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Dudes I went to high school with now have house, wife kids truck dirt bikes side x sides and fuckhuge camper trailers

I'm fucking disgruntled
It's called "high interest debt" my friend
Cash is king, and these people don't have a lot of cash. It's remarkable what and how long you can take credit out for nowadays. My wife and I are making modest wages and we've had to save, but now we're getting gear that's higher end.
Learn to budget and save. Spend money on gear that works for you, and keep an eye out for deals. Second hand gear, and second hand gear stores are a great place to score gear that has plenty of life left.
rich parents who own property
They make $4000 a month and have $3,950 monthly payments
Either a really good job or no savings.
If he's a programmer, he could fairly easily get into a job straight out of college paying $75k
what is a job for 2000 alex. please be 17 OP.

the average person who starts working at 20 making 50 to 60k a year has made 500,000 to 600,000 dollars when they're 30. that income is low enough they're getting government benefits and not paying any taxes at all. Not everyone wastes all their money on fast food, video games, and giving it to only fan whores.

also that though, for every 1 who is good at finances and owns it there are 2 who are leveraged to the hilt and going to ass fucked in the looming economic depression.
>making 50 to 60k a year
> that income is low enough they're getting government benefits and not paying any taxes at all.
Isn't 60k the american average salary? How can the average salary be eligible for benefits?
You niggas are crazy!
People flaunt shit they can barely afford on social media all the time. Stop focusing on other people's "happiness" and start focusing on being happy yourself.
Anon he is just wrong.
I made 65k last year and get zero government benefits.
the bottom half of the united states pays 0 in net taxes. Unless your retarded you have to make about 70k to owe anything with the default standard deduction of federal income taxes. states and cities are a different matter, some places like CA and NY tax people out the ass, some places have none. When someone pays in 8,000 dollars and then gets 4000 in write offs and a 4000 refund from the government that's zero net taxes. NY is as bad as it gets at 11%, so the same guy making 70k paying 0 in fly over country would owe an additional 7700 to NY city + state.

but i'm not. in 2020 and 2021 it was more like 50% "More than 40% of U.S. households will owe no federal income tax, down from last year"

inb4 hurrrr durrrr cnbc using IRS stats as a source is somehow wrong. i do this shit as my livelihood. if you're making 60 to 70k a year and you're paying federal taxes sorry your doing it wrong. bottom line you don't start getting ass raped on taxes until well above the median income.

try $175k if you're not retarded

watch Financial Audit on YouTube and you'll see how true this is. People with cars and nice homes ending the month with a balance of $-53.40.
Yeah most people are just in a fuckload of debt.

Also some people have living situations where their parents will help them put a deposit on a house and things like that

Sucks to not be one of those people but i also have no debt so that's good
Rather go for a long fuck off walk with my tarp and my bivvy and my gun and my dog
here you get some gibs from the govt just for having less than $8k in your bank account.
>here you get some gibs from the govt just for having less than $8k in your bank account.

>gibs for the average salary

I...I can only say one thing...
One thing that really blows about CA taxes is that the property tax rate is low to begin with and is based on what you paid for the house, and all the other taxes are high to make up for it, so boomers who paid 300k for a house that's now worth 3 mil pay fuck all while all the young people get half their paychecks taken away and if they do manage to get a house they pay more in taxes for something 1/4 the current value.
99% of people live in complete debt. as long as they can afford all the combined monthly payments of the shit they have, they consider it "within budger." this obviously means that they are one missed paycheck or job layoff away from losing everything. another thing is that young adults are RARELY funding their entire lifestyle. most of the young people I know that have lots of shit act like they did it all themselves, but their parents pay their phone bill, car insurance, make sure they never go without groceries, and that's at the very least. plenty of them get a aprt of their rent/mortgage paid by their parents, and are given cars by their parents. you can tell when someone really doesn't get any help from their parents because they don't have jack shit, cost of living is absurd nowadays. I know plenty of people that are almost 30, married with kids, and both party's parents still pay for half of their shit. I will only finance one thing at a time, not a car and a house and have credit cards. that's just a recipe for disaster. I'm fine with saving for shit I want to buy. it feels more rewarding anyways once you have enough. everyone I know who gets handouts doesn't appreciate the "little" things in life, they're never satisfied.
because no one remembers/ has experience using tents AND they repeatedly get sent to various camps/reeducation centers if they dare to use tents to camp in this social climate


no one is allowed to use tents no more, AND those with said TRAILERS/RV's also view it as a form of early retirement/no apartment insurance(if the communities don't have laws against them, they can crash at a friends place much longer without issues if they use their RV/trailer than couch surf AND save money/get back into an apartment/house rental)
They got a trade and/or work in resource extraction
Credit cards are fine if you still spend within your limits and have automatic payments. You literally have to be 2 digit IQ to be endebted to your card
You fundamentally do not understand how taxes work. Somebody making 50k-60k may not wind up OWING more at the end of the tax year, but they sure as shit PAID taxes. lol
You ignored everything in anons post, though his citation was heavily dependent on temporary credits
>hes wring bcause muh situation is identical to everywun wif my income

