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smoking to stay skinny edition
It doesn’t work. My ex used to smoke like a chimney. Fat cheating cunt.
it only works if youre trying to stay skinny, fatties usually dont gaf
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I can never be 'thin' because of my bone structure
Why do I find this phenotype so alluring?
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wut? like you would look unattractive if you were skinny?
Menthol slims are the ultimate skinny girl cigs and you can't convince me otherwise
i dont know why fat people smoke, its so disgusting. at least skinny ppl look cool and cute but fat ppl just look dirty and damaged
this is straight up bull shit. 100% not true. A wives tale I've been hearing since I was a kid. There is no such thing as being big boned. No one starves to death while being fat.
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seconded, its a cope made up to excuse laziness.
I'm doomed to be DYEL so I might as well take the thinpill
handsome asf
if you dont get it, you dont get it. simple as.
There's still not really any hype for it like there was in the 70s-80s-90s and 2000. 2010 was the official change over from thin to thick being in fashion or preferable among the general public. People keep saying it's back because Kim Kardashian got her bbl reduced but it's really not. back yet and it won't be as long as public health remains where it is.

Anyway to keep it simple, I'm not going to argue about what one might find attractive, but focus on from a fashion standpoint. Clothes simply lay better on thin bodies. It's more economical to design for thin bodies. You can create interesting silhouettes and use different gathering, or sewing techniques on the fabric to create clothes that look eye catching. It's just clean, simple, beautiful lines, vs lumpy. Pic related are average normal women, and the thin woman's dress just simply looks better. The overweight women make it look cheap, trashy, stretched out, somewhat formless. You'd wonder why they'd wear that dress to a nice event. The thin woman makes the dress look good, the exact opposite of how the bigger women makes it look. Give the thin woman a nice clutch purse, a more elegant pair of heels, and simpler earrings, and she looks expensive. She walks into a dinner party and no one would think twice about greeting her with two kisses on the cheek, and introducing her to the rest of the room.
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I have the hots for this girl so bad. She's the only reason I watch Stranger things.
Not about the face. It's the dress, anon. THE DRESS. The clothes. The body shape.
you got cheated on by a fat cunt?

hold this L
>smoking to stay skinny
What? How does it work?
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nicotine suppresses appetite
guys I caved..

had only 350 calories yesterday, and today I binged and ate over 2000.

what do I do? how do I get back on track and stay on track??
okay after more thought I think I have an idea.. the main issue is that I wasn't eating all day then eating a few hours before bee, so I was super fucking hungry when the time came and couldn't take it anymore..

I'm just gonna start my day with something (150cal soup) and then end it with something else (prob more soup) so I don't feel awful all day.

anybody have more recommendations? more ways to curb the hunger? I just don't wanna fuck up again... I wanna be skinny again :(
My issue for a while was that I'd go all day without eating and then binge really bad at night because once it's time for bed your body basically demands food

You need to either eat small amounts on a daily basis (like 600 cal/day) or be ok with fasting for a day or more at a time to make up for larger meals (like 1200 cal every 2 days). The latter is what worked for me.
>You need to either eat small amounts on a daily basis (like 600 cal/day)
do you think 350ish a day is even feasible? or should I do 600cal as a cap and then try to eat less when possible?

I'm not confident in my ability to fast.. I think I'll just have to eat a few small meals a day :I
>should I do 600cal as a cap and then try to eat less when possible?

I think this is best. I did this exact routine for a long time and it was totally manageable
okay thanks anon, your advice is very helpful

I'll do my best and hopefully reach my goal, I believe in myself!! :))
I believe in you! I lost 20 pounds :)))
>be healthy weight
>want to get skinny
>get skinny
>only wear long sleeves cause I feel insecure about my noodle limbs
>hiding the most /fa/ parts of the body

this >>18118096

thin arm nationalism
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I just imagine anyone in this thread is mostly an aspiring dainty beauty. But I'm not... I'm an aspiring Adonis, on a cut. My diet is 2500 calories, and that's like a 700 calorie deficit that makes me feel like I have a wasting disease.
I promise you will get more accustomed to it as time goes on. It may feel bad at first but after a while it can feel amazing to fast, especially when you see significant visible results. Threads like this also really help
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what would you guys consider thin arms? i feel like sometimes mine are tiny and sometimes theyre huge and horrible and fat
just weighed in at 22 BMI, up from 20 last year. had a long depressive episode where i binged on chips.. this shit's so demoralizing

anyways, are olives a good snack?
>just weighed in at 22 BMI, up from 20 last year. had a long depressive episode where i binged on chips.. this shit's so demoralizing
felt... it feels so fucking awful.

>are olives a good snack?
ehh, depends on how many olives and how many calories the olives you have are, but you really should avoid snacking on anything. smaller, spaced out meals is much better imo.
>you really should avoid snacking

This. One of my biggest pieces of advice is to just not snack, period
don snack. snacking + boredom + stress made me baloon to 26 bmi. try omad.
i starrted doing omad late february and im down 10 kg. the first week is the hardest but after that you dont feel mouth hunger as much and its a cakewalk, ofc i have 2 meals every couple days/once a week.
dont start with small anorexic girl 300cal meals either, but rather one big HOMEMADE meal thats gonna keep me active. think of 300g salmon + a big salad (no dressing) or a chicken thigh+drumstick with some sweet potato pure (once again, no liquid cals like olive oil or butter)
Is life worth living? I was 17 bmi in February. I lost sight of my goal and decided to start drinking and binge eating again bringing me up to 21 sometime in April. I started eating healthy at the beginning of this month until today. I had a steak and broccoli for breakfast, then 2 hours later I had some chocolate covered peanuts. I made myself throw up for the first time, drank water, then did it three more times. There were still pieces of broccoli in my vomit, but it didn't seem dark enough to have brought up all of the chocolate. I don't know if I got it all and I read that sugar is quickly absorbed by the body. I wish I could fucking die.
I feel you anon.... and no, life really is not worth living unless you find purpose in it, which we innately do not have.

bad days happen. just try and get back on track tomorrow. yesterday I had 2500 calories, today I'm course correcting and hopefully I won't mess up again. just keep trying.
According to losertown projections, I'm finally going to reach my UGW of 45kg by the end of June (BMI 17) and I'm so excited. But my maintenance calories once I do is 1400 cals/day. Is skinny living worth it kms.
If you get there and don't deem it worth it that's totally ok.

I feel like everyone talks about *getting* to a certain weight and not actually *maintaining* that weight.
nta but I do the same thing with long sleeves. my elbows are so bony.
It didn't feel worth it to me, I always wanted to be skinnier. I realized I've never been happy at any weight. Don't expect to reach your goal and magically feel better. Being skinny isn't the final solution, it's one of the many steps you need to take for a better life.
>Don't expect to reach your goal and magically feel better.
Worked for me. Looking into the mirror each morning and seeing my flat tummy always makes me smile.
I permanently disfigured my body by being obese. Even at 17 bmi I looked fat because of hanging loose skin. You could see all of my ribs and most of my vertebrae, but no flat stomach, unfortunately.
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2024/03/16 - 72.2 kg
63 days later
2024/05/18 - 62.7 kg
185cm tall male. I need some reassurance. At 72.2kg I was really skinny fat and it was basically fat I had slowly accumulated over 6 years. Anyway I'm starting to get worried because It feels like my belly fat is not going away. Even at 18.3 bmi when I tense my abs I can move the fat up and down with my fingers over the abs. I think I have lost a lot of belly fat proportionally as I've lost weight, compared to how much I had when I started. Do you think it will go soon? For reference I would say I have next to no muscle mass, I was truly skinny fat. I hope it goes soon.
I'm wondering whether it involves your diet. Are you eating particularly fatty foods?
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I'm such a fat lazy fuck.
I was doing well approaching 180 lbs at 6'2 eating 1500 cal for months and then i had a terrible month binge eating and got back to fucking 187 and now i wanna starve myself like a fucking idiot.
Any tips for weight loss discipline?
I have to drive a truck for one more year so a lot of things are hard to follow religiously (but i'm trying).
My goal is 155.
For me it's easier to consider it from a financial standpoint, I hate spending money on food. Anything you're not paying towards short-lived meals can go towards something nice. I buy a lot of clothes
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anyone around from the hydration frog days? or am I still the only loser with an ED still here?
I'm 120ish pounds (used to be 160 before I started) and 5 feet 10 inches. Right now I've started eating a cup of raisins and 4 eggs every day (about 900 calories) since they're good for the skin but I used to just eat fast food and I think that's had a negative impact. What can I do to take things to the next level?
you should partner with /fph/ threads on /fit/
I was there when anon posted the water pepe when I was 16. Now I'm 21 and wonder what happened to them.
lots of comfy characters back then. how are you doing? still keeping thin? 16...woulda been maybe the anon from Yorkshire or the German anon... maybe the German anon was older.
shut up faggot
Normie girls > alt girls
pls rember to stay hdyrated
very hot today this is very important
I'm third world anon and have always stayed between 55 and 53 kg bc I'm a fatass but lately I've been doing good and I'm 51.4 so bmi 19.1 and pretend to be 46kg by the end of the year.
What about you? Have you lost since water anon?
Also I'm >>18099923
Y'all please invest in a high-quality, non-digital scale. After I started using an expensive medical scale I found out my old one was adding FIVE POUNDS to my weight
Thrift shops are a good place to get affordable and high quality scales. I got mine for $2 but it retails for $80.
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looking great anon! i agree with you on low rise jeans, high rise jeans were designed to make fat people feel better about themsleves.

