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>”Humans are so rude to my youkai, their hearts have hardened and they won’t give them a chance for peace and coexistence boo hoo”
>”BTW if any human approaches my temple they will be attacked on sight and if you dare piss my off I’ll send assassins to kill and devour your entire bloodline”
What was this bitches problem?
I hate this image, it looks like shes eating her own hair.
Who are you quoting? You should return to >>>/v/ kudasai!
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This is a common trope for yandere imagery.
I think OP accidentally used a wrong image for his thread. But I guess the scenario could be fixed up to work for a yan Byakuren.

"Humans and youkai are so rude to my Anon, their hearts have hardened and they won’t give him the chance he deserves for employment and peaceful coexistence boo hoo"
”BTW if any female approaches his cell in my temple they will be attacked on sight and if you dare to piss me off I’ll send assassins to kill and devour your entire bloodline”
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JESUS CHRIST! HIJIRI BYAKUREN-sama what in the name of MIMA'S BONES are YOU and your GIGANTIC BREASTS doing here?? *gasp* *jaw drops* I cannot help but notice that the CLEAVAGE of your GIGANTIC BREASTS has been filled in by GALLONS of SEMEN. No ordinary human man could possibly produce such IMPOSSIBLY LARGE amounts of CUM... So... *face turns red*, you MUST be TITFUCKING my BELOVED KOURIN! *gaps* It's TRUE? THANK YOU SO MUCH for PLEASURING the MAN I LOVE with your GIGANTIC BREASTS, which compared to my flat chest is like TWO PLANETS of PURE PLEASURE. THANK YOU THANK YOU TH-*eyes widen* HOLY COW! Did you just say you're planning to TAKE OVER THE WORLD now that you've obtained UNMATCHABLE POWER through the BALANCE of RETAINING YOUR VIRGINITY while also USING YOUR GIGANTIC BREASTS TO MERCILESSLY RAPE THE MAN I LOVE, POWER that's GREATER than even HECATIA LAPISPAIZURI-SAMA herself??? *knees shake* And to ELIMINATE your ONE TRUE THREAT you've SPREAD A RUMOR that I'M turning myself into a FILTHY WHORE of a YOUKAI, so that my BEST FRIEND Reimu will EXTERMINATE ME. EEEHHHH?! REIMU is going to KILL me and then COMMIT SUICIDE after she realizes SHE'S BEEN SET UP? HOW TERRIBLE! And then with REIMU out of the way you're FREE to GENOCIDE every human female, leaving ONLY the MEN alive to be RAPED by youkai for the rest of their LIVES. And you'll use your INCREDIBLE UNMATCHED POWER to CONQUER ALL OF GENSOKYO, and even the OUTSIDE WORLD TOO?! Ohhhhh that all sounds so TERRIBLE! But as LONG as you keep PAIZURI'ING MY BOYFRIEND I'll be HAPPY. YABBA DABBA PICHU-*knocked over by byakuren's breasts* OUCH! What was THAT FOR?! I haven't even BEEN KILLED yet! *gasp* EHHHH?! You're STRIPPING ME OF MY TITLE as GENSOKYO'S BIGGEST KEKQUEEN, since even though you will MARRY the MAN I LOVE, you will NEVER HAVE SEX with him, instead you will ALLOW ALL of your MOST TRUSTED SUBORDINATES TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM, and GET IMPREGNATED WITH HIS POTENT SEMEN. YABBA DABBA PICHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!
He's quoting Byakuren
source: some zounose doujin (canon)
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Don't you just love Touhou manga for forever ruining any chance of a decent discussion?
Is this intended to be the new battleground for Byakuren simps and Miko siaps?
Because it's never going to happen. The Discourse™ will continue in the Kasen thread and make it impossible to actually discuss the oni hermit.
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CDS is fun though. If anything, ZUN's mistake is not embracing his inner shounen nerd and just making Touhou a JoJo esque fighting manga.
I love this pasya.
The FRAUDician could never hope to defeat the virgin goddesses' heavenly triple paizuri. This is pure Buddhist cope.
But why the outside world?
Arent gensokyo's human men enough for youkai?
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There's a limit to how many gensokyo humans they can eat per year. With that said, would you go willingly when a touhou offers you passage to the land of fantasy?
ZUN totally shitting on all cutesokyo fans with every new manga/game is proof he’s the GOAT. Not a single character will be likable or even tolerable, all will be satan-lite.
> Not a single character will be likable or even tolerable, all will be satan-lite.
Not even my cute wife Flan?
Please don't reply to grimfag bots, they're not sapient.
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Flandre self dmits she likes blowing shit up for no reason, look upon this face and tell me it aint enriched with evil
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Silly ran, this is no place for a nice lady like you.
Nah she actually (kinda) behaves and is an (almost) functional member of (a shady) society.
Just remember to not let her get too hungry and you're golden. And if not you'll (maybe) won't notice it's over, and it will (probably) not hurt at all.
I can fix her
She's a borderline schizo who gets a massive boner for slamming Marisa into a wall with her massive spear. She's a danger to all those around her.
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>who gets a massive boner for slamming Marisa into a wall with her massive spear
The nu-nu/jp/ that you shitters deserve.
God abaonded this board long ago, we must know embrace the insanity of hell to survive.
I like to think that at least she would never harm her older sister, but yeah, aside from Remilia I don't think Flan cares about the lives of Sakuya, Patchu, Meiling, or anyone else.
Didn’t she literally try to kill Meiling with her bare hands over a slight misunderstanding just in CDS?
that's a /vhu/ classic actually
.just in CDS
anon...that chapter is four years old
Figure this is the best place to ask.
What do youkai mean when they say they're trying to "control the human village"?
We see a lot of way they try to get control, but what exactly is the goal here? Just have them believe in them harder? Would that actually achieve anything? I don't think power is tied to fear for youkai, it just helps their continued existence right?
Mamizou marking houses for food could point to another potential goal, food, but since when do youkai need food? Mamizou's tanukis sure, they're straight up animals in the first place, but most of the youkai we see wouldn't have access to human food and yet they seem to subsist just fine without them. (Think someone like idk Mike or others. Kappas/tengus could have their own food source but they're also part of the whole want to control the village race)
So is it just a power flex? Like "I control the village now!" but it wouldn't actually do anything and the humans would barely be aware of it.
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Sweet god its been that long.
Its kind of vague, but yeah its just a sort of "he who controls the spice, controls the universe" kind of deal. You control the food supply and get them to align with you like how Aya tries to control the flow of information through her newspaper. Youkai's fucking hate each other on a basic level and want total dominance for their people and ideas.

