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he world is at a startling demographic milestone. Sometime soon, the global fertility rate will drop below the point needed to keep population constant. It may have already happened.

Fertility is falling almost everywhere, for women across all levels of income, education and labor-force participation. The falling birthrates come with huge implications for the way people live, how economies grow and the standings of the world’s superpowers.

In high-income nations, fertility fell below replacement in the 1970s, and took a leg down during the pandemic. It’s dropping in developing countries, too. India surpassed China as the most populous country last year, yet its fertility is now below replacement.

Fertility is below replacement in India even though the country is still poor and many women don’t work—factors that usually sustain fertility.
Urbanization and the internet have given even women in traditional male-dominated villages a glimpse of societies where fewer children and a higher quality of life are the norm.

“The demographic winter is coming,” said Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, an economist specializing in demographics at the University of Pennsylvania.

Many Capialist government leaders see this as a matter of national urgency. They worry about shrinking workforces, slowing economic growth and underfunded pensions and pitchforked villagers; and the vitality of a society with ever-fewer children. Smaller populations come with diminished global clout, raising questions in the U.S., China and Russia about their long-term standings as superpowers.

Some demographers think the world’s population could shrink within four decades—one of the few times it’s happened in history
This is a macro issue for capitalism.
WSJ is pissed at the idea of rising real wages

They don’t actually give a damn if people are able to have families and kids

The rich need slaves.
Robot slaves, its seems, are on the horizon

We had baby boomers 1.1 billion worldwide that created the modern economic boom coupled with globalization.

Their retirement is creating the same level of problems their growth did. In the 1970s when they came online we had a massive bit of inflation due to the massive need for housing, cars, stuff. We also saw wages go flat and unions get crushed because we had too many people.

Now we have those billion going into retirement so we are losing workers as seen by the shrinking labor pool especially in western countries and north Asian countries. So now we have labor inflation and slower demand in lots of things.

. And when the average person is now older and many more retired were seeing less cars being purchased and even those cars are driving less per year. Same with a number of goods. This then hit the energy industry as we have seen the total gas usage being flat to down.

We also have massive increases in the need for retirement care, medical care and pensions. This is taxing governments and removing people from the "productive" side of the economy to the "care" side.

So this is freaking out governments because even if they suddenly increase birth rates today they are "locked in" to these problems unless they open the country to high rates of immigration which is generally harder with a large elderly population who tend to be more conservative and xenophobic.
How do you people find these links? Do you go to MSN all the time?
the jews plan if coming to fruition
We need to shift as many resources out of the global south as possible and set up minefields so they can't migrate away
No you retard. Nobody actually uses msn.com
Duckduckgo, brave, and other privacy-respecting search engines use it because of the two large news aggregators, msn doesn't sell off your data like Google does
>Capitalists make living too expensive
>Birth rate drops because no one can afford children
>"Oh no, our working class! Who could've seen this coming!?"
You'd think this would make them inactive more progressive policies to make living easier for young people
Who are these capitalists?
Oh you mean the neoliberals like UN/WEF, Blackrock and all the other scum of the Earth you faggots advocate for when people attack them because they push left wing society destroying shit.
>msn doesn't sell off your data like Google does
Even if that were true, which it isn't, microsoft would still keep the data and use it to track you which is not any better than selling off the data.
Yes, everyone knows Republicans are historically for making sure corporations pay their fair share in taxes and are well regulated.
Taxes don't mean shit when the government just feeds the taxes collected back the companies that were taxed as government contracts.
Are you, dare I say, a fucking idiot who is entirely unaware?
Wait but you Chuds told me there were too many people on the globe. Which is it?
That doesn't make the stockholders hard this quarter.
>coping off the rails on a schizo traaaain...

They're not mutually exclusive statements
the WSJ link is behind a pay wall

We need robots NOW.

The labor shortage will spur tech in this area.

But prices will go up as a result of labor shortages until then
>slowing economic growth

Maybe the focus should be on a _sustained_ economy instead of trying to reach for ever more growth.

The fewer people there are, the more valuable each individual becomes and the better their life is.
>the focus should be on a _sustained_ economy instead of trying to reach for ever more growth.
>The fewer people there are, the more valuable each individual becomes and the better their life is


elon & jeff will get us warp drive and we(those deemed worthy) will colonize planets around other stars(first mars though).
capitalism forever
Neoliberals are capitalists and not leftists, nt. It's not my fault people are easily swayed on social issues to ignore the actual evils of a company like blackrock.
>colonize planets around other stars(first mars though).

