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>Viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kd2T9gVZtsoEHP9nIeDSIdLOnw4Xgt7
>Viewer Big Patch: https://mega.nz/file/glx0UQgC#QIeQmw5esGAH5Z2hpAME7HNb-rBHpRjt3eE9yovM31w
>Event Patches: https://mega.nz/folder/OuBwSajD#cRAyhgZtXTkBouEIREiz7Q
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snLByV1Jn4Y&list=PLWTepIlReBpnRRQcQMjQGxDo7whb4IxIe

>Game: http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/
>Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k22dzpoUyYc3dgqOeiYWf5aKdzcMTM-22PPZ15ePyiw/
>Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/9jN0RKrD#0sDHOUgClLaQH3MU7_eQgA
>Story TL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koBwcMlYnY5Z5gezuY9tbnBLWxQ9jByLbcO2A_ZGDwA/
>Translator Tool: https://mega.nz/file/dYN0WQLS#7nT4m6amxQvrasjvhQBxXs-3dPIXmwEnnC8wufL0UMY
>Translator Tutorial: https://files.catbox.moe/0toapd.mp4
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkX8aSzVqMg&list=PLWTepIlReBplP_mSvQ3_if7-A8In-45Nc

>Game: https://www.actiontaimanin.net/
>Bond Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQeF7NBX7kc&list=PLWTepIlReBpnAQ-6Q4ptiCjCSwPCCxwUM
>OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU36_upTNP0&list=PLWTepIlReBpn1CNGkTSiYcGeQ_m7Cm-zS
>Other: https://rentry.org/atgExtraLinks
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDPxJMNdhu8&list=PLWTepIlReBpm7B4YZ_ETyKdlgmzCxYe1x
>Mods: https://mega.nz/folder/BrJGkJgC#7N9YZylOksCDTfHBRg6dXA

>Drama CDs: https://mega.nz/folder/lKRE3ZJB#gexG4fUbKgJNU7Apyel4ZQ ----- https://mega.nz/folder/jUoj1CTY#VN2ZH-QuInXG1jbJ7xMhsA
>Drama CD Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18s-5M3thLSF95tHCbMLuYtLXWreCRUI-F6jSgT9CBIY/
>TA3 + TABA + NUYE Artbooks: https://mega.nz/folder/0WMWBbDC#W51-m3HWu-EBV2p4WF5qVA
>Wallpapers: https://mega.nz/folder/ZxEB1CgC#wSHJmx6rvuzMAefaCUoX_A
>Lilith Art Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/c0N2WSzJ#hv2t5xRVyo2R_OLLUWc0Jw
>Lilith CG Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/HPp0TaDb#9uHUdeBUqJz72jBytgXUzg
Previous Thread: >>7964607

Recent Updates:

>Latest TABA scenes for the RPGX viewer: https://mega.nz/file/poQ0gZrZ#2KjPkBRPA6m-T8aQXBC-FOILy4z7Zx2UyszgtBNV7Tg
>Latest TABA scenes for the eTABA viewer: https://mega.nz/file/NwpjAJqB#8iohiCxJRLyFhwCP063KEKNDT2xG3-mCJXymfcGYZ2I

>Taimanin Animations: https://mega.nz/folder/ExxVmARa#XvlEEzcybEQyOlhEIPBz4A

>HTML RPGX Viewer Scene & Story Patch: >>7986773

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
What's Your Favorite Taimanin RPGX Scene?
>{Only From Taimanin RPGX, Not From Mainline Or TABA; Show {Picture Example}
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Mine: There’s so many scenes it may be hard to land on one, but for me I “think” the Maika scene where she whores herself out to the bandits is among the best scenes they’ve ever came up with. Maika is not even my favorite character and I find myself coming back to that scene over so many others. Even her render for that scene is top notch with her revealing herself with her hands behind her head, breast out with nipple piercing and legs spread, hot damn.
Besides that the Zero Asagi and Sakura scene is pretty good too. And maybe some other Sakura scenes too. Again kinda hard to boil it down completely so just do the best you can.
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Maybe not my favorite but one that stands out to me is the scene with Edwin and Kaede, cool from a lore standpoint I suppose but I'm also just happy to see my boy Edwin get some action

Taken from the previous threads:
The RPG Viewer is in need of an updated English patch from Extasy and here's how to make one for those who got the time for it.

Press F12
Go to the Network tab
Start a scene
Right click open in new tab on the script file that downloads so that you can download it. It should have a name like "chr_{charID}_{sceneNo}_r18_{hash}" (sceneNo isn't included if it doesn't have 2 scenes).
Extract the script with something like Asset Studio
Place the script in "scenes/{id}/translations" and rename it to "{language} - Official.txt"
Run the patcher

Basically the same process for the Story
The files in the network tab will be
with a c, es, em or er at the beginning for chapters, story, maps and raids.

Or someone who wants to maintain it can figure out how the game gets the urls in the first place.
It's extremely easy (one of if not the easiest of all gacha games) to find, but there's also a bit of a trap. I figured it out for RPGX straight away but never realised I did and ended up crowd sourcing for nearly 2 years.

All you need is a bit of computer literacy and curiosity. Programming skills aren't required but would get rid of manually having to move the scripts to the right folder (especially annoying for the story).


Here's a folder of all the new Extasy scenes collected so far.

If you or someone else can create a new patch with these, I'll put it into the folder.

Scenes Still Missing:

0117 – Katerina (SR)
0118 – Mersey (R)
0161 (x2) – [Halloween Vampire] Onisaki Kirara (SSR)
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So hard to pick, I might have to post a few more

this one is really incredible
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Anons witch gf
Muscle Carnival's posted his thoughts on all the character's he's worked on from RPGX launch to the 5th Anniversary.
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While the Asuka Kirara beach scene was amazing, there's something about hugging Asuka tightly and cumming inside her repeatedly, all while kissing her, that just sounds heavenly...
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I can't decide which is better, this one or maid with shotas.
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Can the anon who helped me before with the missing text in the sakara scene help again?

Thank you
We still need someone with the updated story and event translations
Indeed, Asuka is so beautiful. Getting her pregnant would be heavenly.
I, for one, enjoyed that time Sakura went back in time and turned her sister into a prostitute.

As a runner up, the titfuck scene with Shizuru. If only because Fuuma prejacs and cries about it.
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I knew this day would come. Lilith-Soft has purged information of their non-Taimanin games from their website. No more Kangoku Senkan, Rinkan Club, Ochiru Hitozuma, Iron-shelled Ai, Hyouryuu Kangoku Chronos, or Taima Seikou Alice. Save the classics while you still can!
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Is Annerose safe?
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Surprisingly, no. But Onmyo Kishi Towako is somehow safe.
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Although, Mama wa Taimanin got purged. I guess Lilith-Soft was ashamed of that one.
Why did they do that?
Credit card companies most likely
Do they ever do high priced prostitutes or do they always do the whole "This is a super rare ninja sex symbol that we spent a huge effort training, pay pennies to fuck her" thing?