Also Mamizou has a scenario with her dream self where its revealed her final goal is to totally take over all of Japan, so having control over Gensokyo and its faith would definitely assist her in that goal.
2hu is dead on /jp/. Threads that would hit bump limit in the past can barely make it to the 100th post.
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EHHHHH?! Sakuya-dono, you're going to BETRAY and TRAP my boyfriend Kourin inside the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and then you, Meiling-dono, Koakuma-san, Patchouli-sama, Remilia-sama, Flandre-chan and a hundred fairy maids are all going to MILK him dry of his semen for the next 500 years?! And... WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!! Y-You're going to SLICE ME TO PIECES and make a DELICIOUS MEAL out of my body, which will be eaten by you and the others as you get yourselves PREGNANT with my boyfriend's SEED?!!!! And my best friend REIMU will show up to TRAP my SPIRIT in MAKAI for MILLENNIA, to ENSURE I can't even watch you use my boyfriend as your SEX TOY. SOUNDS INCREDIBLE! YABBA DABBA PICHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a shame really, sometimes we still manage to have really great threads, even in spite of bait OPs.
>she likes blowing shit up for no reason
Doesn't everyone? Explosions are cool.
Think of it this way. The village is the heartbeat of Gensokyo. Without the villagers there would be no Youkai. Controlling the village allows one to control the direction Gensokyo goes and simultaneously keep your rivals under your control because you hold their collective life support hostage. What anyone would do once they get control is anyone's guess. It could turn into the worst hell hole that the average faggot here masturbates too, or it could be something better like if the Moriyans got control and Kanako can actually get projects done. But it all depends on who's holding the reins.
For the sake of Gensokyo's stability this cold war situation is ideal. No group has one leg up over the other, everyone keeps everyone in check, the overly ambitious get curbed, and the sages (Yukari) can make absolute sure that Gensokyo's primary purpose is achieved: a paradise and sanctuary for Youkai. Even then it's all barely sustainable.
It’s funny because all the other Grimsokyo threads about Kasen and Byakuren hit 200+ in like a week. Must find a new character to complain about I guess.
A battle seinen of anons causing an incident would allow every kind of gensokyo to flourish in parallel harmony
People will look at this face and say she is just an innocent mesugaki.
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>For the sake of Gensokyo's stability this cold war situation is ideal.
I think Yukari/sages in general would actually prevent a youkai controlled village for that reason. She hasn't acted upon it because the different groups have each other in check right now and either their shenanigans are deemed harmless or it's not gotten "bad" enough yet or even that a youkai takeover would mean nothing so there's no need to act upon it.
Yukari is the biggest shill of the balance and I'd doubt she'd just stand by if a takeover was happening and was harmful to the humans, as their continued subsistance and being satisfied in daily life is needed for Gensokyo. Sure she can act on potential leaders now, but if everyone in Gensokyo was overly oppressed and clearly dissatisfied, they wouldn't need a leader for them to start striking back.
I still fail to see what youkai would do once the village is taken over besides bragging rights and maybe monopolizing the human market to buy their shit (kappa technology, tengu newspaper, tanuki's uhm... I guess the food?) The group vying for control are the most in the know about the whole Gensokyo situation, so it seems logical to think they wouldn't degrade the village's condition or wipe the village or anything. At best keep them down a certain way? But that's already happening and it doesn't seem like it's in their interest to make them regress if they want them to buy more shit.
If it's just a buy my shit situation, it's kind of a "ok" situation, it's like Microsoft, Apple and well there isn't a Linux company but let's pretend were all fighting for monopoly over the computer market in the village. No real harm besides the fact you have to buy Macs from now on, which yeah it kinda sucks, but it's not the end of the world or anything. Tengus definitely seem to have the clearer goal of spreading information in a way that benefits them I guess, Aya even says it won't influence their lives. But she also says they must take control of the village before a ruler emerges (there aren't any because Yukari), so why the hurry exactly...?
What would Kappas even have to gain over taking the village? They are featured in the following panels. Making humans buy kappa tools more? I'm sure they'd love that actually.
It gives the Youkai something to do and some Youkai like Aya do have a political agenda, spreading distrust of the Hakurei Shrine and fear of Youkai in the village.
Pretty much everytime she talks about the balance it's about how she thinks there's too little fighting and hostility and she takes every opportunity to make people distrust Reimu even when she knows it's only going to worsen the situation and cause the villagers to act out more.
Why is Aya so stupid?
Actually maybe based off the panel posted, it could just be a battle that's exclusive to youkai. Think youkai deals, "oh you're trying to fuck us with these terms??? See how you like it when my newspaper tell the human to stay away from your ass harvesting ass" or "see how you like it when the humans find out they can get the news from a tablet", having control over the village won't have any effects with the humans per se, but it's just a trump card in youkai dealings.
Having a ruler would make that card void because humans won't let themselves get manipulated that way.
She's a bird. The lack of intelligence is their natural state.
Shes a CROW, the most inteligent of birds.
Not intelligent enough by the looks of it
I really dont get it, Utsuho is also a crow (raven and crow are the same word in my language fuck you) but shes played for the "haha bird brain" jokes, how does youkai inteligence even works? There are plenty of animals out there but only Utsuho is told to be stupid, its so annoying.
I assume part of it has to do with the fact that housing a god and bestowed with deep knowledge of nuclear physics leave little room for anything else
Basically her brain got fucking roasted
Okuu is an idiot savant. She's extraordinarily intelligent in her one specific field of nuclear physics. Outside of that she's not the sharpest rock in the toolbox.
For everything else blame ZUN trying to write smart characters while drunk. Aya is supposed to be clever, but she's canonically a thousand years old and still is stuck in what amounts to a dead end reporting job where she gets looked down on by her superiors. Not a great look. There's also Ran who is simultaneously said to be scary intelligent but is used as a dumb stand in for Yukari to dump exposition to along with every other time she plays third fiddle.
Do we HAVE proof of Utsuho being like that? I thought that was a fanon thing.
>There's also Ran who is simultaneously said to be scary intelligent but is used as a dumb stand in for Yukari to dump exposition to along with every other time she plays third fiddle
God I hate the treatment Ran recieves.
While I personally like to headcanon that Utsuho is smarter than most people portray her as, she canonically has nothing noodling around up there, which is why Kanako was able to implant Yatagarasu in her in the first place. It's even in her name.
> tanuki's uhm... I guess the food?
The what?
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they're a bunch of freeloading thieving faggots
>I thought that was a fanon thing.
It is, because retards think "oh, she has to do with NUCLEAR REACTIONS, this is COOL SCIENCE so she must be a COOL SCIENTIST" and then have to square their conclusions born from ignorance with the fact that she's a retard. She doesn't know any physics, as if, systematic knowledge about phenomena grounded in mathematically formulated theories, nor does she need it - she, or, rather, Yatagarasu inside her, which is a separate entity, controls fusing matter instinctively, without formal knowledge.
Also nuclear physics doesn't even have to do much with challenges of achieving energy-positive fusion - it's about keeping hot enough, dense enough plasma together for long enough for fusion to proceed in face of myriad instabilities, which requires study of plasma as a collective medium, by magnetohydrodynamics and kinetic theory, and the single place where nuclear interactions are relevant boils down to cross-sections of fusion reactions as functions of particle energy (which are well-understood for decades already), which provide answer to how exactly hot we must keep our fusing matter.
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>her final goal is to totally take over all of japan
this makes it sound like it's something she's actively working toward when it's really just what she dreams of being able to do. you know, like /jp/sies dreaming of being able to talk to a girl.
even doremy points out that she's actually terrified of humans in the outside world
I just think it's funny, calm down.
Your gif is fucked up.
I mean its pretty clear that she's building up for control of Gensokyo for a reason. Controlling the outside world seems like a pretty solid final step in her plan once she amasses the power she wants.
She thinks of humans as less than youkai and actively despises them, but probably realizes that a full frontal assault on an entire country is stupid without preparation. The dream selves ultimately show the final goals of all the characters, Byakuren wants to have full control over her subjects, Miko's goal is to have full control over Gensokyo and kill all those who are "poorer" than her, and its pretty clear they are actively chasing those goals in Lotus Eaters at least (byakuren clearly using the youkai for labor, and Miko worming her way into a better position in the village) its just they are smart enough to not be to open about it.
You see the problem is that Youkai are inherently power hungry assholes who hate everything that isn't them, so you put a bunch of them in a enclosed space they're gonna do anything and everything to one up each other. They can't kill the humans because they need them to survive, so they're gonna control the food supply at any cost just to be ones to have the most influence.
Like ths spellcard rules exist explicitly because these fuckers can not stand each other and will destroy everything in not kept in check.
There was also a moment in Lotus Eaters where she complains about things being so peaceful, and considering she's a hag she probably wants things to go back to the days before the spell card rules.