Sadly it'll never happen, as between Wall Street's greed and the Left's woketarded insanity, humanity is doomed. Thousands of years from now alien archeologists will visit Earth and as they're sifting thru the ruins, they'll wonder how we fucked it all up.
>Sadly it'll never happen,
i was joking stupid person.
spend that $ here fixing earth and creating ai overlords to keep us in line
>Maybe the focus should be on a _sustained_ economy instead of trying to reach for ever more growth.
>Sadly it'll never happen, as between Wall Street's greed and the Left's woketarded insanity, humanity is doomed.

Do you have anything actually insightful to add, or are you just an amalgamation of pitifully nihilistic placations for pseudo intellectuals to justify their own inherent selfishness?
>spend that $ here handing it out to 3rd world savages

>I love my corporate masters!
Are you going to cry now?
>Gen Z and millennials don't buy into propaganda their parents did
>Refuse to make next generation of workers until living conditions improve
Anyone who says we're being selfish is a retard. This has been coming for a long time.
Sorry best they can do is raise the rent again and require people make 3x asking price to qualify.

Millennial renters are starting to struggle to even afford pets now. Zoomers are completely fucked it's a travisty
I wanted a dog this year, but my mom and sister need help feeding theirs now. It costs like $100/week to feed them now.
This was intentionally done by (((them))) and biden in order to genocide white people and the japanese.
Why is the solution always
>we need more third worlders
also look at the problem
>crushing poverty
>girls are encouraged to fuck around and be in harems until they hit like 30 and by then guy don't want to put a ring on a 30 year old roastie who has had miles of chad dick run on her
too many global southerners. we need to start spaying and neutering them to stop global warming
jews made you afraid to talk to girls?
I have no issue with talking to women. my issue is I do not want to date any woman in her 30s, any women who has had sexual partners and any fat women.
(((they))) caused all 3 of those things to be issues. If I didn't care about those 3 things it would be super easy getting a wife
why lie anon. you're a forever alone poltard
I'm not even lying. If I dropped 2/3 of those requirements I'd have a gf right now. even with those it isn't really hard to get a date with a latina or asian FoB.
>trying this hard to convince us
i can tell i've struck a nerve
>Millennial renters are starting to struggle to even afford pets now.