unfortunately I've put some on since wateranon and being a regular here. I'm currently 5'11" 155lbs male. I was 140 or so back then. I still look thin to most people, considering I'm in my 30s, but I do miss being thinner..i feel fat. I have gained some muscle mass so my waist is still decent, but, I still feel like a fatso. I also overate tonight. ._. not sure why I care anymore, but i do.
I overate tonight as well but it totaled to 1300 cals so I'm fine. Just I'm feeling like shit like physically rn for the huge amount of food I had lmao
yeah I know the feeling. sometimes when I fast all day and then have a pretty reasonably sized dinner I feel like I've just eaten a feast. works great for keeping within calories though. I think I've been a bit depressed lately so that's influencing me eating more food. I'm looking forward to getting a dog, I found a breeder finally and I'm super excited. I think that'll keep my mind on other things when he or she comes home.
I have always been naturally skinny so no need for dieting, but today i realized that i have become skinnyfat and got these big fatty chipmunk cheeks and i'm triggered. I guess that's what age does to a mf, twink death...
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Not bullshit. Some people have bigger frames than others. Bigger frames can never be as thin as smaller frames. Are you fucking trolling?
blud, the deviation in bone girth is probably +/ 10%, put ur shit into a calculator it will give you a rough guide on just how much of a fatass you are
Are you being intentionally stupid? Even if you’re skinny you will never be “slender” if your frame is built like a fridge.
The answer to thick anon is corsetry
This is fucking retarded. I really wish they would force people to go back to school and beat you all whenever you say anything stupid.
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Are you telling me a guy with a large frame can ever get as skinny a a guy with a small frame? Listen to yourself ffs
very unfashionable dude, i mean that's a huge hand with visible stubble and size 12 feet
the color black doesn't minimize huge feet
maybe try wearing some dark wash jeans and white GATs
he means big pelvis, wide shoulders and so on, not thicker bones
I have a barrel chest. Even at 15 bmi I looked big. You know how when you lay down your ribs stick out and your abdomen sinks inward? That's what I look like when I stand.
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>smoking keeps you thin
Being a woman helps too
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yes that's what I'm saying. The "large frame" or large bone structure excuse is just that, an excuse. It doesn't have anything to do with your weight, how flat your stomach is, how thin your arms and legs are. And sure you can have broader shoulders and a wider or narrower pelvis, longer legs and arms but these things are minuscule and don't contribute to people looking overweight. Not matter your height you skeleton only accounts for up to 10-14% of your body weight. You bone structure does not make you look like a "fridge". Your bones look like bones.
>You bone structure does not make you look like a "fridge"
70iq nigger right here
that pic isnt me lmao
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you're wrong and stupid get your stupid fucking bro science out of here
They're so hot it's unbelivable
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both of them look pretty skank
Not sure why they are sitting on the road.
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This seems topical
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Do you guys have any before/after comparisons?
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>twink death
I grew up fat and have always been hairy (and don't have the frame for it), I never even got the chance ;_;
I just hit my tentative goal weight but realized it's not enough, still have a ways to go. Will need to actually start lifting soon.
I'd guess she lost about 15-20 pounds. Crazy the difference it makes. She went from "eww" to "do you want to model clothing brand"
What's the best form of cardio and how much should you be doing it
Running burns more calories, but is harder on the body (still infinitely better than not running). Swimming comes right behind running, is easier on the body, but you need a pool, have to do it within gym or pool hours, and water is cold.
Doesn't running fuck up your joints in the long run? Would think that cycling would be best for your joints, but it mostly works your lower body
Kettlebell swings. Do 1000 and tell me you’re not sweating
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That is a very hairy arm!
going to bed
Kinda hot
You will regret this. Nobody likes an aged twink. It’s all fun and games until the e-boy’s hairline recedes.
yep. and all she had to do was not eat. i mean it's for sure hard but i think the strategy that works best, at least for me, is that as I approach goal weight to slow the deficit slightly. running only a 250cal deficit makes it possible to get very thin without much fuss, even if it takes a bit longer. i mean when starting from already thin to get thinner, not when average BMI or something going down (then 500+ deficit is better)
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the hair problem is literally obsolete now with all the new hair implant tech. my boss has great hair now. very expensive and took two days of some lady manually placing hair follicles into his scalp, but, really looks nice.
210 lbs.

How much weight do I need to lose? I want all fat gone
I'm the same height, but very little muscle, and weigh around 145 lbs.
You should be around 150 lbs. to be thin.
My female friend is currently losing weight and made some decent progress already (-7kg) I noted that she'd look even better if she had thinner arms and she responded with something like this.
I don't quite believe her because I can literally see how if she'd lose 10 kilos more she'd look tremendous, but she's in such a deep denial about her true "right" weight.

I think her female trainer just doesn't want to be too hard on her and reinforces this idea that her current goal weight is "optimal" and "healthy" so my friend feels good about the process.
To be fair, there’s a difference between someone’s “healthiest” weight and their “most attractive” weight
Oh shit I don’t think that’s even possible for me but I’ll try. Spent way too many years lifting weights
Then you can be lean and fit. That's so much stronger than thin.
daily reminder:
dont eat
dont drink except for a bit of water
all substances are cope
just use thc to relax

gross. some women look WAY worse "skinny" . I'm not even one to hate skinny women. but some just look like a 40-something year old person who is sick.

most skinny women I knew had stomach issues. also other skinny women just want to LARP as being french
Doing a fast for the next two days.
Lol no. Eat a salad fatass
I'm doing a ~250 deficit and it's amazing. I eat around 1000 to 1300 cals a day and I feel like I eat what I want and am able to feel full and good.
Also I lost 2 kilos in two months, so slowly but surely I'm getting there.
I'm 5'4, 51.7kg and want to be 46 by the end of the year <3
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Do you think being skinny is coming back in style?
nice job! yeah I think of reduction as a percentage, and as we get thinner a fixed caloric deficit isn't a good way to look at it. you're gunna be so thin <3
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it never left style. no matter how many billboards of fatties are put on the side of highways, no matter how many heffers they put in movies, or feature in music... every girl wants to be thin and beautiful.

I was at a party a few weeks ago and a thin girl came in a very nice dress. I heard some snide comments from other partygoers talking about her "no tits" etc, but my takeaway was that everyone was looking at her. she was the star. rail thin model bodies are still the most sought after. sure some guys want to fuck giant titty girls or something, but if you want a high end girl she's thin and elegant. thin means high end, thin means rich, thin means aesthetic.
How do I cope with my mother trying to sabotage me?
She’s “visiting” but idk how fucking long this visit will be
is she trying to make you eat more? just keep telling her youre not hungry or lie and say you ate earlier, dont give in.
Doesn't work how your thinking it does op. If your already fit it might help callorie burn but its certainly not going to cut fat like diet or exercise.
General population will still be overweight, 70% of adults in the US are overweight.
Completely correct
>70% of adults in the US are overweight.
What is the percentage for people not older than 40?
In my experience most fat people are old. They usually become fat after being married for a few years and not trying to compete anymore.
>age 20-24 is 26%
>age 25-44 35%
Those are high numbers separated by age bracket, adding them into the total population just makes it grosser.
Gonna IF for all of June. I expect you all to hold me accountable.

