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/lit/ - Literature

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how are my fellow kobo chads doing this fine wednesday morning?
>she went barefoot
Imagine the smell
is that the color one? is it good?
where are the buttons?
Do you miss the feel of paper? Do you miss looking at a beautiful bookshelf?
Thinking about switching, simply to save space and money and to organize my library easier, but i fear i might miss the real deal
It's an image from google but that model is B&W

I don't see the point of a colour e reader frankly. Maybe for easier note taking?
I kept my physical library and will still occasionally read paper books. But having libgen/annas archive available with an ereader is like having a library in the palm of your hand
I had a nook but it finally died. it was pretty shit but did the job. what are the current popular choices for an ereader? been using my ipad for the interim but would rather have a dedicated device
Not in an instant. The advantages of an e-reader over physical books are innumerable. What I regret is not getting one sooner.
was about to impulse buy, but then I saw the black people in the advertisement and the fake nails and I almost had to vomit.

I will stick with paperback books, and classic pen and paper for notes. Let me know when there is an E-reader for white people.
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e-readers are for retards. It's proven you will have a lower information retention than if you read a real book.
Went back to reading in print mostly. Find that I have clearer memories of the things I read.
>it's proven
Is there sauce on this proof
And if so, what is the theory explaining it. I can understand audio books, but changing mediums from paper and ink to E-ink does not seem like it should have an impact on retention.
Maybe its a correlation between niggers impulse buying tech and nigger ability to retain information.
Similar to how people say, most violent criminals come from single mother homes statistically, but they fail to mention that most single mothers are black.
Most look at hyperlinked text on a web browser in a study context. Here is a small study that used a Kindle and narrative text.

no and no.
the best thing about a kobo is that you never have to even think about the lighting conditions you're in. read in bright sun or pitch fucking black if you want, it's so much better than physical books in every way.
What are some good apps to have on the ereader? Just got the note air 3 on sale.
the sex app
I tried but it says it doesn't support my device.
Beastly image
so you're only able to read krap on the kobo
I get what you did there
Sweet Lady Deathstrike.
What Kobo should I get?
I used to strap a work light to my head to read in the dark before I went to sleep. I got a kindle earlier this year and having the backlight alone makes it worth it.
tiny hands like a shrimp-man hybrid.
Clara Black & White if you want to start small, pic related

For me, it's a reading device and not a device where I need to admire the beautiful colours of the book covers, so that's why I opt for the B&W. but If you really, really want that colour you can spend an extra $20 for the Clara Colour

as you get the bigger and more expensive versions of Kobo, like the Elipsa 2, you get more features like the ability to use a stylus for note taking

I'm pretty new to this whole E Reader thing myself so DYOR but I hope this helps
Those hands are welcome to rub me up with cocoa butter any day of the week
Are the touch Kobo's from 10ish years ago any decent?

Work at a thrift store and came across one but not sure if I should pick it up.

Use a Kindle Paperwhite which I find to be slow. Also have my kindle keyboard which is great. Bit the thing with kindle is that when I convert EPUB to Mobi it will sometimes mess up punctuation or some words randomly which is getting a bit annoying
Depends on how much you value portability. I have the claraHD. Best purchase I ever maid.
I was about to buy the steam deck but then i saw they only had niggers and women in their marketing material on their website and then i didnt buy it. Really thought steam was above this bs since their are a private company and only need to focus on quality. So sick of seeing niggers everywhere.
I did that when I went to the bar. I was a hit with all the ladies
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Got one of these from my Dad that he found at Goodwill, I think. Either way, it was free.
Got KUAL installed on it, blocked OTA updates, and now I can use it without worrying about auto-updates.
mobi is obsolete, how old is your device? They use epubs and azw3 now. I recommend jailbreaking if you have a really old device.
If you have a Kobo install KOReader for better reading of .pdf files:
Kindle keyboard was from 2010 and Kindle Paperwhite was from 2012
I've narrowed it down to a Clara 2E or a used Libra 2. I've never had an ereader before so I'm not sure if the bigger screen and storage is worth the extra money. Can you download dictionaries for other languages?
Buy a Kindle Paperwhite 2021 for longevity. They're like Apple products, the features may be limited, but the quality is guaranteed. Also, you can jailbreak and install KOReader if you want more customization.
Kindle gang gang.
>recommending amazon hardware
faggot cuck take
If you want to read a lot of pdfs the bigger one makes sense. I avoid pdfs like niggers.
>nooooo don't buy from international conglomerate X!!! only buy from international conglomerate Y!!!
why does it matter you butthurt faggot
as a personal preference I wouldn't like the Libra 2's buttons for page turning, and considering how small epub files are I think I'd struggle to fill Clara's 16GB storage so the bigger storage isn't that much of a selling point for me.

