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So what kinda car would an ambush drive? Hm?
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They walk
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artist deleted their account unfortunately
Damn is it still possible to find the other works they made or who the character is? The image search isn't working for me
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I wish there was more Exhibitionist Ambush content.
There's just something so hot about this pinnacle of beauty and strength walking around without a stitch on, leaving everyone in awe of their naked perfection.
>tfw generating endless ambushes with ai
praise the ai, this shit was always so hard to find
Care to share any? And more importantly, do you take requests?
>not posting them
You're retarded
sure, what did you have in mind?
dont be so tsundere, just say that you wanna see
bit more
etc etc
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Could you generate a beefier Sonic from One-punch man? Doing whatever, but preferably while wearing something skimpy or just naked.
closest I could get it, I'll post a few
heh, it mixes his hair with fubuki's, wacky ass ai
you done good anon. I'm proud of you.
now do flashy flash
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huh. I guess skynet taking over the world isn't so bad after all.
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okay, trying to get it close as I can, since the ai doesnt know him
if anyone else wants some, give suggestions
etc etc
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How about a BIG Alucard?
A large buff japanese femboy with slanted eyes, black hime haircut, cheeky grin and Yakuza tattoos on arms. In a squatting position. In a prison shower. Just finished washing so body is still streaming. A bar of soap is on the floor in front of him. Has a large erect dick but not hyper size ready to fuck. He's waving with 1 hand calling you to pick up the soap.
God i want to look like this. Im working hard on loosing weight and bulding muscle, i just wish i could make my face cuter to match. >>10966161

Loccusdoggus if anyone is wondering.
>hime cut
good taste
these were fun to make but the AI is a retard and doesnt understand when I tell it to point down
I'll post a few more from the batch
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very impressive my dude. appreciate it. it's missing his signature hair pin, but it's still feasible regardless. thank you sfm. the only other person that comes to mind left is genos. that's about it.
he's already an ambush by default, what are you on?
Thanks for delivering, these are really good. Its hard to pick a favorite out the bunch. I love that you added a short hime cut too. AI isn't always accurate but it can make prompts better than one would expect, so just having the general idea of the picture I wanted is more than enough.
get this garbage AI shit out of here
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Really needs to be a board or thread that separates the two. I wouldn't be asshurt myself if it was the odd one or two being posted, but there wasn't enough actual art to counterbalance it.
Ambush artists are very very rare, I'll take some AI art instead of waiting months for some jerk-off material
This but with sizes switched
AI is kinda now a reason why Some strong Fat threads could breate a little longer. AI is bassicaly a gift for more niche fetishes.
They're surprisingly common if anything
try to use Sonic lora (you can find it on civitai)
What AI do you use for these images?
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be honest, would you take on the crystal dick anons?
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First thing that came to mind
Posting in hopes that we all get ambush husbands
holy fuck sauce he's perfect
if it's like a giant dildo then maybe but if it's rock hard then that's gonna be a pain in the ass.
didn't know this was a thing before
> Don't dom me Nagataro
I will now read your manga
Now i wanna see Ambush Class President.
Always naked, showing off every inch of his perfectly sculpted body.
Shiki too, but more a bearmode style body with some chub over bulky muscle.
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I hope you achieve the look you want anon, we need more pretty buff guys in the world
I love his hair!
Kars is God tier he made me realize I like ambushes and pretty men
Those are just tits at this point
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I'd argue they become tits when they're longer then they are wide, like this Kureha.
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Is there an ambush workout guide yet? Or is it lots of leg and hip exercises, lots of skin care, and a fair bit of core as well?
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id recommend full body workout just avoid excessive trapezius and oblique workouts they make you wide in a bad way. extra glutes and pecs if you like that look. and forget skin care just stay hydrated and for the love of god dont get/be fat

honestly clothes and the way you hold yourself make all the difference though and you can switch back and forth between masculine/feminine with most fit body types
More dudes around here should try that routine. Or any routine. All the guys on the dating apps are so chubby here.
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full pic
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What exercises should I specifically avoid? I do quite a lot already in regards to full body, but I emphasise being bottom heavy in regards to focusing on calisthenics for my upper body and heavy weights for my lower
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again, avoid anything with trap or oblique isolation. traps lift the shoulders up and back so no shrugs and similar exercises. obliques turn the body sideways so no excessive twisting sit ups or side bends.

