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Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
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>How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
CO2 generators have existed for a long time
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they secretly hate trees
this kind of mentally ill belief is only possible with total ignorance of math and physics
That's making cold weather places more inviting to people who aren't built for cold weather. Just look at what's happening to Canada.
Lol no.
it makes sense when you realize that withering is the goal rather than flourishing, and frailty rather than vitality the virtue
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You must love disco.
Read it, retard.
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I did, that's how I knew you interpreted it as a single variable (tree planting) and dismissed everything else even though the article itself states majority rather than entirely. You could argue rate if you wanted, as that would be a valid discussion given the article, but instead you created a fantasy in your head with one and only one variable.
In the future you should give a bit more thought to both what you read and the context in which is exist before resorting to emotional responses.
You clearly didn't read the article.
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That's what will happen to the Earth once CO2 runs out and causes all the plants to die off, before unleashing the runaway greenhouse effect caused by plants not keeping said CO2 levels in check and the sun increasing in luminosity, boiling away the ice caps and releasing greenhouse gas deposits. Earth will actually become an even more hellish version of Venus in around a billion years due to this, as it has significantly more gas deposits.
Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they didn't read/watch whatever it is that you based your world view upon.
Read this and you must agree with me 100% or you didn't read it: https://www.nasa.gov/technology/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth-study-finds/
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Just because deliberate land use changes by humans have resulted in most of the increased green cover doesn't mean wild growth isn't benefiting too.
Look at the sahel, north African coast, US Midwest, etc. The greener Earth may be most pronounced in India and China for mostly land use reasons, but higher CO2 has still been fantastic for wild growing plants all over the world, and the overall global gains eclipse the small, regional, localised areas of loss.
And yet both CO2 and O2 levels continue to drop globally.
India has become a verdant garden paradise in recent years.
>And yet both CO2 and O2 levels continue to drop globally.
What did he mean by this.
It's the ocean that does the heavy lifting with CO2 recycling, stupid.
nature is healing
The very headlines would mislead me to believe the two most pollutant causing countries on the planet are somehow leading the "greening of earth". If it can't even get a headline right why on earth would I bother reading the rest of it?
>I am going to talk about an inert gas for some reason
Cool story bro.
>The very headlines would mislead me to believe the two most pollutant causing countries on the planet are somehow leading the "greening of earth".
The greening is caused by China and India dumping lots of fertilizer and irrigation water on their crop fields, not by CO2 fertilization.
That's based on an old study that didn't factor human land use into account.

>Everything I don't like is a made up lie
Perfect for me to cut down more trees and sell the lumber to foreign nations
Imagine being a brainlet being filtered by non-linear relations.
I mean you probably consider this such a "big word", I might as well speak Chink right now.
Why are you so disingenuous? You know that CO2 dissolves in water and you just happened to leave that out? Shame on you.
You are in for a rude awakening
>co2 is a problem! we have to fix it!
>ok build a bunch of nuclear reactors and use surplus generation to make methane to run combined-cycle plants during peaks, and pipe the flue into greenhouses
>no not like that!
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Surprise, assholes. It turns out that Earth indeed must be a giant greenhouse, without it we turn into a cold, desert rock like Mars.
Shake the can well before you open your next drink.
Retard takes.
Not an argument.
CO2 is plant food.
The only downside is the potential warming effect from additional CO2. It's been estimated that current increases in CO2 have a radiative forcing effect of about 2 watts per square meter, compared to the total solar irradiance of 1361 W/m2. If CO2 levels doubled to 800 ppm then it's estimated this would have a radiative forcing effect of 6 W/m2. To offset warming in this scenario would require mitigation strategies like stratospheric aerosol injection to reduce solar irradiance by about 0.4%. In the context of plant growth this reduction in sunlight would be negligible given that photosynthesis is only 1 to 2% efficient. If anything we should see significantly accelerated plant growth by about 10 to 50% due to the CO2 fertilization effect at 800ppm.
Retard takes
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from the horse's mouth
>Fossil fuel industry propaganda
>How does converting hydrocarbons to biomass make the planet greener
Real headscratcher
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I'm tired of seeing this stupid lie everywhere. CO2 will not increase plant growth outside of highly controlled conditions.

The law of the minimum governs plant growth. It states that growth is limited by the most scarce factor. Adding CO2 to the atmosphere is like building a barrel with one stave taller then the rest and the "CO2 is plant food" crowd insists that it will make the barrel hold more water. It won't.



So where's the spaces where all this extra plant life is supposed to be flourishing? Because all I'm seeing is existing forests getting set on fire for agriculture at impossible rates. Or alternatively forests just catching on fire by themselves. Where are the places that we're supposed to be sinking gigatons of carbon dioxide into? Which desert has turned into a rain forrest of late?
It's in Chinese cropland and tree farms and it's fertilizer, not CO2 that's greening the Earth.

