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You thought they were mobs but they are in fact five stars!
Should've fit Charlotte in there.
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should've made the thread then
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Maybe next time
It's him...!

epic divorce man..
>pull for horsecock
>get this fucking how to draw manga looking ass piece of garbage
i've never been so disappointed. well i have but jesus
he was kinda amusing in that desert academy event, but don't care for that design
>doesn't use the english picture of the banner
are there ACTUAL japanese people using this site?
Still would desu
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Honestly some of the other units looks even more poorly drawn and your fault for rolling on a regular ass banner. At least he is useful gameplay wise. I still wonder if they actually hire some good shota artist later.
Got to be honest, I am actually impressed how this looks like a character profile from a newer anime. I'm not attracted to them, but still.

Cute himbo horsecocks!
>use four tickets
>get 5* caster
>Bakoo dupe
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Amorey and Baccarat are my favorites!! Who is everyone's favorite characters?
nitro and scavand but I can't find any sfw art of tittysaur
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Pic related + both of the orcs, I love these fuckers a lot, especially Leon.. He's just perfect for me..
Kancrow and Armorey are it for me.
I just wish fat bird didn't have such crippeling oneitis for the worst character. How can I manage autistic self insert shit in that scenario?
I'm loving Lyon and Chabeau.
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The degeneracy trio, Baccarat, Sarutobi, and Nitro. Though that's not to say that other characters/couples aren't fun.
For me it's Hybris, Baccarat, Dion, Scavand, Zacharoff and Jalam
Why does Leon look 20 years older in his vanguard art? Not that I'm complaining...
Why can't we have more fat anthro men characters...
Because he wished to look more like a top but kind of failed.
Read the Topdom island storyline
tl;dr is Leon unleashes his ultimate power to become a "top dom" to fight against the island, but a bottom can't magically turn into a top, so he's put back in his place as a bottom right after.
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Amorey, Fu, Nitro, Charlotte!
Though I like many others, these just stand out as top tier qts and Nitro is just hot as fuck
I am saving all of the older events and main story since if I speed through them all now I will be retarded and spend all my stones as I do tickets. That said, Leon is so adorable I want to be the top to his bottom and fuck him while we are both in a cumfilled horny daze. Then lots of cuddling afterwarda.
hypercock is an automatic yes from me, even if he KWABd hard against lucifer (they should add an alternate version of the scene where lucifer tries to fuck gamela's dick but gets cockvored instead)
vorefag so gotta, even though characterwise he, too, is kind of a nothing character.
CUTE. i love when he says "amigo" and his treatment of the other pirates is cute.
i just like knights, helps that he's buff and hot. his personality and backstory are fun.
cute old man who refers to himself with wagahai, automatic love.
>kafka and hellion
cute couple.
>chabo and lyon
VERY cute couple.
i just love this guy.
>jinnosuke and rasho
cute couple.
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I'm not into anal stuff at all, but I would go wild on every part of his body. Armpits, paws, boobas, abs and his cute mouth until he is a panting cum glazed mess that is begging for more of my "tender touch".
What thing is he talking about
Nipple rings that would make him look more like a "dom" even though it would just be for teasing and pulling on his nipples more.
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there can be only one
Do I spy a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 reference in that file name?
S-Tier: Literally Perfect, would Marry.
Pino, Snow Wolf.

A-Tier: Great but not as perfect.
Pirate Swordsman, Sigvaldi, TopDom Leonhart, Pirate Musketeer, Chabeau, Corca.

B-Tier: More visual design then personality.
Billford (Especially Mafia, i love a man in a suit.), Leon (Looks good in CGs, not so much otherwise.)
>mumu sex
Pino paws on my face...
>marriage banner rerun
>cant control my rolling impulse because 6* yabshaka rerun still far away
>roll 30 hoping for folker
>got human yumo zzzz
>still no charlotte segs scene in story after update and update
I am still waiting
>marriage banner rerun
Easy skip
Everytime I try to launch the game I get stuck on a 9% loading screen is it over for me lads
that's a pc bug, download the installer again
Even after doing a full reinstall it still gets stuck there, am I doing something wrong?
Damn we need to get those rings on him RIGHT NOW
I remembered why I didn't pull for Folker last time, fucking Yu** and Ma**** sharing a banner with him. Worthy of skip.
mine had it so I did a reinstall and now it runs fine
they even posted a tweet about that bug
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I got me orc
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Based, I sacked him last time and managaed to avoid Lucifer.
Wow, Arcana has potty mouth.
I can't believe they teased Gaia dragoncock stomachbulge but didn't go through with it. The one time I wouldn't mind Gaia porn.
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this, among other things (his cock was out too)
I got it working on the second fresh reinstall which I had to make sure it was a new version of the installer. When you said download the installer again my autistic brain thought "Just using an installer you downloaded months ago will work." So I'm a little silly, thanks anon.
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why didn't you redownload? silly anon
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They finally added durations to skills, goddamn that took way too long.
He is like me then, but handsome.
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its okay now that im back in the game i can use my tickets and then forget the solution the next time a bug like this happens
Scat when?
Destroy yourself, shitposter
Wait for Kafka's next cg.
Diaper fetish character first
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Orion told me I was cute, he listened to my problems, he said we’d start a family together, he told me he loved me. He made me feel special. But in the end he was just using me for dream sex.
Sounds like standard furry relationships alright
Orion and Spica gave me Dionh, so I am inclined to suck their massive leaky horsecocks.
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Anyone else stuck at 9% on the loading screen starting today?
Nevermind, I fixed it, the twitter account has a link to the installer. https://twitter.com/AnotherEidos_R/status/1781288743913324940
So how do we rate Bakoo? I think he is a cute cum guzzler that really just needs a good home in a sperm bank till he is a massive cumflated fatty. Since he isn't limited I hope we can see more of him in the story.
This interaction was cute, the two of you should have sex
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Charlotte-sama is my favorite character!
The others include Arcana, Jalam, Hybris, Baccarat, Nitro, Scavand, Pollon & Orta, and finally Chabeau
c u t e
His latest scene with the double-double teaming was really hot, even though I usually skip the scenes where gaia submits like a loser, it was a nice surprise. Also his artist draws a cute Arcana
His outfit is a bit too techy for me. Personally I would be fine if Hellion just dropped Beez for him.
I just wanted to say I really like the piano part that plays about 20 seconds in during the first few stages of the wedding event it gives me Castlevania Symphony of the Night vibes.
symphony of the night / CV crossover event where roth is dracula and all the cute furry boys dress up as belmonts/soma/alucard/etc. (stick elaine as shanoa for token female hunter) when?
No one cares but I did a "fuck it" 10 pull today with stones and got Arcana boy's alter ego
The big H up there did me a huge solid. Rest easy in heaven, Adolf, happy birthday.
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>everyone getting arcana despite me being a massive arcanafag

This sucks. I told myself I'd just wait for one of those store 6* select tickets but I'd imagine that shit is once per anniversary..aka another 9+ months.

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Amorey really keeping me sucked in. Zach and Hybris were the only ones I enjoyed actually reading about. The ones at bottom either end up being too much of a shit regardless if they have a nice design or getting way too much focus then they deserve. I think I was surprised how much I ended up liking Chab despite not caring about him before the event. So thinks can still change over time.
If Edios actually somehow got a crossover from a well known series/IP I feel like it would be King of Fighters because I remember seeing an ad announcing a crossover between it and some random zombie game like two months ago. So I guess they’ll throw their characters at whatever sticks I guess.
not gonna lie tizoc/king of dinosaurs is pretty hot and would probably fit in anados very easily
I'm a huge Scavandfag and still don't have him
Why do they keep giving the tops the most massive tits and not doing anything with them..
This so much THIS! Give us our giant man tits character already. Make him have HUGE pecs AND make them the focus. Also I would love some male lactation at some point.
>do a yolo 10 hoping for hubby lucifer
>get a dupe corca AND a dupe chabo
man fuck off
cuter with his mask on
mask characters should keep their masks on
Glad someone agrees.
>use three tickes for 6* sleepy dog
>second Dion
>last 6* was also a off rated Dion that I posted in last thread from the horsecock rate up
What does this mean?
You will fuck the cloacussy
Okay :D I will also suck on the bird tiddies
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Chapter 6 will release next during Golden Week. Fitting. Also, as a bit of a tease, they also showed off teh faces of 2 new units.
Cute bull, left just looks like a modified bouncer.
can't tell if mob or unit
right one is definitely gh0stfood's artstyle
Between Buff Arcana and Wedding Folkner I'm out 80 pulls. About to hit 90 in a couple days once I get my next ticket.
I'm such a lucklet I haven't even seen a 5*
I swear I know left's artist
90% sure it’s nullQ the artist for gambler and casino security they all look really similar.
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Man I haven't read all of the story and I forgot where I was in the story too. Something about a forest of death or whatever. I gotta read to get caught up.
I wanna KISS this gay ass rabbit
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I love him, he just like me fr :)
man you need to catch up if only for the dragon gems
I have all the story missions 4star cleared I just didn't read cause I joined during an event. I wanted to get all the gems ASAP.
That's because all of his guys look the same.
While I haven’t been playing for too long I’ve known about Volund since the beginning and I love his design (except the nipple piercings) just hate from what I have seen of him is that he’s kinda a bad person. But the bull from the Golden Week announcement might be a new favorite but I’ll need to see his full art and personality first.
The new bull wears a construction outfit and that makes me rabid for cock.
and if we judge by the artist's history he's probably muscle gut too

There hasn't been a new main story chapter in months and the event stories have been mostly inconsequential filler. That rabbit's event was the worst though. Ruined the entire Sepia faction and Equus's character.
What’s wrong with nipple piercings
I read that one and it was funny. Because I like Baccarat.
Bnuuy carried his event by being cute and calling me his "bum chum", also Equus never had a character to be ruined he was always a pushover
Equus was already kind of shit this just made it more obvious. Baccarat was never really a good guy even when you first met him. I still find it fucking stupid of Equus to put the man who nearly ruined his country on his council.
Possible muscle gut construction worker okay I can work with that.

