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How come they’re never as cute as JP idols?
because they're mutts
At least they don't have low self esteem and get a dopamine rush from the crust on their fingers pressing play on the same animated hentai gif victimising the same crusty pair of socks they've had since year 10
Cope Incel cuck
They're still nowhere near as pretty as the idols they're trying to imitate, fatass.
You're telling me a rando group of cosplayers doesn't have access to the same makeup artists, stylists, and plastic surgeons as an actual idol group backed by a giant agency? Wild.
>he thinks all idols are mainstream
Should probably make some post about "Why aren't Idol Male Simps Hot and Dreamy, why are they built like pencil necks?" Unrealistic standards from people built like big rigs and sticks
Keep throwing your money at females that use you for money I guess? AwkwardBoner
Idols are supposed to look cute, fans aren't
Also, just as many girls like girl idols as guys do
Isn’t being an idol really difficult in Japan? I imagine it’s more of casual thing in Western countries. Looks don’t matter as much because there’s less at stake. And conventionally attractive Western weebs can either become twitch streamers or open Onlyfans and make way more money. I don’t think the girls in OP pic are ugly though.

Also probably because of survivorship bias.
is this the new net idol thread now
western idols are awful and cause tons of drama because they all want to make it in japan eventually. go look at some of the previous threads. the only "fans" and "critics" of western idols are other western idols though and maybe a few stray simps.
I think the left one is really hot
If it turns as toxic as all the other ones, it might as well be
anyway stan reso and stream blueprint
Anyone know who the left one is? Or what the group is called?
overseas idol twit shitting itself today over a bad opinion, I see
Its CTRP and the left member is Azusa
ur fave idol runs their face through snow 50x before posting, cope.
So do you
I know this is bait but all the girls in this photo are so cute.
The IIN discord and these threads feel so quiet lately, any interesting idol news?
>dieing community
You called it, breaking news is that amuse will disband if they don't win an upcoming competition this weekend
I don't blame them. There's only so much you can achieve as such a niche act. And even though they've done a lot, it's hard as hell funding your own endeavors with such a limited audience. Especially as a group.
Cute enough?
It's sad that we'll be losing the best of our community but I don't blame them. They have achieved so much.
People have lives and being an idol seems like a massive time drain. I don’t blame them for wanting to retire
I feel bad for the suckers trying to keep it alive
Hideous outfits
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given the comment by OP this has started toxic enough as it is

pictured: most folks in this thread
Either have pants or don’t
She ruined her body with tattoos
I genuinely wish I did enjoy these events. It'd save me from flying all the way to Japan to make an asshat of myself, and it'd give me hope in my country in a weird way. But it's not working out for me personally, it's complicated.

I can only guess why seemingly non-Australians on this site care enough to anti people they'll never meet, but I don't think you can put it all down to spite somehow
It comes down to professionalism. I rather see idols with good looks, personalities, talent and no public dirty laundry. Drama exists in japanese idols, but idols outside of Japan have made drama the face of the community. I want to see cute girls perform and act professional, not listen constantly the latest gossip about how Kawaii Kacy betrayed Macy Matsuri right as they get off stage. That is the reputation western idols have to the general public.

>inb4 "hi xxx idol"
I'm a regular con goer
None of the aus idols have good looks
better than the absolute lards we get in the us
Left one is Azusa from Citrus Plus!

Tattoo’s are kinda’ hot btw. Their whole thing is that they ‘go against the grain’ of traditional idol culture—so even if tattoo’s aren’t your thing, it’s not surprising she has some.

Also I don’t understand the bias some people have in this thread. Credit to Citrus Plus because ‘Idol’ is clearly a hobby and not a career path. Azusa holds like two degrees and a masters lmfao.

cuz these idol ‘fans’ can’t cope with the fact none of these girls wouldn’t even breathe in their direction, or even care what they had to say

the real problem with western/hobby idols seems to be that their happiness doesn’t depend on whether you watch them or not. they have jobs, they have partners, they couldn’t care less what these ‘fans’ have to say because in the end it doesn’t matter to them.

stan ausidol groups bc they work hard despite being in smaller communities. im happy that despite them not needing to be artists, they still want to create art for us.
So your admitting it's all for roleplay? If it's all for fun like you say, why is there so much drama?
I think that’s just the US idols and American entitled mindsets that create the drama. Aussie idols seem pretty peaceful from an audience perspective, they all seem to vibe together at lest the more well known groups
there isnt nearly as much drama in the aus scene as there was back in the cosidol days. yes some of the idols still probably dislike each other bts but they dont make it public knowledge.
>the real problem with western/hobby idols seems to be that their happiness doesn’t depend on whether you watch them or not

What is your definition of a problem?
Looks wise I can admit that few idols get to this standard but for self-employed or cosplay groups that dedication and fun is enough to be cute, cute is not only just a boring face.
Seeing this is making me miss Himechin though
They're being sarcastic you tard.

