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Post hot cocks wearing condoms. Is it weird to have a condom fetish? I just love seeing hot cocks in condoms, and love wearing them.
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>Is it weird to have a condom fetish?
wish more men had this fetish desu.
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I've got a whole folder of condoms pics lmk if I should post more
fuck yeah moar
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You ever put your balls in the condom? Oddly hot
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doesn't it hurt, anon? looks too tight.
Anyone got the pic from a big cock wearing a filled condom? The angle of the cock was from the right above corner diagonal downwards. Like the pic was made as if the guy was sitting on all fours (only the cock was visible in the pic) I saw it in the previous condom thread on here.
I never wear condoms but this is making me want to wrap my cock
>I never wear condoms
you should (assuming you have sex anyway)
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Condom material is very stretchy especially if you get one of those marketed as "ultra thin", the material is not strong enough to put enough pressure to hurt. It keeps everything nicely tight and the sensation is very erotic, idk how to explain it but it feels very good

Buy a few just for a posh wank, use lots of lube, you'll cum buckets
You should, it feels very nice something wrapped so tightly around your cock
Yes please
nothing weird about it, condoms are inherently sexual
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sounds like this but not really.. still a hot pic
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>mfw i see a fat cock wrapped in a sexy condom
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Oy looked a bit like this one. Only the cock was not as wide as in this pic
I love wearing the filled condoms my roomate used in his last fucks. He noticed someday I was searching for it in the trash bin so he agreed to give them directly to me instead. I filled them even more with my own cum and sometimes I even drink the mixture of our cums.
fantastic fiction
try building out further by describing what your roommate looked like, how did the cum taste, how often did he fuck and fill the condoms...
keep writing
bumping for this
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There is something about seeing a pulsing cock fill a condom that makes me rock fucking hard.
What brands of condoms are actually purple? Durex Arouser is pink and that's cute and all, but I want purple.
When you start stressing over the color of condoms you know you need to take a step back from having sex.
Impossible for you idiots though lol
"ONE Color Sensations" have very vivid colors but they come in a mix of colors, I don't think you can get them in just one color. But the other colors are fun, too.
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>criticizing the strive towards a particular esthetic in a literal fetish thread

suck a dick anon, you'll feel better
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this body type is so hot for some reason, moar of him
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was just trying comparison mr size vs control xl
Does anyone know where to find color/flavored ones that come in bigger sizes?
not long, but girth
been using Mrsize/MySize 69mm but wanted to play a bit
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That condom is too big for you bud
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should have been inside me
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dem pecs
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Slide that in my hot slippery rectum. Hnnng
Damn I'd drink all that out
I'm sorry but 'hot slippery rectum' is the most disgustingly unappealing way I've ever heard someone describe their ass, well done
I used to love laying in bed like this, edging for hours. Did this for an older who watching me cum, then he put one on to fuck me.
Will do our stuff you go and do your stuff in a corner closet by the gyms locker room with all the teenage boys in it
Me again. I started having sex with guys in the mid 70s. I used condoms with my second and third one who were the ones who introduced me to anal sex. I like them to wear condoms not because I was worried about disease but for the cake Factor especially colored ones. Honest ski trip where I got to share a outbuilding out of Chalet complex in high school, he brought along a dozen White condoms. And I just love looking at it all filled with cum after he pulled it out of me and then pulled it off so I could lick them clean. I also like colored ones one guy that rampaged my ass loved wearing the yellow ones and for some reason that's the kinkiest color.
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I like colored ones too, and yellow are usually banana flavored which is an added bonus
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Would be nice if someone converted thtafuckinsquirrel's condom video to a webm.
I'm positive I know who this is. TD
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boring. where's the cock? you're a dumbass for posting this
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Any chance anyone has some gifs or webms of rubbers getting filled?

Got chatted up once by a guy who really wanted to bareback me, because condoms are boring or whatever, which is a hard no on my part.
Changed his mind on condoms real quick when I asked how he'd feel about me forcing him to drink his own load out of it, though. Shame he chickened out.


Also very nice. The foreskin, shirt gap, biteable thighs...
Bud Light = Pissy
Not a big fan of condoms.
Pull out or fuck men if you don't want to have children.
>pull out to not get pregnant
American education, folks
>fuck men if you don't want to have children.
hiv says hi.
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The first cock to fuck me up the ass when I was 13 belong to a 23 year old and he wore a yellow condom I've always had a thing since
Take me up my ass right now I'm sitting in my living room in the middle of the night getting hard while my wife is asleep
I used to love edging with one on and sometimes I do it for a couple of hours and now so come into it

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