My apartment complex (metro Detroit burbs) wants $300 per year plus $25 per month for a dog or cat, or $600 per year total for a pet. And my rent is about to go up from $950 to $1021 for a small one-bedroom place...
you didn't. keep seething
My friend and I moved into a guy's place for a job we did in San Diego. Just a room for each of in his house; we had to share a bathroom, mind you. It was $1500/month
>progressive policies
you mean importing more third worlders and giving them free houses and priority for schooling and jobs on the citizens dime?
I mean UBI, raised federal minimum wages, debt forgiveness, paid paternal leave, affordable housing, affordable daycare, etc.
>I mean UBI,
wow, all rents went up by the exact value of the UBI
>, raised federal minimum wages
wow, (((they))) keep hiring illegals for less than minimum wage and now there is hyperinflation
>debt forgiveness,
wow, my taxes go up to give more and more cash to the (((owners of the universities)))
>paid paternal leave,
wow, I am forced to pay into a system that benefits others because no way the corpos are footing the bill
>affordable housing,
wow, all the housing is given away to blacks and illegals on the taxpayer's dime. whites don't qualify
>affordable daycare, etc.
wow, my taxes are jacked sky high and all the spots are given priority to blacks and illegals
So, that's your solution? Work harder? Cuz you can go fuck yourself. People like you who think we should just lay down and accept the miserable deal we've been given are beyond reasoning with.
Quit obsessing with people who don't match your skin color and think about real reasons people can't have kids. It's not the Mexicans fault your boss only pays you $13/hr
I get paid about $90/hr and enough in stock you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Oh, and I work hard.
It's not my fault you have no skills and are lazy/stupid or both
I make more than $13 an hour. illegals and h1bs literally negatively affect wages. the solution is simple, go door to door arresting and deporting all illegals and hedge fund managers and if they return to the country put them to death for illegal immigration. also end section 8
Well, good for you. I'm 31 and make 90k/year. I still have to live with my parents because Florida is insanely expensive thanks to decades of unbroken republican leadership.
If someone making as much money as me is still struggling, imagine how much worse it is for people making a third of that. Why would they have kids without some form of government assistance?
Your boss hired the illegals for $7/hr you fucking dipshit. That is why wages are stagnant. Go after the people using migrant labor. Goddamn, this isn't a hard concept.
ok, round up and deport all illegals and h1bs and then hang all the (((business owners))) who employed the illegals
>bad because of republicans
why are florida and texas gaining residents and Americans are leaving ny, nj, cali, ect and being replaced by illegals and indians?
How is that going to solve 400k houses and minimum wagebbeing 7.25/hr? Stop obsessing with immigrants, you fucking idiot. They are not the reason I don't have kids.
Republicans are leaving New York and Cali and moving here because this is where DeSantis and Trump live. We are the reddest state. We have nobody else to blame for prices being so high here.
Shit's expensive, and I don't want another mouth to feed. So, I'm gonna remain childless
>how would removing millions of criminals who are also working as scabs below minimum wage and h1b visas who are also being used as scabs holding down tech wages/working conditions fix the housing and wage issues
are you retarded? if (((business owners))) can't pay illegals and h1bs less than minimum wage wages will go up due to market pressure. everything has a value and right now illegals and h1b visas are pushing down the value of labor by competing with humans and pushing up the cost of housing by increasing the demand of housing
there is no fucking way places like the panhandle or jacksonville are expensive
Okay, and what's preventing the new business owners from keeping wages at 7.25/hr? What incentives do they have to raise wages now that the Mexicans are gone? People still don't want to have kids, which is the topic at hand you fucking moron.
A single room in the panhandle is 1200/month on average. Republicans ruin shit. Shocking, I know. Someone making 30k a year isn't able to afford a kid with rent that high. There's no illegals in Florida either. Emperor DeSantis made a big deal to remove all of them months ago.
>Okay, and what's preventing the new business owners from keeping wages at 7.25/hr?
No one will work for $7.25 when Walmart pays at least $15. And no one even wants to work at Walmart.
What makes you think anyone is in danger of making $7.25?
>Okay, and what's preventing the new business owners from keeping wages at 7.25/hr? What incentives do they have to raise wages now that the Mexicans are gone?
don't raise wages, get no workers because now there are fewer workers to meet demand so the workers now have more power to sell their labor without the illegal scabs fucking shit up
>People still don't want to have kids, which is the topic at hand you fucking moron.
people don't want to have kids because they are fucking poor. That is the issue that caused it
>Republicans ruin shit.
democrats ruin shit. everything that is bad is bad because democrats. Also I fucking doubt a single room in the panhandle is that expensive
>minimum wage needs to be hire
>we need illegals to do the jobs Americans won't
would you pick oranges or clean toilets for $500,000 per year full benefits? oh you would? seems like the issue isn't Americans don't want to, the issue is pay, pay that is driven down by illegals and h1bs
