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Watamote Thread

Did Nemo deserve it?

Old thread here >>4108323
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>Mako revealed to be silently seething about Yoshida and Tomoki
>Sachi reveals she would feel the same way about Fang-chan
>Kii-chan and Emoji share their Tomoko enthusiasm
watamote still got it despite the /u/ histrionics
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Most unexpected partnership of 2024.
can't believe Nemo is kill
Best chapter in a long time. I can't hate Ikko after all
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>Nemo x Yuri haunted house segment
>Mako revealed to be a toxic lesbian only helping Sachi so she can have Yoshida to herself (and also ending the sacchi and tomoko misunderstanding before it could waste our time)
>Kohai girl and Kii-chan walking around school together
>Lesbian Uchi gushing over Tomoko and blushing while thinking about her
>Yuri going around looking for Tomoko
We are so fucking back, best chapter in months. Hope kii-chan becomes a wingman of sorts, and kii-chan and the kohai hit it off
Kii wants Ucchi as her sister-in-law
They can then share Tomoko
The lily pact is sealed
Why did Nemo get punched? Also RIP Nemo
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Nemo was screaming, and autists (Yuri) don't like loud noises.
I still remember old Yuri tho. Don't retcon her like that, please. She's the only thing I have.
The answer to that question is always yes.
A gross partnership
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They say YoshiMako is crackshipping but
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She wants tomoko for herself.
>Don't retcon her like that
she's been retconned like that for a long ass time now, much longer than the time where she wasn't an autist.
>They say YoshiMako is crackshipping
one may or may not consider it canon(at least one sided) but either way it's certainly not a crack-ship
Watamote is good again wtf
I don't believe you all. It must be a psyop or a setup for even bigger shit.
You suck cocks
where was this TS?
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Ucchi finally dropped a 大好き talking about Tomoko.
When will the Watamote apostates apologise?
Wake me up when Asuka does something.
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Haha, guess too many pirates are to blame for rich lesbian fanfics like this going out of style and sales.
The irony
>Can't see inside?
>How about now
>Nope, it's all just black bars
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Guess that means Katomoko has to be anal only to avoid the censor bars.
Nips are prohibited by law from drawing and uploading genitals, or they will be punished. Sure you know that.
If you're going to upload pirated stuff anyway, you can upload the version where the mutt draws and uncensors the genitals.
Don't think anyone will do that, but you can also ask commissions to artists who live in countries where it's not illegal to upload genitals.
Everyone knows this already dumbass
Yeah I need some gay Asuka content
Tomoko only exists for Kii-chan’s pleasure.
No paying, no trying, just complaining about things you can't change. Such a rosy dumbass life. kek
She could, for instance, penetrate another one of Tomoko's holes.
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>Katou-sama, please lets keep using the censored hole I beg o-AHHHHH
>Don't worry Tomo-chan, soon you will be begging for this one.
I'm hoping my HC of Sachi wanting to get close to Tomoko believing it'll help her get close to Tomoki turns out correct. I'd love to see her become corrupted by Tomoko and end up more interested in her than her brother. It's crazy how she's so popular yet has never once interacted with Tomoko, the main character
It feels like they all do. The way they were each talking almost felt like they were trying to on up each other. All 3 of them have it down bad
That's the only way to save Sachi from being the horrible character that she is
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That recent chapter in /a/ is the third in the past four months to hit the bump limit.
Are we back?
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Tomoko is not a good match for Sachi, and maintaining a positive relationship between them would be very difficult. They either interact in the "many kiss the hand they wish to cut off" manner or clash like Tomoko and Komi.
Nah, Asuka's saving Tomo-chan's special place for their wedding night. To ensure Tomo-chan's saving it too, she's having her wear a special belt.
I dont care much for sachi, she can fuck off with tomoki so the yuri plot can move forward.
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but that's years of anal while stuck in that belt
I was mainly thinking of a way to make her character worth seeing. She's such a boring one note character right now. Sadly Yoshida is also becoming that.
Mako is the key to making both Yoshida and Sachi better. That said, we have to push Sachi to be more possessive of Koharu, and breaking her connection to Tomoki is the way to do it.
When Sachi is not scheming, she is a bit like Yuri. Aloof and autistic. I think Tomoko would like her.
It's okay. The belt comes off whenever Asuka is washing her, while Tomoko's hands are safely tied up of course.
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Reminder that the only straight male we should accept in watamote is cunny dog.
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I like Kuroki dad, though.
Revision, there are only TWO straight males we should accept in watamote.
I fucked up, here is your (you)
How do we know its a he??
I though cunny dog is a girl though?
I think tomo refers cunny dog as a boy at some point.
No, all the characters refer to Maro as male (in every English translation anyway). But what proves it as that in the official Yen Press translation, Tomoko tells him to do the Weiner Pose, which is a crass way the Japanese use to tell a dog to stand up.
You're forgetting Tomoko.
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Tomoko isnt straight, and isnt a male.
Tomoki is messi sexual.
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Why are we acting like Asuka is the aggressor here? Tomoko practically forced her hands with the screaming and sucking on the churro and she probably even shied away from the groping Asuka offered, making Asuka take all the risks for their relationship by forcing things. The anal and the chastity belt is likely just another one of Tomoko's needs to be dominated and trained.
such a easy slut
Who, uchi or tomo?
the one that stinks good
Those are lies, tomoko is a clean girl!
We need a very gross chapter about Ucchi and Asuka hanging around.
Would be hotter if she wasn't.
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>the SUCC charmed the vixen
Thankfully Asuka is very enthusiastic about training her.
Poor Tomoko, by the time she receives some action to her special place, she will be hopelessly addicted to Asuka dominating her in the ass
and poor Asuka will be hopelessly addicted to making her Tomo-chan scream like this.
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This seems not TLed
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Ch221 >>263754692
TL: https://pastebin.com/ZtagfaC3

