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Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
I usually describe it as Tropico but far more autistic. You do plan and build detailed cities, but to do so you need a solid logistical chain for most all of the main construction materials, which in turn need their own detailed construction and production chains.

Cool game overall, even if I don't feel like I'd ever truly left the early-mid game, doubly so in the new updates with lots of stuff now locked behind research
A mixture of both?
It has more in depth logistics than transport tycoon that requires depots and distribution. The production chains are relatively simple with cars and other vehicles being the most complex, I've never gotten to cars but can attest that its as deep as you want it to be.

Its ironically the most complex city builder while also providing a good quality logistical sim that can feel rewarding once you overcome the UI and slightly ugly visuals (especially AA looks bad).
Is it related to Tropico in any way? The UI looks like it is straight out of Tropico.
This is the only hooded horse game that actually is anything close to a game, mostly because it was pretty far along its release journey by the time that shovelware publisher got anywhere near it
They both use commie aesthetic
One is american tropical islands
One is slavic frozen hellholes in eastern Europe
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>Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
It's both. It's a city builder where autismo attention to logistics will allow you to have a good time.
Pic related is a rail yard I decided to make. I didn't need to go as autismo on the design or layout but if you're playing the mode where you have to construct things yourself you want to try to take everything you can in to account
Properly scaling things is hard to do the first time. That looks absolutely (appropriately) massive.
I've been doing the tutorial campaign. I was surprised to see the game advising me to attribute a farm to 10 small fields. I always figured Medium fields/large fields were more efficient. Has anyone figured out the economies of scale on this?
Yeah, the scale of the game is really different. Compared to other city builder games that tend to make things smaller and more abstracted here your, say, steel mill and all the supporting infrastructure is going to be absolutely massive.
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Thank you, it's quite a beast and I'm looking forward to it getting significant traffic as I expand to the rest of the map. Hopefully my capital will extend to cover the entire screen in pic rel
Exactly. The amount of trains I need to feed a fully operating steel mill is crazy. On top of the massive amount of coal and iron, I need to bring all the people around
Both. You control everything from buying individual garbage trucks and setting up their routes, to recycling, to buying fucking boring machines in order to make your own subway systems.
whats your day job like?
i suppose thats why soviets built an entire city around steel processing like magnitogorsk
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Are 15 oil wells and ten 1500t oil tanks overkill for 1 Large Chemical Plant, 2 plastic factories, and an oil refinery?
Do the math anon. You don't need us for that.
It goes hard on the autismo but you can ease yourself into it until you learn the systems by setting it up so it’s almost impossible to lose and you have essentially infinite resources to recover when you inevitably fuck up somewhere.
A day is 60 seconds, movement speeds are realtime for their distances so for example it takes something traveling 60 km/h 1 minute aka 1 day to travel 1 km
The production numbers given for buildings assume they've got 100% productivity 100% of the time which is only possible with highly loyal and educated populations with near perfect passenger access, so they can effectively be treated as unreachable bounds.
You should be able to figure it out based on this.
>A day is 60 seconds
That's what I needed to know, the different rates of time for different mechanics in this game has me second guessing the math on occasion.
>He thinks that citizens are based off time
And time mentioned when you have a selected citizen is a lie and doesn't relate to anything as far as I can tell. For example, if a citizen can travel for four hours to his job how far can he go?
I have no idea, because it isn't four seconds of travel, it isn't a set distance, and it isn't even a set, separate amount of time. How quickly those four hours pass depends on the method of travel and I know that how long they work depends on how long they travel so it doesn't relate directly to work hours either. Since worker hours differ as well there is no way to calculate worker input requirements.
I love this game, but whichever slovak fuck designed the time systems needs to be shot.
Lots of small farms means more trips back and forth but the individual fields get sown quicker so they get harvested sooner and there's less risk of losing crops to winter. The ultimate autism efficiency involves using small/medium fields to start the season and then organizing them correctly so that tractors will go directly to an adjacent bigger field after.
Why won't my autism let me turn any settings off?
I play with realism mode on except money on medium instead of hard and fires on normal instead of frequent. Oh, also 1960.
Makes starting a new city very slow and difficult.
Realism mode makes you engage with mechanics that you could otherwise skip. It'd be like playing factorio with your starter production lines already set up
Is moving tourists by air profitable? They pay for transit I've seen, but aircraft take comical amounts of fuel.
It's the most reliable way to get masses of tourists exactly where you want them, and more importantly it's the only reason to build an airport.
With full loads, airplanes are more fuel efficient than buses and even some trains/ships. It is the helicopters that have terrible fuel economy. I am not sure if moving tourists is profitable on any mode of transit, but if it is, then airplanes should be the best at it thanks to their speed.