Where is "here"
I'm 28 and I got it primarily by mining dogecoin in college (circa 2013) and holding crypto until a couple years ago. I also became a software engineer and I get paid 150k but I am single and barely have expenses. I have a truck, 3 bikes, and about 170k in savings and investments, but I don't want to buy a house or a wife because it's too much work/stress. I'm just interested in chilling out and doing nothing mostly. Don't really have any sex drive which saves a lot of money.
Great, thanks for bragging, asshole
not telling you, poorfag
>all these words
You could have just said "I don't like dogs" and not sounded like a weird faggot.
ass kissing there parents.
just found out my bro got 5k for his birthday.
ive never gotten a dime my whole life.
i also noticed he deleted this txt message to my dad from his phone, he doesnt realize i read it 5 mins after they were talking.
im disgusted.
why does everyone always hate me?
why are humans such scum?
cant even trust my own family let alone brother?
btw im homeless and with only 3k to my name.
my brother has who knows how much.
50 acres of land. cosinged by our father.
business equipment cosigned by our father. etc.
i have no car and am homeless.
truly a sick fucking world
Being okay with carrying debt, or coming from or into money somehow. I’ll clear 130,000 this year and I have none of that shit but I also have zero debt. Priorities are different from person to person, I’m fine with just my mountain bike kayak and bit of camping gear instead of an rv or 4 wheeler,
You get a degree in engineering or finance and then get a real job.
>I’ll clear 130,000 this year
A mix of highly leveraged debt and just rich fucks with generational wealth. It's more common than you'd think.
Pick up a rock.
You know what you gotta do
Australia most likely. Mommy government will hold your hand every step of the way.
Lol doesn't "leveraged" imply that they're intending to profit off of the asset? I fail to see how an RV will ever appreciate
There's these things called tax returns and the IRS will pay back the difference in what you owe. If you are poor you effectively owe nothing and you will be returned whatever was withheld from your pay. You would know this if you actually had a job, you filthy neet
>cashed out of BTC and makes 150k
>net worth is only 170k
Anon what FUCK are you blowing your money on?
I’m currently chapter 7ing because I cashed out $40k in credit cards. Fuck em
>the average person who starts working at 20 making 50 to 60k a year
it isn't 1950 anymore, grandpa
>that income is low enough they're getting government benefits and not paying any taxes at all.
You're stupid as shit.
Lots of ways.

For most people its just debt. For some people its just priorities. For a small group of people its because they make stupid money.

For the first group, not much explanation is needed. They swipe the card and their monthly payment approaches their monthly income.

For the second group, they make good money but they are happy renting an apartment, or dont have a family, or dont really worry about retirement.

For the last group, super rare, because people who tend to make serious money tend to also work serious hours. So, not only are they a small % of the population, but they are almost always in the office.

Most professionals in the US could live like those in the OP pic, but, generally, their priorities are things like
>not paying student loans for the rest of their lives
>owning a house
>owning investment properties
>having an investment portfolio for when they retire
oh, and also tradesmen. They tend to make pretty decent money pretty fast, but have a low ceiling. So you could be 24 and making 90k in the oil/gas industry. But 90K is about as much as you will ever make. Of course, being in your 20's and making money like that tends to result in some silly purchases.

BUT for most tradesmen, its feast or famine. So while the economy is booming they make bank, but when the economy busts they are the first to suffer.
Most people are living on debt through loans. Some have nice rich parents. Some worked hard.
Personally once I found my six figure job I asked my parents if I could stay and build my wealth and that has expedited my path to the first million cash more than I even anticipated . Can’t wait god dam, then I will buy lots of toys and bitches
>that income is low enough they're getting government benefits and not paying any taxes at all
Anon are you retarded?
sorry OP but your parents were probably fucking retarded and raised you in the midwest or the south but if you go out west you'll find that people have been building wealth and living a much higher standard of living than anywhere in the US
Yea my cousins that grew up in denver live bougie af lives. They go to vale and snowboard every week and live in super nice areas meanwhile ive lived down south in a 90% nigger shithole my entire life. Ill never forgive my parents for raising me here. Its totally irresponsible and almost like child abuse. Whenever i go outside i only see niggers. Also why i cant get a gf because there are simply no whites around. Going to have to move across the country and basically never see my family if i want a decent life
Sounds like a you problem
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>house, wife kids truck dirt bikes side x sides and fuckhuge camper trailers
How old are you? It's easy if you are a burger. You can easily get a 100k$+ job even just by driving a truck in a fracking operation. Or just get any union trade job, start with 80k+ and get up to hundreds of thousands of Dollars per year as you get older. Burgers have low taxes, fuel is cheap, cars are cheap, food is cheap.
You can buy houses in the US easily within the first year of working even with a minimum wage job unless you want to live in NYC or in San Francisco next to billionaires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBCbbXlVOhs
Obongocare is free for anyone under 25, a wife has her own savings and job if she's young so you can get even more, dirtbikes and trailers can be bought cheap.
USA==Life on easy mode.
Growing up in Europe is growing up on very hard mode unless one is Norwegian or Swiss and even then the ceiling is lower than in the US.

>just go into trades
lmao, cucked
This nigga never heard of debt before
Fr 50k a year isn't even that much money anymore. If you are making less than that then what the fuck?
This is someone who still lives with mom
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Lol burger have it so easy in life that having a normal job such is seen as being cucked.

You got me, What do you think that I typed was wrong?
Nigga TF this hafta do with /out/?
> It's called "high interest debt" my friend
This. Everything in that photo looks American and brand new, which certainly means it is financed. They don't own shit, the bank does, and they are slaves to it now. I am not the slightest big jealous of people who are in debt up to their knees.
>parents helping their children is a bad thing

