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We haven't had one of these in a while, at least since C102.
You know the drill, post hauls, discuss them, ask questions or answer them, as long as they are related to physical goods.
Have fun and happy collecting, fags.

Here's my last order for a warmup, it arrived yesterday it contains a mix of some (but far from all) of the C102 shit I wanted + a drop of new books + catching up with my endless backlog of works that I want and I'm behind.
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I think I'll order again on C104 so I can buy everything I want + catch up with C102 and C103 and some of my backlog. Pretty exciting.
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I posted my Jalter collection in one of these threas a while ago, well I finally "completed" the collection (missing 2 Doujinshis) and here are the new ones I got
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The second set of the new ones I got
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And this is the first set of the Collection I showed before
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If you noticed there are some doujins repeated in some of these pictures, thats because I bought some of my favorites twice.
I am very impressed with your dedication to your beloved. Good job.
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Thank you anon, I am probably sick in the head or something but well... You can't reason yourself out of those feelings.

Here is some other Doujinshis I bought on the same haul as the new Jalter ones
Nice digits.
Most people that aren't into this stuff would probably judge me or you or any of us pretty hard if we ever showed them our collections (mine is like 250+ books at this point and it's almost exclusively about massive oppai, I mean, look at the photos I posted)
The very few friends I've shown it have been impressed, and some of them shown interest. One of them started collecting because of me and has like 8 books now.

Do you remove the stickers, or are they in the photos because you take them just after opening the haul? Almost all of mine had stickers but I always peel them off.
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Yes I do take the pictures right after I open the Haul, but I also havent removed the stickers because I am terrified of them ripping the pages off, I have been told that they are not that strong, but I just cant bring myself to try and remove them, the fear of ruining my collection because of the stickers is too real.

As for my overall collection, the reality is that the only reason I started collecting is because I wanted to buy everything related to Jalter, including the Doujinshis (I already boguth all her 1/7 Statues, Figmas and I am in the process of getting her Nendroids and Plushies).

But I do have other doujinshis I started buying once I got into it, let me show you the rest of my collection, first the Fate Stuff.
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Fate stuff part 2
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Fate Stuff from my most recent Haul
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General Stuff
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Forgot to add that I dont know how many Doujinshis I have but maybe its close to your number at this point, gues I could count them with all the pictures but I just got off work and I cant be bothered.

Also here is an old comparisson of the Jalter Doujinshis I own versus the Doujinshis I own for other Fate characters, which doesnt include the new Haul I posted before, so the tower would be even larger at this point if I recreated the photo lol.
where the fuck do i buy hentai manga online? Is fakku the only supplier?
Translated? There's also J18 which is basically Jast/J-List's publishing arm, Irodori has some if you want to go further to the dark side. Project H is basically dead I think.
Maybe you could try with one that you have twice. I buy many imported games and doujins and trust me, japanese stickers are made differently. These are not stickers meant to be plastered all over your product and fuck the consumer. They know that when you buy something you want to peel the sticker off so it's sticky enough to remain on the cover but it's incredibly easy to peel them off.
I could even peel stickers off of gameboy games, which have cardboard boxes and it could be super easy to fuck it up. But japanese stickers are super friendly.
Of course it's just my advice, you can do what you feel at the end of the day.

You know, it's kind of funny when you think about it. I don't think I've ever consumed a single fate product (or any other gacha for that matter). I still own some books because I think the girls are fucking hot but the franchise itself doesn't do much for me. But seeing someone that clearly likes it to this extent puts into perspective why this genre keeps growing. I know I'm repeating myelf: but I'm very impressed.

Do you want translated books or do you want to get into the rabbit hole that is buying imports?
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Translated stuff is for retards anon, don't waste your money on Fakku/Irodori garbage.
Physical doujins are for collection and to check them from time to time in their original form/printing. See pic related. The best thing is go directly to Melonbooks, Toranoana and Yahoo Auctions/Mandarake and then use a proxy like Zenmarket or Japan Rabbit. I need to take some updated photos of my collection, i have a few small curated selection from the artists that i like the most and they are cool to look at from time to time.

And the smell of new books, specially brand new doujins is exquisite.
>they are cool to look at from time to time
I'm fulfilling the ultimate galaxy brain collector strategy which is playing the long game learning japanese to be able to read my massive collection on original print in like 5 years. well it's not the motivation per se but it's an added bonus
in the meantime yeah, english translated digital + japanese prints is the way to go 99.9% of the time
I have to say that when you have the conversations memorized and you actually nut with one hand and flip pages with the other it hits completely different compared to just reading on the computer, in the best possible way.
> I don't think I've ever consumed a single fate product (or any other gacha for that matter).
> But seeing someone that clearly likes it to this extent puts into perspective why this genre keeps growing. I know I'm repeating myelf: but I'm very impressed.

Thank you anon I do very much love Fate, and it is my favorite anime franchise by far. I became a fan back in 2009 when I watched the original Fate Stay Night, and I just wanted to add that Fate is much larger than the gacha game and it is full of self contained stories that you can enjoy without having to consume everything else.

Personally I am huge fan of the Ufotable anime adaptations, which you can watch without ever having to play the gacha game or anything else.

Regarding the gacha game it is indeed pretty huge now since it makes so much money, but I actually hope that it dies because it has become like Pokemon, where the IP has a TON of money, and they could make a new really amazing game, but they keep milking the old outdated game because it keep making a ton of cash.
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Also today I finally got the "last two" Doujinshis I was missing, and one of them has massive oppai so I thought you would enjoy the view.
I get all my stuff from a Proxy that allows you to buy from all the big stores, (Toranoana, Melonbooks and Surugaya) and the avarage price for a doujinshi according to my calculations (including shipping) is about 7.50 USD

Here is the website www.buydoujinshi.com
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Is it possible to print them out? Would book printers disallow adult content? I also would love this option to make manga smaller. Would love mini manga sizes. I have a 7inch dragon ball manga from japan and I love how small it is.

Also how does zenimax work?
So i buy a slot on zenimax or something, buy the manga and use the zenimax address they give me?
oh yeah that's good. who's the artist? tried to look for that doujin searching by the character but didn't find anything.
I've been told that fate zero is quite good, I should look into that. Even friends that aren't into fate have recommended it to me as a great show on its own.
Also I understand where you're coming from regarding the future of the franchise, I can relate.

please note that you shared a digital ebook link. if you buy that, you'll get a pdf file, in case you didn't notice.
proxies usually work this way: through their website you buy the stuff you want, they are usually located in japan. They store the goods in your warehouse, and when everything is ready they ask you for your shipping address and they send you the package. This process makes it so that you can buy from businesses that don't ship internationally. They buy in your name (that's where the name proxy comes from) inside the country, and then they deliver the order through international shipping to a courier.