t. anon
It is fair but the most attractive weight normally isn't *that* unhealthy. The initial process of getting there can be uncomfortable, that is true. For me getting into sub-15%bf (as a man) wasn't bad when I stopped suicide cutting and just switched to a rather careless but high protein, low fat, low carb diet.
Try rolling 48s
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IF is awesome, you will love it. I did it with a 1300 calorie goal. My meal felt a good size and I didn't feel like I was on a diet, I ended the meal feeling full. during the day I just skipped breakfast and lunch... breakfast for me is a pain because it's early and I'm generally not that hungry anyways, and lunch is expensive because I'm at work without great access to food so I either have to order in, eat out, or bring something (a lot of work). so skipping lunch is a nice break from all that. end of the day I went home and made myself a nice balanced dinner and ate like a KING.
>skipping lunch is a nice break from all that
Unless your (not necessarily fat) coworkers bitch about it
Just say you're fasting... for religious reasons and report them to HR. I'm not on a weight loss diet but I have spent all my working life with people making comments because I don't eat the same trash foods they eat. It only natural for people to make comments when you don't share their poor habits. Just don't share your good food with them or they will form a dependent relationship where they always want to leech off and order good food with you. Parasites! Let them fester and rot from the inside out. "Woe is me! Why am I always fat and sick all the time?!" It's a real mystery, it certainly has nothing to do with what you eat.
i don't understand why they would bitch about your lunch habits? maybe my office is different than yours but mine they wouldn't even notice.
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I got a virus and it's a blessing in disguise. I am losing fat effortlessly everyday. I have difficulty breathing, sleeping, eating, and many daily tasks take longer. But my waist is looking more and more like pic related.
>Thinspo alien for the win
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She might be aware that she could look better, but your comment may have made her feel defensive. Imo it's more sensible to compliment on progress that someone has already made as opposed to what they could do better. If she keeps her good habits up, she'll probably lose more.
The numbers are definitely higher in areas like the midwest and south. I'm from the midwest and most girls back home were serious heifers regardless of age.
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She has been my thinspo since 2002
She was super cute pre 2005.
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Do you have any more thinspo photos of her? I'm curious now
You can't control what others do, but you can always control your own reaction. Be an adult. You're the boss of your life.
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I prefer taking prescription stimulants in the morning that last all day. Speaking of, is 64kg cutting things a little too close for a 180cm male? Getting close to that goal, and it's hard visualizing those metrics with my frame in my mind.
How would you have belly fat at 18 BMI? It's probably just your skin. Stop imagining things
Nta but cardio or low intensity exercise could tighten the skin
im kinda skinny (60kg at 6'1) but whenever i eat basically anything my stomach sticks out like some horrible beer gut, like a balloon has been inflated inside me. does anyone else struggle with this?
This is a happens to basically everyone, whether they notice it or not. It becomes much more exaggerated and apparent when one starts eating less frequently though. These days after I eat I get so bloated I may have to unbutton my jeans
so, every thinspo picture is just someone who hasn't eaten for several hours?
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I'm not imagining things. I'm 18.1 and it's leaving. It is the very last thing to go (I was disgustingly skinny fat with literally no muscle mass). When I made that post I had gone from 6.4 to 62.7 but I didn't know where the fat had gone from so I was kinda freaking out because I thought I was just losing muscle or losing weight while still retaining belly fat. But It had all left my legs and now the last vestiges of belly fat is leaving as well. I don't think I'm even going to have to go to 60, probably more like 61 and I will have lost all the fat I could possibly lose. 61 would put me at 17.8.
I mean, yeah, but also it has to do with what you’re eating (carbonated drinks and airy foods will do this), how much you’re eating, and how *fast* you’re eating. Eating quickly means you’re consuming more air which will lead to bloating and mean there’s more food in one place at the same time if that makes sense.
I think you're a bit underweight bro. im 6' at 64kg and I don't get a gut from eating a big meal.
Maybe putting on a few kgs would help.
>telling someone to gain weight in the thinspo thread
NTA but yeah some people look awful skinnyfat, even with an BMI 18.5 and would look much better with more muscle mass.
Not saying becoming buff but simply doing bodyweight exercises.
>BMI 18.5
well.. if you have a tummy at 18.5, you need to lose more weight. simple as.
Anons, give me your best advice for dealing with mental hunger/food noise. I know I'm not physically hungry, but damn, these cravings got hands.
Zyn's advertising is so forced ugh. Same tactics as crap like prime and juul but for nicotine. I use nicotine but it doesn't do shit as far as appetite suppression goes. For me it's just a mental cope.
Everyone wears their weight differently anon. Could be a hormonal thing too. Like I've never had hip bones despite that I've had a BMI of 14ish at my lowest.
They come and go. Anyone that says you can push through and they'll disappear is lying. You can go years without sugar and randomly get a craving for it. I've been sober for two years and I think about getting a cold beer almost every day. Different substance, but the same principle. You have to learn to live with it.
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snus is nature's ozempic
Never smoked and I'm still skinny
Same. I feel judgmental of people using drugs/medication/surgery to get skinny because literally anyone can do it without those things for free. It just takes self control
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any fattie that made it to skinny succesfully? i fucking hate how much i eat
i only find comfort in food and masturbation
its hard for me to stick to something
i already take antidepressants btww
and hate smokin
nah >>18125820 is pretty hot
would plap
Yes but I needed other peoples help. Not directly, I didn’t have a trainer, but I needed to immerse myself in society. I needed to get out of the house and into the company of people who would actively judge me for being fat. The shame and embarrassment got me out of the hole. camping with family members, a weekly gaming meetup attended by women; bars, free concerts, church.

It was painful but if I had just sat alone in my room waiting for my willpower to take over, or waiting for the perfect diet that would let me eat good food and feel satiated at a caloric deficit (doesn’t exist), it never would have happened.

I had to accept the fact that I am a weak willed, gluttonous person. If I wasn’t I never would have got fat in the first place. Then accept that I needed the indirect help of others.
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I used to be opposed to the use of drugs for weight loss, but I've come to realize that some people genuinely perceive hunger differently from others. Likewise, their relationship with food may have been influenced by past experiences. I think everyone deserves to have the resources needed to live in a happy and healthy body. If that means weight loss drugs to correct their underlying issues with food, then so be it.
With that being said, I think the idea that "smoking makes you skinny" is just a lie perpetuated by the tobacco industry.
Yeah. I was considered obese in my early teens and I've been uw or a low-normal bmi since then. I grew up hearing myths like "a calorie is not a calorie" or "you're fat because of your genetics and/or your low thyroid" (I take meds for it). Even though that stuff is obvious bullshit, it's easy to develop cognitive dissonance when you're surrounded with nonsense. It was really hard on me and I felt like I had no control over my predicament.
Eventually, I started monitoring my caloric intake and the pounds started coming off. With that being said, I went too far mentally and began to obsess over what I ate. I think I had developed a lot of "fear foods" partly due to myths that I had been told about diets in the past. I'm mostly over that shit now, but I still have intense body dysmorphia stemming from growing up and feel obligated to restrict because it gives me some modicum of control.
blud im 90kg 185 and bodyfat of 10% how the fuck are you 60kg that's ridiculous
I can't vape due to the joint inflammation it causes, and work in a close quarters office environment where even the slightest cig aroma will have me judged and reprimanded, so now I just implode in nervous silence

It was the ritual for me, finding a hiding spot, something about keeping the hands busy that quieted the mind, the release to exhale staring at the sky knowing even if everything wasn't okay, some how at least for now it was
Does vaping cause joint problems? I feel like smoking cigarettes makes my nerve pain worse, but I assumed it was in my head.
Doubt. You're either a super ripped bodybuilder or you've miscalculated bf.
For reference I'm 185cm, 74kg and probably around 12%. Athletic build but slender.
SW and CW?
is your ancestry alpine/south germanic?
Actually faggots like beefcakes. hm/ is all that. Women like average muscle and 10-15% bf. Only 10% of women like beefcakes.
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>be me, a decade ago, 20 yo
>get a 18 yo gf
>she slowly reveals her weirdness
>says she's anorexic among other things
>think "sweet, that means I'll always have a thin gf!"
>she turns fat
Had to drop her. I learned that I know nothing about eating disorders
>avoid all bread and processed foods

They have a chemical that screws with the feeling of being full

>Eat protein

Protein makes you feel full longer and controls blood sugar to stop cravings. Bone broth or 0% fat cottage cheese is g is the highest protein in the smallest portions with 0% fat

>avoid all sugar. Eat more loe fermented foods like plain non fat yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut

Sugar feeds yeast that causes cravings for sugar. Probiotics cause vegetable cravings.

>take your God damn vitamins.

You won't feel like shit if you do. Get a good multivitamin with 100% DV of everything possible. Iron and 1000% vitamin c if you're a woman because women are always low on iron and it causes bread cravings. Get beet greens powder. 1-2 tbs is your entire daily need for potassium. It is illegal to buy potassium because too much kills.
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this mirror in my bathroom makes my legs look so tiny - i havent worn a skirt in about 2 years and i was so shocked to see the difference from how my legs look now vs when i was fat looool
the big shoes also help me look even smaller it made me so so happy
What should I keep my squat at so as to not overdevelop my glutes and thighs? 1, 2, 3, or 4 plate??
I vaped for months without issue, then all of a sudden it felt like my knees were on fire. Stopped vaping cold turkey and the knee pain completely disappeared.
Jesus what a load of kike
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When nobody got me I know pikachu bonespo got me
if ur eating in a deficit your numbers will only go so high, nutrition matters more than stimulus so don't worry, just enjoy the gym and eat skinny
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may i ask for you to describe the dress she was wearing? i actually was wanting to make a thread of my own, but i figured that this one would be a little more tolerant of females (female). i'm 5'3 and 108 - 110lbs so not terribly thin, but i've always been a tomboy who doesn't wear makeup or anything like that. but i'm 26 now and kind of want to know what wearing a dress is like. my usual style is somewhat gothic, lots of wool and as a rule i prefer to cover my skin when i can. i have tights that i recently purchased, but no idea on what styles of dresses would be nice other than something like picrel, though maybe even that seems a bit too costume-y. sorry for blogposting, been a long time since i've been here.
>5’3 108
I could pick you up and chuck you into a volcano on a whim.
And if you want to dress like that look up sinisterdarling inspo
The girl I met at a club blocked me. The only girl I’ve ever met spontaneously (not school, work, mutual friends, or dating apps), after we met at a club, danced for an hour holding hands, exchanged numbers, went on a date, and had decent sex, then either blocks my number or is ignoring me for two weeks straight. Pretty cool the way life spits in your face like that. Spits acid spit in your face, whips you into the cellar, thrashes you and locks the door
And of course the last things I texted her were boring idiotic questions about how her day went. Now I get to stare at those final stupid messages that I had no idea would be final, that I can never take back or redo, for an eternity.
What are some low calorie snacks for this feeling
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Enjoy your fat chicks and their lumpy ass bodies in their lumpy ass clothes.
It happens, we aren't in other people's heads and don't get to live their lives, there's no telling what's going on. There are other women out there. I've been on a fruit and yogurt kick. Popcorn has also been a go to snack recently.
i went from 264lbs (120kg) to 148lbs (67kg) at a height of about 5'11 over three years with maintenance breaks littered in throughout that time period. I wouldn't say im entirely finished with my goals nor would I say i'm fully satisfied but id like to say so far the process has been more or less successful. I set medium term goals and readjust when I meet said goals to project a new gw.