I don't know about the dictionaries, there's probably some Kobo forums you can poke around to find a better answer for that
>The name Kobo is an anagram of book
If they’re better in every way, then tell me how you’ll read a book if the battery is dead and can’t be charged?
It lasts weeks, and charges in 2 hours.
but the battery is not dead, and can be charged. you are an idiot. QED.
bought my kindle paperwhite in 2013.
still working.
I hope I get to sell all of my books this year.
Clara HD if you wanna swap the SD card for more storage.
Clara B&W if you don't mind being limited to only 16GB of storage.
I wouldn't bother with the color e-readers because the technology is not quite there yet and the colors only show when you turn on the brightness which defeats the purpose
I'll probably get the Clara BW. Do they go on sale often or should I just pull the trigger now?
usually go on sale from 119 to 89 but im not sure how often so if money is no object then just buy now i guess
lol. Nigger tier intellects. Now you see the kind of person who likes e-readers.
I have both. Get the Libra 2, it's significantly more responsive and the larger screen makes a huge difference.

I went back to reading real books after about a year of using my kobo. I feel more engaged and can internalize the content better when I can physically highlight/scrawl notes in the margins. I don't really know what to do with them now.
Lol. That reminds me, havent jerked off in awhile. Brb
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Silly billy, let me take you to school for a second here.
Kindles are proprietary, this is bad for the consumer and no heckin basedtarded nogster would support such a device. 2ndly they dont read all formats which is ungood. Thirdistan, if you buy books in one region, in lets say grand britain par exomple, you cant bring them with you to the jewnited niggerstates, they will get delet and you need to open a new account in the states and have to rebuy the books you already paid for back in ye olde land. Isnt that lovely you fucking tourist niggerman?
Then, the kobolicious sex haver device is linux based, which a plus too pure for your human mind process, because you are dumb cattle, ti-hi, and also it reads all file formats from here to, i dont know, how does eternity sound.
The amaxon hardware device is like a smart dildo, it sends telemetry back to the homebase, like james snitchin in a bitch kitchen, you homosensitive gobknobler.
>this humble little underground bookstore hosts more than 200 of biggest global businesses including the servers of the cia
>this disgusting asian dystopian hell machine company makes ereaders and provides the biggest digital library on erf, yet it lets you use the device without even having to set up an account
These are the same thing, no difference whatsoever. I hope this made things clearer for you, I love you anon!
>taaake meee, to magic of the moment on a gloooory niiiight where the children of tomorrow dream away, in the wind of change
You fucking feel me dawg, nigga sheeeeeit
been thinking about getting an e-reader but i have to ask first:
does it only work with legitimately bought books through some kinds of apps or can I transfer my pirated ebooks (pdf djvu and epub files) from my computer? I don't buy ebooks so it'd suck if I could only use the reader for legit stuff
Kobos are drag and drop for pdf and epub files. Amazon Swindles require you to upload your third party files to your account on a PC then download them to the e-reader from the (((cloud))).
You just drag and drop from pc after having connected said device to your personal computer with a cable made from usb's. Alternatively you can use calibre, its like itunes for your ereader and if you use calibre it autmatically converts the file into the best file for the device, like if you made the right choice and got an kobro it will put kepub instead of epub and then you get extra stats like reading time left based on your reading speed.. it makes the file like it was bought from the kobo store basically.
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>niggdels can only use send to device to import bookz
