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Hello Cirno is the queen of /bant/ carry on
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gondola is the queen of /bant/
who is the guy on the motorcycle?
monty python and the holy grail b(lue) knight?!!?!
One of the /bant/ crew tagging along on another adventure with cirno keeping up with gondola
doesn't matter. he's never good enough.
My /bant/cestor
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A delicious position to take.
i like banters being represented by knights in armor
it's never him, he's never good enough aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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I think it started out with an image involving proto-/bant/er /qa/fags and /mlp/?
Or it was based off a similar picture from iichan.
perhaps i will draw him one of these days
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The dashing dork
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Finnish filth be afraid
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Ah yes the infamous spam bot

Because nobody posts in your threads and only you can bump them like a cuckold loooooooooooool
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Queen of bant more like hobo of bant
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Shitnoids how pathetic we can be to have a spam bot?
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Cirno a cute
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The true queen of /bant/
im glad someone still remembers
when's the next episode coming out
Never, we just watch the first one on repeat forever
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Soon no one will remember
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Excuse me saar I will always remember, always be here and nobody can stop me from membering.
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hail to the queen!
who won
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If shitno is the queen?
Who's bant tan?

Are you having some kind of civil war?
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We like /jp/ cock

We are proud board traitors
oh /bant/ you great bord
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Fuck you cuckold scum
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newfag KEK
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this is a really dynamic drawing with lots of motion captured in a still frame. the line work is great for a sketch like this, all the eraser marks tell me everything is intentional. good work, anon.
cirno got $9
Cirno has nice nines
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I offer myself up to give Cirno her heir. Bant needs to continue it's royal lineage after all
>Bant needs to continue it's royal lineage
correct, so why should a peasant like you be the one to give Cirno her heir?
I'm not a peasant. That's why.
my apologies sir qk4eAOJa
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Now give me the ice cold cunny
manners sir, manners
those brutish demands shall lead thee to an unceremonious expulsion from queen Cirno's palace
I suggest thou court madame Cirno and show her thy best qualities
I will dance with her and give her sunglasses and a button that activates the bomb that will blow up /s4s/
good GOD! Sir! How hath thou gotten access to bant's armaments?!
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The password was 9999.

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