Is this a joke? Be for fucking real, lmao.

There’s drama in every idol community, and guess what, EVEN IN JAPAN! Most hobby groups are not entitled to a company, or are not contracted. Unlike some contracted JP groups, they aren’t obliged to keep their ‘drama’ hidden. Because guess what—all idols are human! When people interact, there are bound to be people you don’t like. This is applicable to both JP and western groups! Some idol companies literally pay to keep arguments/scandals hidden. Hobby idols do not have this luxury! Nor are they obliged to follow your idea of professionalism.

Ffs delete this damn thread. It’s not that motivating to see some of this community still as pathetic as it used to be.
I wish CTRP would cosplay more
Go back to instagram and roleplay your idolsona, western whore
>hobby idols do not have the luxury to not start drama and make a fool of themselves
This is why no one takes western idols seriously
why did faeble invite ctrp as a guest in their last show? they were so bad in comparison to everyone rlse

ur kidding right? there were only like two members bc the blue one dropped the day before, obvs they weren’t gonna be that well rehearsed
It’s lowkey too obvious who are the more committed and stronger dancers in CTRP… won’t say who tho

And on that point I’ll still support them for the sake of those members
i dont mind them as performers but their emcees are hard to watch
Is there more of her?
What’s appealing about their performances?
Western ' idols' trying to be alt idols isn't really going to work considering traditional idol culture isn't much of a thing here at all. Call me when a group gets as interesting as peak planckstars.
I wonder if it’s a degree in computer science or just something stupid.

Great way to spend $50,000 btw at 7.1% interest
>> 10855039

Average 4-channer trying to cope with someone being intellectual challenge: impossible
Unfortunately they’re not an intellectual in finance, otherwise they would’ve never made such a poor decision
nobody is going to let you motorboat, let it go
Maybe not but until then they are just posers.
i think this is really sweet and surprisingly high quality
Those girls are especially ugly
Given how long they've been around they're probably out of uni and starting to think about making real carreers. It's the fate of most indie and kaigai idols sadly. Shame because their original songs were showing a lot of growth and development. A few more releases and they might end up with a viral hit.
Japanese idols aren't as clean as you think. I've seen one girl crash and burn her entire group by getting caught doing deriheru on the side. Another group had one bail without notice from her group with accusations of power harassment and gossip about dating her manager. Another group of moderately successful indies got a major debut and got screwed by the larger company. Another one got recruited to a group while actively being a cutter and posting pictures of it to a subaccount.
I think it probably helps the aus community a LOT that they seem to have mostly moved on from cosidoling. A lot of new NA idol groups still follow the tired Love Live tropes. Although in NA, I think kpop dance covers have largely overtaken Jpop in popularity. I'd be okay with that because I like kpop too, but those groups are solely focused on dance and never sing. It rings as hollow as watching the umpteenth dance cover of snow halation in cosplay but a little less because kpop choreo is at least athletic and flashy.
Everyone has to move on eventually and get back to life
Just Photoshop them out
CTRP is the only hot group, and they’re only hot because of one member (we all know who)
watching stories of their recent live, not much. it’s kind of embarrassing.
Azusa does a handstand, was really hot
I kind of feel like the idol scene in Aus is dying rapidly. One of the bigger backed groups completely disbanded and the brand is on hiatus, and a lot of smaller groups do one show then drop off the map altogether. Only like etude, ctrp and amuse have regular shows these days. I dont think it's economically viable to keep going, I've looked into the costs to hiring venues here and I dont think the in-person turnout is high enough to justify costs if you're a smaller group.
The members of the remaining groups will probably move on in a few years.
If I was one of them, no way would I be able to maintain the hobby with full time work, and then having dance practice and event management on top of that.
You're absolutely right. It's not really to anyone's fault that its slowly dying, the cost is pretty high and newer groups are definitely turning away from hosting their own shows due to either funds or low attendance. While groups that have been putting on shows for a while can afford to put their earnings back into the next one.

