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Roman edition
fuck tatsumoto and refold shills subedition


>How do I learn a language?
suck BBC and pay a visit to >>>/int/lang/

>Language-learning packs

>Language-learning book archives

Pimsleur collection as of 2022 (but some languages are apparently missing)

>Michel Thomas Complete V3
Luke Ranieri's 8 hour audio Ancient Greek course.

>[Ancient Greek by the Ranieri-Dowling Method]

Here's the link to the his shop too, if you want to have a look at the description or his other work:

>[Ancient Greek learning pack]

>[TTC Video] Hans-Friedrich Mueller - Greek 101
Refold decks
>FR1K (v 1.1)
>ES1K (v 1.4)
>KO1K (v 1.0)
>JP1K (v 1.3)
Just want to say, rutracker has a lot of obscure German learning resources. I'm actually the sole seeder for a lot of them.
Why don't I get any leeches and when I do the upload is very slow? Downloads are fine.
I'm using Transmission.
Requesting el deck ingles version para hispanohablantes. Gracias
Requesting Armenian
Is there a decent torrent for German-translated comic books in cbr format? Not pdf.
I mean Asterix, Tintin (Tim & Struppi), Donald Duck (Lustiges Taschenbuch), Valhalla. European comics.
Japanese dictionary files (torrents and direct download)
Japanese resources
>Roman edition
>no Latin-specific resources
>check OP links
>latin learning resources
Unless you're saying you want "latin reading resources" in which case have this: https://www.thelatinlibrary.com
Could anyone share Refold DE1K deck? Awesome Anki vocabulary deck for German: https://refold.la/german/deck
Michel Thomas is a kike and the courses vary widely in quality. Also the retard student can trip you up and impede the method. If available use language transfer for a prep the assimil and pimsluer. If that's all that's available for your desired language though fair enough
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analcream, stop spamming you dipshit retard.
>The post at the bottom right of the picture is the exact same post as 1213331
Your ISP probably throttles your upload
Any Thai resources?
god fucking damn, read op post before posting requests, nigga. It's all there
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pls seed 6b70041cbfd49293b7ff82919ad46323742d6412 (Chinese Reading Comprehension for Advanced Learners)
it's stuck at 99,7%
why not post some of the torrents you're seeding? interested in german resources
it's been like that since december 2021
anyone have something on jamaican patois?
Third thread in a row asking, anyone got anything for Portuguese?
Anon, I am a native Portuguese speaker. Do you have any specific accent preference? I can help you with your studies if you want, of course.
Brazilian Portuguese, my brothers gf is Brazilian and she is trying to set me up with her Brazilian best friend who will visit in a few months so I am trying to learn. She is too busy with work and I would also like to surprise her. I have been using Duolingo for a while but that is not the best.
read the OP, anon, it's in the txt
Obrigado homens
Perfect! Hmu on Discord, my ID is: osaka#6164
I can give you an introduction to Portuguese!
Any Wales fags willing to teach me welsh? Reply with discord
Some audiobooks on Italian, German and Norwegian here 19.95Gb torrent, 9.4Gb of language related content
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Anyone here knows of some Discord server where I can practice my German? Or anything similar for where you can have actual conversations to practice your German?
niggers, this is a board for torrents (resources), go to /int/ if you actually learnforeign language . Why is everyone here a dumb retard that doesn't read the OP post?
True. Thanks.
Shut up faggot. You were a hallway monitor huh?
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/r/equsting any Welsh
Diolch fy ffrindiau
Ayy is self teaching just a recepie for learning a language badly and does learning a lang confer cognitive benefits or is that just bunk
/r/ing Turkish. Pleeeeaaaaaseeee
does anyone have rosseta stone cd
mainly japanese/french
KO1K V2 anyone?
anyone got DE1K?
Latin please
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Sorry if this link was reposted by someone else:

this folder includes^
Genki 1: from nothing to N5 level
Genki 2: from N5 to N4
Tobira: N4 to N3+ (though I recommend buying a print of this because it introduces too much kanji and it's good to take notes.)