Two christians who sit on the board of most traditional payment processors really really hate porn and have been part of a multi decade long push to end or minimize the existence of pornography.
Uh, but what does that have to do with Lilith's own website? do they sell stuff directly or what?
made for lovey dovey sex!!
Unless they want to take payments entirely in bitcoin or some other crypto you gotta deal with the traditional payment processors.
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NO! Not even my favorite vampire queen is safe!
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>only a scene with sexy nurse
>no nurse outfit in it
Truly a disgrace
cutest witch!!
You know, the one good thing these guys could have done was self-release their games that they cannot sell anywhere to the free market, so anyone that wanted to play their old games could just play them. But knowing how Lilith are a bunch of assholes, I should have expected they'd just throw their old IPs out in the garbage and never ever bother to consider the idea of handing their games off to be preserved more easily.
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I want a witch gf...

Why are you still saying this? Lilith's site just sucks ass and is completely broken down. They took down everything and they're (VERY) slowly uploading stuff back.
Besides, what logic does make to have the official pages for their products down but they are still purchasable through every store as usual?
And also, what this "save the classics while you still can" is supposed to imply? To buy these games? For what?
you didn't forget the pic this time desu
your gf has been here for a while
Witch hag
The video recording of Shiranui's training was pretty good, and is my favorite Shiranui scene from rpgx. Seeing her go far as eating ass shows how depraved she'd become under those conditions.
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I like her outfit in this one a little better
I think there might be something wrong with their site, it makes no sense to remove those games and leave the Taimanin ones where those are 10 times more hardcore than the others
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of course.
i dislike the artstyle. i'd rather her gangbang scene in her vn.
>i dislike the artstyle. i'd rather her gangbang scene in her vn.

I agree I don't like how Kagami draws her now.

Honestly I don't really care for how he draws most of the girls now.
Maybe it's because of the coloring? I personally also prefer the previous illustrations.
>Maybe it's because of the coloring? I personally also prefer the previous illustrations.
Coloring is part of it but he's also changed how he draws faces and expressions.
Maybe Kagami about to retire
Who should take over for Kagamis art if he did theoretically retire?
Probably Aoi Nagisa will take over
I think he just needs a vacation. Gacha is probably burning him out.
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I think it depends on the actual character. Some translate better to his new style than others. Like I prefer Cara's older design more than the new one. But I much more prefer how he draws Sakura now compared to in the beginning.
He hasn't gone full Aoi yet..
Aoi can't hold a company on his back, he would break immediatly.
There would be that artist from Bishop that i think was his student that worked together with him on Mesu Kyoushi, but Bishop would never give him to lilith, that would mean suicide.
Probably this, having to draw the same characters from the same franchise since 2014 non stop literally kills your fun.
I mean artist wanna always draw and explore new stuff, but by how lilith is pushing Kagami, he is clearly only doing it for the money at this point, his passion is now turned into a daily boring job
TA2 art was to me Kagami's peak art. Tho upto TA Zero, it was still really good.
Damn you guys are so picky. A little change in artstyle and it doesn't get your dick hard anymore?

It's called having standards.
yes because not all of us are coomer man.
post pregnant taimanins
Are you saying that based on vanilla TA2's CGs, or the ones they added in five years later for the compete edition? Because Kagami's art in vanilla TA2 pretty closely matches his art in TA1. It was only made a year later, after all. There's a pretty good gap in quality between the vanilla CGs and the added ones in that game.
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New Sakura looks better than the oldest Sakura, but I think she might've looked best during the 2008-2015-ish era.
tanned Sakura is pure sex

Added English text files for the missing scenes.
1st Sakura is ok, i mean Kagami was just getting the hang of it.

2nd and 3rd Sakura are literally peak, the best.

4th Sakura the new one, way to moe moe and child looking like, Kagami lost all the edginess, but can we really say it's Kagami's fault or that he was forced by Lilith?
Because even Zol went ultra moe shit with his characters too
Is there no collection for the story and event scenes yet? What should the folder structure look like once the text is extracted?
Newest Sakura has her face too squished together and her eyes look off. 3rd looks the best
Is that one in the TABA or RPGX collection?
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RPGx, scenes 0365_1 and 0365_2 respectively
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No there is not its only up to 10 for the main story. The alchemist and the werewolf onward are only in japanese not english. Extracting it is basically like extracting the scenes you just have to be a bit more careful. Some event scene storys and main storys have multiple sections and will look like the picture i link to this
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This picture below. I'm trying to work on getting the storys but i might mess something up. Btw im the anon with the drop box im switching to google dox
trying to answer this question just makes me realize that rpgx scenes are so much worse than battle arena ones were. ingrid fucking orcs on the beach, murasaki and asagi futa wedding, all of the good oboro ones. all from battle arena.

English text files for The Alchemist and the Werewolf along with subsequent events up to The Forgotten Serpent God. I tried to follow a folder structure similar to the one used in Flashback Scenes, let me know if it's fine.
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Hebiko's design doesn't do much for me. Seeing her in this scene, with that outfit, with that context was gold.
>Here's a folder of all the new Extasy scenes collected so far.
How do I install these? I get dragging the scene and patch folders, but what about the textasset? and what's the order?
Other than that Hebiko Scene, any other NTR scene that's as good?
Kurenai's gosha scene is amazing, though it's debatable if you want actual direct NTR or just mindbreak cheating. There's not actually that much blatant direct NTR like the hebiko one.
One of the most based scenes in RPGX.
Imagine if they did this sorta scene with tanned black dress Kirara.
Gotta ask, how do you extract CGs from RPGX?
My cock couldnt handle that
Taimanin games
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will play them later

Just copy the scenes folder into your rpgx directory and then run the patcher. That's for all scenes after the initial patch.
What was the actual story behind this scene and the character?

Thx for reminding me of having to work with the other Lilith games and add the counter for some of their other games.

By the way, if someone is a bit proficient with Unity, let me know so someone can help me out figuring out how to insert a new object on a scene (I have been stuck trying to modify their latest game).
What scene is that?
Are there any actual Yanderes in Taimanin?
This one, i don't remember how the scene goes in full but i think it was: fuuma loses (as usual) and Kurenai is forced to have sex with the evil guys to save his weak ass.

I might be wrong, so i hope someone clarifies it.
Gotta ask, how do you extract CGs from RPGX?

So if we don't get that annoying dude with this message from >>7965187 , we have to deal with someone asking for this information several times per day.
But how do you extract scenes that are locked behind the character you don't have though?
Feels like a glowstick
Can someone explain to the rest of us where to find this patcher and how to run it? There haven't been any patches made and posted here since the initial one.
People who have the scenes unlocked extract and share them online using the methods mentioned here. If not them or here, someone or somewhere else.
There's a fair bit, but I'd have to look through the CGs again to refresh my memory for a list. Like >>7996857 said, Kurenai had one that follows practically the same idea as Hebiko's. Fuuma is forced to watch her get fucked and mind broken at a party. Hebiko's has harder NTR vibes though.
Her beast scene is better. I like that it ended with her being rescued after being mind broken. She recovers but in the scene lore at least, it's canon she was fucked by demon animals.