I’m just not the biggest fan of piercings. They look like they hurt to have especially something like a Prince Albert piercing. I even did a sprite edit removing Volund’s nipple piercings a fair bit ago.
it's that guy working on a new visual novel right
the event stories Amberdon Boot Camp, Paysblanc Casino, and to some extent Hot Springs kinda prepare us for the next chapter
Do you still have the edit
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I wish Kas (artist of Gordov) does a second Eidos character that is a mix of corruption and monster transformation fetishes.
>charlotte getting 2 CGs in one update
shotabros are so lucky
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90 pulls and still no Charlotte I'm going fucking insane, these CGs better be shit.
Don't wish for them to be shit anon. Wish for them to be good so that you have something to look forward to next time his banner drops.
Yeah.. you're right, hope the Charlotte owners will eat good.
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from these previews I'm gonna assume the human one is a (you) and picrel is charlotte draining the mage horse dude dry, or maybe even both horse dudes
>Charlotte is a cute subby succubus for (you)
>Charlotte is a dommy seductress for the horses
Is this game worth playing or nah
Another Eidos: Amorey's Game
Idk why they haven't changed the title desu
You act like you can't see the scenes unless you pull the guy, someone can just record the CGs and post them somewhere for others! relax anon, we'll see em.
are you gay? are you able to relax and not take a bad story too seriously?
can't find a comfy stage to easily farm on the homo wedding rerun...
I just use tickets and farm the hardest.
I do actually I also apparently made a shake your screen illusion thing. Also I want it to be known I did this almost two years ago with just a mouse and (still) very limited knowledge of how to use gimp so it's not perfect by any means but here you go.

What are some character species and types you never see in gay gacha games that you would absolutely go crazy for instead of "yet another dog/wolf/dragon/tiger"?

For me it's a RAT. Someone make a bara leatherdaddy rat already. (P.S. Amorey doesn't count as a rat)
Don't know about other gay gachas cuz I only play this one, but I want a shark character so badly, like a surfer bro or super serious with a heart of gold type. If that's common in others I'd also love to see a lanky possum I think they're cute
Housamo has Typhon, a musclechub surfer/bassist shark guy. One of the older character designs in that game and is actually pretty cute.
literally any non-furry non-scaly non-human. stuff like beelzebub. there's always like 1 or 2 but i want more.
yeah, it's just in most other events i've been able to find a stage where i can just deploy like 2 low cost vanguards and a healer or shooter depending on what i need, and then tab out. haven't found a comfy easy grind stage like that for this event.
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magritte with the big bulge damn
Casino guy got an alt?
Magritte is so fucking hot
hoping i'll get him since satan just dodged me again
>Thomas alt
Well guess I'm fucking whaling goddammit I hate this game. Right after Charlotte too.
Now THIS is an easy skip banner, thank goodness
Drained dry from Arcana and Charlotte and we got 2 uglies here in the new chapter
oh yeah that's a corrupted Thomas
Is Kafka the only one who isn't "corrupted"?

Thomas is the leader of Sepia. He's not "casino guy".

>shotafag completely breaks down when he sees actual men

Who would have thought?
I can’t view the first one but I can see the second one and while the shaker effect is in the way from what I see it’s a simple edit but not a bad one and seeing the old heavy mosaic censored sprites makes me appreciate that we don’t have them now.
This. Fucking disgusting banner, thank god I can save
it's not shotafags it's furfags. anything that doesn't get them excited for bestiality is a disappointment for them.
Furry game. Go back to your generic gay anime gacha. You are the minority here, thanks :)
>boo hoo everyone that isn't drooling over generic bara dude number 73 and deep rock galactic is a zoo
get a load of this guy
Lol, this. Fucking normies are the worst
Gonna be mad if I get Magritte over Thomas, both rateups being the same rate on a banner regardless of rarity is really annoying.
like clockwork, they will get mad but they won't deny it
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Update to this.
>see the new announced banner
>0.00% interest in any of this shit
>fuck it lets try two more arcana pulls since I have no reason to pull on the new banner

I have bararcana but I dunno how to use him
so basically he's a mobile fighter?
I really, REALLY hope that's molten gold and not piss on Thomas. I don't want him to go pee-bending.
Also just realized how it checks out.
>Sepia crew (Dion, Nitro, Kazard, Brute, Sarutobi) left Sepia because of internal problems
>Mammon tricked Baccarat into a deal which we see in Paysblanc
>Sepia crew want to have none of that so they moved to the hot springs, had an orgy just to make sure Xiaolong doesn't try to have their way with them
>during all of this Thomas was left with Mammon so they had some fuckery
More like twonk arcana, he's just well toned but not bara in his dream form, hell the guy next to him in that same screenshot is a bara (not alec)
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Thomas looks better as his normal form and is already busted so I don't really care about his five version espically as a guard. Other dude is literally just a rehash of the casino mob unironically and shouldn't be the six star. .
>gaia fucks charlotte
also bunch of new mobs and this sailor guy
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Well its not shocking but he seemed more freaked out to have him on his bed.
PC anons you need to update via downloading the executable again.
>Charlotte made the horsemen real
finally he did something useful
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god bless the localizers
He kinda looks like Gumshoe from Ace Attorney just a little bit.
Honestly I didn't find it all that bad!
Rushed through the last couple stages for the Charlotte secret with Orion and I was kinda let down by the writing in that one but I guess that's how they intended it to be
The Gaia scene was better for me because Charlotte's more of a smug little shit in that one ("the pee feeling" ToT)
Man I really need to listen to some more of the OST though the Dream event has a banger music track, gachas always have the best music for some reason lol
>Helps Gaia not be a little bitch to Barboros and ends up fucking him so much he admits he is wrong
>Amorey shields his eyes

Very short cg but decent.
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>going down the list to grind every character to 100 bond
>the guy I autobattle WHIRRRRRED for hours during launch has barely any bond
Sounding like the CG on his normal version is better, guess I didn't miss too much by failing to pull him. Oh well, hope I have better luck with Thomas I guess.
I haven't played in months.
Who are the top tier units nowadays?
>wanted magritte
>got thomas
this game does this to me with every fucking banner, god dammit.
>his nature literally doesn't do anything if you don't also have his 6 star on the field
no wait i'm retarded
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This is my tier list from playing since launch. I only included units I've actually put in my party for at least a handful of stages and obv not any, who I haven't pulled.
It's very pleasant how powerful a lot of launch units still are compared to other newer characters.
everyone is bringing alt zach as the assist because he's the best. makes it look like you don't need to pull for him since you can just ask for him
have you ever borrowed daddy dakaar? his skill is insane for harder stages
I've borrowed him like maybe 2-3 times and it was for easy stages, so I haven't really had a chance to test him out. Probably applies to a lot of characters I didn't include.
Usually I just look for a Theodor for easy row protection or new limiteds to try out.
speaking of difficult content, has anyone managed to clear the 100 enemy challenge in the new event? it was going okay for me til bakoo showed up and aoe'd my entire team from the other side of the stage. what the fuck
Wait Jinnosuke is top tier? Did he get a glow up when rank ups happened? I always thought he was a bit weak compared to my other melee guys so I just stopped using him early on.
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Possibly, I haven't removed him from my dead at all, because his fairly unique range for a melee fighter + strong as hell skill makes him a force to be reckoned with.
I love NullQ, but I also don't want to spend tickets on non-limited units like Magritte
Fuck man
gaia status: redeemed
>spend some more on magritte's banner
>get spika
>and bashkar
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Got through normal with just my standard team pretty easily, 4star seems like it'll be pretty hard though.. Especially with Bakoo.
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Got vomitcore, thanks off-banner.
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desire sensor is a bitch
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Holy... I'm speechless. This is like karmic retribution after getting nothing but 3 and 4 stars for months.
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Sweven Arcana has alternate splash art and I can't figure out why it wasn't used instead. It looks better in almost every way possible. Better rendering and highlights, better proportions, more detail, etc.
Arcana is cute!