After these you can read most non adult manga pretty easily, and you can have normal conversations with people. Note that you can only improve at speaking by speaking. This is the only thing you will need JP related from 0 to the point where you can learn by emmersion
Does any one have pimsleur russian level 4 and 5. The pimsleur website says that they now have 5 levels in total but all the torrents and link i have foun only have the firt three.
Genki is trash. stop wasting time
Anything for stuffs with Traditional Chinese Characters? Like the ones they taught in Taiwan.
The ones I could find are unseeded/incomplete/low-quality.
Examples what I want to find:
- Practical Audio-Visual Chinese 3rd edition with the audios
- A Course in Contemporary Chinese with the audios
- New Practical Chinese Reader: Traditional Chinese version
- Mini Radio Plays
- The Ultimate Illustrated Chinese Grammar Guide
- An A to Z Grammar for Chinese Language Learners
And other books. I'm especially interested in something to practice my pronunciation with. So a lot of recordings and minimal pairs.
Here are learning materials for the South-Slavic languages. Part 1:
Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian Language Learning Pack (2012)

Serbian Learning Pack (Audio)

Serbian Learning Pack (Books)
Part 2:


And the rest of the Balkan languages:

Modern Greek

Now, some Russian:

Learning Russian: The Princeton University Way

The Ultimate Russian Learning Pack (2014)

Russian Language Learning Pack (Updated)

Russian Language Learning Pack (Updated) (Vol. 2)

Russian Language Learning Pack (Updated) (Vol. 3)

Russian Language Learning Pack

Troika A Communicative Approach to Russian Language, Life, and Culture

Russian Language For All

Rosetta Stone - Russian - Level 1, 2, 3

SlovoEd Deluxe English-Russian, Russian-English Dictionary, v7.7

Russian Front Soldier Dictionary 1942 (nazi book) pdf
Any one of you have the mochimochi deck?
Japanese mega learning pack


Click on book cover on this page, then on 'GET'.
never mind im blind
what are the best resources for acquiring Mandarin?
in this link refold.link/Mandarin they show u the best resources tho.
refold.link/MandarinSheet native content
use anki btw. https://mega.nz/folder/ql8Via4Y#AS8xY2_zDcPVpDUkct7QsA
Anything for begginer level italian?
Anybody have any torrents / a megapack for everything by "Talk to me in Korean?"
If I had more diskspace, I would have put the rest of the slavic languages. Yet, I'm confined by our current technological progress
Could someone share Refold DE1K deck? Awesome Anki vocabulary deck for German: https://refold.la/german/deck
People have been asking for it for months, so I wouldn't hold my breath that it's going to pop up any time soon. Start making your own deck with a frequency dictionary or download one of the million premade ones.
Anyone have french for reading by Sandberg?
Does anyone have any high quality learning resources? These threads are always the same dumping of ancient outdated resources and newfags begging for useless shit like refold.
Why is Rosetta Stone still being posted as if it's in anyway useful?
what language and what do you consider high quality (titles of books/courses/materials)? Perhaps someone will have it.
pls seed f44b2ab1058ce94481768fae225741b927f2ba48
anonfiles /w0TbC7o6z4/TTMIK_20230501_032547UTC_7z
anyone have part 5 of Pimsleur Japanese?
the torrent only have 1 - 4
Read https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/
Pimsleur is a waste of time
Actually very nice
shameless shilling
Dogeon Patreon Japanese Phonetics
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I was under the impression, they are mostly Italian ones. Translated to German.
Doesn't look like it has torrents. At least for the ones I'm interested in. And the ones on the front page.
>Does anyone have any high quality learning resources
Examples? Just mention the one you think is modern.
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good luck finding torrents for comics, just use usenet or stomach the 50kbs rapidgator downloads. its manageable for stuff under 3gb

If you have to ask where to find german comics the next one will be finished downloading well before your done reading the first.
Just to be clear. There are well-seeded torrents easily found on public trackers. For the titles I mentioned.
But the scan quality could be better. So I asked if anyone knows a better one.

Not sure why you talked BS out of your ass. Literally just search for their German titles on a torrent search engine.
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There are no German torrents for comics
Chinese dubbed anime, free (though a little bit sketchy IMO, get ad block I guess)

No subs... just find a streaming service that has the same anime, but with english subs, and then play them in sync.


also... this website is almost always down
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Rosetta Stone.TOTALe.v5.0.37.Build.43113.incl.Language.Packs.And.Audio.Companion (59.16 GB)


Rosetta Stone TOTALe Overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uzBZAG0uBY

Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English (American), English (British), Filipino, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Spain), Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese
im not part of this thread but stop fighting for this shit, the steps are the same in every fucking guide
>learn kana
>learn some words
>learn some grammar
THAT'S IT it doesnt matter if it is anacreon or tatsu or shoui or fucking minna no nihongo, stop confussing newcomers with your J-celeb shit
What other language do you reccomend to master?
I am already fluid in both Spanish and English but i cant decide on French or other Romance tongue.
Japanese i'ts a meme as is Chinese. Or atleast before learning other useful languages that don't involve learning a whole load of iconographty to read in base level and practice being quite limited.
German is pretty cool. Russian if you want more of a challenge.
Anybody here from Germany? I'd like to practice my German and chat with a native speaker on discord.
Depends what your goal is.