No fucking way, i mean i knew amazon were pure trash but i thought they at least let you drag and drop. keklmao
fuck kobo, my clara hd just randomly shit the bed and now it won't turn on. i would not recommend
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You seriously recommend that this guy gives money to the company that made rings of power, you are actually doing that, like that is the actual situation that is happening right now? The company that took the highest european fantasy novel ever conceived and shoved in nigger elves and nigger hobbits, not to mention, strong female lead protagonist bad assery, thats the company that you suggest poor anon over here is supposed to give his hard earned money to. That is actually what you are doing, like unironically. ..to the company that has sickening inclusion quotas. Thats the people you want poor anon to support, to give energy to. I have to say man, i knew people on 4chan can be whacky and a bit out-there, but that is quite something, quite, something.
You can, retard.
thanks for the answers. so kobo is the way to go? regarding calibre with the extra stats, i don't need them, i just want to read, don't care about stats. what's the simplest, most easy to use kobo? one that's for sure worth it for casual reading while i'm on the bus
Kobo supports most formats but I still recommend you use calibre to transfer epubs so it automatically converts to kepub (kobo format). Doing this guarantees you have a better reading experience.
Best website for epubs: Anna's archive.
kobo clara hd.
ignore the other retard babbling about conversions, you dont need to do that. i only use calibre to fix shitty covers before transferring to the device, but you dont even have to bother with that if you dont care. epub and mobi are both fine, just get good ones off zlib and then transfer them with calibre and youre good to go.
e-readers allow you to pirate every book you want so for a brokefag it's a godsend
buy second-hand, unlike other tech they have good retention
>tfw missed the jailbreak for my kindle
Fuck, looks like the Libra 2 is being discontinued. I don't want to pay the prices people are asking for on ebay. I'm looking at the Clara B&W but 6" seems kind of small. My s23 ultra is bigger and even that feels a bit too small. Anyone here use a 6" reader?
It actually is neat to see how many hours are left to finish the book, its motivating to see that kepub stat every time you pick up the ereader.

If you use calibre they will automatically get converted to kebup, genius.

I have the clara and its 6" and i like that its portable amd fits in my jacket pocket. I take it anywhere i go because of that and i have been reading so much more because of its portability
How does it compare to a standard paperback in terms of words per page?
>Anyone here use a 6" reader?
I have one and its perfectly fine and dont really feel like I need anything bigger. the whole device is effectively the size of a small paperback
the Clara 2E, which has been suggested in this thread too, is also discontinued, FYI

I have a 6" and enjoy it. You can adjust the text size to your liking but , unless you want ant sized words, you probably won't get paperback level words per page. In my experience it won't matter because you'll be flipping through pages very quickly
Pulled the trigger on a Libra Color. Thread will probably be dead by the time I get it so I'll post my thoughts in the next ereader thread I see.
A bit less, but you can make the text smaller if you want.
BTW how waterproof are these things? Can I use it in my bathtub?
website says
>Waterproof IPX8 - up to 60 mins in 2 meters of water
Yeah I saw that but I wonder how it handles steam. I'm probably better off just sticking it in a ziplock.
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The Libra is the best e-reader I've ever held, it's the perfect size, waterproof, and the buttons and ridge are actually a real game-changer.
i was pondering on getting a Clara but going from a nook with buttons to an ereader without makes me reticent
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This is a discussion about gadgets.
Has nothing to do with literature.
someone sell me off of a Kindle. why shouldn't I just continue on Kindles forever?