I'm using that as an example. Even 20/hr a year gets you less than 40k a year after taxes. How do you expect people to raise a family on that?
See above. I'm tired of getting roped into this pointless discussion about migrants. They are not the reason people don't want kids. You are fucking stupid if you think that's why. Mexicans are not part of the equation in Florida. You conveniently ignored that. This state is a shining example of what republican leaders can do for you.
>Mexicans will work for less
>Bosses hire them for dirt wages
>somehow the Mexican is the only part of the problem, not the guy exploiting him
Jesus Christ, this is not a hard concept. Now get back to the actual topic of the article which is Millenials and Gen z not having kids.
>I'm using that as an example. Even 20/hr a year gets you less than 40k a year after taxes. How do you expect people to raise a family on that?
I don't. What's your solution? Vote Democrat?
If so, Ahahahahahaaha!
And I'm not the other anon, but it's Cubans in Florida because communism never did work.
they are literally causing housing and child care to go up in price and wages to go down. you are a retarded fucking cuck if you think more illegals benefits anyone but the 1%. but I bet you voted for obongo and brandon and are shocked they both made shit worse
fucking hang them both
>Now get back to the actual topic of the article which is Millenials and Gen z not having kids.
because they are poor, retard because the (((bankers))) and the dems set up the economy just for them
Yes, Republicans are known well for wanting to lower housing costs, raise wages, and support the middle class. It's cute that you want blame immigrants so badly, but they are not the problem in Florida. Meatball Ron made a big deal to expel them. I don't know why it's so hard to accept.
Okay, then why are housing and groceries still so expensive here if DeSantis kicked out all the illegals? It's almost like there's a different problem.
It's capitalists not wanting to pay fair wages. 20/hr still doesn't get you shit today. You'd need to be making close to 200k to support a family. I guess it's their fault for not working hard enough, right?
>Okay, then why are housing and groceries still so expensive here
massive inflation intentionally caused by biden and (((hedgefunds))) buying up all the single family houses and no one wants to build multi family houses because no one wants to live near blacks or illegals. housing prices went up as soon as people stopped being able to segregate towns
>It's capitalists not wanting to pay fair wages. 20/hr still doesn't get you shit today. You'd need to be making close to 200k to support a family. I guess it's their fault for not working hard enough, right?
biden and the dems and (((the global bankers))) took us off the gold standard so they could fuck over. Go look at inflation in the US over time. Big spike when (((wilson))) created the (((federal reserve))), big spike when FDR changed the value of the dollar in relation to gold and then let the (((global bankers))) decide the dollar's value and then another big spike when (((nixon))) took us off the gold standard. (((Dems))) like to blame reagan for wages not following productivity, but the inflection point is when (((nixon))) took us off the gold standard. under (((obongo))) and (((brandon))) the rich got way richer than everyone else and now pay less taxes
>massive inflation intentionally caused by biden and (((hedgefunds))) buying up all the single family houses and no one wants to build multi family houses because no one wants to live near blacks or illegals. housing prices went up as soon as people stopped being able to segregate towns
And why did 6 decades of republican leaders do nothing to stop any of this?
Republicans have offered no solutions to solving millenials and ven z not having kids. Your rhetoric on jews and Mexicans is idiotic drivel. Republicans won't make it any easier to raise a kid on 50k/year.
12 of the last 16 years we have been under dem control federally. 20 of the last 32 years we have been under dems. you are acting like its affordable in communist controlled shitholes like NY, NJ and california where the affordability crisis is even worse. but I bet you think if we just vote dem harder, even though again they have been in control for 12 of the past 16 years and caused the problem, somehow that will fix things. even though biden flat out said he wants to replace Americans with illegals and said he wants to replace the japanes, chinese, indians and russians with illegals
In Florida, it has been ruby red for 30 years. Stop trying to blame dems for this state being fucked up and accept responsibility. Since the 80's, Republicans have held office for 24 years. Dems for 20. Also, Regan introduced this thing called Trickle Down Economics, you should read about it if you haven't.
I have been to Cali. Several times. It is much nicer and just as expensive as Florida.
Keep whining about migrants in a thread about young people not having kids. You look real smart.
california, new jersey and new york are deep blue. they are all shit holes worse than florida. its the dems. dems have been in charge 12 of the last 16 years and have just made shit worse and worse and worse. Reagan handed clinton a booming economy, clinton then repealed dodd frank and caused the 2008 housing crisis that obongo and brandon intentionally made worse. everything is the dems fault and it was intentional so make the bankers richers and to replace Americans with illegals. Illegals and h1bs fuck over wages, make housing and college more expensive and shit up the schools since they cost more to educate than Americans.
Go to bed, schizoposter. You've done enough today.