I love that we got both him and charlotte back to back. Top tier cuties
what if arcana fucks his dream cappybara mount on the side?
just for laughs haha..
damn we got the swapped pulls dude... i want magritte's fat cock in my account so bad...
He's so hot
isnt that limited arcana's skill too
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It's ok, I got him on the next pull so I'm satisfied.
>90 pulls with no Charlotte
>20 pulls for Thomas
Damn, kemoshotas are too much work bros.
If it's just Jinno's skill but even better, then that's kinda ridiculous.
Is that Thomas any good? Besides having a sexy belly.
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Sadly not, just a typical high-cost and pretty shit guard unit. I don't think we'll be seeing something like Chabo for a long while again.
For some reason they even gave him a vanguard passive, not sure why they hate guard units so much. But that's ok, he's here to get dicked anyway.
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>axe covers belly
Wow, what a sadness. Sad harp noises.
THESE HIMBOS ARE SO CUTE! Charlette is lucky to have them as party members...
I get to join the Arcana train too!
I have summer hanzo, is he good
Generally, most units that can summon more units are pretty damn good, so yes, summer Hanzo is a very solid healer for being able to do that.
but anima and cankrow are summoning healers and they suck
That's cuz Anima's is just more healing and Kancrow's is a one-use debuff. Hanzo summons a vanguard tier unit that can hold off enemies like a normal unit. Those are the good summons.
all right I'll take your word for it. I have horkeukamui mafia and he rocks as a first deploy
This is 6* Arcana's skill. The downside is that you HAVE to move him to another spot to activate, so it might fuck up your lineup to get it activated.
>6 star fighter pops up on 10 pull
>it's not Arcana
>3rd time now
fuck you edgar stop baiting me
Suck his fat tiddies already!
Mating press Edgar until he gives you your rate up.
I have casino edgar, is he good
He's very good for my dick, but otherwise, he's a pretty standard 5* healer, who's got emergency healing for any hard hitting stages. So better to use attack buffing healers over him for most stages. I'm not sure how effective mesmerize is, but I assume it helps at least a bit with stopping mobs.
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So how DO you unlock that anyway? it says you need charlotte's secret? Is this not in the game yet? I'm a newer player
For Charlotte's secret you need to make it to the end of the DreamLand event story.
oh, no wonder lol I haven't finished it. ty anon
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damn equus doesn't look all that bad when his head isn't stuck 90° to the left, but I don't think hooves can just bend like that
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Cool. I try not to rush through events as they come out and take my time, didn't know this was at the end. I thought these "Secret" items were just added in shops to buy not as event completion?

also I guess I could have just taken my time and done the event at my leisure since the events never go away, only the shops do, but oh well
that's wasp's face
also go blame how gamma designed equus in general, particular his lower legs
>impulse 4 tickets for fat Thomas belly
I need to stop being retarded with my tickets.
i can't believe i wasted so many resources chasing satan on his rerun only for them to hit me with nullq fat bulge... and of course i didn't get him... kill me dude. this game literally only gives me furries that i don't care about
>reading the story
>this is the background music
What scene, there is no way it's actually this.
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You hear this tune in a lot of chapters, I think it's just the generic story theme. Check out S09 in the Prologue for the music I'm talking about.
After a minute or two the music just pauses for a few seconds and then picks up again. It's bizarre.
>new story scene
damn, i think magritte might have the biggest cock of any human character not counting gamela
Right here, it's not just my PC. At 15.35 the BGM pauses and I think it's intentional.
Oh this. I thought deadass someone on the team just took the fucking mii channel music. It's odd, probably a weird looping point?
yet in the cgs not only did they not even bother drawing penetration they also didn't draw his cock full size... what's up with that...
CheshireBacon is an expensive artist I guess.. Ran out of budget..
I hope the Shadow King of Sloth is a fat bear or something. Big lazy cuddly man.
We need a pure fatty character that focuses on weight gain and/or belly play stuff.
Might be an issue with the PC client, I've heard that BGM countless of times and it has always looped correctly
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Couldn't sleep so I dabbled in editing out the rest of Volund's piercings/jewelry except his necklace because I liked it. So here it is.
Yeah personally I like without so I can suck on his nipples more.
Anyone got any tips for invadreamers challenge 4 star? I can't seem to outheal the damage the slut shota does, whoever I put in the bottom path just dies regardless
and yes I watched the video posted earlier in the thread
Use a support Thomas and I had regular Gaia tank it since he gives everyone extra stats.
I put 5* Corca in the middle of the area where Charlotte commits mass murder and it helped keep multiple people alive. Robin is my usual healer but even with his skill up he got deleted instantly by shotacat, so I had to use Xiaolong, who did a pretty good job at keeping even more people alive.
which 5 star corca? the guardian one, or the shooter?
the one that cheats on his wife
Regular Corca, the Fighter one
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Nobody asked but I think Edgar's shocked expression is super cute :O
PLEASE invade my dreams charlotte sama
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I did it, grabbed a support thomas and ditched robin for goat azmond for his buffs/debuffs, still had to use two more healers to make it work. Had to waste a bunch of resources leveling units I don't normally use like Ornis but at least I made it. Oh and atk speed up because it's like crack, holy shit I can't stop using it in every setup
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I want to rape him in a backalley and use him as a sextoy, but I also want to use him as a cuddletoy and give him lots of kisses and hugs.
Never felt this conflicted on a character..
t. that one fox from that one event
It was main story friend..
Amorey is nice and all... but I want Hybris
Agreed, I want to mating press that old man
I just realized, if the "muh localization" pests got a hold of English another eidos they'd shit their pants on all the "localization" this game has

Guess Cotten approves of them together.
of course
also what makes you think Fu hasn't sucked off Rai's cock?
Please take a break from the internet, you sound like you need one.
what made you think of that? did I strike a nerve or something? this game absolutely has massive dialog liberties, especially during its first summer event.
It's not that. It's bringing up some group of internet boogeymen completely unprompted and being like
>"huhu these guys would be SO MAD right now"
Where did this come from? What discussion were you expecting to start with this? Did you WANT people to jump at you? Why not try a less inflammatory approach to starting a discussion?
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but that's incest anon, and incest is bad!
>incest is based!
fixed that for you.
We need more Fu and Rai fucking
>not dunking on zoomers who never touched video games
and it just came to me when I was looking at some of the event summaries especially when compared to machine translated Crave Saga
the scenes where they take more liberties with the text are actually much better translated than the obvious MTL scenes where they didn't even try.
I managed to get the limited Lucifer with some tickets, but I'm norlt sure how great he is. I just like his detailed art and how love struck he is.
seems pretty good to me but it's hard to tell without actually owning/using him.
wedding limiteds are weird. they're not bad but they feel standard. like folker is a typical shooter unit who just has high atk
Who are some major "broken" units besides 6* Thomas?
Limited Zacharoff is a pretty popular one, since he ignores magic resistance and also does splash damage. His destructive power is pretty ridiculous.
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I think I'm dangerously autistic cause I get really attached to characters. I'm obsessed with Baccarat and Amorey, I've even been working out more to look similar to Baccarat even though I'm already in shape, how over is it for me bros...
>fictional character has positive effect on anon's life
you're 1 in a million embrace it
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suspiciously nothing sexual
he cute
he's Domay btw
Oh gosh he's cute, I like that guy looking at the smithing stuff too.
God I hope he's just the cute jii-chan archetype and not a sadistic monster like Volund, don't need 2 of the same blacksmith.
I hope you don't emulate being a complete cockwhore on the street like those two, anon.. Then it'll truly be over for you.
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also new unit Alert
His CG will be armpit stuff.
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anon his cg has been datamined already
he's vers
>Domay is a cute jiisan who will take care of you and shower you with love
No wonder Volund is seething about him, he's completely outclassed.
It feels like all the Pays Blanc characters are just worse versions of the other characters
>Furry Dward
>Train Dward

What is next?
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*bdsm dward
housamo also has weed dward
Its more Domay stop giving a shit about his craft and just did whatever for money. Like even Domay agrees he isn't really happy but its better than being on the streets. As for his cg he seems to change from either being super sweet bottoming or being rough kind of talking down to them while choking them with one hand.
Weakest Dward of the trio, but that's cuz I'm not that into BDSM gear on a design much, cute stache though.
More filler units to skip and save.
He seems to be playing into the kinks, when he was topping the client wanted to be talked down to, it was turning him on, and it seems they see eachother a lot.
I mean, I've always been a bit of a playboy...
humanfags are literally starving to death
There is never a moment you mentally ill furries aren't seething over normal people huh? Even when they just also introduced a fucking bullman.
Is dward getting 2 alts or is this a really bad case of same-face?
We eating good bro, I feel bad for the humanfags still playing this obviously furryge though, how do they cope with not getting anything good?