CO2 is extremely low compared to the times plants evolved.
So while the law of the minimum might be true, the yield may still increase because CO2 is the lowest stave of the barrel.
And some other plant that was co2 limited may cause animals to appear that shit out phosphor causing other plants to grow more.

You can fertilize the soil, but you can't fertilize the air. Therefore increasing CO2 levels is of the utmost importance.
>CO2 is extremely low compared to the times plants evolved.
What do you mean "the times plants evolved"? Evolution is ongoing. It's not like it happened in the past and then stopped one day.
>CO2 is the lowest stave of the barrel.
venus just doesn't recycle it's matter into it's core like earth does but instead farts it all out
I wonder how much you get paid to write this horseshit
Entirely wrong. Stop spreading misinformation on the internet.
Plants are retarded and will gobble up all CO2 until they starve. Also rocks.
>Source that it's the lowest
sauce that it isn't?

>what's the pay
About as much as a janny

Break free of the anti human death cult you have been lured into.
What's next? Are you going to claim that blotting out the sun won't affect plant life because it is limited by some other parameter?
You made the claim. You source it.
Why are you incapable of sourcing your claims? It's almost like you made them up.
What a shithole planet. And Musk wants to colonize this place?
that's not Mars you moron
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The Truth About Climate Change
Authors: Jonathan Tooker
Climatology occupies the intersection of science policy and public understanding of science. In such a prominent position, the wide spectrum of climate opinions is remarkable. Society has achieved a paradigm in which global warming subscribers and non-subscribers are largely segregated by political affiliation. Since science is non-political, only a misunderstanding of the science can facilitate such a segregation. In the first section we analyze a recent study by Cook \emph{et al.} finding overwhelming scientific endorsement for the greenhouse theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW). We find the popular reporting on Cook's result is not accurate. The aim of the following section is to clarify the science behind the most popular climate arguments and introduce the reader to some evidence that is not widely publicized. Even the astute non-climatologist should come away from this report with an enhanced understanding of relevant issues in modern climate science.
Did you finally give up larping as a mathematician?
As with soil biology a balance of conditions is most ideal. With soil biology once there are good conditions increasing the threshold provides better results. This goes for elevated CO2, storage of sugars in the leaf are increased in many plants, better nitrogen fixation, better use of water, better resistance to stress i.e. harsh conditions.
Word salad.

“Global warming is fake”

“Ok, global warming isn’t fake, but it’s actually a good thing” <—— YOU ARE HERE

“Ok, global warming isn’t a good thing, but it’s not that bad either”

“Ok, global warming is bad, but it won’t affect me personally”

I fully endorse burning more fossil fuel to return carbon locked in low energy, high entropy states back into the carbon cycle (which is not 100% efficient due to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics). There it will be available for utilization by living organisms, thereby prolonging the life of the earth's biosphere.
t. low functioning autistic
What’s the point of this thread? To disprove global warming or something? You realize methane, NO2, and water vapor have a much greater effect on global warming than CO2.
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Global warming is a scam. Not because it's not happening, but because it's by in large a good thing. My nephew is in the 6th grade and is stressed to the eyeballs because he is convinced everyone will die due to global warming. It really angers me.
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i mean, he's not wrong that we're all going to die
Exactly, though, it's not actually a hard rule, there can be limited benefit from the other nutrients. The CO2 can now barely compensate for the loss of heavy metals. Soon places start becoming lifeless again, because there is no eukaryotic life without lead.
Autistic people are soothed by repetition so you've just proved me right.
>implying modern agriculture doesn't rely heavily on machinery designed by engineers
Na bro subsistence farming for literally (not figuratively) 8% of the yield that can be obtained with chemical intervention is heckin based
Are China and India unprecedented verdant paradises now, or were they wastelands previously? The "greening" between countries is not that meaningful unless the countries started at the same level of "greenness".
It is erroneous to call what is happening “global warming”. What is actually happening is climate destabilization which will cause massive drought and famine in some areas (mostly poor tropic areas) and unpredictable weather patterns. Your nephew is right to worry but not because le warming. What is more likely to happen is massive immigration from collapsing agricultural societies and as a result, riots over food and water. Restrictions on necessities will become common while mega corporations will continue to pump out single use products like cheap clothes and iPhones. Essentially the 1st world will become a toilet like the rest of the world
>massive immigration
So nothing out of the ordinary?
>will become a toilet like the rest of the world

These things would be way scarier if they hadn't already happened.
Cope harder
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China and India are some of the least green countries on the planet.
>He thinks trees are the only plant
Mesopotamia is thriving
>Net Zero Watch
Pure propaganda. Let me guess, it's the climategate emails again?
>scientific publications
Lol. The funniest part is that you actually believe that. You will never be a scientist.
Satellite images show the opposite.
this shit makes me laugh so hard the oxygen content of my blood has significantly depleted
the Ganges is truly the greenest river on the planet!
What's happening to all the bugs tho?

