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I'm only making this thread to post these specific papes. Any Tommy Wiseau fans?
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Post wallpapers that are similar to Bliss.
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All things Star Trek
Ultrawide is a plus
Got a new 3840 x 1080 monitor that needs something other than default wallpapers.
224 replies and 164 images omitted. Click here to view.
its not even about the stuff before being good at all even something they like -- its a specific narrative that they are trying to force that "the past was better..." because whatever they want paint as better to the thing they are trying to teardown

its all very predictable, and happens all the time and become hilarious when you see the shift "new thing bad, old thing good" when its the same thing in two different time framings
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Shrink rays. They had them since around 1943, but Hollywood keeps it a closely guarded secret.
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>"That's literally right out of the leftist playbook (via Marx) and it's retarded that it was in Star Trek"

Better sit down, buddy, I have some bad news for you about literally all of Star Trek
these guys looked like such ass, the uniforms and such - but it really was the most realistic. Jump suits, naked decon, pressure suits and harnesses in chairs.

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do you guys have a black wall paper with a bit of purple
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>originally 7124x4606
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Any Similar wallpapers? The only ones I get when I search are generic vaporwave wallpapers
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> 5847x4016
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Anything Star Wars related. Desktop, Phone, Others. Fanart and other stuff is always welcome.
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spring edition
previous thread >>8004686
there are probably going to be reposts from the previous thread in here but i will do my best to share new papes
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ello lad(ie)s
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lemme know how you and your transbian wife are in 10 yrs
ur welcome

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post some cool/cozy Half-Life 2, TF2, Portal, L4D2 you name it for phone or desktop
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I dont like the ones after this one. They are shit
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Anything about tigers. The animal, different variants of animal, robots, tanks, tiger stripe paint jobs, anything.
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New England thread!
Anything welcome (nature, city/towns, autumn preferred)

-bonus points for Massachusetts-
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Papers any papers that look like there's a great story behind them!
Also, if you see a picture posted that you have in higher res/original, feel free to post it.

Starting with my very favourite.
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Too many mods in skyrim
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Stuff with this kind of fun, youthful aesthetic. Doesn't have to be from games, that's just mostly where I find it.
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I have a couple dozen of these wall papers that just have juxtaposed geometric inlays, mostly triangles. Idk what to call them but I want more
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no one responded to this but I lold
Love me some EVA

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