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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources


Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.


Previous >>7082485

That's kinda my point. As a total beginner, whenever I try to draw *anything* figure related including gestures, I just hate it and I get discouraged and don't want to draw. I'm doing Draw A Box right now, but goddamn that shit is boring.
OP is a figure
And part of the program is to "draw just to draw," and when I'm drawing outside of DAB, I don't know *what* to draw. What do, master bros?
Draw whatever interests you, if it's figures, draw figures. Don't fall into the trap of
>I won't draw it because it doesn't look good.
If you do that, you'll never be able to draw anything, everyone sucks at drawing in the beginning. Yes, you will stink at it, but you'll get better.
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Damn /fig/ bros it's been forever since I've drawn anything. New project at work had me exhausted, but I want to get back to my dailies.
Welcome back bro
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This is great
Still very beg, so kinda wondering what I'm supposed to "get" from the different lengths of figure/gesture drawing. So far, 30 secs to 1 min seems almost entirely just a physical warmup exercise, also a way to practice some quick observation. Then 2-5 mins I find is to build on that quicker gesture with a bit more detail, starting to express the forms of the body like limbs or segments. And 5-10 (I haven't gone longer yet) seems like then adding more anatomical detail like specific muscles or other details of the figure (hair, facial features, penis or breasts).
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I've been enjoying just copying stuff from various anatomy resources. I realize that this is not figure drawing in a sense, but I find it fascinating.

I have Morpho Anatomy for kind of big picture or overview stuff, I have an android app "Human Anatomy Atlas" to spin things around in 3D and I have the photographic atlas from Rohen-Yokochi-Drecoll. I recommend all three of these if any of you are interested in the depths of the human body.
Does someone has all the images from ryan woodwards book gesture drawing vol3?
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today's session


Kenzo explained the concept well in this video
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Good to see you again.
You kind of do need to understand anatomy to draw good figures.
Fast gestures are meant to capture the essence of a figure.
Breddy nice
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>As a total beginner, whenever I try to draw *anything* figure related including gestures, I just hate it and I get discouraged and don't want to draw.
I think almost everyone can relate to it, it's probably easier to be a beginner in a group with a teacher or having a strong character that helps you accept that sucking is part of getting better.
Not being discouraged by the things you do is already a good challenge.
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Keep watch and pray, so þæt thou sceal not give in to temptation not to draw faces when practising figures
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Sorry for crosspost. From the other day.

These are great, nice anatomy.

I like how you break down forms. Need to learn your ways.

Super clean as always. Way to be consistent. How many of these have you done?
That's awesome
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For whatever reason, using a big, messy brush to copy Bridgman makes it less stressful and a bit fun, I guess because I can't concentrate on small details that I can't describe anyway.
Although it does feel like cheating. I'm not sure if that's a good thing in the long run, but for now, when I don't know much anatomy and can't describe it, I think I'll stick with it for a while.

That's gorgeous, friend.

Thank you so much, but I don't think there's anything to learn from me.
On the other hand, that's a very lovely style you have here, it reminds me of late 2D Disney.
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Nice grindan
Very lovely
Reminds me of good western cartoons, pretty cool.
I hope it's just an average beginner's frustration that will pass with time and experience, because at the moment it feels like the best I can do is study\copy Bridgman\Hampton's drawings, but when I try to make my own gestures I get lost in the details and end up with some random lines or wobbly contours that say this is a body and this is not.
It feels like 95% of drawing is done in your head.
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Forgot something.
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I have enlarged her bottom half too much, and her pose has become more upright than in the reference (so I basically blundered the gesture)

I don't feel like I've done her justice
Have you tried studying other teachers? For example Vilppu and Huston click with me more. Maybe Bridgman and Hampton's approaches are not for you.
Creepy smile
Haven't been here en a while but here's last week, I think most are 5min but some are less
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Figure drawing is so frustrating, I take a beautiful human body, which is beautiful most of the time, and I put some "effort" and time into it, only to turn it into pure shit. Oh boy, it's disheartening.
And even though Hampton says not to draw counters, I just can't, but I do try.