Gamubear's gacha units all have just bad same-face, second is from. First is from Eidos and second is shitsamo.
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even sigvaldi has sameface despite being a bear
i'm just coping because dward's artist is fucking ass. magritte is top notch i'm just butthurt i didn't get him.
>walking my dog in public
>white gay furry comes up to me "aww what a cute dog, what's his name?"
>me, internally: (this is a white gay furry)
>me: "he's straight."
>white gay furry: "what?"
>white gay furry internally: (dammit)
Out of all the Dward copies his overall design is cooler ignoring the furry part and they at least did something with him in the story. Apparently his artist even mentioned the issue.

He has the same face issue too but at least his designs are cool I guess.
I think he's cute. I might pull for him.
Haven't touched Ch6 yet, still cleaning out the shop.
Y'all enjoying it?
Setup's pretty decent so far, despite the wealth Sepia's gotten people feel creatively stifled and lack purpose besides "work". Right now I mainly wonder how Gaia and crew are going to come in and screw up the gentle balance as it is.
the solution is sex
So with the free scrolls I somehow got two 5*s, those being Sol and Harold. How good are those two?
harold seems okay, taking full advantage of both his skill and nature seems kind of annoying but he's probably decent. as a rule defenders are generally not super good and sol doesn't seem to be an exception.
but do you think either of them are cute? if so then you won.
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The best!
I do not find either attractive sadly. I do have Chabeau for my main Defender, so he is very cute fat and dumb like his bf Lyon.
Yoooooo next banner dropped!
The new 5 star FULL HOUSE looks fucking INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad I saved my pulls after Charlotte and Arcana!
Oh and the Dward clone is there too I guess as the 6 star.
Full House looks like he's made for the wolf lover crowd, not that I can blame them. He's hot. Don't know if I want to go for him or hope he spooks me later.
>both units are ugly af
easy skip banner
I wish Full House was my father.
>more skips
Thank fucking god, this game plays a dangerous game of having back to back banners I really want to pull on and then giving me a much needed break. Hope this continues so I can restock
>BDSM Kamui at home
is that monogG?
Full House is pretty interesting as a Vanguard, he loses the ability to block in order to deal more damage and each enemy that enters his attack you gain 2 cost.
The fact that it's called bulge grab also just tells what's happening.
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4 tiks, ez
Humblebragging aside, we all know the actual prize is the 5 star unit.
>better looking werewolf than Rougarou
>96 gems
>Eques 6*
>no 5* wolfman
Damn, now I'm out of gems...
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Now who the fuck are they?
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Having a name doesn't mean being pullable right? Because these 2 generic as fuck joes have names and I wonder if they'll be on another skip banner.
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ch1 > 5 will be promoted, time > 6 months
ch2 > 4 will be promoted, time > 5 days
ch3 > 3 will be promoted, time > 4 days
ch4 > 2 will be promoted, time > 3 days
ch5 > 1 will be promoted as a winner. gift > $100 amazon gift card, time > 1 day
#the difficulty of the challenge will increase as it goes to the end.
What does this have to do with hot anthro men and their penises?
I require more hot anthro men and their penises desu
I like them because they're generic compared most of the tackyass designs for gacha.
they'll be eventually pullable. can't think of a unit who isn't. even solve got playable.
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>enter Sanzoku
Also Mammon technically but the tech goblin might get released this chapter since it's a Sepia chapter
>game has a Vitiligo slider
He's a new werewolf character looks like he was designed by Folker's artist.
Hopefully they stay in their wolf form...
there are no nonbinaries in this game even the one with a vagina goes by he
Sanzoku isn't a name, it means bandit
I fucking love ugly bastards so much, wish he was pullable. Still surprising he's by Charlotte's artist.
Charlotte's artist is pretty versatile when they want to be. Gaia and Orion looked pretty good.
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Ah yes, I am retarded for not knowing that, it should have been obvious just like
*checks notes*
Verdacian Fox
>gets to fuck amorey
lucky guy
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it's cute how devoted he is to his master.
we need fucking foxes. Habbbbbittt let me pull the fauxxx aaaaaaaaa
it really is strange isn't it? you'd think gaychas would have a lot of them
6-8 4 star challenge is beating my ass :/
I think the most important spot to protect is the bottom left base, on the right side. If you put two units in front of it that have at least 2 block each and then support them with a ranged attacker if your damage isn't high enough otherwise, it should be fine? What're you having trouble with?
I'm afraid it's a skill issue
I only just started about 2 months ago, so hopefully I have room to grow
I think I got too comfortable with being able to effectively brute force so much earlier content
>playing Chapter 6
>boombox hyenas take up 2 guard tokens
grumble grumble, stupid game forcing me to swap out my vanguards...
Is that one Baccarat anon's mother okay?
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My opinion on Mammon may have changed
I'm not up to date on the story so I have no idea what's going on, but I hope hyper pecs are on the table with this.
hyper dion and hyper nitro please
When are we getting 1/1 scale dildos and fleshlights of the characters?
Gobbo slut needs rape correction (hyper edition)
Funny how the cock made me recognize who his artist is.
Hi. I'm that Baccarat anon. My Mother passed unfortunately which is why I still didn't record the new Baccarat CGs from like, a month or so ago, my apologies. Someone else has probably uploaded them somewhere by now. I haven't even played the new story chapter yet, but it's cool we're finally seeing Sepia.
so there's apparently a re-run for that awakened zacharof, weren't people saying he was really busted?

I might try. I do like the guy too but
the funny thing is that most of the helper/assist would likely have Zach too so it kinda makes him redundant
Sort of but not really when you think of the long run. If in the future another unit becomes the staple "helper/assist" and you have your own zach that means you can run both your own zach and the support.
Him and regular Thomas are the most common supports available so having one of them just means you can get both in your team. Also if you care about the CGs just using a character as a support isn't enough
You can just watch the CGs online so it's not a reason to bother pulling, but I do like the guy so may try some pulls!
You can? I was under the impression we only really had the sad panda gallery, which is just the images, not the full scenes recorded. I've not heard an updated repository for those yet, only that one mega that was shared a while ago
nta but sorry for your loss. i know it doesn't mean much coming from a random on 4chan dot org but i'm thinking of you.
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It means more than you know anon. I always appreciate stuff like that. Either way, I hope the new content is fun for everyone, I'll be checking it out soon enough.
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bnuuy's cgs have some great facial expressions for him, he's just so cute even more so when he's getting his guts rearranged! Really hope habbit gets dangpa to do more characters
Another Billford of Billfordvein B
Alright, just exhausted the current story that I was pretty apathetic to, and my entire ticket/gem stash.
After around 110-ish pulls I have only been spooked by the other banner guy and have not got the durg I desire.

I really want to check the fuck out right now. I didn't even skim the dialogue for gay subway adventure.
I never really cared for sepia besides the furry guys and I've been skipping most of the story for chapter 6 so far, but I gotta admit that subway scene got to me, even if that might have been because I am a sucker for casual public stuff like that. Although as soon as dward 2 and 3 showed up I started skipping again because I really can't be bothered to read about gaia being a little bitch anymore. Hoping I can get zachy but going all in on twunkana and not getting him last event left me with barely any rolls
It doesn't even matter where the story is set now. It's just;

>Bal not giving a fuck and soleciting sex we never see
>Gaia sobbing like he's from Stephen Universe before empowering somebody
>Everybody is a gigantic piece of shit who wants to strip free will from others
>No matter how relevant Pais Blanc is Equus shows up to be a push over and get another CG

