couldn't have been designed with more alien features in mind. Pic shown is what my headcanon design for Quarians are and no one will convince me otherwise.
I'm partial to the noseless alien cancer patient look.
Easy to imagine this with various tubes in the orifices.
>Xenomorph Queen and a shota
Sounds based, but people aren't ready for this.
Samefag, get out of here with your pedo shit please.
both neat designs, though I am partial to the first look since it shares design elements with the geth, with the body pleats/ridges resembling the fiber-optic cables geth are made out of
I would rather see new tier 2 xenos than xenomorphs again for the millionth time
now they just seem to exist solely as a vehicle for super degenerates
welp, that's gotta get reposted to /x/ now.
I would rather xeno queen on adult me because the addition of children doesn't enhance porn, it ruins it.
I still find it hilarious how /xeno/ got to have two threads, I was certain one of them would have been nuked by now. Based Jannies.
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A question for all the /xeno/bros here. Size diff, yay or nay? If so, how big do you want your partner to be? How much is TOO big? Is the big ayy dominant or submissive? Give me details anons!
huge lack of baxxid art, so huge that it's actually criminal
Size diff yea
7-9 ft is the absolute cutoff
Too big is when you start running into hotdog down a hallway scenarios, and you need to end up using your forearm instead
Either is good, but big sub is underused imo. Tsun sub might be peak

Hugging your ayy wife should give you a facefull of ayy tatas or navel, two handfuls of hips/ass, while also allowing you to hogdog her inner thighs
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< around this
>Now they just seem to exist solely as a vehicle for super degenerates
Look at this ignorant faggot! See how he has forgetten the face of our father! Shame him! Shame in in the name of Giger, the man who made the Abyss flinch with embarrassment!
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i go in the other direction
I'm a man of extremes. Either 6-8ft, or going even smaller than >>8223637 with literal cocksleeve ayywaif.
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>Size diff, yay or nay?
>If so, how big do you want your partner to be?
Pic related
>How much is TOO big?
Eh, it depends. I'm cool with it since my nephalem waifu is a 10 meters tall, but when she wants to get freaky she has a wizard shrink her down, so it'd probably be more complicated if you have a giant alien waifu that can't change her size.
>Is the big ayy dominant or submissive?
Cee9 is a dom, after escaping her enslavement it's difficult for her to let herself be submissive. Yanaqullur is a sub, she was a tool for elder things, so she actually feels good being submissive. Tikkat's a situational switch, doms the other waifus lower then her in the social hierarchy, and subs to those above her, it's a remnant of her hive days.
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I don't know why but that pic reminded me of the episode "Alien Candy" from R.L. Stine's the Haunting Hour.
giger's mid and the alien franchise had 2 good movies
Anywhere from 4' to 4 meters, at least as far as getting it on.
He been doing tali for a decade now I respect his simping for her
to be fair she's actually worth simping for
Especially considering the current focus of the comic, very much appreciated.
Half the average and/or 2 to 2.5 the height of the average human male
Luv me Flatwoods, Luv me Mothman but especially luv me LGM, and me Greys, big and small. Grey and Green aliens like doubledecks, pre and post transformation
If an LGM is short, they come in groups
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imagine sharing a biostasis pod with your alien wife for long voyage
while you're both nude
And... unconscious the whole time since it's a stasis pod?
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it's highly likely
>Big tiddie sangheili mod
Not what I was expecting, but a surprise to be welcomed.
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Size difference is always a plus regardless of which end of the spectrum, usually half or twice the base height are good sweet spots
it looks terrible
>low res textures
>elephant proportions
>nu-elite design
it couldn't get much worse
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It's the only model that gets made into mods sadly. It's the most used and available sfm other than the male halo 4 model that looks like a glossy rock formation
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I fucking love this dude like you wouldn't believe. I feel like he mostly does art I would do if I was an artist. Just tons of Tali pics. Also I've followed him for ages and had no idea he did porn. Very nice.
I hope he does more art of Tali as one of the Divinity Original Sin 2 lizards. Or just art of the lizards in general.
god that's such a shame
normies have such shit taste
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Nice thumbnail, but agreed.
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Oh shit. Whoops.
Remember what they took from us.
Pleasantly surprised to see small tasteful tits instead of the huge saggers I thought I'd seen in the thumbnail
Can do
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>The power of Kenshi mods
I bought that game months ago and I still haven't played it. At least I know it might be flexible to modding after a few play-throughs.
I prefer same size, but minor size diff in either direction is pretty primo, too.
>New page
I should be back to schedule now. If you anons got any issues with the art or dialogue, let me know (I always appreciate it.)
>The new female bits on Reenma
I got a suggestion to make their vags more alien and this was a result from a poll. I'll add it retroactively to the last page when I get the time. Have a nice one, everybody.
For a thread about aliens you sure do love making something less alien.
Speaking of mods, I wonder how difficult it would be to create some kind of ayy romance event chain for Stellaris.
Probably really fucking hard considering nobody's done it yet.
I'd give it a shot myself but I can't into smut writing.
Maybe a dating sim mod can be a really in depth mini-game that -when successful (e.i., you're no longer single)- can count as an action that buffs the population or diplomatic relationship of the selected planet. You could make them short so you can date more elsewhere or longer while making the buff worthwhile (and make a lite VN in the process.) Does that sound doable? It's all still portraits after all and some artist or AI can make the dating cut scenes.
What I imagined was mostly a complex text-based event chain like the Horizon Signal or Hidden Vault. Positive rewards would be stuff like unique traits, relations boost, free leaders, ethics attraction modifers, etc. Negative "rewards" could be negative traits, leaders defecting, instability, relations debuff, etc.
There's quite a lot of things you can do, and I've thought of like a dozen+ different story scenarios in my head, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
A simple scenario could be something like this
><AI empire> reaches certain diplo threshold
>roll for <AI leader> to contact <player leader>
>fluff fluff fluff fluff
><player leader> marries his <AI leader> waifu
>empires get a diplo + trust boost
>both leaders get an unique trait
>post-"main story" fluff and more fluff
I really don't have any experience with Stellaris modding, but if it's anything like other 4X games I've messed around with (like Civ5 or ES2) it doesn't sound too difficult in concept.
The problem is that with a game as expansive as Stellaris, there's a shitload of bases you'll need to cover to make a mod that provides an experience that is "aware" of all the game's features (e.g exclusive events for certain ethics and civics, exclusive events for different species classes and traits, events for when a leader dies or if the relationship falls apart, events in case of war, events for different species rights, however the fuck espionage would factor into all this, etc etc).
That's a lot of things to make, a lot of things to debug, and a lot of things that will immediately stop working once a new major update or DLC comes out.
If it worked, though, it would fucking rock lol
Anyway, on-topic pic
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I think that could work too, provided you *can* cover all your bases (as you said.) It's probably best to keep this kind of event to one type of trigger like that, as well. No need for it to complicate Stellaris further. And the structure of that scenario you made looks like it could do the job just fine, imo. I don't have any experience with modding, but you on the other hand, could probably make that work. Best of luck if you do, that would rock, kek. Nice pic btw, looks like a starfish inspired ayy.
cute! shes going to ride his face like a horse.
>imagine lying on your back while she rubs her tiddystack over your naked body bottom to top until she rests with her slit and ponut on your face.
Feels like a bestiality.
best for a reason
That term gets used outside of /mlp/?
Did not know I needed this, but now I wanna draw a cute shortstack Gray
Always has been. It is just really a really fitting word.
Same vibe as popping two melatonin with a loved one and passing out for 10+ hours.
Insectoids and a large number of reptilian and avian species would have larger females than males by default. Insectoids, almost every single one on earth has a nearly vestigial male counterpart to the female. That doesn't translate well up the sapience development evolutionary pattern, but is an extremely consistent pattern.