He's our resident schizoposter. He has like 3-4 talking points that he spams in every thread. Don't mind him. His clonazepam will kick in soon.
If towns were allowed to be racially segregated housing prices would drop overnight
>losing argument
>call someone a schizo and samefag
every time
I have been to California on several different occasions for work and lived there. It is much nicer, speaking from personal experience.
>easier to match on tinder
>better weed
>more to do
>beautiful mountain views
Feel free to tell me why Florida is better without mentioning anything to do with Republicans, democrats, immigrants, etc.
You saying Clinton caused something nearly a decade after he left proves me to you're a blithering idiot. Bush spent trillions on Iraq and Afghanistan.
Republicans aren't offering any answers to inflation or any policies to make young people want kids. Not in congress, not on gubernatorial levels. You yourself would rather argue about immigrants. It's hilarious you think people our age look at the republican party as some sort of answer.
What if I want to fuck black chicks?
>I have been to California on several different occasions for work and lived there. It is much nicer, speaking from personal experience.
I've been to florida multiple times, its significantly better than any state that voted for biden
>easier to match on tinder
fatties don't count
>better weed
weed users should be hanged
>more to do
you mean more drugs to do
>beautiful mountain views
dems created mountains
>Feel free to tell me why Florida is better without mentioning anything to do with Republicans, democrats, immigrants, etc.
lower taxes, lower cost of living, fewer illegals, less crime, no one shitting in the street, no one doing drugs in the street, gun rights
>You saying Clinton caused something nearly a decade after he left proves me to you're a blithering idiot.
a. you just outed yourself as a bong and not an American
b. even bernie sanders agrees with me. So please call bernie sanders a fucking retard and say he should retire because he is an old retard
>Bush spent trillions on Iraq and Afghanistan.
and so did obongo and then biden gave them our unconditional surrender
>Republicans aren't offering any answers to inflation or any policies to make young people want kids. Not in congress, not on gubernatorial levels.
deportations, ending H1B visas, lowering taxes, ending section 8 so you don't need to try to price blacks out of neighborhoods
> It's hilarious you think people our age look at the republican party as some sort of answer.
not my fault they are a bunch of retards who are trying to make the problem worse
how would towns banning blacks from moving into a town stop you from fucking black women?
Also why the fuck would you want to fuck black women?
Holy fucking Christ, you're a schizo. I'm not wasting a bunch of time dissecting you're drivel with greentext highlights. You couldn't even try to tell me what Florida has to offer without having to get into politics. LA is literally the best place to live in the world from a perspective of culture, dating, weather, and variety.
Once more, Republicans are not offering solutions to these problems. Migrants are not causing me to avoid being a parent. You can keep insisting they are, but you are wrong and always will be.
>Let's reinstate segregation but still allow interracial couples
You're weird. I'm glad nobody takes authoritarians like you serious and never will.
I know how to talk to black chicks, so I go for them more. A lot of them like anime now. A romantic evening with them is some pop eyes and watching DBZ, One Piece, or Naruto. I don't get what you have against that.
LA is a literal shithole and is one of if not the worst places in the world to live. you literally admitted to being british and addicted to drugs. enjoy your hyper inflation
>>Let's reinstate segregation but still allow interracial couples
you said fuck, not marry
>I'm glad nobody takes authoritarians like you
segregation isn't authoritarian. you can easily just not live in a segregated town. its authoritarian to tell people they can't live in segregation if they want
> I don't get what you have against that.
that 99% of them are fugly
>fairest weather in the world year round
>can see an type climate with just a 2 hour drive
>much more to do from an entertainment perspective than anywhere
You're resoundingly stupid. I don't think you've ever left your hometown. I travel all over the US. I'll be driving through Texas tomorrow.
There isn't just one problem, dullard.
Illegals are a part of the problem and so is legal immigration such as the H-1b.
But even if all the illegals were kicked out and the expatriot workers expelled there would still be more problems
However, this would improve things.
Democrats are well-known for making promises to the uneducated masses they can't nor ever intend to keep. Democrats willingly fuck things up if they're trying to help, as is evidenced by the more stable, lower inflation economies without excessive homelessness in red states.
So, say what you want, shill-sama, but you have no solutions. You will never have solutions. This is because your only method of solving things is to attempt to collect more taxes.
Fucking retarded.
you literally admitted to being addicted to drugs and to being british and not even American. your argument is muh weather, as though dems have any control of that and as though the weather in florida is bad. you admitted you like california because there are drugs there.
anywhere run by dems is a shithole
Your white only Utopia won't solve this issue. Do you think the Target workers there are going to be able to afford living there?
I love my black queens. Like I said, these women have more in common than you give them than you think, but you want to pretend like you work on a plantation so you'll never go for it.Fat women of any color are unappealing.
>Do you think the Target workers there are going to be able to afford living there?
You know, retail workers used to be able to live just fine without any issues.
There wasn't even a problem 20 years ago.
There definitely wasn't a problem 70 years ago.
Unless a Democrat was in office, that is.
>smoking weed is being addicted to drugs
Lol, I can tell you're a ton of fun.I can get drugs anywhere. So can you. They're cheaper in California. I didn't say anything about Britain, you're just an idiot. I'm starting to think you're from SEA.
Florida has terrible weather. We had torrential rain just last night. Hurricanes are a regular thing here.
I haven't seen a single republican offer any solution to this other than
Here's some simple math. If you make 20/hr and work 40 hrs a week, you end up with 40,800 BEFORE taxes. Most people don't even make 20/hr, so it's even worse. You would need to be making 200k a year to raise a family comfortably. You really expect me to believe Republicans will fix that?
>Do you think the Target workers there are going to be able to afford living there?
retail workers literally used to be able to buy houses when we had segregation. The prices and refusal to build housing are literally caused by people not wanting blacks in their towns/blacks going to school with their kids. Literally the entire problem is people are using cost for segregation instead of just normal segregation even dave chapelle and steph curry made it so their towns wouldn't build housing because they didn't want blacks moving in and shitting up the neighborhood