>it's the only reason to build an airport
They have a few other uses, like getting access to the western border early on without a dirt road or dumping into a remote area for construction. Airplanes are invaluable on the bigger maps.
>or dumping
a lot of stuff/workers
>into a remote area for construction
Is there a way to "buffer" workers? e.g. you have a bunch of industry attached to a bus stop, and you have large buses. Is there a way, when all the industry is full, to unload the workers anyways and have them walk to work when a job opens?
Yes. The simplest way to do this is to build a station nearby and have the bus make two stops at it where the first stop just unloads and the second forces everyone off. Workers will immediately walk to any empty jobs while the rest will wait an hour at the station and then check for any open jobs before teleporting home.

You can also build a pair of stations, link them to each other and the nearby workplaces, and set the stations' preference to 0%. Workers will endlessly circulate between the stations until a job opens up. This works really well for storing foreign workers without much issues, but citizen workers will get a happiness debuff if they stay there too long and they tend to have amplified needs when they finally get a job.

There are other methods too, but they are pretty complicated, and I don't feel like explaining them right now.
Wait, so bus stations work differently than bus stops?
No they're the same. Anon probably didn't realize he used different terms.
Any passenger station will work, you can send a bus to unload at a train station or passenger cableway without issue (if it has a road connection of course).
Thanks, it seems to have helped a little.
I forget where I heard it but apparently it's better to not stock hotels with anything and let tourists buy from restaurants and cafes, does anyone know the math as to why? It seems to check out experimentally, when I started stocking hotels my income dropped by something like 40%.
I assume it's the prices you set.
My strategy is to minimize all the attraction prices (so my citizens can get the most benefit from them, dual-use) and then set the hotel prices as high as will keep the hotels full.
That's a terrible strategy.
Attractions generally have very bad worker ratios and citizens don't pay anything and thus don't benefit from low prices. What you're thus doing is ensuring inefficient buildings are used as much as possible.
You should segregate tourist services from citizen services and only build attractions that don't make a lot of money if you need more tourists.
>citizens don't pay anything and thus don't benefit from low prices
They can use them more often. This raising their happiness when they roll alcohol or prayer needs.
Chew you havisfaction a singlicious satisfact to snack that up
Funnily enough, they're pretty closely related in that they have very little 'gamey' elements like trying to increase citizen ranks, attract richer citizens, balance your Feng Shui or other things you see in Anno or SimCity style city builders. I started city building with Tropico 5 and moved onto W&R and I'd say it's the same core principles of balancing citizen needs, logistics and making money just way more autistic and advanced.
No, almost nothing in the game is documented. Do you have any evidence that high-priced attractions net more money than high priced hotels?
No, other than completely unreliable experimental observations. Thus me asking that, and never stating it as fact. What a weird comeback
Pretty confident with that "terrible strategy" statement.
Oh yes, I am. This doesn't hinge on my hotel speculation/vague memory at all. Let me repost my strategy;
>Attractions generally have very bad worker ratios and citizens don't pay anything and thus don't benefit from low prices. What you're thus doing is ensuring inefficient buildings are used as much as possible.
Facets mentioned; attractions, worker ratios, tourist/citizen fulfillment separation
>You should segregate tourist services from citizen services and only build attractions that don't make a lot of money if you need more tourists.
Facets mentioned; tourist/citizen amenities, implicitly tourist ratings
You will note none of these are mentioned; Hotels, pricing, comparison of income between hotels and cafes/restaurants.
Does this clear up your confusion?
>Build one police station
>Completely overwhelemed with crime
>Build another on the other side of the residential block
>solves them faster than they come in
>can't transfer crime
I don't think you understand that attractions ARE citizen services. I want my citizens to use them as much as possible so the services that I don't provide (alcohol and prayer) get filled by attractions instead of causing unhappiness due to an unfulfilled need.
I have addressed them being citizen services multiple times. It takes less workers to provide the services with regular buildings, you mention alcohol so the pub is 1:12 workers to services, cafes are 1:7-1:10. Culture builds are MUCH more skewed, and no vanilla buildables provide faith needs, only static churches.
Your strategy (letting citizens use cafes and similar) is better than unhappy citizens of course, but that doesn't mean it isn't a terrible strategy.
>no vanilla buildables provide faith needs
You clearly don't understand how attractions work for citizens so I'm going to stop arguing about it. You win, providing attractions to citizens is a terrible strategy.
it's Tropico for Factorio fans
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>so I'm going to stop arguing about it.
Don't worry anon, I will take up the mantle, but you may want to stay a while and listen too.