If you
>live in a foreign country
>have family that speaks another language
>are interested in some other culture and rightfully think learning the language will help

If you
>want to travel
you probably shouldn't waste your time. I wasted way too much time learning pointless languages myself, because people that speak it are assholes, or because their culture is trash. Learning a few basic words and sentences is more than enough, and free resources can handle that. Otherwise, English is enough. I speak more than enough languages, yet English has always been enough. Knowing one extra language might come in handy, but two is retarded.

The only upside is I've often had better luck finding someone speaking some odd language, than trying to speak to locals in English or in their own language. Why? Finding a French speaker in South Africa, or a Portuguese speaker in Cambodia, is the guarantee to find someone who's also familiar with its norms, values, courtesy, culture, and way of life, which makes him someone I'll be able to better interact with, that can understand me, and iron out a some conflictual situations.

I don't regret learning Mongol and spending months riding through the steppes, I don't regret learning Thai and training for two years, I don't regret learning Japanese and spending the quietest months of my life chilling in the countryside, I don't regret learning Afrikaans and spending great times with the boys in the bush, hell I don't regret Farsi either because Iran was worth it, but FUCK ARABIC, FUCK RUSSIAN, AND ABOVE ALL, FUCK MANDARIN AND CANTONESE WITH THE FORCE OF A THOUSAND SUNS.

Thanks for reading my rant, but really, think it through before getting started.
Thanks, I've decided to learn Finnish.
I really like Franco-Belgan comics and find their culture interesting. I will learn french, then german. Thanks Anons
You won't find public torrents for German stuff. They sued the shit out of everyone for years it's just not worth the risk. As long as the request looks official the ISP will give away your name/adress and don't give me that "just use a VPN" talk
Can you add these files here to the the google drive as well? These are the audio files from the Tobira textbook

Well hello guys.
Time to drop some Refold JP1K v3.3.0
Anyone got some finnish? Preferably with spoken finnish too
I'm looking for some Italian contents as well ):
I’m also looking for Italian. They had the great learning course one on the archive but they took it down. I was looking for that course in particular it’s pretty good if anyone has it. Would appreciate it
anybody have Alice in Kanji Land?
This the shit.
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Will someone please put me out of my misery?
unless this is some retarded zip don't download the whole pack at once. What are you gonna do? consume the whole 18gb in a day?
I put them on my cloud so I can stream them. Better to hoard before it's gone
Can't thank you enough G
so no one got that DE1K deck?
Michel Thomas absolutely STOMPS language transfer. Language Transfer is not organised as well and is filled with more bloat. Its literally a poor man's Michel Thomas he copies him word for word bar for bar sometimes
you could have learned 3K words by now lol
Limited mindset. It's obvious by stating that that you would rather learn Chinese and/or Japanese instead of a Romance language, but feel like you can't. I became functionally fluent in Mandarin in 6 months and I know other people that have done it. The catch? I was in China. So what? Learn the basics and thus create good reason to invest in a ticket to China/Japan
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There's a Celtic language pack in the OP which contains Welsh resources.

Thank you!
Does someone have KO1K v2?? please
Same situation here but with the updated and expanded portuguese pack. Seed pls
Why should I lol? Yandex it.
Hide, report, violently murder all refold beggars.
hello ethan/matt
Here's some more Refold decks:

>KO1K v2

>EN1K ES v1.2

Still missing IT1K and DE1K
Much appreciated for extending the list of updated decks
Does anyone have KO1K or D1CK? Please gib seed
Much appreciated.
Hope you can share the IT1K and DE1K too.
Trying to find shows dubbed in spanish is such a pain.

I had one dragon ball torrent that I cant find where it was sorted by languages, including spanish. I cant find it now sadly.

I'm trying to find breaking bad and House 2004 dubbed in spanish
you can probably find some animes with spanish dub on nyaa.