>Fat women of any color are unappealing.
the vast majority of black women are fat
>>smoking weed is being addicted to drugs
addiction =/= physical dependence. if you smoke weed everyday you are an addict. there are tons of weed addicts
>Lol, I can tell you're a ton of fun.
"anyone who doesn't do drugs is boring"
you sound like a drug addict
> I didn't say anything about Britain,
you used british slang
>. I'm starting to think you're from SEA.
unlike you and obongo, I am American
>Florida has terrible weather.
oh no it is warm and sunny, the horror
>We had torrential rain just last night.
california has wild fires and water warnings due to perpetual drought
deport all the illegals and h1bs
allow towns to be whites only
housing crisis solved, wage crisis solved, problem solved
We also taxed the rich at a much higher percentage when we had segregation.
Literally the problem is people in their 30's are doing worse than their parents and realize older generations were fed bullshit and propaganda. Younger generations all over the world have come to recognize this and now refuse to make the next generation slaves that capalists can exploit.
I'm fit, so I can pull women smaller than me. Sounds like you're having a skill issue. I like watching them throw ass to Meg and Doja Cat.
sure thing there moshie. segregation, getting rid of the illegals and h1bs and banning (((them))) from working in the financial industry would solve all the US's problems
Weed is non habit forming. Try asking someone about it who doesn't work at DARE when you feel like learning more.
I didn't use a single British slang word. Blithering isn't slang, you fucking moron. It means you don't know a goddamn thing on what you're talking about.
Florida is on track to be underwater in the next few decades. Hurricanes are getting out of control. Ask yourself why insurance companies are pulling out of the state. The
weather here is notoriously bad.
Explain the mechanism by which taxes made less wealthy people more wealthy please.
I work out and don't eat junk food. Not hard to stay in shape.
What you're suggesting literally wouldn't do a fucking thing to address the reasons younger generations aren't having kids.
Alright, so when does it start to trickle down again?
Are you serious? It already has.
Trickledown worked and works. And every single time a Democrat administration gives Amazon a tax break, it works because it's a completely sound theory.
The only thing better is lower taxes for all.
When? Cuz right now rich people are holding wealth at an alarming rate and the middle class is being eroded.
Why do people making over 160k a year pay less taxes then? Trump himself has even paid $0 some years.
>Weed is non habit forming. Try asking someone about it who doesn't work at DARE when you feel like learning more.
weed literally is habit forming. there are fags who do violence when they go into weed withdrawal that makes them go into a rage. weed is addictive, it just doesn't have a physical dependence
>I didn't use a single British slang word. Blithering isn't slang,
sure thing there nigel. idk why you give so much of a shit about the US. I never think about your shithole island and literally don't know who rules it, faggot.
>Florida is on track to be underwater in the next few decades.
dems have been saying this for years
> Ask yourself why insurance companies are pulling out of the state. The
weather here is notoriously bad.
>I work out and don't eat junk food. Not hard to stay in shape.
sure thing there moshie
>What you're suggesting literally wouldn't do a fucking thing to address the reasons younger generations aren't having kids.
it would drastically lower the cost of living making it possible for people to have kids. again, the housing market and refusal to build new houses is literally because people don't want blacks and illegals moving in. illegals, h1bs and legal immigrants drive wages down
alright, so when does biden and obongo's economy start working for the average person and not the 1%?
weird that the rich got so much richer and the average person got so much poorer under brandon
>weed literally is habit forming.
It literally isnt.
>there are fags who do violence when they go into weed withdrawal that makes them go into a rage.
Maybe teenagers going through their edgy phase, not adults.
>weed is addictive, it just doesn't have a physical dependence
Way to contradict yourself
>sure thing there nigel. idk why you give so much of a shit about the US. I never think about your shithole island and literally don't know who rules it, faggot.
Keep spouting this. You're wrong. You could have just Googled the word, you blithering idiot. You are Idiocracy in full effect.
>dems have been saying this for years
Because it's true
Your Itinerary wouldn't tackle a single issue. Housing prices aren't being controlled by Mexicans. They're not in charge of good prices. They're not destroying the dating scene. Get the fuck over it.
Trickle down never worked and never will work. It was a scam. You are an idiot if you thought otherwise. I went from making 20k under Trump to 90k under Biden. Sounds like you fucked up.
>Trickle down never worked and never will work. It was a scam. You are an idiot if you thought otherwise.
No it works. "Trickledown doesn't work!" is a nice mantra though, despite being backed by no evidence.
>I went from making 20k under Trump to 90k under Biden.
>Sounds like you fucked up.
Jeez they pay shills that much during an election year? Even the shitty ones? I had no idea.
Sounds like you got a degree and a better job.
Of course, your wages could've been the exception and scaled with inflation. But inflation doesn't make anyone more wealthy, so I doubt Bidenflation helped you at all.
And I bet Biden didn't help you study or apply for your new job either so he did less than shit for you.
>It literally isnt.
it literally is https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/addiction.html
>Maybe teenagers going through their edgy phase, not adults.
literally happens to adults
>Way to contradict yourself
addiction and physical dependence aren't the same thing, retard
>Keep spouting this. You're wrong.
you are just mad because your faggot ass got called out again on not being American
>Because it's true
yeah, florida has been totally under water for 20 years now
>Your Itinerary wouldn't tackle a single issue.
it would solve every issue you retard. housing prices and towns refusing to build new housing are both forms of soft segregation. they wouldn't need to exist if there was hard segregation. again, even dave chapelle and steph curry lobbied against adding housing because they didn't want blacks moving into their town. Illegals, h1bs and legal immigrants drive down wages
>Trickle down never worked and never will work.
worked pretty well for my parents. why did the rich get so much richer under obongo and biden while everyone else got poorer?
> I went from making 20k under Trump to 90k under Biden
post paystubs nigel
>weird that the rich got so much richer and the average person got so much poorer under brandon