>7 inch dragon ball manga
regular, standalone doujinshi (which are usually 10-30 pages, sometimes up to 100 pages) are on B5 size (182mm by 257mm or 6.9in by 9.8in).
Tankoubon (usually between 150 to 300 pages) are smaller sized volumes that usually gather standalone stories from monthly magazines, or simply span multiple chapters of a story, and are released on A5 size (148mm by 210mm, or 5.8in by 8.3in)
Then there's some huge releases like raita books which are very big but I don't own any. I reckon some anons on previous threads have some of the largers books.
I don't think manga gets released any smaller. Tankoubon are already pretty small. If you're interested I can take pictures of both types of manga next to anything of your preference, for a visual reference of the size.

I'm unaware if you can send adult manga to a book printer, maybe it depends on where you live.
Dude! Who made the Tamaki Kousaka doujin? I can't believe someone made a ToHeart 2 doujin in 2024! :D
> who's the artist? tried to look for that doujin searching by the character but didn't find anything.

The artist name is Syunichi, he made 2 of the best Jalter Doujinshis out there (391825 and 359279) and those 2 are part of a larger story where the protagonist gets it on with other Fate girls as well, and all of it was compilled in a volume, and it is in said volume that he released the Doujinshi above which is an Omake, extra chapter of Jalter.

As you already saw finding it as a stand alone is hard, (all the more reason why I bought it), so if you want to "read" it just go to page 23 of this Doujinshi 440047 (which only includes the Omakes)
Haha I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's a 2015 release. I got it because it was on my backlog :)
It's still very good (warning: blackmailing and /ss/ yadda yadda). The artist is Kemigawa Mondo. Hope you like it!

Aaah, it's this artist then. I searched his works and I know him, I just didn't recognize the style on the omake cover specifically. I have to investigate his works further to know whether or not it clicks with me to buy his stuff.
So you even buy omakes? Damn. Was it expensive? They're usually like 3kJPY for less than 10 pages of content. There's quite a few I'd like to buy but oof.
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>So you even buy omakes? Damn. Was it expensive? They're usually like 3kJPY for less than 10 pages of content. There's quite a few I'd like to buy but oof.

Yes! I have bought Omakes, in fact the second picture that I uploaded has 2 other Omakes, one at the extreme left second row and the other one is at the bottom row, second to last on the right.

As for prices, I honestly dont care how expensive it is... I love Jalter and I wont let the price get in the way, that being said I took a look and I got that omake for just 1600 Yen, which is really cheap for an omake, all things considered, and I went and took a look and it is now being sold at 3200 Yen, so I got lucky.

Also the Omake is just 8 pages long, so its just 4 sheets of paper, but as you probably already know the reason it is so expensive is because of how rare and hard to get it is, so for a collector like me, the price is not that much of a problem because to me its worth it.

I actually didnt even needed to buy the omake, because I own the volume that includes all the chapters and that same omake, but I wanted to own it separately as well, I now got all the chapters and the omake individually and the volume with all of them as well.

As for the artist, I think he is amazing, his stuff is so good that I have considered buying his other works but I am running out of space to store those Doujinshis lol
buydoujinshi is the only one I know that allows adult content (since the majority of stores they work with are filled with porn anyway)

Anyway, major stash...116 doujins (29 of them are from a certain popular fall 2023 show) and I'm too lazy to post pics
Aye yo what's the name of the danmachi one in that very first pic?
Nice dedication.
I bet you have your Jalter grailed and at lv 120.
Just bagged an omnibus for the first time. It was kind of a pain but it looks great afterwards so not that much of a big deal. I unfortunately oredered the wrong set of bags for my B5 doujinshis so I'll return them and order the proper ones. Sheesh.

1600JPY is super cheap for an omake, lucky purchase, congratulations! At that prince range I'd cash in a heartbeat.
>as you probably already know the reason it is so expensive is because of how rare and hard to get it is, so for a collector like me, the price is not that much of a problem because to me its worth it
Yeah, I'm aware. On the same line, I myself really like Obui's works and every book he makes comes with an omake at the comiket he releases his works. That's a fuckton of omakes, and it's going to be a pretty penny. Some other artists like Mogudan have omakes for some of his books... Neromashin also releases omakes alongside... It stings, but I'll just have to pick my favorites and bite the bullet, or slowly go hunting on second hand markets and start using a warehouse proxy instead of just buying through buydoujinshi.

I'd love to go to a comiket some year and have the experience in the flesh, that'd be a lot of fun.

>I love Jalter and I wont let the price get in the way
You're just great man, got an honest smile out of me.

The artist is Chirumakuro. The book is "Himogami-sama to Hitobanchuu taiekikoukan". It's new, and as far as I'm aware still not translated. He has another similar Hestia doujin named "HimoGami-sama to Anata". It's great.
Holy shit. It didn't even click in my head that I might be buying a digital copy from japan.

Holy shit thanks!
I'm deciding right now If I should start a Doujin collection or buy figurines. Which thing will make me the happiest. I definitely don't want to be a hentai toy hoarder. I only have one right now.
I just really want this one from aliexpress.
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btw anons, what storage are you using for your doujins? i use pic related but i'm not so happy with them, they serve the purpose of just that, storage but from time to time i want to look at my collection and they are not useful for that.

I was thinking on those office cabinets but dunno if those could work. Any ideas? i have like 100ish doujins rn on those boxes.
Not only is she Grailed and at level 120 but I got her at NP6, yes 6, not 5, because I needed the extra copy to get the coins needed to max her append skills, and I did it as a F2P, I never spent a single dime on the game, because I dont want to gamble my money away, so it took me years to get the NP6.

She is maxed in every single regard:

- Grailed to Level 120
- NP 5
- Skills 10/10
- Max Fous
- Max Golden Fous
- Append Skills 10/10
- Command Codes on all Cards
- Paws Maxed
- Shinjuku 1999 Dress Code Unlocked

I also got her on her first ever banner back in 2016 on Japanese servers (I have been playing FGO since it released in Japan in 2015).

Since I can only post one picture per post and I dont want to derail the thread, I have decided to post all the evidence in this imgur folder

>I'd love to go to a comiket some year and have the experience in the flesh, that'd be a lot of fun.

Dude same thing over here! I would love to go there and have the real experience, even if I have to wait hours in line just to get in.

I actually want to go on vacation to Japan and explore as much as I can, I am talking about at least a whole month, and go to so many places, not just Akihabara but so many iconic and rural places as well, and I would love to go arround the time of Comiket so that I can include it as part of the trip, heck I would also love to do some drifting as well, though I bet that would be rather expensive.

I even convinced a friend to join me on the trip and even though he is a normie, he 100% gets the appeal and wants to join in, now its just a matter of saving money for the trip.,, OH! and learning Japanese, which I am in that process of doing and I do want to be fluent before the trip.