Are we just overusing pesticides?
Have they evolved to avoid humans/civilization better?
>What's happening to all the bugs tho?
They're still being annoying. Found a nest of wasps living in my basement last summer.
>Are we just overusing pesticides?
Definitely a big part of it, along with habitat destruction and light pollution
>Have they evolved to avoid humans/civilization better?
Only the pest species
why are end of the world messiah complex schizos so consistently retarded?
Anon, that's footage from a sitcom.
>anti human death cult
I don't know how caring about the environment that you as a living being depend on is a "death cult". Humans are biological organisms that follow the same laws of Nature as everything else.
It's going to be shit and - on geologic time scales - might actually end humanity as a whole. Keep in mind, climate change is just one aspect of ecological overshoot.
>It really angers me.
Most likely because you won't have to deal with this mess, but he will and he's somewhat aware of that.
It also relies heavily on fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals. None of these are good for the environment in current quantities.
Take your meds
No one is upset about CO2 being good for plants, they're just frustrated about how stupid people jump from that to "man-made climate change is good and/or not real". Hope that helps.
Who are you quoting?
Though plants do grow fast with higher CO2 concentrations, humanity is increasing said concentration much faster than plants can sequester the CO2 from the air.

Additionally, if plant that dies and rots, the CO2 is released back into the air, so the CO2 entrapment is temporary.

Forget it, plants won't fix global warming in a convenient timeframe for us, it'll take a few thousand years.
the more co2 there is in the atmosphere, the faster and more efficiently plants sequester co2

its almost as if the life on this planet evolved with fluctuating atmospheric CO2 portions just like it did with fluctuating temperatures, daylight availability, etc.
Yeah that's the point they want you to live in a world without trees.
Yeah global warming is good. It would be better if nobody could freeze to death.
Yeah, there will be mass famine and heat exposure deaths, but at least no one will freeze lol
>there will be mass famine because plants grow more productively and require less water in CO2 enhanced atmospheres
Which youtuber told you that?
Most of those certified as scientists are actually impostors. The real ones prefer to stay away from academia more often than not.
Al Gore is not scientist. Neither is Neil deGrasse Tyson.
>Neither is Neil deGrasse Tyson.
NDT managed to get a PhD in astronomy from an Ivy league school without being able to pass undergrad calculus classes
Explain that
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Saddam built a lot of waterworks, dams, irrigation canals, etc. That was one of the things that the west hated about him, they wanted him to be dependent on grain imports
Literally the stupidest "argument" of all re: global warming.
same thing i said on other thread. plants are, in general, adapted to current CO2 levels. increase a bit and they do well. increase roo much and they crash.

go put yourself in a 2x O2 environment and see how you feel. same shit happens to plants.
Wrong, plants are healthiest at 1500-2000ppm.
At 400ppm they're on the verge of death from starvation.
Damn, if only we can mine them out of the ground where roots don't reach.

good news?

now you gotta use more gasoline to get rid of the green stuff
emit more CO2

plant grow faster more

where end of this maddness
we goin vegan bros!

and ze bugs for connaisseurs
Retard take.