Venues are scarce enough, so I think that the only way the community can continue to be active is through collaboration lives where the costs are split.
probably not as big of a scene so theres not enough competition -> they dont need to be as cute to make it in the industry
one on the far right looks adorable though, she can get it
there's not a scene to make it in. none of these non-jp idol groups ever make money or become famous, it's just a cringe hobby.
I wish I was rich enough to run my own venue. Maybe a live bar or something but looking up guides online make it seem uber expensive
did we ever make au cgl threads great again
Give them 50K worth of plastic surgery like Korean idol companies do and they will look good
>dying rapidly
>slowly dying

Citrus Plus has hosted two shows this year, plus convention appearances
Syd Idol Box 2 taiban in April and #3 in May and #4 in July with different lineups each time
Superkani hosting Galz Gakkou taiban in March
Sour Candy has hosted two lives and planning a third
A-MUSE hosted 3 lives this year
Faeble hosted 4 lives this year
etude hosted 3 lives this year
Crazy Fantasy hosted a live even though the members were only visiting from Japan for a few weeks
NEONism hosted 4 lives this year before disbanding, and at least one member is still active as soloist
Smaller groups like Kuuhaku Station guesting and joining taibans when they're not big enough to self-host
A-MUSE and Citrus Plus releasing original songs
And not a single one is a fucking love live cosplay group

But yeah tell me all about how the aus scene is dying.
crazyfantasy coming down was good, its been a bit boring lately and we needed something fresh.
Poor troll attempt.
Not a troll when it’s accurate. Everyone who knows them personally constantly makes fun of them.
uh huh

Copium here is crazy.

I lowkey really love when random anons make comments like this. You’re only making the groups more famous and in reality, most idols forgot about this thread after the last one.

+ the jobless and boyfriendless accusations is crazy. You don’t know these people. Is it not seriously embarrassing that they might see your comment whilst in a relationship, with a job, sitting in apartment, laughing at you? Like don’t get me wrong, I like browsing the site—though it’s no secret that most people who are on here are perceived widely as stereotypical incels.

Idk just some thoughts

No point getting worked up m8. Trolls be trolling. It’s all crazy coping but if you bring up facts they’ll have a meltdown reddit weeb moment. “Nooo they must be jobless and single if I say sooooo!!!” Could look at how K8 (AMUSE) and Paddy (CTRP) are legit married—but nah, anonymity gives people the ability to be crazy stupid with no repercussions.
Idols are not supposed to have boyfriends.
I have bad news for you, one of them is ringed. YWN.
they can and sure as hell do lmao
Of course they do, I am into japanese alt idols and they all have boyfriends and fuck their fans, Doesn't mean they should have them.Especially considering a lot of these girls want to be like the more classical morning masume/nogizaka idol.
come on do something
What do you mean?
Went to Pink Monarch. Was pretty good. Sydney community suffers from LOS Syndrome (looks over substance). Other than that, solid show that ran a little too long.
>ran a little too long
skill issue
at this point im wondering if ctrp can even run a live show without any guests
The cities in Japan are just much denser than other places. Despite the population dropping nation wide, it's still growing in tokyo from people moving there. This density I think allows people to have a larger picking of girls to put in groups. You don't just have to pick the 2 people interested in your entire state, that also aren't too busy.

Also just more competition from it being an actual thing there, and not just a thing for weeb girls to do as a hobby.
>g nation wide, it's still growing in tokyo from people moving there. T

Their shoes are fucking cool.
Azusa is the best idol in Australia, and I like her way more than Japanese idols
Does anyone know why Aya and Yukari left Neonism?

