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How do you go about shading a line artwork?
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Do a shade artwork.
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Nice cock-bulge, is this scribble-schizo's coom arc?
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fuck I had a better idea
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Glad to see you still going strong here, man. Keep up the good work.
>How do you go about shading a line artwork?
Hatching/inking, but it doesn't really work well with colors.
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I know it's probably not what you're after but these remind me of Pollock's sketchbook doodles/silk screens
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another example.
honestly also reminds me of SKUD the disposable assassin or JTHM
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Hi OP, sorry if this is a silly question but do you make these by hand? Have you considered doing these on canvas?
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the chad stride
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You won't get a response. There's nothing human left there. He was a normal /beg/ who kept getting told to grind gesture until he went mad. Killed his whole family and painted gesture drawings on the walls with their guts. Now he sits in a forgotten corner of an asylum, wordlessly churning out these scribbles, hoping one day the voices stop telling him to grind gesture.
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Anyone else think scribble anon is an industry pro and what he’s been doing this whole time was just basically morning stretches?
I wouldn't think that a Pro has the time on his schedule to post shit here and keep an eye on it. But then again, I do see clearly talented guys posting shit here periodically. Maybe it works like a drug or addiction they have.

You would be surprised. I’m in a discord server and a person has been posting nothing but circles and scribbles every single day for the last 3 years I think without fail. It’s the server’s challenge and the point is to get in the habit of picking up your stylus and making a mark to overcome not wanting to draw.
There is evidence of a superior intellect at work. Maybe he's a deified art monk that operates on such a higher level of thought that if he were to attempt to communicate with us normally, our minds wouldn't be able to handle it. We'd look at one of his completed drawings and fall into insanity because the amount of information contained within is too cosmic for a mere mortal brain to parse and remain intact.
This is his way of trying to convey his wisdom, but even this is too complicated for us to decode. We lack the capacity to translate these alien glyphs and so our minds filter them out, in the same way a dog filters out the words of man.

Like how God can only show us 1/1000th of his love, for if he showed any more of it we’d go blind from the light.
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would be strangely cool if that was really his story
Why do I unironically like all these scribbles, though?
they look like someone told an ai to generate scribbles
you look like someone told an ai to generate scribbles
why thank you. you too, my friend
this one is cool
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buoi bump
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thank you
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is this guy amd the pixel art gifs guy same ?
yeah this one is nice
I see Lady Dimitrescu here. Hot big ass, big hat. And the claws.
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oh wow
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how do i block this guy from showing up on my 4chan page Thanks
You can't.
Bumping 2
why would you want to?
enjoy the sovl
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lack of taste and/or knowledge of fundamental artistic techniques.
hide and sage the thread
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I know you are but what am I
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more lines obviously
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To be or not to be...
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Woah woah woah, what happened here? This is actually a proper figure composition. Squizo anon is showing his true colors at last.
these threads are like the /b/ of /ic/
Nah, you're crazy. This guy post his doodles, is a thread about PYW. That's exactly what /ic/ should be. You have the real shitty threads like the Howie ones, the chain of threads That MrBigWanker made a couple days back. The AI trolling ones. And the Kangaroo threads, but those are funny. All of those are the no art/critique trash threads. "personal art blog" threads are treasures.
a fucking furry
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This guy is my favorite 4chan schizo
You can omit the lines that are in highlighted parts and thicken whatever would have a cast shadow
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This is nice. Lawrence of Arabia.
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Don Quichote
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That's Dark Helmet from SpaceBalls!
>This guy post his doodles
That's /i/

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