Maybe try this:
Also, maybe some anon could trade these up to date decks for other missing or outdated decks
netflix usually has all languages available, with subs
most of the content sucks but what you gonna do
guys, french+italian+german with english and slav background - possible in 2 years?
depends on multiple of factors, mainly the time you can spend on studying. If you are a very determined NEET then yeah, very possible. But why would you do that?
I have a cracked version of Rosetta Stone version 3.4
Are there any benefits to this newer version?
It's always worth looking on archive.org
A lot of things there aren't tagged properly so you have to look through user profiles, collections and similar items.

Here's a basic search with some shows, mostly animated.

I see Breaking Bad and House en español latino on tpb and limetorrents, castellano dubs are another matter.
Breaking Bad is on Netflix in latam btw
what did they do to you kek
Has someone finally found the Pimsleur course for Spain-Castillian? In OP's magnet there's only Latin spanish
i need them for entering communities, sources, books and participating in other fields of art, so this is needed
You know, my mom would actually appreciate this. Is this even a thing?
Don't do Italian and French at the same time. Learning more than two languages at the same time is difficult as it is, even when you don't have a time limit and when none of the languages are related.
Check previous threads, there are some resource packs.
DE1k would be very appreciated
You're such a G
for everyone sharing REFOLD decks: you do know they can trace it back to you, right?
Have fun being sued/
underrated post
>don't give me that "just use a VPN" talk
What's wrong with using a VPN?
I'm retard, please explain
Matt, your course sucks and you're not better than the tatsunokek. Fucking show off
I ain't sharing shit. I just want DE1K.
just pay for it yourself and share it, god damn. Do you just want to have this deck or so you want to learn German? Cause you could easily achieve b1 using all that time you have spent on requesting it in this thread.

Really, refold beggars, neck yourselves
referencing my own post here >>>/r/18974399 :

okay so there's plenty of youtube videos on georgian so I won't insult our intelligence posting those

this mega link has books but the aim is for accompanying audio : https://mega.nz/folder/INlRkAQC#CthKI9-_kmDNyrOx12Ojbw

i've found these resources thus far on a little history and even an audio resource that has the audio readily available but i got lucky that it's on library genesis:



Chechen-Georgian dictionary:

there are plenty of more books written in georgian that is on library genesis feel free to translate the titles and choose one of your fancy so that you may keep learning.

If anyone may post any media in georgian that would be greatly appreciated.
That's just a load of bullshit. You do realize not everyone lives there, right? If you're so retarded you couldn't even navigate public trackers, just shut up.
not him but i have access to hundreds of german comics due to usenet
წარმატებები, also be careful with verbs
Sharing is caring.
I would if you didn't dismiss the valid torrent claims anon made. Drop a LTB title and I'll see if I can find it
Go to RuTracker and follow this path:
> Oбyчeниe инocтpaнным языкaм
> Инocтpaнныe языки для взpocлых
> Heмeцкий язык

Plenty of stuff indeed. Cпacибo бoльшoe >>1211724, чтo oбpaтил внимaниe нa эти мaтepиaлы.
Just watch German TV lmao, everything is dubbed
Hey hey wickie hey hey wickie hey zieh fest das Segel an
Casually waiting for the DE1K god to save my ass, that's it, I'm starting the DE1K cult (yes I'm cringy
page 9 bump
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Anyone know where I can find comics/manga in Ukrainian? I've found films and an audiobook site. But that's about it
what is good then
>I would if you didn't dismiss the valid torrent claims anon made
What valid claims? Lmao. You're too retarded to use torrents.
Literally just need to type in the German title to a torrent search engine.
Bragging about usenet access to comics that can be downloaded easily online, not just from torrents. Are you a loser old guy or something?
Is there a pimsleur mandarin dump?
Or rocketchinese?
Does anyone have any Japanese content from the 'StoryLearning' site?
Does anyone know how to find visual novels written by Chinese people?
E.g. the ones that appear https://vndb.org/v?f=3wzh_dHans-&s=24w
there's a huge pimsleur pack that contains mandarin on rutracker
I was going to try and learn mandarin with my sisters (second choice Russian). Maybe I should reconsider lol
Maybe I should try the romance languages since we are fluent in spanish and I am pretty far in french.
But I am interested in learning a more exotic language and was interested in Russian and Chinese history, literature, and or culture
I should maybe consider Mongolian. How was it?
>>FR1K (v 1.1)
These are great. Have one with more words?
Yeah, what's with these baby decks? Should start with at least 5000, if not 10000.
It's a get rich quick scam. A proper deck will take too much time. These psychopath hustlers have calculated and concluded it's not worth the time.
I mean, the most famous internet "polyglot" is literally a scammer. I'm talking about Benny Lewis from "fluent in 3 months". Seeing his success attracted a lot of grifters trying their luck in similar endevour.
Don't be mistaken. The requests here are just advertisements. It's better to ignore it completely.

here you go
Anyone has any Kreyól resources?
Thank you very much to whoever shared Icelandic language learning packs eight months ago. Does anyone have the pimsleur Icelandic course? Or anything with Icelandic conversations?
Where to find 旅するためのドイツ語 for download on internet.

