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This is what my city does with land next to a transit station
>Ample parking to encourage park & ride
>Can easily be redeveloped when demanded
>Bus loop
>Sidewalks everywhere
>be me
>arrive at station by bus
>fancy a coffee and a snack
>nearest shop is across a 4 lane road and endless parking lot
>2 crosswalks that prioritize cars
>wait 5 minutes for the light to change
>walk another 5 minutes across the parking lot
>nearly get runover in the process
>finally get my coffee
>Take 10 minutes getting back to the bus loop
>it's been 20 minutes since I started
>miss the bus because of the traffic light
>The next bus isn't for another hour
Oh no... anyways. Also if it takes 20 minutes to get back and forth you must be really fucking fucking fat
>pack coffee in thermos and snack in bag
>eat on train
wew that was hard there anon!
That’s rough man. America really needs to get smarter with land use.
Oof. You said it, Chang.
>subhumans, I mean, suburbans think this is how trains should work
cagebrained, more proof suburban lifestyle is incompatible with modernity
I don’t have a problem with suburbs but they should pay their fair share in infrastructure taxes and stop controlling land use policy.
This. There is absolutely no reason to get hung up about park and rides.
>works with the road network for a healthier transportation ecosystem
>every car that's there represents a vehicle not in a downtown area or en route to downtown
>helps create a positive experience for mass transit
They didn’t have to make THAT much parking. That’s a shitton.
>infrastructure taxes
This is all complete fiction and Reddit fell for it, despite it flying in the face of all evidence
>stop controlling land use policy
Also complete fiction. This implies that suburbs not only have a voice in a major city's land use planning system but somehow have outvoted the inner city.
And almost all of it is being used, which makes the transit station look wildly successful.
Looks full to me
For a 9-5 commuter rail station it's actually very successful as a P&R but that's because local transit sucks.
>stop controlling land use policy.
Yes, stop controlling land use so that only single family homes and strip malls can be built
god I wish my country had ample parking space
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Look at this awful selfish old monster STEALING housing from the young. She doesn't even know what's in her best interests, she should be forcibly evicted and placed in a senior living facility and force fed gruel and ensure so the property can be seized and razed and given to developers to crank out some rental units to enrich institutional investors, home ownership is LITERALLY the housing crisis
Putting apartments over that parking lot would yield a lot more use though.
>Putting apartments over that parking lot would yield a lot more use though.
A lot more "use" in what way? This isn't SimCity where land space is limited and population and density are rewarded.
>This isn't SimCity where land space is limited and population and density are rewarded.
It literally is tho, more residents = more business = more tax revenue
>This isn't SimCity where land space is limited
Wow, anon literally believes the map is procedurally generated
There's not unlimited space but it's always hilarious to me how every single parking lot, no matter what its use, accessibility, popularity, or cost is somehow bad and must be redeveloped right there instead of anything else.
>I got called on my bullshit, better make up a strawman
Nobody is arguing to redevelop every parking lot ever into something else. What is being argued, especially in the context of this thread, is that land around transit stations is put to better use as housing than as parking.
Whoa... I hadn't considered that before, Chang.
Ridership, obviously.
>Nobody is arguing to redevelop every parking lot ever into something else.
It's not a strawman to notice how there are dozens of Reddit posts and Twitter memes that are reposted that highlight every non-building in a downtown area.
>is that land around transit stations is put to better use as housing than as parking.
So get rid of a perfectly good, inexpensive-to-operate park and ride for apartments, most of which will still continue to use their own vehicle. Great job.
100% of those cars parked there are going to use the transit system. Betting that anywhere close to that number in a suburban TOD is not going to be close to that.
Urbanists don't actually have opinions of their own because they don't live in a city, or interact with anyone who lives in a city. They're just regurgitating social media posts from zombie bot farms programmed to push a specific meme to overturn some local law in some long-settled zoning dispute that some moneyed development group wanted tilted in a certain direction. That's why they always sound so detached from reality. It's like 3 or 4 layers of abstraction away from any actual real world situation. If you call them out on it they just resort to name calling and personal attacks.
That’s not many people. In a TOD you’d have several hundred people at least.
What’s funny about America is many of those cars are parked quite a long way from their destination. Just out housing there and people’s overall commute times would be shorter.
It defeats the point of using a car when you have to get out and walk that much.
....then you do....
The really amazing thing is the npcs who will humilate themselves by living in a crackerbox next to a real person.
>live in a crackerbox
>live with your parents
Am I missing any options?
>That’s not many people. In a TOD you’d have several hundred people at least.
Without knowing the metro area or surrounding area, or the statistics of the park and ride, I'll have to estimate from the picture given. The low-rise apartments nearby and various industrial sites nearby suggest this isn't a hot spot for redevelopment. If that whole plot was re-developed as mid-rise apartments and parking garages, there isn't a realistic way for developers to get a return investment since it would flood the area with apartments that are too "nice" for the market. So not only is the new parking garage meant to replace the P&R going to be far more expensive to build and operate than a parking lot, the transit-oriented development is likely going to sit empty if it's too expensive, and if it is more upscale, most if not all of the residents will have cars and probably want to use them anyway.
Park and rides should be at the edge of cities only, or they are used as cancer nodes as the intuitive waste is then build around the park and rides as hubs......
Yep. Apartment over retail.....it's called a city.....
Suburban Americans would do anything except stack parking lots on top of each other.
>b-but muh safety, parking garages are dangerous
Crime happens everywhere in that disgraceful shithole country
Why do you think about us this much
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>thread about american suburban stations
>surprised when people in the thread talk about america
That's not what I asked