Rinse and repeat. The only characters I still like are the ones that barely get any screen time, or seem passive enough like Dion and the kobold.
>The only characters I still like are the ones that barely get any screen time
this is such a double edge sword because on one hand i want my favs to show up more and get alts and stuff but on the other i don't want them to get so much screentime that some dipshit writer makes them act like a moron and ruin them.
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jesus christ, here's your banner I guess, Domay fans, enjoy getting spooked by washing machine Brute
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>forgot image
nice going idiot (me)
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>tfw Domay fan and Brute fan
s k i p
both fighters huh
>Orc rape
Par for the course for this artist, but those are always his best doujins, so I don't mind getting him.
I wonder if jannies will do something about this one or just leave it like the Charlotte one in the last thread.
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>you can now multiskip
also cute adventurer, also new vorosu unit
My gems... I was stockpiling for a Sarutobi alt, then this hot dragon had to come along.
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>we want the willie wildcat audience
>Shitty Hephaestus mommy fetish
Please say sike
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wtf mammon!
bara goblin needs correction ASAP
70 tickets and didn't get one single rate-up unit. Not even the fucking 5*. This game's rates are a fucking lie.
Skipping ugly fucks for almost a year paid off, had to use 120 tickets to get him
Here's to another year of awful designs and easy skips!
If they really make 100% accurate dildos and fleshlights it would be a case of eyes bigger than your hole. Because how many characters have a dick the size of their arms I don’t care who you are you’d be split in half. As for fleshlights most characters holes would be so loose it would be like using a hot dog to fill a hallway.
god I want my own eternion
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>28 cost
But why though?
he isn't up on the wiki yet, what's he do?
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>The next time HP hits 0 it is treated as a normal withdrawel rather than a forced withdrawel.
I think he gets one free full HP revive and if he dies a second time after that it doesn't count for the purposes of 3 starring.
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Ew, but I have 0 pulls saved right now anyway so I'm fine skip-
Ayo, redpill me on Summer Fu and Rai. Got spooped by them while twisting for Summer Leon
the cost drain after reviving seems kind of rough, what about his active skill?
Is the event with anniversary amorey going to rerun or can I safely spend tickets on domay?
It'll more than likely rerun on half-anni since he's a half-anni lim. So sometime during June I suppose. Save for best cocksleeve.
summer fu is good for stages with a lot of ranged enemies spawning far away from your setup and the 100 enemy gauntlets because of the constant poison on the bosses, no idea about rai though
when will he get deflowered? he has fucked and sucked his brother, but hasn't gotten the receiving end.
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i started playing and got his bond and intamacy to full. how do i make him take his clothes off that isn't just the sprite viewer?
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You don't only time it changes is during certain events like summer or valentine where he wears his swimsuit.
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That stinks I wanted to boot the game up to him half naked.
you and me both, habbit should add this feature
i'm sure they can get away with copying housamo's homework
God I want to have sex with Eternion now but I have to wait two weeks.
>8 (eight) fucking banners up at once
>with these rates
Does this game even have enough whales for habbit to not give a shit this hard?
that's just how it is near summer
It will only get worse and we're only at in year 3.
spent 40 gems for a multi pull and got nothing. sebek is never coming home...
ppft. I did 4 40 pulls and got not a single 6*. I wanted awakened zacharof
i mean they could do endless reruns of low drop characters or they could just not do reruns and you could miss it forever and be forced to pay 60 bucks for the character you want.
Isn't that just a lose-lose situation? You either have to pay question mark amounts of money to get who you want or pay up what used to be a AAA game's price tag for him. Still, they could just add pity on top of those, maybe make dupes not completely worthless as well, they're not mutually exclusive. I don't play that many gachas but most of the ones I have played weren't this stingy with free rolls either. I know asking for a homo game like this to get structural system changes like this is a stretch since everyone really only cares for the porn, but it just feels weird to me that it's like this
it sucks no matter what, but at least you get multiple shots per year at the character you wanted. just sucks when those start overlapping with new releases that you also want.
live a hero got pity in year 2 or 3 but that game sucks and isn't for homos, so i play anados even though it also sucks and has no pity it at least is aimed at me.
plus live a hero is dead all the time since they rerun events, main reason i jumped ship to this game. so im trying to find the hydoor of this game. it may be nitro since i wanna fuck him so bad
Who asked
why do i need your permission to speak? retard.
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My faves are Arcana, Fu, Amorey. Yabsakha and Elaine. What does that say about me?
holy shit they're giving Morgan a CG
is it incest
pls say it's incest
>roll for xxl jalam because lol he's naked
>15 pulls and nothing
>today's beach rerun ticket finally gives me a 6 star
>clench myself
>caster poster
>it's the dude from the hotsprings event
Holy fuck I hate this shit so much I didn't even lose to Stalon I got someone I didn't even like or want AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO ADD BANNER PITY
Eidos is popular enough to get doujins. When's it gonna get popular enough I can replace my Lil' Sal with a Lil' Bal highly marketable plushie?
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Google-translated from the twitter post:
"Stills of [Trade Admiral] Morgan will be released this week!
Sorry I made you wait!
Nice Daddy's adult scene is finally released!
There was also a father who was a bad boy and a father who didn't come home tonight
What will happen to dad this week?"

From the emojis Corca and Zacharoff(?) might be involved, unless there's another wizard dad I forgot. Could be wrong, you never know with these
>dad threesome
cute cute cute
luv morgan
Amorey!!! what doujin is that?!
I'm still angry that the zacharoff comic is only sold physically and that no one scanned it yet.
Looks like he gets powered bottomed by a stylized version of K0bit0wani's gator guy with a slit.
where would one buy this comic
asking for a friend
Uoooouuuuhhhgghhh.... where do i buy it,,,,,,
It was Gaia but you can avoid the scene all together when the two warning prompts pop up. Either way it ends kind of on a wholesome note.
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>eternion can have external dick
>zach finally getting silver art
It was availabe on alicebooks (the author is Samoji) but it is now sold out.
I really hate how japanese focus so much on physical media. Sure, it's nice to have something that you can touch, but why a fucking porn comic?
>those slime host things from furry fetishists
still based, Gaia still looks better than Morgan's other son.
>It's wasp and not Manabiko
That's a shame, but to be expected, at least he finally has one.
Needs a way to revert promoted units beyond just the front page.

Funny enough Morgan's artist actually drew it coming back from the dead.
getting a lot of mileage out of walther's instant kill skill against these new golem enemies with a gorillion health.
also, magritte's banner is finally gone without me getting him... it's joever. at least now i can save up again instead of dumping every single stone they give us into it and being btfo over and over...
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>tfw Corca x Barlitz doujin and merch
What's stopping western furfags from harassing them if you're not supposed to like Corca?
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Ochatora is based for his doujin and westernfags need to understand that Barlitz/Corca is good and the only thing holding the couple back is the game itself.
Jesus, please make Corca get superaids and jump off a cliff. If Barlitz actually gets with Corca then the same goes for him, but that would be retarded since Barlitz knows better than to get with a cheater.
I don't care for this Wasp guy's human stuff, but his anthro art is good.
>Barlitz knows better than to get with a cheater.
Everytime they fuck, Barlitz has a harder and harder time resisting Corca's needy pleas to be with him. Not sure what the problem is.
To be fair, I never select the Barlitz fucks Corca scenes. So to me, their sex scenes are not canon.
I need that summerfest azmond so bad
he looks like such a slut
He is. They ALL are!
i wish i had the guts to own 18+ doujin. im too embarrassed to shelf my bl manga anywhere
My brother found my shoebox of fatfur/weight gain doujin years ago. I told him I would slash his throat if he told anyone. You just need to assert dominance.
Zach's og artist stopped doing art iirc
even his alt was done by folker's artist
I love sluts so much (pls don't bully me :c)
such a shame that he doesn't have unique sprites, I can't describe my disappointment when I clicked his interaction portrait and normal ass azmond showed up
did a bit of reverse image search
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im sorry anon... next time ill reverse search i just didnt think about it
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i don't like seeing him sad
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i agree anon, amorey deserves the world!!!
I can't believe Scavand and Amorey are done by the same artist
Damn I need to pick up the game again.
Should have done Kobit given everyone thought he was the artist anyways.
was hoping bkmita since yab's artist and he did that egyptian gods a few years ago
I love being a short stack that people wanna fuck.
bkmita's dead as fuck too when it comes to eidos, still no uncap for sarutobi.
Hoping they let me change promo art later. Wasp doesn't fit every character no matter how much they push him. I would have taken Folker's artist again I guess.
he recently did yab stuff
Manabiko's art is so fucking hot and clean no matter where he draws, whenever he rarely does. Shame he's a gamma-g tier disappearing artist.
Hey I love you anons, thanks for being fun to talk about the game with and just in general
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i love you too anon
>buy the $20 monthly pack for a chance at limited Zach to go with XLL Jalam
>not even the old man bat
AHHH I'M GOING INSANE NIGGERMAN HELP!! Honestly, a $20 option for 48 stones a month isn't too bad imo.
you must never think of paying for gems in gacha as "a shot at getting the character i want." it's only to support the devs and keep the servers up, NOTHING else.
True, at least this gacha money spent is going to a legit "small company preasu undastando" and not one like lifewonders. Plus this game actually caters to big furry gays.
>Plus this game actually caters to big furry gays.
I dunno the charlottefags say otherwise
If the shota isn't a debushota then I don't care for them.
Oh man, is Lifewonders actually some kinda megacorp? Is that why its felt extra bland for awhile?
I don't mind throwing money at Eidos every so often since they pull artist I'd probably comm myself. Them being small doesn't hurt either.
No, dunno where that anon pull
It's just that we know it's earning a bit more than your typical gaycha
I mean Lifewonders feels like it is more corpo standard than Eidos. Granted LW games HAVE TO be sanitized if they want to stay on the goygle play store and apple ack store. Eidos is just free ballin' doing what they love and I respect that.
What is this intern shilling for Anados all of a sudden they both suck there's no gacha pity for either
sex with healer succubus cat
I don't get it either
>doing love
like that faggot forgot the state of eidos when it came out
>2 years until a UI update
eidos sucked when it came out but is fine now.
it still has occasional issues, remember the whole sprites shitting itself when you 2x right after the UI update
yeah, but nothing anywhere near as bad as launch when it crashed every 2 minutes and nothing worked at all. nowadays it's a competent enough game.
>all those free tickets
Gatcah gods blessed me with big Jalam but cursed me with losing regular Zach to Wasp. At least Jalam cg was hot as fuck.
>buy the first time pack with 10 tickets and fourty stones
>get hyper cock galema
>do single
WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS OF THIS HAPPENING! THIS HAPPENED WITH DION TOO!! I'm pretty sure this account is bricked/cursed to give me nothing but dupes... Oh well, all and all it was $40 from the $60 I was going to spend on SMT5V, but apparently that is also garbage.
Also, my 5* ticket gave me limited Karetovi... The ONE OF TWO LIMITED 5*S I HAVE ALREADY! I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE I COULD HAD GOTTEN ANY OTHER LIMITED 5* UNTIL NOW AHHHHH. It was only $20 whichbif I didn't get Zach I could deal with, but all these shitty dupes hurt my soul. Also, the 10 tickets I got from the pack literally gave me like 7 3* and 4* healers. Fuck this.
Is Gamela a good unit? His skill seems good since at full cap it:
>Attack Speed +30% for 35 seconds.
>70% chance of evading enemy Physical Attacks.
i use gamela pretty much every mission i do. idk if he's good in the grand scheme of things but he gets the job done for me. his active skill is pretty nice indeed and his damage is good too.
Looking at the wiki, he seems to jave a really high attack compared to Theo.
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>more skips
Damn. Maybe I should try for that awakened zach...but ugh I've already dumped like 5 10 pulls
Still no hyper pecs, but at least we get more hyper dick. I might actually roll... maybe.
That's not vorusu doing eternion's cg right
Holy fuck best banner in a while I want both of them but I'm super glad Eternion is only a 5 star
>another hyper cock character
>game already has an extremely elaborate vore cg in it
waiting patiently for cockvore
If you're gonna pull on this banner, both Mammon and Eternion are 1% rate up. Their rarity doesn't matter.
Not into hyper and Eternion looks nothing like him in that cg. Neither are limited so feel like major bait right before anni.
speaking of half-anni, let's all guess the half-anni characters
i'm betting we finally end up getting a gacha-exclusive limited barbaros
I just spent 120 stones over the last month and like 30 tickets. I hope it isn't something that makes me cum buckets like a weight gain fetish character... Also, how many chapter are in this game now? I have up to chapter 1-12 done and I like to hope I have a ton of stones left. I also have 9 of 15 event stories I haven't touched.
For the concept of "half" everyone gets hit with a curse that shrinks them to "half" their normal size, but even at "half size" Gamela is still huge. This somehow lets him save the day and redeem his jobber status somewhat.
we're currently on chapter 6
you could get a decent number of pulls if you really needed to
That's good to know. I haven't touched any of the 4-star quests and don't plan to as a backup backup plan. Also, I think Gamela is like the second highest attacker in the game behing XLL Jalam.
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Theodore finally stops being neglected and gets an alt
Or Bashkar. Please, one of those 2. They're Year 1 6 stars that still have no Alter, and at least Bashkar had his little erotic wrestling event where he got new content, Theodore vanished like a ghost!
Barbaros will remain as a free-use toilet.
I don't see Theo happening until next chapter.
He got cumflated by Patty in his CG, so he's not really vanished.
last year we got lamer volund and lamer romanes so I wouldn't get your hopes up
Will the half-anni rerun amorey....
Yeah it will, good luck getting him.
When is the half-anni?