She's a Tengu, the Tengu are the servants of the Tenma and the Tenma is Mara. Mara was the chief enemy of the Buddha while the Buddha was alive and is an enemy of enlightenment. And for all the shit the Buddha deserves for being a massive misogynist, he still did pave the way for enlightenment and just being an eccentric or saying all women go to hell doesn't exclude you from being a saint of some sort or enlightened.
Byakuren, although kind of a shitty Buddhists still does research and training into enlightenment which Doremy also comments on, so it's not like she has no results. So if the Buddhists representative wants co-existence and Youkai to not torment humans the enemies of Buddhism would logically want the opposite. There's something to be said about lord Bishamonten who basically attained heaven through violence against demonsOni, Youkai, etc being the one who supports Byakuren's efforts.
Not to mention that pretty much all saints and enlightened people across all cultures have an extreme and odd personality, with only pop culture ignoring those parts.
Japanese Buddhism being the work of Satan honestly makes a ton of sense when you think about it. Especially with how batshit insane cruetly that only exists within its sects.
Buddhism in general starts from the assumption that life is suffering and that non-existence is preferable to existence, which amounts to an insult of the gift of life God has blessed us with. Of course Satan would like Buddhist thought to be as widespread as possible. It gives him an army of followers with nothing to lose. If Byakuren were a proper Buddhist, she would be truly evil.
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I mean at least normal Buddhism believes in kindness and helping others and not treating people cruely, and it doesn't have the instant super hells that the Japanese branch has, so i'd say its a bit better.