>Have you tried studying other teachers?
I've watched an old Gumroad course by Finch and a lecture by Huston, but I've decided to stick with Hampton and Bridgman for now, just because. I understand that there are bad teachers and bad material, but in my case I think it's me for sucking and blaming the material is a slippery slope. As for Vilppu, I think Hampton said that his book is mostly based on his studies of Vilppu, so it's kind of the same.
I just hope that in a year or so I will improve and not develop bad habits.
Also, Huston has a book?

Great figures, mate.
you mean contors
Where are your gestures? Are you just drawing figs without them or what?
can you explain your questions? Not sure I get what you're asking
figure drawing class cancelled because the model is on the rag again
They should just tell people to bring a red pencil, no need to cancel.
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I can't live with this kind of shame, I'm off to complete sudoku.
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Why do I be sucking so much shit?
Use references, study good teachers, draw more.
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some trash from imagination
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I keep trying to use this 8B pencil I was gifted but I really don't enjoy it.

Also I don't enjoy shading with a pencil, so I would appreciate any tips you guys have on the best way to indicate values with the least effort. I like painting more (and charcoal as well), but I have this weird urge to use this pencil even though I don't like it.

Do you guys stick to a medium that works or do you mix it up?
Charcoal is the best for trad shading in dry medium, methinks
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fun styles
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It's late, so here's a very gestural and super artistic big red stickman in the top left corner to cover for me.

On side note, gestures are weird thing when you suck, like I do. Simple and yet I do not understand them at all.
Very nice, anon.
>like I do
If this is sucking them I'm sorry for even picking a pencil.
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ahh, feels good to draw.

very comfy vids
it's good to draw what you enjoy
nice job, I like your color studies.
great job filling up them pages anons, milage is important.
very nice, you can really sense the muscle structures.
great stylization
lookin good
keep it up. proportions are tough to get right.
oh looks like actual life drawing class? very cool.
draw alot, and don't neglect the fundies. keep it up.
that color combo hurts my brain. The middle guy is the only one that needs a redo.
I did a quick count, and I have about 11 pens/pencils that I'll switch off using depending on how I feel.
I don't do a ton of shading, but I try to just block out the values with different amounts of pressure/passes. I'm usually using something like an HB or 2B.
nice focused study.
Hey nerds, fa/tg/uy here. My wife and I have been asked to sit as figure models for a sketch class, but I don't know what to where or how to pose. My wife has done it a couple times, but I could use a point in the right direction. I don't into art.

If it helps, I'm 6'5", 250, usually wearing XLT black vnecks and chinos.

My wife is 5'5", 110, usually wearing very modest teacher clothes or athleisure wear.

As a note, fully clothed.
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anyone know a free video course I can take? I have basic understanding but am still a total noob. Looking for something that lays out all the steps I should take in order, whatever has worked for you
>anyone know a free video course I can take?
Internet has tons of free video courses if you know where to look, but in general figure drawing is a very hard subject especially for a beginner, but you can look for Hampton's course on figure drawing or his book they are pretty much the same, or Will Weston courses and book, Glenn Vilppu also has a great book and tons of courses he has made over the last 70ish years and there is also Steve Huston with his courses. There are many more, but these are the people that are generally recommended.
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yeah I'm strongly considering just buying Hampton's video course on proko since no anon here has ever uploaded it yet, definitely seems the most noob friendly
do it! please be our savior anon and deliver us the goods
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nice work, what are you studying from?

Also what tools are you using?
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im studying photo reference using Steve Huston's teachings. the tools are photoshop and this brush pack, https://www.artstation.com/a/32659186, pic is the 2 brushes im using from the pack.
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I'm still waiting for that divine insight into gesture drawing that is bound to dawn on me soon, a year at the most, maybe two.
Meanwhile I'm getting closer to the heads in Bridgman's book, no idea how to approach them.

I don't know, Anon, there are some very nice gestures\sketches in this thread, and at best I'm just getting the proportions "right". I'm not in a hurry, it's a complicated subject, but it would be nice to see some changes on my part.

Thank you.

You remind me of a professional artist I saw somewhere online, not sure who.

Nice lines.
The "Constructive figure drawing" course ?
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yes, plus using his patreon videos supplementary
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Beg here, why have I not seen anybody on /ic/ ever mention Richard Smitheman b4? I've tried a bunch of different approaches to get my figure drawing to be competent but his method was by far the most informative to capture both gesture + anatomy.