I want an alt for him where I can see a full view of his sexy paws.
Why is this thread so dead during burger hours...
>t. burger
My entire launch experience was getting pissed off till I pulled Bantu then just letting him anal vore entire armies while supported with like 2 or 3 healers and a bunch of ranged.
Even with his immense power I was pretty happy just getting 1* on some maps.
I didn't start playing until they fixed all the major issues a few months after launch...
the game's balance was so fucked on launch that there were some maps you pretty much HAD to bantu whirrr on iirc lol
i genuinely enjoy it nowadays though
When is half-anni and what rewards do they give out?
the actual day of the half anni will be towards the end of the month (anni is christmas). there'll probably be lots of free gems and tickets but the main draw will of course be "pay irl money for a 5 or 6 star of your choice."
>6 star of choice
The only non-limited people, right? I might do it for Theo since he is a Dangpa slutty boi with cute paws. Also a 5* pick for Jalam's summer paws or Leon's summer alt are good too...
it's also got limiteds, but the pool is only up to a certain date, so the ones from recent months you'll have to wait til next big event (anni). be very careful to check and see that the character you want is available before you dump 60 bucks on the ticket.
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>dump 60 bucks on the ticket.
Actually in burger bucks that is $44ish. Also I would probably get that limited Billford since he is broken as fuck and with two of him you get a total of 6 units in 2. It seems like Billford was released December 22,2023, so technically he should be since since will be June 22 before the half anni. I say that, as half anni seems to be on June 24th, making it 6 months since his release. In other words, pic related argument.
I mean it's Patty............. that doesn't count
We need Dangpa cumflation/weight gain CG PRONTO!
yeah and as someone who used to whale like a filthy fucking subhuman in both f/go and dokkan, 44 for a guaranteed 6 star of your choice is absolute peanuts to me. especially for a game that i play daily and actively enjoy.
>finds out that mammon has hypercock
i just spent all my gems failing to get magritte and now this... kill me, pete
I actually play fgo still, but I have everyone I want meta and personally wise so I just do $15 for the GSSRs twice a year for fun.
anon what do you expect from kuroma
i just lost interest in the main story and when i realized i was skipping event text just so i could grind more efficiently i quit. it was a neat game though, lots of fond memories.

yeah, it's just... idk lol. every time i go back and look at his fucking swimsuit alt i'm just like god DAMN
also while he is hyper I dont think it will match the likes of gamela and dragon gaia, kuroma is just a big dick for his size
I wish he was a raccoon though so I can fulfill my shortstack rocket dreams
at full erection it's 1/3 the length of his body and bigger than that of a lot of the regular height cast. that does something to my brain even though it's not technically a ridiculously gigantic hypercock like gamela's. helps that kuroma also draws a juicy fucking dick + the faces he makes with his visor on are cute
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new half anniv art
Amorey!!!!!! He just like me.... :>
Eternion seems like a redeploy unit but actually good
I thought people liked redeploy units?
Imagine how nice it would be if they gave a free 5 star selector for anniversaries so I could pick up Pollon and Orta
Or at least start having events with welfare units like other gachas. Please??? I don't like striking out on pulls and missing all the new characters
Man, Mammon's rank up makes me hope that Kuroma's hired to do more characters. It's so good.
aren't they his OCs? I swear they look familiar
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I found Chabeau's artist twitter account and they are crazy for Chabeau, Lyon and Lyon's dad. That artist is such a blessing and I hope they draw more of these three cuties. Chabeau and Lyon are the best "realist" couple in the game imo.
>artist responded to my tweet
I'm so red in the face about it even though it was an "ありがとうございます".
ahh the BUKKAKE DAD?
Yeah! He has excellent tastes.
what is the twitter friends... please im downbad....
thank you anon :>
>that 4 star mission on 6-35
holy shit lol how do you even survive this? i think that's the highest damage i've ever seen on regular enemies
nvm just needed to bring a thomas friend lol
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lrn to bring defenders and healers, you dont even need thomas
yeah, defenders haven't been that useful since i started playing like a year and a half ago. first time i've ever seriously needed to bring any.
No problem!

Honeslty, after my meltdown >>1491554
and >>1491573, I did Galema's sex cg and it made me coom loads too. I prefer hyper dicks and hyper cumming anyways and don't care for penetration stuff. So imagining being bathed in loads of cum is my type of hyper stuff anyways. Shame it involved Gaia and didn't feature any cumflation stuff other than implied. Hopefully Mamon's CG includes being covered in his own semen.