Now since this is a image boar and I have no more pictures of Doujinshis to post then... guess I will post a picture of Jalter selling Doujinshis, since she is indeed canonically a Doujinshi artist herself lol.
Nice collection

I use Magazine file for the doujins I have in my office cabinet
nice, mind sharing a photo of your setup?
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I have label on the front of the files so I can quickly identify the content when they facing the other way. I have many different files, it seems like they never have the same magazine file whenever I need to buy more.
I was drunk, stumbled into a place and bought this in Osaka. Is there a place you can sell these things?
ty so much anon, this gave me some ideas.
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I bought all of this on my most recent trip to Japan. I don't think I can post a picture showing all of the covers because some of it is loli, but I just went to every Lashinbang/Mandarake in Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo and picked up whatever I could find from artists I liked. Buying this stuff was surprisingly uneventful, like they didn't even want to see my ID at checkout or anything.
Many doujins store have a counter or the top floor that buy used goods.
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These should be okay to post. I've spilled gallons to Menyoujan's stuff but I only found these three items.
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I was thrilled when I found this Eva stuff I first saw online in middle school. This stuff is over 20 years old.
Last year we had a very good physical thread and I made a heavy chain about this, I searched it on the archive for you. Bags, boards and whatnot. I'm from europe but another anon on the same thread earlier made some good posts with more accessible products if you're from the states.
I wanted to store my books vertically.
You could use whatever polypropylene container you can easily put your hands on that has an adequate size. I wanted to use a more complete solution so I could store my doujins on bags to protect the corners and whatnot.

The idea is to, eventually, buy an office type drawer (even if it's custom made) that has a good width so that my books aren't dancing around and with enough depth to store as much of my collection as possible. Something like what this anon had going for but to store the books vertically instead of horizontally.

I recommend checking out the thread because it was full of great discussion.
(My collection is like 50% bigger than it was last year... wew)

this looks really good, congratulations!

You don't really need to be fluent to enjoy your trip but I went last year and I felt like I was missing out with barely any knowledge. I've started studying since and I'm not returning without at least having my N5. But god I want to go back. If you want to hunt for doujins, that's a certified blast, I had a lot of fun.
Be sure to check out Nikko, it's a beautiful rural location.

They can't tell the age of foreigners from afar and since they assume that you're following the rules they don't question whether or not you're an adult unless you look like a literal kid. I never got my passport asked for, even once. I really enjoyed how mundane it is for their culture, felt right at home.
Any of you bought collectibles that are not figurine or dvd?
I want to waste my money but not sure on what
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ty anon, i use pic related for my doujins, thing is that i use classic plastic boxes so i think i'm gonna get an office cabinet + magazine files for sorting my stuff.
I missed Oltlo's new doujin because I waited for no real reason (other than me being retarded) before placing my order and now it's out of stock, I want to kill myself. I already know finding it on Mandarake will be a nightmare.
This seems like a good moment to ask any anons of which good second hand stores they know about besides the obvious (mandarake, suruga-ya, mercari, yahoo auctions, amazon jp and whatnot).
There's some old ass books I want to have that are kind of painful to hunt down.
Its super expensive but this website is really good with their inventory doujinrepublic.com

There are some Jalter and Saber Doujinshis that I am missing and they are the only ones that have them, but they are soooo expensive though.
>love hina
great taste
Thank you, Love Hina is the first serie I ever bought and I just love GTO but sadly Paradise Lost isn't great
animation update never.
she should've gotten one during the SR collab.
other gachas are making fighting/action games
meanwhile lasagna is too busy huffing farts
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Hey, I'm that anon that posted about file cabinets. I've moved up to a lateral cabinet that lets me store A4 books in legal size folders and has the upper shelf I can use for tanks and comic magazines.
I'm way behind on my bookkeeping, partially thanks to EH's retarded new GP requirement to download older galleries. That and trying to get into a better spot with hosting my personal Lanraragi backup of my physical library are holding me back because I export title and artist from there to make my folder labels. I've gotten a nice new label maker that can make QR codes and use wider tape, so I also want to try slipping those into the mylar sleeves so I can pull up a translated copy of anything from my server at will
That's definitely a nice clean looking setup. I keep mine in my closet on the shelf above my clothes :D
Is it just me, or did amazon.co.jp just recently change things so you can no longer view certain adult works (it seems really random). I bought some books a couple weeks ago, and when I try to look at their pages again, they're gone.

For example (attached image):
Your cabinet is looking slicker than ever anon, good job. Maybe I'll just say "fuck it" to everything and copy your setup.
I think the tabs I'm printing to classify by author would still work if I stored my books like you do.
How many books can you store in there?
With a separate folder for each, probably at least 150 per drawer comfortably, leaving 1/5 to 1/4 of the space for shuffling though them.
it gives me an error too
signing in doesnt seem to work
vpn doesnt work either
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Thank you for checking, Anon. According to this Japanese Twitter user, the amazon.co.jp support staff admit this is an issue, so my worries that they were trying to purge older or specific adult content may not be the case, though some part of me thinks they're trying to memory hole things like they've been doing ever since the Rapelay Incident.

Anyone here from Australia with experience in buying doujins? Wanted to buy a K-ON doujin I found on Surugaya but kinda worried about it.
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An Aussie Anon imported attached last year; customs are very much like Canada where domestic shops will stock and ship even Comic LO.

But if you're young and paranoid, there's proxy services that will buy doujins from shops like Surugaya and scan them for you (buydoujinshi), so you don't have to sweat bullets wondering if today's the day a customs employee with no overhead opens your package.
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Yeah, that anon is way braver than me, I think I might just do it now after seeing what he was able to import. Pic related is the doujin I want to get. I am paranoid, but then again, I've been buying merch/figures from Japan for years and they never opened my packages. I guess I am just worried that this is the one time they will decide to open it.

Probably a stupid question, but how do I get them (buydoujinshi) to scan them for me? I had no idea that was an option, but good to know.
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I have never used this service, so I cannot vouch for the quality compared to some of the dudes who scan high-quality stuff for Sad Panda unless those scans on Sad Panda were from buydoujinshi. =\

Your doujin's cover doesn't look like something that would get you into trouble these days.
They actually sent me a sample of their scanning and even the cheapest option is okay-ish quality.

I don't think I am worried about being in trouble anymore, I think the only reason why I am considered getting this scanned through buydoujinshi is because there are no quality scans of this anywhere. The only scan available of this doujin was done by someone who was intentionally uploading low quality scans of doujinshi on SadPanda (if you know, you know).
that anon >>7864590 is me
dont worry mate, aussie customs dont open stuff unless its drugs weapons or food, or something that looks suspicious like a loli sex doll
stuff is just declared as books, no reason for customs to open
its coming from japan, a safe country not colombia or vietnam
i used epacket (air small packet) to get everything from mandarake, and surugaya with proxy, super big packages might be more suspicious since hiding things might be easier but i cant really confirm
I see, I suspected it that would be the case, but I think I got way too worried about the worst case scenario, even though they never really opened my packages from Japan before. It's been a while since I last used Zenmarket to buy things from Surugaya, but they shouldn't use a big package for just one doujin I'd hope.
update: i tried again with a vpn and new browser session (no cookies) and it works, theyve ip blocked adult stuff, like all adult stuff
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Well, that sucks.
I somehow got it to go away for about a day without using a VPN when I was messing around with zenmarket to browse the adult section and decided on a whim to click the direct link to the item page. But I don't know what caused it to go away, or what caused it to come back again. =\
Where do you guys buy these? Is there a page like hobbylinkjapan but for hentai or something
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Mandarake is probably the most popular place since it has an english page and ship overseas but its mostly 2nd hand.
You can order from many other sites such as Toranoana but you need a proxy to ship overseas.
Is there a sit that I can get them to translate English print physical
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Aus fag and i can't fap with out being able to read I need to know what's happening
I really want a physical copy of all Futanari Roshutsu Mania
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Back in the old, old days, during the bootleg period, there used to be exporters who would include a booklet with the translations alongside a JP manga or anime before fansubs or scanlations were a thing.

