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Say it with me now:


Previous thread: >>3873678
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I recently had a mouse in the house, trapped and released it a few miles away. I don't get why some people are so scared of them, it was super fucking cute!
Now roaches and spiders, those still give me nightmares. So glad I don't live in Florida anymore
Best boy
It's amazing that the only place ppl talk about South Park is on /cm/. There aren't even regular South Park threads on /tv/. Matt and Trey are cooked

Anyway, check out this cute Creek
desu there's not much talking in these threads either nowadays. I think it may literally be me and one other anon posting lol.
I actually thought the latest season had some decent eps but I think a lot of people (me included) jumped ship during the tegridy/garrison as trump arc.
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I miss the /co/mfy threads :(
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It's been a really long time since the last time i actually watched south park
Season 20 was really that bad, huh.
I'm starting to watch the series from scratch because honestly when I was young I was never appealed to South Park. I hope the last few seasons aren't too bad.
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I think they're pretty good, but I guess it depends on how you set your expectations. If you go in expecting shit, you're gonna see shit no matter what. Personally I go in expecting jokes and cute boys, I get jokes and cute boys (even if they have to share their screentime with Randy). I still skip season 20 on rewatches, though. The plot dragged on too long, making it difficult to differentiate the episodes based on memory. Trump winning pretty much screwed the writers. But worst of all, it inadvertently enabled the Butters bashers.
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Is Cartman not a /cm/, too?
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Is that a request for Cartman art?
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If you're into fat fucks
Only if I top.
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Cartman has chronic diarrhea
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there's nothing comfy or cute about what you just posted
he is, but he's quite niche because he's fat. and also the show regularly depicts him as being extremely disgusting, unhygienic, and generally gross. that on top of his personality seems to make him unpopular outside the context of a few specific ships
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i've always liked these harry potter crossover drawings for some reason. not even the biggest fan of that franchise either. the art is just really good and it's a cool concept. i have a few saved, pretty sure this one is craig.
anyway, i wonder how such an au would work story-wise. like obviously none of the south park boys aside from pip are british so somehow they'd have to end up going to the british wizard school. interesting to think about
that's not how cartman pronounces "myaaaam" though
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Oh my god we get it, you hate men. No one gives a shit.
I love Harry Potter, though I never really got into the fandom for whatever reason. But it's great for crossovers, imagining who would be in which house, which types of magic they'd do best at, all that sort of stuff. Such a fun world to play with.
Forgot to mention your pic was Kevin, a little drunk right now
While Mysterion is very gryffindor, I think Kenny would be in hufflepuff
Maybe just cause I want him to be with Butters lol
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Wish I could find the sauce for this one
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His beefy form and based personality makes the women here uncomfortable.
fatass hands typed this
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I know it's a comedy, but in reality without it would be a rather dark story.

It's so funny, because I always imagine it's like Trey and Matt doing this and it's a bit disturbing. But it's a great piece.

This one, too.
well yeah SP leans pretty heavy into dark humor
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>slytherin kyle
so based

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