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>bases his whole career on "reviewing" (reacting) to music on a YOUTUBE without any backup plan
>is gonna lose channel because of breaking copyright laws
>immediately posts a mental breakdown for everyone to see

I mean i do enjoy his stuff from time to time but this was just a matter of time
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this desu. him crying like a lil bitch is understandable but doing so on camera seemed hella manipulative and coming from a deep sense of entitlement since he must've known this to be an inevitability given that YT doesn't play with copyright compared to other platforms. him diversifying his reach by livestreaming on various platforms (even at the same time) would've given him far more security but alas, he's an immature dumbfuck. damn near feel like slapping sense to him.
Brad Taste lives off by mocking other people's art, it is interesting how he can't handle any ounce of criticism towards himself, I remember he made shitty "funny" rap song and he got shat on it and he made one of his "mental breakdown" videos.
His content is without a doubt some of the most annoying I've ever come across.
I don't want to see him cry, be hurt, but he is so fucking annoying.
>only source of income is unstable and could disappear at any time
>Do nothing to expand, don't invest, don't save
>Threatened with losing it all and have a public breakdown
Lmao at this dude. I'm guessing this is his first time having more than a couple hundred bucks in his bank account.
iirc YouTube has a 3 strike system for copyright and they go away after some time. Why is he reacting like he just got the news he's terminally ill, it's his first strike. Just stream on twitch like fantano, they couldn't give less of a shit about dmca

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remember of Montreal?
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Trans people think Kevin is true trans.. because he's a feminist dumb fuck like them
kevin's brother does a lot of the cover art, he has a distinct style
Many years ago some guy at a party told me that "you've never been to a party unless this song (Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse) is playing".

I never saw that guy ever again but I often think of that quote whenever I hear Of Montreal.
always thought this stuff was just gay guy music
Hes not even gay though

Video Edition, looking like this might keep going..
BONUS diss tracks
>The Game - Freeways Revenge (Rick Ross Diss)
>King Combs - Pick a Side (50 Cent Diss)
>Gucci Mane - TakeDat (Diddy Diss)

Complete list of diss tracks
>Drake ft. J Cole - First Person Shooter
>Future, Metro Boomin', Kendrick Lamar - Like That
>Big Sean - The Whole Time (freestyle)

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Is this the official anti-pedo anthem?
https://youtu.be/shOQY4UjEe8?si=HGBTeO__rHitSAPG is this the nuke drake keeps yapping about?
>verification not required
I'm just here thinking "please be real" ever since the AI Tupac + Snoop shit
This would be so hilarious

Why didn't Drake just ask Snoop to do a feature on his diss track?
>17/18 age gap is equivalent to 17/37
we've always had Romeo and Juliet laws for this reason. or maybe you don't have those in America, catch up.

>sounds like it's from 1995
how did he do it?

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really trying to learn some kickass guitar solos, I already know a decent amount and I want you to post your all-time favorite. if you can't choose then just give a top 3 list. GENRE DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL JUST POST 'EM.

my current favorite is this starting at 1:53
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>Dino jr.'s guitarist is pretty good, odd that I never hear about them when it comes to 90's grunge.
It's definitely because of his voice. It's not the most pleasing to the ears.
I love Dino and J Mascis for the guitar solos, and often I just skip around the vocals depending on the song

sarcasm is lost on you

killer noisy solo by helmet

great indie solo in the middle

and a killer jam solo at the end from the knack
longing for fire

How did it became the most beloved grunge album?
I thought we were supposed to say that Nevermind is the best
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he died much older than 27
>Nevermind is the best
sure maybe if anyone ever listened to one
any surface level grunge fan knows Core and Purple, the ones people really sleep on are bands like Skin Yard and Tad
i dont kow any of that i just hear "walk in your naked garden" or some shit like is that one or two songs?

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Thoughts on her music?
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Not a woman.
mids and ugly people should be sterilized
(t. not a good looking guy)
Mahalia got a rack like that too
Amyone got webms?
just bought her whole discography because of this pic

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In Odin Hour by Death In June, what's the lyrics for the chorus? It sounds like German but I may be mistaken.

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Where did the people who kept saying Vultures by Kanye was supposed to have a huge impact on music go? It seems largely forgotten now
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>they just said it was good, and it is
Then why is it completely forgotten
name one other album that was played at the tiktok rizz party

you cant
It was well-produced but it didn't really feel like anything revolutionary, and Kanye has a very smelly energy about him nowadays so I didn't love it. I'm still playing Donda more than this
It’s not don’t let self righteous Twitter faggots tell you otherwise

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In terms of exposure.
Always crazy to find that artists formerly only known by indie nerds have millions of plays for some songs
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Ahem... there are definitely scenes. More than there ever were. Build your own too.
Sort of, yeah, but it's a more fundamental social problem than even that
Discord isn't real. I only use that kind of stuff to talk to people I've met IRL or through IRL friends.
For artists it's one of the most valuable tools ever to galvanize your fanbase. Interact with them, collect them into a shared space.
Maybe so for popularity, but it's no replacement for real community
what is the picrel supposed to convey, exactly? anyway royalties paid by Spotify to artists last year:

$10k+: 66,000 artists
$100k+: 11,600
$1m+: 1,250

I assume you made less than $10k

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Come to Brazil edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>121909279
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Minus the sister part, Wozzeck.
Don't know how I didn't know about Bach's Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, listening to no. 3 right now (Maisky / Argerich)
Cyril Scott
Has anyone composed classical music with a drum set that doesn't sound cheesey-as-fuck?
I'm sure drum sets could sometimes be used instead of classical percussion.

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music core
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8. What is the reason for this group’s existence..? Is this a group created for plagiarism?
gonna need to download the performance, it was more noticeable yesterday
kinda like Twice
absolutely love STAYC
still indifferent about ILLIT

I'll probably join you soon, brother.

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What are the best chud musicians / groups?
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Bones? Chud? Oh wow he hung out with MDE a few times
Read any interview or anything from the past 5 years or so. He positions himself to be the direct opposite of liberal culture rap. He isn't that vocal but its easy to tell whose side he is on. Also marketing MDE is pretty chud attitude no matter how you want to spin it
>uhh actually my favourite artists are chuds because.... because they JUST ARE OK?!??!?!!
who gives a rats ass
OP asked for it

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teen gossip board
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I too hate Rock music.
This good shit is why I still read the tabloids
40 Year Olds who never got to be teens gossiping about the worst music you've ever heard.
shilling for /mu/
can it get worse for you? is that possible?

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