I do think you have to learn some of the fundamentals else where but once I felt ready for figures, his livestreams did wonders
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I should do more gestures/ short figures
Seeing some really nice figures here in pencil, am I punishing myself with pen at the cost of being more dynamic?
Maybe I just need to get bigger balls.

thankyou, I like how you iterate most of them, looks pretty effective
1m to 15m. I'm being able to do so much with the time that I think my next step is thinking of finding the most attractive sections of figures and doing more work in them, proportions are sliightly off but shouldn't be too hard to correct
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doodlin' while watching the 5th element, tough to draw on the couch. Went back today and filled in some blank spaces.

I never really took a course, kinda just cobbled together different lessons from all over the palce. Proko, Hide, Hampton, randoyoutuber69420, sinix, etc. looks like you're going with hampton, let us know how it goes!
nice studies
lookin' good!
these are good sessions, maybe take a little time after each one, and do some takeaways. like, "I learned this today"
never heard of Smitheman, I'll take a look. thanks for sharing.
I like some of those faces! I use all kinds of pens/pencils. Don't give yourself arbitrary rules on what you have to use.
well done. all the elements are coming together nicely.
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Finally managed to draw some timed gestures again
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Had a fun time sitting today.
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are the videos unlisted on YouTube ? mind sharing a link to them ?
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Does anyone know what site this pose is from/ what model?

Also, holy fuck pose space is so expensive, but ngl the 4k 360 rotations are worth it.
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Used pencil this time, it's annoying how quickly they dull though. I'm really not comfortable in 1 minute poses either
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There is no link to unlisted videos. His patreon videos are initially livestreams on his youtube page, then posted on his patreon. A lot of the lessons on his youtube that have been posted recently are old patreon videos. I'm assuming everything will end up on his youtube eventually.
i have no idea how to draw feet
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1-2min warm ups for tonight
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yesterday and today
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More 2 min gestures, order was from the bottom being the first, top being the last
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Gestures just refuse to improve, Hampton says "don't draw contors" and yet. I'm trying to see form, movement, force, feeling, whatever.
And then I keep drawing stickmen. Fucking hell.

Nice and fast gestures, man.

What's on the previous page?
Use wrapping lines. Helps a lot.
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some iterative gesture and simple figure constructions from today
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some doodles from anime, went to a baseball game later in the evening. tough to draw people constantly moving, fun though.

these are nice, good energy. efficient lines.
gesture is always tricky. These look decent overall though.
>what was on previous page
>>7171058 <this

good job finding the basic C and S curves.
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good muscle studies
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Great stuff, anon.
My knees! They are moving on their own!
Breddy good.
I can't sketch real humans for shit. Mostly because I'm bad with clothes. I really need to study them.
Keep it up, draw more bro! And don't forget to think about what you do.
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Some 2 mins and some 15ish mins
very leggy refs today
any vids on how to apply values to my figures? or i guess shading? i'm retarded
Huston teaches that
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how??? is this you huston bro
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lookin good. shapes look nice.
good forms
nice consistency
it's good to practice a bit of everything
nice gestures, and long ladies
pretty good. gotta pump those numbers up.
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hi !!
first time here
some real good stuff anon
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Bloody hell
Great work. Loving those shadow shapes on the top figures!
subtractive drawing, 40 minutes
Model session stuff.
I think I'm getting better with accuracy, next would be cleaner drawings and more defined shadows. I think I'm reaching the point where I can easily capture the figure as is, but if I don't add interest very deliberately it looks a bit emotionally flat
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some imagination on my scratch paper, then some studies in my sketchbook.

nice work!
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I spent way too much time on this
What references you use for these?
All two minute figures from line-of-action.com for some screwed up reason my input gets worse as time goes on. Maybe its because im rushing now and treating 2 minutes like 30

I should go back to studying Hampton, and I heard Huston has good shit. Maybe even the force stuff even though my head hurts a lot reading the book.

Feedback is welcome
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I have a bit of an aversion towards drawing straight up porn, but it's the most readily available video material of naked bodies interacting.

Top middle is my favorite.