Theres no way to teach willpower unfortunately, but I would recommend only eating in front of others, greatly slowing down how fast you eat and using smaller plates. The former of which will be indirect policing and the latter two will make you feel more full.

This is for later but I took tactical maintanence breaks, idk the science behind it but anecdotally whenever I plateau I go on a maintain period for about 2 weeks and then I go back to losing weight pretty consistently when I go back to restricting following it.
i'd probably giggle if you did that. thanks for the rec, but just having dark hair doesn't make you gothic. i despise the e-girl look, in all its variations.
I haven't been 117 since last spring. I can fit into my cloths again. It's euphoric.
I can't beleive I let myself go. I thought it would be okey to gain 20 lbs. It was a mistake to indulge. It just gave me cankles. I was almost 130 some days. I saw my legs in a reflection and though "Oh no I'm fat". That was a wake up call.
I've still got some more work to do but I'm so happy right now.
Her fits are fire though, not like the other (e) girls
So what does an average day of eating look like for most of you? I wanna try this out.
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thinspo scares me honestly
sure they're cute but idk there's something psychotic about these girls
9am: rise
10am: coffee and cigarettes (appetite suppressant)
1pm: hickory smoked pork riblets and stuffed lamb shoulder with honey mesquite sauce, a side of buttered mash potatoes and coleslaw (suppressant failed)
2pm: jog on the treadmill for 20 mins (burn off calories from previous step)
4pm: Hors d’oeuvres, Sylphides a la Creme d’ecrivesses. Entree, Timbale de ris de veau Toulousaine. Entremets, L’Etoile au Berger and a Bombe Nero
6pm: celery (celery actually has fewer calories than what you burn digesting it, so you actually lose weight by eating it!)
please just kill yourself, nobody thinks you're funny
same, white women are a bit scary to me because they are so foreign.
do you genuinely think that? she has big tits, but that's all that's going for her. the cropped shirts and showing skin is way too much. do kids these days seriously walk around like prostitutes?
Do you have any loose skin, and did you do anything during the time period to mitigate it?
Microwave meal omad which comes out to 300-600 cals. Sometimes I allow myself 1 snack if I'm getting really hungry but I wouldn't recommend it (unless you're active or tall I guess??) since I've been maintaining 87lbs for 3 days now when I should've already woken up 86. (DUE to the snack I allow myself)

The TIME I eat it varies but my snack is usually 2 hours before bed, and it is always after my meal.
Amazing, I really wanna be like you, are you like used to the hunger by now? I'd like to try very small OMAD meals as well
I suppose I'm used to the hunger, but I also drink a lot of caffeine which helps me feel full. (And I stay VERY busy) I still get super hungry and sick-ish sometimes, but it gets easier to ignore after 2-3 months
I talked wonders about restricting 200 to 500 calories a day but sadly it's not working for me anymore. I've gained 1.4 kilos overnight and idk why, maybe I'm not restricting enough.
I feel so fat and humilliated, I'll start restricting 600 cals every day even if I go hungry and weak.
I want to be 16 BMI so bad and sadly I'm sitting at 19.6 which is embarrassing.
>hooked up with a woman who will have sex with a guy whom she just met
>expects anything positive in return
You know thats obviously just a slut right? Just like 99% of those women who go to clubs and have sex with men they just met lmao, you're fucking stupid actually
4’11, went from 105 to 127lbs. how do I get thinpilled so i can get to 100lb and stop being so fucking lazy

(dream weight is 94/95lbs but i know I won’t get there quickly so :p)
Yes, though im not too sure on how to differentiate between loose skin and just fat. I heard that losing weight consistently over weight is better for mitigating loose skin but it just sounds like an old wives tale. I'm planning on losing another 7-8kg/14ish lbs, so I'll see what the situation is like from there.
losing weight consistently over time*
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I dunno if this gives you any reassurance but given that you're restricting it's definitely water weight. It's normal for me to bloat up by 5lbs (roughly 2.3kg) when I'm PMSing and then I piss out all of the bloat. With that being said please don't restrict to 200-500 calories per day. Your brain requires more than that just to function.
You're short so you'll have to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight. Maybe do two 500 calorie meals.
You can stretch that amount to 1200 if you exercise.
Good luck anon
I meant I eat 1000-1300 cals a day while my tdee being 1550 cals.
Now I'm trying 900 a day and see how much I'll lose in a week.
I didn't know water weight could get that high, I thought it was only up to a kilo or so.
Thank you anon I'll keep going and report back in a week.

the most i exercise is the walking i do at work (like 2-3k steps) so ill prob have to do 1000 cals

my biggest issue tho is that I’ll try to intermittently fast and drink only water but then break and eat/binge a fuck ton of carbs
If you're prone to binging maybe don't fast, eat at a deficit and you'll be fine. Maybe do 1000 a weekday and 1200 on the weekends so you'll feel like you're actually eating good and won't want to binge. Also restrict carbs as much as possible, you might be addicted if you crave them too much so eliminating or reducing flour based stuff and carby grains will do you good. Fixate on having a lot of protein on each meal and you won't be hungry I promise.
Today I had green peas with tuna and an egg plus some seeds and avocado and will have the same as dinner, roughly 900 cals today. I'm >>18132410 btw and am trying to get past this weird plateau I'm in.

If you're a girl and would like to talk about this stuff, add me on discord (pendrive_73653), I'm a girl too and could use some motivations. Only if you're interested though, I want to eat 1000 a day so we can plean our meals together <3
tried adding you and it said your username didn’t work :c
Sorry, my bad, it's pendrive0_73653
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If your having issues with food restriction you need to ween yourself off of carbs and refined sugar, including sugary fruits.

Do this over 2 to 3 weeks. Eat what you'd normally eat but take away a small portion of your carbs every day. You should get to a point where you only eat carbs in 1 meal - preferably dinner. And don't double down on your dinner carbs, just have a regular amount.
Usually replacing your breakfast and lunch carbs with rice will help you out as you can measure and minuses 20 grams of your rice everyday. By the end of the month you should not be craving carbs.

Drink green tea to keep your energy levels.
Eat lots of protien. Fat is also fine but if your eating peanut butter for example
measure it with a scale. cus you might not realise how large your portion actually is.

For breakfast/lunch I ate canned tuna in miso soup with random Spices and seaweed. I ate that every weekday for about a 2 months. It's done wonders. If I'm still hungry I have a protien shake. Then I eat dinner normally. I also eat normally on weekends and special occasions. I won't let my diet make give me anxiety when I'm socialising. The goal for me is not to get an eating disorder and spiral. Cus unbalanced blood sugar from cold turkey fasting will make you a bit crazy. I think that ED spiraling has some part to do with unbalanced blood sugar. Having an ED isn't healthy, it makes you look like a balding raisin.
Loose the wieght slowly overwise you'll be saggy. And do wieghr resistance exercise - this prevents anxiety and depression which can cause binging or spiralling. If you do exercise drink a protien shake or eat some meat about an hour befor so you don't faint.
Be honest with yourself as to your goal wieght, what looks good and what's sustainable. A bmi of 16 doesn't look good if your past the age of 23.
Was ment for you sorry
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As a heads up, anywhere from 0.25lb to 1lb a week is pretty reasonable for someone that isn't overweight. 1lb (0.45kg) is equal to 3500 calories. So a loss of 0.23 kg in a week would be equal to a deficit of 250 calories per day.
If it isn't mentally bothersome, I recommend weighing before and after having a few glasses of water. Throw salt and hormones into the mix and you'll see why weight can vary so much day to day. Honestly I've found measuring tapes to be a better way of measuring weight loss. Weighing too often frustrates the hell out of me.
A normal body for Asian girls. I wish the west was like this, it must be their diets right? Rice/noodles and veggies with a little meat, instead of all the bread, sauces, sugars and fatty meats and other fatty shit we consume daily in the west
Wait, restricting to 600kcal a day isn’t healthy?
You realise asians have perfected the art of deceiving? That could be a man with a latex bodysuit or multiple filters
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Because you're missing out on vitamins, nutritients and minerals by eating so little, there are all kinds of dangerous things that can happen to you in the long term if you keep this up for a long time, most people in this thread simply don't care or don't believe it because they feel fine, but you only feel fine for now
if you are bmi 15 how did you get to it?