Good stuff this chapter. Next one probably less so.
I'm hoping Mako makes her move soon.
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>>>/a/263754692, I meant.
At least one small Asuka Tomoko scene
I just hope next chapter will finally bring an end to the Tomoki shit.
>Yoshida: Just tell me, which girl do you like?
>Tomoki: All you girls are annoying, I'm gay, all right? This is not how I wanted to come out of the closet, but whatever
And done
And then suddenly Wada walks in.
Fade to black.
Or fade to /y/, maybe.
Does someone have the fanart of this scene where Tomoko and Ucchi are drawn like cute bears? I remember the artist being someone publicy recognized in Japan.
That one girl was flirtatious with Sasaki. Her popularity with the female peers has not been forgotten.
someone should tell ucchi that when she blows like that into the drink, all of her spit gets in there too.
>Tomoki: I'm Messi-sexual
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Him being uninterested is the most plausible route.
Asuka kinda foreshadowed a bit
Ikko is too closeted to make his self insert character gay.
So basically Tomoko’s public reputation is that of being lesbian/bi without her being self-aware?
Did Shizuku really say "boyfriend or girlfriend" in the original Japanese, or did she use a more singular gender-neutral termns?
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Asuka may recognize a fellow homosexual who only gets attention from the opposite sex.

The red box says “girlfriend”.
does eatting the same corndog count as an indirect kiss still? tomoko had an indirect corndog kiss with yuri, then asuka had an indirect corndog kiss with tomoko
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Tomokos blushing a bit too much for Asuka to be 'just a friend'
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Nah, Tomoko is pretty gay.
This gonna get many miles
They were made for each other
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It is perverse to think that the original mention of both BF and GF here is LGBT friendly. Think she is simply speaking in a straight way.
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>two chapter threads in a row hit the bump limit on /a/
I think we're back.
Is Tomoko's ears her weak point? How would she survive phone sex with either of these two?
She gets ASMR'd easily.
She was known for shlicking to audio dramas, so it's only reasonable she has a thing for sounds and stuff.
>LGBT friendly
>I just hope next chapter will finally bring an end to the Tomoki shit.
It won't and you know it won't. It'll probably be the focus of the next two or three chapters and then we'll get one Tomoko chapter before jumping back. It's obvious where the author's interest is nowadays.
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What a slut, taking hugs from strangers.
What the fuck is wrong with Kii-chan
she is pretty based
Tomoko broke her. She is now a furry-adjacent pet-play obsessed domina in the making.
Autism runs in the family, it hit her harder.
She owns Tomoko, that fucks with you over time.
Broken pedestal, broken mind
Has Yuri kissed Tomoko yet? And if not, why haven't they?
Because it's not yuri, silly. It's a manga run by people who desperately trying to reanimate dead horse. While jerking off.
No and because the writers betrayed us. Best we can hope for is Asuka kissing Tomoko, now.
what do you dont understand about yuribait?
You only ever get any real action in these kind of manga when it gets the axe or ends.
Yuri is a late bloomer, she won't realize she's in love with Tomoko until after they live together for 5 years
Yuri is a sub, and is waiting for Tomoko to make the first move, but Tomoko is too in the closet to realize shes a massive lesbo and that 'wanting to have sex with women' isnt a normal quirk straight women have
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Yuri is waiting for Tomoko's sexual harassment to escalate into yuri. Unfortunately Tomoko is waiting for Asuka to get behind her, make her scream like usual and finally fuck her mojyo ass until she can't help but cum from it. I don't know what Asuka is waiting for, maybe for Nemo to annoy Yuri into yuri, but it's clear thar her churro is set to take the virginity of Tomoko's butthole as well. All the while Nemo is waiting for a slice of life development that makes Yuri her yuri.
>a sub waiting for the other sub to take the first move.
i think i read a yuri manga like this before.
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Yeah, I feel like Yuri doesn't quite realize how much she loves Tomoko.
It's just that Tomoko is Yuri's best friend.
Yep. I'd even claim they're hetero life partners. Kinda like JD and Turk in Scrubs, whoever Tomoko becomes romantically entangled with will have to realize that Yuri is part of the package.
you made me laugh that Yuri is Tomoko's ride-or-die. Imagine Tomoko actually gets Asuka, and while they are banging and doing cute stuff Yuri is just staring at them with her trademark Autism. It gets to the point where Yuri joins them in bed, using Tomoko as a hug pillow while staring at Asuka. Tomoko is just used to it, telling herself it's better than being a punching girl as the fox wonders if she should slap the gorilla or finger her into submission for the right of Tomoko (non-consensual) snuggles
>Tomoko Snuggles
Hey TooManyXes can you make that the Scooby Snacks of your ENF Harem fic or is that too ridiculous?
>Would you do it if you got to hug Tomoko?
>what about hugging AND kissing her?
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>Tomoko and Yuri
Reminds me of this
Make your own personal ideally customized sequel