Plant food
>we invented another peak to own you
The runoff simply turns into more sea food and ultimately ocean sediment. Shit is more common than sulfur.
>How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
You are making a fundamental mistake conflating what you, personally, are aware of, with what "scientists discovered". Your ignorance is not their ignorance.
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Running off into the ocean is the problem. If it were economical to extract phosphorus from the ocean then we wouldn't be mining it. The best you can get right now is composting seafood waste, but that's not enough to support all of our agriculture.
Venus doesn't even look remotely like that. More NASA image editing.
Sediment. If we are scraping the ocean bed for sea food then we can scrape the floor for mud too
You're ignorant of the sorted history of agricultural "science"
>the sorted history
The word you're looking for there is "sordid."
Do the next edit, go ahead
>this kind of mentally ill belief is only possible with total ignorance of math and physics
Just like climate change denial
Alright, bud. Go make your pitch to some venture capitalists. Have them sign an NDA and tell them you solved peak phosphorus and you can give them an edge over the competition who thinks mining phosphorus is cheaper. See how much money they give you. If all it takes to supply the world with their phosphorus is to scrape up some ocean sediment and you're the only person to ever have thought of that then you're going to be a rich man. We all love and support you, anon.
>designed by engineers
It was all designed originally by farmers and other people involved in agriculture. John Deere was a blacksmith who made plows and pitchforks for farmers, he had no engineering background and training. Most of John Deere's early products came from farmers who went to him and said "can you build me something like this…"
>John Deere was a blacksmith who made plows and pitchforks for farmers, he had no engineering background and training. Most of John Deere's early products came from farmers who went to him and said "can you build me something like this…"
John Deere died over 100 years ago. No blacksmith is designing modern farming equipment.
>Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
>How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
>Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
I remember hearing this years ago. It may have even been a decade ago.
That idea only need a boat with syphon. Venture cap is for pissing on the moon.
Then surely you can get a loan for such an enterprise and corner the phosphorus market single handedly. You could even patent the process to ensure that other people can't just buy a bigger fleet of boats. You are important to us, anon. You are the smartest person in the world and that's why you've solved an issue that nobody else has. All that's left for you to do is get to work.
Thanks for the insight. But again I am not interested in getting investment prior to getting a boat or looking ar river sediments first.
I don't know why you are hell bent on capitalization and investment, before prototyping. Aren't you a pretencious scamming jew? How does a monopoly on solution help in a supposed global crisis? Do you really in this to solve the problem?
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Because most of them are complete idiots who can only repeat like parrots whatever nonsense they were trained to say by their jew masters.
That's just my hometown
I don't think Global warming will shift the planets orbit to Venus ...
Why does the fact that CO2 is good for plants and good for the environment make people who claim that they want an improved natural environment seethe so much?
Why aren't the people who claim to be concerned about the environment ecstatic that CO2 is improving it so much?
Because the people who claim that it's good for the environment frequently want to destroy the environment
The point is to make you actually think about your retarded idea. People much smarter than you have come up with the same idea, analyzed it, and then discarded it because it was useless.
Take your meds
Appeal to some hypothetical authority when you can't even name him. Why would it be already been done when mechanization is recent and such self "aware" climate panic is even more recent and still panicking. It is not knowledge if it doesn't set you free, including worry free. How about some actual and related counter arguments?
Chalk and limestone has been stablizing phosphate by precipitation and been used as soil amendments anyways. Once stablized it can be taken out of of the stream and bottom and put into the ground alone with bacteria that solubilize it so roots can take it up.
Why do you keep associating ponzi scheme of "winner takes all" market monopoly investment with work and insisting on doing things out of order?
Look up C3 and C4 photosynthesis.

C3, the most common photosynthesis is literally poisoned by atmospheric oxygen. It loses half its efficiency in Earth's current atmosphere.
How about you actually analyze your moronic plan? Just look into the logistics and you'll realize that you're a moron. Use real data and actually do the math.
CO2 isn't a pollutant any more than O2 is
Not like you can do any. Keep your doom and gloom, might just kill yourself at this point.
I'm not asking you to post it so we can have a debate. I'm telling you to properly analyze your mental abortion so you can stop thinking it's a good idea. As far as I can tell you are a waste of space, and that is always a personal choice.
>i win you lose you do all the work to prove yourself wrong
Peak brain development. Im not sure if doctors can help your condition if they have to seeking you out first.
>cropped out source
But plants DONT sequester CO2 except in specific conditions like swamps.
The co2 mainly joins the merry-go-round of the carbon cycle which is constantly emitting and absorbing co2 via the growth and death of life on earth.

The only way we know to sequester CO2 is to either expose massive amounts of rock to air and let it chemically weather into various carbonates. This takes millions of years.
Or to bury large amounts of organic matter and let it form coal and oil. This also takes millions of years.

Right now there are no tectonic plate movements that are building mountains so there is no chemical weathering taking place.