Whoa whoa now. Cut it out. A critical lens only works on things I don't like!
Where did it work? Nobody under the age of 45 says it works. Rich people paying less taxes and expecting the middle class to pick up the slack doesn't work. They aren't creating new jobs, they aren't raising wages, they aren't reinvesting in companies. Hell, many locations of retail stores and restraunts are closing despite making record shattering profits the last few years.
Trump didn't get me any jobs certainly. I don't what you're hoping to get at with this point
>Inflation goes up, profit numbers go up
>Smooth brainers can't reconcile this
>Where did it work?
The US. All of it.
More recently in places like New York, for instance, where law makers used the concept of trickledown to attract Amazon and other companies.
It works. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.
Now let's talk about lower taxes for all, and more regulation for these big companies.
>Nobody under the age of 45 says it works
12 of the last 16 years we have had a dem president. I think everyone under 45 should be blaming obongo and brandon
>it literally is https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/addiction.html
Oh, NOW you guys believe the CDC? I can tell you from first hand experience it is not.
>you are just mad because your faggot ass got called out again on not being American
You're upset you have a small vocabulary and felt stupid. The guy you call a drug addict has a better vocab than you, I can see why you're upset about this now.
>yeah, florida has been totally under water for 20 years now
I didn't say it is underwater. I said it's sinking. Your reading comprehension is as terrible as your vocabulary and I'm done wasting my time after this
>it would solve every issue you retard. housing prices and towns refusing to build new housing are both forms of soft segregation. they wouldn't need to exist if there was hard segregation. again, even dave chapelle and steph curry lobbied against adding housing because they didn't want blacks moving into their town. Illegals, h1bs and legal immigrants drive down wages
Literally, no it wouldn't. Idk how many more times you want to go in a circle on this, but immigrants are not why people choose to not have kids. I explained it pretty well here. >>1295117
>Literally the problem is people in their 30's are doing worse than their parents and realize older generations were fed bullshit and propaganda. Younger generations all over the world have come to recognize this and now refuse to make the next generation slaves that capalists can exploit
>worked pretty well for my parents. why did the rich get so much richer under obongo and biden while everyone else got poorer?
Yeah, how't it working for you? Right now. Not your parents. You. Corporations and markets have no regulations in this country. A real estate firm can set whatever price they want on a new house, a landlord can raise his rent. Republicans are strongly opposed to regulation. They're not going to step in and fix this.
>12 of the last 16 years we have had a dem president
In the 44 years since Reagan was elected, 24 of them saw republicans in the white house.
So, these companies by all means could and should be opening more positions and stores if they're making more money than ever before, but instead aren't.
>Now let's talk about lower taxes for all, and more regulation for these big companies.
Republicans aren't interested in this.
yeah, wow those 1 year olds working under reagan
>Oh, NOW you guys believe the CDC? I can tell you from first hand experience it is not.
you are wrong and addicted to weed
>You're upset
I'm not upset. nigel you out yourself every fucking thread. you aren't too bright
>I didn't say it is underwater. I said it's sinking.
and the dems said underwater, you fucking retard
>Literally, no it wouldn't.
yes it would
> but immigrants
don't call illegals immigrants
> I explained it pretty well here
and you were wrong and gay
>Yeah, how't it working for you? Right now. Not your parents. You.
worked fucking great under trump and worse under brandon due to his intentional hyperinflation
>A real estate firm can set whatever price they want on a new house, a landlord can raise his rent.
literally just don't buy it retard. if there was segregation prices wouldn't be a problem
GOP lowered taxes for the majority of Americans. brandon oversaw one of the greatest transfers of wealth from the middle class to the rich of all time
>literally just don't buy it retard.
That's what people are doing, retard. Motherfuckers making 40k/year are stuck living with their parents.
>if there was segregation prices wouldn't be a problem
You'd still be broke as shit making 40k/year.
Biden hasn't touched the tax policies. Trump did when he was in office to lower taxes for rich people.
>Biden hasn't touched the tax policies. Trump did when he was in office to lower taxes for rich people.
trump lowered taxes on most Americans. Biden hiked taxes on the middle class.
>That's what people are doing, retard. Motherfuckers making 40k/year are stuck living with their parents.
then the problem will fix itself you fucking moron. unless you know, section 8 was putting blacks and illegals in those houses on the taxpayer's dime
>You'd still be broke as shit making 40k/year.
no illegals means higher wages, segregation means lower housing costs
So far, all Biden has done is propse tax cuts for middle class Americans and families. He hasn't enacted any policies. Trumps tax cuts didn't do shit for me.
Under Biden, I make remarkably more on my tax returns than anyone I know for some reason.
The hosting problem won't be fixed any time soon. People like you expect Americans to just find a way to make enough money to afford a house. You think because the Mexicans are gone real estate agents are going to start asking less? Cuz, they definitely ain't budging any time soon.
20/hr is already well above the minimum wage in most states. And 40k/year is still adjacent to poverty. Use your critical thinking on this.
>You think because the Mexicans are gone real estate agents are going to start asking less?
It was at this moment that everyone realized they were debating a 12 year old and that's why all of the posts seemed to have a 12 year old's understanding.
You have to be 18 to post here.
>So far, all Biden has done is propse tax cuts for middle class Americans and families.
biden raised oil royalties which caused gas prices to go up for everyone
>Trumps tax cuts didn't do shit for me.
because you aren't American
>Under Biden, I make remarkably more on my tax returns than anyone I know for some reason.
that is retarded. that just means you are having them withhold too much because you are a retard. people don't make money on tax returns
>You think because the Mexicans are gone real estate agents are going to start asking less?
lower demand means lower prices, retard
>20/hr is already well above the minimum wage in most states. And 40k/year is still adjacent to poverty. Use your critical thinking on this.
because biden caused hyper inflation. one of the biggest things people pay for is housing, retard
>the solution is simple, go door to door arresting and deporting all illegals