Any reupload of the "Talk to me in Korean" megapack? There was one posted months ago but anonfiles got nuked a couple days ago so the link is dead.
Thanks in advance if anyone can help.
is arabic that much of a hard language for westoids?
If you want latinamerican Spanish, both are on https://lat-team.com/
It's easy to join. Join the discord server, fill the interview and you're good to go. They don't ask for stats on other trackers. Both series you mentioned are there. I don't know how many seeders or seasons though. I haven't checked. You could call it a semiprivate tracker.
The other Spanish trackers that I know are private and rarely open for signup application.
No one wants the filth version of spanish
I bump for that is there somewhere re-upload of "Talk to me in Korean" mega pack ?
I see the occasional resources for Filipino/Tagalog, but does anyone have or even know of any for Bisayan/Cebuano?
هذا المنشور الذي لا معنى له هو هنا للحفاظ على هذا الموضوع حية
Anyone have anything on Old Norse?
Hello. I remember there was a pack of English advanced resources on accent/writing/style/idioms. Does anyone still retain the link?

Updated list of Refold decks:

>Mazo de los sonidos del inglés (v1.0.0, Jun/2023)
>IT1K (v1.01, May/2023)
>KO1K (v2.0.1, Mar/2023)
>JP1K (v3.3.0, Jan/2023)
>DE1K (v1.01, Nov/2022)
>Mazo de vocabulario fundamental de inglés (v1.2, Jul/2022)
>ES1K (v1.4, Jan/2022)
>FR1K (v1.1, Jan/2022)

Old versions:

>JP1K (v2.3.2, Feb/2022)
>KO1K (v1.0, Nov/2021)
>JP1K (v1.3, Mar/2021)


Sounds of Spanish
Mazo de vocabulario japonés
Mazo de coreano para vocabulario y gramática
Mazo de vocabulario alemán
.منشورك يحتوي عبى رَقْم الشيطان، أنت ملعون
dog bless
bump. i was looking for this as well.
Has anybody tried pic rel?
I want to learn the spanish of Spain, not spanish of Latin America
Does the spanish pack teaches that or the latter?

If not, what resources do you recommend?
Is this Castilian Spanish or brown people Spanish? I am looking for a Castilian Spanish deck with audio. If anyone has recommendations I'd appreciate it.
nvm I found info online that it's latam spanish :(
Did anybody tell you before that YOU'RE A FUCKING GOD, BRUH
انت الملعون و ستين ملعون
Could anyone please share Refold DE1K deck? Awesome Anki vocabulary deck for German: https://refold.la/german/deck

Tf man, are u a bot?

Scroll up baka
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Any resources for Mongolian?
Stop wasting time learning spanish from Spain, why would you do that? there are more countries using spanish, latin spanish is the best, here in Argentina is similar they teach us british english, wtf wants to learn that english? nobody in the world focus in british accent, pronunciation, etc.
NTA, but I generally would rather learn the typical pronunciation from the country of a language's origin. I don't want to learn the version of Spanish in which "ll" is pronounced as "zh." Also Received Pronunciation is sexo puro. If I weren't American, I'd use it as my default.
>brown people Spanish
its the same shit, learn latin american spanish to sound less retarded, no one uses vosotros, estías, moveros, iros, thats stupid as fuck and never used on scientific papers or government communication, the latin american have a broader and richer build up.
> I don't want to learn the version of Spanish in which "ll" is pronounced as "zh".
that shit only happens in Argentina and Uruguay, anon, what the fuck.
Any resources on Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)?
thinking about this too. but not yet sure. why did you pick MSA?
does anyone have luke ranieri's the iliad in ancient greek audiobook
have stuff for pyccian?
unrelated to torrents but how to get the refold ui on my basic anki deck?
Anyone have any Volapük stuff? Numerous books are supposed to exist but I can't find them anywhere online. Alternatively any Toki Pona stuff would be appreciated
any tips for learning Farsi? I've just started and I really like it but it seems like it's gonna be much harder to find good input compared to the other languages I've tried
bumping because if any site is autistic enough to have volapuk resources its this one, the only stuff I find are courses and just like four of them when it supposedly had a golden age of stuff written *in* it
has anyone here tried the nature method/natural method?
how far did it take you?
Where can I find French audiobook torrents?
bumping cuz yes
any Biblical Aramaic, Syriac Aramaic, or Ugaritic?
God bless you
Est-qu'il y a des torrents pour le Francais Quebecois?
Did anyone ever upload Michel Thomas Method Korean? It's not in the Michel Thomas Pack.
NTA but I like the ciceo of Castillan. Sounds great to me.
>Complete Pimsleur collection