tell me calls,meals and how long it toock
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Diet culture is really big in Asian countries. Very common to see advertisements there depicting women going from normal to uw bmis. ngl as the other anon stated I wouldn't be surprised if it was filtered to some extent. That's to be expected with social media nowadays.
I've been there before. It's all about a caloric deficit. Took a long time but I'm short and it takes longer for short people. Initially I restricted a fuckton but eventually moved my caloric intake up because it didn't make a huge difference either way. Going extremely low calorie (think 300-500 a day) took a much greater toll on me than my BMI ever did.
so what cal limit did you do the longest?
Thank you sm for the advice! I’m trying to ween myself off of soda, currently just drinking water from one of those stupid water bottles that has measurements n motivational sayings

i think another big issue of mine is that I’m a huge picky eater so I don’t get enough protein in me
I think I’m gonna start drinking protein shakes n eat mostly greens
Currently below bmi 15 (barely) but it took me about 3-4 months. (started at bmi 25~ and I'm short) Of course after that initial loss there was a lot of cycling due to inpatient stuff. (That initial loss happened about 2-3 years ago)

But I did it by eating 200-475 cals for about 3 days, eating 700 cals for 2-ish days then fasting for 2-4 days as a base routine. (with exceptions for holidays/celebrations GENERALLY) Of course it was disrupted by binges, diff diet plans, and the occasional extra-long fast. I also didn't really exercise, I just did a small little leg a workout that didn't take more than 5 mins. (To note I'm sedentary and at the time of my initial loss I was just in school with no job.)
when I use it at day time, I wanna eat, particularly foods that I loved as a kid (green+sunlight= nostalgia for me) but knight time I don't even think about food and am just content.
thank you, how many meals did you eat usually, did you drink coffee/energy drinks and how much do you eat now?
I was always an omad kind of fella, so it was either 1 or 2 meals. I don't drink many energy drinks since I haven't found any that are kosher but I love coffee, tea, and diet pepsi which I drank in MASSIVE amounts. (and still do.) And I already briefly talked about how much I currently eat in this thread. (300-600cal omad) but I'm not trying to maintain and still have a lot of pounds I want to lose.
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I found 800-1000 to be more sustainable for me. I think that's what I did the longest. I never went up to 1200 but in hindsight that would've been much healthier and I still would've lost weight. My tdee at the time was around 1400 (I'm short). With that being said over restricting is defo a form of self harm so please avoid it and try to eat on the higher end if you can as you definitely don't want to develop an ED. >>18132593 provides some pretty sensible advice.
I love drugs but they're trash for weight loss. However GHB is a great substitute for alcohol sans the calories. Plus there's no hangover and it comes with additional horniness. Only downsides are finicky dosing (much bigger risk of OD compared to alcohol) and that it's mainly something found in the gay scene.
Skill issue

For some people chasing a gw is a way to fill a void that can only be filled by therapy, for me it solved literally every issue in my life
What if you regularly drink those fortified drinks for comatose children?
Idk talk to a doctor
Post the nutritional info
>drank so much coffee-and gave myself a kidney infection
How tf do Chinese women stay sane at such low body fat %? The lowest I've gotten was 16-17% and I was only able to act normally with lots of dissos and various drugs, otherwise I felt like a zombie; are people just rich and able to supplement every vitamin they might be deficient in like via IV or something? I was taking magnesium and various vitamins and eating nutrients dense organ meat and was still miserable at my lw but I have a ton of Chinese students at my school and there's plenty of girls with low bmis and perfect grades; only explanation I can think of is that they are younger than me and haven't yet felt the consequences of long term restricting?
Maybe their bodies require a lower amount of calories?

Asian women have smaller frames then euros, and Latino descended people
absolutely superb photo
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Yeh probably my favorite Yohji show.
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Is this too big to look good in clothes?
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ngl looks too much like a Wednesday Addams cosplay. I recommend looking into Dark Academia stuff.
Honestly a lot of thinspo makes me sad because they often have SH scars and/or are underage.
desu they're probably not restricting. Or at least not for long periods of time. More or less eating at maintenance. There isn't that big of a difference between maintenance calories for a slim person and an overweight person of similar height. Like a few hundred if that.
Asian BMI also works differently. Like 17.5 is considered healthy for Asians but not for whites because they store more visceral fat and have smaller frames. Being shorter makes a difference too. BMI often underestimates what considered overweight in shorter people.
>that makes sense i'm genetically african + european so my body is on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of bone + muscle density (i literally don't float in water due to muscle mass despite being pretty sedentary); maybe i'm underestimating their body fat percentage since i tend to retain muscle and stay heavier ; their bmi's are probably low but maybe at their slightly higher body fat percentage it's generally more sustainable? like a low weight + higher bf % for females is maybe easier than a lower bf % at a higher weight ; since low bf % = period loss and hormonal issues even at a normal weight ; sigh i just hate the squishy look on myself, i prefer the skinny+shredded look on my frame ; you're probably right about the not restricting, at least not to the extremes i do; they just seem very active; at the library there's frequently a slim chinese girl using the treadmill and bike desks
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when did you all start smoking? i picked up smoking from a skinny girl in outpatient after gaining a bunch from being strapped to a hospital bed and forcefed antipsychotics and swelling up like a balloon; almost back to my old weight; she was psycho but also an angel
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Yeah that makes sense. BMI has also been shown to overestimate rates of overweight/obesity among people of Sub-Saharan African descent. You're probably correct that higher bf% plays a role in why Asian girls are less likely to lose their periods at a lower BMI. Even girls at normal BMIs and very low bf% lose their periods because body fat has estrogenic effects.
I started dipping and vaping in my teens. I was a gullible dumbass and thought it would help me stay ~skinni~. It's a shitty habit that's incredibly hard to kick and it hasn't done anything for me in terms of weight management.
Better eat low calorie and take supplements for vitamins and minerals.
I agree he's retarded. Wow, someone who used me like a human dildo discarded me like a broken toy after they were done having mindless sex. Who would've thought?
Could you please send me a link to this show? Would greatly appreciate it.
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yohji 1999 fall/winter
can't reverse image search award
What is this?
Read the thread
Any examples of thin very petite women, around 5 ft?
How short and small are you that 2000 calories isn’t a massive deficit?
Nah bro 8-14% bodyfat is the most attractive for a guy and also the healthiest for hormone production
Health and attractiveness are 100% correlated that’s why all these anorexic freaks ITT look awful, cus they’re literally dying
Are you a 6 foot tall bodybuilder? Most people in this thread are women.
I'd need to weigh over 200lbs to have a tdee of 2000
Everyone here is a faggot with twink fantasies
And yeah I’m 6’2 185lbs lean. Here’s a secret; if you build muscle your metabolism increases (muscle requires a lot of energy to maintain), your testosterone increases (test is fat catabolic) and your baseline “lean” weight increases so you don’t have to starve yourself endlessly
maybe try >>>/fit/ instead roidtranny
Enjoy your perpetual binge/restrict cycle and disgusting skinnyfat body
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>dark academia
not goth, but i will admit the pic i posted was pretty out there -- much too costume-y and EGL to wear comfortably. i went with picrel instead, just have to wait for it to arrive...
im same height.
I started lifting at 200 lbs, bulked to 240, am 174 now over the course of almost 2 years.
If you lift, you wanna be like 160-165~. If you dont lift, probably 130-140
>perpetual binge/restrict cycle
Hey, if it works.

Day 2: 20 minutes of HR <40 bpm
Day 3: 90 minutes of HR <40 bpm
Day 4: 270 minutes of HR <40 bpm
Day 5: 440 minutes of HR <40 bpm
Day 1: 0 minutes of HR <40 bpm
Day 2: 20 minutes of HR <40 bpm
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She looks like Skins-era Kaya Scodelario.
Cutting out fries and soft/juice drinks from my diet has helped my weight go down slightly but noticeably, I can tell due to how my pants fit compared to before. And the reduced weight increase both my lifespan and quality of life, what's not to love?
I'm female why would I want my test to increase? gtfo
Just ignore him
He’s one of those /fit/cels who has never seen a woman in his life
Good choice anon. The dress cut reminds me a lot of the linen dresses that have been going around in Japan and Korea. I wouldn't say the first dress gave me much of an EGL vibe but more costumey. Usually I think of kuro lolita when I think of EGL.
Walking. Easy on the joints. It's simple. You can stay indoors and walk around from room to room. A step up is to walk around with weights in a backpack.
>get laid off last year
>go on unemployment
>decide to change routine and become healthier
>prioritize sleep
>eat first thing in the morning, usually some oatmeal with milk, nuts and fruit, maybe some eggs and whatever I'm up for
>mew and meditate in the forest
>crypto neet still (had crypto the whole time but wanted gibs) so I just study whatever I want or go for a walk and veg out and think about life for hours at a time like a human being should be able to DAILY
Also I seem to have mild schizophrenia but I never told a single human being about my symptoms. Do with this info what you will. Anyway.
>usually stop eating after noon
>usually after some meat and a salad or veggies of some type, still comfortably under 2000 cal
>exercise, maybe sauna, whatever I *feel* like doing
>take some protein supplement possibly
>hunger late in the day actually feels quite good, I seem to sleep better also
>ff a year and some months later
>have abs, even oblique and rib muscles that I never even knew existed
>arms are bigger than all my years as a wagie, possibly combined
>frequent mires
>29 inch waist (thus still obese technically but it's down from 36 inches)
>healthy skin, hollow cheeks, other lookism features
>don't feel or look like a dead inside groveling zombie caged animal etc
Was it really this easy all along? All I had to do was stop being an inflamed miserable wagie for a while?
Is 1200 calories once a day a decent diet? Or should I cut out more food?
whats your tdee? how active are you? 1200 for most people is decent but it depends on how much you want to lose and how fast as well.
Right now I'm 6ft and 250lbs so I'm morbidly obese.
You could (and should) eat 2000 calories a day and still lose a pound a week. I'm saying you should because it avoids binges and "cheat days".
Learn to calculate your tdee, do it every time that you lose weight and readjust your calories to eat 500 less than your tdee.
True but this 1200 once a day thing has been incredibly easy so far, I'm upset I didn't do it earlier
i've been eating something like 890 cals a day for a few months, with the regular 1200 day, i did lose weight but i'm plateauing and as time goes on i feel weaker, what do? every time i try to up my cal consumption i just gain weight cause i've fucked up my metabolism. also i do take vitamins supplements and magnesium to keep up
Wow, I'm 5'3 as well and weigh like 119.6 lbs andy goal weight was 115. I can see my chest bones and my collarbones are very prominent, so I assume I was pretty slim, but you don't even consider yourself that thin. If you had a goal weight what would it be?
Not that anon. I feel like Thin for a woman of average height is 90-100lbs.
I agree.
You really do have big bones if you have prominent ribcage and collarbones at that weight.
Thank you both for the responses, I looked at a different chart and decided that my goal weight will be 101 lbs instead, thank you!