well the gadgets are in fact ereaders which are necessary to read ebooks, which represent 30% or more of all book sales and readers
>someone sell me off of a Kindle
dont you have to pay just to not get ads on the screensaver?
>dont you have to pay just to not get ads on the screensaver?
Nope, that's a scam. Contact customer support and they remove them for free. Also, I only use it with wifi turned off and jailbroken.
>I only use it with wifi turned off and jailbroken.
well in that case I guess it's a device like any other
Recommend me literally any book I should download to my E-Reader
pdf files that aren't technically "books" also welcome.
I need to stock up on reading for the shitter.
Well spotted - It's difficult in good conscience buy a product form a company who promotes normalising negroid subhumans like this.
Booxchad here.
Imagine being a kobo or worse a kindle kuck.
My Kobo Clara HD won't charge or turn on after i left it for a month. what the fuck do i do? My last one did this and Rakuten sent me out a new one because it was still in warranty. has this happened to anyone else?
It happens to most users, Kobo is cheap but they make a shitty gook product
Purchase the Huawei e-reader
Should have bought a Kindle, mine still works perfectly after years of use.
What does /lit/ think about reflective LCD like Hisense Q5?
personally i do first reads on kindle and buy the physical copies if i want to read it further
My battery on my ereader was only lasting about a day so I replaced it and was going to also replace the SD card at the same time only to find out that there is no SD card. I thought I got one with an internal SD card slot but now I've cucked myself with 8 GB storage until I buy another ereader. At least my battery will last about a month now.
What book is this?
'Women' by Bukowski, just before he got soft.
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I like e-readers because they allow you to read socially unacceptable material in public.
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can anyone direct me to a place where i can find a respectable dictionary like the OED, Websters, etc in .idx, .ifo, and .dict.dz filetypes so i can use it on my likebook mars? currently using wiktionary which i downloaded from https://www.dictinfo.com/
I wanna know this too
Enjoy my african american friends.
Do you really need more than 8gb of books at all time considering the size of an epub,i have a 16gb kindle paperwhite and have about 4gb filled up,i feel like i have a decade worth of books to read in that and i keep adding some when i stumble upon something interesting so just load up what you plan to read or reread in the next year or so.
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thanks but i can't get these links to work.
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it's lit
same but for monolingual french ? the one amazon provides is pure trash
I vividly remember some garbage posts on 4chan from 8 years ago and online Bible verses no way the display has a significant impact when the content you read actually hooks you in
can someone convince me I don't need a new(used) paperwhite/oasis? I have a 10th gen 4gb basic and a 7th gen paperwhite(300ppi) I bought used for dirt cheap both jailbroken with koreader, but I'm feeling a strong urge to consume. seems like a bunch on the used market are still running or lower. I don't want to consume though, but bigger display....
That's disappointing. Try this.
you're not supposed to snort your autism medication
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that's done it. working great. thank you.
>autism medication
they have that???
what's the easiest way to get this white-on-black text on an android e-reader? i can't find anything for it in the settings.
I use KOReader and it has a setting for it. It should work with your device.
Don't have my Kobo yet. Why is KOReader better than native?
Way more functionality and customizability. You don't lose nickel though. KOReader just works s an optional alternative to Nickel after you install it. I haven't used Nickel since I started using KOeader.
Will it use the tags/series I set up in calibre?
I don't actually know. I'm fine with just going by author so I never delved into that functionality. You can look at the guide to see if it works with tags/series in the way you want, the browser is pretty robust.
Libra 2 has the best display among all e-readers.
There are YouTube videos with comparisons.
My wife just ordered me a Kobo Clara for my birthday. I'm excited to get back into reading.