Unlike other packs which are compiled from a million different sources, this one appears to be all official MP3s of the latest editions (as of 2022)

is one of them purely audio based? Looking for something for a commute
Seconded! I'm looking for Syriac as well.


Found these though bud.
Nothing you had not seen already
Requesting Icelandic audiobooks. Any kind
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Refold decks for English speakers:

>FR1K (v2.0.0, Nov/2023)
>ES1K (v2.0.0, Oct/2023)
>IT1K (v1.02, Oct/2023)
>Sounds of Spanish (v1.0.1, Sep/2023)
>DE1K (v1.1.0, Sep/2023)
>KO1K (v2.0.1, Mar/2023)
>JP1K (v3.3.0, Jan/2023)

Refold decks for Spanish speakers:

>Mazo de vocabulario fundamental de inglés (v2.0.0, Nov/2023)
>Mazo de los sonidos del inglés (v1.0.1, Sep/2023)
>Mazo de vocabulario italiano (v1.0.0, Sep/2023)
>Mazo de coreano para vocabulario y gramática (v1.0.0, Mar/2023)
>Mazo de vocabulario japonés (v1.0.0, Dez/2022)
>Mazo de vocabulario alemán (v1.0.0, Nov/2022)


>Mazo de vocabulario fundamental de inglés (v1.2, Jul/2022)
>JP1K (v2.3.2, Feb/2022)
>ES1K (v1.4, Jan/2022)
>FR1K (v1.1, Jan/2022)
>KO1K (v1.0, Nov/2021)
>JP1K (v1.3, Mar/2021)
Oh wow, I was just about to ask for the updated ones. Thank you!
King. I can't believe these people are selling Anki decks for $20 and you don't even get 2000 cards; I downloaded the German one that was posted earlier in the thread and there were even basic spelling mistakes, duplicate cards, etc.
the only good deck you might actually need for japanese https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/basic-vocabulary
Anons I'm looking for all the Attain Online Japanese Language School udemy courses. Any torrents lying around? Higher priority the grammar ones thanks!
Many thanks
Anons I'm looking for your help, a few days ago I bookmarked an ankideck that was uploaded from a guy who had almost all the decks from Pimsleur maybe missing the norwegain level 2 as far i remember and a few others but unfortunately i didn't download any deck because I was planning to download them once arriving from the holiday trip and now i don't know where to get it. I only have the link and the description from the bookmark that obviously is missing the file.

Pimsleur French Levels 1-5 w/ Audio. 36.71MB. 2267 & 0 images. Updated 2023-10-27. The author has shared 46 other item(s). Description.


Is there a way to retrieve it? Not only that but all the decks that the guy uploaded? I think "maybe" those decks were more valuable than the Refold ones, because it had the transcriptions.

If it's impossible I just hope the original uploader see my SOS call and upload them here to keep his work forever.
Here you go. Has a folder of some garbage of 2 Gb so uncheck it before downloading magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6ef915c9b6b5765adbf57511553577a9418d7a0c&dn=Attain%20Online%20Japanese%20Language%20School&tr=http%3a%2f%2fbt.t-ru.org%2fann%3fpk%3de2a3989f573288d559d71406b5e1a215&tr=http%3a%2f%2fretracker.local%2fannounce
ESL here. Does someone has a link for a batch-torrent or some books containing info 'bout phonology and orthography? Bit tired of authors\tutors who most of the time tend refer to general English pronunciation while not giving a smallest shit of whether their readers know it or not. Thx in advance

Here's every deck
>"I'm actually the sole seeder for a lot of them"
>doesn't share them
kind of defeats the point of p2p
>check em
>now someone dump demonic language resources
Just watch Ongezellig on loop until you don't need subtitles
Here is my experience with Spanish anime trackers online. UnionFansub is a Castilian anime tracker. Semi private but it offers both DDL and torrents. For torrents you can only download as many as you upload, so you would need to DDL and then torrent a movie or series with them.
For just DDL, there is ShadowRangers which is more Castilian than LatAm, and TeamKurosaki which is more LatAm and a bit of Castilian.
I'm going to Japan exactly next year