Also, I've never thought that about myself, I have to do research, but you're probably right. At my highest I was 135 lbs, but I could still see my collarbones. I also have prominent hip bones, that I'm able to prop my elbows on when I lay down. -_- Even with all of this though, I still have a lot of fat in my thighs and arms. Hoping to reach gw by 4 of July!
Same anon, also forgot to say my collarbones and neck looks like Vlada's in this picture. Makes me so upset that our bodies doesn't match, though...
>Hoping to reach gw by 4 of July!
Do you mean the original 115 or 101? Losing 18 pounds in a single month seems very drastic.
>friend always brings snacks to class
>asks each person if they want some, but me
thanks for the meanspo
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Shoutout to the OG thinspo kween
It really depends on your bone structure. If it hasn't occurred to you yet, a lot of people here are anorexic.
Yeah I agree with that. I'm 5'3" and I look like crap when I'm above 105. I'm about that weight right now and I'm trying to get back to 80-85ish.
Vlada is so cute but I read that she weighed as little as 90lbs at the peak of her career which is scary for a girl of her height. I hope she's doing well.
hi i'm the girl you replied to; i've never been heavier than what you are right now so i can't really compare, but because i'm (east) asian, my bones aren't very prominent compared to other races (A cups are too big and i'm flat everywhere). at the moment i've been hovering at 108 for a few weeks, but with finals i don't have the energy to cook healthy stuff for myself. anyway, i'm generally thin, but have a bit of fat around my stomach (thankfully only visible when nude) and a touch around my cheeks and neck area.
do you have a plan for that?

also before i forget, do you guys have a particular routine of eating certain foods every day? i don't know if this low-energy thing is just because of my environment, but i need to drag myself out of frozen tendie hell somehow
this guy is a faggot.
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Not exactly. I've been below 80 before and maintained there for awhile but that's when things got rough in terms of how my weight impacted my health. I was also vegan at the time which was really hard on my body. It definitely contributed to my disordered habits.
80 is more or less my max gw. I won't let myself go beyond that again. I might ease up around 88-92ish and just try to maintain there instead. I look kinda cute in that range ngl.
As for my plan, I do high restriction (ie not a big deficit) and have been keeping up with it well. I've dealt with the same habit of eating the same stuff everyday. Try to work in some variety if you can. It can become a bit of an obsession if it goes on too long. Can lead to nutritional deficiencies too. I used to be scared as fuck of unfamiliar foods because I viewed a lot of them as inherently "bad" and had no clue about how to fit them into a deficit.
come home from work eat 3 servings of chicken breast 2 krispey kreme glazed donuts still at over 1000 cal deficient.i love being tall
1200cal with that build will be pretty hard for u to maintain. if u can stick to it, u will drop weight weekly extremely quickly.
sad how this thread is all women when men need it way worse

hitting bmi 17 gave me an adult mans face shape and jawline like a magic pill

yet men deny this when I tell them...they would rather go to the gym, lift le weights, and do dumb bodybuilder eating shit, because all of that is way easier than skipping a meal...and then they wonder why they look like a baby's head on a swollen body.
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ive made you all a cake for your struggles
This is sad
>Clothes simply lay better on thin bodies.
>posts pic that argues against point
fashion designers prefer thin people IN ORDER to style them in different weird eye catching ways.
a voluptuous woman is eye catching on her own, the clothes are a footnote to her beauty.
fashion weirdos have twisted themselves into pretzels coz they can't admit this.
voluptuous is the top of the pyramid for being "eye catching" if you can't do voluptuous THEN you do skinny and clothes are the cope on top.
still better than fat tho but fat can goto voluptuous easier than skinny
>when I was 16. Now I'm 21
5 years is basically the time in which you fall apart from anorexia - organ failure/skin problems/hair loss/teeth rot.
poor peeps can't afford the treatments you need to look healthy after all that so they give up on the dream
>my boss has great hair now. very expensive and took two days of some lady manually placing hair follicles into his scalp, but, really looks nice.
we can all tell what implanted hair looks like - it stands up unnaturally/can't be styled easily and looks way younger/healthier than the rest of the hair.
better than bald but in no way "nice"
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>if you want a high end girl she's thin and elegant. thin means high end, thin means rich, thin means aesthetic.
>will drop weight weekly extremely quickly.
That's good, I was thinking of pushing it to every other day to do 48 hour fasting
I gave in and ate four whole muffins that was 1,400 cals, should I continue my fast or kms? I also drank milk
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Greetings from [s4s]
You're not hungry.
Everyone looks better with low body fat, but there is nothing wrong with the meathead mentality. Men with fat and muscle look better than men with no fat or muscle.
I used to feel like killing myself everytime I went 1 calorie over my limit. I couldn't drink coffee or chew gum because it made me cut my thighs as deep as I could. Don't worry about making a mistake. 1,400 is not high at all. You'll be okay tomorrow.
Meh, count it as a break-fast haha
And fast for another 20 hours or however long you normally do
> do you guys have a particular routine of eating certain foods every day?
Yeah, in the morning I have hot water and a slice of lemon, for lunch it’s salmon, soup or any low cal meal, and for last a warm cup of no fat milk and a slice of low cal brownie
thanks for the input, fren. can i ask how you prepare the salmon? i've been meaning to get tins of it since i don't like tuna much, nor do i know the first thing about cooking fish... (and do you worry about vitamins or anything like that?)
I just found out that peaches are only 39 calories per 100g. I wish that I learned this sooner.
Is that banana bread? Yum
You'll be fine. That's basically maintenance for a very petite woman or below it. I'm not really a fasting person though. I tend to run low on sodium regardless so I need a salty snack/meal once or twice a day.
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Hey Elliot, are you still hearing voices?
>Everyone looks better with low body fat, but there is nothing wrong with the meathead mentality. Men with fat and muscle look better than men with no fat or muscle.
oh shut the fuck up. literally like two men in current year have "too little muscle" compared to the genuine almost majority who are literally fucking clinically obese.

you get muscle from just fucking existing as a man. any man who literally moves at all will have visible muscles at a low bmi without trying.

this post smells like fat male larper. youre a rancid piece of shit
Men are the worst at being fat. They get face fat, jowls, and stomach fat first which is the ugliest and least healthy places to gain fat.
can confirm, the first 10lbs i gain from skinny goes entirely to forming a small potbelly. however at least with me the next 10lbs inflates my butt.

fortunately i can lose 20lbs in like a month just by NOT making & eating whole batches of peanut butter cookies every day

there needs to be an fbi study into what men are actually eating to be so fat because i have no idea. my dad is enormous and theres no way its just from what i see him eating. theres definitely secret eating. every fat man does secret eating, sometimes you see dads sitting in mcdonalds parking lots secretly having a burger. it would be cute if they werent globmonsters.
Gain 20lb and show ass nigga
i am reducing or i would be elsewhere but its been slapped by both men and women. ive even technically been workplace pestered by a girl.
Damn I'm so sorry anon, genuinely.
Good luck on your losing
Why does everyone on edtwt eat oatmeal for breakfast? It's high in calories and adding toppings only makes it higher
I'm >>18132460
Couldn't wait for next week, weighed myself at a random time of the day and weighed 54.1, like I gained 3 kilos over a week of resticting to 1300 calories and then three days of absolute binge disaster and ~1600 cals daily.
Yesterday I had a little less than 1000 cals and today a little less than 1300. Also exercises both days. I can't successfully have just 900, I'm a lardlass. I don't know how to stop this weight gain and I'm going crazy. I'll have my period in 9 days and suspect I'll gain even more then, that's why I'm worried.
It's so frustrating because last week I was 51.4 and was so happy about it.
It's very filling and fibre is great
>just joined edtwt
What?? Nigga my neighbour sells me freshly caught fish
you can cook nicely and still have 300kcal~ meals

>Olive oil
6.8 g
170 g
1.5 g
>black pepper
0,26 g
62 g
>brown sugar
0.8 g
>Preheat oven to 230°C
>coat glass baking dish with oil, add salmon and sprinkle salt and pepper let it rest for 15 min
>in a bowl massage the raspberries and sugar, spread over the salmon
>bake for 10 mins and then increase heat to broil for 2 mins
>eat 337 kcal
i dont need luck ive done this every year since like five years ago
im having oatmeal for dinner, with yogurt & raisins and four teaspoons of sugar on top
be on tumblr instead of tard central

god you people dont know anything
>using sugar instead of a zero cal substitute
>in the year 2024
male privilege

no actually 1tbsp of sugar is like 40 calories. the trick is, when you put just 1tbsp of sugar (equivalent to three teaspoons) on top of the yogurt, it tastes sweeter than if you mixed in several tablespoons.