"Roomsharing with Yuri" (Yuri's mental stability)
"Nemo overstays her welcome" (twice a week) (4 days, as she stays overnight)
"Nemo sells so well she has to disguise herself"
"Already switched to first name basis"
"Mokocchi and Yuri are not in a romantic relationship" (calling Nemo over without approval)
"Mokocchi has learned to read Yuri's emotions from her expressions" (like it says in the last frame, Yuri does also enjoy Nemo's visits)
"Yuri aggressively flaunts her knowledge of 'how Kuroki-san acts at home' and Nemo comes around to hear all about it" (Yuri is mentally stable, but still gets jealous")
"House chores are divided equally"
(Yuri's outbursts are even scarier than Mokocchi's mother's, plus she has her gripping attacks, so Mokocchi can't resist)
(Mokocchi's transformation into a person with proper living habits is progressing)

Their romantic lives
Mokocchi does occasionally say things like "I want a boyfriend", but without much conviction and thinking of it as a pipe dream.
Yuri is ostensibly not a lesbian, but is totally against Mokocchi getting a boyfriend.
She gets openly displeased about the above statement, and Mokocchi also understands that.
Nemo works as a seiyuu, so relationships with men are out of the question.
She is vaguely thinking of possibly going out husband-hunting with Yuri and Mokocchi after turning thirty.
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Asuka would definitely slap and finger Yuri into submission. It would get to the point where every time Asuka is destroying Tomoko's ass, Yuri's earth would also be connected to the front of the mojyo, Asuka essentially dominating them both at the same time. But only if they were good girls of course, with Tomoko responsibly thinking about her future and Yuri properly expressing her desires without her fists.
i like early watamote scumbag yuri more then the current "please be patient, i have autism" yuri.
I just remember yuri being reserved and annoyed by everyone till she started fistin
I for one cannot wait for Yuri to release the full extent of her autism on the world.
I think it pretty much already IS part of it. And if it's not, well, it will be in some form. Getting free snuggles with Tomoko is how all the girls will be convinced to do things and go to places they wouldn't normally. Heck, it's why they even decided to form a harem for her in the first place; it was either share Tomoko, or have no Tomoko at all. And as long as Tomoko's naked, there will be always something or some part of her they will enjoy, be it her lips, her neck, her cheeks, her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, her hair, her feet, her fingers, her butt, her pussy...but perhaps I'm saying too much.

Oh yeah, a new chapter's been up for a while. No Tomoko (or Tomoko harem) in it, but you do get to see Ogino get some, if anyone's interested in that sort of thing.

Oh man, that such a nice chapter.

As much as I enjoy Tomoko getting an harem, Ogino getting a hot pervy girlfriend was incredibly hot
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Yuri's earth is for Yoshida only.
Oh shit you live! Wonder what is Kii's opinion on the whole nudity/harem thing.