They both hated the manager and the manager wasn't a huge fan of them at the end either

Aya/Yukari POV: don't like the way he managed them, didn't like his favouritism towards the new green member, didn't like the way he treated the previous neonism girls before they graduated
Manager POV: Yukari and/or Aya shit-talking about him to other idol groups (citrusp), basically gossiping and airing out dirty laundry

Conclusion: graduation "due to creative differences" without a grad live
Is Martin their manager?
Yes he has his fingers in a lot of the Sydney idol activities. My friend could have been wrong but at Crunchy Roll expo she pointed him out to me, he was doing all the stage and sound managing.
He was running the CrunchyRoll Expo stage and I think he may be running the SMASH! Performance stages as well. Fingers in many pies.
Fingies in many pies but so far he has done good stuff for idols from the looks of it? If it was him then both con stages were handled decently and runs regular shows every month so far the only blunder seems to be his own group the two who got fired both suck at idoling
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Anyone know what this is about?
just sayin but you can literally just search that name on twitter and it will come up

but tdlr creepy stalker behaviour towards a music producer and overall weird af tweets

So Mari Usagi kept spamming her?
Yeesh except for the one on the left they look like a group of trannys.
Mari collabed with CTRP at a show one time a long while back. Sometime in late September she had a complete phsyical and mental break down. Delusions of grandeur, manic episode, religious prophecies, you name it. Giving people instructions for "spiritual warfare". Playing matchmaker to other idols and community members. It's really sad to see because she apparently had an abusive family, bullying at school, and actual diagnosed autism. She completely lost touch with reality. Shiro is some music producer dude that she became completely obsessive over after the breakdown, together with a couple of other ones. She was spamming him, not Tearschu. She really needs mental health assistance badly before she hurts herself more. It doesn't excuse the harassment but she's genuinely lost it. You can see all the history on her own twitter because she self posts screenshots from her discord constantly.
Holy shit was she always like this or just after the breakdown? What caused the breakdown?
The breakdown looks like it was overwork from doing 3 or 4 different jobs. Before the breakdown she was pretty normal, doing streaming and song covers. There was a bit of a warning sign because she took a 1 or two month streaming hiatus in the summer. After the breakdown she started mass posting incoherent rants on her social media and discord. It's a shame to see her get labelled as a weirdo by people who aren't aware of her history.
Forgot to mention that before the breakdown she had both her home and work addresses doxxed, and some dude who watched her streams showed up at her house, and that didn't help her stability either.
YSK that products which have 666 in the barcode number are made much better than the other products. Theyre healthier, and they taste much better. The packaging also contains depictions of religious symbolism. I suggest you go verify this fact for yourself, if you want to be caught up to speed on the state of our hellish existence.
wrong thread lmao
Aus cosplay community seems to live a dramatic life. I hope they just get normal jobs and settle down.
They need to get real jobs
CTRP is the best example of 3 ugly girls and one smoking hot girl
which one is which?
>short stack
>tall and fit
>tan with nice tits
>thicc with curly hair
I dunno what scale you use but they got someone for every taste
This was obviously written by a girl. They always talk up the ugliest girls.
You can tell the women are ranking the outfit more than the person.

This was written by someone who hasn't seen their swimsuit/gravure pictures. No judge tho, everyone has their own tastes.
this is an unfair ranking because of course women will rate asians last. non-asian women hate E-asian women with a huge passion.
those are all men
What swimsuit/gravure pics? Can you post one?
Transphobia isn't cool. Get out of here with that.
you're on 4chan, you cannot be serious with that comment right now kek
>Transphobia isn't cool. Get out of here with that.
kys tranny
Do you have a link? Where can I find these pics?
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There’s a reason they’re all losing followers
what's the reason?
What the fuck
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She looks like the walmart version of boiledcurry
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and nothing of value was lost?
Which group is losing followers?
Citrus and their individual members
Brisbane seems to be the only state that seems to be able to have decent involvement for idols
Remember when Lolly used to do gravure shoots?
Did something happen to Citrus? Something seems off with the recently
Wait really. do you have any?
What do you mean? You mean because they never post anything?
It's hard to say, I could just be imagining it too. Like, one of them performed solo, another joined a rock band and like the other two are MIA.
They're probably just bored of it. They don't really get anything out of it
Who joined a rock band?

Tells you how out of the Aus Idol scene I've been.
paddy has been in her band sunset morioh for a long time
tchan changed her name to eimi and started going solo (again)
reiko still in china
azusa is promoting their game development job

im surprised that theyre even hosting a show this year. i wonder if its just them considering theyre calling it a comeback show or if they are going to dogpile as many guest performers into it as always
Seipro haven’t addressed them skipping out at haifest, wonder what’s going on with them? I heard that they were getting scouted for another event but they didn’t end up performing.
They’re a pretty insignificant duo

wouldn't really call them idols more like wannabes
Ruru the asianfisher cant get on stage half the time and the other half she throws up they had to stall at their live multiple times so she could go back stage to toss her guts worst $20 I ever spent
the purple one (I think her name it mai?) tries too hard and is constantly watching ruru to make sure she’s dancing correctly
not to mention they cant sing and you can tell they don’t know the lyrics to the songs