In the other case we are not sequestering carbon either. Rather we are adding to the problem by taking already sequestered carbon out of the ground and burning it.
I don't know how you can possibly reach adulthood without learning that you have to think things all the way through. Are you disabled and dependent on your parents or something?
You can also produce biochar and amend soil with it to sequester carbon, but the scale of our emissions would dwarf any attempt to offset those emissions with biochar. We need to reduce our emissions and start sequestering carbon. If you have plants, a compost pile, or livestock then you can amend the soil with charged biochar, mix uncharged biochar into compost at 5-20% by volume to charge it yourself, or add uncharged biochar to your feed at 2% by weight. Adding it to feed or compost also reduces their ghg emissions and improves the health of the animals and the quality of the compost/manure.
Nope, fully operational and independent. Keep projecting your inability onto others. I've demonstrated enough thinking here, non contributer in online conversation.
Then you must have had everything given to you. Everyone else has to consider whether or not their ideas are valuable. The only people I've ever met that can't are nepo babies and literal retards who are cared for by their parents all their life. If you aren't either then you should be ashamed at your stunted mental development and work to catch up with the rest of us.
Active biomass is sequestered and "dead" biomass is eaten by living biomass into more biomass.
You should really learn about the carbon cycle instead of pretending to know about it.
Enough of this cookie cutter lecture that automatically assumes you are the teacher and I am the student despite having nothing to back up your supposed authority, and then lecture me on how I am on my own for this study, and none of your business to demonstrate me anything, and when I do have a plan, you throw it down citing it is not as fast and caucious as you had in mind at the same time. Do you work in academia by any chance?
Your idea is a bad idea. Everyone who has examined that idea understands this except for you. You are not the "student" you are a moron who doesn't understand how to objectively examine an idea, and you continue to refuse to even make the attempt. Confirmed nepo baby. Learn how to become a functioning adult.
This is just pathetic.
That's projection.
Who is this everyone pulling out of your ass once again? Its you and me pal. and if you have nothing to say you can gtfo.
Alright, I'll hold your hand. For a resource to be economical to extract you need to exploit a source that is richer than the average content of the Earth's crust which for phosphorus is about 0.1% by weight. The highest phosphorus content I'm seeing for ocean sediments is 525.1 µg/g, or 0.00000525%. We didn't even need to get to the logistics. You would be better off digging up random patches of dirt to collect your phosphorus.
Now we are cooking and see how hard is it? Guess I was wrong about the sea, yet we can still go up stream.
So not only "polluted" ocean has P lower than rock and dirt ambient, thus not a pollution, but the wide usage of high purity phosphorus on field is also a scam because the need could always be meet by adding highly weathered parent material that give off slowly and wash off less easily, and river sediments where agriculture run off is has it in ~5000 mg/kg(0.05%), I wonder what would the number be in actual drainage ditch without mountain snow water diluting it.(holy cracker some chink did it with clay)
>Now we are cooking and see how hard is it?
Ask yourself, moron. You failed to analyze your idiotic idea and demanded that someone else do your thinking for you. Confirmed nepo baby. Learn how to become a functioning adult.
We are back.
Learn how to become a functioning adult.
I am. You are the one having argument and want to refute yet relectant to put work and side tracking at all time. Perhaps you shouldn't be participating in nameless conversation but in a oldfart house, professer guru masta rabbi. Don't you have your own children to scold to?
You are the least self aware person I have ever encountered. I told you your idea was moronic and you needed to think it through. You never did. Every functioning adult thinks through their ideas. You are not a functioning adult.
Come on joe, who are you kidding. If you are less of a moron and child than I do, you won't argue for this long and just point straight to the issue and cut the crap. Your pretenciousness gets you and makes you seeth to the teeth.
Now if you will excuse me I have better bot to proompt.
>If you are less of a moron and child than I do,
>plants don't sequester CO2
but also
>petroleum is made out of plants that died a billion years ago

or are you trying to tell us that oil is abiotic and is a virtually inexhaustible resource because it just oozes out of the earth crust without needing to be instigated by an organic origin
Why don't you try learning about the carbon cycle? You might find some answers to your questions.
you have no idea what you're talking about, greta
How does burning oil release CO2 if oil is made from plants and plants don't sequester CO2?
wow its almost like venus never had any trees to decompose its CO2!
No, YOU have no idea what you're talking about and are projecting. Instead of all that you could learn about the carbon cycle.
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>whats a greenhouse: the thread

I don't know any scientists, but all the farmers I know, know that CO2 is good for plants and biomass.
Also oil does NOT take 6 gorillion years, it 's as renewable as water
>co2 absorbed
>co2 into ground become oil
>oil used as fuel
>becomes co2
How does that disprove, or even debate what I said on >>16157079?
I'm not saying we need more biomass or co2, I'm saying its a part of the eco-system on this planet like water is and not what we've been taught (finite, poisonous resource).
Try actually reading those links this time.
lets import those people to our relatively clean western nations, what could possibly go wrong
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> just shoot plants into venus with a rocket bruh
stay in your lane nazis
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cool, where are you all leaving?
youre stupid like a sack of beans.
>plant grows
>absorbs CO2, stores carbon and releases oxygen
>plant dies
>microorganisms digest plant while consuming oxygen, releasing the carbon as CO2
rinse and repeat.