I thought it was hometown.
Heh, when I first started writing this story, none of us had known that Shizuku had secretly made a friend, let alone that said friend was Kii, who wanted Shizuku to keep tabs on Tomoko. Which means within the timeline of my story, Kii most likely already knows Tomoko is naked, has a lesbian harem, and that Shizuku is part of it! A lot of story potential definitely opened up within the last couple months.
I feel like we get another mindbreak from Kii, so double mindbreak. Does that work like adding two negatives or would Kii immediately go commit a crime that lets her be naked like Tomoko?
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It means she's unable to keep up the illusion of not being an eldritch abomination.
That sounds like something that would happen. Seeing Tomoko's popularity, many girls with a spotty record would jump on the bandwagon next time they get detention. People like Yoshida would obviously not go for it but her delinquent friends are a different deal.
damn, imagine Yoshida being around the one with big tits "forced" being nude
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>Ogino is a pedophile
Who woulda thought.
This is an edit of a futa image you little freak.
Shut the fuck up you little shit.
You're the one who's okay with dicks so long as a few black lines are added to make it """yuri"""
Fucking idiot, leave /u/.
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>another /u/ thread about to be derailed because of futa lovers&haters.
how come you sisters dont tell me when a chapters been delayed anymore :(
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They haven't been delayed in a while.
to be fair, that's a 3 week schedule instead of the usual 2 weeks. While it was planned, it technically still counts as a delay.
Though it was that anons fault for not checking the date after each image dump
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Poor Tomoko. Once Yuri gathers up the courage to hold her, she will never let her go again.
Asuka will just help Yuri get over her moyjo addiction.
Saved it from here and I liked the other picture better.
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Does anyone really care about the original version of a picture? Because that's approaching thought crime territory. This is also an edited panel from the manga by the way and who knows, there could be giant futilitarian concepts behind those sheets. So better be safe than sorry and delete this one as well just to be sure. Also it's pretty common for artists to make different nsfw/strap on versions of the same image. Are those properly monitored as well?
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Check out this edited panel. No telling what lurks beneath the border.
There could be a futa version of this image somewhere in the past, or the distant future, so I'm not sure if it's /u/ appropriate for that censor-freak nee-san. But I really like this idea of Asuka preying on Yuri. I'm just not sure if she would like it as well. Yuri might be a bottom, but Asuka is probably too rough for her.
My Asuka is not a top. My Asuka is >>4173315, a power bottom who will entrap Tomoko into years of debauched intercourse. She only needs to lure her in…
Asuka fingering Yuri in front of Tomoko to get the two retards to confess their feelings
But wouldn't Tomoko confess to Asuka instead and then ask to get dominated by her other hand?
Then she has to force them to kiss like utena
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This is my Asuka too
Gross. Asuka is a good Christian girl who has no interest in touching anyone other than her soulmate and future wife Tomoko. However, since she is also supremely kind, she will let Yuri watch and sometimes hold Tomoko down.
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This nails it perfectly, also as anon established a little further up, anal only until waifu status. And as hot as Asuka wreaking havoc on Tomoko's butt while Yuri is holding her down with her retard strength sounds, it can really only be sometimes, because Yuri already belongs to Yoshida. Tomoko is shipping them while salivating and Yuri is currently fighting betrayal herself for Yoshida's purity. And if it's not just indulgence and Tomoko is having trouble not touching herself, Asuka can always just tie her up, but it's way more fitting if Asuka is able to restrain Tomoko with her voice alone. After all, she got Tomoko learning with a single promise, while no one else could.
God I wish Yoshida was a character
She's just a gag like all the others that like Tomoki. The sad part is she used to be a character
Like how do her other friends have more character then her? Side characters of side characters!
As Tomoko's harem does sexy things with/for her, maybe Tomoko herself should do sexy things for them.
I mean, the girls made Tomoko orgasm many times, but they only got to orgasm from Tomoko in wet dreams.
Maybe just give her the friendly type of autism like yuri ended up having the loner type of autism. She already has innocence applied to her so making her loyal dumbass would at least be soemthing
I can’t see her besides the harem’s pet but maybe she’s godly at giving oral. She’s perfect between there legs after all kekekeke. Maybe we can even say she’s good at it because her previous “totally not gay” persona made her think that giving oral to other girls is “totally straight”
>Maybe we can even say she’s good at it because her previous “totally not gay” persona made her think that giving oral to other girls is “totally straight”
Or she's good at it because she had practice. Her harem deserves the best, and to prevent giving them half-assed cunnilingus she managed to convince Komisomething and/or Yoshida that giving oral to other girls is, as you say, "totally straight", so Tomoko practiced with them.
Scanlation poster, there's a Watamote thread on /a/ with the new chapter and goggled anon's translation. I won't post it because it's hetshit and this thread has enough complaining as it is.
It's like stepping into dog turd with what content it gives.
Nico is just a plain coward, never give Tomoko any kind of romantic development but bring Tomokishit and instantly make many gils romantically intrested in him and develop that shit for chapters long where he still gonna continue it next, truly manga worth of /u/ attenion.
Learn English before posting.
Ok if you are such grammar god pls correct my post so it would look correct in your ENGLISH language then, I dare you.
I want to witness a proper english sentence made by grammar god like you.
>Komisomething and/or Yoshida
Komi hates her too much and Yoshida would knock her out immediately
Instead she ends up convincing Fuuka and the two start competing over who is the most cunning linguist
Let's hope the Tomoki shit ends with this chapter
Reminder that this isn't a yuri manga in the first place
Let me rephrase: don't post
Bad news, It's only the part 1.
something i drew in honor of being bullied at school for being gay today but not gaf cause im so horny
bullied for being gay? Is this the 80s? Or is the pendulum swinging back again of what is acceptable in society?
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I am entering maximum cope and still believing in Mako x Yoshida, and Sachi x Fang. Mako has a plan to ruin their date, and i believe in her conviction, she WILL do something about it.
Fang and Sachi are also way too interested in eachother for the ship to sink now. They cant go a single chapter without mentioning the other.
Fang x Futaki is also acceptable
Oh, that's come soon (huh huh, "come"). She may be a n00b at love, genuine friendship, and sapphic harem'ing, but even Tomoko understands the purpose and value of giving.
Yeah everyone on /u/ should listen to you.
Here have a free (You) you big grammar man or woman or they.
Your english must be on rather very poor level if you can't fix a single post to your proper grammar standards and instead you cry like a kid.
Does the pendulum ever swing back?
Destroy your enemies. Give them a reason to justify their homophobia, grind them into dust.
Some of us still believe in Mako, but I want to understand her machinations. She is taking a calculated risk; does she think that her and Yoshida will graduate together and thus never see Tomoki again? Be careful, oneesan.
But yes, Minami’s actions this chapter were only to keep Sachi for herself, much like how Sachi murderously abhors the idea of giving up Minami to anyone. They will always be attached to each other.
I think in this arc Mako's characterization really crossed a line to where it would be dumb to claim she's not crushing on Yoshida. That doesn't guarantee a particular endgame, but it's come a long way from "hey, did you notice how often they are standing next to each other in the background?", so I guess that's something.
you don't even need to open a history book, just look at the world today, to what it was 40 years ago to what it was 80 years ago
Missed opportunity giving us more Fuuka Tomoko chapters. She'd so competitive and stupid if Tomoko peeked at her panties or asked to grope her she'd probably let her. Hell if Tomoko wanted Fuuka would probably be the easiest to have sex with.