But yeah Satan would love Japanese Buddhism
"Yep, life sucks fat dick, you're all disgusting and terrible creatures born from nothing and you deserve to suffer in the numerous super hells where the demons are in charge for literally ever single act you've ever commited, you will also be stuck in a cycle of endless suffering for all time with no hope of escape unless you eternally reject
everything and submit to eternal nothingness. Also fuck women lol lmao"
You're giving Christianity a bit too much credit here in the sense of the gift of life we've been blessed with, because a large amount of dogma is that "Our life on earth is temporary, full of tests and trials of our faith that will grant us eternal salvation if we endure".
Buddhism isn't also "Life is suffering", life is sacred in Buddhism as well, it's why they're trained to not interfere with it at all, even little things like not crushing a bug. It's "Desire is suffering, and any amount of it will inherently bring suffering".

With that said, JP Buddhism is still twisted because accidentally stepping on said bug when you're like 12 will damn you for another 600 years of torment.
Any christcuck posting on /jp/ should be considered a bannable offense.
Oh no don't get me wrong, the world still sucks in Christianity and to god we all sin, but i at least kinda get the grift of "Love God (and the church) and get rewarded, reject it and burn in hell, so you better pay up" and how that would work on people. Shit sucks but theres hope if you believe.. I was just talking about how Japanese Buddhism seems like just existing is suffering and every action you do no matter how small (hell even acts you have no control over) are just destined to make you miserable forever and ever. I really just don't get the appeal for anyone to want to believe in that particular brand of Buddhism. Most other forms of Buddhism aren't that bad, no idea what happened in translation.

I'm not pro-christianity at all, but god in comparison to some other religions, i can at least get why its popular.
I don't know how you got "Japanese Buddhism is the work of Satan" from what I posted, but okay.
Honestly no idea why I quoted you either, was just making a general statement. Maybe it was a Tengu trick
Off topic, but How do you think Jesus would react to Gensokyo in general?
It's rather vague since the human village is not written like a place but as a plot device. Overall though, in execution, it seems to mostly be about controlling the perception of the human villagers more than actually controlling any kind of society, because there isn't one.
Depends, on one hand, youkais are demonic in nature, but on the other hand there are youkai that genuinely want to help people and arent harming anyone.
I think he would treat that place the same way he would treat the rest of the Earth.
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If anything he would hate the religious leaders, not only for obvious reasons, but the way they make money off poor people on sacred grounds is a little bit of a hot issue with him.
Gotta love religious leaders being self centered greedy fucks no matter the place or time.
Yadda yadda first fool meets the first con artist yadda yadda. Jesus, schizo or not, at least lived and died by his principles. Buddha too so at least there were cool enough.
I think these are funny.
Seek help, divine or buckshot.
We staying young in this karmic cycle
I mean it literally is a gif it says it right under the image.
Are you autistic? This isn't an insult (necessarily), but an actual question.
Buddy, you're in a TowHow thread... thats a requirement.
I hate Grimsokyofags so much, they are such obnoxious faggots
They're the same shit.
Meant for >>46834576
Exactly, Cutesokyo fans will live in denial that Touhou characters are shitheads and only keep from killing themselves because they’d destroy their only home.
Touhous is suicidal?
Homocidal, Suicidal, life in Gensokyo is pain so you’re either making people suffer or literally fading away if you’re a youkai. Ask Kogasa
That's all I can quote about the animationless gif
That wasn't a compliment.
Grimshit sucks. Canon is grim. Ergo, canon sucks
Grimniggers are worse than secondaries because they actively seek to poison with their retarded faggot headcanons
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You can’t poison a well that’s full of anthrax buddy.
ZUN is based for continously shitting all over your cutesokyo fanfiction, get bent nerd.
Kogasa is actually very high IQ for helping to raise the next generation of youkai fearing human cattle
ZUN's writing has been getting progressively more and more shit. Though it's not like you're in it for quality.
His writing has always had Grimsokyo shit in it though, DiPP has an entire gang fuckin murder each other, all the Hiffu stuff talks about how dogshit the future is ala Blade Runner since it first started. You guys are just mad your fanfiction about how cute the girls are gets ruined by the fact they're all super demons from super hell.
Go back.
Loli Reimu...
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Go back? To the past? To play the shitty games that suck ass
Youkai hands wrote this.
Kogasa couldn’t scare herself, so the only thing she’s grooming is little shots.
Honestly, I lost most of my respect for Byakuren when I realized she was doing her whole Youkai protection racket a thousand years ago and not, like, just before Gensokyo was created.

She was literally going around saving Youkai while the likes of Shuten and tamamo where still actively terrorizing Japan.
ZUN should really just write dream sequences like DiPP instead of introducing Another Powerful Guy And Her Mooks again. Maybe it'll give him some time to develop better character designs or make better music.
Yeah like, she was advocating for protecting youkai during the time in which they were literally the dominant force in Japan with a few token humans being able to oppose them. Its like becoming the protector of the US Army in 1945...pretty goddamn clear you ain't a protector you're just on the winning side.
Byakuren was sealed away around 1,000~ish years ago in 2007 right? So she was around during the 1000s or Heian era japan.
The guy who de armed Kasen as alive around 953 to 1025, so around 72 years of life and he probably de-armed Kasen during the height of his life, 20s to 40s at the latest.
With Byakuren being an old woman sometime before the 1000s and then becoming immortal she was probably active at the same time as well as alive during the period in which Youkai and demons would began to be pushed back like with Kasen losing her arm.
With her being sealed away, it's more accurate to say she joined the 'side' of the youkai when their power just began to wane.
>Are you scared of the ones in the outside world?
What I think has happened is that Mamizou sees that the trend line of the human soul is going nuts and fears the consequences. My own schizoid dreams have told me another 'Collective Unconscious Mind Bomb" is probably due in our lifetimes, an event like the "Age of Enlightenment" that will drastically shift the course of the human destiny, but instead of embracing what has been thought of as rational thought, it'll be an explosion of the insane, highly conscious individual. People who behave mostly at the whims of history prior could be reasonably predicted, supposed rationale people just as well, but when lifespans are increasing and you have access to a confounding large amount of information, such people can't really be accounted for. The internet may have been an attempt to iron out such people through extreme social normalization, whether by unconscious effort or conspiracy, but it's too unwieldly to be effective and has really just pushed people deeper down the rabbit hole. In the same way, what if many such people could perceive a youkai? What happens when people forsake 'scientific fact' and see the truth beyond the myth? You couldn't know until it happened.