I was hoping anons could give me book recs. I prefer nonfiction about things like history, psychology, and science. I'd love to learn more about ancient civilizations. Any suggestions?
the longships
I haven't thrown away my physical books. I still buy handsome editions I like, or books I REALLY want to read. But everything else is an ebook, yes. I was an ebook detractor. Until I gave my wife an ereader for xmas. I was converted on day 1.
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Thanks for the recs! Your comment reminded me that I'd been meaning to read The Origin of Consciousness. I think I'll start with that one.
Got my Libra Colour. Is it normal for there to only be 26.9GB free with no books installed?
>hit on the realisation I can use my e-reader while riding my exercise bike
Game changer
>I prefer nonfiction about things like history, psychology, and science. I'd love to learn more about ancient civilizations. Any suggestions?
Read "History: Fiction or Science" by A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovskiy.
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Amazon sucks, but I like their "immersion reading" feature or whatever they call it. I like to fall asleep listening to audiobooks, but "just audio" really sucks. Being able to open my eyes and look at the tablet to actually see certain sections, or in the morning being able to jump right back to text is really nice.
I'm hoping in the future some e-reader will have a good A.I. reading app built in that can just do it with any book. As of right now I have to keep cancelling and signing up to Audible to get compatible audiobooks. (They seriously pretty much never stop inviting you back with free or 99 cent months) The regular price that they want for audiobooks is insane...
I was just thinking about this, is it easy to revert if I don't like KOReader? More functionality seems nice but the UI looks worse than native so I'm hesitant
Coworker sold me a 2015 Paperwhite for $20
I'm really excited to read more. I generally prefer paper, but books are just so annoying to carry around.
my brother
>what the hell, it's been 30 minutes?

it beats music or tv
You can literally switch back and forth between KOReader and Nickel. If you can't figure out how to get back to Nickel just power down your device completely and it will boot into Nickel with a new button that allows you to switch to KOReader. It should be easy to remove KOReader if you prefer Nickel. That being said, the KOReader UI is more complicated but it feels about the same as Nickel UI to me just with more options. Some of the menu navigation isn't as intuitive as Nickel imo but for me it's worth it since I rarely use the menus. Most of my time by far is spent actually reading.

Right before I was going to post this I realized you might not know that the default/native OS for Kobo devices is called Nickel. I'm going to leave the original part of this message anyway.
Addendum: When I first installed KOReader I was in the middle of a book and the KOReader default setup is worse than the way I had Nickel so I went back to Nickel to finish that book before getting KOReader set up the way I like it. I would recommend using the smallest and shortest epub you have available to set up KOReader. I think KOReader comes with a couple of texts that would probably be ideal for this but i's been a few years so I might be misremembering. The reason is because every time you change something that changes the text, like font size or margins, KOReader basically reloads the entire document so it takes forever if you try to do it on a 10k page monster like I did at first. Also make sure you're making the changes permanent defaults and style tweaks are set to always override the epub's built in style or else you're going to be changing settings every time you open a new book. I don't really give a shit about the publisher's style preferences I just want to comfortably read shit.
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Why are people still using koreader when Plato is faster and has a better UI?
I actually have Plato installed as well as KOReader, I just never bothered to try it out. I don't mean to shill for KOReader, I just have no experience with Plato and nobody was asking about it and I think you're the first person I've seen mention it in a long time. I could give Plato a try though.
top tier software that enhances your kobo even further
you'll never be able to go back
I have a Kobo coming in the mail soon. What exactly does this software add?
I don't have a Kobo slab.
I only use it for pdfs, I like Nickel the most for regular epubs. I only asked cause there might be a legitimate feature that I'm unaware, I tried both and Plato page turning speed is noticeable faster.
the problem isn't the e-reader the problem is the books available. I feel like i need to dig deeper but alas i can't be bothered and now i can't get to the library because i gave my last Maserati to the jew mafia over at the KKKars for kids I'm left to my own devices watching brain killmeeski hosting from fort jewbragg on the telebibi who's going to jail old school for murdering all those peopels
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autism levels of customization/settings menus, very good calibre support/integration, and Wikipedia/dictionary work lookup are some highlights
Forgot the most requested Nickel feature that isn't implemented. GO TO PAGE
It's kinda laughable that they missed it and still haven't updated the firmware with it.
Only times I have trouble finding ebooks I want is textbooks (usually shitty PDFs), specific translations, and Japanese books (which I can always buy myself).
Love it. I'll download
koreader also tracks reading time per book so you can know how long it actually took you to read a book instead of guessing. calendar timeline plots also
don't know if kobo software does, but kindle shit doesn't (at least the current firmware on my old ass pw2)
I tried Plato today like I said I would. I don't particularly like it but it seems to be better than Nickel at least. I didn't notice improved page turning speed. The menus have a more modern design than KOReader's basic box style menus. Plato appears to have far less functionality than KOReader but that might just be due to my unfamiliarity with the software. I'll be sticking with KOReader but I can definitely see why someone would use Plato over Nickel.
buying an ereader doesn't mean you necessarily have to give up physical books. if anything it made me more intentional with my physical purchases
oh man as someone who loves tinkering with settings and customisation with new software, setting up KOReader for the first time was like morphine for me. Almost every setting has autism levels of granularity. It ook me around two and a half hours to get the font, UI/UX, and dictionary just the way I like it, but on the plus side I haven't had to change any of those initial settings ever since. It can be a huge time sink at first but ultimately it's just 'set it and forget it'. Plus if you already know Lua you can play around with the source code
Simple as follows: Physical for reading entertainment books that you wanna feel. E-reader for obscure book or for books that you cant find physically or that you read to learn from.
You can do both.