It's equally sad we don't get more Miho x Moko content. In her first few chapters Miho almost stole Tomoko from her harem without breaking a sweat.
Both of them could have had Tomoko at the study camp, but Asuka ended up in the lead. Perhaps Fuuka and Miho know not to steal their friend’s crush. And they were a little flirty with each other back then!
Imae, my beloved senpai
As long as they don't touch Asuka/Tomoko I dont really care what they do with other characters.
This is why everyone hates asukafags
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That's more like shipperfags in general.
Where is that from?
Toranoana store in 2019.
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That store was so fucking based. I want to go back to thee golden era of KatoMoko
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NT likes katomoko and that's all that matters.
Hole sisters was Tomoko's inner thought when they swapped ear/headphones with Asuka.
This is a YuriMoko general
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Tomoko lent her headphones for Asuka's ear to penetrate while Asuka's earphones were penetrating Tomoko's hole to be precise. It's the panel just below the No. 1 girl sign.
If Yuri learns to behave, she will always have a place in KatoMoko.
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Yuri won't give in. She will rescue her gfs from evil predators such as Mako and Asuka.
Yurimoko for sure.
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Bumposting with something appropriately homosexual for this board.
Why would Mako help Yuri to rape Tomoko?
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Why wouldn't she? They're close friends.
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Yuri agreed to help Mako rape Yoshida later
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Wait Yuri, do not let Mako drag you over to her way of thinking! Tomoko promised to keep sexually harassing you, but only if you don't scare her away like that!
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Yuri can't beat the Mako in her heart.

we could have this but ikko is too much of a fag to let it happen
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>How could you allow Asuka to fuck your butt like that..? You were blushing and begging for her the entire time even though you promised...
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Yuri is not even fighting for Tomoko. She is fighting for Yoshida.
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When Asuka stands behind Yuri like that, she will be blushing and begging for her just like Tomoko.
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Yuri would never allow Asuka to dominate her butt like that.
How would each girl wash/style Tomoko's hair? Just curious. It's a gentle and intimate act after all and it gives them the freedom to comb their fingers through her locks. Would it be greasy?
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>Would it be greasy?
How is the official English release of Watamote? As in, is the translation fine, anything toned down/censored?
Been thinking of getting the manga physically.
Asuka goes into full personal spa/makeover mode. She washes Tomoko's hair thoroughly using her expensive and specially scented shampoos and conditioners, gently brushes and straightens her hair while Tomoko rests in the bathtub, and proceeds to style in a fashionable way once it dries out. Or in a very flashy and gaudy way. Give her enough time, and Asuka will try out multiple styles just for fun and experimentation (and of course, to have more opportunities to run her hands through the tiny girl's hair).

Hina washes and conditions Tomoko's hair with her preferred brand of products, though she leaves a bit of a light touch it's too intimate for her, and leaves Tomoko to do the rest. She later gives Tomoko twintails, like all her fellow voice actresses do.

Yuri squeezes half a bottle of shampoo on Tomoko's head, lathers it roughly through her hair, dumps a bucket of water on her head, and calls it a day, and spends the rest of the session bathing in the tub with her. If she does any styling, she just ties Tomoko's hair back into the two little ponytails like what Yuri has, though they look a lot more scruffier on Tomoko.

Ucchi will spend a long amount of time sniffing and pawing at Tomoko's hair before she applies so much as a drop of water to it, determined to capture as much of her creepiness as she can. When she finally does start soaping it up, she works very thoroughly and very slowly, running her hands down the length of every individual lock that she can. If she's feeling daring, Ucchi may even apply shampoo to Tomoko's hair via her breasts, and she'll insist Tomoko's the one touching her inappropriately!

Shizuku cheerily washes and conditions Tomoko's hair with her preferred brands, much like, but she's nowhere near as shy about it. If anything, she overdoes it and creates this giant foam afro on her senpai's head because she just enjoys playing with Tomoko's hair.
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The translation's fine, I guess. I think it might be more accurate than World 3's was, which had a tendency of making characters sound meaner than they were meant to be. Though at the same time, some dialogue sounds more stilted, like they did a direct translation of the lines and didn't bother to word them in a way that sounded more natural to English speakers.