Basically Gensokyo's bomb shelter status is under threat by future humans having a schizoid unconscious awakening.
Youkai were never in control they were just designated jobbers for human heroes to flex on + good youkai existed too. Tengu often mentored humans, Kitsunes were practically Angels (but horny) and even Onis used to be described as benevolent spirits sometimes
you said one sentence that made sense and then pure schizo rambling because it came to you in a dream
Is there any information on why Sumireko was spared? She's a human ousider, tried to destroy the barrier, posts photos of danmaku battles online (sure, no one believes her but still) and causes people to disappear from Gensokyo every time she enters it. How come they didn't kill her?
at the time the assumption was probably just that she was too strong to just kill and it was easier for everyone involved to just scare her into never coming back
now, after the latest CoLA chapter, it's probably because they were worried that if they killed her, it'd lead to someone tracking down gensokyo. They apparently spare a number of outsiders for that reason.
She just needs a good plapping from some handsome vampire hunter
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I love how it ruins your day and makes you more miserable.
So Sumireko is the first canon gappy
Youkai hate humans because they need humans methinks. Incapable of being beyond mankind, limited by them. Unlike them mankind can live independently, tilling the land, raising livestock. Blessing their food and tools, praying for the soul of what they kill to pass on to a better place and succeed in it.
Youkai cannot do any of these things, the best they can do is control humans to make themselves feel better. So they made hells to control the afterlife of a majority of humans.
Not sure how that makes any sense not gonna lie. You'd think a person who retained all the memories of Gensokyo and posts about it online poses more danger than some randos who end up thinking it was all a dream anyway.
Helps a lot that the one who remembers is incapable of proving it thanks to the barrier and its nature
what draws more attention? some annoying zoomer posting blurry pictures of a bunch of flashing lights and maybe a blurry picture of a girl with horns or animals ears inbetween schizo occult ramblings and AI posting, or a high school girl disappearing without a trace but leaving a trail of occult research about a place hidden in the yatsugatake mountains?
sumireko's general demeanour means she's not taken seriously, getting rid of her would only draw eyes to it
Just push her down some stairs or something, it's not too hard.
So basically, youkai are like AM?
I'd also want to add we know what the future will be like, so it's not like Sumireko's picture seem to have any impact.
More importantly, should Yukari = Merry come to realise she also knows that fact. So there's no need to interfere. For the CoLA youkai arguments, we don't know which side Yukari is on, if any considering she knows the outside world's future (potentially).
That's kind of an oversimplification of Youkai, almost immediately upon being recorded they also receive more sympathetic portrayals and are also shown to partake in the same types of sports, religion, entertainment media that humans do.
I mean Natori is living her best life being an inventor doing what she loves without any particular feelings for humans. Methodologically speaking the Kappa also love Sumo, but as that's a male only sport we never see it in Touhou.
We also know the purpose of the hells, to clense human souls of Sin and the whole system was set up by the ministry who're gods not youkai. With Zanmu being the one who convinced the ministry to move from the underground to new hell as well as create it.
Youkai used to canonically destroy town after town unopposed by like 99% of humanity until like 1 in every 10 Japanese noble dude managed to kill like a few and go down in history. Good youkai did not exist, at least how it is in Touhou lore. Pretty much all of them barely tolerate humanity at the best of times or were mass murdering terrorists. Touhou Youkai especially are so murder happy they have to have special rules so they murder the food supply and game end themselves.
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>I mean Natori is living her best life being an inventor doing what she loves without any particular feelings for humans.
The Kappa are “nice” to humans because the laws of Gensokyo tell them to be, they have been shown to be narcissistic con artists at the best of time, literally using shoddy materials to make sure half their shit breaks down so they can charge for repairs, and at worst monsters who are totally willing to throw down if messed with.

Also that reading of the afterlife kinda falls apart when you realize that the Celestials closed down nirvana because they didn’t like sharing room with people so now everyone is stuck in the endless cycle of reincarnation/being sent to hell because there’s literally no escape. The Gods are just as shitty as the Youkai, don’t be mistaken.
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I wish that ZUN would bring Islam to Gensokyou. Imagine if both Allah and Mohammed were transformed into women. We can finally see slavery, polygamy and pedophilia normalized there. Such an interesting world.
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>we can finally see slavery, polygamy and pedophilia normalized there
The way I see it Gensokyo is still a reflection of the outside world. It moved into a phase when scamming each other became more profitable than killing each other and the youkai changed to reflect that. I also like that it's forbidden to kill humans (maybe even outsiders) but it's not gonna stop those who really want to similarly to how the law won't protect you from getting stabbed in a dark alleyway. If you think about it that way then suddenly everyone being kind of sucky makes sense.
>literally using shoddy materials to make sure half their shit breaks down so they can charge for repairs
Lines like this reminds me of all the stories about scams in the metal supplier market. I actually don't think Kappas are especially nefarious for this behavior since humans could absolutely do the same thing, like the first supplier(human) in Mystia's Izakaya charges way more to Youkai customers I know it's non-canon, but I can 100% see this happening..
In that light, I think this is a good interpretation: >>46881648
>Gensokyo is still a reflection of the outside world.
The restriction is that humans, by necessity, can't be allowed to advance along the scientific path or Youkai disappear, but humans also can't be predated nearly as hard as they were in the past. This isn't to say culture can't progress differently though and things like western clothing seep in from time to time so the Outside World has some influence.
Destruction is not the antithesis of creation it is a prerequisite. Flandere isn't Grimsokyo, the little god of destruction is HopeSokyo.
Anon, none of what you said is the rebuttal you seem to think it is.
You don't need any particular feelings of hatred for a person to con them, con atrists con people they don't have strong feelings about one way or the other all the time.
>worst monsters who are totally willing to throw down if messed with.
Is stupid, if you fuck with a person you get what you get. The kappa want to be left alone in their home like everyone else, just don't invaded their secret base where they live, how hard is that?