You're pretty spot on, from what I recall. It was magic bullshit. Fuuma was either at risk of getting outnumbered and killed if he blew his cover to save her or being restrained by them as it happened. I was hoping this would start a storyline trend similar to the bunny NTR scenes, where it continued onward with more girls getting NTR'd the same way. Sadly, it stopped at Kurenai. I'm hoping they at least do a sequel for Hebiko's specifically, since the guy is still free to meet her again... but we all know that will never happen.
Is there a taimanin bust size chart?
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You guys are mixing up two different scenes, the one where Fuuma gets cucked via magic bullshit is 0427 in the viewer, the one from >>7998053 is 0312, which just has her working as a slave whore for Fulst.
One other thing to mention, in both the Kirara NTR and Hebiko NTR scene (This one >>7996726) he gets cucked by fat corrupt politicians. For some reason they are RPGx Fuuma's Kryptonite
Weird. I knew a guy who somehow had shared the scenes during the maintenance, so that's why I asked. Can't reach that guy, though.
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Hebiko just barely missed making Batch 4 for me. But when I was considering it, this was the Scene I was looking at the most for animation. Are there any other Scenes of her that are of this level? Or would you say this is the best one to get animated?
Considering your preferences animator-anon you might like scene 266_2 of Hebiko more.
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The one with the black dress would be cool too though.
That webm has a 2 in its name, is there another version?
That's because the question forces you to only look at rpgx scenes, and when doing so you start to see a decline in quality.
are you still here op
I need some help with the translator tool please, I follow the steps and select the folder I need translated, but when I get to the DeepL window and press ALT+A nothing happens and the tool just freezes and crash.

Does anyone else have this issue? Anyone know of a fix?
Fuuma could you please shut the doooooor
Damn.. not even allowed to watch in the cuck chair anymore.
Hebiko is the only woman who deserves his man. Slutting around to be the perfect whore for him is someone no other female would do.
Freya should do the same...
Hebiko is half octopus and we know from scene descriptions that she stinks, like not metaphorically, but literally she smells bad.
All she deserves is to be battered, fried, and turned into greasy takoyaki.
Bottom 5 girl in the entire franchise, easily.
Pretty sure its her ink that is stated to stink, not her herself.
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Best wife
>Hebiko is half octopus and we know from scene descriptions that she stinks, like not metaphorically, but literally she smells bad.
Are you a retard? She has a ninja art that turns her legs into octopus tentacles. That's all it is.
gabagool? ova heree
We got too cocky
That's Future Hebiko isn't it? If do her man in that timeline is dead lol
I’ll explain it at another post but from /vg/‘s thread here’s what really happened with extasy, and a surprising revelation at the end.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR6IKEkYbAI [Embed]
Copied from /vg/
>Dude speaking is a former employee who left the company on amicable terms years ago
>He worked in Extasy very early when it was still being designed
>The short of it is that the game EOS because of poor management and because management was poor.

>The bulk of the cost in Extasy was building and migrating the game from browser based to Unity to put it on steam and Apple
>This process was stalled for over a year because porting the game to unity was outsourced to a dev team in Shanghai instead in-house, which is odd because RPGX itself was done in-house and miscommunications caused a lot of the stalling
>This means that the cost was higher and the profits expected/needed was therefore higher
>The English translation was outsourced to a South Korean company which is downright retarded because Extasy was published in English and Chinese only. In-house team tried to take over fix which means text was reworked more times than needed which elevated costs more
>Game had low revenue, the game doesn't appear for revenue in most sites that track Revenue due to how low profits were in all platforms

>The game having a huge 5 year gap between the JP which is far from industry standard, the game debt, and the predatory changes they made such as lowering drop rates mid events all scared would be players and held back would be whales, which hurts profits
>The devs of GoGo and Extasy despise Gacha games and don't understand why people play them, hence why some of the dumb decisions were made while directors ignored any kind of feedback from the rest of the team
>Originally PVP was larger focus to incentivize players to roll for meta and monetization when their team didn't know how to program that
>A lot of the systems are added simply because profitable games do them without care as to how they actually fit into RPGX, such as VIP systems and whims actually came to fruition.

>There's a new Taimanin title being worked on that seems to have potential
>There's a new Taimanin title being worked on that seems to have potential
Tatsuroukino is back in the menu
>>There's a new Taimanin title being worked on that seems to have potential
Potential that'll be squandered, no doubt.
It wouldn't be Lilith if they weren't squandering all of their potential.
>that seems to have potential
considering how the franchise has been going for the all-ages audience(lmao) i wouldn't be surprised if it's some kind of console shit musou that's basically just Action but prettier looking, if i had to compare it to something it'd be Azur Lane Crosswave or maybe Fate Extella tier slop, in the case IT IS an actual Taimanin game it's probably some sort of soft reboot attempt, side shit like Mama wa Taimanin or maybe just a remake of the entire franchise but in the current artstyle
Whatever it is, if it's an actual game, I'll count it as a win. I'm sick of gachashit. I just want something that actually exists and can be owned.
That guy also explained why no one wants to make eroges nowadays.
>>The devs of GoGo and Extasy despise Gacha games and don't understand why people play them
And that reason is...?
I wouldn't be surprised if this is TY3, TA02, or that wife game being counted as Taimanin.
Not profitable in the long term
Everything is good do you have chapter 11 onward?

They literally mocked 99.9% of the userbase of this thread, and yes I am counting the ones that put up with the viewer shenanigans (getting the scenes, programming the viewer or just watchibg the scenes with a viewer that lacks basic features most vns have because it's designed for gachapigs, so the standards are pretty low)
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Based anon that remembers my ass fixation lol. I definitely already have a folder on that Scene. I only have 3 folders on her, the two already mentioned, and _0180. Its kind of a toss up at this point, but if others have suggestions I'll take a look at those too.

Its the cropped zoomed version hence "2." The normal version is this one. I like the cropped version more, but at least with the normal version you can see I made Maika fingering herself. The only other edits from this is cropped versions of Azuma and Maika alone.
Does the source have much to verify this? This stuff feels kinda like a larp post
>>The devs of GoGo and Extasy despise Gacha games and don't understand why people play them, hence why some of the dumb decisions were made while directors ignored any kind of feedback from the rest of the team
So it was dead from the beginning. It's fucking rocket science these gacha games, nobody can figure out why players like them, it's just beyond everyone's brain power to understand how the chinese make billions with gacha games. Maybe the chinese are the master race after all, since they figured out shit like anime girls flashing panties and booping shit over the head with mallets and swords.

Why are these idiots in the gacha industry again if they don't know wtf they're doing? Is that why Action Taimanin isn't raking in mad cash?
I haven't started yet, but I'll try to get to them eventually.
i wish i could know what orcs weiners smelled like
>>Dude speaking is a former employee who left the company on amicable terms years ago

>Dude speaking is a former employee who left the company on amicable terms years ago

damn, the brain dmg caused by too much gacha has some users forget what's the meaning of a "primary source"
salty coins and milk
And apparently your time shitflinging on Cantonese cave painting forums has made you illiterate, I asked if the source had anything to verify he worked there other than 'trust me bro'

Ok, so apparently I need to explain to you what I am even saying.

A primary source implies here that the information comes from HIM directly, so you either trust him or not, nothing more nothing else.

For example, when news outlets say "an insider source has confirmed that nintendo switch 2 will release with a new mario game" (as an example), they are using the same kind of source as we're dealing with that video.