Maybe if you have a smartphone with a good enough camera, you can take a photo of your manga, and use OCR so you can translate the text yourself. The price to pay someone to translate for you can be pretty expensive if you want someone competent who isn't going to machine translate and rewrite the dialogue.
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Bought these off Amazon. I almost don’t want to take the wrapping off.

I love them so much. So colorful. So horny.
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Posting my purchases of C103 1/3
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Posting too my collection that I bought when I was in Japan this summer with purchases from C102, Mandarake, Book Off, Melonbooks and Comic Zin Akihabara
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How much you all spent average per book including shipping? I tried once, it cost me $30USD including shipping to get this. I thought it was not worth it.
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got a haul recently, i don't think the takane and azusa ones are scanned
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and of course they're in this photo, whoops.
We have very similar tastes so I find your haul (and collection) to be quite based. You have a lot of books I have yet to get my hands on.
Who made that mama Raikou book on the first row?
And good reminder that I should add exabyte's yugioh doujin to my shopping list.
I was also fully expecting to see puripuri's makima doujin on there but didn't see it. I guess you couldn't get your hands on it yet, buyfriend.

Really enjoyed looking at your set. Thanks for the contribution.
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Thank you, the raikou one is 頼光ママ甘々おもらし and the author is ザコイスト
I remember that I bought the exabyte yugioh one in Mandarake Umeda, it wasn't cheap (I bought it like 1 week after C102)
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Probably around ~$7-8 USD per doujins.
This order cost me 18200 yen, $122 USD.
9400 yen + 8800 yen shipping with EMS to Canada =18200 yen, for 18 doujins.
>barely anything is scanned
oof, 3k yen for a single book always hurts, but it really is good, I'll try to look for a cheap copy on suruga-ya or something
My last haul was a mesely 59 item order, which was 48886JPY and about 6k yen for shipping.
Total of about 55k JPY, which is about 370 dollars.
A little bit over 6$ for each book.
Nude version of the Cheshire chink statue.
May I ask why? Just curious
It finally happened!!!

Because I had to buy them used since they went out of print years ago, and I wasn't sure of the quality, so I bought a couple just in case.
I want to start importing, any tips on learning Nipponese? I've downloaded RTK and have a little book to write in, I'm gonna start today.
My experience: I'm going to an IRL academy because a teacher will know the best way for a student to learn. Have been since october. 3 hours a week. About 2 years for each level according to my teacher (doing 3-4 hours a week). It may look like a long time (and it is), but you can't bruteforce knowledge into your brain. At least I can't.
At this pace I have enough time to go to class, do my regular life, and study on weekends to review my notes. Well, the last two weeks I haven't been able to do it because I've been sick, but this weekend I'll catch up. Besides that I have learned to heart literally everything we've studied so far so I'd say it's working.

Maybe someone else can give you good advice on self studying if you prefer that, but I've always ended up dropping that for learning languages or how to play an instrument.
Practice your Kanjis, it's the hardest part of the whole process, also I started watching anime without reading subtitles trying to understand and it actually helped me
I said I had finished but I lied... I got a new haul for the Jalter collection, now there are only 4 Doujinshis missing from my collection of which I am aware of, I dont discard finding more in the future.
I am also collection original Saber doujinshis of which there arent that many,
The last doujinshi from this Haul, I dont play Blue Archive but Wakamo is too hot and I love this artists style, he mostly does Tamamo Doujinshis so I want to support him.
Its so hard to find physical Comic Lo that doesn't cost a ton.
Are you trying to buy backnumbers or the latest issues? Cause if it's the latter, you can get them as cheaply as anything else shipped to your country. If it's backnumbers for collection purposes, you'll need to jump through some hoops, and it's indeterminate whether they'll be cheaper or more expensive than their 1,155 JPY per issue normal price (they're not a cheaply printed magazine).
latest then maybe backissues depending on who has a story in it
You got so many of the nikke doujins i was looking for when I was there last december. I got a few and some that came with things like stickers and a card.
I see
Hello newfag here, need some help/guide. I want to buy from Mandarake, but my main concern is that my country bans porn so I'm afraid if it will be checked in customs. I did buy a doujin once but it was through a different middleman and they wrapped the package so you can't see the details, and apparently customs won't check the package unless it's over 2kg. My current cart is 3 books which I doubt will exceed 2kg. Plus it's also in Japanese so I need help to guide me through purchasing it. Thanks in advance if there's one willing to help.
My country doesn't ban anything so I can't really talk from experience on that regard.
But every time I've purchased it's been through buydoujinshi and they just send you a generic cardboard box with the contents wrapped. On VAT they declare the goods as "used magazines" which is super harmless.

They operate in english so you shouldn't have any kind of issue contacting their support team to ask for advice if you have questions regarding anything, even how much the package will weight on average according to the amount of books it has, or even splitting the goods in various packages to avoid the potential 2kg limit. The experience has been overall positive.

If it comes to buying from mandarake directly I'm afraid I can't help.
you can use mandarake in english
you can generally order 4 tankoubons before it reaches 2kg
mandarake declares tankoubons and doujinshis as "books", will customs open it? idk
I have already placed an order yesterday, just waiting for the invoice to make payment. Weight is around 950g without packaging, and I heard that packages exceeding 2kgs will be suspect to be checked by customs. So fingers crossed.
Update, I have read on my local su reddits about how they often confiscates R18 doujins. The bright side is that I haven't paid so at best the order will be cancelled and. Fuck super paranoid rn man.

I could use the services of the first hentia I bought but problem is they charge 50 US dollars for each doujin.
what does your overpriced service do that mandarake doesnt?
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sorry I'm retarded and didn't see this thread
just came back from japan, picked up these at mandarake while I was there since books are normally a pain in the ass to ship because of the weight.
How'd I do? I picked them up solely on the cover art other than 2 of them I was actually familiar with.
Also checking out was a bit awkward since there's one register and I had to walk by everyone across the entire store holding a bunch of porn.
I've spent like 4 hours on a single sitting scouting every shelf on some mandarakes and suruga-yas for hidden gems and people just don't give a damn. They are used to others consuming hentai.
You did good son.
They're from Indonesia, buy them from Japan but they bribed the customs there and then send it back while wrapping the books with cardboard and have it under classified documents. But, it is way tooo overpriced, reasoning being probably because they bribed.