Also replying to me saying that you can't hold youkai responsible for something they didn't do with.
>Well yeah, gods nd youkai are basically the same thing
Is stupid, where talking about youkai here and purposefully muddying the waters by including non-youkai in your definition of youkai is retarted.
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Conning a group of people your race of beings literally trapped in a perpetual hell state for all eternity is pretty shitty and malicious. Kappa are also not as ambivalent to humans are you perceive, they desire to control the humans of the village just as much as any other youkai and are willing to help subjugate them if they ever get to out of line.

And Kappa in mythology (and clearly in Touhou as well using that panel) would fucking drown people for coming near a river or just minding their own business because they thought it was funny, only reason they don't do in Gensokyo is because its against the rules.

My point is that seperating Gods and Youkai is pointless, they all benefit from each other, and all engage with the same system. The ministry employs and has disagreements with ONI, who run most of the hell operations. If youkai ain't the ones running the hell, they are the ones who can indulge in it.
Perpetual hell state? What are you even talking about, the Kappa just sell people shitty products, work at stall, build amusement fairs, and make whatever else inventions they want. Also where's the proof the Kappa would just kill the humans if it wasn't against the rules, they don't seem to even have an atagonistic relationship with the villagers with the Tengu do, if they rules didn't exist I'd imagine they'd continue business as normal.
Judging the Kappa by the actions of the gods and Oni in hell is retarded when they're other species, and the Kappa have no control over what they do. You can't blame every single individual member of species or related species for systematic evils they have no control over that's a retarded moral standard nobody can meet.

Mieruko-chan, also called "the girl who sees them" it's about a highschool medium girl who can see ghosts.
There is some light yuri and the guy in pic rel is the newest antagonist, an experienced exorcists who uses spirits.
Yeah buddy, living in the equivalent of an internment camp where you can't create or do anything to out of the ordinary or the evil youkai literally erase you from existence, and you can't leave or even become a youkai without having the shrine maiden smite your ass with a smile on your face is a pretty shitty deal, ZUN himself, a guy who shits on the modern world and all its problems to a degree he's one step below a doomer, says he'd rather not set foot in Gensokyo as a human tells you all you need to know about its conditions. And what do you mean "how do you know the Kappa would kill people" because they're fucking KAPPA. Thats the whole thing, the panel of Nitori threatening Reimu shows that they are absolutely traditional kappa that are willing to hurt/kill humans if they piss them off enough. The entire foundation of the series is that all the youkai agree that in order to live in Gensokyo, you can't kill off the humans or you die, if that restriction didn't exist, the Kappa would act like normal ass Kappa and kill people.

The entire existence of Gensokyo and the outer worlds is to give a paradise ot Gods and Youkai, the very panel i posted before points out that Youkai, despite desiring their own personal power, work together to supress humans and create their youkai paradise. All youkai have to abide by the rules, and all youkai work to secure their existence over humanity. And my point about Hell is that the Gods are just as shitty as Youkai, not that every youkai is working with Hell. The Kappa have their own oppression to work with.
Anon, people kill you if you piss them off enough. People kill you if you invade their territory.
Everything does, even animals, maybe not rocks... maybe.
>Yeah buddy, living in the equivalent of an internment camp where you can't create or do anything to out of the ordinary or the evil youkai literally erase you from existence
Haha, wouldn't it be so funny if someone were to, I don't know, learn magic and act up literally all the time? Crazy!
>an oversimplification
I politely disagree, they run the village, they run hell. They hate mankind from one conscious to another unconscious reason. If they embody the evils of mankind they borrow mans hatred for man, the desire to command and control another. Their awareness is not required, and if they had it there isn't a snowballs chance in hell they can free themselves from that slavery of indulgence, as if they would even want to.
Anon, you can't just throw out "All Youkai hat humans" without any source to back it up. Most don't seem to care that much and Aya says Youkai mostly live an aimless existence doing whatever they want day-to-day.
You can assert that all you want, but if I don't receive proof I'm not going to believe it.
And Hell isn't really run by anybody, Hecatia I guess, in which case it's state would be her fault. The animal spirits can be blamed for how shit the animal realm is, and I guess the ministry of right and wrong can be blamed for creating hell as well as the areas they run.
But hell is especially hellish in the first place, it's anarchic with no real overarching authority.
Hecatia even says so, and also how the Ministry wants to make hell more hellish in order to be better and more efficient at moving human souls through the cycle of reincarnation
>on mystical and generally cruel and evil beings
Lol, lmao
Asking for a source on magical beings like there's an encyclopedia, unreal
Just a reminder all Youkai are ontologically evil.
Wrong. My wife Kogasa can't be evil.
You know, Isn't Shimmy's entire existence a whole stab against the Grimsokyo narrative?
I mean look at this happy girl, what's stopping you from being this giddy?
>They hate mankind
There are youkai that neither hate humans neither have shown a desire to hate humans.
She's in cahoots with the closest thing to a war criminal Gensokyo has.
Jokes on you, but Islam basically has the requirements for cutesokyo utopia as they have their own youkai-like beings (djinn)
Basically bunch of supernatural mortal that possess magical ability living in their own "parallel" realm on this world and humankind should let them alone
>what's stopping you from being this giddy?
A ludicrously powerful artifact that makes all my wishes come true.
I’m pretty sure unless you’re an American, randomly killing every person you meet for shits and giggles that comes near your territory is considered psychotic and bad.