Can I learn Japanese in a year? Is it possible? What do I need to do to learn it? Please HELP
Kek, no. Sorry. xrfg2h
You can. At least to a basic level.
1)Learn hiragana.
2)Learn katakana.
3)Pick a grammar guide (Tae Kim, Cure dolly's videos, Genki book, etc).
4) (You should be doing this after step 2 in parallel with step 3) Grab Anki and some japanese decks.
?) Read/watch/listen a lot
Thats it.
Anyone have the 3rd edition of Genki?
Thanks Anon but unfortunately I can't find the .APKG(anki) files.
anyone got isbn 4805314680 (jp folktales for language learners)?
isnt it already posted
Where? Ive only seen second and first editions.
File: nico_lacteur.webm (2.81 MB, 1480x1044)
2.81 MB
2.81 MB WEBM
Attention langchads: does anyone know where I can find high-quality downloads of Extra (French)? I've been watching it on Youtube but the quality is very bad.
Looking for the fluent forever Korean pronunciation deck
Here's the 3rd edition magnet:?xt=urn:btih:77d19270e8124ef0561bc1a70f4a081bf27ba6fe&dn=Banno%20E.%2c%20Ikeda%20Y.%2c%20Ohno%20Y.%2c%20Shinagawa%20Ch.%2c%20Tokashiki%20K.%20-%20Genki%20-%202020&tr=http%3a%2f%2fbt4.t-ru.org%2fann%3fpk%3de2a3989f573288d559d71406b5e1a215&tr=http%3a%2f%2fretracker.local%2fannounce
just came back to this lol, didn't think people spoke Georgian here lol. and yeah for sure i've heard it's pretty bad but it can't be THAT bad.
Absolute chad. Thank you my man.
whats the best option for translating movies/tv from audio?
Upload to youtube and use the auto-translation?
God amongst men.
Can confirm pimsleur is amazing for learning a language. I learned more Japanese in a month than I had in years of self study through other means.
Anybody here has some resources for Business German? I already know reasonable amount of German (around B2 level) and now am looking for pure formal/bussiness/work environment materials. I thought there's gotta be anki decks for this, but there's only one and it's shit (no audio, single words rather than whole sentences).
Anything for learning Norwegian?
Does anyone have Michel Thomas for Korean or Hindi or Arabic MSA?
Arabic one magnet:?xt=urn:btih:53fccf0e5b3e0b3ba4102548a034de8b0b984410&dn=MTM&tr=http%3a%2f%2fbt.t-ru.org%2fann%3fpk%3de2a3989f573288d559d71406b5e1a215&tr=http%3a%2f%2fretracker.local%2fannounce
Anybody still have this?
anyone got the new Japanese humble bundle?
That's Egyptian Arabic but thanks anyway. MSA is standard (formal) Arabic and Egyptian is a dialect. MT has courses for both.
bump for interest
is there an app I can use for these refold decks without putting them on the refold website?
File: identifying based.jpg (25 KB, 313x394)
25 KB
Massive weeb.
How good is the Japanese pack?
Anyone got the JLAB (Japanese Like A Breeze) intermediate decks?
Which one? Don't fall for tatsumeme.
anybody tobira begining books?
genki is good for classes but for self study is horrible
File: 1600993902513.png (1.12 MB, 1280x2299)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB PNG
>What do I need to do to learn it?
Read the /jp/ guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
anything for central america spanish language? specifically honduras, nicaragua and el salvador. at some point i want to immigrate to el salvador
Thanks, will check this out.
Anyone got Mandarin movies?
Would anyone share Pimsleur Spanish (Spain-Castilian) Levels 1-5 Premium? I'm looking for it since forever and I can only find Latin American spanish

>Mazo Verbos frasales (v1.0.0. Feb/2024)
would hugely appreciate the updated version of the KO1K deck (that has example sentences)
Sorry, I'm retarded, just noticed it has example sentences later on.
What’s the latest version of the Refold JP1K deck?