Nevertheless, I cancelled my Mandarake order because I found a local proxy service and placed my order. Unfortunately they don't do Mandarake so I used Melonbooks. Will post them if I receive my stock next month.

Hopefully it works, some proxies still mention that there's a chance parcels will be checked and if it does the items will be confiscated.
Damn anon, did you see any older Saigado doujins there? It's the reason why I wanted to buy from Mandarake.
Been following him for over a decade now, also I think like 2 or 3 of the generic looking ones have english releases.
thanks friend, yeah I was there for at least like an hour and was just blown away how much there was.
I only checked doujins at a few and I can't say I looked at even 1/10th of their entire selection. those stores are massive, with one of them having an entire floor dedicated to porn.
it's way easier to look online if you're looking for something specific and just ask a worker if they can find it for you.
looking online though, there's a lot of saigado doujins at different stores.
That was one I specifically looked for
I'm planning to go to Japan next year and maybe buy old Saigado doujins if get to go to Mandarake. Just worry about customs.
You should be fine, last year I literally brought back a case FULL of hentai and another one just with vidya and had 0 issues.
I'm an europoor if that counts.
It's not illegal to import doujins, nothing to worry about really. For me, customs went like this:
>show passport
>scan my face
>"do you have anything to declare?"
>"okay have a nice day."

I was admittedly worried about the loli stuff I picked up, but it was my first time every traveling out of the country so I wasn't sure what to expect. There are very specific things they're looking for that you have to declare, books are not one of them.
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Any chance someone here owns this doujin? Been trynna buy it but can't find any shops with it in stock.
Yeah but my country (southeast asia) bans porn and customs are strict. It's why I mentioned I had to get proxy middlemen (but unfrotunately they don't buy from Mandarake). Time will tell when I get to Japan and was able to go to Mandarake coz I really want the old Saigado Eva doujins.
I bought it when it was released
any chance you still got it and are willin to sell? live in the US
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I wanted to make an account on melonbooks to order some physical doujins to my proxy, since it allows to undervalue the customs value, but the site requires japanese sms verification. Do you anons have some workarounds for it? Throwaway numbers doesn't seem to work for me, and other proxy sites just buy the items for you and charge you unnecessary fee for clicking a few buttons.
Where would a good place be to sell my collection/inventory? I have hundreds of manga/doujin as well as DVD/Bluray/PC games/Wallscrolls/posters/tshirts that I used to sell on eBay before they removed their adult section. At this point it would be ideal to find a collector who would be interested in buying the whole lot.
i dont think people on /a/'s buyfag thread found any good solution for people who dont have an existing account
>Is it possible to print them out?
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy them?
Any experience with Zenmarket?
Also, I want to buy dome physical doujin that don't have digital versions, any Germans here who have experience with importing such things? I don't trust our state much.
Sucks ass.
Are there any less-than-good solutions that at least work?
Especially when I'm not sure if someone would see it as loli I must add.
Thank you for your input, anon.
I'm not German but according to the public info about it there's nothing against imagery depicting fictional minors as long as it's clear that the nature is entirely ficticial. Germany is even slotted under the "Legalized" section whereas my country is from the "Grey area" section (and I've have multiple loli doujinshis shipped through and carried over with me when I traveled to Japan)


Unless some other anon that's actually from there says you otherwise you should be safe.
Any way to get the digital content from Melonbooks? They have stuff that no one else has.
I doubt any of the importers offer downloads for you.
Fuck, Japan is closing itself of more and more. Misskey not allowing foreigners, and now melonbooks not allowing non-japs to register.
I can kinda understand it, considering the behaviour of certain people. But it's disheartening for true fans, who have to suffer for the actions of twitter fucks and similar.
Some of this is new.
I guess police got too overwhelmed.
Too many laws, offenses and regulations, you see.
Meant >>7957081
how is it new, it's been like that for decades at least
is there a fanbox/patreon thread? im kind having a hard time with a pw from an artist i support since it doesnt work but could you guys help me out?
I feel you many services are currently restricting gaijin access, luckily I opened my Melonbooks about 8 years ago when it had no restrictions. I also created a Misskey account as most of my favorite hentai artists were moving out of Twitter back when it was tracking down hentai content, it doesn't seem as bad now but thanks to that I get to see the best hentai sharing community ever created.
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Holy shit this is such a niche thing to collect.
I'm impressed. Congratulations!
This seems super comfy.
>pop in umd to psp
>watch hentai
>look at collection.
So niche. So interesting. I can see why you did it.
Also would like to know the names of some of those hentais.

Man imagine being 20/30 something in japan
>Buy psp
>find out they make hentai videos for it
>buy a new one every week after returning from the office
>watch it on your tiny machine
japan is so comfy.
i love the big tit one in the middle left
Actually some of these are fully fledged visual novels with video cutscenes. For example school days has 4 discs. The way it works is you pop in disc 1, play the game and make choices. The game then ends on a screen showing you a password and a disc number. You then pop in the specific disc, type in the password and play onwards.

Here are the names of the titles.

School Days
Sharin no Kuni: The Girl Among the Sunflowers
Love Fetish: Tittyfuck edition
Soreiyu-Me,Myself & Master
征触者 ~触手に堕ちる少女達~
Sugao no hohoemi
ゲーム 妹孕ませっくす
La Blue Girl Returns
Toriko no Hime ~Inma no Chouritsu~
Any good websites where I can buy doujinshi?
I know DLsite, toranoana, melonbooks.
I'm assuming you're asking for physical doujins.

Mostly suruga-ya.
If what you want is nieither there nor mandarake, then you're getting balls deep into the jungle and searching on some more complicated sites.
For example using a proxy seller to get access to yahoo auctions, or amazon.co.jp
Is melonbooks down or did they start to block westerners and VPNs?
Picture your next of kin going through your stuff after you die. They find the secret, crusty and strangely smelling key and use it to open the overstuffed secret cabinet in the dark corner of the room. In a release of pressure the cabinet ejaculates a torrent of dead-tree anime titties into their face. Man, what an obituary!
They blocked most countries from entering since almost 1.5 years ago. You need a VPN to access the site but you're royally fucked if you didn't have an account already because they also made it impossible for gaijins to create new accounts.
It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have digital versions of doujins no one else has.
But there seems to be no way to get those.
I hate that they're so dead-set in blocking gaijins that they even don't allow online SMS services for registration.
Most troublemakers they want to avoid wouldn't even bother.
There's still Toranoana but they aren't as good as Melonbooks, even when back then they were the king of doujin stores.
I'm glad I've been at this for so long I still have my old Melonbooks account but I still need VPN to even be able to see the links from their newsletters.
>even Comic LO
Dont you get jail for that in Cuntstralia?
Any South American here that can help me with a guide or site to purchase physically? Preferably original Japanese ones.
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I got these flip-through boxes locally, then bagged, tagged and boarded everything. Fits nicely in the lewd figure case.
These are nice, probably better than what I'm using. Got a SKU for the product?
How many doujins fit on each tray?
They are made by mDesign, SKU 7966MDHSEU. I'd say they fit about 45 to 50 boarded doujins each, my collection isn't that big.
Oh man I wish they were a little bit deeper, I'd replace my boxes with those ones in a heartbeat.
Thanks for the heads up still anon.
New, anyone order from Canada? Do customs care about this stuff? And how’s Zenmarket as a proxy? I found some products I’m interested in load from Amazon on their site. If there are better and cheaper proxies I’m all ears though.