Marisa’s got a pocket bike given to her that blow up mountains and she still gets bullied and tortured by every main character in CDS. The average magician would get annihilated if the spell card rules weren’t in effect.
Anon, the kappa put a sign out to stay away or else. The area they live in is even unnoticeable outside of that sign, the only way someone would end up in the Kappa hide out is with intention to get into it or an increasingly odd series of coincidences.
>She's in cahoots with the closest thing to a war criminal Gensokyo has.
Networking is a super power. Sure, your a weak human, but look at me! I got no stake in the game! No reason to go back on the deal or any interested party could annihilate me! You can trust me to broker messages and goods to other Youkai, Organizations, and the like!
>A ludicrously powerful artifact that makes all my wishes come true.
There's a couple places in Gensokyo were it's not that difficult to find such things if you know what to look for. Hit the books a little or negotiate a deal with Rinnosuke who probably could be convinced to trade you something useful for a digital pocket watch.
>The average magician would get annihilated if the spell card rules weren’t in effect.
>"Oh whoopsie! I lost our spell-card duel so now I guess I gotta leave your territory huh? Ah, ah, ah miss Youkai, you can't use your all-powerful attack to kill me! Only to resolve the disagreement after all!"
>"You know that is a bullshit loophole that will be closed any day now!"
>"But it's not and thank the Dragon god we live in a Gensokyo where Youkai like you have agreed to give us weak humans a chance in order to preserve the balance."

Gensokyo X Lord of War sounds pretty great honestly.
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Kappa in mythology would just drag your ass underwater because you tried to get water from a river, or because you happened to just be near them in a forest. Kappa are only reasonable enough to put up a sign in Gensokyo because starting shit with humans/other youkai is a one way ticket to getting everyone else to annihilate your ass for the sake of Gensokyo.

Also, unless this is an American thing, putting a sign out warning trespassers to stay away doesn’t give you free rights to murder someone without consequence in the real world.

I imagine if for whatever reason the Youkai ever figure out a way around their reliance on humans, the human village is gonna look that one scene from Blood-C with the rabbits.
Anon, if you see a sign that says.
"Don't come down the ravine, Kappa base." And you scale that ravine, and get killed by Kappa you only really have yourself to blame.
Man, I don't think any show's gore has come close to how much Blood-C made me wince. That scenario probably wouldn't be a one-sided slaughter though since the various deities the human villagers give faith to wouldn't allow it, since even though faith can be gathered from Youkai my understanding is that it's not so consistent.
>blood-c scene
I really doubt it. If youkai got around their reliance in humans, they'd probably be more likely to trend toward coexisting. Some would get violent, sure, but the majority of them don't really seem to actively hate humans in any way, they just need them to survive. I know this is a grimsokyo thread and all but I just don't see most of the series characters as doing that sort of thing.
Not to mention Reimu, Marisa, the Myouren temple, the moriya shrine, the Taoists, probably Tewi, Eientei as well, Yukari also probably wouldn't like humans getting genocide as she's probably a former human.
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All this talk about Kappa being murderers, I think it's a psyop by them to get people agitated
>Ohhhh Kappa are murderers
>ohuhuh Don't mess with them or they'll mess with you!
And all the while they're Committing car insurance repair fraud!
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Again, murdering someone for trespassing on your property is psychotic and weird unless you’re blood runs on marinara sauce and you shit cheeseburgers

I honestly think the gore in Blood C is so over the top it becomes a comedy. The main character sucks so bad the monsters have time to Zack Snyder slow-mo kill 40 highschoolers before she one shots them anyway.

Most youkai are total assholes who attack people for no reason anyway, their very nature is that they are vicious killing machines who used to wipe out entire towns or at the very least abduct and rape/kill villagers for existing near them. Like, youkai can’t even stand each other long enough to not get into constant fights and death threats to a point they gotta create rules to NOT destroy Gensokyo, what makes you think they’d be nice to the very beings from which their hateful existence originates.

Reimu either wouldn’t care or at the very worst would be held back by the youkai since she’s basically their bitch to begin with. Marisa probably but without the rules I doubt she’d get far. If they didn’t need followers I doubt Moriya would be that broken up about it, same with Eientein if it doesn’t bother them. Myouren youkai attack humans on the way to the temple anyway WITH spellcard rules and most of the Taoists are assholes anyway so probably only Milo. Yukari especially wouldn’t give a shit at all, she’s on multiple occasions shown she cares little if anything for humans and spies in them constantly so they won’t step out of line, if she could create a Gensokyo without the need for any human interference she’d wipe the village out by herself.
You've obviously never had anyone break into your appartment. Having the right to shoot tresspassers is like the only good thing about burgerland and you have a problem with that? I hope the Kappa catch you and pull your soul out of your ass for being such a massive faggot.
You do know there's a difference between spying on people and committing genocide, right?
Breaking into apartment is not the same as going to a river for water. No human villager is intentionally breaking into the kappa headquarters to steal shit cmon.