requesting Language on Fire German deck
Looking for Paul Nobles Learn Japanese audio course.. surprisingly hard to find
I know this is a longshot, but is anybody here from Germany? I'd like to practice my German and chat with a native speaker on discord and hate normie places like tandem, italki or other garbage that you have to pay for, post photos and engage in other social media bullshit.
Is anybody seeding these?
Well boys I've been looking for awhile now and I can hardly find anything on Afrikaans itself. The best I've found is a few old obscure dictionaries and a handful of those teach yourself books. Can anyone point me in the direction of any good Afrikaans resources?
Requesting ladybug in french seasons 3+.
Here's season 1-2:
this. i'm half way through the spanish one. lots of room for improvement! many poorly formatted cards (e.g. different meanings all in one line), noise+varying loudness in the audios, translations of example sentences are often inaccurate, etc. ...
these sets would be ok if they were free.
but i definitely wouldn't pay for them.
the 3rd arab update doesnt get installed 9306 error. Is there a fix?
I have what might be a weird question. A lot of languages have a "hard part" to the grammar, like figuring out what the fuck you're doing with på/om in Scandinavian languages, or basically everything in Japanese or English (sorry ESL guys). Is there a hard part like that in Spanish? If so would it still be hard if it's not my first romance language, and is there a specific resource I should add to my curriculum that handles it well?
Anyone have Refold "Mazo de vocabulario Francés" aka francés vocabulario-mil? Is the french deck for Spanish speakers.
What do I get out of it lol?
Imo, just join the German language learning discord. You need to figure out the ideal time to avoid the Pajeets though.
There are paid discussion groups too. Like Deutsch Gym.
Unironically, the normie places you mentioned are better.
It would be great if someone compiled My Little Pony in every language it was dubbed.
What other more or less enjoyable cartoons have been dubbed in a ridiculous amount of languages?
Pokemon? The Simpons? Yu Gi Oh?
Already told you here >>1306514
everything I know regarding MLP in other languages.

And regarding other cartoons:
I know for a fact that Gravity Falls is avail in a ton of languages.
Does anyyone have Outlier linguistics Chinese Characters Masterclass or Outlier Dictionary of Chinese Characters for pleco?
Does anyone have Outlier linguistics Chinese Characters Masterclass or Outlier Dictionary of Chinese Characters for pleco?

Here you go mate.

youtu.be/ OHXBAD0jasg?

Can someone make torrent out of this and other languages, especially latin?
Any good german movies? I just need the name and I'l post the magnet links in the movie thread. I only know das boot and metropolis
Der Untergang (2004)
what's a good book for learning chinese vocabulary?
>inb4 dictionary
I want something that teaches me the common words fast, preferably in some kind of systematic order
Just use a frequency list + anki. Passive immersion by watching TV, reading, playing video games, etc. that you don't understand, don't really work for adults. I mean, you'll learn something, but it's very very inefficient. Active usage (writing, speaking in real context) is king, but I think you don't know enough to do that.
Knowing the top 1000 - 4000 words/phrases would help a lot.
>Just use a frequency list + anki
>googles Anki
do I have to load the word list myself?
>Passive immersion by watching TV, reading, playing video games, etc. that you don't understand, don't really work for adults
yes, that is a problem I've come to realise
I don't have time for that shit to work
>Active usage (writing, speaking in real context) is king, but I think you don't know enough to do that.
trying to find ways to speed learn
I can intuit the grammatical structure and can speak a few words but my vocabulary is somewhere like an 8 year old's. like, tourist phrasebook tier.
the other problem is that I don't know how to read characters, since all I know I learned orally or phonetically or however you call it

is there a good Youtube channel to help with pronunciation?
Personally, I follow chinesemimi1, chinesewithmeganx, and chinese_teacher_annie on Instagram. I use it for just learning bits and pieces here and there, without overloading myself. I didn't even search for them, the Overlord Algorithm brought them to my attention! So there's probably a whole bunch more out there.

I'll see if I enjoy it before seeking books and such,
I'm looking to do intense study, not casual absorption by cultural immersion stuff
>Has someone finally found the Pimsleur course for Spain-Castillian? In OP's magnet there's only Latin spanish
Came here to ask this. Also, Level 4 of the Latin Spanish only has lessons 1-27, 28-30 aren't in the torrent. Any ideas? But would prefer the European anyway.
Try this. Didn't check but they appear to be geniuine Castillian Spanish

Spanish Language Learning Pack

Learn Spanish in a Week (Tutorial)

Learn Beginners Spanish (Teach Yourself) (2 Audio CDs - MP3)

Drive Time Spanish: Learn Spanish While You Drive [4CD]

Learn Spanish Fast&Easy with Michel Thomas

A History of The Spanish Language

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