e.g I’m interested in Aiue Oka mangas, some of the covers have JK. Would that be an issue?
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newly arrived
nice anon, gonna check that up. btw, what is the acrylic like case at the right? the one storing milkyway?
For mandarake how are the conditions of the B/Average items? I’ve heard that they’re still pretty good in condition, but just want opinions of those who’ve bought them.
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Just a regular acrylic magazine rack I bought at a local office supply.
Nice quads.
Pretty sure futa (and futa on male especially) are /d/ but whatever, still based purchase.
I would be careful.
I've had a few doujins for a few years now that haven't been uploaded to sadpanda. I'm convinced its past a time where anyone would give a fuck. Should i just upload a shitty phone quality?
If it's one of the several hundred I'm still holding out for, I might get dangerously close to flipping a table if you post it in phone quality. (In minecraft of course.)
wait. is it better not uploading at all if its going to be shit quality? the stuff i have is just video game related. persona 4, xenoblade 2, and danganronpa and some of these doujins i bought was 5 years ago.
Shit really…? I already ordered some… fuck. Now I’m worried.
youll be fine
unless you ordered lolicon and it just happens to be inspected randomly by customs
To be honest I'm conflicted, if a good scan would never be posted obviously phone quality is better than nothing, on the other hand having a phone quality version available might reduce the motivation to scan it at all, and on the gripping hand it might cause someone to remember that they wanted to scan that...
What forwarding service should I use for Surugya JP? People recommended TreasureJapan but looks like they don't do adult products anymore. To the US.
I don't know the feeling of what uploaders feel when others beat them to the punch regardless of quality but i guess i'll just hold off.

hesitant to post what I think is not on the net because two of them definitely don't belong on /h/ but whatever. Bottom left I swear to god it had been uploaded on sadpanda some time ago but for some reason got scrubbed off the internet. either that or i'm blind as fucking bat but the rest of the artist's(golgonzola) works is up. its only like 4 pages long.
you'll be fine. i know a bunch of friends that have made lewd purchases and nothing's gotten inspected coming in.
well random inspections are random, do you feel lucky punk?
now that you mention it, maybe i don't
Silly anon, white people don't get random searched.

Unless the anons you're replying to are sand people, mexicans, poo-in-the-loo indians or chinks you're not gonna worry about that shit.
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I plan to one day own them all. But right now owning my waifu is enough.
well you guys were right, or maybe I was the lucky punk this time lmao
You should upload the Teddie one at least.
Do your part, scan whichever way you can something that isn't available yet.

I have 42 galleries on EH with 560000 total views. I think I still have 60 things to scan, many are like OMAKE or 7-8 pages stuff.
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Shit numbered it wrong but last one
Anybody know a good proxy service? Now that mandarake doesn't take debit anymore?
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Tensor is really good, been using them for Booth for ages and they've never let me down.

Also: I now have both of Shinnosuke Yuuji's MILF books in my collection. Wherever they are, I hope they come back to us to draw more spectacular MILF tits. And if they can't come back, I hope they're okay in life.
Can you buy J18 books somewhere other than hmarket or their EU sister store? Just curious if they were selling em cheaper somewhere else
What's great is google translate can do most manga already with the image feature and a decent phone camera.
Most of their stuff is on buyanime too.
I wouldn't hold out for a discount though, their stuff never goes on sale.
Doujins get one print run except for rare cases, and tanks can take a looong time for a second print because their model is to get something out then move on to the next.

In other words, if something you want sells out you're shit out of luck.
Thanks anon that's kinda what I figured. I'm a pleb and can't read moon runes and it's hard for me to enjoy a doujin if I can't understand it. I definitely get the appeal of picking up some 600 yen books tho but idk how much I'd enjoy them
>the cabinet ejaculates a torrent of dead-tree anime titties
I get you, but there are plenty of ancient doujin I've picked up purely because they're some of my favorites from artists I love. Sometimes, you just wanna own the thing, y'know?
How much is there shipping to the states?
It depends, really. It's in the ballpark of $20-$45. Obviously, its a lot more cost-effective to buy in bulk.
What proxy are you guys using? Just got an order from Mandarake and really surprised by the quality and cost efficiency of it.

Want to try my hand at brand new but Zenmarket fees make a Tankoubon cost 2-3x more than Mandarake. Which is hard to justify if I want to buy in a bulk to save shipping costs.

Neokyo doesn’t look bad with Surugaya but I’ve been told COD can be terrible. And a majority of new product have COD.
how do you feel when someone upload something before you? i have notice there are some duplicates out there. could be for color, hi-res, better TL, or extra pages. i've never done this before but I also don't to give someone an excuse not uploading a higher quality.
holy shit, this anon's taste are IMMACULATE
Call me a shill for jast if you want, but hmarket has kishiwagashi's junior speller caster book.
It's amazing, and his other works are amazing, so please consider buying it to raise the chance of his other works getting releases stateside.

Of course this goes for anything else too.

Well, I say this, but it's still unlikely they'll do most licensed works like his toradora books.
It's unfortunate since they're easily the best toradora doujins made.
>todd special yoruichi doujin
i would like to but shipping costs to australia are such a scam
i would also like a few other things but theyre sold out
Ever looked into booking seperate sea freight shipping with another courier? You may end up having to wait like two months but it's better than getting fucked by 300 bucks international air shipping. If you were facing a similar cost issue that is.
no, sounds like a hassle
i have looked into forwarders and proxies but theyre as expensive or more expensive than normal international shipping
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Hello, I'm this anon here >>7930191
Finally got my stock of doujin. Ain't much but totally worth it.
Anyone ever have a Clearance Event with DHL? How long did it take? Does it mean they’re inspecting the packages? ND7
Apparently it's standard clearing procedure but there could be incomplete paperwork, delays or incorrect tax/fee payments. Usually takes 2-5 days. Further inspection or package screening seems to be a seperate alert that is different from Clearance Event.