I'm glad my parents cared about me. In my formative years having them buy me a good car and help pay for bills til I got a good job so later in life I can take care of them is how it works. The cancer is parents not taking care of their children.
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Youre probably a degenerate that covers up your compulsions with delusions of "the right thing". "Everyone in my family is bad except me". Oh, were you born that way? They obviously don't trust you with their time or wealth because of something you did, and they arent obligated ti help you anyways. Youre a weak man who makes excuses for your own faults by attacking others who are prosperous DESPITE you. Take a good long look at yourself next time youre in front of a mirror and talk to yourself as if it was your father or brother in the mirror. Then you will realize how pathetic youa re and need to change.
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>You can buy houses in the US easily within the first year of working even with a minimum wage job
Yeah I dont get these retards flexing their incomes anonymously. They probably all live in CA or NY where 130k is like 60k eveeywhere else. You never see someone humble on here talking about making 50k a year. Its always these tards who think people give a shit when they probably dont even have a wife or kids or see their mothers or participate in community.
desu I envy their carelessness. I wish I had the balls to live life now and enjoy fun campers and equipment because we aren't paying off debt when we're dead
The imaginary money is useless sitting in a bank or stock
my mom probably fucks them
People with trailers etc usually are not paying it before the statement is due
You can get some really nice houses in but fuck nowhere for a song. They need fixing. Like, a lot of fixing. But if you want brand new everything perfect and immaculate, you'll have to pay for that.
The parents are morally obligated to help their children. I mean, not just because it's their children, but because if this was any other period of time in history the parents would've died at like 50 and the kid would've inherited their shit and been able to step into their parents shoes.
Everything has been in stasis because old people aren't dying. They aren't even retiring and allowing younger generations cannot take up the mantle.
Can you even imagine how much the world and all of our lives would instantly improve if all boomers dropped dead tomorrow?
Ok, post a house for sale that someone making 7.25/hr can afford and live in year round
As others have said, most Americans (assuming you’re American but probably true for most other places) live paycheck to paycheck regardless of income. The people who appear “rich” are usually very poor because they live outside their means.
I've banged your mom. Short, trashy, lady of Italian descent with messy hair? I'm sorry I ate the last of your cereal that one day.
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Look 'ere
Fit for a king I'd say
>have house, wife kids truck
go for this
>bikes side x sides and fuckhuge camper trailers
white trash purchases
If you know them, why don't you just ask them?
No one makes $7.25 anymore. Janitors make more than that. Gas station attendants make more that. The 14 year olds that work at Chick-Fil-A make more than that. Even the Down Syndrome cart wranglers at my local grocery store make more than $7.25.
If you are making $7.25 you are doing worse than middle school kids and literal retards. Let that sink in. If you are making $7.25, the first thing you should do when you wake up tomorrow is go to the nearest Walmart or McDonalds. They will hire you for more than $7.25. Frankly, I don't even know where you'd find work for less than $10/hour these days.
NTA but see >>2669505
That idiot said "minmum wage job". 10/hour isn't minimum wage, it's just shit pay. The point I believe >>2675768 is trying to make is that no, you can't afford to live on true minimum wage anymore. You need at least shit-tier pay or have to live with several other people to have a chance.
Debt. Probably mortgage. House goes up 100k refinance for 50k cash in hand. Suddenly think you're rich.

Or just mindless consumption. Make one dollar spend one dollar. Even a shitty job makes you rich if you spend every cent.

Or well paid. There is always someone smarter better looking and higher earning than you. And their girlfriend posts that shit on Instagram while you poor fucks don't do socials.
>heir parents pay their phone bill, car insurance, make sure they never go without groceries, and that's at the very least. plenty of them get a aprt of their rent/mortgage paid by their parents, and are given cars by their parents
holy fuck that is such a blackpill. my parents hate me
Get an electric moped. You just need a place to charge it and a solar kit would be pretty heavy.
No, this white supremecist devil lies. Hear me, potential immigrants. Everyone makes at least $60,000 a year minimum wage with full government benefits. All your favorite celebrities are there, thete is no danger except whites with guns, and plenty for all and your children.

Please raise my social credit score.
People who get given a lot of stuff are usually good at manipulating people into giving them shit.
Yeah me too buddy
You can get a 15 year loan for an RV. The payments are quite low.
daddy got them a union job
Wait a second I've seen this post before with slightly different numbers over on /k/. Is this some reddit forced-meme bs?
>15 year loan for an RV
KEK. Do millennials and zoomers really? Haha holy shit.
Ayo I make 100k a yee scaping poo poo from my fellow buns off da street here in California City and live in muh van and dress lie a pimp. What could be mo out?
“Half of all households” isn’t the same thing as “half of all earners”. Retirees and military personnel make up a huge percentage of households. >>2662201
He doesn’t have to address it because the person he was responding to is fundamentally wrong and didn’t understand the article he linked to. Owing nothing or receiving a return doesn’t mean you didn’t pay. I knew this board was mostly unemployed children but holy fuck this is dumb.
I mean RVs generally cost more than houses I've looked at recently so a 15y loan sounds about right
You're worse than vegans.
One of three things:
>They actually earned it by going into a high earning profession (and probably their spouse is earning well too)
>They were born into money or inherited it
>Most likely, they're earning pretty average but financed the fuck out of everything
Norway isn't easymode. It's easy not to end up in the trailer park, mostly because we don't have any, but there is very little room to get rich from being employed. We're not rich
>RV $300,000
>house $500,000 - $700,000
Where do you live that the RV costs more.
NTA, but I live in small town Québec and my house isn't worth 500k CAD.
This pretty much.

There are lots of kids who don’t do college and go get a $20+/hr job with their uncle and get OT and bring home $800+ a week while still living with their parents through their mid 20s. A $700+/mo truck payment isn’t that big of a deal when you work and have no other real bills.
>You can buy houses in the US easily within the first year of working even with a minimum wage job unless you want to live in NYC or in San Francisco next to billionaires
I love how out of touch boomer LARPers are. I mean I agree with the general idea, hard work can still get you where you want to be, but lmao.
For $300k I could buy most of the houses I look at in WI 3-5 times
where do you live where the avg cost of a house is more then 500000?
And what part of WI would that be?
>Average 32k/yr over the past 8 years since I started working
>currently make 50k/yr but that is only in the last year
>own 2br1bth house with a paid off 2012 car and 35k cash
>zero debt other than a 3.25% interest mortgage

I imagine if I went into debt to make myself look rich I would be rolling in new toys.
they get part time jobs at 14 then just save until they have to move out, thats like 4 years of near un-taxed savings built up. Going on the average wage in australia thats like 275,000 dollars
>14 year olds make nearly 70k a year part time
anon you can get a van on fb marketplace for as cheap as $3k in the cooler months of the year
young folk go work a season picking fruit, buy one of these vans and easily have enough leftover to eat instant ramen and smoke weed for 3-6 months before they have to find work again.
its so easy to get shitty jobs at the moment that lots of people are living this transient seasonal lifestyle.
I totally understand that. All I was saying is that given how much RVs can cost, having a mortgage-like term on the loan doesn't surprise me.
Fuckin A I'm moving to Wisconsin.
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>Norway isn't easymode
It absolutely is. Even compared to the US, if Norway were a US state a lot of people would flock there asap.