So, next time, don't ask next time the author of the video to show documentation that could also be falsified in a quick internet video as a way to validate his information, because it makes virtually no sense.
>TL;DR: Dude, trust me.
Look at how thick her legs are, made for child bearing.
based and hagpilled
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this is kinda sad, since yjk. Lilith really is patethic at this point, sorry to say.
Will we ever get a scene like that TABA one with Wight again?
So just say trust me bro in the future
>next time, don't ask next time
Apparently not only can you not read but you struggle to write as well
I wouldn't mind some kind of musou if they went all in on fanservice and try to fill the niche that Senran Kagura left open. Although I'm keeping my fingers crossed for TY3.
Now that Extasy is EOS, what will lilith do now?
taimanin yukikaze 3
Annerose 2: electric boogatroll
Ultra Super Taimanin RPGX 2nd Giant Strike Definitive Premium Platinum Edition
Taimanin vs Ace Attorney crossover. Ninja code vs legal code.
And Knuckles..
RPGX is still running in Japan. Why do you tards not understand this? Extasy was a global relaunch of the already existing and successful RPGX in Japan. Both games ran at the same time. Let me guess, you're from the /vg/ general?
Nta but he LITERALLY said Extasy not RPGX. The reading comprehension with some of you anons is staggering sometimes.
You haven't been keeping up with the /vg/ thread I see. This question has been repeatedly asked because there's a number of people who don't know these are two different games. They think AT is the only gacha running right now and Lilith now has to quickly do something else.
/vg/ fags are just another type of humans they even believe that Taimanin will go full SFW because of AT, the best thing to do is to ignore them.
I understand anon, and I do frequent both threads. I’m just saying if you’re going to call someone out for doing something, let it be for the actual thing. That anon clearly said Extasy which is different from RPGX as a whole. It sounded like a genuine question.

It’s easy to ignore VG/ people who think that. They quite literally live in an alternate reality. RPGX is the flagship franchise for Lilith right now.
How does the /vg/ thread differ from here? I don't browse it so I'm curious
Yeah the guy was a bit hard on him but I was also under the impression he was being a bit of a tard and confusing the two

Honestly, that user mixing both games speaks volumes on how absurd it is to create two different versions of the SAME game only because it's a gacha, and if you don't play since day 1, you cannot do jack shit in terms of being competitive.
>>There's a new Taimanin title being worked on that seems to have potential
If he knows about it and worked on Gogo and Extasy, this new game has to be an outsourced bootleg game again and not an internal one at Lilith, right?

idk what game are they going to make now if they have to hide their LATEST game already from the home page
>How does the /vg/ thread differ from here? I don't browse it so I'm curious
There are six types of posters there. The first three are in constant conflict with each other.

Baiters who say that NSFWfags (who they sometimes call NTRfags or cuckfags) need to realize they've "lost" and that Action Taimanin or some other SFW endeavor is the future of Taimanin.
People who genuinely hate or don't care for the franchise's porn, either due to distaste for Taimanin's typical flavor of content or because they prefer ecchi cheesecake to full-blown hentai. They don't really care about anything beyond Action, and have no understanding about the state of the franchise or Lilith at large.
People who genuinely hate or don't care for the gachaverse material (particularly the SFW ones), either because they see it as hampering their chances at getting another VN or because they despise the tourists that've come into the fandom from those games.
>gameplay anons
People who actually talk about AT and RPG's gameplay, story, and characters. They're the ones sharing tips and posting screenshots. Regardless of what they prefer, they're not obnoxious about what or who they dislike. They're the true enjoyers of hot ninja girls.
Anons who post "noah sex" or similar such posts so the threads won't die.
>autism anons/those two guys
Anons who whose multiple paragraph post spanning arguments about dumb topics dominate the entire thread for days. There seems to be two specific anons who get into it with each other, but anyone from the second and third groups are also susceptible to their madness.
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I love the fact that while a Taimanin is in captivity by orcs, they're only given orc cum to eat. Love that level of humiliation.
then you have rare threads on /a/ where everyone loves Yukikaze
Scarily accurate..
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Only way for lilith to redeem themselves is to let me follow the naughty adventure of loyal™ Milf Shiranui.
Calm down, anon. I know that X is still running, but I hope Extasy's EOS pushes lilith to do something with Taimanin other than Gacha again.
shiranui raping tatsurou in front of yukikaze!!!

Imagine calling yourself a "true enjoyer of hot ninjas" by staring into an app that forces you to grind daily with a shitty mobile game.

Oh my how the standards are lowered when gacha players get their daily dose of dopamine. If you want a good looking (I can't say too much about the gameplay, I haven't looked into it) "Taimanin" game (without the XXX content) we have Stellar Blade.

And yes, we "NFSWfags" complain about you because we are getting a product that neither excels on the gameplay nor the art department only because you want a game that pumps out new content constantly no matter what.
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This event fuuma aki one. Wish I could get the translator tool working though.
Do you guys like Asahi’s rpgx designs?
>How does the /vg/ thread differ from here?
100% of people there are irredeemable retards, while here only 80% (but most tards here have room for improvement).
>most tards here have room for improvement
ty fren
>and Lilith now has to quickly do something else.
I am pretty sure they're very pressured as they only have a 6 or so year old browser based gacha and a low budget beat em up with mixed results.
Not to mention all the costs of creating Ecstasy, which included porting the game to Unity,

I don't think they're in exactly a good position right now. I agree it's not on the ropes, but it could very well ve close to it.
I hate ngos so much.
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>People who actually talk about AT and RPG's gameplay, story, and characters. They're the ones sharing tips and posting screenshots.
I think it's just me, sometimes
Actually it's literally NGOs pushing anti-female violence to shut down this site and many other communities because Jews don't like them.
It's always during shit involving Jews politically.

So I'll bet people at Lillith are just cucking their shit for the sake of legal policies.
Not really, I've been browsing the /atg/ for a long time now and we hardly have any conflicts. For the most part it's just people talking ablut stuff going on on their respective games without much interaction. Saying there's "atfags", "nsfwfags" and what not that are arguing is grossly flattering since the thread isn't nearly active enough to have proper conversation. Like no shit we don't talk about porn much, it's a blue image board and this thread exists if you want to talk and show off porn. Overall it's a pretty dead thread that only really sees action (hehe) when updates happen.

The one thing he got right is those two weirdos doubling down on a dumb Nier argument they started like a year ago and they bring it up like once every two weeks or so.
Nigger, there are literal shills on this forum nowadays telling you to "stop violence against women".
Only 6 yrs ago were they all "have sex" too.

They do anything for jewbucks. Anything to distract sites like this and mindrape them.
I still can't believe that action taimanin has less ero content than senran did before it got shitcanned by snoy. hell I'm pretty sure it has less than the current senran gachashit.
to be honest I don't understand it either and I waste my time playing 3 of them. what is it that people like about gachashit? if it's the characters then why is the gameplay where you get to use them usually autobattle shit where you don't even have to look at the screen? no one actually plays taimanin for the story so it can't be that. I've seen some gachashits that made me think "I wish this was a single player game" but I've never played a single player game that made me wish it was gachatrash.
Again, it's just the dopamine rush... They hop from gacha game to another thing they can keep feeding their addiction to.

It's kinda funny though how the alleged sorta blames the failure of this game towards the lack of organization, but as always, VN companies are ten billion years behind the rest.

Most gaming companies are already realizing that everything being a live service and expecting users to spend thousands of dollars on a daily basis just to get a shitty gif of a character done in 3 minutes by some low-grade artist is not a sustainable market, so if everybody is trying to capitalize on that small market, eventually most games will go down, since again, the target demographic is not growing.

In fact, I kinda think that the reason behind Shiravune's existence is because DMM knows (or I think so) that they cannot put all of their eggs onto the gachas they heavily promote.

