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I went outside to take some pictures and then I realized something: there are cars everywhere and they are all ugly. All black or silver with this soap bar shape that disrupts the straight lines of the buildings. So when I look at older photographs and get inspired I realize these kind of pictures can't even be taken anymore unless staged.

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Agreed. Everyone on their phone and the way the average person dresses is also not very nice for street photo.

Maybe go to cuba. I hear they have old cars still.
Who knows.. maybe if there is a future photos from our era will look esthetic as well, color wise the modern age surely suck when it comes to cars though, I will give you that.
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I just thought about this recently, nobody buys/drives new cars any more. At least normal people, obviously people with money still drive new cars, but almost everybody I know has a car that’s anywhere from 5 to 20 years old. Every car in the OP is probably no more than 5-10 years old at the time. I think our modern times are going to be characterized not only by people driving old cars, but also people dressing in fashions that came and went 20, 30, 50 years ago. Just look at all the zoomers dressing like it’s the 70’s or the 90’s. You could take a picture of a crowd of people and see 5 different decades of style. I think that’s the most interesting thing about the current year, and I think you could use it to your advantage if you got the right combination of things.

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Fat people are also ruining it. There has never been a time in all of history with the amount of fat people as the west today. Also the population is rapidly aging.
I set up a shot, and if just clicked guaranteed it will have fat and old people in it. I have to setup the shot and then wait while people walk through until the rare moment without a fat person or old person.
Its crazy looking back at old photos with 100s of people in the frame and not a single fat person.
That's because you have an idea of what it's supposed to be, and it's an outdated idea. Your functional knowledge is a fossil. Forget about all that and you might have an original thought and produce something worthwhile.






I can go on, but my point is made.
Yes, in the case of cars, OLD GOOD, MODERN BAD.
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fat people and shit cars are often part of the same problem, which is that most people are retarded

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Modern cars are literally designed to have no personality or aesthetic to make them more marketable to women who are manipulating their husbands
This isnt an incel joke
This is something very real that the entire car industry assumes: car sales are driven by women manipulating men. borderline sadistically. if you think cars look emasculating now its because they were designed to be. again not le incel memes. actual thing car designers go off of.
>its le current year!
The current year is hideous and not worthwhile.

Even your precious drag queens got worse.
You could have just framed it so you couldn't see the car
>this soap bar shape that disrupts the straight lines of the buildings
Are you saying we need more Cybertrucks?
that's the ugliest vehicle in existence
>Even your precious drag queens got worse
How so?
I think you're right but I dont think I even noticed it in the moment
Yes. So far we can only paint / draw a cyberpunk dystopia. I would like to be able to photograph one. We have the dystopia, now we just need the cyberpunk
The problem isn't actually the cars. Modern cars are ugly, but if you look at the buildings in these photos the buildings match the cars. They are aesthetically aligned. The buildings and cars are from the same era so they go together. In modern towns there is a mashup of buildings ranging from the 60s-modern day, but cars are generally only from around the last 2 decades, with a heavy distribution towards more recent cars. Combined with the fact that car design language has mostly stopped evolving, a car from 2014 and 2024 don't actually look like they are a decade apart for the most part. The real problem is that there is no aesthetic cohesion, which used to exist.
I went to school for ind design bitd. I thought id be an automotive designer. Instead i wrote my Theseus on how irreversibly fucked design in the auto biz is and how & why it would only get worse. It did. It ruined more than photography anon. I found an MG car club & tag along on their events & drives sometimes to get a decent timeless car or two in a series. They’ll have really old wooden frame models, classy 1950s models, 60s & 70s B’s and a bunch of geeks will tag along in lotuses & other classsic brit cars. They always need volunteer navigators & theyre mostly convertibles so you can often get shots of country & city scenery with just bits of one or two other drivers cars in them so your pics dont look like classic car ads.
>photos from our era will look esthetic as well
That is neither what aesthetic means, how its used in a sentence, nor how it is spelled. Tell the rest of Gen Z before they spread it to Gen A.
We already have the cybdrpunk dystopia
All you're missing is neon signs everywhere
why are you trying to correct him when you are ESL too? You are right about spelling though
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the balkanization of all epistemology... really kicked in around 2012.

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Old cars are so fucking beautiful.
People clothes and posture
"new" cars, aka 5yo shit boxes with shitty paints
The total lack of colors and fun in visuals
And more importantly : Ugly ads everywhere
billboards and signs with web addresses on them also ruin the vibe a lot of the time
>Noooo people cant stop living in cramped cities and just use the city center as a utilitarian employment zone nooooooooo you need to live in the soul crushing bug hive and obey your boss-father its heckin trad NOOOO THIS RUINED MY STREET PHOTOGRAPHY YOU FREAKING PUT A HIGHWAY THROUGH DOWNTOWN ITS SO UGGO NOW ITS LIKE YOU ONLY GO THERE TO WORK
Yeah yeah cry about soi. Street photography was never art, is not art, and never will be art. It's just snapshots that might be a novelty in 50 years. Anyways global population decline is inevitable, and desirable despite the whining of "THOSE capitalists", so we might as well spread out instead of packing ourselves together.
*mows lawn in full view of my suburban backyard chickens and takes care of suburban vegetable garden*
>with shitty paints
Is Nardo grey not enough for you?
give it 30 yrs.
it's also the standard when fashion and aesthetics cycle back and get accepted again. that's how the corporate elites play us with trends.
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With cars? Yes
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>just use the city center as a utilitarian employment zone
ok nice try schlomo trying to sneak a bullshit 'argument' in there along with depopulation agendas, you do seem kinda anti-human, seeing no art in a daily life... now please simply explain why this 'utilitarian design' has to have such UGLY architecture?
Like a main point of the video is to show how the cars have stayed the same relative to the gigantic changes in the architectural design that has been rebuilt into fucking nothing... I have 0 problem with living spread out, just some cultural effort into making roads/buildings/signs beautifully designed would go a long way

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Tbf the exact same image could be made for cars of the 30s, 40s, 50s
Financial centers are meant to be ugly to remind you that greed is a sin
Why do you want to build a temple to the financial exploitation of human beings?
checked and I see your point, but i just think we've been too greedy with the ugly-stick.
lol i dont exactly want temples, if theyre already built though (and they are) at least make them pleasing.
>millennials actually believe this
lol, lmao even
For me it's commercial signs ads and billboards everywhere on the background
Makes it look like a teletubby world.
Modern cars too
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Very true observation, cars are priced in a way that normal people can't afford them. Then there are many people that can afford them but don't want them.

Yes, in a way. Cybertrucks are butt ugly but at least they are a unique design. It's a risky and different design decision. For that fact it should be applauded.

Based, I always love when people decide to take photos of my car at shows.

Not at all. Even two different models from the same manufacturer model year line up will look more different than most of these.

Picrel is mine, bought as a Zoomer. I suppose I have a degree of say in the matter.

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thats brock fuckin sampson, thats who.
Get out Mehmet, no one likes your Nardo Audi.
this is bait but literally correct. it's funny because it's not just "old is better" i actually think 09-14 cars look great as well. it's specifically 2002-2008 and then 2015-now.
50s car crash resilience is not going to come back because of fashion
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that's retarded
the rest of your post is spot-on
Solve the problem then. Find a way to take a photo of the modern urban landscape that works. Stop moaning about it.
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classic cars are fun. saw this boomer mobile the weekend.

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