In Norway you have:
- high salaries even for very basic jobs where you don't have to study. Being a normal ambulance driver allows you to make 60-80k€ before taxes easily, a nurse in a hospital as well, even more from what I'm hearing at first hand. All that while having a 35h week with a low work intensity.
- medium taxes on salaries, first 18k€ are kind of tax-free
- lots of social services and a decent health insurance included, you get nice benefits for each kid etc, the study loan is generous and so on. In the bigger picture you save more than in Switzerland!
- Buying a house starts at 80k€ outside of popular regions, getting a small but non-rotten house for 150k€ is easily doable unless one wants to live in Oslo, Tromsø or newly hyped shitholes such as Bodø. So you can buy a proper house with a normal salary within 7 years on a single normal salary, desu even quicker.
- living costs are not much higher than in the rest of Europe or cheap (electricity)/free (water)
- the first 10 years in school are free of grades and chill, no need to succeed in higher education

>but there is very little room to get rich from being employed
Lol if you go an oil platform you will make 8000-15000€ plus after taxes (!) per month as a welder or another simple job while paying little offshore. If you start that at 18 you will be a millionaire by 30.
Besides that you can easily start a business, there is little competition for a lot of things. Yes, Norway is not perfect and it has its downsides.

>We're not rich
Many are. A lot of Norwegians tend to waste their money immediately on crap, sweets (lots of obese trolls walking around) and alcohol but that's a spending problem.
They all have onlyfans.
Ay bruh don't be a pedophile.
Marry a refugee Slavic cutie and start making white kids anon pls pls
One of her girls ( the oldest I think) passed away. So sad
Literally stolen from working prople.
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jesus lady, it's a vagina not a clown car
That's the point of having a lot
RVs are a rich boomer thing though, not a young person thing
boomers love selling their house, dumping half a mil into an RV and wasting their kid's inheritance and futures doing this shit, its been common for decades now
kind of off-topic segway from the thread but sure you're right
Everyone is talking about debt, but a lot of those things are rented. It is absolutely stupid to buy any of those things unless you use them more than six times a year.
I was thinking about moving out that way. I always got along well with yoopers. I'm east-central
They won't like yas
I want to live in a camper van :c
Are you a woman? If so then start an Instagram, and an OnlyFans.
link? what happened to her
Based and humble sustainability take.
Norway sucks ass for competent people.
I'm a mechanical engineer, and I make the same as some fucking kid doing a few hours overtime at the grocery store.
Unless you get some handouts from parents, you'll have a damn hard time building up capital here.
Cost of living is insane here, and you get taxed half to death.
Our currency is also fucking zimbabwe tier at the moment, in 10 years it's halved compared to USD.
10 years ago it was comfy, now it's fucking 3rd world economically.
On credit, be happy with what you have because YOU own it.
Sons of rich people. The rest of us work for 1000 euros a month and cant afford shit.
bro just come to america. it only sucks here if youre a bum or you get really unlucky and fall into the cracks of our medical hellscape.
I have considered it quite a few times.
/out/ opportunities seem pretty damn good there, but I get the impression that you are almost forced into living in some urban hellscape to get a job.
these days? not really and places like denver and boise are having pretty big influxes of computerfags. granted the cost of living in either probably is not much better than norway and what you get out of your tax dollars in terms of services and infrastructure is certainly worse as is pretty much any form of mass transit. rto policies are already sputtering out and failing so finding a mid tier company that lets you go remote or just doing freelance while you bum it out in the mountains is very possible
I live in the far north of Norway, I have no idea what mass transit even is.
Can you get a decent remote work job over there nowadays?
I have the opportunity to work about 50% remote currently, but my boss wants me to be at the office as much as possible.
It would be the dream job if I either got a better wage or the cost of living wasn't so fucking bad.
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>Norway sucks ass for competent people.
Yeah, that is my impression as well. To be fair that goes for most countries. People with higher aspirations who want to 'do more' and stay in Norway tend to become very cynical from my observations. You should check out the nicer parts of the USA: Florida, Hawaii, Sand Diego, etc. Australia might be more enjoyable for you as well.
>I'm a mechanical engineer, and I make the same as some fucking kid doing a few hours overtime at the grocery store.
Tell me, how much do you get in your job in NOK per year or per hour before taxes? We are anonymous.
Why don't you try to get a job at the oil companies that pay a lot?
Right now I'm in Tromsø, I wouldn't want to live more to the North or East of that and I wouldn't want to live in Nordland or higher for more than 5 years.
Yeah the currency is only getting worse.
Anyway the overall combination of salaries, taxes, work intensity, cost of living incl. house prices (!), working hours, handouts from the state and general easiness of life is the best in all over Europe and beats 90% of the USA. Switzerland is good for childless couples on a full grindset mode. Norway has its problems but everything outside of Scandinavia, Finland and the Netherlands is blackpilling for most.
Australia is not the country for you, if you're upset about salary caps and labor scales.
b-but its a socialist utopia!
Remote work is still very possible for plenty of sectors. I cant speak to mechanical engineering, but I'm a cyber autist and there seems to be no shortage of WFH jobs, especially since most organizations are cloud-based anyways.
Probably the biggest issue with the US is that while the standard of living is fairly uniform across the country, the cost of living and quality of life varies a lot. The unfortunate truth is that the interesting places in the US are also the ones where large population centers are, so these places have dystopically high rent. Whatever you save in lower taxes is going to be eaten up by higher housing costs. But otherwise I don't think other expensives are too far off of what you'd get in Norway.
idk man. im a (fake) 'engineer' and im fully remote as of november. can finally take the steps to get out of this hellhole and move to dank out with a marginal economy. honestly perfect situation
Most people in "developed" countries don't start their real carriers until 25-28 and even then the job market volatility means they're not saving the whole time.
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
About 600k NOK, but that is barely enough to keep the lights on.
>Why don't you try to get a job at the oil companies that pay a lot?
I've been considering going that way, was my original plan when I studied, but I graduated when they laid off half of their work force.
Haven't really checked if there are any that are recruiting now.
>Right now I'm in Tromsø
You must be enjoying the rain now then?
I'm a bit further north, no rain here yet, just a fuck ton of snow.
>Anyway the overall combination of salaries, taxes, work intensity, cost of living incl. house prices (!), working hours, handouts from the state and general easiness of life is the best in all over Europe and beats 90% of the USA.
It's both a blessing and a curse.
Useless tards make as much as competent people, as most companies operate with collective agreements for salaries, but that also means your pay is capped.
As long as I have access to decent internet, I could live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
That's honestly what I prefer anyway.
What's the cost of living in Montana or Colorado like?
Most people earn wages or salaries, and taxes are deducted from those automatically.
If they owe money on their tax return, they were under-taxed. If they get money back, they were over-taxed. If it's zero, they were taxed exactly what they should have been.
A lot. Wrong states. No but fr it varies wildly. Boulder Co or Denver Co? Good luck bud. The rural areas outside of colorado springs? Good but you wont have much for essential services
upper midwest is the most slept on part of the country. also generally cheap to live in. move to like northern Wisconsin and live a peaceful life
>Good but you wont have much for essential services
Yeah, that doesn't bother me too much, if I die, I die.
I'm absurdly healthy, I have to do a bi-yearly extensive medical check up, so that I can drive the boats that I do.
If there were grades for general health and fitness, I was A+ according to the doctor.
As long as I have internet access and can get the mail, I'm happy.
>northern Wisconsin
Seems very flat and dense with forests.
If I were to move to the states, I would want somewhat local access to alpine hunting and places to shoot steel at long range.
Need my mountains and lakes.
Good lord you people are poor and envious.
you're underestimating Wisconsin then. no mountains admittedly but its got everything else you'd love
It's good that some places don't have "le REAL mountains". Keeps a lot of scenic places from turning into the next Front Range or White Mountains.
very expensive
Even rural Colorado tho?
I have never made more than $60k base, obviously I've made a couple dozen more with overtime and bonuses but as a base salary working normal hours, money is hard to come by.
This, my parents were poor so they couldn't help much with material things but they worked their asses off for me and my siblings and I will look after them even if it means paying out the ass for in-home care.
surprisingly. best bet would be eastern colorado on the plains
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programming and tech startups.
own a gym.
just literally do any work, if you and your girlfriend work you can make more than double the money and split the bills.
and don't listen to women.