This is a completely different scenario to what used to be the case during the carboniferous period. Even schoolkids know this:
>plants evolve to produce lignine
>plants grow higher than ever before
>absorb CO2, store carbon and release oxygen
>plants die
>microorganisms digest plant while consuming oxygen, releasing some carbon as CO2 but have not yet evolved to consume new to them lignine
>dead plants pile up everywhere for millions of years
>in some areas such piles are covered in acidic swamps, under landslides and sediment and what have you
>microorganisms finay develop the ability to devour lignine, a now highly useful mutation thanks to the now omnipresent foodsource
>microorganisms devour all the dead plants releasing the remaining carbon back in the athmosphere
>only the plant matter than has come to rest under sedimenty permafrost and swamps are out of reach for newly evolved bacteria and over time turn to coal
There are currently no condition for the formation of new coal or oil. This is a misleading strawman anyways. It took millions of years for the fossil fuels man is burning through in merely a couple of years to form. So even if the same process still was feasible, which it isn't, it would be at least by a factor of several hundret too slow to keep up.
Stupid pro climate activists regularly make the same error, believing any plant that fixed carbon will retain it indefinately. Additional carbon is only fixed as long as plant mass increases which is not the case for any mature fauna. On top of that the capacity and rate is extremely limited see above.
Everything you described is just our best guess. There is a competing hypothesis called the abiogenic petroleum origin hypothesis. You're acting like it's all been figured out and proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, but it's not.
Abiogenic petroleum is pseudoscientific garbage with no evidence to support it.
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>That's what will happen to the Earth once CO2 runs out and causes all the plants to die off
That happened. That's what the Great Oxygenation Event is.
The reason plants literally give free food (fruit) to animals is because they are so strapped for CO2 because of what their ancestors did.
Humans burning fossil fuels is EXACTLY what the plants want. They've been waiting for billions of years for some form of life to fix their fuckup.
Did the advent of lignin-processing microorganisms cause a discreet event like the GOE?
ABIOgenic pereoleum
flat earth schizos get it right every time
look boi. there is a lot of THEORIES, in fact the number of possible theories is infinite. But most theories are just that, theories. Also nothing will ever be proven without a doubt. And yet I have to come across a single person who in a critical situation will refuse to act and rather explain 'I need more evidence the house I'm in is on fire maybe we can rerun the experiment later and check for anomalies ?'.
abiogenic petroleum has never been entertained anywhere. It has already been disproven beyond any reasonable doubt as all known petroleum reserves have composition identical to that of the standard "fossil" fuels, down to trace element counts and fragment weightings.

It's over.
yeah but still theres this dude here
I often get the impressuon the insane ampunt of mental gymnastics those types practice can only be an expression of a very limited set of motivations, trolling, or justifying ones own comfortable and lazy choices and avoiding conflicts of consciousnes. Which would also explain the amount of fallacies and bogus argument that couldn't be explained by even severe lack of wits but only mallicious intent.
Abiogenic petroleum has nothing to do with flat earth, so why even bring it up except to dishonestly poison the well and shut down discussion?
Just don't come to this board unless you're in the mood to shitclown schizoposters. They will never learn but you can at least make fun of them.
>>AB has nothing to do with flat earth
They are equivalent because they are both jokes/trolling/memes seized up on by grifters and edgelords.
>>justifying ones own comfortable and lazy choices
I think it helps some people sleep at night.
>>poison the well
I already told you to go back to /pol/ with your briefcase of hand-drawn conspiracy knowledge bombs.
Flat earth is a psy-op invented to poison the well and terminate all thought and discussion any time someone tries to discuss non-mainstream views on anything.
Okay actually I fully agree with you about this and a lot of other conspiracies.
>It has already been disproven beyond any reasonable doubt
wrong, its been conclusively proved true, all the deepest borehole find hydrocarbon fuels in great quantity at depths for below the deepest traces of organic matter
Well then please explain how complex carbohydrates as were seeing in natural petroleum reserves (we were talking coal a while ago mind you) have formed or can form in the absence of organic matter.
I hope this doesn't reuire really odd supernoveae and alternative nukleogenesis but im very keen to learn. Sorry for trying to poison the well I was just a bit irritated by the fact you brpught up a theory but chose to not make an argument supporting it.
>>all the deepest borehole find hydrocarbon
If this is true why is no company exploiting this fact?
shallower wells are more profitable
It helps that they have plenty of fertilizer
>The only way we know to sequester CO2 is to either expose massive amounts of rock to air and let it chemically weather into various carbonates.
You forgot about biological carbonates IE shells.
>Rather we are adding to the problem
What's the problem?
Still waiting for the argument supporting a novel origin of peteoleum and or or coal. Also wondering how it would be relevant to the discussion, after all all the carbon were discussing was formed in a star and made its way here and we're stuck with it.
>Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
I have bad news for you: everyone else already knew that.

Let's hope now that those plants can not only grow fast enough to capture ALL the CO2 we dump into the atmosphere, but that they ALSO die in environments where the organic matter (leaves, trunks, etc) doesn't rot and ends up RELEASING AGAIN that CO2 back into the atmosphere! That's why some forests EMMIT CO2, and others capture CO2.

That's right, that carbon has to be BURIED, and not just be turned into plant matter.
Always complicated, this fucking universe, always fucking complicated.
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Anyone play Stationeers? In the game you can grow plants in a 100% CO2 atmosphere just by pumping mars atmosphere in a room to pressure (like 15psi), warming it, and filtering out toxics.