Why do you, specifically, think about us this much?
That question implies there is no reason to think about "you" in this thread, so it is, to put it bluntly, retarded
You still didn't answer what I asked

Why do you think about us this much?
>You still didn't answer what I asked
The reason was articulated in the previous reply
You're obsessed with us
You are seething because you don't know which country I am from, which means you can't fire back.
The OP pic is pure cringe. You could at least put apartments on the same block as the station and leave another block for the suburbanites.
It would not work as park n rides are owned by the state Department of Transportation. They are not a private land development company.
>put to better use as housing than as parking.

This is so inane. Nobody wants to live next to the train. Thats why apartments next to the L in chigago are an urban hellscape meme.

I would argue the best use of land around a car park is light commercial. A coffee shop, a gas/charging station, a pharmacy, etc.
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it works for certain people
modern trains are barely noticeable, the L was built in the late 1800s and uses steel construction that no other railway uses anymore.
I don't know and don't care

The structure isn't what makes the noise
American here: we are the assholes shitting in the punch bowl of the world, forever. That's why. There is a world outside your head, toddler.
I'm not self-hating
I live next to the train lol and I never hear it.
Highways however, that’s a different story.
only sensible post itt
>semi-truck jake braking intensifies
colored gentlemen in chargers intensifies
>white failsons in mustangs intensifies
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>brubbrubs intensifies
Yeah highways are noisy as fuck. And they pollute the air.
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"wh**e" is a very offensive slur against european-americans, please delete this post
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I will never live in an apartment. Sorry but I'm just not gonna do it.
Ok retard, buy a few acres outside a small rural town instead.
Nah I'll just keep living on the same land my ancestors in the past 200 years lived on. I will NOT take a mortgage nor pay someone else's mortgage.
That's like a train or two full of people. Cars are space inefficient, honestly it looks like it could use more parking.
Boohoo the world doesn't roll out the red carpet for your every whim. There are greater tragedies in this picture than the lack of a coffeeshop. You sound like my wife when she tries to tell me that we should just drive and pay $100 for parking whenever we go to an event that we can get to just fine by train for $10
Pasty trailer trash hands typed these posts
Look at the picture, its almost full. They didn't build enough - there's no growth capacity.
They do build parking garages in the suburbs, where there is demand for it.

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