I didn't get to that point until a few years ago (now 37) and life has been way more enjoyable.
you mean you just said fuck it and started swiping your credit card everywhere or you finally got out of debt?
dude, I understand what that image is trying to say and that is in fact funny but do you know the current price of Bitcoin ?

I highly doubt it but I hope some of those girls stuck to their principles and held their assets.
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That's if it's actually providing them with life experiences and good memories. Nice things are nice, but they are just things. And things can weigh a person down in their spirit and their mind, especially when they are still owned by a finance company.

I don't sweat it. There's 3 nice tobacco pipes on my windowsill, and 3 watches that I enjoy wearing in the draw. The only things I have to worry about paying for is my house and the food that goes in my belly, everything else is just nice stuff that makes the journey through life a little smoother.
I never really been in debt until the last year, I got to the point of tired of saving up to get things. Now I'm close to 100k in debt, I'll have it paid off in less than three years, but I got my toys and get to enjoy life now, not enjoy it later.
congrats paying 100k extra on interest, dummy
That would be true if I took average time to pay it off. It's not even going to be three years to pay it off, closer to 30 months. I'm fine with paying little extra to have what I want now.
reddit will seethe at this
I never been there, but dealing with those faggot tourists here tells me you're right.
I don't get it either. I keep my young family comfortable and fed but new vehicles, vacations, expensive mantoys, and fancy houses are way out of my reach.
its your money i guess
Don't you forget that.
Sucks to suck.
>CO or MT
im actively looking at leaving CO for somewhere lower cost of living. both at top 10 states and unless you're bringing down 200k+ forget anything past existing. ski pass so you don't pay the 150 dollar a day rates, 1200 bucks per person. don't forget the 75 dollars in tolls to drive there unless you want to avoid the express lane and have the 2 hour trip turn into 4 or 5. Grab two beers and two burgers for dinner easily a 100 to 120 dollar meal. Stay the night and a hotel is 500-700 dollars. Think you're going to buy a van and stay in it? Think again, strictly prohibited at ski areas and people drive vans from all over the US to CO because they sell for top dollar.

I bought a 300k house in 2015 which is now worth over a million. That is great for equity but insurance and tax payment is now more than my mortgage. I pay 1100 dollars in interest and principal and over 1800 in taxes and insurance. the king wants their cut.

also the politics suck, its CA lite and the people are crazy. not all bad but pretty crazy.
Sounds like niggers are a problem.
You'll be older.
A friend of mine went into sewer lining after highschool. No training outside of what the company gave him on the job. He earns $60+ on government contracts. He's told me on multiple occasions that: "there are opportunities everywhere, it just depends on how much shit you want to get into." I believe that wholeheartedly. Find a good trade or something and don't be insufferable to work with and you'll probably end up like them. Be conscious in your choices.
On the same note: get out of the fucking city. If you're a Calhoun atomized urbanite who needs to live in an overexpensive hellhole, the cost of living is your own fault.
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I don't think much about them anymore.
I used to but it didn't make me happy so I stopped.
Make enough to get by.
Make enough to dribble a bit on my hobbies.
Wish I made more.
Working on it.
Saving for retirement.
Only debt is my house.
Have lovely gf.
Pry gonna get married.
Need to get on that.
Not sure if we want kids.
Good relationship with the people who are still alive in my life.
Couple good friends.
Got some medical issues but I couldn't ask for better support network.
over half the country is 2 digit IQ, thats how IQ works
impressive how you out yourself as a member of the lower half of IQ distribution
trust funds
based. Buying everything on credit is so irresponsible
>5 cars
>2 buggies and 2 trailers
>3 campers
>2 RV's
>at least 4 or 5 trucks
Is this even considered as being "outdoors"
>they're in so much debt they'll work until they die and their kids will inherit their unpaid debts
>daddy's money had made all/most of the purchases
>well-timed trades once they have equity on a vehicle/toy
the rare minority
>they were smart-ish with their money early on in life and just cashed out on expensive toys in a dumb manner
a lot of people are really dumb with their money. I'm not opposed to enjoying your money while you have it, but it's really easy to get comfortable spending your entire paycheck in a few days
>the average person who starts working at 20 making 50 to 60k a year
>has made 500,000 to 600,000 dollars when they're 30
Speaking of 17 year olds.
i was like this and i was in debt up to my ears, nearly 60K i think at the age of 22. i ended up going bankrupt in the end rather than pay it off.
no real downside apart from i am totally unable to get any form of credit for a few years yet
>no real downside apart from i am totally unable to get any form of credit for a few years yet
better to learn the lesson in my twenties when i have no assets they can take off me. 3 more years and it gets wiped from my record entirely (although the banks i owed the money too will never let me have an account again, including paypal)
>no assets
wtf did you spend it on?