One nice thing about the Yen Press volumes is that they include a section of translation notes to explain the context of specific scenes, like pop culture references the characters make, aspects of Japanese culture westerners might not be aware of, idiomatic expressions, and so on.

One thing that's annoying is that the extras included in Volume 18, like the What-Ifs, were left out.

As for censorship there isn't any. A letter in some crass words gets blacked out, but you can still clearly see what was being said. Same thing happens when IPs are mentioned, that's already done in the original, so that's not really censorship (and oddly enough, the aforementioned Translation Notes don't bother obscuring them).

Oh, and the attached image isn't a fan edit. It was taken directly from Volume 18, showing that it was censored in the app release, but uncensored in the tankoban.
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It's fine, though a bit dry, which is Yen Press in general. Sometimes their font choices bug me.
>black out
It matches the original usage, like here when Tomoko is talking about peeners. I do like that our fan translators don't bother with the black-outs and just translate it fully.
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Thanks, that's the info I needed. I expected stuff like pic related, and especially brand censorship, since I assumed the original does that anyway. But rewriting jokes to "fit Western sensibilities" or some such would've been a no-no.
>One thing that's annoying is that the extras included in Volume 18, like the What-Ifs, were left out.
Shame. Just for that volume, or was other stuff left out, too?
Things like Ch. 144.1 = BookWalker special editon sounds like it was a store exclusive thing, for example.
If there's a Japanese special edition of a tank volume (like 18, where the special edition came with a booklet), then Yen Press only translates the standard edition.
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Sorry Kibako, but Sachi x Sayaka is the new OTP.
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TL up on /a/ btw.
I just hope author wil lend this manga soon, from yuri perspetive we won't get anything from it in long time or at all.
It is just sad to see every new chapter being about a boy romane trouble over and over again and this fucking Tomoki namek arc can't end at all.
>author wil lend this manga soon
To /u/s.
It's frustrating that so much time is spent on this, but it will go nowhere, anyway. The whole
>girls embarrass themselves in front of Tomoki, and he doesn't care and thinks they're crazy
should either be used more sparingly, or should at least have some sort of payoff already.
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At least we keep getting cute background Katomoko
>clutching her dress
She hasn't done that in a while.
Also scanlator anon, how much longer?
fuck it, ill take it
Yuris the one stealing tomokos popcorn (indirect handholding). Asuka is more like the body guard making sure the YuriMoko date goes well by standing in the background
when this thread dies don't bake another one
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Yuri is approving of TomokixYoshida because it means she gets to be sister-in-laws with Yoshida.
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Is this reverse psychology? Because it's working on me.
This arc is just so dogshit. The only way it could be salvaged is Tomoki just blowing up and telling everyone to fuck off.

Seriously, why is the huge climax of the manga this fucking Tomoki thirst scene and not Tomoko's movie?
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>Tomoki just blowing up and telling everyone to fuck off
Tomoki is gay, everyone will return to status quo. Yuri will turn to Tomoko and go 'gay people really do exist' and Tomoko will whisper in her ear 'it runs in the family'
as retarded as the current arc turned out to be
>Seriously, why is the huge climax of the manga this fucking Tomoki thirst scene and not Tomoko's movie?
What's this headcanon that this is the climax of the manga? There are still several in-universe months left before graduation. And considering every single day in the third year was one or more chapters, we still have several story arcs left
Depending on how this ends, it might feel better when re-reading it.
But if this goes nowhere, I'd say they spent a little too much time on this that I'd rather see spent on other characters. Though I confess, I like Sayaka's hijinks.
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Tomoko went in to the haunted house with Asuka right behind her. Before she could realize what's going on, Asuka stopped her, pulled down her skirt and panties and bent her over. A lubed up strap-on was probing at Tomoko's butthole, while Asuka reached around to play with Tomoko's clit. This whole situation was a bit overwhelming for Tomoko and by the time she rearranged her thoughts, Asuka eased the strap-on up her butt until their thighs were connected. With her clit stimulated, Tomoko was starting to get seriously turned-on while Asuka began moving her hips. Tomoko instinctively clenched down on it while it was leaving and eased up while it was entering. Asuka accelerated to a moderate pace and just as Tomoko was about to cum, she eased up on her clit, grabbed her by the wrists and started fucking Tomoko's butt with all her might. Tomoko couldn't follow what was happening anymore: Her clit was begging to be touched, her butthole was now squeezing down on Asuka's dildo constantly and her climax was still just a light caress away, but the more she struggled with her hands to finish herself, the more it seemed to spur Asuka on to increase her pace and hold on to her wrists tightly. Tomoko was trembling from the pleasure, her every orifice was leaking from her pent up arousal. She just couldn't hold on anymore and fell to her knees. Asuka followed her without the strap-on ever leaving Tomoko's butt. Tomoko was stuck on the edge and still needed something, so Asuka leaned in close and whispered "Tomo-chan, cum." It's like Tomoko was waiting for this: she lit up, started thrusting back like crazy and screamed like only Tomoko could, while squirting out everything she had as Asuka fucked her through her orgasm. Tomoko went still, Asuka pulled out and hurriedly wiped down Tomoko while putting away the strap-on into her bag. She dragged a hazy Tomoko through the haunted house to make up for lost time and only stopped when they heard a familiar voice.
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"Wow Kuro, that took a lot out of you. Are you not good with haunted houses?" Tomoko was starting to get it together, but still needed Asuka supporting her to stand. She somehow managed to reply while clutching at her skirt, "T-there was a really big m-monster in there, that made me s-scream whether I wanted to or not. Heh-heh." Only audible to Asuka, " And I'm so glad it did..." Asuka lightly tapped at Tomoko's still sensitive butt while covering with her other hand that she was just supporting her. "Tomo-chan was really scared in there, but still did her best and I'm so proud of her!" Asuka said in a cheerful tone, while hugging Tomoko from behind and expertly pretending that she is still just innocently helping her stand. Tomoko actually needed it, because she was so embarrassed she was threatening to beat her blushing record. Nemo obliviously just said "In anime, people always get closer in the haunted house episode. I better find someone and have go." and she left, while Tomoko started imperceptibly humping Asuka's thigh with her buttocks and murmured "I wish we could stay like this forever..."
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>I better find someone and have go
I better find someone and have a go