I for one welcome my 8-foot serpentine, insectoid alien wife.
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>Final fight is nothing but a prolonged sex scene that is one long endurance check
>Each jiggle of the Elden Beast's boobs is animated in excrutiating detail
Miyazaki doesn't have the balls to do what needs to be done.
no, anon just wants to fuck horses
Does her race normally engage in cunnilingus?
I can only put so many ideas into the comic anon, but I might make the sex scene a little longer to better pace it out. Guess facesitting is on the menu.
Normally, unless they come from a place with some really weird norms. I just figured, like the readers, Reenma won't always get what Jiro says either. While he sounds normal to us, his lingo is still alien to her. Reen' was just surprised "the meal", meant her.
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Hey, it's not my fault they made them this sexy.
not necessarily horses, just their pussies and assholes. shit's diamonds.
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i'd see Braq having them
>Size diff, yay or nay
Sure why not, either my size or bigger are fine to me. I just don't want anything smaller than me.
>If so, how big do you want your partner to be?
Anything from simply a head taller up to double my height, no more than that.
you do not have to, just trying to say that can absolutely she her doing it form all the lust he giving.
>Strength -20%
Huh? Aren't Sanghelli supposed to be very strong?
depends on the individual
The Engrish adds an additional layer of cuteness
My fantasies are not driven by size difference. It's just part of the natural morphology. Pic exactly related.
>Size diff, yay or nay?
Yey, if only because it otherwise is sensible based off the alien in question.
>If so, how big do you want your partner to be?
Much longer, obviously, and more physically mass as a result. Taller, say, 8 feet if she rises up to her full extent with a substantial trailing base still in contact with the ground.
>How much is TOO big?
Larger than a Clydesdale, where it's getting past the 1 ton range.
>Is the big ayy dominant or submissive?
Femdom dominant. Though, it would be more about bondage enforced by a sophisticated technology than pure physical power. She is quite strong though.
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that's some dangerous booty
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Alright /xeno/, give me your best mandible kissing strategies
A classic.
Just relax and go with it, it will come out naturally.
Those split jaws make for the best kissers.
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I expect no one else to follow in my footsteps.
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how dare they come into your room without knocking and judge you
Oh high melanin person you are a homosexual.
See >>8221114
made my own little ayy lmao
>That Hot Topic drip
Would. Make more, anon.
Cute, but how tall is she?
They did knock.
Bump limit, time for a new thread

good question, havent thought that far yet
lets say around 3 feet
I don't know why people are so adamant about making the classic aliens tall.

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