I know that by making these long posts I won't magically change the opinion of someone who is suffering from addiction problems, that's something they first have to recognize and then try to mitigate by themselves. The difference here in contrast to other people with addiction problems, is that their issues manage to create problems to other consumers, in this case not getting some proper products (seriously, I need to hear one proper argument as to why the gacha business model provides value to the consumer)
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I wasn't expecting to start liking this brat.
See my problem with the Prison battleship games, is that despite having my favorite girls on PB 2 and 3, they don't let you properly enjoy the "after" Sure you maybe get one scene, but it's not enough, and it's even worse considering you technically erased their minds anyways, so the person fucking you is a robot or a completely different person, so then what's up with all that foreplay before? That's why I don't even revisit the scenes of the girls with the already erased personalities. There's no point. The final preg Alicia scene is glorious, which is why I'm saying it was not enough. Same with Beatrice. On the contrast, PB1 and PA nailed that perfectly.

And WHEN are we gonna get a proper Ingrid game. I know Lilith is probably never gonna return to making good games. But still, I can complain.
And that's my problem with lots of games, they either put too much into the foreplay,and not enough in the after and visceversa. But they don't understand that the foreplay is a valuable journey, and the end, isn't quite as interesting without the journey.
I love when the girls get pregnant in the end, get exactly what they deserve (crave).
TL mode is for translation right? Been looking online and can't find anything on how to use it.
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The largest insertion I've ever seen in a hentai, and Asagi's hungry pussy takes every girthy inch of it down to the base including Ou-chan's massive purple cockhead... the orc was euphoric.
one of the gayest things I've read on this general
Can she ?
There an astrophysicist who can update the TL tool? Does it maybe work from old thread links or some shit?
Shes certainly gotten more attractive through the years..
I like it when people who don't like and don't understand something spend long hours rationalizing instead of just asking.
Extra funny to think that people like you two piloted Exstasy and drove the project to the ground by a pride too strong to try and sympathize with something you don't understand.

Anyways in case you actually DO want to understand why Gacha games are so popular allow me to illustrate you
You can just open a browser or open an app and play them within seconds
>Short gameplay loops
You get to decide how invested you want to be, be it the type who clocks in with dailies or grind likes madman
Like it or not, people love gambling, love the thrill of suspense whenever you roll the Gacha. It's a bit closer to trading card game where you're not trying to get monetary value but a sense of personal value.
>tied to a brand that you like and often expands it
A continuous live service is often the best way to expand on the world of a series, particularly when the primary medium is a game that
Even games that have original characters and storylines the focus is often on world building, which a lot of poeple like for the sake of it.
The story of Taimanin and the world has expanded so much through these gacha games, far beyond the scope of what the main series could achieve without divesting itself completely from it's roots.
>it's profitable for companies
A sad reality is that Visual Novels and small scale indie games aren't profitable for any company that wants to be larger than single digits. Asking for a developer that can't produce anything better than glorified power point presentation and HTML flash games to gather the budgets to develop a full blown game that they clearly have no experience doing ans have clear issues managing small project as they are is basically suicide.
It's shitty, but I get it. And we get it, and if supporting Lillith so they can make lewd ninjas is spending a bit on a gacha so be it.
Never understood why you’d have a brainwashed Shiranui then nerf her by giving her a significantly worse weapon that goes against her skills..
Is it possible to extract CGs and JSON files even when I don't have the character unlocked?
Keeping her identity hidden from nosy taimanin intruders I assume.
Orc Cum: Strangely nutritious
Is there a newfag guide on how to properly install and update the RPGX viewer? I keep getting errors when running the TABA scenes and I'm not sure what I fucked up.
Ah c'mon that's not true. The nfswfags definitely exist on atg and the bumpers definitely exist too. If I had a nickel for every "noah ____" I'd actually in a non joking way have a pretty good sum by now.

Ah yes, gotta love the argument of vns not being profitable for big companies even though games by one person can sell thousands of copies, and we know that any VN companies has working on any given product at most like 4-5 guys (if so, just go to vndb and you'll see for yourself).
Are we really arguing in favour of mediocre products and creating a userbase that has addiction problems just because you need something very specific (you guys still want those "surprise mechanics" that much)? We are living in the year 2024, go to any digital store and you'll find hundreds of good games that you'll be able to enjoy without forcing to grind or any bull crap in it.

Lore? AHAHAH, yeah right. Tell me again with a straight face that a plot for a nukige is main thing of interest. And I am not foing to talk about how a gacha inherently by nature forces a bad story by being developed on a continuous manner just in order to incentivize people to spend more money in it, instead of one big story and be done with it.

And another thing, gameplay? Dude, just go to STEAM and play another plain ass game, an autoclicker is not even what is considered a game, it's more of a checklist of things to do.
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lovey dovey sex with tatsurou!!!
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Gotta get those essential nutrients.
>that full-body tan
Absolutely peak quality.
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> when the boss tells you to go fill up a giant bowl with jizz
judging by some of the posts in this general, orc cum is quite popular with a lot of anons as well
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girls eating orc cum from dog bowls is my favorite genre
it's a trope, not a genre, get your terminology straight or people are going to laugh at us again
>Ah yes, gotta love the argument of vns not being profitable for big companies even though games by one person can sell thousands of copies, and we know that any VN companies has working on any given product at most like 4-5 guys
Yes anon, a small company company of about 50 people, this is 50 jobs, 50 salaries, 50 tax payers cannot sustain itself on ¥1,200 VN sales on DLsite that is going to get pirated through hell and back. A small team of 5 individual people working at their own pace can. A larger company demands larger profits and sadly for Infini-Brain their primary source of income became unsustainable once they grew the company and had to adapt as opposed to laying off their employees.

Nice job writing two whole paragraphs of word soup afterwards, what I told you is the fact of the matter whether you want to accept it or not is entirely a (you) problem.
So now we're going with the piracy argument, what's gonna be next? At least try to use arguments that have some kind of validity, not the generic nonsense that some shills use to defend anti-consumer practices, like DRM.

If they had hired too much people, that's their own problem. Again, just look recently at what Microsoft has recently done, fired 4 studios because *gasp* they hired way too many people at once (MS didn't strictly hire but the analogy still applies).

Also, where do you even get those prices from? Their latest game, which is on the cheap side, sells for 2420 JPY, and don't get me started on the Taimanin ones, where they charge you way more (TA3 still costs around 50 DOLLARS).

Besides, Lilith has already secured some sort of influx of money through their merchandise store, although I'd like to see some numbers of how successful that has been.

But again, we have seen companies like BISHOP selling games at the same rate as Lilith used to back in the day, and always had more content, and surprise, BISHOP is still doing fine. And if you want, we can add Waffle to the list, a company that has two gachas but are also VNs completely fine, so I don't know what's going on, you tell me.

So please, next time don't spout to me the corporate-friendly argument number 3405 of why is it okay to support this in contrast to what we had before, which is clearly working for a lot of BIG companies.
That's a whole lot of cope you have going on there. You don't you even know the size of Bishop as a company nor the ammount of people in payroll, let alone its financial status, its losses or it's profits.

Because we know how the state of Infini-Brain from a few years ago directly by word of someone worked in there.

Everything, from anecdotal experience from people working in the industry, to trends in the market, to simple logic that says that selling overpriced PowerPoint presentations and raunchy towels and pieces of cloth at ~$50 a piece to a few thousand people will not keep a company with double digit employees eating the while year. A live continous service will.