This is canon >>4156752 by the way.
I appreciate your effort asumoko anal autist.
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orange women bad
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>I read it every week too.
If only. Anyway, bets for the next chapter?
Will Tomoki tell everyone to fuck off? Or will he and Yoshida go to the UFO and do it already?
Or perhaps Yoshida vs. Komi-something, round 2?
The circus never ends.
and the clowns are /u/
More like the peanut gallery.
>manga became popular because of yuri shipping
>kill yuri shipping
Is this common?
In all fairness none of the Tomoko yuri ships have been killed. The only yuri ships that were killed were the Sachi and Yoshida ones, and let's be honest they are just side characters.
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>Forgive me, Tomo-chan. You'll have to cheat on the entrance exams after all...
>no "Good girl!" when Tomoko came on command
Fake and unrealistic.
Mako's keeping it alive perfectly fine, thank you very much.
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She'll be fine. Kii-chan has been preparing Tomoko for years now. She might walk a little funny for a few days though.
Looks like Kii-chan's shoes and socks got knocked off in the last panel.
TL's up on /a/.
>TL's up on /a/.
And nothing of value came from it. Sad.
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School stabbing arc where Komiyama stabs Tomoki and Sachi and Yoshida, and those other het girls and then gets gunned down by the police then we can go back to funny lite yuri antics
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the good end
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Kii-chan is a lifesaver.
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The Vixen has gone too far with cutting Tomoko's hair like that.
Komi needs to live so she can become a part of Tomoko's harem as she was always meant to.
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Tomoko's scream seems to be very important to Asuka. No way she would gag her.
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Why the FUCK are they so orange? I get liking to paint a skin tone either a bit lighter or darker to your preferences but this is almost the shade of an actual regular orange. My fucking sides
The artist has been doing this the entire time, and yeah, I don't like it either. It's not even the skin that is the biggest problem, but the super bright hair colors(Which make the skin look darker). Just look at Tomoko, she has black hair and yet the artist colors it light gray.
I think the artist genuinely has a problem with perception, some kind of color blindness.
I once knew a person on deviantart who drew in weird colors as well. After I approached them and asked about it, they admitted that they had a form of color blindness.
>be gay
>have a cute and gay as fuck friend
>refuse to go out with her
Why is Yuri like this?
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Bitgag. Let's through her mojyo-scream, but still protects her tongue and teeth throughout the edging.
She's playing the long game. Better to have no coochie now and get Tomoko forever than get a lesser woman now and die alone
>Yuri x Mako
I don't know how to feel about this. They'd be very cute together, but I can't see this working out.
Maybe in a world where Yoshida and Minami are dead, Mako would be less of a traitor.
Mako was Yuri's first hyper fixation (she was introduced having an austism attack about Mako joining the other group in Kyoto)
but she met Tomoko and realized they were much more similar
Yuri realized Tomoko would only betray her twice, whereas Mako would betray her up to 14 times.
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Other way around.
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Who is the other? Yoshida, Yuu or Kii-chan?
Mako is only sexually frustrated. Wouldn't happen if Yuri was hitting on her.
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Yoshida is Yuri's >>4170846 dirty little secret.
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A bit greedy.
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I don't think the lighter hair colour is a mistake, I'm pretty sure the artist is just a fan of the gyaru style.
Personally I am too so I think it's a gorgeous skin tone they've chosen, the problem is the lack of variety. Sure give both of them audacious tans, just make sure they're not the exact same shade, distinction is important.
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Asuka looks so well placed on top of Tomoko.
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orange women good
None of these images have Tomoko getting lewded by the vixen.
I believe in SachiKiba.
Years ago, I saw a fanart piece about two characters from some manga I've never heard before (some dude and an alien) talking about Watamote. The alien violently asks the dude what the best ship is, and he answers that all of them have their merits.
Does anyone remember this? I'm trying to find the image but I don't even know what to look for, as I never knew the name of the work those characters were from.