40 calories once a day is not making the difference. you have a complex, and its really obvious, because theres way more calories in the raisins, but its the suuuugggaaaar you have an issue with because of your complex.
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while you were scrolling, i did this

can i have some sugar now, loser?

im sorry for my anger i had a job interview today that was rescheduled for thursday ast minute & i hate waiting.
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Oatmeal has always been a stereotypical safe food. Usually about 100 calories per packet which is not too bad. I hate it though. I'd rather eat fruit, dairy, and/or eggs for breakfast.
Is ed tumblr still active? I used to post on there like ten years ago. Never bothered with edtwt. Heard it's full of wannabes.
Excellent point anon.
i dont cotton to this le ed shit, wanting to be skinny is not a "disorder" and this le cute ed community thing is getting very old

i reject this gay ass psychologybabble "disorder" framework anyhow. the mortification of the flesh is a practice as old as human culture. as a matter of fact i was reading the Eddas recently and it said, "blessed are they who starve and mortify the flesh in search of truth." eddas >>> modern psychological pseudoscience so there you have it

anyway, starving yourself to ana/jesus status is not that hard, staying thin forever is, especially if you actually have to do things other than scroll/meditate

tumblrs live enough for me to get 1k followers in a few months last year just posting indie sleaze/soft grunge pics i dug from deep flickr
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Those fake abs make me so uncomfortable.
I understand what you're saying to some extent, but I think you're missing something anon. One of the hallmark traits of having an ED is disordered thinking. Stuff like body dysmorphia, ruminating about food, compulsive desire to restrict and exercise, overlooking health effects like missing periods (which used to be part of the AN criterion), etc. It's not a coincidence that there's a ton of overlap between anorexia and OCD. My past obsession with "fear foods" really crippled me in the past but fortunately I'm mostly over that now. I was definitely ortho to some extent.
What really ticks me off as someone with an ED is the sheer amount of people on ED socials who want to be anorexic in order to be thin. They're two different things. An estimated 20% of people who have AN will die without treatment (the bulk of whom are not due to suicide). Not to mention a lot of people with AN also have b/p issues. I'm glad that I never got caught up in that stuff.
I just wish that there was an ED social where people could joke around openly and share memes without people screeching about how it's "triggering".
youre here talking about your le serious "disorder" in a 4chan thread about being skinny for fashion, so you are in fact a direct contributor to the exact problem you identify
This bothers me too as carbs upon waking without some protein to stop the insulin spike is an absolute nightmare for appetite suppression and fat loss for me ; really no excuse to eat carbs unless you're lifting heavy or run marathons something
this. just drink black coffee, if you must have some food eggs are perfect- little protein and fat to blunt hunger, keep you satiated
Scrambled eggs go really well with crab.
>100 grams of chicken
>189 calories
>23.3 grams of protein
>100 grams of crab
>83 calories
>17.9 grams of protein
You can eat twice as much crab while still consuming less calories.
you unedcuated nincompoops need to stop questioning age old skinny wisdom

"calories" in a given food are calculated by burning said food item in a calorimeter and measuring how much energy is released by that process. in comparison, the human body, not being an incinerator, is only able to make use of calories that it can extract during the period of digestion.

the more a food is processed and broken down already, or "predigested", the more calories are available to your body when you digest that food. the process of predigesting food by mechanical action & application of heat, aka "cooking", which enables the body to access more calories during digestion of a food, is in fact one of the largest advantages that early humans had over other primates.

thus the "accessible calories" in oatmeal made with old fashioned oats cooked at home are far less than the box indicates. in addition, oatmeal's fibrous and warm, wet nature means that you feel full for a long time without having to eat very much. if you have just coffee for breakfast, and you actually have to do things other than scroll, you will feel nauseous, anxious, and jittery. i know because i do it occasionally as a result of waking up too late to make oatmeal.

skinny legends in 2010 would eat 300 calories all day AND party all night running on fucking air, and 150 of those calories was oatmeal for breakfast

you bedrotting losers are fucking nothing and should just not fucking talk
not gonna read all that
i knew you wouldnt before i posted and i posted anyway loser
Love eggs. Black coffee on an empty stomach is hard on me.
>not knowing how cellular respiration works
You are fucking retarded. Take your "skinny legend" bullshit somewhere else.
hahahahaha bro cellular respiration is not your cells taking banana inside them and burning it

they take and burn, my child, very small bits of food which have been absorbed into the bloodstream by your intestines (the wiggly things inside you).

the question, therefore, is how many small bits of food your intestines can absorb into the bloodstream.

when food is already in small bits, as it is in a processed food product made of flour, or when nutritive compounds are already dissolved in a liquid, as is the case with soda, they are easier to absorb than when food starts out in large bits, aka old fashioned oats.

your mouth is not an industrial blender and your stomach is not an incinerator. whole oats have fewer accessible calories than ground oats. that is a simple fact. ask me anything else you like about science, by the way. i have a degree.
Yes, they break it down into more efficient compounds. Just like a combustion reaction would. Complex digestible carbohydrates can still be broken down into more efficient compounds that the body can use (albeit at a slower rate - remember that energy cannot be created or destroyed).
I guess what you are trying to argue is that oatmeal contains less calories than what is on the label because it contains indigestible fiber. Well, I have some news for you. Food manufacturers exclude fiber from their calorie counts.
Your degree did not do you any favors. Also, comparing (or should I say equating) "small bits" of food to the difference between complex vs simple carbohydrates is straight up stupid.
youre literally dumber than the most ancient of rocks

i used "small bits" as a simplification to help you understand because apparently you don't know how the digestive system works in the least

a molecule - a type of "small bit" - must first be dissolved in the digestive liquids and then pass through the membranes of the intestine in order to enter the bloodstream.

to get more technical, "dissolving" is the process of a molecule being surrounded by molecules of a solvent. in order for this to happen, the solvent (in this case your digestive fluids) has to be able to physically access the molecule to be dissolved (the solute).

when food is in smaller bits already, the increased surface area relative to mass allows the solvent access to more of the nutritive molecules in question. food in smaller bits is thus digested more quickly and efficiently.

this is an entirely physical fact which has nothing to do with the nature of the molecule itself

here's an experiment you can try: eat some corn. chew it well. wait until you poop. look at your poop. there will be no visible corn. now eat some corn again, but this time, swallow the kernels whole like pills. wait until you poop. look at your poop. there will be whole kernels of corn in it. you did not digest that corn very well relative to the corn that you chewed and got fewer calories out of it. get it now?

didnt you ever wonder why humans spent so much time grinding wheat kernels into flour? this is why. physically increasing the surface area of a food increases calorie availability.

here's another experiment. fill a cup with hot water, and add a teaspoon of sugar. the sugar will quickly dissolve. fill another cup with hot water and drop a hard candy in it. the hard candy will take much longer to dissolve than the sugar because the solvent (in this case water) cannot access as much of the surface of a solid hard candy as it can of that of granulated sugar. let me know if you need more help
>youre literally dumber than the most ancient of rocks
I'm afraid that you are projecting. So you think rock candy really contains less calories than pure sugar. jfc.
All you're doing is ranting about "smaller bits" and "larger bits" of food with zero consideration to how carbohydrates are actually broken down (and which ones aren't - as stated this is accounted for in calorie counts).
oh my god, the point of that example is that rock candy and granulated sugar are *chemically* the same, but rock sugar takes longer to dissolve in hot water because it has less surface area. it was an example of a physical principle which you should have learned in grade school chemistry. i am not and was never talking about the relative calories the human body gets from rock candy vs granulated sugar, in which case there is obviously no difference as both will dissolve pretty quickly and entirely in the mouth/stomach relative to something like an oat or corn kernel.

your stomach contains, essentially, acidic warm water. it digests - that is, dissolves - things at a certain rate. this rate is dependent on composition of the thing as well as the *surface area* of the thing. got it? following me so far?

let me tell you for the umpteenth time that this has nothing to do with which carbohydrates are broken down quickly and which arent. we are NOT talking about a chemical difference but a physical difference.

if you eat a cup of oats blended to a powder and then mixed with hot water, those oat particles have greater *surface area relative to mass* than whole oats. yes? following?

thus *all* compounds in the ground oats will be absorbed more quickly relative to the whole oats.

this principle is why people grind grains and why animals fucking chew, dude. the more finely you grind the particles, the more effectively the digestive system can dissolve nutrients from those surfaces.

you seem to think that once you swallow something it is immediately blitzed into aqueous solution and all particles are available to the digestion. that is not true. chewing grinds particles such that they are *suspended* in aqueous solution, at best. the more you chew, and the harder, the finer particles you get, and the more surface area this is why cows chew so much and have so many stomachs. the more they chew the grass, the more surface area they expose to digestion.
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you can eat oatmeal if you like. You should soak it overnight and toss the soaking liquid though which is kind of a pain in the ass compared to say eating a banana. Personally I stopped eating oats a while ago since I started intermittent fasting. The fiber is good but you can get that from fruit, potatoes and other veg anyways.