I think people say Chabeau is the only good defender since he is also an attacker too since his damage can be as massive as his belly, if not more!
Dion is also a good defender
Bara Kafka is niche
Eternion atm is really good
I also have Dion and he is cool and cute and sexy and handsome, but I feel he dies too easily and his straight like attack pattern is a bit of a bummer since he is also able to attack flying units. He should of had an attack pattern similar to Barboros' imo. Granted my Dion and Chabeau are both around level 33 and I just do the regular events/story since I am grinding material's for levels and rank up.
gamela may be relegated to "jobber who's kind of an asshole" but a giant hypercock cumbath scene is... honestly enough for me to rank him in my top 5 characters for this game kek. he's pretty good for gameplay too. hoping next time he gets to have an appearance we'll get cum inflation. i want him to use mammon as an onahole or something.
I keep misspelling his name too lmao. Yeah, this game is needing some good old swollen cumflation stuff, and not just "swollen belly until the dick is pulled out". I want a cumflation scene that involves that afterwards of "Holy fuck I look fucking fat now!" and the hyper guy going "Yeah, it is cute! How about you be my personal cumdump now~". Something cute like that as the aftercare would be perfect.
You should really view the shark mech's porn scene. It comes pretty close to someting like that. It's a really good scene.
That would imply I have stones left after all my retard dick pulls for Awaken Zach... I will keep that in mind! Also, never do 10 pulls, those only bring suffering. Just do singles, as I do that in FGO a majority of the time and get SSRs. I actually got the new limited dog event servant that way.
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Anon, the mecha shark is a 2*, there's no way you don't have him.
OHHH, that guy! I thought you meant the new mecha shark dragon guy. I'll definitely level his intimacy up next!
Watched it and immidiately had to jack off. That was perfect! I would had like to see a cg of the potbelly shown with out the dick in him, but holy fuck 10/10 event. I also liked the urination bit where the wolf guy just started piss himself due to being fucked so hard. Made it 11/10 for me.
Yeah, everything about it was pretty damn amazing, really wish we had more events that go as hard as that.
For real and you think we would since these artists can do what ever they want with the porn scenes. I think they just get burnout or something.
God I'm excited on eternion's cg
it's probably more like "hey we need a new character in two weeks, can you come up with a design with xyz traits and do 18 different emotion sprites + swimsuit alt + naked alt + cgs in that time?" and then however much time they have left ends up affecting how elaborate the cgs are.
and then some artists are like "I'll never get a chance like this again" and put their whole pussy into it like the sebek vore scene with like 9 completely different cgs
That is a much realistic explanation. I'm hoping that people who do stuff for this game that aren't well known in the kemono community have had some good popularity after contributing to this game.
where the hell is Sarutobi anyway
I was about to mention the seems to have dropped off from fandom for some reason, even though everyone likes him and he is probably BK_Mita's cute pervy self-insert.
oh wait I remembered, he was in a short scene where he sees the fight with Rai
still you'd think he'd be in Sepia since he's usually associated more with them
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Not from my game, but the shortstack's rank up is HORNY.
is that bottom right dog a unit in the game or just a random character?

I assume a rando puppy.
GAH! that bull at the top right looks like he could potentially lactate give him PLEASE!
who's his artist? I felt the style was familiar and seeing this I know I've seen it before but I can't put a name on it
It looks like @kurogon0227 on Twitter to me. He draws nonstop hyper everything.
>pinned post on twitter is mammon
Looks like you're right. After looking into what the style was reminding me of, turns out I was thinking of ekataraf. The styles are similar but I don't even know if ekataraf still does art
I hope someone uploads Mammons sex story. I got Eternion instead. Normally I would be happy to get a unit from this artist but I don't think he goes into any of my fetishes this time.
they look like his OCs from his pirate doujin
kuroma (goes by kurogon)
he has made multiple twitter accounts because twitter kept shadowbanning him
i'll upload it if nobody anywhere does (and once it comes out)
the teaser for it on the banner is pretty exciting.
Thank you so much!
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Okay I really want him now I need the anniversary free pulls to come tomorrow I finished Chapter 6 for now and didn't get anything above 4 stars
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>finally reading story stuff i never did
isn't this lyon showing up two years early in days & nights in pays blanc?
It is! So hopefully we can get Lyon's dad as a unit for actual DILF incest fun! Also, that Volund guy seems like a total asshole. Then again, all the "leaders" if Pays Blanc seems unlikable. Don't think that was on purpose, but it fits the story for that countries situation.
>my fucking face when edgar is involved in fucking human trafficking
also yeah it'd be cool if we got lyon's dad, maybe when the story finally goes to azureterra.
>Edgar not only allows but actively endorses slavery
>Volund is an all around piece of shit with the way he treats his workers and is not above scamming people on his products
>Romanes allows criminals in his bathhouse and doesn't report them to authorities
>Equinus knows all of that and still keeps those three around because "lol gay sex"
Really the only one that isn't a major asshole in some way is Morgan
volund is an asshole but it's not like his workers are slaves and romanes just kind of lets criminals hang out, so i can kind of overlook them, but edgar literally being a slave trader is fucking bonkers. and equus being such a pushover that he just lets it rock is also crazy. this game is funny as hell
also of COURSE when you see edgar literally selling a child it's
>no equus! i WANT to be sold! my current owner is so evil! edgar is HELPING me! :)!
as someone who works, volund is such a shitty employer
The only way this story can resist reasonably go is that the people revolt and (You) all but a stop to this shitty kingdom. Would be kino, but you can't go around and have the porn stars be truly corrupted villians in your porn game. I'm more pissed that I got Eques spook when I did a multi for Full House since I genuinely don't like or care for him. For my schizo posts >>1491554, at least Gamela isn't someone pretending to do right(I think I haven't gotten past chapter 1 yet) and is someone just being an asshole because he is overconfident and has a hot hyper dick. Eques is just pathetic and his character would be a full on disillusioned villian if someone like him was in say F/GO.
I mean the game practically allowed Gordov to run around fine
Haven't seen much of him since I never liked this artist's stuff in the first place, but that kingdom is full of "oh shit nigga get your shit together" that you could say they need someone with his skills just to keep themselves afloat. Honestly, I haven't seen much of any Obsidonia other than from the dream event.
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>Then again, all the "leaders" if Pays Blanc seems unlikable.
Take that back.. If Jalam can be fixed, then so can the others, but I don't really have any hope for the rest of them.
>Jalam got wifed
maybe this time he gets mpregged.
Jalam is the only that actually changed who he was or at least reverted back to how he was before he was fucked over. All the others never really changed and hardly were even punished. Gordov literally did nothing to apologize for what he did and likely still was the one who killed Kafka's dad. Yet Kafka went from being traumatized by the dude to putting him back in charge despite getting so many people killed. So I really don't see anyone really getting truly punished in a gatcha game. Walthers is still best friends with the MC despite sending many people into slavery and likely butchering them.
Well they got the perfect artist to draw an unredeemable piece of shit.
walther's hot and cute thoughbeit so i'll forgive him.
that's probably why i don't care for the furry characters that are assholes, i'm lukewarm on 90% of their designs.
taking another look at this rankup art, is mammon actually a lot taller than i thought? or maybe this is off model? very mysterious... i want official heights and weights for the characters now.
Volund was seething and overreacting about Domay and Domay turned out to be a really nice guy
Volundseems like an absuive bitch that used bdsm as an excuse to being a psycho.
>underneath gordov is a jacked dog
Mammon bothers me more since his isn't even natural.
I guess it's just their way of showing how he's not like other goblins or whatever, since they're all usually chubby. And it kinda makes sense that he'd want to overcompensate and go all-around hyper since he's greed and all
To mean he uses enhancements?
Volund is literally the only character in this game that I find attractive and it sucks that he's a such a garbage person and with two playable versions that are both mediocre. If he goes through a redemption arc then cool if not I want him in a scene where he fucks a smaller dude then the smaller dude overpowers Volund and he is reduced to slut and add some lactation in the mix too he can be a slutty dairy cow because those pecs are too big not to be full of milk. Also I haven't seen any of his scenes yet so some if this might overlap.
he's really not even that bad man. compared to edgar being a slave merchant, the worst you can really say about him is that he's an asshole, but even then, all his workers are into it.
You just described a dream scenario for me. It really is a crime that Volund is not a lactating bull man.
weird that Nitro just vanished from the story as well as the other sepia boys
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Volund only had willing sluts and saved the town he is a fine dude really ignoring his kinks. Lyon could have told him no so many times and Volund helped train Lyon by telling him his stuff wasn't good enough so he would do better. Given the fact Volund is still the number 1 blacksmith. Most cases people just told him no and sold his armor that was from his money. Its just Lyon and Equus are both fucked up in the head wanting to be punished.