Keep me updated will ya
Yeah I’ll try. Hopefully I don’t get into trouble with it. There are some shota things in there not on the covers though.
It's a standard custom procedure. They'll charge you taxes for importing the stuff and not much else. The package will not be opened. For a package to be opened it would either have to be fucking huge, have a very high value (as per the import fee) or have suspicious items inside.
If you're just importing books they don't give a fuck and it should be done fairly quickly.
Yeah seems like it was nothing to worry about. Clearance just cleared so all good. Probably a delay in delivery date now, is what it is though.
Both by 伊丹 (Itami)
Happens every time, at least to me.
Tell us when your haul arrives
Yeah got it. But it actually was opened and resealed by customs. Which is kinda awkward but hey cleared so probably safe.
Man that sucks. It's never happened to me. Which country are you from?
The new dude ordering from Canada. This was my 2nd package, 1st went through smoothly. So getting my 2nd ever package inspected really sucks. A little paranoid I could get in trouble later or something. Definitely done ordering now.
I'm sorry that happened anon. Take care.
Pretty sure they would have confiscated your package if they had any problems with it
honestly it means that what you ordered was safe
Maybe not the entire package but at least the offending items in it. If everything is still there, you can relax.

Still, I had this happen a few years ago, and there's no denying that it left me more than a little rattled. Believing that a non-event was ACTUALLY a non-event took a few nerve-wracking weeks of nothing happening afterwards.
But if it got resealed then the problem doesn't subsist.
>cracked crystal
A personal favorite. Blackmail without the "falling for the dick" garbage that plagues most books in that genre
not me, from /a/ buyfag
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Didn't realise they did english/uncensored Jairou publications so seeing this at a con was a nice buy.
Is that OG Lustbreeders? Keep that one close brother.
Top left is a good one. That one is on my list of ones ive been trying to get my hands on.
>One of xrations old classics
Hold that tighter than gold sir. Finding some of his stuff physically was a task for me.
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Got more doujins for my Jalter collection
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Muscle kino just arrived
Anything to know in particular about buying from mandarake? Like do you guys meticulously go through each item you want and make sure you can get them all from the same store front?
i just buy from whatever store has what i want
Usually yes
I just kinda assumed it mattered shipping wise since it seems like you have to checkout your order for each store front? Or maybe I just misunderstood
Depends how badly you want a specific item. Obviously if one store has an item you really want and it's not at the other stores, you'd get it and pay the individual store shipping for it.
Of course. I have quite a few Unou works, I love the guy. Love his facial expressions and focus on blowjobs.
Amen to that brother. Wish i was aware of the import market when that came out. I only got Lustbreeders 2 of the series.
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I have all these and I'd say that the Dragon Quest 4, KonoSuba ones and Sucubus no Rinjin 2 are my favorites. I'm still missing some of his works but overall you can't go wrong.
Still haven't grabbed any of his older Galaxy Angel books and one or two here or there.

There's also the single oneshot about a slutty girl stealing her friend's hung "Mob" boyfirend that is fucking excellent and it's never been released on any anthology or tank or anywhere and it drives me mad! It's so good! He has two tanks and 99% of his oneshots are compiled but not this one. Aarggh!

One day....
I think i got the one your talking about, but its buried somewhere in the collection. Got alot of his tanks as well. Something about his art just pulls me in.
Nope never mind just clicked it and i def never seen this one in the collection my bad.
Oh... I was already going to ask. I knew it anyway, I've researched it to hell and back and it's just never been released outside the god forsaken magazine it was published on.
Thanks for checking it regardless.
anybody know a good cheap proxy shipper for the usa?
Is there a place state side where people can buy sale and trade doujins, even the risque stuff that I often see here? I have some doujin I want to get rid of and I don't want to just throw them away.
Not any that I know of. That would be a risky business that's for sure. Despite anime's increasing popularity, this side of it is still niche and considered taboo in the states.
Really fucker? you don't know about Ebay?
If the art is too riske for pics, just cover up the naughty bits with a piece of paper.
Now, if you're a pedophile trying to sell child fucking doujins, then just chuck them to the garbage. Unless the idea of the long spiky dick of the law and the jail system being forcefully shoved up your bleeding asshole is appealing to you.
What's my best option if I want to buy just one item? I've looked into buying a certain drama CD from Surugaya via buydoujinshi, and the item itself is cheap, but then the shipping cost is now multiple times the cost of the item itself and it feels kinda silly. This is the CD in question.

Alternatively, is there some kind of proxy service where I can have someone buy this domestically and then just rip the CD?
If you're already considering a CD rip, then just go the extra step and pirate it. I'm sure there's a torrent somewhere, and if there isn't just post a request for it and hope someone answers your prayers with an upload.
If there is one, I haven't found it yet. I'll try to request this on /r/, but would there be other places where I might find someone who would have this?
You can also buy it on Mandarake, 1500 new, 1000 used but you don't have to pay for a proxy as Mandarake ship international.
NTA, but isn't that even more expensive than buying it on surugaya + buydoujinshi?
On BD it amounts to JPY500 for the item + JPY550 (500 fixed fee + 10% of the total).
The issue is, as it always is I believe, how expensive it is to get anything from japan. It's not worth it to just get a small item because you pay 20 bucks to get 4 bucks worth of an item.

Importing in my opinion is only worth if you buy a whole bunch of items whereas the math ends up crunching to 100JPY per item when you split the costs and the number of items you ordered or something.
For example if I buy 60 doujins and the shipping costs are 5800JPY. But that's only because buying 1 item would still be about 3000JPY or some stupid shit. Shipping costs always operate in between threshholds so receiving a package worth 100gr and 500 gr is pretty much the same, so there's wiggle room to fill your box with stuff.

Anyway, I'm sorry anon, it's just the way it is. You'll have to suck it up, or try getting someone to rip it for you.
>Any experience with Zenmarket?
Overpriced as fuck because you need to pay a 500 yen fee for every unique item. That gets relatively expensive if you only buy a batch of thin books. You'll later get fucked with some other fees as well but overall the service works pretty well. Fortunately the yen is worthless right now. You can pay through paypal.
If the value of your purchase is below 150 € you can pay the Einfuhrumsatzsteuer and the Zoll in advance. Otherwise the Hermes nigger will ask you to pay up on delivery.
And loli is not banned in Germany. I have imported a few books myself and never had a problem with that.
top tier taste torichamaru on top
Sell it on Reddit mangaswap board
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Anyone else collect physical copies of software?
I have big box copies of the djibril games along with a smattering of doujin works from various groups including erogos and saber fish.

Used copies of doujin software are often *SO* cheap that even after the annoying import shipping cost they're still often cheaper than buying on dlsite even with that 15% coupon they constantly throw around.

Even if you're the type that prefers to pirate everything, most doujin software is so niche and unknown outside of japan that aside from the most popular stuff most torrents and links tend to be dead within a month.
I buy physical copies of software to keep encouraging the practice. They sometimes give some pretty good bonus, plus the Japs are the ONLY ones still technically doing physical releases for PC games even if its for a niche market. It also prevents games from companies just disappearing. EX. Giga. I bought their games collections before they just pulled their shit off the web.
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Volume 3 of Sanbun's manga was just uploaded. Apparently there is a short story that you can only get by buying the volume together with one of the old ones.

Do you know if this is something that you can only do while physically in Japan. or is there an online way?