>and no vanilla buildables provide faith needs, only static churches.
Attractions that list an attraction type like museums, carousels, etc. can be used by citizens to satisfy sports, culture, drinking, or prayer, but not all attractions have them (look in the building selection menu popup. Picrel). The attractions without a listed attraction type function just like normal service buildings do for citizens, but tourists will get a zero star rating for that portion of their trip and you cannot change the price they pay at them, which is why attractions without an attraction type exist.

Citizens also have a cool down for each attraction type that is set by the building they used it at, where they cannot use the attraction type again anywhere until the cool down ends. Citizens can still use attractions like normal service buildings to satisfy a specific need served there, except for a rare few buildings that forbid citizens from using the building at all if their attraction type cool down is still ongoing, like the art gallery.

>They can use them more often. This raising their happiness when they roll alcohol or prayer needs.
The price doesn't affect the length of the cool down and is only for manipulating tourist fees and ratings. You can find the time each building sets for the cool down in the attraction's config file as the number after the tag that defines the attraction type used, like $ATTRACTIVE_TYPE_SWIM 4 for the indoor pool.
cont'd from >>1751303
>I forget where I heard it but apparently it's better to not stock hotels with anything and let tourists buy from restaurants and cafes, does anyone know the math as to why?
This depends on the ratings you can get for hotels and cafes/bars, and the idea is to maximize the average ratings of tourist vacations so you can get more of them with higher fees. Tourists give a rating for each need they fulfill, including staying at the hotel, but this rating is given by the building they satisfy the need at. If a tourist eats food and drinks alcohol at their hotel, then they will add the hotel's rating onto their trip score three times, or four if they also get meat. You could set up really nice hotels and have tourists eat and drink there to get the high rating multiple times, or you can have them stay in a crappy hotel and have them and others go to a restaurant for high food/meat ratings and to bars (or to an attraction type) for high alcohol ratings.

The really nice hotels require a good setup to get their highest ratings and they use a lot more workers per tourist than the lower rated hotels, which you can stick pretty much anywhere that isn't polluted and save the one nice spot in your republic for the highly rated attractions, restaurants, and bars. Either way, you'll have higher average vacation ratings, which will let you drive prices up more before you don't get enough tourists to fill your hotels.

I meant stations as places that citizens can get wait at and stops as entries in a vehicle's line/schedule.
>The attractions without a listed attraction type function just like normal service buildings do for citizens, but tourists will get a zero star rating for that portion of their trip and you cannot change the price they pay at them,
Sorry anons, I meant to say that tourists will not give a rating for normal service buildings and you cannot change the price they pay at them, which is why attractions without an attraction type exist.
It's really not as crazy as people make it seem. Getting your initial construction industry set up isn't that complex even in cosmonaut mode. It's a fun payoff, but I tend to peter out once I get past the initial city.
>and you cannot change the price they pay at them, which is why attractions without an attraction type exist.
different anon and i haven't gone into attractions yet, but is that a good thing that you aren't able to change the price they pay?
I am not sure if you saw >>1751319
or >>1751315
but I will assume you did.

>is that a good thing that you aren't able to change the price they pay?
No. This means you cannot lower prices to raise the average trip score and get more tourists in, and you cannot raise prices to get more money if you have too many tourists wanting to enter. For citizens it doesn't matter because they do not pay money for any services (at least it is not simulated like that).
it looks like shit, why did I buy this game..I'd rather pixel graphics
Trains moving things to and from factories
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That's lowered graphics, here's a shot of the area with everything turned up and depth of field off
I'm just realizing now that the screenshots from Slovakia the show during the loading screens aren't even in-game photoshots..f
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Good. I've managed to get to a point where I have a city and am making money in 1964 on hard money. You just need to know how to optimize traffic, vehicle utilization and construction materials logistics. Also built as close to the customs house as possible and space everything just as much apart, as pollution lets you. Instantly pivot to a gravel into concrete/prefabs/asphalt industry for domestic use as soon as you're making profit on your starting industry
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I wish the big chemical plant was available when I started this game, would have saved me a lot of logistic problems
I wish they had balanced it so that it wasn't a straight upgrade from the small chemical plants.
muh niche
Why does the small prison have better worker ratios than the normal one?
The balance is fucking weird.
>Small prison: 45 prisoners / 15 workers = 3
>Large prison: 210 prisoners / 70 workers = 3
What did he mean by this?