If staying the VN Route while also growing as a company was feasable you'd have more companies that follow the rule and not a few exceptions.
I thought about it some more and came to the conclusion that gacha is basically like pachinko. sometimes you will see news that your favorite series that hasn't gotten anything new in ages is coming back, but it just turns out to be some pachinko shit. they use flashing lights and anime characters to bait gambling addicts into wasting their money, then when they think it's getting stale they just replace it with a new machine.
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It took you that long to figure out gacha games are portable slot machines?

In case you don't know they're called Gachas because of how similar they're to Gachapon machines, that is machines where you put in money and you get a random figures out of a predetermined set. Essentially a slot machine for (man)children.

Japan has a lot of ways to do gambling despite casinos supposedly being illegal.

Ok, so from what I have listened from him, he does say that GREMORY has around 50 employees, not Inifini-Brain (they have exactly 72 according to their webpage), and that VNs would eventually bankrupt the company for them.

So okay, while I can understand the decision in the business sense, it's still morally absurd to try to stay afloat by basically squeezing the money out of some whales (sadly gambling is clearly accepted in the japanese society).

And honestly, if Lilith goes under, for me, it's okay. I'd rather see their talent go and work for something good rather than see a company's corpse trying to leech off its more hardcore audience just because they're so desperate of more content about Taimanin.
My dude, I am sorry to disappoint you you but the company as a whole is Infini-Brain and Gremory and Lilith are brands they use to publish their products. Gremory being the brand that makes SFW products for the global market opened a while ago for Action Taimanin and Lilith is the brand they use for NSFW products such as everything in their merch store. They're not wholy separate entities, it's all in the same building.

To put it into perspective Gremory is Vuze vapes, Lillith is Dunhill Cigarettes. The dude may have been hired to work for Vuze but he was hired by British American Tobacco and was a couple of meters away from the other team.

And while you may want to see them go bankrupt, see a whole lot of people lose their jobs and carriers, and a death of a franchise I was under the assumption you were a fan of, Infini-Brain does not. Perhaps Bishop took that path of cutting off their growth and laying off needless staff so they could keep operating at a profit, but sadly for you Lilith did not.

Again, you're welcome to disagree all you want with the direction the company has taken, it's completely fair. But at the very least realize you're not dealing with a completely souless corporation, its a local business trying to operate in the best way it can given the brutally saturated market, the people working under it are human beings that simply trying to fucking eat. I can blame them for being incompetent at their jobs, ridicule them for asinine decisions, and critize them for trying to exist in a market they don't understand while refusing to hire people who do, but I will not criticize them for trying to operate at a profit.
Because the only reason they turn to Gacha is because people ~want~ gacha and over the years many more people have wanted the Taimanin gacha than the Taimanin Visual Novel.

So make sure you purchase the Steam releases of Yukikaze, perhaps they'll hear you. Although chances are you'll download it for free instead.
Nah, I am not a fan TY, but I did buy their latest VN the same day it came out.

I don't like complaining about the lack of VNs without supporting their products, for sure (I will say too that I was the one who uploaded the torrent on sukebei too, and quite frankly, it pissed me off seeing my torrent having more downloads than purchases of said product on DLsite).
>quite frankly, it pissed me off seeing my torrent having more downloads than purchases of said product on DLsite
I hope you can at least begin to understand from a personal perspective why directives and developers would also choose to go with a live service that cannot be easily pirated. Because while a Viewer can hold all the porn people also like having the sense of ownership and that's something that at least will guarantee a form of player retention.

We know from studies that Piracy doesn't exactly mean a loss of profit since priacy is in a large part a consequence of a platform barring a customer from the product. But from a moral perspective to the sellers of the products it's frustrating to know that a lot their efforts are being consumed by people who didn't pay for it. If it stings you who merely bought the game, imagine being the overworked programmer who had to work for 12 hours for a week to code in and debug a bunch nonsense dialogue about a girl with an arm-size dildo shoved up her ass while the VA is making the weirdest pig-like noise for god-knows what weirdo gets off to so the game can release on schedule.
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At this point it's unironically more likely that we will get a Yuki/Rinko/Fuuma threesome rather than one with Yuki/Rinko/Tatsurou
When was the last time Tatsurou's existence was even acknowledged? Did he get cucked out of existence?
He's kinda redundant to Fuuma, though since both are the [This is You] PoV.

Like the entire purpose of Tatsurou existing is to be Yukikaze's object of tsundere antics and Rinko's nee-san insticts and Fuuma already does that there's not much point in keeping him around.
I'm sure he is, I'm just wondering if he even gets referenced to in Yukikaze's scenes. I'm not surprised if he's been completely discarded, although he could still be useful if the writers ever wanted to do a scene of Fuuma cucking somebody else for a change.
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In RPGX? I don't think Yukikaze ever mentions him, Rinko only ever mentions him in passing comments (saying/thinking stuff like how embarassed she would be if Tatsurou saw her doing something like this) I think picrel is one of the last times he is mentioned in RPGX
Now that Fuuma is meant to be more of a good guy he does fill similar shoes to Tatsurou, they're both in TABA where he at least got 1 scene with Rinko before getting NTR'd in every other appearance he made in that game
>possibly the last mention of Tatsurou from this series is just Rinko saying his dick is about the same size as some random school senior
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> you're not a demon so you have to get a bunch of guys to help you
> bunch of dudes standing around this bowl having a circlejerk
> only the one gay guy can even get it up because it's too fucking weird for everyone else
Can't have shit in Tokyo Kingdom.
i fucking hate gachaniggers
they massacred my boy
>implying they were ever gonna give Tatsurou a good ending
Lilith love cucking him too much
>they massacred my boy
no that happened in TA3 where he dies offscreen
they had one of those machines at the grocery store when I was a kid but it only had bouncy balls and those sticky hands on a string. I don't think any kid would have stood there dumping his allowance into one trying to get a specific thing.
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In the west, not a chance but in japan they had a bunch of collectables that still exist to this day. And kids definitely did blow their allowance on random toys hoping to get the ones they wanted and trade off the dupes
does anyone have a mega link or something with all rinko scenes from the gachas? she's my favorite
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Been looking at Taimanin Wallscrolls on Amazon, there are tons scrolls offered by some third party sites, just using scenes from the games as motive. Came across this one, which game is this from and can someone post the full?
>Rinko's nee-san insticts
At least Tatsurou is actually related to Rinko which makes it infinitely better than with Fuuma
TABA c570
I tried follow the translator tool tutorial, when i press Alt + A in DeepL nothing happened and the tool just crash. Anybody know a way to fixed or work around this?
Anybody knows how to extract jpg links from website games, like Taimanin RPGX, where they arr locked behind unlocking character through GACHA?
Thanks anon.
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For the love of fucking god can somebody fix the translator!?
Do it yourself you fucking moron.
Not even that, Tatsurou's balls are, at most, as big as this random senior.
Do you happen to have 2 or more monitors plugged in to your PC? If so you are going to want to disable them so you are only using one of them. For whatever reason the translator tool does not work with multiple displays.
If you are using multiple monitors then disable all but one. Translator tool does not like it when you have multiple monitors.
You're a legend, Anon! Vanilla Felicia is so slept on