I was very curious if this could work on Mars. The answer is nope. That much CO2 is toxic to plants. Matter of fact plants can't take much more CO2 than what is normal on Earth without it hurting them.
'Under high temperature and light, however, oxygen has a high affinity for the photosynthetic enzyme Rubisco. Oxygen can bind to Rubisco instead of carbon dioxide, and through a process called photorespiration, oxygen reduces C3 plant photosynthetic efficiency and water use efficiency.'
>Matter of fact plants can't take much more CO2 than what is normal on Earth without it hurting them.
thats why all the plants died 25 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 levels were 500% greater than they currently are
>25 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 levels were 500% greater than they currently are
>Literally says fucking TREES
You might be the most retarded person I've seen, but I know your desperate to push your agenda, I'll forgive you.
/pol/ here, and the anon you replied to is correct and you are wrong.
>25 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 levels were 500% greater than they currently are
NTA, but did you research this at all? 20 million years ago CO2 concentrations were at 300ppm. In 2015 they hit 400ppm.
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Holy shit, is this true?
post source
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You will never be a scientist
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>sions with biochar. We need to reduce our emissions and start sequestering carbon. If you have plants, a compost pile, or livestock then you can amend the soil with charged biochar, mix uncharged biochar into compost at 5-20% by volume to charge it yourself, or add uncharged biochar to your feed at 2% by weight. Adding it to feed or compost also reduces their ghg emissions and improves the health of the animals and the quality of the compost/manure.
dying laughing
>co2 makes plants grow faster
>plants convert co2 to o2
>more plants means a higher prodcution of o2 and a higher consumption of co2
so why exactly won't this balance out at some point?
Because that's not how that works. Take a fucking chemistry class.
You keep saying that without explaining WHY it wouldn't settle at an upregulated equilibrium.
C + O2 = CO2. We don't dig up CO2, we dig up C. Where does the O2 come from? The air. You also don't seem to understand the difference between a rate and a magnitude. How do you grow up to be such a waste of space? I feel like it would take special effort.
i am sure taht is a valid source, hence why you chose to cut it out anon
>Where does the O2 come from? The air.
Where did the O2 in the air come from?
H2O, split apart by chloroplasts with solar energy.
More co2 = more/bigger plants
More/bigger plants = more chloroplasts
More chloroplasts = more O2
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imagine her disgust when she finds out that there are Christian palestinians
Christians are almost as stupid as Muslims, so I don't see why that should make a difference.
why would she care? she is a humanitarian
she doesn't care who she defends, she defends peoples human rights
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>"""""Christians""""" invented science (except not really, Aristotle was well underway with the groundwork for modern science hundreds of years before Christ).
>therefore they demonstrated God was real using science (also not the case, since none of them did that)
you're only confessing your ignorance of the history of the scientific method and demonstrating your ignorance and lack of education
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Climate pseudoscientists are no better than mystics, fortune tellers, and other superstitious nonsense. They have produced zero climate models capable of making accurate predictions. If physics had such a low success rate we wouldn't take it seriously as a field of science either.
How many pixels have humans been around?
Incorrect, moron. Only one molecule of O2 is produced for every CO2 processed during photosynthesis. You should have learned this in high school biology.
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Also, if more CO2 = more O2 then why aren't we seeing that?
Anatomically modern humans 2 million years. Tool making humans about 40K years. Civilization building humans about 7K years. Scientific humans about 400 years.
Does that mean processing fossil fuels is kind of doing Earth a favour by leaking it out and integrating it into the atmosphere slowly rather than the big dump?

What is literally 'greening the Earth'? The point is pollution and greening are not mutually exclusive, it's just that what might be good for plant growth might no be good for other life forms as well

We also don't know what the green stuff is, what if it's weeds

Where is the CO2 warming the earth in places where you can't deal with the heat by better urban design, plants, water? The point of this thread is that the CO2 can be re-integrated into the ecosystem and stored in plants. Can't there just be a bit of strategy beyond 'less CO2'?

Then you add the other shit to create the conditions needed to use up the fucking CO2 you need to use, how fucking hard is it
>the global warming institute
thats a propaganda operation, not a scientific organization
This guy

You're saying to analyse it from a business and political science angle to see whether it's even worth seeing if his scientific hypothesis is worthwhile and true, basically asking him if he thinks anyone really cares enough to permit him to explore his interests
We just need a lot more people and a lot of hands to do gardening in the beautiful greenhouse paradise. "Be fruitful and multiply." The human beings will take care of the earth, subdue the animals and keep CO2 at a stable and symbiotic level with the plants and possess the earth forever, even figuring out ways how to stop the sun burning up the Earth as predicted because they have stopped fighting and can seamlessly reason with each other. The Earth is a garden.
What do you do for work

>you failed to see your own blind spots before opening your mouth
>you are privileged and it isn't fair what about me, i'm not allowed to say ideas so why should you
>i work all day and come home to this get a real job son yer gonna die out there