why's that funny? my first job out of college was 45k a year, a year later i was making 65 at 23. that's pretty normal if you're not a room temp IQ.

depreciating assets. that 80k truck is worth 40 a couple years later. the 100k camper is worth 30. now you're 4 years into paying that nasty 12 year 15% interest loan, owe 150k and have stuff worth 70. not quiet no assets, just shit worth a lot less than you owe on it. there's a reason you shouldn't ever finance anything except a house to live in.
>that's pretty normal if you're not a room temp IQ
Yeah, if you didn't graduate right after the biggest financial crisis in our lifetimes
>You can easily get a 100k$+ job even just by driving a truck in a fracking operation. Or just get any union trade job, start with 80k+ and get up to hundreds of thousands of Dollars per year as you get older.

Meanwhile Im in a cold ass state. Applied to 20 jobs, not a felon, have work history, young and I can't even get a call back for a $20/hr job.

Go fuck yourself
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>mommy and daddy's money
>"put it on the card honey life waits for no one"
>certain % actually get 6 fig jobs out of college
>grampa died and they put a fraction of the cost into fixing the rot and shit
Lifes not fair, the rich arent ashamed of intergenerational wealth inheretance, and morons will always have 0 impulse control and go bottom up on splurge purchases
Only thing I can recommend is play your own game to your best ability and spit at god for not giving you a winning ticket to life
Yeah easy call to make when you don't have any other choice.
>hey repeatedly get sent to various camps/reeducation centers if they dare to use tents to camp in this social climate
WTF are you taking about?
People camp in tents all the time in state parks and national parks and BLM land and all that shit. There is no social stigma against tent camping unless you mean they don't allow it at boomer RV parks but who wants to go those other than boomers?
If anything tent camping is too permissive because they let hobos do it on the sidewalk of every major city.
Bro a lot of that stuff is given to them they don't pay for it. And I don't mean by their parents I mean by manufacturers and dealers and stuff since most all the people in your pic are social media influencers.
I don't get why more people don't do it to get free gear but I guess a lot of you are too normie or have no charisma or are ugly or something. I get all kinds of free shit just to do my tiktok videos. Got UTV to keep for a couple of months. Got like 4 tents from tarptent I told the guy it would take me like 2 months to post about all 4 of them but he wanted me to keep them anyway, Get new skis free every season and boots and poles and snowboards.
I got so much shit I have to build racks in my garage to hold it all.
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To be fair a bonfire and camping chairs aren't expensive.

pic related
Minimum wage in America is on par with professional wages in Europe or elsewhere. With an IT job you have a yearly salary on par with the lifetime wealth of medieval nobles. It's piss fucking easy to get money in 2024, you have to be a literal retard to be broke in USA.
They dont OWN shit. they are in debt and will try to pay it all off before they die.

you too can enjoy this life. just go live as a debt slave forever never being able to quit your job or relax for more than 1 month
Oh shut the fuck up you stupid ass
I was a DINK for five years with my wife and pocketed like 400k cash. Now I just do commission work from home and be a homemaker. My wife's a program manager and also works from home and we got a couple kids. Just get lucky early with your partner I guess. I'm comfortably on track to retire early and I own my own home at 33. I don't bike, but I do have a forest river little bunkhouse camper and a Polaris 4 seat RZR. You just get lucky with your partners and work I guess.
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I’m the same age, have about 15k to my name, and live with my parents. The duality of man.
This is in fact. It's not that my wife and I didn't work for what we have or nothing. But there's a whole lot of luck that goes into it. Just having a good partner, good connections so you can get into a good first job. Good coworkers to pull you into other good opportunities. If I'm being frank, they put far too much emphasis on the academics of school and not nearly as much on the making good social connections one. But in my life, by far the most important decision was marrying my wife. I started out at 60k as a histotech, my wife started out at 75k+bonus as a business analyst after interning at the company for a couple years during college. We lived off my salary and pocketed all of hers. Now she makes 145k+bonus+rsu's as a program manager. I make like 30 because I only work part time. But it's very comfortable.
Don't feel down. Just make the changes you need to now. Hell, there's 40 year olds that go back to school to become doctors. And you've got some leeway being with your parents. Never too late to do better for yourself.
14 year old hands typed this post
I have 7 credit cards with a line total of $110k.
I only use 2 of them and my score is 735

I sincerely wish you good times in the future.
people nowadays are so stuck up on hate and anger.
don't get me wrong I hate most of the modern world but I try to focus on good things and having a good time in my life.

I'm cursed by being born in Germany but I worked hard to get into an international, fully remote career and Ill be moving out to Finnish sticks by this time next year.

nobody talks about nice things anymore on the Internet.
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Unfortunately people get predisposed to hate because they are conditioned to think only about what they don't have while ignoring what they do have. It is not entirely the fault of the individual, but things can be done to resist the urge to be better than everyone else like a strong parental upbringing and limiting access to all types of media.

The world is hard in some ways but it is also much easier in others, than the world our parents or grandparents grew up in.

I hope the next generation can do well. Everyone will die some day, so locking down your heart will only make you bitter during the cosmic eye blink you are allowed to be here. If you are reading this now and you belong to the next generation, there are at least some of us that believe in you.