Wish we had intrigue again
sachi doesn't even like minami. their 'friendship' is gone the moment they graduate.
Nice compilation. Are there more like this, for other characters?
I thought about trying to level up my own autism by doing something similar to this for basically every character to keep track of all the relationships, interactions and small details.
Like Komi wanting Tomoki to call her Onii-chan last chapter being a callback to Ch. 143. Kudos to anybody who remembered this sort of thing off the top of their head.
I'm so happy.
This one is in sore need of an update

There was one analyzing the evolution of Mako and Yoshida's relationship

This is canon, right?
There's a bigger, more extensive analysis right here: https://imgur.com/a/Oh1VFa8

It still needs an update, since it only goes up to the beginning of the study camp arc.
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Tomoko's mind just couldn't take the pleasure of Asuka's relentless onslaught, so the chapter is postponed for further training.
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Tomoko will need an entire training arc if she wants to take on the vixen like that.
This is some of the best kind of autism there is.
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I can't believe Asuka and Yuu divorced.
No new chapter today?
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Nope, it was scheduled for next week.
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I know everyone's been hurting for some yuri content in canon. So here, have some yuri content in the latest chapter of my fanfic, "I'm Not Popular, So I'll Go to School Naked."

NTA but I was wondering too, thanks
she simply does not like her
autistic people are like this, they need to find someone special who they believe 'gets' them
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>Shhh Tomo-chan, you don't need to be held down. Just keep moving your butt up and down like this, and give it time...
Hey, this is pretty good. Nailed the characters’ voices.
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A few hours of squatting every day on well lubed strap-on and she'll be fine.
Is this set in second year?

No, it's set in third year, specifically during the time when the suspension arc would have happened and in the week afterward. That's why Tomoko and Asuka are still on a surname basis, but considering how intimate they are now, that won't last for long.
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>Tomoko shivered all over at the motion, especially when she felt Asuka's fingers brush ever so slightly against the topmost portion of her butt cleft.
It's over. The harem is doomed.
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Safe, sane, and consensual? Not with these two.
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These are nice. Incidentally, why do Asuka's little makeovers for other girls end up looking terrible more often than not?
The landmine style she did for Tomoko was the only time it didn't look ridiculous. It's not like her own sense of style seems off, though?
Because these "bad" looking ones are the ones that are "in" nowadays(at least in wata-verse)
I quite often can't understand how some western celebrities think these lips that looks like they were punched and swollen look good. And yet so many of them put poison into their lips to get that look.
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I guess none of the more relevant characters are "with it", since the reactions are (almost?) all negative. Even relatively normal people like Akane are creeped out by some of these styles.
I think it's because she's either experimenting with styles and cosmetics she has no experience with and is thus botching them, or she's blatantly using styles that are meant for more of an alternative fashion crowd. Asuka might also be striving to be a beautician (either as a career or just as a hobby), but isn't aware that she's pretty inept at it.
Does Tomoko know Yuri likes her?
Whatever do you mean? Tomoki is the only one who is allowed to be liked. Of course Yuri likes him, it just wasn't shown yet. Iko is preparing to fix this in the near future.
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Why couldn't we have Landmine-Moko for more chapters?
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I'd like to imagine the potential butthurt.
I took it as a gag. We've seen a few times in Watamote that characters personalities can be much different from there hobbies and what they like. Yoshida comes across as a mean delinquent, but she likes fairy tale children stuff. Same with Nemo being a popular extrovert, yet she enjoys introvert activities and seeing the situations as if they are a SoL manga. I think the joke with Asuka is that she's a beautiful girl that you'd think would be great at doing makeup but is actually terrible at it.
I think we're finally over the tomoki shit chapters'
glorious asuka chapter tomorrow
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>These two... I am not going to cum for an entire month, am I?
How do you imagine Asuka diffusing this situation?
>Komiyama-san, I don't know what you're talking about, but please shut up
Or something? Wouldn't mind if Asuka got some screentime, but I don't see it happening next chapter.
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delayed to 5/23...
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Got a single fact to back that up?
Delayed for a week because they're working on the next volume.
I'm assuming the picrel is part of the omake in tank 25.
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Not sure why the link doesn't work, so here's an image of the tweet in question.
Huh, so Yoshida has forgiven the traitorous bitch Mako?, I thought she was going to give her the "snitches get stitches" treatment.
It's a timeskip fantasy in Tomoko's head, so why not? Just as long Komi is dead.
That Mako tongue just too damn good. Yoshida couldn’t find anything in prison that made her come close.
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>Kato-sama, please dominate me like one of your pet mojyos
They are so perfect for each other.
Was there a new chapter or was it delayed? I didn't see a thread in /a/
It was delayed to next week. See here:
Yeah the manga lost its sardonic edge ages ago

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