>but Dad, the planet is dying
>I have an idea Dad

>go to uni first son
Then plant twice the plants you had planned to plant
Do you ever stop and wonder why you are always so susceptible to fall for conspiratorial thinking? Why is it so important to you to prove to the rest of the world that global warming is a myth? You don't personally own stakes in the hydrocarbon industry, so your rational do seem pretty silly from an outsider's perspective.
ofc it's only a rhetorical question, we both know it only cements your other core beliefs, that the jews (or whatever other evil forces you believe are at play) are controlling the world, and that global warming is, in your eyes, a way to keep the population controlled. And so, it is your duty to dispel that "myth" by citing any random article that would helps you discredit "jewish science", all in the pursuit of your perceived tradcath conservative utopia where God Emperor Trump will eventually send Hillary, the libs, the LGBT, and all progressive demons to the gallows.
So like 3 pixels then? What's the rest of the graph for? To point out that dinosaurs lived in different conditions?
You are a retard. You should at least get your GED before posting here
>Do you ever stop and wonder why you are always so susceptible to fall for conspiratorial thinking?
Because narcissists need to feel like they're smart enough to be in on special knowledge that the lowly "normie" is too blind to see.
>progressive demons
and then professor dumbledore cast all the evil wizards to azkaban
>You don't personally own stakes in the hydrocarbon industry
Al Gore's billion dollar family fortune all comes from Occidental Petroleum
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The global warming scam was started by the petroleum industry bosses as a means of justifying selling their product for over 1000% of the cost of extraction.
shill simp for anything, what a whore
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>Natural world flourishing globally
Maybe, but not enough
Oh, I like that counter-conspiracy!
>Oh, I like that counter-conspiracy!
Conservative science in action.
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go to >>>/pol/ if the only reason you're here is to discuss politics. this is the science board
Then where's the science? Certainly not in this thread.
CO2 is good for plants and for that reason its good for nature. Why does that upset you, do you hate the natural world?
Dissatisfaction with reality is a mental illness.
Wrong. See
>source: (((harry katz)))
more trees doesnt necessarily mean more greenery. in some areas it probably means less (oak woodlands, etc). what you are looking for is a study like this but for one of the vegetation indices, which is a calculation of the amount of green proportionate to other colors calculated for each pixel of a satellite image
Adding CO2 to the atmosphere is making plants healthier and more productive worldwide, there is no downside to it since CO2 does not cause the greenhouse effect.
>study finds
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This thread is full of good sciecne, what you're missing is soiyence. You hate real science, you only like soiyence, soiyence and science are polar opposites, but soiyence likes to masquerade as science.
Lol no.
thats like assuming because you cant breath in water that you also cant breath in water fog.
how you will get temperature 100 thousands of years ago ?
you cant.

you get past co2 level from ice drills but you cant get past temperatures. the temperature chart is just guessing.
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>CO2 will not increase plant growth outside of highly controlled conditions.
Xenon temperature proxy
It's quite simple, really.
>presuppose that CO2 correlates to temperature
>figure out how much CO2 there was in the past
>derive temperature estimates from CO2 values
>use graphs as proof that CO2 correlates to temperature
Ta-da! Now you have hundreds of thousands of years worth of data that proves your (presupposed) conclusion!
You have no idea what you're talking about
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michael mann is one of them too
nobody cares fuck off
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Why does that fact that CO2 is good for nature upset you so badly? Do you hate nature?
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>Why does that fact that CO2 is good for nature upset you so badly? Do you hate nature?
Retard takes
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Threadly reminder that when someone crops out the source it's because they're embarrassed of it.
yo dawg i heard you like grass so i put grass on yo grass so now you can eat grass while you eat grass
Uh no dude mars actually died because of too much carbon from all the based black scientist aliens trying to cure racism
india is fertilizing the oceans
he also committed the sin of trying to take control of his own currency
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>Dissatisfaction with reality is a mental illness.
So is savior complex
>more homogeneous and low diverse communities
Take your meds
>the global warming institute
thats a political propaganda outlet, not a scientific organization
Find any source that shows oxygen is increasing.
oxygen is carcinogenic, thats why people take antioxidants
So you agree that oxygen is decreasing? Then what about an accurate graph is propaganda?
This is what urbanites actually believe
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You can be a hypocrite and correct at the same time. They aren't mutually exclusive.
>How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Yeah, this idea that plants actually use co2 and expel oxygen is a shocking, new discovery.
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More farmlands for Russia then...
yes they are
Wise and based post
This. Stupid poltards won't believe it, however
CO2 would be good is they didn't chop the trees simultaneous
not relevant
i ain't reading that, schizo
Based anon serving the retards
Failed as a mathematician, so now trying as a climatologist
low iq detected
Holy cope
All the pollinators are dying. Only wasps and other non-pollinators survive
Retard takes

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