calisthenics have kind of complicated movements sometimes so I cant speak much on specific exercises but the same rules apply I imagine
Since we are talking about ambush workouts has anyone found a good real life example of an ambush?
The closest I could find is a guy named kittysinnnnnn but he's more cute muscular guy instead of a true "ambush".
Plus all his shit is just advertising for his only fans
I know it's kinda unrealistic but it would be interesting to see
I've seen a few male twitter thots who can pull the look off. But, I think my standards for the look are different in real life. Just a guy who puts in the effort and has an even somewhat aesthetic face is fine with me.
File deleted.
hold onto that

Bretman rock
vlad ncl
Dog mask kills it. Those leather pup play masks are so off-putting.
Vlad Ncl on YouTube. Muscular guy that can easily pull off looking like a girl. More on the looking like a muscular woman despite being male side though.
I wanted to post him like two days ago but had to wait off a ban...
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A while back I saved a routine that some other anon posted, I don't know where I found it, but here:

Start with an empty barbell on each exercise, and add weights in small increments as you go. It will take a while before you get to any serious weight, but you'll have plenty of time to get your form right which is important. On situps I use a curl bar, or you can just hold the plates in your hands.
The program has no direct arm exercises. However, between all the pressing, pullups and rows you do your triceps will grow a lot. I'm personally not a fan of big biceps so I only train them occasionally but if you want to focus on them you can swap pullups with chinups, or do dumbbell curls at the end of each workout. I also favor shoulders over chest in my routine because I prefer that aesthetic. If you want to do more chest, swap overhead press with bench press. Many people complain that pendlay rows hurt their back, you can swap them with dumbbell rows or the cable pulley machine in your gym.
On the off days I recommend doing some stretching work. I work mostly on my hips, these 2 vids are very helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TXP-sPbJDA [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJl4VSoESpo. [Embed] Also ab vacuums, you can do them while sitting on your desk if you're bored.

Warmup (at the beginning of every workout)
light cardio 5-10 mins (skippable if you do not need to lose weight)
2x10 back extensions (no weight added)
2x10 hanging leg raise

Day 1
3x5 dumbbell squats
3x5 dumbbell press
3xX pullups (start with however many you can then work up to 10. Then you can add weight)
3x8 dumbbell hip thrust
3x8 weighted situps
2x12 dumbbell calf raises

Day 2
3x5 dumbbell squats
3x5 dumbbell overhead press
3x8 pendlay row
2x3 deadlift
3x8 weighted situps
2x12 dumbbell calf raises

Day 3
same as day 1

Hope it helps!
Asked this on the thread that got deleted earlier, but a big part of this look I want to try for is the abs. What's the best way to get rid of fat around the waist?
fork putdowns to failure
OMAD and lots of crunches.
a calorie deficit is the only way to lose fat. The method you use to achieve said deficit varies; standard CICO, keto, OMAD, etc etc etc. At the end of the day you gotta eat less for a few months-to-a-year.
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Something I'm working on c;
Yasuke lookin' zesty.
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Kureha needs more art. He's gotta be one of the first Ambushes.
are you sure? because when i look up that artist on ehentai, im not seeing a whole lot
Kureha Shinogi from Baki. Totally underrated. On Rule34 he only has art from a single artist.
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Thanks for posting. I don't think this routine is pretty good however the original author probably has different goals than me. I've been working out at the gym for about 2 years so I am no expert myself but I'll just share what I learned from my experiences.

dont do light cardio & back extensions before, but light sets of your next exercise. Do cardio later or on a different time of the day. Do hanging raises after lower body stuff to decompress your spine, not as warmup. You need a fresh core.