The answer is to station the U.S. military along the border (it's literally their job to defend the country from invaders) and use the immigration dept. to go after _employers and landlords_ who make the uncontrolled 3rd world economic mass migration possible.

If illegals can't get a job and a place to live, they'll go back home on their own.

There are FAR too many illegals in the country for the immigration dept. to chase them down and deport them, (and they'll just come right back) whereas targeting _employers and landlords_ with massive fines and jail time is a much more efficient use of resources.
Biden is going to let the Trump
Tax cuts expire. That means the middle class will pay more and reach people less as Trump actually targeted the wealthy. Look at the SALT deduction. When that goes away, the wealthy will reap millions in mortgage deductions they can’t take now. As for the Trump tax cuts not doing shit for you, then you’re in the wealthy class or just to stupid to realize what they did for you
Well said!
kill them both. the greedy employers and landlords and the invaders
Oddly, exactly what Biden was campaigning for, way back in 2006:
Retarded economists are running the world and hand-wringing that the slaves aren't having enough children to serve in their hell.
want kids? let women be women, and pay men a living wage, you know, like it used to be, once you force women into the labour market, having kids will be the last thing she thinks she wants, give her an house, a decent men with a steady middle class income, and you will see just how much women love kids.. also if you are a men and want to have a lot of children, just make sure your wife doesn't have to work a day in her life, her focus shouls be you and the children
But isn't that what they want? Fewer people? Now I'm confused.

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