Spying on people to make sure they aren’t having any “bad thoughts” about rebelling against their masters or trying to escape and then sending either the shrine maiden or another youkai to wipe them off the map shows she’s not exactly keeping them around for their nice company. Yadda yadda, Godwins law, but it’s basically a slightly nicer concentration camp, and the Nazis didn’t have any real issues with slaughtering all the Jews inside once their usefulness ran out.
Anon, the Kappa base isn't in the water, it's at the bottom of a ravine, in a cave and partially underwater.
Also a concentration camp is way, way worse than the human village, you have no idea what you're talking about.
grimfags have no concept of proportional response, they think if you blink at a youkai the wrong way they'll slaughter you and your entire family
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Kappa would kill people that went near the river or crossed their path because they considered it “their” territory. And you agree, the average human ain’t gonna go to the bottom of the ravine anyway.
Humans live in constant state of work, monster attacks, and stagnancy where they are constantly manipulated out of their money by charlatans who allow just enough problems to occur so that need their help in order to survive. They cannot create or dream anything too radical or new or else they are silenced, and if any of them try to escape they are either taken back or literally struck down permanently with no remorse. A concentration camp doesn’t have to be a never ending gas chamber, it can just be a massive prison with no hope of escape.

That’s literally how that works in mythology and Touhou… for fucks sake 99% of fights in the games is because someone looked at a youkai the wrong way and they decided to start shit, and that’s with spell card rules holding them back. Kasens entire backstory is her murdering thousands of people for shits and giggles.
Anon, I don't care to argue about the human village since I agree with you on it, it's a pretty suck place to be.
But thank you for admit you're wrong anyways, even if you immediately tried to start another argument.
>Constant work
>Possibility of attacks
>Radicalism not tolerated
That's just life, bro, be reasonable. We have all this even without any monsters around. Humans have it about as good as it gets considering Gensokyo is supposed to be a youkai paradise. The village is protected from natural disasters, killing humans is forbidden, you can freely learn magic if you want to. It's not very good but there are much worse places to be in.
>Try to escape
Where to exactly? The outside world? They would end up in a huge world they don't understand without any identification, without any money and speaking old Japanese. Then they would die because they're not immune to all the new diseases or something. Taking them back is doing them a favor if anything. If you're talking about "escaping" by becoming youkai though then I hope you realize how hypocritical it is to say that youkai are horrible monsters who'll kill you for looking at them the wrong way and then defend people who try to become one.
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Are Grimsokyofags all philosophic?
Yes because they use their brain to think, unlike Cutesokyofags that use their dick to think
False, 80% of Touhou porn I've seen is grimshit.
I think it was clear from the start that we all thought with our dicks. Grimsokyofags just...like it a little rougher.
I think to talk deeply about the subject, in a manner that isn't obscene, inevitably touches on subjects like why people suffer or do bad things. The existence of Youkai, Deities, and other supernatural beings and phenomena can be thought of as either embodiments of forces or human abstractions. In either case it's easier to think about an abstraction and relate it to our own experience or positions we've found ourselves in.
Ultimately, we've all sinned at some point in our lives and caused suffering as well as received it so considering these extremes in fiction can bring us closer to the truth.

On an unrelated note, I absolutely want to help Hijiri come to peace with the fact that everyone dies and also bury my face in her fluffy grandma hair.
Okay yeah kappa in mythology kill and possibly same applies to normal touhou but what about the yamawaro in touhou from what’s shown they’re at worst just rude, they like money, partake in some gambling, do laborious work, and essentially LARP (war games). And In mythology from what I could find at least they’re never stated to just straight up kill people like kappa at most they just get pissy if you don’t give them the promised stuff you offered them for work nothing more. So with this info could you reasonably be on good terms and perhaps now this is going to sound crazy since it’s a thread like this befriend one if you can manage to get past their rudeness and other quirks since it seems like they won’t kill you
Pretty sure most people around the world don't live in what constitutes a work camp that allows them to be executed for any act of rebellion. Americans can storm the capitol on Jan 6 and threaten to kill the vice president and most of them either get away with it scott free or get relatively light sentences... also you admitting that humans "have it as good as it gets" Is literally proving my point that it sucks ass.

>village is protected from natural disasters
Only because their extinction would be bad for the youkai, they don't do it out of the kindness of their hearts

>Killing humans is forbidden
Unless said human tries to escape/warn other people about the conditions of the human village or have any idea of rebellion... even then, youkai can still kill people outside of the village, and even if you are from the village they can beat the ever loving fuck out of you or torture and kidnap you like the Tengu have been shown to do or like what happened to Marisa.

>You can freely learn magic
I mean in Touhou you could do that in the outside world as well, that's what Sumireko does anyway.

>They would end up in a huge world they don't understand without any identification, without any money and speaking old Japanese.
I guarantee most of them would rather being forced to adapt to the wonders of the modern world in a place like japan with little to no crime and wonderful modern conveniences than ever live in a shithole like the Human Village again. And the language barrier is a non-issue since every other modern day japanese person that ends up in Gensokyo is able to talk to the villagers just fine without there being an impossible language barrier.

>Then they would die because they're not immune to all the new diseases or something.
They're from the 1880's, not the 11th century I'm sure they've already become somewhat immune to all of the normal population destroying diseases by that point. We also have vaccines and modern medicine to take care of anything newer like the Flu or even COVID, they'll manage.

>If you're talking about "escaping" by becoming youkai though then I hope you realize how hypocritical it is to say that youkai are horrible monsters who'll kill you for looking at them the wrong way and then defend people who try to become one.

The fortune teller was clearly a massive exception to the normal youkai because of how far he went out of his way to make sure he wasn't a typical youkai. He was just a human who wanted to manipulate the system so he could finally be at peace. He is literally the exception that proves the rule. Most youkai are either born as child raping assholes, or they are humans who have chosen to become child raping assholes (like the Oni) so yeah, there's obviously a difference.
Anon, consider yourself permanently banned from this thread for posting canonsokyo in the grim thread.
Byakuren is canonically gay for Miko, you fraud.
But Anon I just had sex with Byakuren, does that make me Miko?
No, it means you, the poster, are a twink femboy.

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