Or is there someone that I could pay to do this for me?
Is there any place to get unofficially translated doujinshi? Been seeing some stuff floating around recently like this seller here and I'm wondering how they even get their hands on this stuff. Do they just go through a printing press?

What are you talking about mandarake doesn't take debit? I have debit just used them two weeks ago and it worked fine
It shouldn't be expensive because of how terribly weak the Japanese yen is (which is good news for the rest of us overseas)
Yeah that's another reason, I'm an old dinosaur and a physical collector at hear, I hate that nobody makes physical editions of pc games anymore.
It's kind of strange that almost my entire collection of physical pc games, which is such an extreme niche these days, are visual novel porn games, which are also an extreme niche, to combine into an extreme super-niche.
Not even all of them japanese imports, jast and mangagamer have also done english physical releases and I do own some of them, but they're still all porn visual novels.

What the heck happened.
Are autists like me that collect imported japanese visual novel software the only people that still have optical drives?
What the hell happened to create that bizarre correlation?
Steam happened sadly, consequence of it getting popular meant "Why the fuck should we waste production money on optical media when we could just release digital keys and save" Fortunately that's not really possible with porn novels since Steams censors the shit out of most of them so there is still incentive/need for eroge companies to bother with physical.
is there a solid number of doujins to import at a time? i've been browsing and my list is at least 10 but i dont know if a specific amount would drive up the fee's significantly
If you use a service like buydoujinshi, they charge a commission based on the total cost plus a fixed service fee.
The main thing is that because you're importing from japan the shipping fee is going to be high at the start, but it does not go up proportionally to how many things you order.
ex: one doujin might cost 2000 yen in shipping which is outrageous, but twenty doujins might cost 3000 yen to ship, which is more in total but significantly less per item.

In short, the more you order at once, the better deal you'll get.
This anon explained it perfectly >>8056838
To add a little bit, you could ask the middleman how many doujins they fit in a box, and I'd order that many.
I ordered about 60 last time from BuyDoujinshi and due to shipping logistics, about 40 of had to be sent on one box and the other 20ish on a different one. Meaning they had to send me two packages at the same time, and having two orders come simultaneously was an ordeal. But just one (which I ordered a previous time) was perfectly fine.

So yeah, order as much as you can within reasonable logistical shipping limits to make the most out of your fee, proportionally speaking!
How do you guys protect your really thick doujins? Like the ones up to an inch thick. I don't like to use the ones that only protect the front and back cover, I want a bag but I can't find one.
alright thank you both! i was definitely lowballing at 10 then, i was skipping over lots of >1000yen doujins thinking it'd make the shipping unreasonable. now i can indulge a bit more!
I use a golden size board + magazine size bag and tape the leftover. It kind of sucks but it's the only way. That's how I bag the omnibuses I own and +100 page long doujins.

Enjoy buying anon, the stock is usually that cheap :] unless you're going for low print items or comiket omakes, doujins are usually cheap to collect.
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For fun, sharing the average cost of the doujins I bought. Excluding shipping.
... You have 2154 doujins? Am I interpreting this graph correctly?
Yes, accumulated over 15 years, not buying as many as I used to now, mostly completing artists I like and new releases from my favorite artists.
How do you have space to store all of them? Can you share a pic of what 2154 doujins looks like?
I do
I wouldn't like to see them go bankrupt because everybody is pirating their stuff.
Please support your favorite Eroge company (if you can) beacause they will either vanish or go full gacha
Where can I buy english doujin?
>decided to cave in and dickbuy a digital doujin from melonbooks because nobody upload this version of a doujin to sadpanda
>mandatory japanese phone number for signing up an account
crisis averted I guess???
look around there are plenty of places online
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>Artist: Jin
I collect stuff only from a few artists, but love to have physical books anyways.
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>Artist: Great Mosu
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>Artist: Puuzaki Puuna
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>Artist: Aburi Saamon Maru
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Nice books, I would have liked to have some Jin stuff myself. Did you have to buy them used condition or is it an older haul?
Very good, I don't think I have vol 4 yet. I'm glad to see mondo working again.
Author name?
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Older haul that i got from Yahoo Auctions a while back. I collect just specific stuff so most of the time i use Yahoo + Zenmarket as proxy.

I have an Endou Okito collection too, a massive one (too many photos to show)
How do you guys search the adult section od yahoo auctions without making an account?
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I think you need an account. Not 100% sure about that. I use of course JP names and so on + this option (but i have an account to see Adult content)
Thank you.
i browse from buyee
Man I want this so bad.
Why am I not allowed to buy things on melonbooks? Is there really no other option but to travel all the way to Japan if I want to own this?
What about mandarake? They have one in okay condition
How expensive can international shipping fees get at most on buydoujinshi? It won't tell me and I want them shipped to Denmark where I live.
Is it even a real website?
If it's the regular japan sea mail or whatever that takes fucking ages (2-4 months) I can't imagine it ever being more than like 200-300 DKK for shipping costs only. That's comparing sea/boat freight rates with Norway but it depends on the package volume and weight of course.

I don't know if Denmark has 0% VAT on books but there's that too. Then handling/import fees by the courier + shipping cost itself. They are legit I think and I know similar jap/weeb sites that also just don't have estimates on shipping
>I don't know if Denmark has 0% VAT on books but there's that too.
I could just ask chatgpt, but I am more worried about what it could be at most.

Do you think I could combine buydoujinshi with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HswyhSUblzg and get a cheaper result?
I've found several books I want now and it would be kind of scary to wait 4 full months before they arrive, in possibly poor condition and then to get a sudden HUGE fee on top.
The order alone is already getting a little expensive, although I am prepared to spend quite a bit here.
Has anyone here tried Tenso? How was the experience?
Been using Tenso for awhile now, have had zero problems with them, also being able to store your stuff with them for 2 months is a god send so that i can wait for a few paychecks to come in. Only downside is unless they changed it is that they require your ID to sign up with them.
If I want to buy a book from melonbooks using tenso must I also register myself on melonbooks? I can get around that with Tenso right?
Having to give my info to tenso sucks, but having to give my info to both Tenso AND melonbooks sucks even harder.
And what would be the ramifications of giving my id to a Japanese website that will help me receive pornographic doujins involving women getting raped by monsters?
Sorry for posting off-topic imagery btw, it's a habit.
Tenso does not care what you order as long as you pay. i have been using them for 8 years and have ordered ALOT of goods using them as my proxy. Melonbooks last time i checked doesnt require anything to sign up only Tenso.
Though i am not sure if signing up for one can get you around the other sorry i aint got the answer for that one been a minute since i signed up so shit could have changed by now.
Just checked, the only info i gave melon is my Tenso warehouse address. So you only have to give actual real info to Tenso should you choose to go down this route.
Hmm, I'll take this into consideration. Im considering buydoujinshi since it seems the most straightforward in terms of what I must do, it's only pricing that's a little scary since it won't tell me international rates. I suppose I can ask chatgpt is they have any clue.
See you next thread buyfag brothers.

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