I really wanted to support them because I thought they had potential but it shows you can’t just throw money at something you actually have to have talent
Oh… them
I saw that they are supposed to be performing tonight but haven’t said anything about it. What’s the bet that they flop around again
Did something happen?
I heard they were good dancers
They’re fake as hell and are rude to their fans. Not to mention they are super critical of others but don’t hold themselves to the same standards
May used to be in her previous group but they’ve gone downhill since then. The pink one (I refuse to use that racist ass name) has never been able to dance well
So what happened was Seipro were hyping up their new era, even the commissioner for the costumes was hyping it up, everyone waited through a super hot day (it was like 40C) and when it got to them suddenly they didn’t perform. They had been fine all day and then after their time slot the purple one was seen crying her eyes out while the pink one was smiling as if nothing happened. You could tell that that destroyed the purple idols spirit when that happened cause the pink one wasn’t even comforting them. They also just never seem to be able to get on stage because the pink one always throws up and there’s footage on their Instagram of them stepping in her vomit. Plus summer party normally gets recorded and last year the whole right side of the stage got to view the pink one throw up on the stage and on the floor near the equipment behind the stage. Honestly felt bad for her but it’s become this whole joke that you can tell upsets the purple one because the focus is never on her. Honestly dont know how to feel about them anymore, I thought they were cool when they debuted but now it just feels like their whole thing is shock factor and a game of roulette on if the pink one will throw up and from people who followed them from the start she’s never made a single performance without throwing up. Not to mention the traced art that they keep using for merch and obviously don’t credit the original artist as well as crediting artists for art they’ve commissioned either.
Omg did you see them tonight!!! They were so bad!
Honestly I expected better but the lineup was really poor. Funny how there was no throw up on stage this time, it’s almost as if they can’t dance unless they’re hidden behind other idols that they can try blame for their failure. How their first song managed to get worse is a testament to how poorly they dance and that second song made me wish I didn’t have eyes. Boring all around and the only thing they had going for them was no throw up… on the stage at least and what was that costume. Looked like it was bought off shien so how they think that’s “making a costume” is beyond me. This was the final straw for me, they’ve had time to prove they’re good and they’re really not. Disappointing, hopefully people will stop giving them places in events because they don’t deserve it
Everybody I know irl hates them. Everyone should stay away from them.
Is there a recording?

1:25:42 - 1:32:55
It looks like they haven't practiced together at all... What is the point of them holding microphones if all they're going to do is mumble into them at random points in the performance? Baffling.
This has got to be the worst performance in aus since the love live days

oof and then you got AMUSE right after and they are the gold standard. such polished routine even when one of their members only just returned back. what are the other groups even doing?
Yeah seipro sucks ass but jesus there are so many idols I see that just suck and are deffinetly not cut out for it just loser wannabes. Like dream fusion and this new idol group that's coming out chaos something they used to be in another idol group but have no good content. They are all God awful melo para is probably the only good idol group. On this idol live stream alot of the dancers weren't even good at dancing just moved there hands around. They really act like they are all that but it's just embarrassing.
Spitting all that then saying melopara of all groups is good is really funny.
it was probably marmalade lul
Yeah, like what is anon smoking? Melo Para is dead lol
She’s too busy in Japan at the moment so it doesn’t make any sense for it to be her, also melopara have graduated so it’s time to leave them alone. But all of the typing quirks in that post point to a certain pink idol who has a tendency to bullshit their way through life. Don’t think you can hide behind anonymity honey it’s obvious it’s you. Love you x
Which pink idol? Name names I want to know
If you're going to call someone out just do it.
I think they’re talking about the pink member of Seipro? Could be wrong but seems like the most obvious answer in this situation
Ruru obviously
This was... interesting, to say the least
Are there idol groups in NA? If the aussies got em america should
they have thread here >>10903515
Last fall they announced an end of year hiatus for the holidays and now they announced a comeback live as planned. That's all it is. Also the Eimi rebrand that someone mentioned.
Are you American? You mean last Autumn?
>Are you American?
no i'm autistic
Lucille how did she possibly think changing the l’s in lulu to r’s was at all ok?
the brisidol ‘scene’ is insane. glad that the berry-chan shit in america went viral and half the scene had a wake up call about it being weird to be white as fuck and using asian names, japanese honorifics, and engrish. How do the other half think they’re getting away with it? None of them, especially the chronically online (pink) ones, can believably claim ignorance anymore.
can you share those pictures though? first ive heard of them
U thnk sei pro bad u ever seen doki idol chan
Brisbane group-floater with past personal drama like everyone else, not worth singling out for better or worse. Anon is local and desperate to push the heat off of seipro, using a personal vendetta
Go ahead. Why does she stand out to you as drastically worse than seipro’s racism?
Wot about mizzy or harmone or woteva her name is
glad you could drop by ruru
A pedophile.

