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>try to search for tutorials on modeling
>everything is a fucking youtube tutorial
Why are modellers so fucking ADHD brainrotted? Is there really no text resources for non retarded humans to study?
Get filtered bitch. PISS OFF.
>[software] modeling tutorial -youtube
I feel ya. Videos are a pain to get specific information out of, so you have to listen to some guy with a thick accent and respiratory problems very, slowly, explain, every, thing.

Royal Skies' videos are still good, because they short and to the point. Just a shame he's sucking off AI bros now.
Buy 3D modeling magazines some even come with disk or codes to download resources.
I thought he was crazy too but after trying so many different prompts to get some kind of tutorial for basic 3D art. I found zero in modern day era. Not even a blog, that is how bad things are nowadays.

Anon, CDs and codes are ancient history.
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>3D modeling magazines
Check out 3dtotal or something
>visual art
>why are tutorials visual
Kill yourself text brained ngmi
>Pictures aren't visual
You really should have thought that one through.
go to area autodesk
I hate it. I hate it so god damn much.
Doesn't help that it's "profitable" to endlessly cater to beginners and low-hanging fruit. Easier to make tut #157 on the exact same beginner topic you just did for a previous version of a software where the method hasn't changed, then to actually do something niche and useful.
I'm more or less conviced that all the retards doing YT tuts and the like are beginners themselves and can't model for absolute fucking shit. They've got no reason to since their audience consists of pajeets and africans who have even less skill than them.
It's the blind leading the blind.
I know if I were to make some, beyond the basics that are already parroted, that they would soon be copied 10x over by a myriad of youtubers.
>3d art
>wants tutorials to be static 2d images
ok younglings, time for an old-fart's story time
once upon a time, I came across one dude's blog, it was full of tutorials with photoshop and 3ds max, etc. the dude showed you how to do all kinds of hihg level autistc shit, high end sutff

then somehow I los the url of that site, and I came to google for assistance, only to have as a response
>have all this fuckmetric ton of uselses sites with shit content that don't messure up to one tiny bit of the original instead

and that, young folks, is why we old folks no longer say
>google is your friend
>bryce 2
Nothing to do with that. Jewgle search algorithms ensure there's no way to get good results in text on just about any subject. You can't vet as easily any result for being an ad or dogshit or some woman or mutt writing an and then everyone clapped article.

YouTube thumbnails though are on a whole different level and no matter how skewed jew tube makes the algorithms they don't control the thumbnails and so it's much much easier to see the mental illness on display in each result and scroll past them.
what is this the stone age?
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well, what are some good tutorials? the sticky is horribly outdated
im not against video format as OP is, besides the fact that the majority of youtube tutorials are griftercore
The tutorials were inside you all along. Art was not meant to be written, only expressions.
Transcribe the tutorials into text. It's like taking notes, allows you to sink in the information better.
Tutorials are for the technical aspects of making art, not learning to make art.
Yep yep, sharing also helps since you have to reformat what you learned into your own words.
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it."
I always preferred text to video tutorials. but so much goes on in modeling and a lot of it needs to be shown that it makes it easier to do that in a video format.
The only bad ones are Andrew with his 30 part series in 45 minute chunks. Really it should be one 10-15 minute video. Also obviously the beginner ones because they cover things you already know.
You sound extremely 110 IQ.
it's much quicker to make a video than write an essay+take hundreds of pictures to explain where the button is+embed the pictures in the essay.

shit gets updated so fast it is just not sensible or profitable to spend a week on an tutorial with a glossary about how to use x software's latest update, which google search athagorithm will probably bury anyway, when you could bang a video out in an hour.
What did you want to learn? I'll tell you how to do it in text.
Blender experiment on it has proven that such concepts fail. Including on Maya, many things got removed and added. Anyone remember FBX converter, too bad it’s gone and I still see videos saying to convert certain blender models to it when such software is gone.
yeah, this. It's the same with the pajeets that do coding tutorials.
more like why are modellers so ableist against adhd retards who can only follow text (I'm the retard)

search before 2022
Modelers need to pay attention in order to do good work.

Your comment is retarded and african in nature.
There is no one further from ADHD than a 3D modeler.

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i kinda of get this feeling, some times i would be happier with a magazine, but there still are few resources like that on 3d modeling magazines.
it kinda sucks even more because there are some REALLY good recourses like that in other languages... right now the best "anime character creation tutorial for blender" is a magazine / passion project of some Japanese guy.
>One person magazine
Bullshit, who hired you, the corporate company sells lots of products.


It’s not even a magazine, the text clearly says manual. It’s the scam version of sdc publications. They release book versions of products and get people to learn nothing about real world CGI or concepts.
>everything is a youtube tutorial
well what the fuck do you want? a fucking picture? Are you a fucking retard? Do you want it in fucking morse code you massive retard?
Of course it has all publisher you dumb fuck...
The volume itself is a passion project for the author since from the beginning he was the one who approached them and was well aware that those wouldn't sell much since last year.
The volume on the right is the new one that just released, with just a little more backing since it actually sold an reasonable amount for such a niche topic on Japan.
The author is the same guy who goes by @natsumori_katsu on Twitter and it's the guy behind this channel https://www.youtube.com/@user-sy9do4tr4h
Started in 2020, red flag, vroid model uploaded, red flag, publisher is known marketing agency, red flag, no actual human interaction on videos and twitter is dead, red flag, etc.

It’s a scam, I know you people don’t know this but Vroid studio doesn’t accept custom content. Pixiv on the very start had let’s say more inappropriate content that Americans would hate. As such, only Vroid was allowed. You can clearly see it’s bad intentions when the model morths out of place, body parts go in and out, etc.

The common usage is Metasequoia 4 as it’s the real supported software for Vroid. What ever dumb thing the scammer did, will not work with real software like MMD, Vroid movie or Vroid Unity plugin.

As for the art yes it’s great but in the videos, you see it was done by many plugins which some are paid. The scammers clearly has zero knowledge about rigging and animation must be careful because he doesn’t understand how clothing works thus tries to manipulate how it should work instead of working as intended.
The most "advanced" tutorials about "anime" modeling and shading that you can possibly get on Youtube are the people trying to emulate and explain how to emulate the Guilty Gear workflow. That's it.
got any scans?

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