>dumbbell exercises
Ditch them in favor of barbells for all listed exercises. Especially lower body ones. Use the standing calf raises machine, you need the stretch. Ditch hip thrusts for Romanian Deadlifts & leg press. For leg press: wide stance on the lowest part of the platform. You'll be sore.

>sit ups/ abs
focus on slow negative

Upper/ lower 6 days, its more flexible than push pull legs
sets x rep range orientation, becomes less each set obviously

Heavy squats 3x5 or 2x5 + 1x8-12 with less weight
RDL 3x12
Pull-/Chinups how many you can + Hangs (+/- Abs)
Hamstring Curls 3x10-15
Calf raises 3-5x12
(abduction, adduction each 3x10-20)
Abs whatever you like (if not done already)

>Tue (super flexible depending on what you want to focus on change it)
Bench press/ dips 3x12
(cable fly 3x10-15)
Row: cable/barbell 3x12
Shoulder press 3x12
(Row barbell/dumbbell/ cable 3x12)
Biceps Curl 3x12
Tricpes cable extensions overhead 3x12
Lateral Raises 3-4x12

Heavy deadlifts 3x5
Bulgarian Split Squats 3x12 (per leg)
Leg press 3x10-15 (can do BSS or LP or both)
Pull-/chinups + hangs
Hamstring Curls 3x12
Calf Raises 3-5x12
(Ab-/adduction 3x10-20)

like Tue

"light" Squats 3x12
RDL 3x12 and/or Leg press 3x10-15
Rest like Mon/Wed

like Tue/Thur

rest, more days optional, recommend Wed/Thur/Sat

Stretch every day what you trained, do cardio even if you don't want to loose weight, sleep a lot, eat healthy
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That's Lora Rolla. She's a normal woman.
Fuckkkk, I'd love to be the emperor of Japan if yasuke historically looked like this...
Who is the artist?
fuck off AI slop
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What about some kusohuuten?
Now this is a guy I'd go on an RPG adventure with. He'd be right at home in my ha- I mean "party".

Those nipple piercings look so good.
Ah, a squat plug. Truly a high-IQ drawing by a quality /fit/izen.
The shorter Seamus Aran has a bit too soft of a belly for my liking.
i think mine is close
there was some dude at my course today that i was chatting to who could kind of fit this archetype, we kinda clicked and i need to figure out how to get his contact info before this summer session is over
i wanna take him out to dinner but i also wanna (sexually) torture him, teasing his thick cock while i watch his face contort in ecstacy sounds so fun
the only issue is that despite wanting to dom him, i am shorter than he is and my ass is fatter than his
fellas, how am i gonna make this work?
these look like futas
Genuinely despise how much this person's AI slop makes my dick want to explode
It's hard to even find fit guys on grindr or any dating apps here. Soo many fatties.
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You know what, Fuck the AI stigma.
A picture's a picture whether it's made by man or machine. If it's arrangement of pixels gives you a boner, whats the difference. Just be grateful that it can.
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there's some good stuff on CivitAI
how does one use this site exactly, is it a gallery or do you mean make an account and get one of the models for generation?
Just make an account, enable mature content, and you can search for images people have uploaded. The pictures I uploaded earlier are by a user named Sewoh.
Thanks anon, I will use this irresponsibly
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Honestly the ideaaaaaal build, I would pound and dom and bully and manipulate and abuse a guy like this until the end of time, bonus if he’s older than me
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ngl, Sephi should've been naked the entire game, to emphasize his angelic qualities.
that sucks, i think being near or in a city might help
but then again i dont like using apps
Yeah. I live in a fairly rurual area, so it's slim pickens.
There's something really arousing with fucking a ambush trap with bigger dick than you
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As one anon on /v/ put it, ambushes are so hot because they could snap your neck or fuck your organs into a fine paste, yet choose to submit entirely on their own volition.
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>ywn get to ogle an Ambush while he works out and massage his hot sweaty pecs and glutes inbetween sets
character is Yan Qing/Assassin of Shinjuku from FGO
shoo shoo soulless ai slop

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