I drink black coffee in the morning and fast for 5-6 hrs, and I never feel anxious or jittery. If you do, you're probably overdoing the caffeine. Stick to 1-2 cups, and maybe take some L-theanine. You're not going to die if you skip breakfast and still have to work.. people do it all the time
i am going to continue eating oatmeal microwaved with water for 2 minutes and i am going to continue to be thinner and smarter than you

if youre dumb enough to take supplements you genuinely need a minder
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uhoh, blogposter got triggered
go on, post another essay
did you know that a 2000 character post (the limit) only takes me five minutes to compose

are you trying to flex about struggling to put words together? for me its as easy as walking.
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>starts his morning with microwaved grainslop
fat niggerfaggot detected
Oatmeal is such a retarded idea. It contains phytic acid and other anti nutrients. They will bind to your vital minerals eg iron zinc and leech it out of your body. Just eat a couple of bananas and fruits instead.
oh my god are you people genuinely schizo? oats are an ancient and natural foodstuff which my people have eaten for tens of thousands of years

like holy shit lmao...you all have actual problems. its a fucking bowl of oatmeal. its possibly the healthiest food on the planet.

you seem to be confused about what "goyslop" means. it means processed foods made with hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors and such. it does not mean fucking ancient porridge. i'm literally eating like otzi.

because "goyslop" is so highly processed, the nutrients in it are highly available, and quickly absorbed. thus such foods are fattening.

boil your water if youre a microwave schizo but again as a certified person of science i can assure you youre being schizo. the rotation & vibration wavelengths which are activated by microwaves to cause heating quickly transfer to translational particle movement (aka heat) by a collisional process which occurs on the order of nanoseconds. microwave heating is not "different." heat is heat.

and you do understand i mean old fashioned oats right? whole? from the big canister? not some little artificially flavored packet with thickeners?

always got to ask these questions with my fellow americans. theyre always way more fucked up than i think when i start to probe.
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I already tried to tell him to at least soak the oats overnight then toss the soaking liquid. This is what ancient people did when they absolutely had no other option except to eat the shit they would feed to the horses and cattle- the only way to make these foods somewhat edible. He is just a lazy consoomer midwit that fell for marketing from cereal companies so he thinks eating grainslop is actually beneficial
>oats are an ancient and natural foodstuff which my people have eaten for tens of thousands of years
yea man, your ice age ancestors 30k years ago were totally harvesting grains
>because "goyslop" is so highly processed, the nutrients in it are highly available
Retard alert, jesus christ. Your body can hardly tell that such highly processed and refined foods are even food, because they don't resemble organic matter in the slightest. Your body will digest fruit, meat, dairy and eggs far more easily than it will digest McDonalds, retard.
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>microwaved water
ok so youre genuinely in denial. if what you said was true, people who live on mcdonalds wouldnt be fat. and yet they are. so qed, you are wrong.

and oats have been the primary staple of northern britain for genuinely thousands of years

the growing and harvesting of grains is literally, literally, literally what human civilization is based on from the earliest evidence of humans living in any sort of organized society

growing grains like wheat & grinding them into flour is SO calorically efficient that the people who did that took over the entire fucking world (with the exception of places where people did intensive rice agriculture, the only thing that competes)

if you are caucasian/east asian then your gut & guit biome has literally evolved to digest grains better, its been so long its literally in our dna.

note, too, that *milling* is what makes grains such efficient foodstuffs. eating whole-kernel wheat, corn or oats is far less calorically efficient than eating processed products made with their flours, like bread. thus oatmeal made with whole old-fashioned oats is a filling & healthy foodstuff that is not very caloric.

your conception of the human digestive process is really obviously stitched together from a bunch of random crap you read on the internet. go to school
tell me how YOU think a microwave works. then tell me what physical difference there could be between microwaved water and water heated by other means. protip, you cant, because there isnt. if you think there is, i have some homeopathic supplements to sell you.

the REAL reason that teafags like to kettle boil water is that when you heat water in the microwave you have to go for quite a while to get it to actually boil. if you make "hot water" in the microwave by nuking a mug of water for a minute it will usually be like 70C. the teafags want 100C boiling water for their le tradition reasons. its not crazy because 100C water probably extracts slightly different things from tea leaves compared to 70C water, resulting in a different taste

mungos like you, on the other hand, seem to think there is a difference between 70C microwaved water and 70C water from the stovetop. there isnt. water is water.
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>tarded blogposter still at it
wow, mom sure gave you alot of computer time today, huh?
writing those took me about 7 minutes

how long would it take you?
For me, this is all that matters: whether the calories are accurate or not. And I think they are in packages because manufacturers know what is digested and what not. End of science, end of conversation.
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>i am intelligent because i can spew out paragraphs of incoherent babbling every 5min
omg, you dipstick. no. the manufacturers know the *chemical composition* of the food. the calories on the box are calculated from the chemical composition.

there are, however, *physical* differences between various *forms* of a given food, which are *chemically identical*, and have the same *box calories*, but have differing levels of *calorie accessibility.*

to repeat myself again, this is why humans grind wheat into flour rather than just eating grains of wheat. pulverising the food increases its digestibility because your digestive juices can access more of the surface area.

this effect is more pronounced for vegetable matter because - if you recall your 9th grade biology - plant cells have hard walls, which are more difficult for your digestive juices to break through to access the nutrients within. the plant cell walls must be physically broken by chewing (or milling) in order to access the nutrients inside plant cells. it's true for animal cells too but their cell walls are much easier to break.

studies have shown that feeding two groups of people the exact same diet except one group's food is pureed results in the puree-eaters becoming fatter because the calories in pureed food are more accessible than in food that is merely chewed. this is because, as i said above, the human mouth is not an industrial blender and cannot grind food into particles nearly as small as an industrial blender can.

so do you understand the difference between chemical and physical change, or do we have to start all the way down there?
you literally didnt read anything i wrote. i am fully aware of that and continue to write anyway, because someone worth a damn might be lurking
If you had any tastebuds you would know the difference pleb
Ok bitch I'll start swallowing apples whole like you do so it's zero calorie!!!
yes, it is true that if you eat a fresh apple, you will absorb fewer calories than if you eat the same "box calorie" amount of industrially pureed applesauce.

i really dont get how this is so mind blowing. ancient people often spent literally ten hours a day grinding wild grains into flour by hand. why do you think they did that? for shits and giggles?

if you can swallow apples whole more power to you, but more realistically, havent you ever pooped out a few corn kernels after having tacos or whatever? if something passes through you completely intact then it is indeed "zero calorie" because you didnt fucking digest it. what dont you get about this?
i am really not interested in warmed over 99% placebo teafag/winefag bs. its all pretty good and none of it is life changing. i like the taste of fresh herbs. summers first basil, now THATS life changing.
Corn comes out that way because of its fiber, if you chew it you still don't digest the fiber it just gets concealed in your poop because it's chewed.
Jfc you're dumb and annoying.
so can i ask you, why do you think animals chew things?

when you CHEW the corn, you release many things. when you DO NOT CHEW the corn, you do not release anything.

when you DO NOT CHEW the corn, both the digestible sugars and the indigestible fibers stay INSIDE the corn. when you DO CHEW the corn, you break up the fibers and cause the digestible sugars to be released into your digestive fluids.

thus chewing makes more calories available. which is why animals fucking do it. like, oh my god, are you serious?
A snake tail wrote this post
are we done then?
Yes finally you're done.
im asking you if theres anything else i need to explain.
My god whore stfu I ain't reading allat. Get a grip lmao
when people post things like this, it tells me something very specific.

it tells me you know you have trouble reading full sentences and paragraphs and you are embarrassed about it.

as a result, you make posts like this to defray your anxiety.

if you actually didn't care, you would simply not read it. what actually happened is that you *tried* to read it, but had difficulties, because you havent read anything longer than a twitter post quite possibly in your entire life. this difficulty you experienced with a basic adult function made you upset with yourself. thus your post.
I ain't your bf xx
oh look its a zoomer on the ropes

again, are we done? or will you keep making these pathetic little noises?
Shut up and post thinspo, whores.
im better at that too

model posting loser
Models are of course superior. You're mid at that too.
"mid" lol

what year is it?

why dont you have the balls to actually call me bad? why "mid"? why "meh"? why "not thaaaat good"? gutless lol

funnily theres a sex and the city episode about model obsessed men. you should watch it

i'm interested in people who actually live. literally no one cares about your catalog garbage

hey! i just noticed something funny - your pics all turn up on pinterest or skinny gossip when i reverse google them. why are you so unoriginal?
Such a beautiful natural looking nose
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>five minutes
no way this guy spends THAT much time writing something on /thinspo/

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