Updated the link to include English text from Chapters 11 to 14.
rinko is literally made for little brother cock!!
>Tatsurou says as he furiously beats his meat to his older sister enjoying bigger, better penises
unfortunately you can't beat the king of pears
tatsurou still fucked best girl shizuru desu
Bad-end only de gozaru.
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Tatsurou just can't catch a break
>gets cucked in pretty much every piece of media he's involved in
>other men see him as a pushover
>has a smaller dick than anyone not named Nao or Shikanosuke
Tatsurou had a hard life
Even Shikanosuke gets more pussy than Tatsurou.
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>Fuuma fucks Tatsurou's GF
>Shikanosuke fucks Tatsurou's GF's Mom
ultimate bromance

I think Asagi's naked tits are based
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she does have some lovely tits
The only difference is that one got pegged, while the other got fully fucked and cummed insinde by BBC
I dont have a second monitor or anything like that. Im using a laptop and only plug in a mouse.
Does it say something about me or something about the characters if I genuinely don't know which one gets which?
I usually turn to Sakura for Igawa breast, but Asagi's fat tits are nothing to scoff at.
fuuma got pegged
trap bitch got the BBC
I've always seen this but never seen the actual scene
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I love that they gave sweet little Sakura fatter tits than her older sister
What scene? Context?
screenshot is from scene c53 but it starts on c52. Been a while since I have seen it so I could be wrong, but I think Fuuma was fucking Rinko and Tatsurou could hear it from his room so he was starting to lose it.
NTR scene from TABA, Fuuma does some weird mind control stuff and makes Rinko into his girl, the 2nd scene has Fuuma fuck Rinko at her house while Tatsurou is there
It took awhile, but by TA3 it felt like Kagami HAD to give her something over her sister. Asagi still retains a fatter ass tho.
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The actual scene is pretty gud
Didn't someone say that during the entire scene he's thinking how he'd rather be raped by huge cocks again instead of fucking her?
looks nice, would have wanted giga shota cock though.
damn that's kinda...gay
Is this one of the scenes from TA3 or somewhere else?
Its from 0
IIRC it wasn't so much that he was thinking about that over sex with Shiranui but rather that he had PTSD from getting blacked
Bruhs, the knowledge that we’ll likely never have another VN is killing my interest in the franchise.
Would love if they did a VN for Shiranui. So much potential content for her starting from when she was young and going up to the timeline now.
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Event SR: Mikuriya Minori (bottom)
SR: Ursula(?) (right)
HR: Aurelia (left)
R: Yokozono(?) Hazumi (top)

5x 35K XP Books
I sleep.
wtf is that body lmao
Ok WTF is this. The only good charachter is the big breasted one. Everyone else looks meh. I mean how have they managed to put this banner together and said jep that is what we wanna put out to make money. People will love to pull 20 Gatchas to get these.
They know no one will pull it because Gosha is coming up and then June Brides are coming out a few days later. It's filler like every other non-limited gacha.
Wow these recent updates have been rough
I actually don't mind these designs except for the one at the bottom. Also, is the one on top using a jacket as a cape or is it just a cape?
if you didn't give a name i would have assumed bottom was a shikanosuke alt. actually i wish it was.
Sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask, but is there a guide or something for getting in to taimanin. Not quite sure on what games I'm meant to be starting with and what order (if there is one) to go through

lmao anyone played the censored version on steam? I'm curious too know how much they censored for this game. It honestly makes me wanna buy it lmao just to see the differences.
Is animator anon still here?
Could you teach me how to animated scenes? For example, what software was used? Is there a need to train an AI model?
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Depends on what you want, really. If it is an eroge with a story that starts very simple and later develops into something bigger, play the VN. Release order should be fine for that. The Asagi Premium Box has the first 3 games (Asagi 1 & 2 and Murasaki, and their extras, which are quite good), but the original fan translation is very rough. The first one is on Steam and Johren, if you want to buy it.

If you want a long form story, with many characters and more elaborate factions, Battle Arena has that. It died a while ago, but all of its content (aside from a few untranslated event cards, I guess) is in the viewer linked in the OP. You will not have the card game to play, but from what I heard it was terrible anyway.

For a lighter continuing story, there is RPGX, if collecting waifus is your thing. Like Battle Arena, it has a MC that is involved in most sex scenes and they are usually not related to the story. Global failed terribly, so you have to jump through some hoops to play in Japanese.

Finally, there is Action Taimanin, which focuses more on gameplay, being the only one that uses 3D models and has no porn whatsoever. The story advances very slowly, and there are not as many characters as the other gachas, but another is added every 2 months, and they play differently. Very forgiving for a korean gacha, as you do not need to roll for playable characters.

Any of these are fine entry points, but most reference the events of the first games (the ones in the Premium Box), so it would be better to start from there. Also a nice way to see the progression in the writing and art, if you are into that
is it still censoring cunts and cocks?
there was a global version of RPGX?
He doesn't like to share how. Don't bother.
There still is.
For now. It'll be gone in a month or two.
I loved her tits more when they could expand from milk overload and cum out of them. :(
Don't lie, he's said how multiple times before.
I remember him saying he uses paint, free gifmakers online and video and photo editing softwares. The only thing he doesn't go into is the step by step process iirc.
>Don't lie, he's said how multiple times before.
He never named the program.
but it's the PG version, right? not the version with sex
There are both. The censored one is on steam, the naughty one is on johren. They actually share an account so you can farm while using computer and fap using your smartphone.
He has I remember because I thought he never said it too until he did a few times. I don't remember the name of the video program, but the photo one was director something.
No, its the X version in English. The RPGX link is here >>7992743 but be aware its going away in August.
>He has I remember because I thought he never said it too until he did a few times. I don't remember the name of the video program, but the photo one was director something.
Then I missed it. There were a number of threads that went by where he wouldn't tell anyone. Maybe he finally cracked.
Ah fuck, it's a shame. I've been thinking there was no English version until now
You are what, 8 months late? 9? But don't worry, it was a shitshow since the start. It's no wonder the game is going under.
I think he just didn't want to give personal lessons on how to do it for every individual anon that asked, which is... kinda understandable. But hes at least given the tools he uses a couple of times when asked. Some anons have said he should just make a website or something, but he said he doesn't want to.
>asks what program was used
>answers around the question for 20 threads because he doesn't want to do something nobody asked
He may have done so later on but he sure didn't initially.
>Offer to teach virgin how to have magic sex
>Demonstrate on guy with enormous tool
>Casually tell her the guy she's crushing on should be bigger
Granny is such a troll.
Post pics that make the girls look badass instead of slutty.
Murasaki, my beloved.
Why not both?