This is the second page I drew and it's better than the first. I can only imagine the gains that would come if I did a 100 pages. But would it harm my soul? Or would I ascend and become asexual, dispassionately observing the interacting shapes all day and night?
>I have a bit of an aversion towards drawing straight up porn, but it's the most readily available video material of naked bodies interacting.

Dude. Mma fights are there. You could also use movies. Go to the pose pack thread if you want references.

While you are on the right track on drawing a hundred pages (I suggest drawing more) you have to learn a bit more in order to level up. Stuff like structure, proper proportions, landmarks. And to remove bad habits like scratchy lines.

Your soul is safe, btw. Your ability to analyze something does not take away your ability to enjoy it.
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Am I gonna make it? 40 minutes
You never make it as something singular, but you can continue to "be making it" if you make an effort. (Aristotle)
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>>7176247 Some more today
>>7176474 Thankyou, it's those refs posted in the OP
Cool shapes, I feel like I learn from your sketches
>>7177915 At some point you need to decide if you want 10 3 minute poses or 1 60 minute pose... but sometimes it's fun to 'finish' something
>>7178399 For 2 minutes it looks like you're still getting plenty of information. I haven't taken Huston or Hampton but I hear about them all the time too.
Porn as a tool, I feel like the models contort themselves and are hyper aware of the camera/ looking good, not always good to have for most of your figures, but sure use what you can lol
>>7180081 I don't know anyone who has made it that asks that :P
Art station has packs for like $12 with enough photos to last you a year. If you're drawing porn it's because you want to draw porn.
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Yeah, mma fights are not bad. But not naked. I drew a frame but I couldn't figure out how to make it clear which leg is which for the right fighter and where her hip is facing.

I personally like scratchy lines.

Image packs are often less immediate than a still image from something in motion. And yeah, maybe I do.
You're not good enough yet to worry about things like 'immediacy'.

>And yeah, maybe I do.
Nice it's good to come to terms with yourself.
Sorry but drawing models from a photo is fucking useless
they might not be as ideal as a live model, but they're not so diametrically different that you can't use them to improve various fundamentals
Oh for fuck's sake
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sketches from imagination, and some studies.

I like the hatching filling the forms
another good round, nice energy
I like to imagine the boxes containing the parts, helps with direction.
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4chan rotated this, deleted & trying again
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back to ink, 3 of those gesdrawparty sessions, tried brush pen because I saw other people make nice figures with one
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different pens/pencils today

digging the style, expressive strokes.
these are great!
hey anon, looks like you're improving. great work!
>hey anon, looks like you're improving. great work!
You think so? Thanks, that helps a lot.
Also cute elf.
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hitomi tanaka, various jav, artist Shindo_L, artist おるとろ Vadass, various pixiv.
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Is it too much to post in this thread every day, or is it a drop a few pages in kind of thing?
I appreciate the encouragement, a lot of variety in a page
I like the way you simplify, you make it look easy
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fillin' up them pages

Dailies seem to fine, we don't hit the bump limit very quickly. I like seeing the reminders to get sketchin', personally.
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>Is it too much to post in this thread every day
Why would it be too much?
Very nice stylisation!
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today's session

I guess I don't want to fill up the thread? I think it stems from wanting more people to post. Even if they don't think they're any good!
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Saturday morning sketches!

nice, the flow is feeling much more natural, imo. good job
great gestures, love the implied lines. I'd say post as often as you like, the more pings to the thread, the more chances at bringing people in.
for hair, try to treat the whole mass like one solid object. don't focus on strands - you are not good and you cannot hope to draw enough strands

faces are hard but you shouldn't omit them. even a simple cube for the head is far better practice. the orientation of the head conveys a lot about the pose!

careful with your figure's center of gravity. this looks like she may be falling over. don't be afraid to use plum lines while starting your sketch, they will disappear automatically by the end!

you'll never make it if you keep lying to yourself. I've seen your work in other threads and I know you've drawn this model (actually this exact image) multiple times. I'm going to give you a harsh critique because I'm quite sure you are tracing sections of these models - I even saw someone else call you out for it.
your line work is quite sloppy and your shading is extremely patchy. it's as if you're still very /beg/, but yet some of your proportions are quite accurate. either you need to stop tracing, or you need to learn how to properly render a drawing.

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