You have no idea how taxes work and nobody is getting a "4k writeoff" and thena "4k refund", that doesn't even make sense, especially now that practically everyone under 100k is going to be filing on the standard deduction absent an extremely unusual tax situation.
las bumpas
This, and you’d be surprised how far this trend extrapolates, there’s TONS of people with 100k salaries with 90k of expenses and deep 5 digit, non-mortgage debt. Most people are paycheck to paycheck regardless of income. Do not be like that
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>get raise
>tax goes up
>pay loads of tax for MUH NHS, can't see a doctor, phone them: "you are currently number 45 in the que..."
>pay loads of council tax, potholes as deep as shell craters everywhere, police don't do shit accept harass drivers and fuck people over for victimless crimes while pakis from Bradford steal quads and hide them on the land I work on only for the farmers who owned them to be told 'can't be arsed' by the police
>energy goes up constantly
>literally don't heat the house except with wood I get for free
>diet consists mostly of roadkill, legumes and oats
>have cheapest shit car possible
>can't afford shit, couldn't even afford to date if I could attract a female
>give up all hobbies that cost money, just hike now
>this will only get worse as the years go on
We're going to see some real shit in the future.
Should've skipped college and went into manufacturing or warehouse work.
yeah I live in the Denver area and need to go somewhere cheaper
Thinking about Kansas, Missouri or the Western Slope. I like a lot more rain than we get here anyway. Ever been to Grand Junction? If so how is it? Midwesterner in origin by the way.
Damn I moved to the springs with a job offer a couple years ago just to try it out and while I love me some mountains I honestly don't want to live here for these same reasons. Even famously conservative COS isn't holding up
Only fans paid for my used Landcruiser and ski membership.
t. yuropoor
You must have nice feet anon
Credit cards
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That looks like the life. Friends, motor vehicles, RV's, the desert, camp fire, beers, and a warm Summer's evening.

That's what life should be.
I'm sure not everyone is like me, but I have a few motor toys despite only making 90k/yr. All I can afford with this salary are shacks and sheds that would probably be shutdown by the country for being unsafe, and even if not I'd rather rent a clean apartment than live in a dilapidated, dirty POS that will probably eat me alive with maintenance costs. Since I can't afford a house, why would I save my money? I'll just enjoy my life buying all the toys I can afford then kms when I'm too old to work or enjoy life.
you're a fucking retard.
Get a job hippie.
they have jobs.
this isnt even that hard to afford in my parts of europe. would be different trailers, tow pigs and atv's replaced by snowmobiles but its basicly the same.
Crypto profits. Normies just don't talk about it like spergs do.
It is a baby factory, and production is up for q3. Projections for continued growth extend into the foreseeable future.
Don't talk all faggy like that.
>there is very little room to get rich from being employed
This applies to every other country.
>real job
you could try to find something in fruita but at that point you might as well just move to utah
In oder to be eligible for ANY benefits in the US your house hold has to net less than 27,000 a year. And NOBODY save the very privileged are making more than 38,000 at 20.
This right here, my credit is a 786, I've got 3 lines of credit totalling in 50,000 between the threes. I have less than 1500 between checking and savings... idk how retards who actually make money cam get in over their heads with those things.
I put my life savings into $YTSB
I made 50k the first year I worked full time. At 18. a decade ago as a roofer. back when 50k actually bought stuff, unlike today.

The only people not making median wages today aren't even trying a little bit. mcjobs in fast food in the AC pay 15 to 22 an hour now, lol image being an actual adult, 20 years old, and not either making median wages or being in school to make much more than median wages. This life isn't a dress rehearsal, you don't get a do overs because you made poor choices and ended up below average.
We might get do overs, you don't know
Just make more money lmao.
You're in bongistan. What hiking even is there?
two words

financing and credit
one small slip up and they gotta sell something
doesnt matter if it's a credit card skim or missing a bill
i remember when i was a kid my parents missed our water bill and we had to sell our 1968 mustang just to be able to pay the added fees from missing it
Stop larping.
>liquid assets
most assets dont appreciate lmao

cars dont appreciate over time unless that thing has been refurbished to like how it was when it first came out or heavily modified.

no one is gonna pay full priced for a fucking shitbox that cant run.
Some people dont sell certain assets at certain prices for a reason
it's why you can get a used video game console for like $100-$200 when it cost way more on the day if it's release
Larp or pathetic unprovoked bragging on a Chinese pencil-huffing forum? You decide!
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Those are physical assets tard.