Back to seipro. Bad redirect by the way, babydoll <3 at least put your back into it, you know? You're likely to pull something if you keep reaching with technique this bad- and being a dancer, you can't have that :)
wait whose mizzy. what did she do
A groomer. She’s not even an idol so her being mentioned in here is irrelevant
idol show on the weekend. thoughts on the lineup?
I like watching fatties dance becuz they cant move their arms properly like a t rex lulz
a groomr idol gets mentiond and were still focusd on sey pro 4… idek anymore
Because the groomer idol isn’t even an idol. She’s only ever been in cosplay idol groups. Never gotten on stage and has essentially disappeared from the community. She is irrelevant. Where Seipro are a current problem in the community. Sounds like you don’t want us talking about Seipro which either means your friends with them or are them in which case fix your behaviour and you might actually get somewhere, having money to throw around doesn’t mean shit because it’s very obvious that’s what you’re doing
bcos it's bait and i have more critical thinking skills than a fish.

bait bait bait
I think we can add chronically online and illiterate to the list…
Y havent seiprocess posted since hai festival last yr? They performed at that summer party
desu they are probz disbanding
Left is hot, who is she?
Ya mum
What’s the Faeble drama all about? I can’t find anything about it
there's faeble drama?

also sourcandy.ai going on hiatus ?
The punzie and faeble situation to be more specific
Tell me you fuckwits are still getting assmad about cultural appropriation after being told by the culture being imitated they consider it a complement, and your unironic supporting of lazy reboots that think a token race swap is totally representative.

You cunts are schizophrenic. Or just really hate white people.
we can tell you’re white
Whenever Punzie wants attention in the community again she starts shit. It's a pattern at this point. Just don't acknowledge her and she goes away.
the fact that ctrp can only post shitty documentaries because they cant post proper content since they suck at singing and dancing
The current Faeble lineup are all pretty wholesome girls, I dont see how there would be drama other than inheriting the group. What would Punzie even want with them? I dont think the current group has ever really spoken to her at all.
Sunny did "replace" Punzie in Mews but that's pretty much the only connection.
What documentaries? Do you mean nature documentaries?
They uploaded a documentary the other day

Just saw Seipro has announced another performance. This one seems to be at a smaller event which is really not like them. Usually they think they’re too good for smaller events so this will be interesting. Just make sure not to be in the front row, that’s the splash zone
jesus fucking christ, this is borderline vendetta posting at this point. for a group who's apparently so shitty and undeserving of attention, they seem to live in your head rent free a lot kek
>inb4 "hello seipro"
they need to coom-max if they expect to get serious, just like kpop whores
She’s much thicker/hotter now, I wonder what happened
somebody make a hate thread of sei pro to direct this ONE person.

the rest of ys r here for aus idols not just sei pro babes
Paida is coming to Australia!
This is actually huge omg
omg mizzys back
Yeah yeah we get it pedo cosplayer. Never been on stage so not an idol
Anyone tune in to dream fusion’s live?
Yeah. They’re amazing and I love them and everyone who performed
make it any less obvious dream fusion, learn how to use 4chan
Hai really flopped with some of these openers for the Babybeard tour. We got two well established groups, Paida, and a bunch of randos?
I guess that's what happens when you open it up to applications and only certain groups apply, and I have a strong feeling one of them was asked to join and didn't have to apply.
Who're these other groups? They look like kpop groups or something? I only know etude and a-muse.
great for a laugh, thanks.
Just as the community was getting better at separating jpop and kpop events we get this monstrosity.
How did Pearlescent star sell out this weekend while more established groups never do? Is this the power of tumblr?
This lineup for baby beard sucks
It's a different crowd. More of the cosplay scene than anything.
Kinda weird, most groups started as cosplay groups
Even amuse were a cosplay group. So with cosplay cover groups we’d have none of the popular idols that we have
What are some of the ugliest outfits you’ve seen?
you dont hav to watch them just go in to see baby beard
Amuse's rocket costumes
Neonism Gen2

