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Is this true?
Kinda. Mayans knew more about astronomy than scientists do today, and they never needed telescopes
She's hot.
Seething roastie
do we have colonies on other planets yet?
What are some other things that have a colonialism problem?
>Lawn mowers
Elon wants to build a colony on planet X (formerly Mars).
Well. they are having problems with that...
Guess the OP checks out.
dont forget medicine
This is why I don't listen to female "scientist". I made a whole thread about this here lmao
imagine believing this shit
she's pretty. just need to fix her teeth a bit.
happy this thread came back
Yes most innovations happened because white people colonized the world
>can't succeed at the technical scientific aspect of the field
>get involved with politics instead
thats what happens when you give out DEI phds
astroscum already have enough telescopes they don't do anything with, its the least productive and least worthwhile of all the sciences and yet it gets the largest budgets.
Just goes to show how irrational scientists are
A black woman invented the telescope.
No they don't I wont be happy until we have five james web space telescopes.
Exactly. East Asians would still be at a medieval level for another 5,000 years if they hadn't been impacted by the West.
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She looks like she eats grass and apples out of people's hands
and greedy
>That flag
>That scarf
>That gender
Sorry lady, I only get my physics from old Jewish guys and the occasional Anglo.
First laugh out loud today. Suicide postponed.
How is a Palestinian flag relevant to what she's saying?
Is this tard video a false flag by kikes to make me hate their enemies.
>inb4 shlomo calls me achmed.
astronomy existed before telescopes and other stuff
i know arabs atleast practiced it
semitic nose
Twum's ancestors
astronomy in those days was worthwhile because it was used for predicting annual events and for navigation. modern astronomy serves no useful purpose, it is a total waste
She very prettty
You homo >>>/lgbt/
she has horse teeth and an enormous nose and ugly kinky negro hair, she needs to by covered by hijab
>oy vey Einstein was the smartest astronomer ever
>any other historical facts are antisemitism!
>she needs to by covered by hijab
also a six foot depth of soil
Yes, its being colonized by foreigners and women
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they should concentrate on decolonizing proctology, that seems to be the most affected sphere of scientific inquiry
kek at that image

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