Because most had focus from events and even then Nitro was helping fight against them. Baccarat had his time too. Only one that stayed more an npc was Dion.
>Lyon is both fucked up in the head wanting to be punished.
Lyon just gets taken advantage of because he is a confused pure boy that only need Chabeau and his dad.
Pays Blanc and by extension Volund definitely corrupted Lyon, the branding thing is especially egregious. It's a shame becoming drug-filled sex addicts is what it took for Lyon and Chabo to do anything about each other.
Scavand's penis is too big
Scavand's pecs are too small.
>It's a shame becoming drug-filled sex addicts is what it took for Lyon and Chabo to do anything about each other
Hopefully they are going to get better and they are together now.
>the branding thing is especially egregious
it's fucked up that chabeau will always have to see volund's brand on lyon's body, but at least lyon turned genuinely insane and i could see him being yandere for chabeau if they ever got significant screentime again.
Lyon is just really REALLY into Chabeau, and I would be too. I think he takes after his dad since he mentioned how Lyon should have a son so later they can have a four way with Chabeau. That whole CG was hot and hilarious seeing Chabeau acting like a "straight man" the whole time and going "Wait what the fuck?". I'm hoping Lyon get a CG about having a fat fetish since his like of having heavy things on him stem from liking Chabeau and later seeing how fat his dad his and getting turned on by him.
Hang on... do we have guys that are NOT weird? Good people, vanilla sex only?
Lyon and Chabeau are good people and have vanilla sex...
They are reformed boyfriends now. There also isn't anything wrong with wanting to fuck your anthro dad if he is a fat like your bf and a cute perv.
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I feel that if you're after "normal" men then El Dorado is just not the place to look for them. Seeing all the zany and horny antics that the guys get up to is kind of a core part of the game's setting and appeal, you've got to let go of at least some of your real-world notions, otherwise you're not going to have as much fun as you could have. The Prist of the Holy Mount Tatay being a huge peeping tom that likes spying on people is cute! The smithy Studio Head giving out his handmade super heavy armor for free to new adventurers that catch his interest just because he wants them to get even stronger and bulkier from wearing it is fun! The Koga Ninja Clan Leader getting so terminally horny that he disables the hidden hideout's entire securrity system and lets a spy in through the front door is hilarious! The Master of Ise's Hot Springs was obsessed with virgin men, the gluttonous God of War is a massive brocon, and the Secret Agent slowly keeps falling harder and harder for a married man but doesn't want to openly admit it! Live a little!!
The scenarios in a vacuum are zany and interesting, yes. But with how so many scenes are written like it's "rape but the guy getting raped ends up enjoying it" I just can't get into it most of the time. I'm not the anon that wanted "vanilla sex only" but all I really want is consensual gay sex between two or more dudes, everyone enjoying it the whole time. None of this "o-ho-ho you say no but your dick is le hard that means you want it" shit I'm tired of it.
>men, the gluttonous God of War is a massive brocon
I want Sebek to fatten me up and call me onii-chan as we cuddle.
Casino Billford cumfirmed for scouting
wtf is a "regular unit"
better question: can I get awakened zacharoff with this ticket?
>can't buy charlotte's, arcana's, or fu's wordsmith alt with this
Whew good thing I have all of those
Regular is non-limited retard lol, like how Mammon is right now, you can pull him right now or get spooked by him in the future. Basically a standard banner character
And yes, yes you can Zacharoff's a super old unit
>you can pull him right now or get spooked by him in the future.
or never get him ever before EoS because it's a 6* in a gacha game pool and you have no guarantee to get anything let alone one specific one out of the blue
Just get lucky bwo
He is so useless...
pic unrelated lol
cute jinnosuke sama
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Only one that matters on that art.
amorey actually kinda looks poorly drawn tbqh
yeah he's scuffed af in that pic
We accept scuffed Amoreys as well.
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It's how his body is drawn, has that weird malnourished belly thing.
He always looks ugly as shit why are you surprised?
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Congrats on worst post of the thread award anon! Hope you win next thread too.
He'd be cuter fatter. He eats donuts all day with Barboros!
fucking yikes my dude
I'm not even into twinks and I think your post is terrible.
JUST SHUT UP! You're so cocky and stupid! Amorey slander is not allowed around here! I won't allow it! Destroy YOU time!
I can't stand Eternion. It's kinda hard to take anything going on seriously, and him talking like a toddler inflicts mental damage onto me
Really good waste of the artist's character imo.
I've never seen those "just pick whoever you want" tickets you buy from the shop, can I get the XXL unit jalam and the second 6* zacharof (so not the original 6* the other 6* from the amberdon events) with that ticket? or no?
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Pretty sure they both arrived way before the cutoff date for the ticket, so yes you can pick either of them.
hurray! I already dumped 5 pulls for fucking zach with nothing to show, good to know I can just grab him at will from this thing
After my schizo posts about getting hyper cock Gamela twice while trying to get that Zach, I am kind of over him. Billford is the better unit to pick from between the two from a gameplay perspective but this IS a porn game after all. That said, I still really want Zach but it isn't work throwing more in after 130 stones worth of pulls...
What? billford like the mafia version? why is that even that good?
Billford mafia gives you a total of three units in one that are all actually strong and power each other up. If you have one and have a support Billford mafia units, then you get SIX additional units in two that will help control the field on those challenge levels. Zach limited is said to be good too in that he is very hard to kill iirc, but the Billford unit is the one on everyone's support page.
He's a filthy little rat and I seriously can't believe people brainrot over this deviantart AI generated design
>giant naked dragon toddler
to be fair, this game's generally pretty easy. i'd really recommend just getting the characters you like rather than the characters that are strong.
i dont really care for amorey's design that much but he's undeniably one of the best characters in the story.
That's what I meant by "It is a porn game". I'm just nift still about not getting Zach or the cute bat old man at least...
yeah his character in the story sure, but his design could easily be better
toddlers don't talk like that
Barboros' hands wrote this post.
yeah but aren't those units that he spawns pretty fucking shit?
t. barbaros
Hell no, just look at their stats. https://anothereidoswiki.ddns.net/index.php/Billford_(Awakened)
More stuff, but compare Marion to non-limited Zach https://anothereidoswiki.ddns.net/index.php/Zacharoff. Just from a stat perspective Marion beats out Zach. Now limited Zach beats out Marion so as a caster limited Zach is better. However, Marion is part of a three paired unit and can be redeployed at no cost should he be defeated. So overall I would say Marion is better gameplay wise, but Zach is a husbando so it is an even choice. We need a scene of Zach licking Jalam's sexy paws since Jalam is into it with his whole summer unit.
Oh, I have mafia bil just never used him. Maybe I'll try this double mafia setup along with getting limited zach from the tickie
>then you get SIX additional units in two
You can't use someone's support unit if you have the same unit in your party? since when was this changed? it's not possible to have two mafia billfords at once
Really? That seems dumb if true. I always assumed you could since every other game lets you do stuff like that...
Just checked this and wow you can't use a unit you already have. That is very not gay and homosexual pilled in this gay and homosexual game. Well my point stands on gameplay perspective for Billford and Zach.
And I did my last three singles for Zach with only the same archer and attacker 4* dupes...
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Yeah, in terms of stats, Marion is fairly comparable to regular Zacharoff, and Bonvoy is fairly similar to Lyon but with slightly lower Attack and an omnidirectional attack range instead. Mafia Brothers Billford is basically three 5 guys in the package of a 6 guy. Billford's Attack Speed boost and Bonvoy's damage reduction to Billford and Marion apply regardless of where they're placed in relation to each other, but Marion's Attack boost only applies when he's placed right next to Billford, so that's worth keeping in mind.

Even if you could use both your own Mafia Brothers Billford and someone else's at the same time, you wouldn't be able to unleash their full homomafia powers anyway, as you can only have three "summons" on the battlefield at the same time.

"Summons" like Bonvoy, Marion, Orta, Basho, Kancrow's Purification Doll, and so on don't count toward the regular unit deployment limit, and them getting knocked out won't deduct a star from the battle ranking either. For Mafia Brothers Billford, if Bonvoy or Marion get knocked out that won't break the "chain" and Marion will still remain on the field, and narturally there's no problem if Marion gets knocked out either. But if Billford gets knocked out, Bonvoy and Marion both go down with him.
Thank you for explaining all of that. I guess I was just thinking too much of all the broken shit FGO lets you get away with and transfering that to here. Plus it was also cope for failing to get Zach, but I'm just going to save from now on for a unit that indulges in my weight gain amd belly kink as that unit's main fetish. Like how Sarutobi's main fetishes are smells & underwear for example. At least I have Jalam XXL is to keep me happy out of the pair.
when does this pick whoever you want ticket release? this friday? I want my wife(male)
Announcement says "Friday Jun. 21st, 2024 (JST)", should be right after whenever the weekly maintenance ends for you
so yeah, few days till friday. Damn
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idc about any of that shit but I want to worship his fat bulge
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Erm... lmao... erm... lol... erm... haha... stupid...
Me too. I want to suck his tits until he unloads all the pentup milk into my mouth till I get a fully bloated stomach.
hahaha wouldn't if be funny if he was freeballing under that?
Would be more funny if he sat on me on accident and my face was pressed against his musky balls haha
everything here I like and also want except that last part, weirdo
haha yes please
My belly fetish isn't (totally) weird, nerd.
What if instead of a gacha Eidos was a dungeon crawler.....
Sex dungeons that focus on specific fetishes. You could have a dungeon that is focused on weight gain where a bunch of restaurants call home and take advantage of the food that grows inside. However, guests are recommended to not stay long if they wish to leave with their clothes in tact. Otherwise, go deeper into the dungeon for the more "decadent" aspects of growing larger and plush~
anon we get it, holy shit
What if instead of a gacha Eidos was a soulslike....
with amorey as the MC and porn scenes
Sorry, I'm just trying to keep the thread active since it seems like no one is here most of the time...
I'd buy
Literally anything else, please. Make it a musou, for fuck's sake, that's a lot more interesting
no, too bad, now go die to zacharoff, brother of zanzibart 40 times, loser
One anon said that they should use all the gacha money to make a dragon's crown clone with the Eidos characters. I would love that.
Yeah from what I’ve seen of the game he’s not the worst character but from what I do know about him it’s enough for me to be torn that I like him.

I see you’re a man of culture as well.
Are anthromen lovers that afraid of male lactation?
They shouldn't be. Most of the lactating men art I see are furry men. I know this is confirmation bias but I feel it to be true.
Fucking Amorey like a fleshlight, completely ravaging his body, making him cum several times in a minute, to hold him like a lover and treat him like a king afterwards. <3
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