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Are brain eating worms real?
If so how do you avoid them?

>RFK Jr said a worm ate part of his brain and died in his head
>RFK revealed in a 2012 deposition that he also suffered from mercury poisoning
Does this have any relation to Math or science?
>worms ate my brain so i don't understand how brain worm science relates to science
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That explains the science and vaccine skepticism
For someone running for president, it probably is not a good move to admit that he has brain damage.
How do avoid brain eating worms? What causes them?
go back to >>>/pol/
I used to know much about brain eating worms but then worm ate part of my brain
>Are brain eating worms real?
Pork tapeworm encephalitis, yes. The larvae get lost and burrow their way to random organs.
>If so how do you avoid them?
Avoid raw pork, human shit, third world countries, and third worlders with terrible hygine practices.

>Four Orthodox Jews were found with pork tapeworms in their brains
>None of them had eaten pork (religious reasons)
>Six of their housekeepers were found with signs of infection
>These women had recently emigrated from Latin America, where T. solium infection is endemic
Latin Americans don't flush their toilet paper. They put their ass wipes straight into a little garbage bin, often with a lid, where you have to push your hand through the plastic cover and mash it down to fit.
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I see that those worms also ate your brain.
The Canadian health system can help you to kill yourself.
>Avoid raw pork
Isn't that infection specifically the pork's tapeworm hatching in one human and going to another?
pork -> human -> human
Yeah, but the first step to getting brainworms is getting intestinal tapeworms from undercooked cysts in pork, then going ass-to-mouth
>Cysticercosis [brainworms] is usually acquired by eating food or drinking water contaminated by tapeworms' eggs from human feces
>Among foods egg-contaminated vegetables are a major source.
>The tapeworm eggs are present in the feces of a person infected with the adult worms, a condition known as taeniasis [gut worms].
>Taeniasis, in the strict sense, is a different disease and is due to eating cysts in poorly cooked pork.
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its cats
In Latin America, an estimated 75 million persons live in endemic areas and 400,000 people have symptomatic disease.[67] Some studies suggest that the prevalence of cysticercosis in Mexico is between 3.1 and 3.9 percent. Other studies have found the seroprevalence in areas of Guatemala, Bolivia, and Peru as high as 20 percent in humans, and 37 percent in pigs.[68] In Ethiopia, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo around 10% of the population is infected, in Madagascar 16%. The distribution of cysticercosis coincides with the distribution of T. solium.[69] Cysticercosis is the most common cause of symptomatic epilepsy worldwide.[70]

Prevalence rates in the United States have shown immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia account for most of the domestic cases of cysticercosis.[71]
How much of psychiatric conditions do you think are caused by things like these?
why would someone announce this while running for president?
because a worm had eaten a part of their brain
Someone who lets worms eat their brain isn't all to smart to begin with
Thata why he shills the horse dewormer
Its from people that live in jungle villages next to the bush. their houses are crawling with exotic insects.
The worm only ate the gay modules. Hes now superstraight.
>human shit,
I doubt Kennedy ate raw pork, he might have hobnobbed with some third worlders for a photo shoot…so…is he into scat play and gay shit?
I read this as "murder beaners"
>in the United States have shown immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia account for most of the domestic cases of cysticercosis.
Why do we let these diseased low IQ people into the country?
What are some tips and strategies to compensate for a traumatic brain injury and it's affects on your cognition, within the context of STEM/academia?

>TBI from childhood, contused prefrontal cortex
>working memory and attention span is stunted, though personal desire to be an engineer or scientist/researcher is potent as ever
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Don't eat undercooked pork.
You get it from touching raw pork-eating people's shit not from pork directly.
Remember, brain-eating worms can't eat your entire brain if you kill them with mercury poisoning.
vaxxisters, we are so winning
back then they didnt have nanoworms tech to make holes in the brain, thats why JFK had to get shot traditionally
seems doubtful he was really shot traditionally. all the evidence of how he died was destroyed in his autopsy, but oswald wasn't a good enough marksman to make that shot with that rifle.
Why do you need housekeepers in this day and age, with frozen food, microwave ovens, washing machines, dishwashers, and vacuum cleaners? I get a cleaning person every once in a while, because I'm lazy, but other than that I manage a large house by myself with close to zero of my time.
>None of them had eaten pork (religious reasons)
So they claim, but jews also believe they're completely absolved of sin by putting their sins into an animal and then killing it.
>eat pork
>use scapegoat to negate the sin
>"I didn't eat pork [because I negated my pork eating with a scapegoat]."
Sorry if I have difficulty believing people who think they can trick God and have no moral problems with lying to people outside their ethnoreligious group.
It gets you extra votes in red states
The guy who botched that autopsy, J. Boswell, went on to an extremely lucrative pathology career in private/quasigovernmental practice in northern Virginia just outside DC
how did he manage such a successful career if the only thing he was known for was screwing up the jfk autopsy?
Have you seen the current president's state of mind? Anyone would be better than that bumbling idiot
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>RFK Jr says: A worm ate part of my brain

I use to say "The dog ate my homework"
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>brain worms
He isnt a Cognitive Scientist, he can help he is a CompSci student.
That was probably his payoff for his part in the JFK assassination coverup
He's not as worse as Biden, though.
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did his ex wife really die in a manner that was later legally ruled to have been a suicide by public officials?
She "had an accident"
He doesn't want to win.
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classic ben
did he get the mercury poisoning from vaccines?
Probably, where else would he get it from?
he is a heroin addict so he has a lifelong habit of injecting random unverified substances into himself in hopes of getting high
All part of the jews' white genocide plans
How much brains do those worms eat?
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