Best costumes are Etude and Faeble.
Australian idol goes to japan without a business plan and budgeting skills and blows 6 months of savings in 3 months. And didn't realize even idols in japan have to hold down part time jobs to survive.
“idol” is a generous term considering she thinks herself too good to be called one kek
Even most normal idols have at least a part time job, and the ones that dont are either super big and signed onto a big label, or are hustling hard with busking and booking venues regularly.
All those years of being a cunt have finally caught up with her. Karma.
not know how MarMalade expects to be the shit in Tokyo after small underground shows….She is nothing there…privileged dumbass was handed everything on a silver platter in aus..
All she had going for her in Aus were pretty costumes. She's going to need more than that in Japan.
blowing your budget in 3 months, being white in jp idol scene, no proper plan in foreign country, has open relationship where boyfriend already has a side piece while shes gone. Does she like suffering or something?
What's with these rules on the Wooly X Hima offkai? Is there a story behind it? Did someone do something?
She broke up with her boyfriend before she left
non-aussie here, what's the background of that?
was she hoping to find a japanese bf for that sweet sweet residency lmao

ah, i was wondering why he brought his other partner to the melopara graduation concert while marmalade called him her partner on stage when they played together.
Seems like pretty standard rules to me.
A few years ago she said she hated idols because they were fatphobic and racist, and now she's saying she "cringes" when people call her an idol because she thinks what she does makes her "better" than that. No one's forcing her to stay in the idol community, the sooner she's gone the better.
but how could she think what she does is "better" than the idol label? makes no sense lol
Its more strongly worded so i thought maybe smth happened lol
>open relationship
what's the tea on this? Has she actually said this in public? Isn't it financial suicide to be open about relationships as an idol?

Marmalade has openly talked about her relationship with jeremy, they did the world cosplay comp together and even had a podcast.

As for the open relationship. at the melopara grad concert, marmalade’s ex, i guess? Had his arm around another girl and started introducing the girl as his partner pre-performance. So not necessarily marmalade saying this but jeremy himself. No receipts for proof but anyone who went can confirm.
Marmalade said she is happy she chose Japan over him so I guess it was too much?

Jeremy has been pretty open about his relationship status, especially at WCS last year, and recently at Dreamhack he was pretty flirty with my friend.
Marmalade and Jeremy were never together, she broke up with Mitch the owner of living lewd and that’s the ex. Jeremy was just her partner for wcs and the podcast tho I did suspect them of getting closer and theorised that they would get together eventually but that wasn’t the case.
She also called the wota community disgusting creeps and that she hated them and didn’t want them near her
also tried to cancel UOs for being bad for the environment
they are pretty wasteful though. all that plastic and whatever that glowing liquid is
and battery operated penlights are any better?
depending on the model they can absolutely eat through batteries.
now THATS financial suicide. what’s she doing trying to make it in japan if she thinks that way lmao?
Australian...... idols? What reality did this thread fly in from?
Good job killing the thread retard
oh no, did I looney toons physics it?
Has anyone noticed the sudden rise in idols sabotaging other idols? I witnessed it multiple times in the past 6 months especially with a small group of Brisbane idols in particular. Like you should be putting more energy into making your own performances looking good than sabotaging others. It’s giving talentless behaviour
name names and actual instances
Not from brizzy so no lol
- Bunny from Misfit caught multiple times sitting the front of the audience loudly shit talking other idols, refusing to support other idols (even if to just save face), purposely excluding other idols & bulling other idols at events, audio tampering
- Seipro threatening other idols on multiple occasions
- Seipro bulling other idols for doing the same song at the same event even though it was the event organisers mistake
- Seipro throwing a tantrum because the weren’t selected to perform or Babybeard and threatening event organisers
- Ruru from Seipro using illegal substances at events then proceeding to act obnoxiously
- Jinxie from Polarity harassing other idols, bullying them for “not being good enough of certain events”
- Ex Karaspec member openly talking shit about idols at events
Funny how at the Kaigai idol battle tonight how all the groups that placed are besties with one of the judges. Surely that’s not a coincidence

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