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New series I'm starting, i scrape the site and just pack the daily vids together, let me know if you are interested in any other sites.

Name OP? is that in your pack? looks like Jasmine Grey but not sure
its just a random pic, sorry
yea its jasmine grey
60% of those video are censored you dumfuck
yea the website throws them in sometimes faggot, i just scrape em and post em
should i post the vid?
here is the full video for the pic above

You are just wasting threads by making a new one every day. The way /t/ works is that one thread can be used for years at a time. Just post a reply in the same thread.
You already killed the Greek Philosophy thread which was around for three years.

Stop this shit. You are only damaging things.
oh shit my bad, yea ill make sure to just post on this thread.
I'm thinking about making a collection of western asian girl's pov scenes, any suggestions you guys have?

here's a jasmine grey mega pack with that scene being the only one in 4k for some reason.
yea i could only find the lower quality one, but awesome thanks!
Im gonna start only repacking uncensored cause the site randomly throws in censored vids which cuts down the size by a factor of 9. if you want an easier way to get a list of my packs just search up on bitsearch: 144ppv daily


i meant repacking uncensored manually*
>You already killed the Greek Philosophy thread which was around for three years.

who gives a fuck PUSSY
>actively destroying good threads for this seedless low quality cancer
not even mad
let it burn
fucking moderation is AWOL as always...
this abortion doesn't even have seeds
erm achually multiple people have been infected by my thread killing abortion, maybe see if your port is heckin open chud
op here, i do :( the west has fallen. inshallah, Constantinople will never be Greek again.
new packs, happy weekend!


>blaming others for his own failure to bump the historic threads of this board
Shame on you and your house, sir.
Heres a pack for 04-27-24 to 04-30, download whatever older packs you wanna save cause I'm deleting my packs in three days to make room.


This has all the stuff you will need.
nice list, do you mind if i add it to my packs?
not at all, think it gets updated daily or weekly
Thank you anon

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