Liquid assets. Savings, cash, investment accounts. Money you can immediately access. My savings are on a cyclic run of T-bonds at 5.2% interest. Half in half out in a high yield savings at 4%. With another 120k in investments at an average annual return of about 9%.
I don't larp, here's one of my savings.
either retired, neet or living like a poor person because that shit would run out so fast if you actually paid for more than just internet, small amounts of food and basic house bills.
I have a 4000 sq ft 3 story house and take at least two significant vacations a year plus regular weekenders. My wife and I just both work. Do you somehow think by having more money I have to be more careful with it? You can straight up see that between my savings, my investment portfolio and T-bonds. I earn like $23,000+ a year without having to lift a finger.
Move to NZ already. Every fucking pom who moves here does well here. It's either bongs or more indians and Philipinos and I don't mind the Philipinos atleast the women are beautiful and the men work hard.
>Move to NZ already
Nigga I been trying but the fucking airplane ticket costs $2k itself
And then your housing market is absolutely shitting itself.
Your country does not pay it's workers worth anything. Legitimately, how the fuck do any of you afford anything?
I'd have to go on some nearly-vegetarian diet over there because your meats are so fucking expensive.
I don't understand how NZ is even a country.
Drove through Colorado Springs a few weeks ago. It looks a lot nicer but I hear it's on the same path as Denver.
Any places in Utah that aren't desert? North of Salt Lake city?
Everywhere on the Wasatch front north of St. George. And the area between Price and the north border are grassland and not desert. Similar climate to central/Western Kansas depending where you're at.
Yes a lot of it looks beautiful but I'm assuming the Sun there is still a little too spicy for me.
The sun is basically Colorado sun. The prices unfortunately are also Colorado prices. I bought my first house for 260 in 2016 it was 180 five years before that, I sold at 450 in 2023. Prices have wholesale skyrocketed and it's getting unreasonable.
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I'm not sure how you can have gainful employment and not do all those things, from my experience the only way to have opportunities is through other people giving you knowledge or connections, I would know because I have no job and do none of those things except I live with my mother who I hate, maybe I'm just a bit tarded, I'll probably be in prison or a mental institution in 3-6 years from now.
Thanks anon. Middle of nowhere Kansas it is then.
Stay where you are.
I'm originally from there retard
>le fuck off we're full kneejerk reaction maymay
lol epic
stupid faggot
You'll tell people that you're originally from there, but the locals will always be suspicious and won't truly accept you. You'll never really be able to hide your transplant mentality.
I've spend most of my life in Kansas. You're probably some Lawrence college kid from Overland Park.
Used shit is extremely cheap. Most normies buy things used. A used RV is like 10k, even I could afford that.
Not owing the government money and government benefits are two very different things. I make 50k a year in a state where average family of four income is 70k, typically both spouses have to work for that average. Minimum wage here is about 25k/year.
I do not qualify for government benefits whatsoever and the only reason and I do mean the only fucking reason I don't owe taxes every year is because I am married with children. Technically, I still pay taxes but my returns are more than I put in by a small margin so at the individual level I come out slightly ahead.
Let the record show that money management is important, I'm still able to afford a house, small sail boat, hunting trips, decent gear, couple vehicles, home improvement projects, ect. None of those are government aid though.
Im going to assume that you are a prodigal loser with a really shitty attitude. Maybe if you had your life together your family would be a little more supportive
>inb4 "waaah I'm a victim of circumstances it's not my fault"
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this thread is from 2023
did OP make it?
Can't get a conventional loan for that. Appraisal inspector would never approve it. Without financing, goodbye home.
mommy and daddy
fuck no
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This right here. The amount of motherfuckers in Canada who fit right into this description is insane. They dress with designer clothing, always have a Starbucks coffee with them at any time of the day, latest car/smartphone. But that's not even the thing that really pisses me off about these fucking people, its really the misplaced sense of security in themselves that they have, not realizing that the only reason they have such high self-esteem is because they never had to break their backs working, and even if they did "work", it would be some summer job that they know they can quit at any time because they have rich or well off parents to fall on. The level of optimism these spoiled shits have is only protected by their parents finances. The moment their parents (for whatever reason) lose their financial stability, they will rope themselves due to the sudden realization that they will have to actually work and probably not even manage to get the lifestyle they used to have (seen cases like this).
Turns out I'm rich, and all the people I thought were rich are in serious debt.

But here's the thing, they're all having a great time right now, this very second and I'm living off tinned food.
They're counting on inheritances to clear their debt, some will get them. I won't inherit shit, so all said and done they might end up having a better life than me.

Economics is a scam, we should just gas the bankers
and dead parents
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fuck off we're full bru
>being able to use a computer at adult level is being very privileged
Off yourself nignig

It is sort of crazy. A woman I work with mentioned doing a reno on their house, pouring a pad, and adding a metal shop to their backyard. She told me that they paid for it by cashing out her husband's 401k and then taking a loan as well. They have matching UTVs that aren't paid off and a travel trailer. I make more than she does and her husband makes a little less than her. Fucking crazy. We're all mid thirties and make decent money but some people spend like it's going out of style.
i used to fully agree with you.

Today in the age of clown world I'm starting to wonder if they're really the smart ones living for now and not worrying about it.

My wife and I are textbook middle class. mid six figures in a high cost of living area. if it wasn't for "buying the house we really can't afford" 6 years ago it looks like we'd never have been able to buy. Ever at this rate. When the government comes out and clears debt of these idiots (bankruptcy) but lets them keep the toys while I (tax payers) are on the hook for it. Who's really getting screwed here? Sure seems like it's me being responsible and not them.

lol do you actually believe this? Santa isn't real either anon. The guy I buy EBT cards from for 65 cents on the dollar drives an escalade and has a nicer house than I do. He's easily clearing 5k a month in cash, thats 60k a year with no taxes taken out. I sometimes forget the 4channel sterotype of fat smelly basement dwelling virgins who never venture into the real world is actually right on.
yeah i finished my bachelors in business two years ago but i did HR because accounting and finance was fucking soul killing for me, literally couldnt pay me to do that work. but yea in two years ive had one semi real job. HR is fine it seems but i cant get into the fucking industry because there's like no entry level work (lots of senior level work though)

HR? You're on 4chan so you're probably a white or mystery meat male. Why would you ever think you have a chance in the realm of dowdy cat women and minority diversity pimps?
companies give attractive young people free shit to make ads for them.
basically they get a very basic skill(some kind of trade) and then they find helpless people and price gouge them. It's really easy
>$0 into any sort of retirement savings (i.e. HSA, 401(k), or any sort of long term savings account)
>Massive debt against it
>Job that pays slightly over median wage
>Two income household
>Some skillset where they can do cash jobs on the side
>Working a high paying temp job then leveraging it for state unemployment until your next contract
>Lying on taxes, especially for cash jobs
>Slimming their budget so that paying the bank for their toys are their entire life
>Family bailing them out/cosigning for shit they don't need
>Flat out renting stuff instead of buying
Mix and match your reasons. Typically three of those will get you there.
>i multiplied $50k by 10 and that's $500k so thats how much they have in 10 years cause they don't have expenses and hold every single penny
>me responding to bait post
Its all on credit - They don't own shit and are neck deep in shit colored debt.
This was disproved ITT.
>um, sweetie, that's been debunked
Have you considered taking a cheese grater to your teeth?
currency is in the shitter thats true but you have some doomer like depressive thoughts about norway. my best years i made 900 000 nok pre tax from my pretty regular job, i have two housings, 3 cars, boat, snowmobile, most i need. when i sell my apartment in a few months and move full time to my house i will not only be debt free but have a 1 500 000nok profit i can invest. no inheritance, no handouts, just hard work.
i firmly believe its impossible to not make it here unless you actively do everything wrong.
Just kill your brother
Then your parents later or at the same time
Accidentally of course.
You don't have any step sibling or sister in law right?

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