>Sherlock Holmes Complete Illustrated, complete works of Plato etc.
have it on paper

>Dan Brown thriller
do you really need to have it on your bookshelf forever
I definitely like my rare and obscure books displayed in my physical library. I use my e-reader for basically all reading but I still like to have physical copies of certain books. I like the prestige of beautifully displayed books while still being able to read trashy or shit tier novels in the privacy of my e-reader.
When I read books I keep almost pressing my finger on words to pull up the dictionary.
I bought a couple thousand dollars of books from ebay in 2022 and I have to keep them in storage bins, I would buy more but there's just nowhere to put them. Not sure if it matters either way when I have stacks of physical and electronic books I haven't read.
Is the Scribe the only product on the market right now with a 10" screen at 300 ppi?
I'll be the asshole and reply when I don't fathom the full import of that. I was using a used Touch 2 for years and when I bought an Elipsa I looked at my Touch a week later and was legit confused how I read 1000 page novels on it.
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I do often as well. Trying to pinch images to zoom in as well.
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Why do I feel sleepy when I use my kindle?
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Pocketbook for my pseud books, my Onyx Boox Tab 3 for textbooks, PDFs, and note-taking.
Pocketbook is super private in that you don't need an account to use it, no auto-updates etc.
>Onyx Boox Tab 3
Onyx Note Air 3*
That's just the Amazon sissy hypnosis doing its work.
Before I ever got a kobo I would try to write down vocabulary, I was reading Lolita for instance and Nabokov is constantly flexing. Or Blood Meridian. I'd list them down on a little note and then look them all up one by one and I'll tell you it just didn't stick.
Nabokov using the scientific word for seals, like porcine but for seals. Fucking nerd.
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I'm thinking of giving away my PW5 to my cousin and use the Boox Tab Ultra as my main device. 227ppi doesn't bother me as much, but this thing weighs like a brick and I feel the bones in my hand breaking down everytime I hold it for longer than 15 minutes.
I've been thinking about getting. My option is currently between Kobo Libra Colour and Meebook P78 Pro. The Libra because of its the newer model and colour(!) and the P78 because its 7.8". What do you guys think? Both of this are roughly the same price
>Buy one ereader once, stop supporting the pozzed industry
>Keep buying books and supporting them
Easy choice muttman.
Man and His Symbols
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
Faster, support more formats, allows to browse files through folders, better light options, no need to register/be connected to get most of its features, customizable, updated every two months, uses less battery https://koreader.rocks/user_guide/
>I'd love to learn more about ancient civilizations
>Programmed in rust
Hell yeah I'm adding this to my list

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