>t. conveyor main
Maybe he's unknowingly using a mod small prison from back when there wasn't a vanilla small prison.
Or maybe I can't count, ever consider that?
I understand, division is hard.
Only divisions with a majority of hard units will be considered hard, division of mostly infantry or light vehicles is soft.
You better be playing 3 or DH and not uninstall 4
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why three lines?
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The third line to the left on the bottom of the picture is a bypass lane to avoid blocking up the other 2. The third line to the left on the top of the picture is a passenger train line separate from the regular mainline
I only play 3. In 3 (TFH) the way it works is that the average softness is the "displayed" softness but in reality each brigade is attacking each other brigade individually so it doesn't matter what the division softness is. In earlier versions it was relevant for a combined arms bonus.
Recommendations on how not to be a brainlet with train lines? Diesel locomotives seemed busted some years ago, has that been fixed?
>Recommendations on how not to be a brainlet with train lines?
In general, you just need to ensure that you have enough sidings or big enough yards for trains to wait in to keep the main line track clear, keep passenger and freight separate, and try to minimize the number of complex intersections you have. Long trains are better for traffic but they need a lot of room to work well.
>Diesel locomotives seemed busted some years ago, has that been fixed?
Refueling is pretty easy if you include an end station in their line, as diesel trains will now always top off in them. If you know the detour logic of trains, then allowing them to refuel on their own is doable.
I love this game.
> Dear Comrades,

The day of triumph is upon us. We are proud to announce that Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic will ascend to its grand version 1.0 on June 20, 2024! Prepare your factories, rally your workers, and stand ready to build the most glorious republic the world has ever seen.
Maybe I'll actually try it out now. I've been burnt hard by early access slop before, so now I wait until something is properly out to at least reduce the risk of wasting my time on something nonfunctional.
WRSR was never non-functional, though it does have a little bit of the slav-jank going on just by the nature of it being a developed by a small slovak team.
They didn't actually announce any changes? big red flag that they're either trying to run away or move on to cash-cowing with DLCs
Honestly, gameplay-wise this is infinitely superior to tropico, after hundreds of hours i wish we had the tropico silliness added to it. It would be a perfect game
Also are there space program mods? Having a rocket launching at endgame would be peak satisfaction, like factorio
Why would they make big changes at the end of development? It is a good sign that they are just polishing the game instead of adding more stuff and that all the stuff on their road map has been added.

run away from what? one of the best city builders on the market with a mod scene to match. i think, after 3.2k hours of playing, i've achieved value for money and am happy to pick up expansions which add depth to existing mechanics - i'd like some breadth and depth to the farming, manufacturing and, as well as things like maybe some diplomacy and the ability to mod all things like the goods you can manufacture (although i can see some autists creating krastorio type mods of intense complexity).
I know. God forbid a developer actually does early access properly and gradually improves their game to the point that it requires minimal revision when it hits actual release.
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On June 24th it will be one year since I began this realistic mode map
Realistic mode is such a pain.
I build all my infrastructure (powerlines, pipes, etc.) & starting facilities with money, but stuff like hospitals using resources and stuff.
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That kind of defeats the purpose of realistic mode but I understand that the beginning can be more boring than most are prepared to endure. To me that would open the door to all sorts of situations where I could justify building with money. Easier for me to remove all temptation and simply play it as it is
You know what I hate about realistic mode? When you set up distribution centers, trucks delivering shit can get stuck indefinitely.
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What do you mean? I've seen trucks get stuck with bits of leftover cargo which can be annoying but I think there are ways around it
Early game realistic is pain. Once you have full stocks of construction materials and something like 10 large construction offices, you can build industrial districs or entire cities within months (assuming you have a road grid already laid out)
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>connect half the republic to a single shit pipe
>it reaches capacity
uh oh
You don't have your sewage localized to specific municipalities?
It's more like a 1/3rd of my republic, but that's between one major population center and the outlying one that I decided to link up to it because it is so far away from a water source.
Looking at the flow I should be able to fix it easily by routing that 134m3 flow to it's own pipe but construction will take a bit and my last save was a year ago
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