This is sexy, not slutty.
Because you can find sexy or slutty taimanin art anywhere, it's the default option. Art that makes them look strong and cool is a lot harder to find.
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Bruh, Rinko's outfit has me thinking my eyes aren't working. That "redesign" looks so weird and off putting, almost like she's a barbie doll or something
Thank you anon, what would be a good place to download the premium box?
Made for big troll cock
based and loving marriagepilled
Don't get filtered by what's on the Steam page, just fork over your $10 or whatever it is right now so Lilith can see their VNs getting western income and then grab the decensoring patch off of Shiravune's website. It doesn't get rid of the bits that were censored in the JP version but it's otherwise identical to the version you torrented, translation aside.
literally made for Big Tatsurou Cock!!
>Don't get filtered by what's on the Steam page, just fork over your $10 or whatever it is right now so Lilith can see their VNs getting western income and then grab the decensoring patch off of Shiravune's website.
Stop telling anon to waste his money. Why should he or anyone spend money on an inferior product to get more inferior one's later on?
If you don't buy the product then you have no business complaining when more products don't get made. If you want stuff other than gachashit you've gotta buy stuff that's not gachashit.
>Hebiko pay attention to this class I am going to teach you in sex magic
>Here is our male subject, a 7 foot gigachad with a foot long cock who has studied different kinds of sex to an expert level
>he is a virgin btw
What did Lilith mean by this
>If you don't buy the product then you have no business complaining when more products don't get made
>product released with stolen translations, censored everything, etc.
>refuse to buy it in such a stat
>"you have no right to complain!!"
You are a faggot.
This shit doesn't even look like Taimanin anymore dawg, what the hell
Yukikaze is so perfect, that flat chest and huge ass.
she's perfect for Tatsurou!!!
Yeah she's probably the only girl who he can reach their deepest parts with his tiny penis
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Them looking strong and cool is literally the second most common type of pictures for them. It’s not at all hard or rare to find.
Actual retard
When does Natsu say that? I only remember Hebiko seeing Daiki for the first time and wondering if his dick is similar to Fuuma's
They're literally all made to look strong and competent to show they have somewhere to fall FROM when inevitably mindbroken. Unless you specifically mean FANart of them being badass. Yeah that shit's rare.
I'm reading through the thread and still, it's such a shame. I really wanted to play through it and even though I can via DMM, if there was an English uncesored version, I would have gone to it.
> just fork over your $10 or whatever it is right now so Lilith can see their VNs getting western income
They should do a better job picking who they give their licenses to. Also "buy this even if it's bad just to show there's interest in it" is not exactly a win, my guy.
>They should do a better job picking who they give their licenses to.
Shiravune is only a DMM branch that releases stuff out of Japan. Just admit you have no idea what you are talking about already and stop making excuses for being cheap.
Indeed, I'm not too familiar with Shiravune, but you're telling me that they release stuff outside of Japan and they still don't do a good job? well that's something that definitely needs to be corrected.

>just buy the slop even if it's slop, bro, otherwise you're cheap
Y..You can. You have all the way till August to play it.
>to show they have somewhere to fall FROM when inevitably mindbroken

Do they ever get back up after getting mindbroken? I kinda like that doujin where an enslaved Asagi falls in love with an orc and decides to go back to being a Taimanin.
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Mindbroken state is usually non-canon bad endings.
Except for the fact that none of the complaints are valid. The stolen translation thing happened 5 years ago, back when Infiini-brain planned to release it independently and Shiravune did not even exist. This one is new. Censorship is the same as the original because, again, Japanese company, has to obey their insane laws. Even the price is lower than the original game, when converted from yen, as you can see in >>8013490
So, yes, you are a cheap bitch for preferring to whine and talk out of your ass instead of supporting the products you claim to enjoy and want to see more of in a legal and affordable way.
The tl tool doesn’t work, I’ve only got one monitor. What do?
To be honest, the pricing is good only because Lilith keeps thinking that they must charge full price for a decade old game no matter what.

As for the quality of the translation, Shiravune's quality is all over the place from game to game. Sometimes you get something pretty decent and then you get TA1, full of typos, it's pretty embarassing (and I'm not going to talk about the fact that they sold the ORIGINAL version of the game).

And please, just stop saying that if these games will make money Lilith will start producing more VNs, it will only if a) people wake up and stop "playing" these mobile apps or b) people do go and buy the NEW VNs when they come out (not just some random rerelease done by DMM).

Remember, they are the company who are so lazy and inept that think it's normal to announce already a figure that will release NEXT YEAR, which is only a slight variant of an already existing one, while having +70 people on their company.
made for mad scientist cock
Well, yes, all very good points. Their pricing is much more reasonable than other VN sellers on Steam, is what I mean, especially since the yen is currently undervalued in comparison to dollar. Bad as their translations can get, I played the original in the Premium Box recently, and it was not much better than MTL, so I was glad to pay for a better one. It was disappointing to have only the first game, and no extras, but I hope this was a test of the feasibility of an official release overseas, so I can take it for now. Neither do I think they will go back to VN when gacha is more lucrative, I meant that buying is the only way to incentivise further releases of previous games.
Consoomer faggot. You're willing to pay for shitty products.
>and I'm not going to talk about the fact that they sold the ORIGINAL version of the game
You mean the one they're selling is the original version that doesn't have the additional scenes that they added in the later rerelease?
Correct, it is the original one, no animated scenes from the Premium Box.
In fact, I thought that they were doing the same for TY, but only after reading the description of the game I was able to find the animated scenes being mentioned.
There's stuff in Battle Arena that suggests they've been mindbroken and then escaped. Like this one where Sakura is currently a teacher at Gosha but they talk about her having been railed and trained previously.

I know Arena isn't the same timeline as earlier stuff, but I wanna know if there's more details as to how the aforementioned stuff went.
Only if you’re into yuri. Tatsurou will make for the perfect submissive gender bent slut for the BYC.
Were using different terminologies. In that scene Sakura talks about how she was trained and raped before in general, but that's different than getting "mindbroken" in the Taimanin sense.
Mindbroken is usually at the end of a bad end scene when their mind and personality is completely fractured and altered. Sakura in TA1, TA2 and TM suffered through ahegao's but she didn't go pass "broken." For example in TM Kiryuu notes how even though Sakura has been completely defiled there was still a spark in her eyes.
why, is he getting dicked by Gisuke?
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>Ahaha, I was only pretending to be mindbroken! I was only pretending to love Orc cocks!

Taimanin really are incredible!
Anyone have the new onisaki kirara i got the other two from the gacha.
>Ahaha, I was only pretending to be mindbroken! I was only pretending to love Orc cocks!
She kinda suggests the second one wasn't pretending since the scene in >>8017031 has her surprised to enjoy Fuuma's normal human dick.
Does anyone know the max amount of H - scenes that are available in the viewer? I have a total of 126 but I am not sure if that is all of them or not.
>>8017515 yes I also have it on mobile
This isn’t TA2 right? She only really cums milk in that one but I’m pretty sure this scene isn’t TA2.
The translator tool works on android mobile?
Yeah its from TA1. Its the bad end where Asagi gives up when she accidentally kills Sakura and then immediately finds out when the Orcs raped her she got impregnated by them.
Later today I was thinking about getting some of the files for the translated units/story and uploading them for other people. Would this thread be the best place to post it? I'll do it if no one else has by the time I get home.
You talking about a collection of all the translated scenes in RPGX Extasy? This Thread would definitely be the best place for something like that. If you could make a Mega or something I can try to see if I can fit it somewhere in the links.
Not a full collection. Just the new story chapter, event unit, gacha units, and now the beach Shiranui as well since it is available.
Is the soon-to-die Extasy the only source for translated Taimanin RPG content, or is someone translating the stuff that Extasy hasn't and won't get to cover?
New Thread:

There's machine translation as well, but I don't know how to set it up. You'd have to ask around the thread.
Rattan man said that he would translate rpgx scenes and stoyrs. It will just take him some time to do it.
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Which taimanin series has the newer characters from the action taimanin game? Like Eleanorn.

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